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[Drama 2017] Strongest Deliveryman 최강배달꾼

Go Seung Ji

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14 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:

I watched 4 episodes of SD and my opinion did not change.

As for the preview of 5 ep. I m confused.

So the rich girl helps KS and Danah helps the rich guy?

Does she know what this guy indirectly with his racing cars hobby did? Is she yelling to KS because he wants him to admit his mistake?

Sorry , I refer to them as rich girl /rich boy but I dont know yet their character's name.


Rich girl - Ji-yoon = JY

Rich boy - Jin-gyu = JG

Both Dan-ah and Kang-soo will have their conflict in the next episode.  From the preview, if I'm not mistaken it is Dan-ah's voice.  She knows at the end that JG is the one.  All the while she was hospitalised and did not know what has happened to KS's friend HS.  Now everything is out in the open.

I wonder how all of them are going to resolve it.  Till next episode.

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12 hours ago, baduy said:

It's going to be the city-wide impact of Kang Su's good nature and kind deeds, versus the protection that Jin Gyu's money and this family's connections give him.


3 hours ago, katakwasabi said:

i still cant find myself hating jingyu. there's something about his character that makes me want to root for him to turn into a better person. i liked how his involvement in the racing was revealed. it was inline with his character and i even can understand why he lied in front of the cop. like he said, he came back from the brink of death and trying to live as a better human being (in his own way).


3 hours ago, saanjh sena said:

Kang soo want justice for his friend but on other side JG I can also understand his situation as he afraid if his father came to about this whole incident then JG dead. Omo but kind of situation is this life is not Easy for anyone

Now the game begin -friends -fight -justice -believe -trust -love and most importantly fun.....❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤love you KS -JY -JG -dana


2 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:

I watched 4 episodes of SD and my opinion did not change.

I like all characters except the rich girl.

Her interactions with second lead guy are cute and fine but I dont like the idea that she wants to use KS to get rid of the rich guy when KS treated her so well.

I m disappointed with the rich guy. If he wants to do a new beginning he should take responsibility of his wrong doings but I believe at the end he will understand it.I m hoping they wont spend the entire drama showing us his transformation to a good guy and finally I want to see more of KS.


Thanks for all the great comments!  

I have been undecided about reading this thread while watching the show because sometimes the extra analysis actually dampens my enjoyment of a drama.  But, I think I need to follow along here for the insights into the language and culture alone. :)

These first episodes have set everything up for a great run. If the theme is the struggle to be a decent human being, I approve.


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Re watching ep 4

...As it's a first mission for SDM KS. ...I think it take some time to find out about his mother. Now in preview JG brother refuse to help him now JY mother took this opportunity and make a deal with JG (now I'm afraid please tell me writer not trying to make his character negative right).After JG become head of the project to destroy the neighbourhood restaurant real fight begin that time.

And I really enjoy JY around KS.there sweet relationship I really hope they turned out to be siblings. That time more fun begin as KS came to know more about his mother that only he is not the one with whom his mother mistreat and destroy his life but also JY life undercontrol of mother. It's more interesting to watch If she turned out to be KS mother then how he deal with that situation and teach her a better lesson of life. 

Jang dong (chef) also having some secret or mysterious past may be some gang leader (may be not sure).

I can't wait to watch the next episode how dana help JG out of this situation but kind of trouble happened when JG father came to know about it  (please writers no more beating ) hope so JY mother save him for this ti

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The ratings are rising and i want to say to everyone: NOT TO SLEEP ON THIS DRAMA

But i get it everyone has their own preferences.

The story is getting stronger and stronger. I hope jin gyu realizes his mistake and gets the punishment. I know he didn't want that to happen but it feels like he's running away with the excuse of becoming a better human.

Im proud of Kang soo and his friends. Friend in need is a friend indeed. *wipes tears*

@triplem i feel you but its better to read good stuff. I mean i have seen fangirling and pages and pages on that and nothing on the story or the characters. Im really sorry if i offended someone. 


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Annyeong everyone :D

At first I'm a bit bored with Ep1 and not sure if I will continue with the drama. Then I watched Ep2 and starting to enjoy the story. Just finished Ep4 and I have to say I'm not bored anymore. Looking forward to next Friday and Saturday for Ep5 & 6.

Go Kyung Pyo is the one who draw me to this drama but I'm beginning to like Kim Sun Ho as Oh Jin Gyoo. I especially love to see his dimples. I don't really noticed him before as he was only the supporting actor. I'm glad he's the 2nd male lead in SDM, it makes me notice him.

Have seen Chae Soo Bin in other dramas but not a fan yet until now. I hope this drama will turn me into a new fan of hers.

As for Go Won Hee, I don't remember seeing her in dramas before. Not bad, so far I like her acting as Ji Yoon (JY).

It was great to see Kang Soo (KS) and Jin Gyu (JG) became close during the few days JG replacing Dan Ah (DA) to deliver food. Too bad KS found out its JG who paid those people to block the road thus resulting in KS' friend to fall into coma now. I hope later they will become good friends.

I seldom get second leads syndrome but this time I would love to see JG+DA and KS+JY become couples in the end.


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12 hours ago, kysy said:


Episode 4 Agb Nielsen:

nation wide: 6.5%(18th)

Seoul: 7.3%(13th)


That's really encouraging. Now we can wait to count the ads between the title sequence and the actual beginning of next Friday's show, because that's the first clear evidence we'll have of whether advertisers are giving this show another chance.

The figures released on the Internet by the ratings agencies are only a portion of the ones the main advertising agencies pay big bucks for confidential access to, and which they'll be analyzing hard come Monday morning. These full stats, which are what the ratings agencies make their money from, break down the viewership in the sampled households by age, income, marital status, frequency of viewing etc and are cross-linked to other data sold on to marketing firms by Korea's numerous on-line stores. This data tells advertisers, not just how many people watched, but what the purchasing power and profile was of the actual viewers was (in the sampled households, household members log in and out of the monitoring system individually as they start and stop viewing). It's that data that allows advertisers to assess whether their ads are reaching their target potential consumers. That explains why sometimes shows are cut back even though, on the publicly available ratings data, they seem to be doing quite well. But what counts are the commercially confidential parts of the ratings data. If these show the the "wrong" age or income groups are watching the show, the advertisers still pull out.

There's a further complication here. An increasing proportion of advertising income comes not from those two traditional before-and-after commercial slots, but from product placement which is pervasive in all Kdramas nowadays (the text on the "age rating' screen carries a statutary notice that such "indirect advertising", as it's termed in Korea, is present in the show). 

Payment by advertisers for product placement is a two stage process. In the planning phase of a show, broadcasters and advertising agencies agree on "guide figures" for the show's ratings (including those confidential detailed ratings, not just the gross figures) and the advertisers make an upfront payment based on those figures which helps fund the production costs.  As the show then airs, the actual ratings achieved are analyzed. If the actual ratings fall short of the estimate, the broadcaster refunds some of that upfront payment to the advertisers. If the ratings are better than forecast,  the advertisers make an additional payment to the broadcaster.

Withdrawal of advertisers from the traditional advertising slots because of poor ratings hits the show's budget in terms of current and future revenue. But falling short of the forecast ratings on which the up-front product placement payments were based means that the production budget has to bear the cost of actual refunds to advertisers. It's akin to the effect on a business of having to replace or recall defective products: overnight, it turns assets on the balance sheet into liabilities. The upside, of course, is that shows which exceed their ratings estimate can be big money spinners for broadcasters, thanks to the additional payments those high ratings automatically trigger.

When the political battle over allowing product placement in Korean TV shows was being fought out, much was made of the argument that funding through product placement would give production companies greater certainty about their cash flows and lessen the financial impact of  conventional advertisements being pulled at very short notice part-way through a show's run. A lot was also said about the "incentive" effect of being able to increase advertising income by a predictable formula if they could attracting better than expected viewing figures as a show progessed. Less was made of the way that the refunds system for "under performance" could damage the viability of a show much more seriously that the traditional system, and also make broadcasters more nervous from the get-go about airing shows that might land them with serious repayment liabilities rather than just shortfalls in revenue if they didn't perform as hoped.  Some observers who claim that there has been an all-round decline in Kdrama quality in the past few years lay a lot of the blame on the product placement system.

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6 hours ago, alekaonu said:


I seldom get second leads syndrome but this time I would love to see JG+DA and KS+JY become couples in the end.



I also like KS-JY and JG - DẠ. ..but may be or most probably JY may turned out KS sibling  ( little half sister ) . I also like JY -JG .together.  

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That incident with KS, JY and the umbrella is another instance where a sudden speech level shift, inevitably not apparent in subs, is rather important (and again, to Korean ears such things are immediately obvious and so part of the script, as it were.)  But that aside, the translation in the subs captured at the end of @1ouise's most recent post isn't all that good.

As he catches up with her, she indignantly asks him two rapid fire questions.

뭐하는 거예요 지금? 꼰셉트가 뭐야?

The first of these questions is in jondaemal, which is her usual manner of addressing him. But in the second, she's switched to banmal, and carries on the same way with her equally angry follow-up question : 뭐 나쁜 남자야, 츤데레야?

So, after asking him in jondaemal what he's up to, she then asks in banmal (the speech level change expressing her angry frustration)  what his 꼰셉트 is. That's one of those Konglish words that Koreans use more or less correctly within the sphere of business or creative planning, to ask what someone's overall idea is behind their detailed proposals, but which they think can be used in all sorts of other contexts and levels in real English, where they sound pretty odd. Here, she's asking "How are you aiming to come across?" She follows that up with the two possible impressions she guesses he's trying to make on her. "Mean through and through, or with a hidden heart of gold?"  츤데레 here doesn't mean "blowing hot and cold" as in the sub. It's a social media coinage used to refer to someone who acts hard and tough on the outside but is really all soft warm and fluffy on the inside. (And of course JY has summed up her ajusshi to a tee with that second possibility, shrewd customer that she is). His reply would be better translated as "No idea what you mean," before continuing "Don't get soaked, you'll catch cold."
Softened by his concern, not to mention by his touch as he squeezes her hand on to the umbrella handle,


she responds, more petulantly that angrily now. "You'll never stop treating me like a kid!"  And as if to say "Too darn right, I won't, kiddo" KS replies
너 비 맞으면 아저씨 속상해서 그래  for which the best I can come up with is "I'd be sad if you got drenched," but to see why there's more to that reply which makes it into a putdown for JY and confirmation of her claim that he sees her only as a child you may want to refer back to what I posted about the use of the pronoun 너 in the scene in ep 3 where Dana gives JG his first good kicking.

The point is that KS could have got across the meaning as I just translated it without starting with the word 너 with its strong signal that a senior is talking down to a junior. It's normal practice in spoken Korean to leave pronouns out altogether when its clear who's being referred to. Since it's obvious that JY is the person who will or won't get soaked, there's no need for any equivalent to "you" in Korean here:  비 맞으면 is all that's needed. So it stands out that KS uses that apparently unneeded 너, indicating that it's actually conveying the additional message that he sees her as a little sister and has no thoughts of regarding her as anything else.


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I see this drama as more hangout drama than a plot-driven one so as long as the characters stay quirky and likeable, I'll keep watching. It's like Dan Ah and Kang Soo are running some kind of chaebol reform school. So far, they seem to have more scenes with the rich kids than with each other... they almost seem like they're too similar to end up together. But since they came to Seoul on the same bus as revealed in the epilogue, I'm guessing they're the OTP.

I'm sad to see the bromance end so early, but it's true that despite the jerky behavior, Jin Gyu is character you want to cheer on. Sure Kang Soo is right, but Jin Gyu is far more sympathetic. Maybe it's because we know about the messed-up abusive relationship he has with his dad? Or how he's smitten with Dan Ah? It's the killer dimples when he smiles, isn't it? I still can't believe this is the same actor who played that dorky guy on Chief Kim.

I'm really curious about the relationship between the chef and the noodle store owner. Looks like she knows about his shady past. I also watch Falsify where the same actor who plays the chef (Jo Hee Bong) runs a tabloid newspaper. It's a little weird. So when the chef isn't around, I assume he's helping Namgoong MIn fight media corruption.

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2 hours ago, KiwiNeko said:

I see this drama as more hangout drama than a plot-driven one so as long as the characters stay quirky and likeable, I'll keep watching. It's like Dan Ah and Kang Soo are running some kind of chaebol reform school. So far, they seem to have more scenes with the rich kids than with each other... they almost seem like they're too similar to end up together. But since they came to Seoul on the same bus as revealed in the epilogue, I'm guessing they're the OTP.

I'm sad to see the bromance end so early, but it's true that despite the jerky behavior, Jin Gyu is character you want to cheer on. Sure Kang Soo is right, but Jin Gyu is far more sympathetic. Maybe it's because we know about the messed-up abusive relationship he has with his dad? Or how he's smitten with Dan Ah? It's the killer dimples when he smiles, isn't it? I still can't believe this is the same actor who played that dorky guy on Chief Kim.

I'm really curious about the relationship between the chef and the noodle store owner. Looks like she knows about his shady past. I also watch Falsify where the same actor who plays the chef (Jo Hee Bong) runs a tabloid newspaper. It's a little weird. So when the chef isn't around, I assume he's helping Namgoong MIn fight media corruption.

I totally agree with the " hang out " drama you said.

After Secret Forest was done I wanted an easy going drama to find and SDM looks promising.

I laughed with your " chaebol school reforming " description and you are right on this too.

I also believe the main OTP is KS /Danah and I want it to be this way.

KS/YJ give me more a friendly vibe and definitely YJ/JG underneath their bickering you can sense and that something else.

I think they make KS such a good guy that you can not see him  as a guy at all. lol

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1 hour ago, baduy said:


That ajumma-caught-in-a-downpour perm of his could be another factor here.


I do find him very cute though.

But again I loved Lee Min ho's curly hair in BOF so you can not trust my taste.

Looks like I  have a thing for men with curly hair.

hahaha :lol:

p.s my hubby is a curly too!

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Episode 2   Best scene umbrella.  


agree - This is more of a hang out drama than a plot driven drama.  

Weak point:  with all the leaflets and internet postings, how could JG not know they were looking for his drag racing group?

I am more interested in what happens to JG/father and  the noodle make and shop owner than KS Dana. Maybe the dynamic will shift in the next episode to make the leads more compelling.


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The thing I liked about KS in this scene as I understood it is that he isn't doing a "concept."  He's not playing or scheming.  I understood that this showed his kind nature, that he doesn't necessarily try to win points, that he is just being good for its own sake, or because it's the right thing to do.  I understood that he didn't want her to get wet, even though he had no romantic interest in her.  Yes, he does seem a bit too good to be true, or maybe just truly unselfish.  And yes, this kind of person will end up with a lot of friends.  (He became friendly with even JG quite easily.)  I think we will see his good nature tested.  Life is not easy for anyone, even the kind-hearted (maybe especially the kind-hearted).  Let's see what happens if his hairstyle changes.  

@baduy  So, my plan to learn Korean by watching k-dramas will fail miserably is what you are saying.  If it were all slowed down, I think I could pick up on a lot more.  I think I get the meaning of "concepteu" and "tsundere," for example, but it's hard to watch the actors, read the subtitles, and listen to the actual words all at the same time.


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