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[KBS Drama 2017] Fight for My Way 쌈 마이웨이 - Park Seojoon & Kim Jiwon | Mon-Tue


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Whoa, this episode... I don't even know how to start. I just... My heart feels like it's being squeezed dry and I have all these feelings that are a muddle that I can't put into words. I think the Korean phrase "짜네" sums it up the best, with the way it sounds and what it means.

SeolHee's heart being torn to pieces seeing JooMan come out of the lobby of Housefly's condo, JooMan crying at the end of their relationship - he doesn't want to leave her, obviously, but he doesn't insist, beg or cling obsessively onto her; he respects her every wish - and her crying because JooMan cried. Urgh, this couple makes me want to cry. There's nothing more pitiful to me than a couple who obviously love each other breaking up because they don't know how to love each other, damn.

SeolHee is brave, she's strong and she's cool - not many people's dream is to be a mom. But she's got so much love to give that she doesn't know where else to spend it other than taking care of someone else, which is what a mom does, which I think is why her dream is to be a mom. The thing is, there are professions that very much need her big heart, but compared to being a mom and wife, who devotes completely to one's own child and husband, whose place is so obvious and necessary, professions are... well, there just isn't that sense of belonging that it gives compared to being a mom, since it's just like work - you're replaceable anytime. So she could be a kindergarten teacher, a nanny or even a babysitter, but it won't fulfill her like being a mom and wife does. But now she knows that while that's her dream, she's more than that - she's SeolHee, her own person. And if JooMan can't at least respect her that way, then, she's got the guts and gumption to walk away from him even though it tears at her. She gave in to him not because she had to but because she wanted to. DAMN.

DongMan and Dad's relationship made my eyes water, because it reminded of the very moment - I still remember very clearly - when I one day, somehow saw the back of my own dad... and realised how it wasn't big and broad like Superman, which was how I'd seen him when I was a child. When I'd grown up, when I was almost as tall as him, when I was at the age to look at people around me straight in the eye without them bending down, I saw that he wasn't Superman. His frame was smaller than I'd remembered, frailer than I'd known... and he looked like any other old man on the streets. My dad wasn't born Superman. He was just like other men. He was once a boy, he once had dreams, he could get scared too, he could get sad too, he could get vulnerable too... but for me, he became Superman. He gave up a lot, held in a lot, and for this crazy, emotional, nutcase kid, he became a protector, he became someone who made himself steely strong and reliable - he became Superman. But since that was how I saw him only, I threw all sorts of tantrums and hardship at him. Because he was Superman, I had the confidence to be childish.

But like DongMan's Dad, my dad too, even though they both gave up so much for their kid, in the end, they both still want their kid to surpass them, to live a better life than them. 

And then DongMan and AeRa's "I love you"! I have no words. After "I love you", what else is there left that's needed to be said?


I adore you. I cherish you. I treasure you. I'll always be by your side. I want you to have the best. I want you to be the best you can be. I'm going to work hard for you. I'll fight the world for you. I'm just always going to be right where you need me. I love you.

I love you. I love you. I love you. 


Everything's contained in that "I love you". That's why it's so powerful.



PS: Is it me, or do DongMan's mom and Landlady Hwang look similar? Maybe they were sisters and DongMan's Dad and AeRa's dad and her were a close knit clique in the past or something. Eh.


PPS: Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with my English. It's like I think too fast and can't form proper sentences. I don't even have the excuse that English is not my first language. It's the language I use day to day!

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6 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:

Whoa, this episode... I don't even know how to start. I just... My heart feels like it's being squeezed dry and I have all these feelings that are a muddle that I can't put into words. I think the Korean phrase "짜네" sums it up the best, with the way it sounds and what it means.

SeolHee's heart being torn to pieces seeing JooMan come out of the lobby of Housefly's condo, JooMan crying at the end of their relationship - he doesn't want to leave her, obviously, but he doesn't insist, beg or cling obsessively onto her; he respects her every wish - and her crying because JooMan cried. Urgh, this couple makes me want to cry. There's nothing more pitiful to me than a couple who obviously love each other breaking up because they don't know how to love each other, damn.

SeolHee is brave, she's strong and she's cool - not many people's dream is to be a mom. But she's got so much love to give that she doesn't know where else to spend it other than taking care of someone else, which is what a mom does, which I think is why her dream is to be a mom. The thing is, there are professions that very much need her big heart, but compared to being a mom and wife, who devotes completely to one's own child and husband, whose place is so obvious and necessary, professions are... well, there just isn't that sense of belonging that it gives compared to being a mom, since it's just like work - you're replaceable anytime. So she could be a kindergarten teacher, a nanny or even a babysitter, but it won't fulfill her like being a mom and wife does. But now she knows that while that's her dream, she's more than that - she's SeolHee, her own person. And if JooMan can't at least respect her that way, then, she's got the guts and gumption to walk away from him even though it tears at her. She gave in to him not because she had to but because she wanted to. DAMN.

DongMan and Dad's relationship made my eyes water, because it reminded of the very moment - I still remember very clearly - when I one day, somehow saw the back of my own dad... and realised how it wasn't big and broad like Superman, which was how I'd seen him when I was a child. When I'd grown up, when I was almost as tall as him, when I was at the age to look at people around me straight in the eye without them bending down, I saw that he wasn't Superman. His frame was smaller than I'd remembered, frailer than I'd known... and he looked like any other old man on the streets. My dad wasn't born Superman. He was just like other men. He was once a boy, he once had dreams, he could get scared too, he could get sad too, he could get vulnerable too... but for me, he became Superman. He gave up a lot, held in a lot, and for this crazy, emotional, nutcase kid, he became a protector, he became someone who made himself steely strong and reliable - he became Superman. But since that was how I saw him only, I threw all sorts of tantrums and hardship at him. Because he was Superman, I had the confidence to be childish.

But like DongMan's Dad, my dad too, even though they both gave up so much for their kid, in the end, they both still want their kid to surpass them, to live a better life than them. 

And then DongMan and AeRa's "I love you"! I have no words. After "I love you", what else is there left that's needed to be said?


I adore you. I cherish you. I treasure you. I'll always be by your side. I want you to have the best. I want you to be the best you can be. I'm going to work hard for you. I'll fight the world for you. I'm just always going to be right where you need me. I love you.

I love you. I love you. I love you. 


Everything's contained in that "I love you". That's why it's so powerful.


This is perfect...and now I'm crying at my desk. The show is kind of amazing, isn't it? It seems simple but it's not...the emotions are so real it reaches into an unusually deep place in our hearts. :heart:

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7 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

DM's father taking to DM, and telling him to live his dream. This was such a moving exchange between a father who had been apologetic to his son, but wants his son to go for his dream now, and the son who had taken on so much, almost disbelievingly getting his father's blessing for him to go after what he wants now. 


(DM and his father sitting on a bench, talking.)
DM Father: When I thought about it quietly, if you had been living just like me, I think I would have hated that. Even though, I can’t be a pilot any more, you should at least cause some trouble at least once. (sigh) So…(sigh) live the way you want to, for once. (sigh)
DM: You really want me to live the way I want to? With all that sighing even? 
DM Father: I am sighing, it’s true. That you haven’t been able to live doing the thing that you wanted so much to do, it’s because that is so sad. 
DM: (sighing himself) What’s so sad about it? I lived every day exhilarated. You know my style. 
DM Father: You, if only if it wasn’t for my business, you did that match. And, paid to take care of Dong Hee. You paid for her whole body. And, now, I thought you were living defeated. When I saw that, my insides…(crying)
DM: You’re saying such useless things. 
DM Father: But now, when I saw you do this, it feels my breath is rushing back in. I was so excited that my heart was pounding. 
DM: (sighs) I didn’t give up my dream because of father. Dad, you should shake off that notion quickly.
DM Father: Dong Man, you’re not without means. Dad will be earning money for at least twenty more years. Since your dad is here, go ahead and try to fly (meaning go for his dreams). So that I can also ride the clouds due to my son. If you try to save youth, it becomes poop. You have to hit and be hit, and attack, and even if it breaks, try to live your life the way you want to for once. Okay? 


Ok, this has me tearing up...................

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Because I liked the Daddy-DongMan scenes, I couldn't give up on translating this, even though I might be embarrassing myself since I don't actually understand 100% of it. No, I understand. But the words may not be right.

@stroppyse Help... I cannot with the above richard simmons...


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OMG. OMG. OMG. That ending scene when Dongman pulled Aera closer... my heart stopped I swear. Not to mention I was squealing like a dolphin & cringing at the same time LMFAo! :lol::tongue:

PLEASE. Can SOMEONE PLEASE break up Jooman-Seolhee like ASAP!??! It's bad enough they're miserable but for Jooman to make Seolhee feel she's underappreciated - not cool dude. Not cool <_< Anyone else ticked off by Yejin's sickeningly disgusting Instagram posts?!!? Like the one captioned "together" when her & Jooman are not really "together"...technically is just plain delusional.:crazy::rolleyes:

And of course now there's a new hottie in the form of Kwak Siyang:wub:

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Of course, I had to log in even though I've been officially off from mod duties, bc I've been waiting for this moment hahaha smack that man pretty hard! Go, Seolhee! It's been a long time coming. Next one in line is the ex-girlfriend.

Byul has always been amazeballs and a beautiful actress. I was a superfan during her younger years. 



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despite me insisting for jooman and sulhee to break up as soon as possible,my heart was truly gutted seeing sulhee today. she has soooo much love but no where else to lay it on but jooman and he basically killed her every second he keeps on interacting with psycho girl no 2 (1st one being hyeran ofc).

when she very calmly asked for her belongings to be put outside of jm's house and jm crying like his water dam is broken....I was really sad for them.(coming for someone who petitions for their breakup ever since jm keeps on being nice to psycho intern).

but sulhee my girl is so strong,that water slap in the end could be one of THE BEST F U to nappeun nyeon in dramas.seriously.

dongman and aera on the other hand though,u guys can just sit and breathe like you always does but the sexual tension is still palpable like inflammatory acne(pun intenced).haha


if too much cuteness and cringing kills,fight my way should be engraved as cause of death.hahaha

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I saw the ep 12 kiss somewhere on Instagram... I feel like screaming and having a nosebleed. That kiss was so French!!! No pun intended.... 

@stroppyse Thanks for the recaps! I feel like tearing up already... 

I am glad Sulhee broke up with Jooman. If the latter can't cherish his girlfriend, they should separate for a while and cool down from the negative emotions. Hope Jooman will learn to deny that intern and really go after his love (if he still loves her ie.)

I can't wait to see how Ae Ra could comfort Sulhee... that's what BFFs are for, right? 

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1 hour ago, xxPeepsxx said:

PS: Is it me, or do DongMan's mom and Landlady Hwang look similar? Maybe they were sisters and DongMan's Dad and AeRa's dad and her were a close knit clique in the past or something. Eh.


I'll write more later, but I have to say this now :D  Just watched the sub and at the beginning when the owner and her son are walking DM and AR to their doors, after they go in he says "I can see the resemblance, I can now see why you stationed yourself here."  But resemblance to who???   Obviously from the epilogue @xxPeepsxx is correct that some of the parents knew each other and I think her being either DM's or AR's aunt is a possibility.  Or is she really AR's mom??  Whatever it is, why is she still keeping it such a mystery??!!  :astonished:




cr: twitter - Rafaelle

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4 hours ago, carolinedl said:


Ok, I called it before the episode: the landlady is totally DM's mother!!!! I knew it!!!!! Muahahhahhaa

damn! she even said that she found her son! and ae ra commented how she pities the owner ajhumma's daughter in law, LOL

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15 minutes ago, allthingscute said:

damn! she even said that she found her son! and ae ra commented how she pities the owner ajhumma's daughter in law, LOL

But if she is AR's mom, why didn't she mention to Coach-nim that she was looking her daughter as well, instead of just her son?  But I do think she is AR's mom.

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3 hours ago, amieeee said:

If I were SH I would never come back to JM. After all those years sastifing her everything for him, took care of him like a truly wife, I can image how hurt it feels when she slowly discovered that JM is changing. He was distracted by the Intern (she said that was the reason why she wont give up on him), he said that he need more than just a little happiness (when they ate icecream), he kept on checking the phone every night and went out at night eventhough SH asked him to stay. And I think that was not The Intern and her cuteness that distracted him, it was the chance of promotion she (or her mom) can bring to him which did. I am at their age right now and my career takes a big part in my mind, so I understand him but I don't agree with him. He is just not deserve SH anymore. SH needs to move on and do what she want, she is cute and pretty and caring so I really dont want to see her come back to be a little wife.

I can understand this, but her dream is to exactly be a mother and wife. She hasn't changed, yes, but that can be both a good and bad thing. They're both starting to dull on the relationship, and I feel like they've gotten way too comfortable with each other (Joo-man especially) to even try with each other. SH was grasping at straws for the past few episodes, so I'm glad she finally sealed the deal. While I don't mind she only wants to revolve her world around a guy, I think it's also detrimental for her to not have anything else she enjoys. I'm glad she has Ae-ra, but I'd love to see her picking up a hobby or doing something she really enjoys - I feel like she'd be a great babysitter or potentially a teacher for example, given her motherly status. She's doing okay at her job, but we all know she isn't wanting to stay there forever. 

However, that doesn't clear JM for his wrongdoing. I know he didn't actually sleep with the Intern and when the Intern was spouting out lies, I'm glad he really told her that he doesn't believe one bit of it. But, his actions had a grave consequence on SH since she's been hurting for so long, and I'm glad SH just took it and ended it right there and then. I agree that SH just needs to spend some time apart - both of them need to spend time on their own and reevaluate what is it they want in a relationship, what they want long-term, and whether it's feasible with each other, or if they really should just move on and not come back to each other. There's nothing wrong with SH staying the same, but over 6 years, some people can change. JM's goals have changed, and now that SH has remained stagnant, it's better to end things now then to marry with this sort of thought in mind that could lead to resentment down the road. They both seem really tired at this point, so I hope the break up will provide some fresh air that will lead to them compromising on their goals and beliefs, or just becoming better people so that they know exactly what they want and who to look for in their next relationship.

I keep posting about SH and JM, but I think their relationship is worth discussing since it's a very common trend that happens to many couples in real life when they pass the "honeymoon phase". While I love love love love Aera and Dongman's relationship, it can be really hard to find a relationship that is built on such openness like theirs, as well as trust. I know it's because they've had such a long standing friendship way before then, but even then, friends-to-lovers can be such a tricky situation in real life and sometimes it's rare to ever see a relationship as strong and secure as theirs. 

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1 hour ago, allthingscute said:

damn! she even said that she found her son! and ae ra commented how she pities the owner ajhumma's daughter in law, LOL


That comment really got my attention.

Actually, I started thinking about her being DM's mother when she started to get confy with Coach-nim and he knew of her. Maybe she was a fighter? So there would be a connection between her and DM. Then, when AR said that she pities the daughter-in-law, I thought AR might actually become that... otherwise, why say it?

I think we were lead to believe that she was AR's mother but I think she is actually DM's.

As for being someone's aunt, why all the secrecy then? Is an aunt so important for her to hide?... That is a real question actually.


3 hours ago, stroppyse said:


SH: While we were dating, I didn’t once say we should break up because I was upset at you. I did my best for you in everything, so I have no regrets. Regret is something for you to feel. Put my bags outside your door.  (turns and leaves leaving JM to cry)


Oh I love this! Way to go SH!!

Thanks for the translations @stroppyse! :)

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9 minutes ago, carolinedl said:


That comment really got my attention.

Actually, I started thinking about her being DM's mother when she started to get confy with Coach-nim and he knew of her. Maybe she was a fighter? So there would be a connection between her and DM. Then, when AR said that she pities the daughter-in-law, I thought AR might actually become that... otherwise, why say it?

I think we were lead to believe that she was AR's mother but I think she is actually DM's.

As for being someone's aunt, why all the secrecy then? Is an aunt so important for her to hide?... That is a real question actually.



Oh I love this! Way to go SH!!

Thanks for the translations @stroppyse! :)

I like your theory!!!  So you think she was with DM's Appa before his current wife?  That would also explain why she hid from AR's dad, as well, since they were all from the same town. That would be a bigger reveal than if she is AR's mom...........

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Guest Bissu

omg can anyone link me that extra kiss scene from today's episode, I haven't seen it! :dizzy:

Their faces are so red! :wub:

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33 minutes ago, aunniek said:

I like your theory!!!  So you think she was with DM's Appa before his current wife?  That would also explain why she hid from AR's dad, as well, since they were all from the same town. That would be a bigger reveal than if she is AR's mom...........


I am still not sure but that would explain why she bought the gym. I always wondered about that, especially since she has not been really into AR and DM being together. Why help DM then? First I thought it was because he was close to AR but now... she might have done it for him all along. No?


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