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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Just finish watching ep 14. it is unacceptable. The whole ep is a repetition of previous scenes. Ep 13 was so sweet and sad, but ep 14 is disappointing. So it ends? if yes, it will be the very bad ending.

The evil ghost is still alive, the kind goblin disappears??????? ET will live with sad memory ?????, how about her when she is 29 at the restaurant? Who will be that man? I guess he is KS ? but I am so disappointed with ep 14. Feel like it is stuck? Do they have ep 15-16? 

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7 minutes ago, kao914 said:

Just finish watching ep 14. it is unacceptable. The whole ep is a repetition of previous scenes. Ep 13 was so sweet and sad, but ep 14 is disappointing. So it ends? if yes, it will be the very bad ending.

The evil ghost is still alive, the kind goblin disappears??????? ET will live with sad memory ?????, how about her when she is 29 at the restaurant? Who will be that man? I guess he is KS ? but I am so disappointed with ep 14. Feel like it is stuck? Do they have ep 15-16? 

What you watched was a special episode. Ep 14 doesn't air until next Frid and then the last two eps will air back to back on Saturday. This was announced a while back. They need more time to complete the upcoming episodes due to the tight schedule and all the CG needed. 

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12 minutes ago, kao914 said:

Just finish watching ep 14. it is unacceptable. The whole ep is a repetition of previous scenes. Ep 13 was so sweet and sad, but ep 14 is disappointing. So it ends? if yes, it will be the very bad ending.

The evil ghost is still alive, the kind goblin disappears??????? ET will live with sad memory ?????, how about her when she is 29 at the restaurant? Who will be that man? I guess he is KS ? but I am so disappointed with ep 14. Feel like it is stuck? Do they have ep 15-16? 


Dear..ep 14 is not yet aired. Ep 14, 15 and 16 will be showed next week. Yesterday's ep was a special ep. And the blueberry fuschia in rage ghost is dead in ep 13. Next week is the final week with 3 episodes. Dont be dissapointed just yet. 

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45 minutes ago, 122am said:


@lacremedelameme My understanding is, yes, there is time lapse between the day KS died and the day KS awoken. I'm not sure how many years passed. Sometimes in Asian culture, you need many years of followers who worship you as a 'deity' before you are granted deity status. Since KS is seen as a warrior general with good victory record and upright morale values, it could be a time of turmoil with Eunuch possibly in power. The God in power decided to revive him to 'right the wrong' where Eunuch is in power. 

As to how this ties back to modern times where ET has forward time lapse to 29 years old... I'm not sure. I think it should be, time flows naturally in modern time. She graduates, gets a job, and gets hired by DH's company. Anyway, DH is her friend and they know and get along well with each other. 

I don't think ET loses her memory. Since her friend is still Sunny (according to phone conversation). 

Could it be this?

KS is the new CEO. ET does not know KS is revived (alive as a mortal). She goes to meet the new CEO in her favourite beef Canadian restaurant. At this stage, she decided to live her life bravely by embracing her career. She turns and sees CEO and realizes it is KS alive! YES! So no memory loss, I hope. I didn't rewatch all eps to check my theory. Maybe I should. 

The ghost eunuch said that it was 20 years.

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5 hours ago, janeeta said:

Was rewatching the first episode and noticed that KS had literally just come back from Quebec City and THAT NIGHT he saved ET and her mom. He'd been back for less than a few hours and what's the first thing he does? Save his bride. Little did he know that 20 years later, he'd be saving her life again and sacrificing himself for her.

Another thing that was interesting is that he was sitting there drinking his beer on top of the iloom building (his company), about to have his first ever interaction with ET (indirectly). If our theories are correct, 30 years later (10 years from current timeline), he's quite LITERALLY going to be at the top of iloom, as CEO, about to have his first interaction with ET again!

Oh I love the parallels in this show!

Oh, and youre genius enough to relate it all ^_^

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 Hi :lol: ...just a few thoughts and questions

Meeting the Grim Reapers

Both the eunuch and KS died...so do they both meet Grim Reapers?

Regarding KS coming back to life

Someone mentioned in an earlier post (I apologise for not remembering who) that the young boy ET could be a higher being. If we were to go along with this then both ET and KS have done good deeds for him. ET always defended him against the bullies and KS created the wind power for him. 

Also, ET has always been helping the ghosts she meet finally leave this world in peace. KS was also finally able to thank his old friend and repay him back for his loyalty.

They have both suffered...yet found ways to be kind and helpful towards others. I am sure that this will not go unnoticed to the powers that be.

Does KS come back a mortal or not...Chairman Yoo mentioned to Secretary Kim that when a man who  walks with the wind and blue fire comes ( I do not remember the exact words) to give him everything? 

Regarding memory loss

From the snippets here and there I have seen, at least to me, it looks like ET does not remember KS but KS on the other hand does know or remember ET. I am not sure if he comes back to life with memories of her or not...but when he reads the letter ET had posted at the hotel he finds the connection to her. But for him to read the letter...it means he would have to be in Quebec. So does he come back to life there?

There also seems to be a good reason why Chairman Yoo gave ET that camera.. it holds their memories!!! So even if ET does lose her memory...hopefully the pics on her camera will help her to remember. 

I sincerely hope that at least one of them remembers their time together. 

Regarding the one night trip

I personally found the 1N trip scene in episode 13...strange for a lack of a better word.

I loved it for what it was...the OTP got to spend time alone...and act like a normal couple...and for KS it was his final farewell gift to her ( well apart from that kiss :wub:).  

I felt that 1) the scene was an after thought from the writer...like okay we need to do something more fir the OTP before they part...2) there was actually more to the scene but they edited it out because of the postponement of the episodes....I was so sure they would kiss here and I am not sure if I am mistaken, but when TVN released the still of this scene I thought there was a pic showing KS caressing ET's face and not just tapping her nose ( I stand to be corrected). 3) The rooftop kiss was impromptu (I highly doubt it) or so effective, they decided that 1 hot scene was enough for an episode that would actually have most people who watched it, in tears. 

Maybe I just expected more from that trip :tongue:. Whether they actually did consumate their "marriage" or not...I guess the remaining episodes will show us. I also do not think that ET is pregnant.






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I don't think I've ever posted here.  I think it's because, although I love the show, there's something about it unsettling. I think it's the reilgious aspect to the show that I think is fairly overlooked for Gong Yoo and the romance.  While on my end of it, I'm more focused on the mystical/theological libertities that are taken.   

I was raised Roman Catholic (was is used because I ex-communicated myself (ie..stopped believing in the absuridity-despite still studying it)) person despite the fact my culture, I'm Haitian, kind of weirdly mirrors Korean (East Asian culture).  For me, in my Catholic upbringing mind---Samsin Halmoni is Archangel Michael.  Without a doubt. For those who were raised Catholic (you know your Catechism) or Christian...you know the role of St. Michael in our beliefs.   So when I saw the way Samsin Halmoni speaking to Duk Hwa the way she did---about messing around with Grim and Gob--I was like there is ONLY one deity in Christianity who would dare to do that and it's Archangel Michael.  As a side note, my favorite Archangel is Gabriel.  Gabriel is totally God's hitman.  He wants someone to die--he sends Gabe.  Poor Michael is trying to save them. It's shameful that I'm oddly entertained by this. 

Anyway, when I say Korean and Haitian culture sort of meld---we do in different ways.  But in the religious way here---the Korean Samsin Halmoni is Eruzili D'en Tort Haitian (Voudoo- as a note; whatever you think about Voudoo is a LIE. A big fat lie! To give you a clear idea---think Catholicism but instead of a bunch of white people---EVERY saint is painted Black.  Yeah, that's about it--with various roles).   Everything that is basically said about Samsin Halmoni is our (Haitian) Erzulie D'en Tort.  As a note, Erzulie D'en Tort picture is based off of the Black Madonna- ie the black statues/paintings of Mary and Jesus. 

Just as a note...Haitiana and Korean/East Asian cultures, are so freakishly similar it would blow most people's minds.  Any other Haitians here...start studying our history and in particular our cultural peculiarities and voudoo---it would blow your mind. By the way Koean people...Haitians love Chicken feet (spicy), sweet potato, and any part of the pig (well I cant stand pig's feet). Just saying...we don't have only food in similar but just in general -- when any of my Asian friends say something about their parents...I'm like, "Are they from the old country?" It just simply refers too, were your parents born in your native country; because it sounds EXACTLY like what my mum would say. 

Woah, going on a huge tangent.  I just realized why all my friends were East Asian and Caribbean growing up---we were all 1st generation Americans and had super similar upbringings and cultural similarities. (Okay, totally off course here).

Anyway back to my point. The second point for is, and I apologize for my focus on the metaphysical side of this story, is the role of reincarnation here. Despite that faces may seem similar that doesn't mean the body that has been "reborn" maintains the "soul" that is reborn.  It's just an interesting element for me here. In some cases they stay the same, for instance (copied straight from dramawiki)  Shin's loyal subordinate (Goryeo era) / Kim Woo Shik (job applicant).  Same soul, same body.  While others, like Yoo Shin Woo's secretary looks like a young version of Park Joong Won---but they are two different people.  It's the same as Kim Shin's sister(s). It makes you question the interpretation of reincarnation here. I'm ambivalent about it (I'm a pantheist), however, one argument says--well reincarnation can't exist since the population has increased exponentially from the past (which could be debated based on the status of evolution---but that's whatever).  Second argument, is that reincarnation could happen---since the soul lives on even if the body or form is different. Just rather fascinating perspectives in play here. 

Last is the story and then romance.  The metaphysical stuff is far more entertaining. 

51 minutes ago, kao914 said:

Just finish watching ep 14. it is unacceptable. The whole ep is a repetition of previous scenes. Ep 13 was so sweet and sad, but ep 14 is disappointing. So it ends? if yes, it will be the very bad ending.

The evil ghost is still alive, the kind goblin disappears??????? ET will live with sad memory ?????, how about her when she is 29 at the restaurant? Who will be that man? I guess he is KS ? but I am so disappointed with ep 14. Feel like it is stuck? Do they have ep 15-16? 

It has 16 eps.  Episode 14 came out already?  Did you watch it in Korea then (or through one of those online platforms)? Because I know there was an episode 13.5 (whatever that really meant) which was a total repeat story thing and celebration of TvN.  I also get the feeling there's a chance this show might get extended.  But that could be wishful thinking. 

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1 hour ago, _Dokkaebi_ said:

Okey, so here is my question for all of you. Hypothetically - IF the theories around ET meeting KS in Canada 10 years later are true, and GR DOES erase her memories, will the essence of the drama still be the same? Starting with clean pages and all, without everything they went through together?

For me I believe it would be a bit bitter-sweet, I would probably be happy because then they can finally have the life they wanted to have, but will they know that this is the life they wanted to have at all? 

At the same time I think GR won't erase her memories and she's only saying she's never been to Canada before because she can't tell HOW and WHY and WHEN she went to Canada, so easier to go with "not been here". As a lure for us as viewers

I would like to see an all weepy reunion where KS just shows up "NOT DEAD", just like Sherlock did with John, but yeah. Not entirely the same way. What do you guys think? 

I'm leaning towards this theory. I think she was lying to Sunny, didn't want to explain how she's been to Canada.

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Its funny other people condenm episode 14 in here althought its not airing and will be next week..Can you read this is just special episode only and lazy to read everywhere about this annoucement..:blink:

Now Its me time to watch episode special...Need to kacang goreng to eat...:D

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10 minutes ago, Lids said:

I'm leaning towards this theory. I think she was lying to Sunny, didn't want to explain how she's been to Canada.

I'm agree with you , because it will be quite strange to explain Sunny all that situation with her "traveling" to Canada.

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2 hours ago, naritul said:


Sorry... but i don't think we will get hot kiss(es) more than CP... Shintak ep 13 kisseu is beyond my expectation.... because Goblin is not a pure romance drama.  I kinda expecting more for Wangsun couple! but let's hope KES-nim will hear our thoughts here!!!!

About their one night trip, i believe Kim Shin is a real gentleman and I never thought he would left ET with a baby because he had been preparing himself to die... 

ahaha...it's just imagination dear, just like @rambutan said "an idea". personally i do think (even if there is hot kiss) it won't be like CP, it gonna be different type of hot kiss because the story also different. either it more or less hot it depend on story development.

about the one night trip, judging KS personality it gonna be "innocent" trip. yes he is a gentleman but other than that i think for KS only it's not a right time to do "something" on that trip since he must be have so many think in his brain for his finale battle. it's just me who think something happened that night to cover up my sadness (its hella good medicine for me hehehe.... panda-emoticon-04.gif?1292863504)

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14 minutes ago, shynaz said:

Its funny other people condenm episode 14 in here althought its not airing and will be next week..Can you read this is just special episode only and lazy to read everywhere about this annoucement..:blink:

Now Its me time to watch episode special...Need to kacang goreng to eat...:D

Yeah darling ... but some people don't read announcements an the hype following them ... or pay attention to scenes in the drama ... or to rule on soompi 
I think I will clean my floor instead of fighting the urge to point some people at things :wink:



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54 minutes ago, lexicon said:

 Hi :lol: ...just a few thoughts and questions

Meeting the Grim Reapers

Both the eunuch and KS died...so do they both meet Grim Reapers?

Regarding KS coming back to life

Someone mentioned in an earlier post (I apologise for not remembering who) that the young boy ET could be a higher being. If we were to go along with this then both ET and KS have done good deeds for him. ET always defended him against the bullies and KS created the wind power for him. 

Also, ET has always been helping the ghosts she meet finally leave this world in peace. KS was also finally able to thank his old friend and repay him back for his loyalty.

They have both suffered...yet found ways to be kind and helpful towards others. I am sure that this will not go unnoticed to the powers that be.

Does KS come back a mortal or not...Chairman Yoo mentioned to Secretary Kim that when a man who  walks with the wind and blue fire comes ( I do not remember the exact words) to give him everything? 

Regarding memory loss

From the snippets here and there I have seen, at least to me, it looks like ET does not remember KS but KS on the other hand does know or remember ET. I am not sure if he comes back to life with memories of her or not...but when he reads the letter ET had posted at the hotel he finds the connection to her. But for him to read the letter...it means he would have to be in Quebec. So does he come back to life there?

There also seems to be a good reason why Chairman Yoo gave ET that camera.. it holds their memories!!! So even if ET does lose her memory...hopefully the pics on her camera will help her to remember. 

I sincerely hope that at least one of them remembers their time together. 

Regarding the one night trip

I personally found the 1N trip scene in episode 13...strange for a lack of a better word.

I loved it for what it was...the OTP got to spend time alone...and act like a normal couple...and for KS it was his final farewell gift to her ( well apart from that kiss :wub:).  

I felt that 1) the scene was an after thought from the writer...like okay we need to do something more fir the OTP before they part...2) there was actually more to the scene but they edited it out because of the postponement of the episodes....I was so sure they would kiss here and I am not sure if I am mistaken, but when TVN released the still of this scene I thought there was a pic showing KS caressing ET's face and not just tapping her nose ( I stand to be corrected). 3) The rooftop kiss was impromptu (I highly doubt it) or so effective, they decided that 1 hot scene was enough for an episode that would actually have most people who watched it, in tears. 

Maybe I just expected more from that trip :tongue:. Whether they actually did consumate their "marriage" or not...I guess the remaining episodes will show us. I also do not think that ET is pregnant.

The way they went out would suggest, from what I can see, that they don't become grim reapers.  Anyway KS won't be a grim reaper because his curse was to watch all the people he would come to love and care about die until his bride removes the sword.  Therefore he had over 900 years of repentance.  He is not a GR.  I don't know how that would work.  Secondly, if there is a "God" in this story, then there is a "Satan"---God cannot exist without Satan and vice versa.  This would be a special place for him.  If you notice the Grims, even though they did awful things to other's...it's almost like they're in a state of pergutory.  For example, Wang Yeo did awful awful things.  But he also totured himself---through emotional self flagellation then he killed himself.  The way the auditors made it seem, it was him killing himself which was the bigger sin.  Feeling repentance and sadness over your brutality would be different---because he felt that. But in the eyes of "God", killing yourself is one of the worst evils you could commit. Not to mention, the eunuch died in fire and brimstone---so yeah...no.  He's not a grimmer.  NOTE though...I speak from my Catholic upbringing mixed with my knowledge of Voudoo and East Asian religious knowledge.  With that bbeing said...it's a toss of coin here. But I'm going with my first point.

I'm more interested in the long term ghosts.  It seems when a ghost has done what it needed to do it fades away.  Similarly to what happened in Master's Sun.   For instance, going back to ET's mum.  She came to celebrate ET's birthday and told her she would die. Then she just faded away.  The same thing happened to that ghost that was killed by her husband.  I don't know if it's because they managed to evade the reapers---over time they don't meet the reapers because in some way they've been avenged and found peace without remembering those times.  There's no real clarity there.  I always put it as a Master's Sun anomaly for those extended ghosts. While, others are just picked up immediately by the reaper. 

I'm not sure about the boy being a deity.  It's true, he randomly shows up at interesting times---but I just think he's a random character.  They would have done more to build him up if he was someting special considering there's only two eps left and the boy was on two separate eps for less than 45 seconds. 

As for helping others...I agree and disagree.  ET yes, but KS has caused a bit of his own trouble.  I don't remember the ep exactly, but when he paired two people up together...and ET was like that's so romantic.  While KS says, that's not love---they'll make each other's lives miserable.  They deserve it for what they did in the past.  I mean...he's not all roses and weather forecast here. 

You know what...I want KS to come back but not as a mortal.  There have been too many things I felt he has left to do and he has a bride he has to get pregnant (who most likely isn't fully mortal herself (despite her beliefs)).  :expressionless: He's just not done yet.  Wang Yeo never really apologized to him. It's sort of lame that I didn't really get a chance to see Wang Yeo defend Kim Sun from a demon.  I was waiting for a battle...you know...a cool fight scene.  Then there's that female Grim Reaper---no one has spoken about her and she has to play some role in all this nonsense. 

You're kidding me?! There's a memory loss trope?! I'm done. Is there no way to avoid these things...just a little bit. 

Highly doubtful in my eyes that ET is pregnant.  I think in some ways she's still seen as a sort of kid.  If KS does come back (hopefully as still a deity in some way) I hope it's a few years later when she's older.  Currently, she's not fitting him yet.  It's like a random no-body teen girl dating Chris Hemsworth rather than Tyler Posey (her high school buddy or something).   Dunno...I'm not there yet with them as a mature couple.  At times I feel ET has a fangirl crush.  While on the flipside I feel she's obssessed and married to this one-track idea, "I'm the Goblin's bride." I need more from them to get into this romantic story.  But yeah...we all know ET has to end up pregnant at some time.  I wonder what will happen between Wang Yeo and Kim Sun?! I feel like Wang Yeo will be spared---he'll probably turn into some other deity type thing or maybe made human without any memories. But that wouldn't make sense b/c Kim Sun would have all of hers. Weird.

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I wish they could have explained more about the stories and sidetrack a little rather than just repeating the entire story...

Like for example, how did Sunny think of using the blossomed tree branch to catch GR. Did she have a glimpse of him when she was on her way out or did she figure something out? How did she figure it out, through ET and KS's action or just purely GR and the weird stuff happening, ie. ringtone, falling but not getting hurt. Sunny's life. How did GR friend rent the house from SamShin, did SamShin make Sunny move in? Why?

Why did KS choose Secretary Kim. Which BTW, he's actually really cute. Shall we all get the high ratings and get him to dance to TT. hehehe. Was the heading in and out of the door (to search for DH and drink soup) an ad lib? Since the staff laughed out loud. 

Pardon me if someone wrote this before. (I will start my backreading now)

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11 minutes ago, itzibitzispider said:

Yeah darling ... but some people don't read announcements an the hype following them ... or pay attention to scenes in the drama ... or to rule on soompi 
I think I will clean my floor instead of fighting the urge to point some people at things :wink:



yes agree with you..do i care to all that opnion.Iam still watching special episode.Why I like this special?May be include all summary all episodes..:D

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