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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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Just now, attriste said:

I am late to the partyyyyyyyyyyyyyy omo happy belated 899 pages *blows baby hair and fish kissus*

Where are all the missing chingus time to come outttttttt @aladidah @valleryrose Pogoshipda! Chincha! It's D-day tomorrow! Has captain @stucked come back yet? 

Not yet!! I miss @stucked and @Dingy Conk and @aladidah. @attriste did you read the fanfic at page 799 yet? I laughed like crazy at it. My imagination wouldn't let me go so I penned it down here.

Just now, JiWookJiHyun said:


U break the code chingu!! So she was saying fish (JCW) is coming to meet her!!! 

Kiyaaah if that were true, thennnnnn OMO OMO! My FF will come true, chaebal! Visit her tonight, she will behave I am sure!!!

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Just now, gglex6275 said:

Not yet!! I miss @stucked and @Dingy Conk and @aladidah. @attriste did you read the fanfic at page 799 yet? I laughed like crazy at it. My imagination wouldn't let me go so I penned it down here.

Wah you quoted me before I edited my page 899 error hahahahahah. 

I shall go read now!! Just finished @genxv's chapter 6... chincha we should all pull money together to hire our otp to act in our deluded fanfics.. bwahahaha! 

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Just now, attriste said:

Wah you quoted me before I edited my page 899 error hahahahahah. 

I shall go read now!! Just finished @genxv's chapter 6... chincha we should all pull money together to hire our otp to act in our deluded fanfics.. bwahahaha! 

hahaha I want them to have some action drama/movie when he comes back!! Gah, its already on my mind with lots and lots of bed scenes, we all love that right?

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2 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:

i am getting dizzy with all the fish n baby hair decoding. All i can think of these 2 hottie will make an adorable little baby. I cant imagine how cute wookie junior n hyunnie junior will look like

even the shape of their faces look the same! :tongue: chincha its fated! they look too alike. 

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1 hour ago, Loyal_ss520 said:

Wow.. CSI squad doing their job excellent. Couple shirt. They must have something special between them. Love love love... 

Stay healthy changwook. We will wait for u... We will take care of jihyun and your mom.. 

Too handsome to go army.. Haha.. I so jealous with korean now.. Haha

2 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

even the shape of their faces look the same! :tongue: chincha its fated! they look too alike. 

Ya.. They are really looks alike.. Love love love

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22 minutes ago, riririru said:


Enlistment date 170814

Private 170814

Training Completion Ceremony 170920

Private First Class 171201

Corporal 180701

Sergeant 190201

Discharge date 190513


And Wookies training completed close to Hyunnies bday. Double celebration.

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2 minutes ago, gglex6275 said:

even the shape of their faces look the same! :tongue: chincha its fated! they look too alike. 


I remember wookie mentioned in an interview that lots of ppl said he n hyunnie looks so much alike rite? I wonder who are those ppl? The stylist n the gang?

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2 hours ago, Anna Chen-Hsi Sher said:

I don't often speak up but I've been always appreciating all your humor and effort as a silent reader.

Just a random thought about the Fish caption. Wookie has mentioned before on V-Live that his nickname is Turtle (Turtle reads as Kop-Wookie in Korean. Kop sounds like scared or worried. So he said it as a joke. Wookie who worries/scared easily=Turtle)

Maybe, just maybe, Wookie is the turtle, and our Hyunie is the fish? His little companion in the water. So she shows up on IG the same day that he appears with shaved head to show support. "Tada, here's your little fish, Kop-wookie oppa!" Gahhh so romantic!


Hahahahaha. This one is interesting! We won't ever know what they are conversing privately right? So there's still the chance. I have to say though.. Even if there isn't any relation to what hyunni posted today with Wookie, fate is at play again here! Cos... We wouldn't be able to delulu if we don't have the materials. Hahahhas. 

1 hour ago, gglex6275 said:

Okay okay! I need to calm down, I am giggling to death at my own making LOL! SusFishcious Partners indeed!

Short FF based Uri JiJi's Update.


Ji Hyuni and her Unnie were walking at the park, suddenly Freesia can be heard.

'Hyunie-ah, hey, its you know who hahaha calling you,,, again', she laughed a little bit louder.

'Unnie, chaebal! Ssshh!', she motioned her to be quiet. 'Yoboseyo, Oppa!' She can hear him chuckling at his end. 

'Bo? Did you call just to laugh at me? Chincha, Oppa!', She wondered why he called.

'Aniya, just wanted to tell you, I posted something on my SNS. My new haircut.', She snickered and said, 'Kronde?'

'Soooo, what do you think about the haircut?', he sounded curious. Ji Hyun was thinking maybe he wanted an opinion on the hair cut.

'But Oppa, I have seen it before, right? Changkamanya, Am I supposed to press heart and then say Oppa! Domo Domo Kyeopta! You look like a baby!' She laughed out loud when he coughed. 'Ah, I know now what to do, changkaman, let me walk away a bit from Unnie. She pressed video call. And when his face came on screen, she pressed her lips to the screen. 'Oppa, Saranghe!' Then she immediately pressed end call while walking back to her unnie laughing.

'What was that about?', her Unnie asked.

'Opso, Unnie, Oppa was just being kyeopta, as usual,' she replied.

Suddenly her phone received a message.

Oppa: What was that about?

JH: ohhh, that's a fish kiss! :heart: 

Oppa: Ji Hyun-yang-ie, how bout a pic for me?

JH: Arasso, Oppa. Coming right up!

'Unnie, take a pic of me, pally!,' She handed her handphone to her unnie and when it was taken she uploaded it on her SnS. 


JH: There you go, Oppa! Hope you like it! :heart:

Oppa: Get ready. I need more of those Fish Kisses.

Ji Hyunie laughed at his last message while her unnie looked at her knowingly. 'Chincha, why don't you just get married before he leaves tomorrow! Hahahaha! You two, are ridiculous!'

Note: this is a FanFic no haters here.

@masthu @genxv @lovethatlook @sharreb @attriste @MoonlightSerenade @songsongdiehard @waveoflove @luvforever @stucked






Dearie.. You should start a proper fanfic with all the scenarios you have in your mind! Daebak! 

25 minutes ago, ajmamor1976_30b1 said:

I wish too. But I have worked tomorrow and our internet is blocking other media sites not related to work. Huhuhu. 


I will have to learn from @aladidah and hide in the toilet again! I hope you're also going back to the toilet again Tmr chingu. Its D-0 tmr!!! 

12 minutes ago, attriste said:

Wah you quoted me before I edited my page 899 error hahahahahah. 

I shall go read now!! Just finished @genxv's chapter 6... chincha we should all pull money together to hire our otp to act in our deluded fanfics.. bwahahaha! 


Hahahahaha and since we are the investors... We can also help create chances and what's not subtlely if they still need help too! Muahahaha! 

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5 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:


I remember wookie mentioned in an interview that lots of ppl said he n hyunnie looks so much alike rite? I wonder who are those ppl? The stylist n the gang?


You're righr dearie.. He did mention it before. However if I din remember wrongly, he said sth along the lines of when he went online or sth? I can't remember the exact details.. But what if.. What he heard is actually from their mutual stylists and etc? We would never know about the truth of this right? Hahahs. 

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Chingus! I just woke up and saw hyunnie had a post and our thread is moving fast again!! Omg I literally had a feeling and knew she was gonna post Sunday because wookie is enlisting tmr so I had a feeling she's been busy spending time with him and not updating but after saying her goodbye Sunday she will update again. Wookie is enlisting Monday quietly so she probably won't send him off..the farewell would have been today. Well it farewell more like a see u again soon. Omg our ship is sailing. But her ig post is so confusing . Can't wait to read about what u all think the meaning behind it is!

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22 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:
i am getting dizzy with all the fish n baby hair decoding. All i can think of these 2 hottie will make an adorable little baby. I cant imagine how cute wookie junior n hyunnie junior will look like

The more I stare at them, the more I find them look alike :blink: their babies will be cute. If you combine wookie's eyes and bone structure, hyunnie's nose and hair you'll get golden combination 

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Hahaha! In all this fish talk. :lol: 

There could be no special meaning or symbolism behind her post. But its interesting.

Ji-Hyun being such a deep thinker, its not farfetched to think about that she maybe referring to the symbolism of the fish in religion (Christian, Buddhism, etc.).

Or, that the fish is sacred (.e.g symbolizing transformation) in Roman and Greek mythology. Aphrodite and her son Heros, transformed into fish in order to escape Typhon. 


In Greco-Roman mythology the fish was considered a sacred animal. The fish represented change and transformation. In the myth of Aphrodite and her son, Heros, they transform into fish in order to escape the monster Typhon/Typhoeus (son of Gaia and lord of chaos, who tried to destroy Zeus at the will of Gaia, for the imprisonment of the Titans). The two tied their tails together to insure they would not be parted during their escape (creating the symbol of the Pisces) and hid in the waters of the Nile. A stellar image of Ichthyes ("Twin Fish"), as seen below, remains to keep the influence of Typhon forever at bay. One fish swims North, "toward the cosmic waters of forgetfulness." The other fish swims West, "toward the constellation Aquarius and the waterbear's waves of enlightenment. At the same time, the Ichthyes are tied together, representing the eternal quest that draws the soul toward these dual destinations and the dilemmas of spiritual desire."


Also her being a Psych student her fish symbol maybe connected to Carl Jung's theory on how the symbol of the fish is borne out of unconscious (Jung's theory on archetypes). 



The serpent is an equivalent of the fish. The consensus of opinion interpreted the Redeemer equally as a fish and a serpent; he is a fish because he rose from the unknown depths, and a serpent because he came mysteriously out of the darkness.

Fishes and snakes are favourite symbols for describing psychic happenings or experiences that suddenly dart out of the unconscious and have a frightening or redeeming effect. That is why they are so often expressed by the motif of helpful animals. The comparison of Christ with the serpent is more authentic than that with the fish, but, for all that, it was not so popular in primitive Christianity.

The Gnostics favoured it because it was an old-established symbol for the “good” genius loci, the Agathodaimon, and also for their beloved Nous. Both symbols are of inestimable value when it comes to the natural, instinctive interpretation of the Christ-figure. Theriomorphic symbols are very common in dreams and other manifestations of the unconscious.

They express the psychic level of the content in question; that is to say, such contents are at a stage of unconsciousness that is far from human consciousness as the psyche of an animal… The snake does in fact symbolize “cold-blooded,” inhuman contents and tendencies of an abstractly intellectual as well as a concretely animal nature: in a word, the extra-human quality in man.





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No. 2 of NJY instagram post is the fish is coming!!We all know that JCW is wearing a mermanent shirt which I believe the meaning is merman which is a fish coz mermanent has no meaning. 

Does it mean they will see each other tonight??Wow Delulu mode again. 

Lets give them a private time, they really deserve it. 

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51 minutes ago, JiWookJiHyun said:

Ok this is the most reasonable explanation of what all those fish n baby hair all about. Altho its delulu i still think its reasonable hahaha

I like to think on the normal delulus so that when I write it down, it wouldn't be so far fetched. More realistic! LOL Besides its a cute idea!

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HAPPY 800 + 2 pages, chingus!! *throws goldfish snack* 

Ommo, how can Wookie look so hawt AF with that hair?! Hyunie must have run her fingers many times, feeling his head... (ouhhh head...which head...up...or...down...) #SlapSelf #GottaFocus 

Fish pout reminds me of Wookie's face when he wrote, Jagiya, don't cheat on VLive. He made many faces...lol. Also I like reading Wookie is turtle and Hyunie is fish. 

@gglex6275 You write the cutest FF!! I chuckle every time I read your FF. So darn cute! Hats off to you, RoCo Queen! 


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Just now, Huntergal said:

HAPPY 800 + 2 pages, chingus!! *throws goldfish snack* 

Ommo, how can Wookie look so hawt AF with that hair?! Hyunie must have run her fingers many times, feeling his head... (ouhhh head...which head...up...or...down...) #SlapSelf #GottaFocus 

Fish pout reminds me of Wookie's face when he wrote, Jagiya, don't cheat on VLive. He made many faces...lol. Also I like reading Wookie is turtle and Hyunie is fish. 

@gglex6275 You write the cutest FF!! I chuckle every time I read your FF. So darn cute! Hats off to you, RoCo Queen! 


OMO!!! Komowoyo, chingu! I like to see the fun things in a situation, I think its kinda drifting into the FFs! LMAO!

I am seeing some #byeontae tendencies there @Huntergal watch out for the hmmm!

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7 minutes ago, ajmamor1976_30b1 said:

No. 2 of NJY instagram post is the fish is coming!!We all know that JCW is wearing a mermanent shirt which I believe the meaning is merman which is a fish coz mermanent has no meaning. 

Does it mean they will see each other tonight??Wow Delulu mode again. 

Lets give them a private time, they really deserve it. 


I did not just read "the fish is coming" with the b.squad mind. 

I like it if jcw is a merman, Hyunni's merman (fish) ha ha ha. Sorry I am not thinking straight anymore. Because it's a mashup of permanent and merman.. is he saying he's her permanent (mer) man? 

Just indulge me for today hahahahahah. I read @genxv's new fan fic (her 3rd!!! It's a little naughty!!) and @gglex6275 and am a little off in my brains now teehee! 

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