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[Drama 2017] ♚ Seven day Queen 7일의 왕비 ♚


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3 hours ago, raziela said:

I agree with this.  I don't think the sad ending has anything to do with the poor ratings.  Numerous successful sageuks have unhappy endings.  I think starting after Ruler, SP and Rebel definitely hurt it significantly.  I am trying really hard not to care about the ratings but I don't understand why the show hasn't at least established it's own core audience and the ratings keep dropping. I would have thought it would be able to stay above 5% at least.  So upset for our wonderful cast and crew.:( 

I've seen some discussion on dramabeans about why the ratings are so low aside from the reasons we have discussed another aspect might be that the Korean audience who are generally pretty knowledgeable about famous historical figures dislike the very inaccurate and romanticised portrayal of Yeonsangun.  

I can understand this as Yeonsangun wasn't just some incompetent weak king.  He was hands down the worst tyrant of Joseon; he was rapist, a mass murderer, spendthrift who bankrupted the people and a deviant.  We've seen hints of his incompetence particularly in Yeok's research but the drama so far the hasn't had the courage to explore this in depth or just pins it on his two nasty sidekicks.  It might be distasteful to the domestic audience to see his documented crimes ignored or glossed over just for sympathy points as the third wheel in a fictional love triangle.  As an example of an average person's feeling towards Yeonsangun I was reading a 2016 article on The Economist website about the recent removal and impeachment of Korea's corrupt president. Park Geun-hye.  The movement against her was largely led and supported by the general population.  A Korean reader described her as the worst Korean ruler since Yeonsangun in the 16th century.  That should give you an idea of how bad his reputation is amongst the general Korean population.

Thanks so much for for the historical knowledge, @gerrytan8063

That's lovely her role at his side was acknowledged and so sad seeing how things ended for them

True.... This is really just a matter of timing.... Say, Im not a fan of PMY, looking for some dramas to watch, then I will the one which came first.... I'll do the same thing..... But luckily Im not that, Im really after good quality interesting plot.... Actually I was watching SP & Ruler for the first time... I just realized that I just finished chatting with my friends after an episodes of Ruler and SP... lol

But  with 7dq, I could not even touch my cp!!..

22 hours ago, madziuleq31 said:

This is my favorite episode! :heart: I love all otp moments! and YWJ hot body, then Chaekyung hugged him :wub:  so much feels. Their chemistry is really great! I think the person she meets tomorrow is seo no! I'm excited to see episode 10 tomorrow there will be more their sweet moments, especially I want to see scenes on the river. I hope ratings will increase, but the good is see that they have a lot of love from the fans abroad so this is okay! fighting :grimace:




So sweet and classic...

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28 minutes ago, queenieswan said:


Im just dropping by to say HI. I'm a hugee fan of YWJ. Love love his drama!




I know ywy dramas but i am not into him until this drama happens I spent whole night digging information about him... 

now I like him more.... 

by the way chingu @queenieswan did he finish his engineering degree?  Just curious 

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8 minutes ago, Ct Dora said:

Alot of ppl have sad past as they grow. Its a matter of choice on how ppl handled it. For the king though he is mentally unsettled since young but that dont make it ok for him to do things to hurt others. This applies to normal ppl like us too. Like i was angry with yeok in the earlier episodes. These 2 brothers should not bring their pain upon others no matter what they pain had gone through  

Yes so many lessons from this drama. Parents should never play favorites.  Each child is special. fearfully and wonderfully made by God, so never compare one from the other... cause that will be the start of sibling rivalry and could lead to broken relationships.

The heart is most deceitful above all therefore guard your heart with all diligence for from it flows the springs of life. Leave no room for wrath and bitterness in your heart for it will surely consume you.... for whatever you sow you will reap. Trust God when He says vengeance is mine, I will repay for taking matters in our own hand will do us more harm than good.  

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"If historical accounts are correct, Yeok loved Lady Shin so I doubt they didn't get a first night. She may have had issues, they used to get married at young age in those times. "

Queen Dangyeong was born in 1487 & she married Grand Prince Jinseong in 1499. Although as Princess Consort (부부인,府夫人) for 7 years, it was a turbulent time to start a family. Yeonsangun reign wasn't peaceful. In 1504, you have the 2nd literati purge that ended in a lot of suffering & death & Grand Prince Jinseong was living life trying to avoid the wrath of his elder brother. She became Queen Consort in 1506 for 7 days then was deposed due to that her father was accused for treason & she being a daughter of a traitor & no virtue to be Queen Consort. She then went into history obscurity for 51 years & died in 1557

You can do the maths on her age

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31 minutes ago, finebyme said:


But I am curious why she could not gave kids? Unable to or they could not have never gets together? At least I hope they get a first night 

They got married when she was 13 and was deposed at 20. Maybe it's better that way for I cannot imagine what harm can befall her child should she had one due to court politics

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CK is so amazing! She takes up on herself to save Yeok and now his friends. She's so badass! (The sword scene, Seo No is gobsmacked with her skills lol) and she is happy to have a twig as a token of promise. Yeok, you don't get girls like this very often! Hold on to her dude!! 

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15 minutes ago, shimshimae said:

So I watched the clip where the king kisses CK. He doesn't really kiss. It's just make believe camera play. Lol. I just realised I'm fiercely attached to the OTP. :D


You notice it too? When the king kiss ck the camera was inverted I think and it zoom out 

I don't want to see ck kiss other except for our prince... 

i love our otp... hehehe 

how can I wait for another week... I want to know what will yeok reaction to that forced kiss... 

hope tomorrow is Wednesday again... ha ha ha 

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Just now, Ct Dora said:

Alot of ppl have sad past as they grow. Its a matter of choice on how ppl handled it. For the king though he is mentally unsettled since young but that dont make it ok for him to do things to hurt others. This applies to normal ppl like us too. Like i was angry with yeok in the earlier episodes. These 2 brothers should not bring their pain upon others no matter what they pain had gone through  

agreed, i remembered reading some recappers said (must be Dramabeans) that Yung was not written by writternim to be faultless, esp not to be blindly worship by throwing scenes of abs and bathing almost every week.....> that the Production did NOT sought to Whitewash him, into saying some conspiration theory, or that he was ONLY a pitiful figure, therefore we should heap sympathy upon him only... but they just make him human, human with flaws, not a pitiful victim spotless.. but a human, just like us, sinned and need to be paid for your sins, repent then you can seek forgiveness.. .. yet behind that, while demanding his repentance, we do not forget that behind some villain there was some scars some loved lost,
i guess we can safely say, whatever Yeonsangun in drama has a better life than the one in history, that real one in history, wasnt ever Mentioned to have ever loved any lady genuinely or being loved genuinely. the real Yeonsangun is a total lost case.
huh.. not speaking up for LDG, or becoz of his much flaunted abs...
the way he shot his 3 arrows at ImSH, almost killing him, already obvously that Writernim, did not intend us viewers to be blindly 'forgiving' to Yeonsangun. that i was actually thinking, if that woman JangNokSo beside him, were to be just like CK, leading him as the way SeoNo said

" Lady Chae-kyung opened his heart and changed his thoughts and gave him conviction."

maybe all tis take is someone that needed him, that believed he can be a human with compassion, and Jang Noksoo did not inspire him as CK did to Yeok, as Yeok did inspire SeoNo. Seo-no says as he was inspired by Yeok, he lived for Yeok, to be lived like Yeok, and he knew it is CK who moved Yeok’s heart to live in that selfless way in the first place.
i am even now more sure, Yeok may send SeoNo to watch over Dangyeong in her exile years... which SeoNo should be more than willing to do. .. he also gotten inspired by the dominos effect started by CK.
selfless life with selfless acts, is like a dominos effect, its spreads on.  the real Yeonsangun in history is even worst, the real Yeonsangun wasnt even in the equation at all.

hmm. good nite. chat another day. :D

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32 minutes ago, shimshimae said:

So I watched the clip where the king kisses CK. He doesn't really kiss. It's just make believe camera play. Lol. I just realised I'm fiercely attached to the OTP. :D

hahahaha.  This is a heavily guarded OTP.  Maybe he doesn't want his wife to get jealous LOL

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9 minutes ago, yujien said:


You notice it too? When the king kiss ck the camera was inverted I think and it zoom out 

I don't want to see ck kiss other except for our prince... 

i love our otp... hehehe 

how can I wait for another week... I want to know what will yeok reaction to that forced kiss... 

hope tomorrow is Wednesday again... ha ha ha 

I know right!! This is so addicting!! This weekly gap is such a pain! But it's okay since I haven't been this excited about anything in a long time. ^_^

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That supposed wedding scene, I wonder if  Chae Kyung and Yeok will get married in the next episode.  The king having confessed his love for her might take back his word and oppose the marriage of this 2

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just saw some scene in Youtube and OMG.. I can feel Yeosangun.... 

the man is so in love with Jae Kyung... maybe she is his first love ever.... my heart breaks in piece to see him crying so desperately.. he lost himself and choked his concubine.. luckily she understood him very well... the poor man's heart is in a pain that he never felt before and he express the wrenching hurt in his heart with teary eyes to her ".... he (jin seong) endangered my throne.. and now he hurts my feeling like this too... wow.. this is how it feels (in disbelief)... " Jae Kyung holds an important rule in his life now.. they shared awesome memories together and she is the only one who can calm and tame him.. 

in his darkness of life... Shin Jae Kyung is the sun in his midnight.... his hope for a happy life at last..



OK I need to calm the heck down.. this is too much for me.. 

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Hello everyone! I would like to watch this drama 'cause i love the OTP but i read somewhere that is a dramatic story. By the finale OTP will be separated according to history! Is this drama same as history?:unsure:

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20 minutes ago, lolly84 said:

Hello everyone! I would like to watch this drama 'cause i love the OTP but i read somewhere that is a dramatic story. By the finale OTP will be separated according to history! Is this drama same as history?:unsure:

Most likely but we still do not know how this will end.  What we can assure you.... this is one of the best dramas I have seen  this year.  Not a fan of sad endings too but for 7DQ I'm ready for the heartbreak

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17 minutes ago, lolly84 said:

Hello everyone! I would like to watch this drama 'cause i love the OTP but i read somewhere that is a dramatic story. By the finale OTP will be separated according to history! Is this drama same as history?:unsure:

Chingu forget the history just enjoy the drama specially the OTP you will not regret it 

the story is so good and the acting is superb all the stars are daebak! 

PS.. I mean the history is important but according to some of our chingus here the character of the king here is a little bit mellow compared to the history itself.. and hopefully the writer will give us a happy ending (cross fingers) after all it is only a drama 


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16 minutes ago, lolly84 said:

Hello everyone! I would like to watch this drama 'cause i love the OTP but i read somewhere that is a dramatic story. By the finale OTP will be separated according to history! Is this drama same as history?:unsure:

Thanks for asking @lolly84why don't you give it a try! This is a great drama, written so well and all the actors are excellent. You will have a great time and learn a great deal about Korean History. I am loving this, I live in the USA 

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1 hour ago, mushforbrains said:

That's a major angsty ending....that is going to keep us in agony for the next 1 week....

they seem to be going down the route of yeok being a weaker king given how forceful commander park and his followers are...

Guess this is the set up for when he deposes her...

was reading wiki that there were conflicting views on whether King jungjong was a weak King...swayed by the many factions or whether he was a manipulative one which used one faction against another...

but initially he did try to right the wrongs that yeonsangun did ...mostly in collaboration with jo gwang jo...but later on he killed jo gwang jo and his followers as well...

wonder whether insanity ran in the family...with all that paranoia or another "nurture" issue


I read the history of Joseon King when I visit Seoul Historical Museum and OMG the whole Lee of Joseon dinasty actually experienced a turbulence and disfunction throughout their line from the starting in 1392 to ending in 1897.   I think they became less and less inhuman and most of them suffer a mental depression due to their inbreed lifestyle... marriages arranged with cousin and blood related family was a must for them in order to secure the monarchy.... that's why many men has mistresses and that culture is still strong in South Korea until now. 

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7 minutes ago, saved2K said:

Most likely but we still do not know how this will end.  What we can assure you.... this is one of the best dramas I have seen  this year.  Not a fan of sad endings too but for 7DQ I'm ready for the heartbreak

OMG me too... I haven't even seen the last episode of my favorite drama Jang Ok Jung yet.... because I know I'll be in a misery after that.... but I think I will trying to be brave this time.....

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