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[Drama 2017] Circle 써클


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hello everyone, it's WE so I have time to discuss with u hehehe !

I always analyze the characters : what they do, they think ..... I don't have " great" imagination as some people here !!

So , now we have 2 teams : one in 2017 and one in 2037 ! some characters in 2017 already appear in 2037 as Boss Detective ( aka Sherlock Homes hahaha);

his right arm detective Oh , Dong So and Min Young , the doctor woman, she is twins friend girl ( not girlfriend) who attacks Jung yeon at Myungsun Psy hospital and at the park.

Now WE (the vewers) know Kim Jun Huyk is Kim Bum Gum and Bluebird is Jung Yeon.I say WE bc until now, people think that Kim Jun Huyk may be is KWJ.

Detective Hong always says to KJH " your twin...???" before the end of ep 4; Jun Huyk's memories don't come back yet ??? even Bluebird ( aka Jung Yeon

thinks he's Wo Jin so why she's so surprised and let falling down the cube !

SO ! I already said that : maybe the chairman is.... Professor Han or ......Kim Woo Jin !!!!!! but today, I think the high percent that Woo Jin is the chairman !

You see : in the end of ep 2, we see  the cellphone in the chairman's hand and there is picture of the twins.

it's Bum Gum who takes it with his twin by himself and only him who has it; even Woo jin not.

When he goes to Myungsun hospital, he calls Woo Jin and wants taking a picture to send the proof to Woo Jin but there's a flash light and he let the phone down!

I think Bum Gum asks Min Young meeting him there ( we don't see that scene); Min Young comes to hospital but she doesn't find Bum Gum but she found his cellphone

; she think it relates to " alien" Jung Yeon so why she send a message to Jung Yeon coming there and we see she attacks Jung Yeon with a taser. 

and with Bum Gum's ceelphone, she calls Woo Jin going to the park she fails second time to attack Jung Yeon; after she gives BG's phone to woo Jin and show him the yellow star

he did and gave it to "Byul" 10 years ago. and from this moment, it's Woo Jin who has the phone of his huyng and now this cellphone is in the hand of..... the Chairman !

And another point : Kim Woo jin is smart, so I don't think that in 20 years, he'll become an mayor's employee as Ho-Soo even he looks like Woo Jin, he doesn't want keeping

bad memories. I think that only the good place he can be is chairman ! and if the chairman is Professeurs Han, he'll order Lee Huyn Suk "take care" of Jung Huyk !

About Jung Yeon : she is an alien who came to earth to help the humans with thier technologies, for the human future. Maybe it's not a bad intention ( like in the US movie

The first contact). But the human as Professeur Han, a neuroscientist, use them and apply on the human. Maybe it's not very bad; it doesn't kill people but..... as I say; we are

human not robots so we don't accept to be controlled; we are free and control ourselves.

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Just finished 4 episodes, got to say I'm hooked.  Had my doubts about the writing team being able to pull all the different character threads together from 2 different time periods (and societies) but so far pleasantly surprised.  Enough twists in every episode to make your neck hurt, but it all works for me.   Some people are complaining because it's too confusing and the special effects were too cheesy, but it's low budget TV drama - what do they expect? 

I'm watching this because of Gong Seung Yeon.  Those light brown eyes of hers are hypnotic - she looks alien!  I've been a fan since she was on WGM with Lee Jong Hyun.  I've watched every TV drama she's been in.  Also, in WGM she made Lee Jong Hyun jealous by fan-girling over Jingoo.  At the time WGM was filming, Lee Jong Hyun and and Jingoo were filming Orange Marmalade together.  So now she's co-starring with Jingoo - kind of a "Circle" right there.....

I've liked Jingoo since Moon Embraces the Sun.  He acts way above his age, very talented young man.  I hope we get to see some sparks between GSY and YJG in this drama, but if not the mystery/SCIFI and story will be enough.

Anyway, love this drama!  Wish it got better ratings 'cause it deserves it, but I don't understand the Korean taste for TV drama.  Seems like the really edgy and different stuff doesn't get its fair share of recognition and viewership.           

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Just finished watching the 4 episodes.  Hands up to the superb writer.  Great plot and story. 

Suspense story that everybody is excited for ep5.  Great acting.  Gsy improved a lot in her acting.  For the actors are always giving the best shot in their acting. 

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Gong Seung Yeon To Make A Charismatic Transformation For The 2037 Part Of “Circle”


Gong Seung Yeon will be showing a darker, more charismatic side to herself in the upcoming episodes of tvN’s “Circle.”

In the newly revealed preview stills, Gong Seung Yeon’s strong smokey makeup gives her major girl crush vibes, making viewers anticipate the different charms she will be showing in each time period.

The producers of “Circle” explained, “Gong Seung Yeon’s appearance in 2037 is a hidden card. It will bring on a whole new wave of impact and add tension to the story. As a link between 2007, 2017, and 2037, Gong Seung Yeon’s existence is a central key to the unfolding mystery. Please look forward to her performance on the episodes to come.”



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@larus I soon don't want Woo Jin to be the chairman. That seems too easy and predictable, and so far while parts of this drama can seem predictable, nothing about it is easy. Drama please surprise me and have it be that some long time ago before the twins accidentally wrapped themselves in all this, humans made devil's deal with the landed aliens and they (the alien/s) are the chairman and the real people behind Smart Earth and Human B. I need every one of those in white Human B workers to be both humans and aliens in human disguise or something. I am/was a huge fan of the X-Files (that show scared tot me but I loved watching it), I want to believe drama, let me believe LOL.

Speaking of Smart Earth, I got so many questions about that place. It seems they have really strict restrictions and procedures for allowing people in. My question is, who lives on Smart Earth? How do you get to live on Smart Earth? Is there a class divide where 10 years or so ago (starting in 2017) the really supper rich 1% who could afford it paid for tickets and brought homes at ridiculous prices that the average person could not afford, to live there? Or was it open to every and anyone? Almost everyone there seems to dress in the basic ugly white suits, does that mean their is nation wide conformity there? People aren't allowed to choose their clothes, jobs, food, etc; the government assigns all those thing to its citizens? How does work and pay work? Everyone gets paid the same no matter their job/work/career? Housing, transportation...how does it all work?

With all those screens of different people's lives as they live it, are the citizens aware their government is always watching them? Why are they being watched like they are? What if one day someone does something that is out of line for Smart Earth, does the government quickly go in and remove them? Perhaps Bluebird is not just one person/one hacker. Maybe it's an organization of persons/hackers. Maybe Bluebird is a group of resistance (the woke ones) to Smart Earth, Human B, and the whole chip of government control. What is the difference in Smart Earth and any tightly controlled tyrannical systems of today? Smart Earth sounds pretty damn familiar to communist North Korea, China, Russia, and other big government controlled countries. 

Please tell me the drama will take us into the belly of Smart Earth. Also the new chick (the girl we just met in 2017 and the doctor of 2037) I have so many questions (how did she and Bum Gyeon meet? Why does she believe him about aliens? Has she herself had similar experience/encounters? Where did they meet? Is she the doctor of 2037?) but the two things that are really plaguing my mind, what in the world happened to change the two twins so much? Growing up Woo Jin was the one to belive in aliens and Bum Gyeon the skeptic. What in the world happened for the roles to flip and switch that in 2017 Bum Gyeon is obessed with aliens like young Woo Jin once was (he even ran away when young. Running in woods chasing after them, much like teen Bum Gyeon does) and Woo Jin no longer believes? (just like young Bum Gyeon did not but still went looking for his brother, much like teen Woo Jin. Drama are these boys destined to always switch roles and be in search of the other?) I need to know what happened in 10 years for things to switch like they did. 

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On 6/2/2017 at 5:03 PM, lclarakl said:


First @rittoo and @MrsSoJiSub, I happen to love reading your long discussions. Everything is so mysterious that I love reading the different angles.

@bebebisous33, I have to say that when I saw that scene of the car coming into the building, I actually thought that the alien was causing it to happen. Yes she saved him, but that scene made me wonder.

Also, I didn't get the feeling that KBG generalized "aliens are the bad ones". He is someone from first hand experienced know the danger of this "alien" from their first meeting when it was chasing him and his brother, cause a car accident before appearing as a young woman who hasn't aged in years. He also know that his father who was their protector, was taking her away and he never returned. Yes, the "alien" saved him and survived having a piece of glass in her neck (I'm still not sure she didn't cause the car to drive into the restaurant), they had a loving and caring father who just never returned home. I can truly get KBG's actions after witnessing all the suicides and the "alien" happens to be at all of them. 

LHS is not against removing memories because he's weak; he doesn't want to confront his pain. He has chosen to live in a false reality and remove joy from his life. He has chosen to be trapped in his numb, emotionless world and never experience joy again.

@lclarakl I agree, I kind of thought she made the car come through the window too, that she was totally controlling it.  I can understand KJW reaction to seeing her years later, she really could have been a doppelganger. I also agree with @bebebisous33 that even if the tech is alien, men have to want to use it and manipulate to their greatest advantage.  And, LHS is not unlike most human beings, we all want to escape pain and the reality of life at some level at some point in our lives.  And most of the time that escapism does dull any true joy we could experience in our life.  If we are numb to pain, we are also numb to joy.  So many people live with this numbness day after day because at least they will know what to expect when they wake up the next day.  Facing the unknown, while exhilarating for some is terrifying for others.  I can also see a similar mentality from KJW.  He feels he has so many responsibilities/burdens that adding an unknown factor into his life is too daunting.  We have to remember he is young and was abandoned by his father and essentially abandoned by his brother.  He's had a routine and the same hopes for his brother for a very long time.  All of a sudden being faced with the collapse of those hopes and not knowing what to expect the next day, shakes him and scares him.  Sorry if I was rambling......

I also feel like we will have to get more backstory as to why his dad left with the HJY.......I'm really looking forward to the the character manifestation of Bluebird :)

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I really get annoyed when Gong Seung Yeon's name is being linked over and over again with her ex-WGM partner when this is clearly her individual drama project. Can she shine on her own instead being link to every single thing about the virtual show. For goodness sake it was over 2 years ago and time to move on. 

Sorry! Just couldn't help it, coz I really like her as her own self and not being attached with shippers' delusional remarks



It has only been 4 episodes and the story is getting better and better. I agree with a lot of you here that they have chosen the right cast in both timelines. 

About HUMAN B chairman, my take - I don't think it's Woo Jin. Since Bluebird is a genius hacker and she can get into all the files and check them. As we know at the moment (maybe) she too is searching for Woo Jin. She is being selective of the people who she wanted them to have their memory back and it felt like she was disappointed when she heard the name Kim Beom Kyun instead of Kim Woo Jin

@MrsSoJiSub agree with your take on Smart Earth 

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Hi guys~ :D 

Since I've always really wanted Joonhyuk to be Bumgyun I'm really happy about the development in Episode 4. I'm totally going all in on that because right at the very first episode, it's already been foreshadowed (I only realized it though when I rewatched Ep 1 last week).



First scene of Episode1 Woojin was asking his brother how he found him.
Kim Bumgyun: I told you. I’ll find you wherever you are.

Final scene, we have Joonhyuk remembering Det. Hong asking him to find his brother.
Kim Joonhyuk: Wait for me. I’ll find you wherever you are.



I don't think the writers would put a foreshadowing device like that if they don't intend to fully go with it, and it's right at the very first episode too. That is also the line on Kim Kangwoo's poster, so I don't think they just put that through a coincidence. And upon watching the revelation in Ep 4, I really felt the weight of Joonhyuk's guilt when he was apologizing to the non-existent Woojin. He set aside Woojin at a time his brother desperately needed him. So yep~ that's my take for JH's identity.

As for what happened to Woojin. I really honestly have no idea, aside from my only hunch that maybe he didn't age. Also, since they already put GSY in 2037 timeline, they might as well put YJG there too hahahahaha

I'm actually really enjoying the chemistry between YJG and GSY, both as detective buddies and that slight romantic tension that is building up. I like that they just insert cute bits here and there but that it doesn't take away the focus from the actual mystery, and thus their relationship doesn't feel forced to me at all. But since Woojin will certainly eventually go missing in 2017, that means that would put a halt to whatever their relationship is... which brings me to the hope that YJG would really be in the 2037 timeline. :D


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7 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

. My question is, who lives on Smart Earth? How do you get to live on Smart Earth? Is there a class divide where 10 years or so ago (starting in 2017) the really supper rich 1% who could afford it paid for tickets and brought homes at ridiculous prices that the average person could not afford, to live there? Or was it open to every and anyone?

 I think it was answered in an episose. I don`t remember very well the lines but Joon-Hyuk was talking with detective Hong about an oportunity to go to Smart Earth. The rich guys live there but they control who enters the place too. It is an exclusivist area.

7 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Growing up Woo Jin was the one to belive in aliens and Bum Gyeon the skeptic. What in the world happened for the roles to flip and switch that in 2017 Bum Gyeon is obessed with aliens like young Woo Jin once was (he even ran away when young. Running in woods chasing after them, much like teen Bum Gyeon does) and Woo Jin no longer believes?

 I don`t think that he does not believe anymore. I think it was a devence mechanism for him. I agree with others who say that Woo jin wants to escape pain and the reality. We could see that his studies in University are about how to eliminate traumatic pain. He said that  people can never forget the pain and horror of the experience and his solution is to eliminate the memory completely, much like one eliminates cancer cells. No wonder the professor took him in his team. It is exactly what Professor Han is doing with alien technology but with a sinister method and results. Woo Jin saw how he lost his father and brother to this alien. His father left and his brother was in jail and now that he is out he is obsessed again, behaving irationally. In a moment of anger, he asked Beom Gyoon “What if that woman is an alien? Why is that my problem?” He asks him to forget about their dad and the alien and just live normally.  Beom Gyoon  is "blaming the alien" for his pain and look for a solution no matter the concequenses. Woo Jin closed himself, maybe he was the one who had to be the responsable one in the family to survive this " “Do you think the world is so easy?" he said to the student who blamed him for the suicide of a sunbae student.  After the encounter with the aliens, the boys were raised by the grandmother without any other "alien" experience. While Bum Gyeom was obsessed with aliens disrupting their life, I can see Woo Jin trying to minimalize the pain, choosing a rational approach. He said to himself while dealing with Bum Gyeon, that there is no such aliens and trying to convinced himself that the woman is just a lookalike. But in the face of evidence, he did not deny the posibility. He saw  Jung-yeon and remembers her from his childhood, he looked for the scar and other evidence to prove that she is the same woman. Both twins had a traumatic experience and both are dealing with coping mechanism in their own way. Hope the brothers will reunite in 2037. They were separated enough.


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I actually have a feeling that the professor's interest on Woojin is much deeper than his theory of wanting to eliminate painful memories and being a top student. When Woojin arrived for the appointment a second time, the assistant professor mentioned how he doesn't understand why Professor Han was so insistent on meeting up with Woojin. This was before Woojin talked about his theory. I think he knows more about Woojin than he lets on.

It's actually also in the character relationships chart how Woojin's dad and Professor Han are "rivals". 

Can't wait for the new episode later~

And like @larus I also think that Woojin deciding not to believe in aliens is a coping mechanism. His dad suddenly left with this so-called alien, while his brother developed an unhealthy obsession about aliens - he saw first hand how this alien encounter ruined his family. He couldn't just end up like his brother and end up going back and forth in jail and mental hospital, they also desperately needed to survive. He only had rationality to hold onto, otherwise they would just all end up starving and going nowhere. 

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What is the reason that Jeong Yeon Yeon (Gong Seung Yeon) appeared in 2037?


Jung Yeon-yeon reveals a completely different atmosphere from 'Part 1'. She pointed a gun at Lee Soo-soo (Lee Ki-kwang)



I also believe that Jung Yeon aka Bluebird showed disapointment on her face that Joon Hyuk is not Woo Jin (like Dramabeans said) I think she is looking for him also.


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Could it be the twins dad and the professor knew one another and were/are maybe even partners. How did alien chick end up in the hands of the professor. She left with dad (or did dad take her?What if he's the one that did the abducting?) then 10 years later she is the professor's daughter with memory loss...? I think the boys dad was/is apart of this. I want him to be the chairman. It would make sense for him to have the cellphone/cellphone picture of the twins. Like that's the last human sentiment/sentimental thing he allows himself to hold on to.

When the one head of Human B dude was suspect about Joon Hyuk/Bum Gyeon and who he was and why he was on Smart Earth, the chairman put a stop to his questioning and desire to investigate further. A small bit of me thought them "seems this man knows Joon Hyuk and in a small way is protective of him?" All we got in that scene was freaking gloved hand. Ever since then I been waiting on someone to injure a finger or something then I could make a connection LOL 

Taser, tasering...is that how you get an alien to come out of their human shell and revel their true face/image? I keep wandering why Bum Gyeon keeps wanting to/was tasering people (or were they people LOL) and I see you show, you never allow Byul/Jung Yeon to successfully be tasered. Twice now it's been attempted and each time it is a fail. Ya'll going to keep this is she/isn't she thing till the very end aren't you show. And i'm assuming by 2037 Bum Gyeon has been give answers on the whole "do aliens exist?" question seeing how he is not obsessed and still chasing after them. So show, let us know if they exist or not and are or are not living in harmony with humans on Smart Earth and Normal Earth. I mean, is Byul the one potential one out there or is there more of them? Were they always around in 2017 or do more eventually come. In 2037 are others aware of their existence or not? Finally show inquiring mind want to know (or maybe just me :tongue:) will Joon Hyuk/Bum Gyeon please remember he is suppose to be INVESTIGATING AND FINDING SOME LOST MEMORY MEMORY COMEBACK GIRL WHO IS ON A KILLING SPREE!!!! I get he wants to find himself and his brother, I'm all for it but first DO YOUR JOB AND FIND THAT GIRL!! I'm shook that a thinking she's 7 years old murder is on the lose and this man and his team seem to be getting side tracked (or were they taken off the case?)

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