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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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3 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

@gutibear i guess i am worst above all. i can't stream LIVE ep15/16 which fall on Saturday. reason: having this Major Family Clan Dinner, which i best set example for my younger sibblings NOT to follow to escape... i have no way to watch from my mobile even, given the strict Dinning Etiquette Manners.. so just tell yourself, you compensate back by able to do LIVE on ep15/16.... make sure you fake flu, fake fever if ever Boss call you back for Sat night... hahaha. i can't fake flu or fake fever, they will want me to be there even if ill.

can't wait for tonite.


high five @maryofbethany , I have a team dinner which I foolishly set on the last episode day, before I found out it was a double episode. All my work team members can't make it on other recent Saturdays except this one. As it is a celebration of the work done in 2016, it's a good thing for our team. However, I also feel torn because it's last episode day. Let's smile bravely at dinner table on Saturday and rush back to watch the final ep with tears in our eyes hahaha

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5 hours ago, crazyoverkdrama said:

That's the only disadvantage of joining forums. You will see posts that are sometimes too much for other people's sensitivities. But that is why forums are created, right? To hear other people's views on a general topic. What is important is we all keep an open mind.  We may disagree on some ideas, but we should also listen to other people.  We can always tune out if we don't like it.  

That is why I believe that this drama is really good.  It is not too complex to understand, not too simple to take lightly.  It invokes so many ideas and theories (thanks @packmule3, @selenette, @hushhh, @nearsea, and those who contributed) that makes it even more enjoyable. I may not agree to all of them, and even I have my own ideas and take on the context, but I've enjoyed them all. And I believe this is what the writer aims, too: for the drama watchers to enjoy her work.  And from the way ideas and theories fly here and there, we can conclude that we do enjoy it.  It's only 3 more episodes, so why argue now, right? 

Let's all have fun and enjoy the remaining episodes. :)


Thanks for including me.

I've mostly been watching the macro-story for narrative sense.

I have been swamped for most of the broadcast of Goblin and the three weeks winter break was eaten up with a bad cold.  School is started and is eating up my time once again. Packmule3 is a keen investigator with a wide array of knowledge from "ball fakes" to love in its myriad of manifestations. I understand the case she is building for the Reaper Queen, but it just doesn't fit my worldview [I'm not religious] because nothing I've seen her do so far justifies 600 year of torment. I am grateful that Packmule3 debunked that canard that suicide is the worst sin/crime ever.  Anyway the story doesn't have to fit my worldview for it to be good.

People are back to complaining about interactions on the thread?

I've been too swamped to back read much, but as always if you don't like the way people write don't read them.   Do. Not. Read. Them.  The forum is not a class assignment where you'll be tested so you are obligated to read everything, even if you find it/them to be problematic.  

That's why I spoiler so much. 


There are some folk that can't bear to hear differing opinions

People when they think opinions are incorrect can't bear to have those opinion in the world.

I just don't see why it matters.

The writer will write.

the die with the cast

the pudding will be eaten

and there is nothing to do

once it is in the can

except for the folks who can't cope

moving on to slandering the writer.

A little off-topic


One of my intro acting class is weirdly small.  Ten people are enrolled and only 4 showed up which makes for mental gymnastics trying to figure which game to play with so few people.

I decide to do a game of improv storytelling with 3 students, where they have to tell a cohesive story but they only get to say one word in turn at a time. So I give the three guys, a white midwesterner, a Vietnamese-American, and a Chinese international student fairytales as their genre.  They start the story

WM: Once 

VA: upon

CI: you

[okay, now the midwesterner is up again and tries to work with the "you."] The story continues and the Chinese guy's words are not matching the genre.  No it isn't an English problem per se, because he had done this exercise before with the topic "pasta" and "lumberjacks".  I step in to offer some instruction and they start again. 

WM: Once 

VA: upon

CI: you

So the Americans struggle with the random genre eschewing words to do the best they can.  Don't get me wrong, the Americans were also throwing out some odd words, but they were odd for different reasons.

They struggle to the end of the story.

When it's over I debrief and everyone discuss their struggles and we all laugh. I talk a little about function of storytelling to a society, how stories encapsulates a culture's worldview, blah, blah, blah, etc.

So I turn to the Chinese student and ask if he has a short Chinese from his childhood that he could shared.  After thinking a bit he said he had one.

He starts telling the story and about a 1/3 of the way in I have to contain my laughter.

He told the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf.  

So much for the great culture difference.


He said his mother told it to him to warn  him not to lie, like most of our parents did.




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1 hour ago, maryofbethany said:

@Amber Byul or Chris Evans (Cap America) & his Bucky Sebastian Stan (James Buchanan Barnes / Winter Soldier).


ohmaighaddd. @maryofbethany you're pushing my feels to the edge here.







can't beat this though..





p/s:  i'm new here ( or more like, i been on soompi forum as a lurker only but left and came back only for goblin ) and it's only now i learned to tag. you're the first person i tagged.. ( yay! ) hope i did it right. ^_^ 

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Wow! It seems like the thread will reach 1000 pages by tomorrow!:thumbsup:

I want to livestream but for my family, 8p.m-10p.m KST time is always dinner+family time so it will be really difficult for me to get away to watch Goblin. Even if I do get away, guilt creeps in unless they decide to finish up their work at night instead.That's why I always depend on the live recaps here. So to all live recappers who will be here tonight, an advanced THANK YOU to you and HWAITING!:heart: Hopefully the livestream is good to us today and doesn't lag:D

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1 hour ago, sooyoungdaebak said:


For the sake of Goblin, together we unite and sit through 4 hours while wearing adult diapers...:lol:B) kekekee...

@maryofbethany How I wish I live in Singapore?! I do know those places you mentioned. But Boohoo, we don't have Miniso where I live... *bummer*

@hamaji TVN's so stingy! Hope the 2-day specials will show more Bts. 

LOL... that's going to be scratchy. I'll just opt for desperation. I heard from a great source that it works wonders. :wink:

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10 minutes ago, Amber Byul said:


ohmaighaddd. @maryofbethany you're pushing my feels to the edge here.


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can't beat this though..

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p/s:  i'm new here ( or more like, i been on soompi forum as a lurker only but left and came back only for goblin ) and it's only now i learned to tag. you're the first person i tagged.. ( yay! ) hope i did it right. ^_^ 

@Amber Byul U did it! unlurk to thanks you for tag me. my honor. become a little fan of what u wrote. God Bless.

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I really love what we?re living, some people are waiting to go to bed, some just woke up, some others will have lunch , the power of the Goblin is so huge that it reunites all of us from all over the world



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