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[Drama 2017] Circle 써클


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Really keeps us twirling in "circles" having to wait fir more episodes.

WJ 2017 commented to prof he feels bad sad memories should be erased, just like removing cancer. As younger WJ wth 'noona' home with them, he was very "observant" with whts going on with noona ie being feelingless. So I suspect the project of erasing memories must be WJ's project.

2037 so far both WJ, JY and Prof Park remain a mystery. What happened to them between 2017 - 2037? Was JH rescued by the detective just after the bug was planted in him? He did see the masked man administering the drugs just before he became unconscious. Then when did he lose his memories? 

Fantastic writer... salute -_-

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8 hours ago, larus said:

I was thinking the same. It was a big twist as everyone suspected that Joon- hyuk is Woo Jin. I am still puzzled as they  showed us a big hint. I know they are twins but Woo Jin showed that he is very good at Rubik`s Cube  and that eyebrow catch...  Joon Hyuk did not know who he was and he did all that instinctively but maybe twins have the same habit. But looking at Joon hyuk `s personality he is close to Beom-Gyoon than Woo jin`s, he is playful and Woo jin was an introvert. Now... another twist...  they can make Woo Jin in 2037 to be the head of security Lee Hyun-Seok. Kidding. :D

I am totally fine to know that Joon Hyuk is Beon Gyoon. I am glad he is safe now. Seeing Professor Park putting that blue worm inside him, I was sorry for him. We find out that Bluebird is Han Jung-Yeon and that "her father" is the villian. It was confirmed my suspicious that the woman alien was controled by a baddie. Now after seeing the blue worms, it fits that she is the famous hacker. The color blue is the common theme...and the Bluebird nickname is kind of girly...:)   Maybe the chairman is Professor Han. Now I am curious how he descovered the aliens and these technology or if he is an alien too. I am curious if the twins`s father will appear.

On a side note... I find it weird when everyone is calling Beom Gyoon the big brother of Woo Jin. He is older by minutes. Why not called him Woo Jin`s twin? I know that Koreans are using honorifics even if there is a little difference in age but I still find it strange. 


First time I guess Kim Joon Hyuk is Kim Woo Jin because of Lee Dong Soo. As we can see at episode 2, iWoo Jin who is torturing Dong Soo and even when Dong Soo become the hacker, Joon Hyuk is the person who can handle Dong Soo. That's why I am surprise when Joon Hyuk said he is  Beom Gyun..

What make me more curious, where is the twin's father? We only know that their father bring Byull to leave their house after the accident at restaurant and then he disappear and Byull become Han Jung Yeon. Whether the father who give Byull to the professor? Or the professor find Byull accidentally then took her from the father? Lot mystery need to be solved. 

For calling Beom Gyun "Hyung" is common at Korea even he born only several minutes faster than Woo Jin and Woo Jin still must to call him Hyung. 

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Let me just leave this here because my gods do I agree.

"Dear Circle,

I love you. You have filled the gapping drama love hole Signal left me with and no other drama came close to sealing. But if you don't end this sausagefest and give your female characters names, more than 2 words got speak, and for the love of god develop them and have them have something to do....I WILL RAGE! In the bigger plot of the big bad and Smart Earh, Normal World, and the investigation, and aliens...can we get some women in here helping out, plotting, run after bad guys themselves!?! Other than a.i alien/Jong-yeon there are no female characters of importance in this drama (while we got more than 8 male characters of presence, names, and significance to the story). That is a crying shame. Fix it drama. 

I love this show. I adore both twins. I am intrigued by both parts (though I'm in the minority who finds Part 2: Brave New World a bit more interesting because of the potential for some awesome social commentary and bb Kim Kang Woo and his perfection), I like nearly all the characters, and the aliens, and mystery, but GIVE WOMEN NAMES AND THINGS TO DO!! GIVE FEMALE CHARACTER NAMES AND THINGS TO DO!! Please let that doctor join the team Joon Hyuk, give her a name, and let her have relevance. She can hack into more heads and retrieve more memories or be deep undercover been working at a hospital connected to Human B and has been implanting or taking out chips and collecting data against Smart Earth and Human B and the chairman (hell, ya'll can make that how who is who he is was discovered and his chip taken out and memories given back -sort of-). Again, GIVE FEMALE CHARACTERS NAMES AND RELEVANCE IN THIS DRAMA!


A fangirl who is tried of this in sci-fi (take a page from the original Alien and build your own Ellen Ripley). "

As much as I adore the drama; it's killing me how little female characters there are (only really 1 right now) and how little the little we have, have so little to do (LOL, that's a lot of "little" and ugh, half the little females aren't even named!?!?!! aka the show characters have yet to say their names and most of them other than alien a.i/Jung Yeon have had almost no lines). That is unacceptable (I found myself wondering in ep 3. "Guess we woman are extinct or have gone back years and are reserved to the kitchen yet again -not that there is anything wrong with that, if that is your choosing-. Why aren't there any females, there isn't one female cop/detective Joon Hyuk works at or can work with?" FIX THIS STAT DRAMA!

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With that off my chest I got to say, I really really hope the drama pulls a twist with whomever the chairman maybe and let it not be Woo Jin like so many think (I see that theory thrown around here and else where). We all know I want the chairman to be their father or even better their mom. Yes, she's not dead like so many drama like to do. Their mom was an alien a.i like Byul (meaning the twins are half alien themselves0 she landed on earth a long time ago. Picked a body, the language, feelings and emotions, she passed as human. She met and fell in love with their dad, popped out the twins. Then was called back home (willingly or not), her people used all that they learned to come take over earth.

Because human are selfish and greedy, when they landed creepy professor found out, made a deal, and together with the aliens he has been developing the chip and Human B of the future. He did it for selfish reasons (like Brutus Lee and Woo Jin, he had a painful memory he wanted to forget) but unbeknownst to him, the aliens had more sinister reasons and plans for the chip (take over the world). By 2037 on Smart Earth, both human and aliens inhibit earth and live side by side. However the aliens look human that you can't tell them apart (yes some of the characters we seen maybe aliens and Smart Earth people are married to and work along side aliens without knowing it). Aliens are the ones erasing memories (and implanting new ones) and it's not just erasing memories, they had been controlling human lives for some time now (the chip controls emotions and stuff and the way the headquarters watches everyone like some kind of big brother. Earning memories is not the only thing they are up to) as part of some elaborate scheme to eventually rule humans and take over earth and many more planets (yes they are building an army and will eventually conquer earth and other planets and their citizens).

The above is my dream for this show and in reality will most likely not happen/is not where the story is headed (though I do think in 2037 human and aliens of advanced a.i are living together unknowingly just like in Battlestar Galatica). I do want the show to have some social commentary though. I need and cannot wait for the Mayor of Smart Earth and Big Brother/Chairman to duke it out. It seems the Mayor is not aware of memory erasing and doesn't like the idea of such control and lack of free will of himself or his citizens. I need to see the two sides of the debate, duke it out. As for the memory erasing...si it being forced on the citizens or do they themselves go in and pay/volunteer for it to happen. Like Min Ji, who erased her memories? Was it her family/parents without her knowledge/consent to "save her the pain of childhood trauma" or did she one day choose to go in some clinic and have the procedure done? Is it morally right to make such decision for others even if they are a child/your child and you're doing it for their best? Is erasing memories the only thing Human B is doing, or are they doing more than this? Does Smart Earth really not have crime or criminals or it simply that Human B erases the crimes from the citizens minds and those of the criminals so no one remembers or even know who they are and what has happen to them and or what they are capable of?

Like maybe Smart Earth has a serial rapist, however Human B erases the rape from the victim's memories and that of the rapist so a rape survivor is walking around mot knowing what happened to them and rapist is waking around not knowing the monster and scum, no lower than scum of earth they are. How scary is that? What if they are "erasing" a murder and one day the murder awakes and kills again, do they erase the memory and leave them to possibly one day awake again and commit such crime again? What do they do with the dead bodies? How messed up would it be to wake up one day and vaguely remember you been raped or was once pregnant and lost the baby or...The ethics of all of this...also since everything seems to be running on futuristic computer systems, where are all the erased memories stored? Who keeps watch over them? Who is the one person that knows everything and sees everything, the chairman? Is it right for one person to be playing an omnipresent God controlling so many people and their lives? If they control your memory, doesn't that also mean they control your personality, your likes and dislikes, basically build you to be another person...How will you know if you like chocolate or vanilla when your memory of taste of one has been deleted? How can you choose to be a teacher if your memory at the joy of teaching is erased?

You can't walk of you don't remember how. You can't type if you don't remember how. You can't watch tv, if your mind has not stored memory of it. Your senses are all controlled and work and function with memory (you can smell but your brain can not identify and process and interpret smell unless it remembers it same for sight, sound, touch, taste). Bad memories serve purpose and are needed (I now not to trust strangers wth candy because I remember stories of kids getting kidnaped that way. All memories do. Brave New World, go deeper. Please tell me you will touch on more, than just missing twins (and man can they talk about the benefits and dangers of advanced technology, the god complex it can develop in others -especially in genetic and neurological science/scientist-, and the dangers of experimentation -which we are already seeing with the suicidal kids- how many have to die before something is perfected, what does the world do with the deformed that comes about in the process, the ethics of it all -does the end justify the means?-)

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3 hours ago, fanie586 said:

For calling Beom Gyun "Hyung" is common at Korea even he born only several minutes faster than Woo Jin and Woo Jin still must to call him Hyung. 

 I wish the translators will use "Hyung" when they give us the subtitles. It is much better than seeing "older brother" on my screen. But I don`t want to be prickly because I am grateful for their hard work. I will ignore eventually this small issue.

3 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

In the bigger plot of the big bad and Smart Earh, Normal World, and the investigation, and aliens...can we get some women in here helping out, plotting, run after bad guys themselves!?! Other than a.i alien/Jong-yeon there are no female characters of importance in this drama (while we got more than 8 male characters of presence, names, and significance to the story). That is a crying shame. Fix it drama. 

 We have already noticed when they announced the cast and we talked about it.  One important female character and she is an alien.  I said then that it is sad that even in the future the women come secondary. What a sad future it is for women. 

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I have written a super long rant but in the end I think it was too long. To sum it up. 


Even for grown up ppl with a perfectly fine job, a spouse and enough friends to support them financially and emotionally, one of the above is enough to bring on close to the breaking point, much less three, much less for a teenager/university student. How childish and egoistic could one be to blame him for not being understanding and sweet enough when it's a miracle that he's come so far and stayed sane at all, and it's perfectly his right if he doesn't want to trouble himself with things that have no apparent influence on his life because survival is just that hard for some ppl and there's not always room for romance and fantasy ok?

His brother is as old as he is and could just as well have gotten himself a job or at least not be a burden to him like he is and do whatever  he wants in a way that doesn't get both of them in trouble all the time if he so chooses. WJ is not his father and he is no small child, no one has to be understanding towards him or take care of him, he is his own person.

Also I'm sorry but saying I will take care of you and stay with you is worth nothing if he does the exact opposite all the time and has been for years thank you very much.

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whoozzzaahh!!! Hello all...

This is not my first post in this thread. I'm having my eyes and excitement to this drama since the trailer released (it's sci-fi! And oh that's so coooool visual. Glad I found about this show. Want to say hi to @craptelly if you remember me the one who totally mesmerized by the first trailer huahaha) and I'm so happy that finally I managed my jet lag from vintage atmosphere in current addiction drama Chicago Typewriter and finished four episodes of this drama *heart-pouring lol*. And seriously this is sooooo greaaaaaat, the plot so intriguing. I'm so hooked. Big shame for me that I nearly skipped it because CG when the alien first came. But the rest is amazing! What an effort for a K-drama. I'm looking forward for humane values in this show too, again I must thankful to tvN. I'm hoping that I can follow this show while it's airing, Monday-Tuesday will be interesting to wait now.

Will do back-reading slowly so I'm making sure that I don't repeat old theories--I'm apologizing if my English not good... Still struggling in this language--and feels delighted to read people thoughts here... Cheers for this show. Fighting tvN Circle team! 


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15 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


With that off my chest I got to say, I really really hope the drama pulls a twist with whomever the chairman maybe and let it not be Woo Jin like so many think (I see that theory thrown around here and else where). We all know I want the chairman to be their father or even better their mom. Yes, she's not dead like so many drama like to do. Their mom was an alien a.i like Byul (meaning the twins are half alien themselves0 she landed on earth a long time ago. Picked a body, the language, feelings and emotions, she passed as human. She met and fell in love with their dad, popped out the twins. Then was called back home (willingly or not), her people used all that they learned to come take over earth.



I agree. I don't want it to be Woo Jin, however, it very well could be. My theory is it's either:

- the Professor

- the Professor's assistant

- or Woo Jin..(however, I can see it being Woo Jin and that's how the 2017 and 2037 intersect. 


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3 hours ago, lclarakl said:


I agree. I don't want it to be Woo Jin, however, it very well could be. My theory is it's either:

- the Professor

- the Professor's assistant

- or Woo Jin..(however, I can see it being Woo Jin and that's how the 2017 and 2037 intersect. 




We know could any of three suspect may the mayor is their dad may the chairman is kwj or evil profesor

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@rittoo (nice to meet you. please next time write super long. i love those and would read every word. with that said...) So many assumptions being made here. Byun Geon was/is the hyung. From watching many Korean dramas, that's a big deal and the culture of the country has a person become the leader, the bread winner, the man of the house if you will, when you are titled "hyung". That is the reason Woo Jin hugs him and asks him to please just forget like him, he needed/wanted his hyung aka the take care of me/be my person again. With that in mind, who's to say that before being sent to jail (they were both high schoolers then) Byun Geon wasn't pulling his weight, working to provide for himself, his brother, and his grandmother while at the same time believing in his alien theories and investigating for the truth? It's very much possible to do both. He could have both been a high schooler caring for his family while also investigating and getting in trouble in his quest to uncover the truth. I mean when Byun Neon  got out of jail, the above is basically what he was doing/attempting to do.

Once out of jail Byun Geon got a job (which would help him to pay bills, feed himself and his brother, and help with grandmother care) with and was smart enough to do it at a place he was suspect of, so while making money, he could at the same time continue to try to uncover the truth. We see the same characteristic in 2037 Byun Geon. He's a detective nabbing bad guys, chasing murders (though he's not doing a bang up job of that right now because he seems to have forgotten that Min girl who just partially regained her memory is still on the lose killing people, and is instead, all about his brother right now) having loyal friends/coworkers (Dong Soo, Sherlock, other detective) and maybe even a girlfriend (the doctor). It's very much possible to live your life and take care of yourself and your family, while still fighting for a truth or a cause bigger than yourself and your family. It's not going to be easy and sacrifices will have to be made, but choices. It can and has been done.

The history of the world and progress and change is based on being able to do both . "Strength of character is to do the right thing, even when it's not the easiest thing" I'm black, living in America (and honestly it's not just America, it's pretty much the whole world) and the mentality (and correct me if I'm interrupting your post wrong) of worry about me and mine, life is hard enough for me and mine as is so I'll turn a blind eye and just focus on my survival and not make it harder on myself than need be; is what keeps the system as is, and keeps things staying the same. I'm going to try not to get too emotional or too deep, but just imaging what the world would be like if MLK, Jr, would have been like "well me and my family are living a pretty okay life. I make good money as a pastor. I can provide for mine. Let me not get involved in this whole Jim Crow laws, or bus boycotts, cause it's not really affecting me. It's hard enough for my black self to survive, let me not make it harder." Or Rosa Park would have been like "Ugh, let's not start drama on this bus and maybe have it get in the newspapers and maybe my boss read it and I get fired -I got mouths to feed- let me just get up and give up my seat like this bus driver is telling me."

Or Gandi been like "this is too hard, the British are to big and powerful. We'll never overtake them, let me just eat." Or Mandela been like, "my wife and kids are suffering always in hiding, let me stop the protesting, and disobedience, and fighting the government; apartheid isn't that bad. We been surviving it let's just continue doing that." There would have been no conviction for the murder of 15 year old Jordan Davis if people would have been like "I"m not trying to lose my job, or get arrested, pepper sprayed, beaten, etc. I got to worry about my education, and my wife, my kids, mom. Let me stay home. Let me stay at work." America would still be shackled to the British if someone people with kids and family weren't willing to dump tea, refuse to pay taxes, and literally go to war and die leaving behind kids and family giving them a harder life.I would still be a slave if many before were like "master isn't so bad, and the beating and or even hanging I and my family would get if caught...nope. Let me just keep my head down and stay in my shackles and chains." There are  "no results without risks, freedom without danger, love without hate."

So while I understand the whole, my life is hard enough let me not rock the boat and make it even harder. We would all be nowhere, have nothing, and stay in the stale system of unvarying uniform (its just facts) if there weren't boat rockers and people willing to say "Yes I got school bills to pay. Yes I got a sick grandmother to take care of. Yes I need to eat. Yes I need to pay for my apartment, etc etc. But this thing. This cause. This truth, this whatever, is bigger than me. It's bigger than my grandmother. My education, my house, my bills. This is about so much more than these things and just me and my life. So yes it's going to be hard. I might have to stop paying grandmother's nursing home bill and have her move in with me. Hey, I may have to skip some meals, maybe move into a smaller home, put off university for a semester, etc etc. Still this thing is worth these sacrifices because in the long run it's the right thing and it will benefit not just me and mine but so many others and maybe even the world. The progress and change it may bring tomorrow is worth the momentary sacrifices of today. " 

Even with my thoughts and morals being the above, I and many others have said before  that Woo Jin is not a bad guy (kind of selfish and could easily fall into a god complex because of his cold perception). He is/was just a young adult thrust into a very big thing, trying to survive and get through it all. I don't like some of his decisions, but I understand his perspective and why he made them. I ain't mad and he's not a "bad guy". I don't even blame him for not believing his brother at first. Believing in aliens as a kid and believing in them as an adult is different and blind trust or faith or loyalty can lead down a slippery slope so him not giving that to his brother is understandable (and more so knowing his brother can become irrational and unstable). I became frustrated when after he saw alien girl with the umbrella he still don't believe his bother and in my opinion he trusting that alien chick more than he believing his brother, his twin, his day one, minute one for life...Boy, what is wrong with you? I"m sorry but as soon as he saw her walking with that umbrella he shoulda been like "hyung you right. what we going to do about this? tell me the plan bruh. we not going to in real life live 'Mars Attack' what you need me to do!?!" LOL.

I mean come on! 10 years and homegirl look exactly the same. Not even like a doppelgänger, but exactly the same! 10 years we aged but she didn't. Then you told me she be around when students at my school killing themselves, you got these maps, and pictures and their secret hideout. Then, the stuff we experienced as a kid -the lights, growing up with her, dad leaving- I BELIEVE HYUNG! HOW WE GONNA STOP THIS INVASION!!  It blew and still blows my mind that after the umbrella and looking exactly the same!!! and the worms in her room, the email address, the I don't remember anything before 18 he still stay trusting her *mind blown*....I would never talk to her again and woulda been going on a manhunt for my brother ages ago. But that's why my black self can never be in a sci-fi. Soon a I even here the word "alien" I am nope-ing the f out there so quick LOL. I would be gone after the opening credits LOL Black people tend to die first in these type of movies (and that's if we even there. Like women in this drama, we tend to be extinct) and no way am I dying to stifle someone curiosity. and If I live, I'm not  trying to get body snatched and have my brain get tested on after being abducted LOL.  Also I'm not the kind that could survive on a Smart Earth type place. I would have been started a protest and boycott of the system ages ago. The government would have taken me out or prisoned me somewhere on Normal Earth to silence me so...

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To keep things short:

1. I don't believe that the hyung was much more sensible before than he was shown in the drama. The reason being the "come on not again" way WJ acts around him. If a perfectly fine and sensible person around you, your only kin even, suddenly becomes obsessed in aliens, gets admitted into the psychiatry, barely out of the psychiatry then gets into jail etc. (and you have to do more than say "i believe in aliens" to get admitted into the psychiatry or get jailed, obviously) a normal person would be much more shocked and stressed and also curious as to what happened to that person. But WJ was obviously already frustrated and desperate, so I think this has been going on for a long time now.

2. Not everything that you do and might ruin your life and the life of those around you is the right thing. More often than not, ignoring the essencial and going after something that has nothing to do with you and seems very insensible and unreal is a sign of escapism and leads to nothing. Fighting for justice and equality is something that's on such a different scale I would not want to compare hyung's selfish antics with it to not insult the great fighters for human rights and freedom.

3. I don't think the hyung is right, hence my argumentation. The girl is different, yes, she doesn't change or grow and something is off about her. BUT: does that make her the primary suspect for everything extraordinary and bad happened in her surroundings? How is suspecting somebody for being different, stalking her and again, not being able to lead your life for being obsessed with proving her guilt the right thing to do?

4. Come down to earth. You can't work without any qualification and expect to pay the bills for 3 ppl and also nurse your grandmother yourself, if you pull out of uni (I'm afraid that without hellish hard work you won't even get into uni in that situation), you will have to work 3 jobs earning barely anything AND remember your grandmom needs you 24/7 every day of the year and every year left of her life. Pull out for one semester? That's sweet, but not how life works. Ppl like this will either lose any chances of improving their lives and live their lives working their bones down and barely surviving or not really surviving (the grandmother will probably not survive for a year), or just generally be a burden to others. I do think that before you try to do something "big" you should be able to not burden others and exist for yourself independently. 

First, take care of yourself. Fill your head with knowledge, work towards a future, be financially independent and don't burden those around you.

Then take care of those around you who need your help, or are even utterly helpless and dependent on you.

Then think about changing/saving the world.

Not the other way round, it just doesn't work the other way round.

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@rittoo :D I love a good discussion

1. I agree with you that this has been going on for a long time and obviously hyung becomes unhinged and can fall into his own world at the same time, he has shown me that he is also able to function, be a productive member of society, and go about doing his thing, when left to be. When he came back from jail, he had the job at the bakery by day and doing lunch breaks was night shifting trying to solve the whole 'alien mystery" pretty damn fine. That is until Woo Jin showed up and I think made things worse than they had to be Had he not been snooping hyung would have kept living this double life trying to unearth the truth pretty fine imho. Also it's really no as hard you think to get admitted into a psychiatric ward. A person simply taking about aliens and insisting to police officers that someone was thing. an alien (you don't even have to be violent or loud. you just got to be convinced that it's true) will get in you the pyschward for a 3 day involuntary evolution for delusion. Family can drop you off and sign you in for a overnight or 3 day evolution (involuntary if you are a minor and don't consent) for...really anything. Your drink too much, you talk to yourself, you sleep to much, eat too much. You may have simply been intoxicated and slept on a park bench and cops can bring you to a psych ward to be evaluated. I believe hyung rambled on about aliens and how they were out to get him (and you now what, he may very well be right) and that got him in a psych ward for a night or nights.

2. Okay. I'll agree t disagree here because our stance on what exactly hyung is fighting for seems to be different. You don't seem to buy into the aliens have landed and are seathly trying to take over the world and control human minds and freedoms and rights...and I do. I believe hyung does as well which is why I am so behind what he is doing (not always how he's doing it because he does/has put himself in danger and well we see that has huge consequences for him and his brother down the line. But we also see that the whole "something ain't right about this girl" has huge consequences  as well and can't be/shouldn't be ignored.). I think on a grand scale (especially having seen the future and Smart Earth and the may observations and questions I have about that place and how it's controlled and maintained) it very much is about freedom and justice of the fictional kind lol).

3. Again you and I differ here. Have you seen the show 'Battlestar Galatica'? I strongly believe that Byul/ Jung Yeon is not just "different" she is not of this world. She is just the beginning, the beta of things to come that we see unfold in 2037.  I very much believe (knowingly or unknowingly, leaning toward unknowingly) she is very much in the thick of everything that is going on on that campus with the suicides and the bugs and nose bleeds and I believe all of that cumulates to what we see in 2037. I want, no I need hyung to keep investigating her. It her and something so much bigger than her. She is just the tip of the iceberg imho. Her "dad" is also very much in it (the talks of her not going for "treatment" and things). Yes, stalk her, her dad, the school, the police, heck stalk your own brother if you have to. Investigate her and the weird -ish you know to be true, even if no-one believes you, until you reach the truth.  investigate her, until the truth unfolds. Even if you have to do it alone, and only you believe in what you know keep going. Sometimes you got to stand alone in the truth you know. And come on, it's not like hyung is pulling these things out of think air and is some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist. The show has more than shown us he is on to something and is digging into to something and that his thoughts of Byul/Jung Yoen not being of this world and she and a network of her and others somehow being involved in these deaths and weird things since childhood is true. I stand behind hyung and feel so sorry for him. When he said, "then that would mean I'm crazy." No he's not. We see in 2037 boy is not crazy and he is/was on to something. Hell we see it now or why the kidnapping him and shooting him with something in the neck...Keep investigating hyung. I'm behind you 1000% lol

4. First this a drama, if we going by real world logic then it's completely laughable that Woo Jin is able to keep that apartment, have the laptop, that nice phone, them name brand clothes and nice shoes, pay his college tuition, books, food, transportation, and his grandmother's nursing home bills, all on what...tutoring some middle school and elementary school kids lmfao, in what world!?! But yo, this drama logic tells me he been doing that, and he struggling but he do what he got to do to make ends meet. Hyung could and would and was doing the same. He's qualified to work at the bakery. He said that while in jail he trained and learned to become a pastry or whatever the word is for a baker. He came out and he got a job. Yes he's not some rich Zuckerberg, but he's also hardly some homeless person or a freeloader in Woo Jin's life. The man came out of jail and he got a job, he was going to contribute his half to their life, while still doing investigating on the side (which is why he had his own separate place for his investigations. He never was going to allow or intended for that aspect of his life to ruin or come into contact with Woo Jin's). I have no clue what you are talking about grandmother needing him 24/7, Woo Jin right now don't take care of her 24/7 (that is what the nursing home is for) so why would hyung.

Second I kind of find your last sentiments of people who live with/on, more than one job, pay check to pay check, struggling to make it, but still make stand survive, a bit insulting (though I don't think that was your intention). How are you a burden on other, if you're working, you're eating, you're paying your bills, and  you got a place to sleep at night. Yes it's a struggle, having more than one job living check to check, but many people do that and are still happy and still make/have made something of themselves. The way people can be prejudice, discriminative, and look down on those who have come out of prison/jail (denying them employment, housing, the right to vote, etc which leads to the cycle of them falling right back into the criminal lives to survive and ending back in jail) to find a job when you come out of jail, have roof over your head, and be ready to contribute your share of the work (again hyung was not planning on being a freeloader in Woo Jin's life. if that was his intent he never would have got the job or the mote room) is a huge accomplishment many don't succeed in, and something to be proud of. And reading the last of your views, I see we just think very differently on this. I'm a take action kind of girl. Any action is better than no action (though I do understand being rational and wise and strategic).

 feel like you're saying, do something, but not like this, not this way, not that weapon. Now is not the time, give it time. Get all your ducks in a row first. And imho, from my humble experiences, if you keep waiting until the moment, the time, you end up waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. And while you were waiting, what was your opponent doing? Just go in, do it! What's the worse that happens? You fail? You have to work 3 or 4 jobs? You have to re-apply to college? Maybe grandma is dead? Failure, nope, lessons learned. For the next time and next one you know what to do and not to do. 3 or 4 jobs, many people live like that and are happily surviving -3 or 4 jobs would also mean, you're not burdening other's I'ld think- You reapply to college,  great. We got people getting their degrees at 65. You're an example that it's never too late to go after things you truly want. Grandma dies, sad, but yo you tried your best and took care of her for as long as you could. Some wouldn't have even bother. There are cold people who would have left her all alone in some country side village. But you, you worked many jobs and for as long as you could, you took car elf her. No one can look down on you for that. I bet you read that and think I"m some out of touch crazy dreamer not living in the real world LOL. Nah, I just seen life come at a lot of people fast (and many of them f-ed up their lives) and seen them survive and thrive even if it's not always what society deems "the good life" and "American dream".

I really enjoy having discussions like this and reading others thoughts and differing opinions. I hope you post more and that others join in on the fun (this is fun for you too right :tongue:).


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Circle: Two Worlds Connected Episodes 3&4: Just When you Thought you Knew Everything...Or at Least the Important Things

by Eboni Jolly on Fri, Jun 02, 2017


Show has to me trippin’! Conclusions that were drawn are now in question, theories continue to formulate in the brain, and show literally threw a previous assumption out the window - damn! Find out what I am talking about as Unnichan, Akua, and I continue to go around in circles with Circle!

read more https://www.dramafever.com/news/circle-two-worlds-connected-episodes-34-just-when-you-thought-you-knew-everythingor-at-least-the-important-things/

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This is actually too much discussion for me, I think I'll stop soon.

1. He survived about 1 month without getting into trouble/danger again, also he lied in his brother's face about it. He's not snooping, he was the one the police called when his hyung got arrested he is the one taking care of grandma he is the responsible person in the family even though he didn't have to be, and if he really could have been cold he should have turned away and lived a much easier life.

Also in Germany where I live there's only 1 reason a person can be admitted into a psychiatry against his or her own will and that is when that person acutely threatens his or her own life and safety or somebody else's life and safety and when it's obviouly to all that it's because of a psychological disorder. So actually it's damn hard to get admitted into a psychiatry. What you are describing seems extremely arbituary and like brutal violation of human rights.

3. You are right, she's "not from this world", what makes her different. And it surprises me that you as a member of a group of ppl who used to be suppressed and discriminated think that that should be enough proof or sufficient doubt that she's up to no good or that her group that is from somewhere else must be a threat. Do you realize how many mistakes have been made in human history based on such base fears of the unknown and how many have died and suffered because they are "not from this place"? She could have been caught and experimented on by the "dad" aka the professor and lost her memories.

The show has shown us nothing yet of her true nature and what she has to do with the whole thing, to me he is pulling the whole thing out of his hair. I'm not sure about the not crazy part either, actually my theory is that the hyung is suffering from some kind of PTSD from being abandoned by their father, supposedly because of the alien woman, which is why WJ who despaired from helping him or getting him to lead a normal life believed in the end that forgetting was the only solution, and that some memories were like cancer. Btw he's regretting what he did big time now that he's grown up a bit.

4. It could be explained if you (or the drama) want to. Do you know how much a scholarship for top scores can amount to? Sometimes it's really a lot and enough to give you a comfortable life as a student as have some of my friends experienced during university time, working 2 jobs besides studying as hard you can is tough, but achievable in real world, but if he did not have the scholarship (why would he have gone to the exam even though everybody else was protesting? Does he have no heart? Doesn't he want his fellow students to like him instead of calling him a cold-blooded nerd?), only doing tuition for school children and other badly payed jobs would make it impossible to live like he did, pay the nursery home, and prepare for a future.

Btw the hyung came out of jail and got himself a job, sustaining ONLY HIMSELF, hiding it from his younger brother, he was not contributing nothing to their life, remember how the nursery home called WJ for the fees? Do you think the hyung payed any of that? I was talking what you said about taking her out of the nursery home and caring for her himself, if WJ did that he would have not way to keep themselves alive at all, so don't say something like that so rashly.

You misunderstood me completely. What I was saying that if WJ had pulled out of uni (lost his scholarship) and taken grandma out of the nursery home, he would not have be able to study, hence never would be able to get a better job, he would not have been able to work enough jobs like being a ghost in the theme park or whatever it was EVER TO KEEP THEM ALIVE, don't you see it? Ppl who work hard are of course not a burden to anyone, but thinking that you are made for special and great things and not doing anything like studying or working and just daydreaming and getting into trouble everyday is being a burden to those around you.

You can be sure that I take action in my life, but I do think before I take action.

And from my experience, not being prepared before you do something, doing things the wrong way round, will get you no where. While I'm planning and preparing my opponent might be going in, well then, let them do it, I can't stop them from hurting themselves now can I?

And knowingly wanting to learn from killing your grandma is really nothing to be proud of and not something I personally would like to count to my life-experiences. It's not "no big deal", it is sick and wrong, and no if WJ had given up on what he was doing and been like his hyung, he would NOT have done anything for her, he would have been the one responsible for her demise.

Some ppl get their degrees at 65, go them, I will have worked 40 years till I'm 65, while they can go into retirement with a degree, their choice.

And I have seen many ppl go into ruin and death because they don't think they need to do their best or because they think it's better to do everything ppl told them not to, some because they thought they were special, and it's not a nice view.

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@rittoo I share the same point of view. For me, KBG was too obsessed with the alien, blaming her for everything bad happening around. In my opinion, he overlooked one thing: Buyl saved KWJ's life. Sure, there is something wrong going on, but the way he dealt with it was not right. For me, KBG generalised: aliens are the bad one. However, I am not so sure... even human beings can be dangerous to others, just like Thomas Hobbes said: "Man is a wolf to his fellow man". We saw what human beings could do to others (a lot of genocides happened in Human History without the help from aliens).... Sure, aliens could be behind the whole thing, yet I am suspecting that some men/human beings would be willing to support them if they saw a chance to improve their situation and benefit from it. We witnessed how LHS reacted to the idea of removing memories and shutting down emotions. He was not against it at all.  

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Circle: Episode 4



Hurtling along at breakneck speed, Circle keeps us riveted to the two timelines as Woo-jin and Joon-hyuk each find an answer to a crucial question. Woo-jin battles distrust and confusion about the girl who could be an alien, while Joon-hyuk seeks to understand why a perceived enemy might be helping them.


Ten years ago. Little Bum-gyun sits in his room, timing himself as he solves the Rubik’s cube. Outside, Woo-jin is working on his homework on the living room floor. When their strange guest walks through the room and almost steps on his project, he shows her his chart of the planets and asks where she’s from: “Jupiter? Mars?” Bum-gyun calls Woo-jin into his room to challenge him to a race to solve the cube’s puzzle. As the timer ticks the seconds by, Bum-gyun looks worriedly at Woo-jin’s progress, until Woo-jin wins. He tells his older brother gleefully that no matter his high marks in school, Bum-gyun will always lose to him. Then, blowing a raspberry, the little imp runs out of the room.

Bum-gyun chases him into the living room, where the sight of something stops them in their tracks. Then, Woo-jin’s face breaks into a grin as he tells his brother: “See? I told you she’s from outer space.” We don’t see what surprised them, but their eerie guest turns her head to look at the brothers.


Circle04-00032.jpg Circle04-00031.jpg


Part 1: Beta Project

Woo-jin discovers the blue worm in a pot in Jung-yeon’s room, while the mysterious Jung-yeon stands outside a decrepit building called Eunsung Psychiatric Hospital. She gets a call from Woo-jin, and tells him exactly where she is. He tells her that he’ll come to her. Woo-jin scoops up the blue worm into a plastic bag (is that secure enough?) and heads out. Jung-yeon tries the locked gate of the premises and thinks back to the text she got from an unknown number that simply said, “2 p.m. at Eunsung Psychiatric Hospital.” She gets another text that makes her look towards the building, then finds a way inside.

As she walks down the deserted corridor of the hospital, she looks around nervously, until suddenly, a hooded figure appears before her. The figure tackles her to the ground and tries to shock her with a taser. In the struggle, Jung-yeon manages to push the assailant off of her, and hears a distinctly female grunt of pain.



As she turns to run, the woman grabs her again, and this time manages to bring the taser right up to her neck. Just in time, Woo-jin arrives and pushes her off of Jung-yeon. The hooded woman gets up and runs, while Jung-yeon shouts at Woo-jin to go after her. Woo-jin chases the woman through the narrow streets outside, until he loses sight of her. There’s no one in the next alley, except a woman in a black tracksuit, who walks past him while putting on earphones. Woo-jin gets to the end of the alley and finds a dead end. To the side is a discarded brown jacket, like the one the assailant wore over her black clothes. He looks sharply behind him, but the woman in a tracksuit has already disappeared.

When he gets back to the hospital, Jung-yeon shows him the text the hooded woman had sent her. She suggests that they go to the police with all they know now, but Woo-jin wants some answers first. He shows her the bug and asks why she has it. Jung-yeon tells him that it came out of her dead friend’s body, and that she’d held on to it without knowing what it was until now. Woo-jin asks if she hadn’t trusted him even when they were working together, and Jung-yeon admits that because of Bum-gyun she hadn’t trusted him completely back then, but she does now. Woo-jin asks her if she trusts Bum-gyun’s innocence too, and stresses that he’s not the criminal. Jung-yeon agrees to believe that since Woo-jin does.

Circle04-00111.jpg Circle04-00113.jpg

They take the worms to Chief Hong at the police station and tell him everything. As Woo-jin tries to describe the assailant’s face, he comes up with unhelpful gems like “She has round eyes” and “She looks like a nice person,” which understandably frustrates Jung-yeon. But it seems Chief Hong may be the Korean Sherlock after all, ’cause those vague descriptors are enough for him to come up with a sketch that matches Woo-jin’s memory of the woman. They are very impressed and ask how he got such details out of what Woo-jin said, and he tells them that it’s his sixth sense.

In flashback, though, we see him going through the CCTV footage from the day of Kim Nan-hee’s death. He zooms in on the face of the woman who had visited the student before Woo-jin and Jung-yeon. He gets a clear shot of her face, and his sketch today matches it exactly. Ha. Chief Hong wraps up their interview and gets up, but Woo-jin stops him to add one last detail. He tells the detective about his last conversation with Bum-gyun, and how he’d said that the criminal was “Bluebird.” Jung-yeon frowns at Woo-jin, but stays silent.


Read more: http://www.dramabeans.com/2017/06/circle-episode-4/

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I think CIRCLE crew hear my pray don't doing too predicted drama:D thank you for that! I love how they play game with us, how force us to be focus in every details, make us to think and build new theory. Just one rubiks cube make us confusion who is who. And even now I can tell if KJH is really KBG... maybe there will be another twist?:wink:

all of you put here you theory about characters and history so I try too show you my thoughts:tongue:

I Think HJY is an alien, not A.I, clone or something like that but just alien. The first scene when she appear in front brothers in 2007 convinced me. Before she took a human form she was blue alien. I don't believe in coinsidence so I think Byul and HJY is the same person. In 2007 alien/Byul just research our species in her death eyes, maybe when she after know human better, she conclude that our emotions is our weakness, and we become destruction in future if we will not get rid of them. She convince their dad and he might be took her somewhere to work with her on this project. They meet Creepy Profesor and they study alien body first. They do experiments and Byul/alien super body survived this, they success but still she isn't human so they start experience on students. Because they still need Byul, they gave her chip with emotions program so she become human, and she is also forget who she is so they can controlling her all the time. But now her friends died suddenly and slowly she escape from this trap. I think in future she will be try fix everything and she will be also looking for KWJ. She was in shock when KJH become KBG. btw. she also play with cube rubicon:wink:

About chairman there are so many options so I a cant choose... I will wait to next episode for more puzzle.


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@rittoo (and I'll stop @-ing you after this. though will still enjoy reading your posts) I don't think Byul/Jung Yeon is bad or evil or whatever (it's pretty apparent that she is as much a victim of whatever is going on as are the college students who committed suicide). I do however think innocently or not she is wrapped up in this whole mess and as I said before, is just the tip of the iceberg in all of this and whatever all of this in 2017 is, the results are the Smart Earth in 2037. So with that in mind, do I support investigating her and any other suspicious person(s) human or alien until the truth is uncovered, Yes, I do. I am not going to pretend I understand or like all of Bum Gyun's actions (tasering people or aliens or whatever, no. The way he just left his little brother and walked off in the night, no. The way he blindly runs into danger, no. Not going home, filling your brother in on things and working together to solve this...NO!!) but when it comes to him investigating for the truth, I support it.

I don't understand or support all his decisions/choices. But I do understand where he's coming from and  what he is trying to do. I like the character (as I do Woo Jin).  I mean if I look at things from Woo Jin's perspective, Byun Geom is the worst. He has basically forced his little brother to grow up and take on much of the responsibility, and be the head of the household all alone (in many ways Byun Geom abandoned Woo Jin long before he was kidnapped) and that is unfair. But then it's equally unfair to subscribe the same responsibilities onto the same aged Byun Geom. Neither of these boys should have to have that role/burden and all of that goes back to dad. The boys need their father in their lives. Byun Geon needing/wanting hiis father to be the father figure, to be someone they can rely on, some one to lesson the load, is what is pushing him to be so crazy about the aliens, and finding the truth. It's not just about Byul/Jung Yeon and these suicides (which he's not wholly wrong about so I want him to keep investigating). It's also about finding dad and bringing him home and maybe getting answers of "Why did you leave us? Did you really leave us or were you taken? We need you please comeback," I can relate to these driving motives of his and I just understand and feel for the character.

I feel for Woo Jin too because he has the same experience and the added burden of having to be the rational one, the responsible one, the one who has it together. Poor boy may be drowning and can't even show it. However his whole let it go, move on, just forget...focus on yourself and forget, I just, I can't relate. I wonder has he really prosessed and truly moved on from it all or it like, he doesn't even think of it. Like Lee in 2037, Woo Jin has "forgotten", he's locked those things away in some corner of himself never to be looked at, almost like it didn't happen. If it comes to surface he can just brush it off, erase it, just keep going on..how do you do that? I mean I understand why he does it (he has to because of this grandma, school, etc) but I can't relate. Walking to take his test, asking for the position when the body isn't even cold yet, erase memories to cure PTSD, forget dad...I understand the reasoning behind it, in many ways it takes strength and some kind of courage to do that, but I can't relate. I'm not like that and I just wonder, if forced to confront and face these things, can/will Woo Jin? (or like Lee would he rather have it all ripped away again) If dad ever came back what would he do? I mean Woo Jin seems so put together, but beneath it all (no dad or grandma or brother) just him, is he really okay? I mean 'let's erase memories as a way of dealing with PTSD"...say what now? Ooooooor you could learn to process, deal, live with these memories. Learn to overcome them, learn from them, learn to function, still be you, still live in your truth and be your productive member of society (which varies from person to person) while still having those memories. Erasing those, wouldn't that be like erasing part of your self? Can you be your whole self if parts of you are missing? Is Woo Jin his whole self? Because of such thoughts/statement from Woo Jin, I question just how okay and together he really is.

I feel that at the end of the road (after all this investigation) if Byun Geon was faced with "boy there are no aliens, your dad did abandon you, and you are cray cray!" he would process it, he would deal, and he would go on to function productively (I think that unknown/unanswered of it all is what's driving him bonkers now). But if the same were to happen to Woo Jin  (there are aliens, your dad did not abandon you, your brother is not cray cray) could he process it (both shatters perceived identity and present drives  and motives), deal, and function productively...the whole, let's erase memories, makes me question if he can. Also recent revelations of 2037 has me yelling at Byun Geon "you should be sorry, was it worth it? Your brother is missing. He was without you for so long and you without him, and even now, was it worth it?" But you know risks, and sacrifices, and who's to say things wouldn't have been equally bad or worse for him/them and so many others if he had given up and stayed. Choices, and you just deal with the consequences/outcomes. As for grandmother. Like I said if I take care of my grandmother (I provide for her as best as I can. I feed her, cloth her, care for her, buy her medicine, support her, love her, make her laugh more than cry, I'm there) as best as I can, to the best of my abilities, and she dies (not of neglect or anything like that) why should I feel guilty? (and well being human I would still feel guilty and what ifs would plague me for a time) Why should I blame myself? If grandma were to die in Monday's episode, I don't think Woo Jin or Byun Geon would be at fault or should blame themselves. What or how would they have caused her death? Being in jail or chasing aliens caused granny to die? Being a college student and looking for my brother, caused granny to die? Oh, if only I hadn't gone to jail, if only I wasn't chasing aliens. Or if only I skipped that class to visit her or if only he hadn't disappeared. And who's to say if any of these if happened she still wouldn't have died because she's old and it was just her time to go? Think what you will of me, but if I can l look at myself, analyze myself and say "Yes, I did my best for and by grandma." I am not going to let second guessing, what if's, could have, should have, would have, but didn't; plague me into blaming myself and having some kind of guilt and mental break down over her death. I will grieve. I will mourn. I will go through the motions. I will admit my faults, my mistakes, my regrets, but I am not going to say "I killed grandma." I will not blame myself for her death and I wouldn't allow others to blame me, hold me responsible, or lay that kind of guilt at my feet. 

Also here in America getting someone committed into the psych ward varies state by state hospital by hospital. But yes it's surprisingly and horrifically not that hard to do at all. I agree with you that the system sadly can be abused and human rights violations are made almost everyday. But working in the profession, I have seen cops have a person committed because they were drunk or parents have kids as young as 10 placed and evaluated for something like wetting the bed and refusal to eat. I mean it takes a lot to keep the person after the initial 1 night stay or 3 day eval (lot of testing, psychological assessments and evaluations, etc), but getting them through the doors, sadly is not that hard to do. 

@bebebisous33 I 1000% believe human are involved in this. I said in an earlier post, human are selfish and greedy beings. I have no doubt that some human or a group of human signed some kind of deal with the devil with the aliens or tried to use or outsmart the aliens and whatever the results are/we have seen in 2037, human are involved. Smart Earth and all the that it may or may not be, humans are involved. Whatever is going on with Byul/Jung Yeon, and whatever is beneath that tip, humans are involved (how did she get into he hands of her "dad"). I will never argue aliens bad, human good. Humans over the years and just in 4 episodes of this drama have more than shown the great evil they are capable of doing onto others. 

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3 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

@rittoo I share the same point of view. For me, KBG was too obsessed with the alien, blaming her for everything bad happening around. In my opinion, he overlooked one thing: Buyl saved KWJ's life. Sure, there is something wrong going on, but the way he dealt with it was not right. For me, KBG generalised: aliens are the bad one. However, I am not so sure... even human beings can be dangerous to others, just like Thomas Hobbes said: "Man is a wolf to his fellow man". We saw what human beings could do to others (a lot of genocides happened in Human History without the help from aliens).... Sure, aliens could be behind the whole thing, yet I am suspecting that some men/human beings would be willing to support them if they saw a chance to improve their situation and benefit from it. We witnessed how LHS reacted to the idea of removing memories and shutting down emotions. He was not against it at all.  


First @rittoo and @MrsSoJiSub, I happen to love reading your long discussions. Everything is so mysterious that I love reading the different angles.

@bebebisous33, I have to say that when I saw that scene of the car coming into the building, I actually thought that the alien was causing it to happen. Yes she saved him, but that scene made me wonder.

Also, I didn't get the feeling that KBG generalized "aliens are the bad ones". He is someone from first hand experienced know the danger of this "alien" from their first meeting when it was chasing him and his brother, cause a car accident before appearing as a young woman who hasn't aged in years. He also know that his father who was their protector, was taking her away and he never returned. Yes, the "alien" saved him and survived having a piece of glass in her neck (I'm still not sure she didn't cause the car to drive into the restaurant), they had a loving and caring father who just never returned home. I can truly get KBG's actions after witnessing all the suicides and the "alien" happens to be at all of them. 

LHS is not against removing memories because he's weak; he doesn't want to confront his pain. He has chosen to live in a false reality and remove joy from his life. He has chosen to be trapped in his numb, emotionless world and never experience joy again.

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Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

via DB Staff




It’s been an amazingly full week for me, mostly because I’ve been hit with the disease where I have been finding everything interesting. Nothing has fallen off the watchlist yet, but time will tell if I can keep up this pace (I’d bet on no), and which shows will have to be put on the back-burner. For now, though, I’m reveling like a glutton. A glutton with a stomachache and dark circles from all the drama gorging. No regrets! –javabeans



  • Circle: Omg this got so exciting! Every time I’m in one time period, I think I like it best, then we move to the other time period and I think that’s my favorite. It’s so rare to find a show that’s not just good, but so unpredictable and assured that I feel safe just diving in head-first and putting my full trust in the drama to deliver something awesome. Plus, every episode keeps upping the ante and throwing even better twists our way, and I’m just really happy to be watching this.



  • Circle: I really miss shows that have a distinct and bold sense of directorial and atmospheric style, which is often used to update a hackneyed genre (no hate, I love sci-fi). I thought this would be the one to satisfy that craving, but instead I’m left pretty disappointed with the look and feel. I’ll stick around for a few more episodes and maybe marathon it at the end, but I don’t feel any urgency to keep current with it.



  • Circle: AAHHH. This show is amazing. I love the memory theme linking our main players together, and I’m surprised that they revealed the identities of our resident alien and amnesiac detective so early on. I’m also intrigued that the baddies in our show could very well be humans doing what they think is right, because there ain’t nothing as scary as determined, smart people acting on good intentions. I just hope that the show can keep up this fast pace to the end, since all we’re going to get is 12 measly episodes.
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