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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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i missed this family., while on my usual Christmas ministries for the past 2 days... and goosh.. so many pages flies...  how am i able to backread all these pages...!
May our Goblin family, GongYoo and LeeDongwook and KimGoEun and Yoo In-na, all have some times to enjoy some sweet fellowship and warmth during this freezing cold Winter-Christmas.  May God bless all 4 of them and plenty other crews and Writernim K Eun-sook to have some inspiration and peace, while still working so hard during Christmas, and missing their dear ones during this Christmas...

and to all my Goblin-Celestial Family, both Mortals, and Immortals, all Brides and Grooms....
Blessed Christmas, may you grow in love with your love ones, or find a Love-one to love, at this Christmas,.. if not, by Next Christmas, find someone to love you ardently like KS loves ET, like WS loves ;Sunny.

a christmas gift to you all








one sincere Wish upon this Christmas...
Dear Lord, please grant Goblin Writer and Production Crew, and Producers, Wisdom and will to end Goblin with Good happy Ending, for all four Awesome Leads, that none will be left dying or in the cold forsaken, all 4, Kim-Shin, EunTak, WangYo and Sunny will love each other till old age... we want no immorality granted , just mortal life will do, grow old together, loving each other till the last breathe.
an earnest Christmas wish!!


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After watching Ep 8, I went back to watch Ep 1.
LDW Grim Reaper came to 9years old ET's house to look for her mom because she was not found in the hospital.

Where did ET's mom go ?

The two missing souls should be : ET and ET's mom.
Kim Shin is accounted for as globin just as the rest of the GR so Kim Shin shouldn't be one of the missing souls. 



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58 minutes ago, blademan said:

Can somebody please explain why GR felt pain in his chest when KS was writing down WY and KIM SUN on those lanterns??

I think he felt the pain when KS wrote yoe rather then wang or was it jst my hallucination :blink: but still the reason might b GR felt pain aftr he saw the pic of KS sister he is able to feel emotions when his name or anythng related to king is happening bcoz as per YD grandpa said that KS lights the lanterns evry 60yrs or something lyk that sry if i m mistaken abt years so y did GR not feel any pain bfr but aftr he saw the pic...its jst my theory :crazy:

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45 minutes ago, azuri said:

Hmmm anyone knows the significance of releasing a sky paper lantern? Like what purpose does it carry though? 

Plus.. KS does it often by writing their names ( King and his sister's names) and releasing it to the sky. 


52 minutes ago, blademan said:

Can somebody please explain why GR felt pain in his chest when KS was writing down WY and KIM SUN on those lanterns??


My guess it that he is still searching for those two, just to repay whatever "bill" he still has open

My guess
-> to his sister, as she had to die, because he did not heed the kings orders and thought he was unfairly accused of "Traitor/rebel leader" in his eyes, he wanted to be recognized and wanted to make the king see, that he is not trying to steal his throne
-> to the king I am not sure, maybe also that he was conceited and did not see how the king feared/felt

All those year the Grim Reaper had NO memories and was fine with it (or at least that's how it looked like), then he saw the portrait and had some of his memories back. KS wrote the names in a temple a holy place and sort of connected to heavens. Some believe there are rituals to call lost souls, family members or such. My guess is that they mark this "writing the names and light a paper lantern" is one way to call the souls. 
As Sunny drank the tea before her departure (in the GR-tea room) she does not have any memories to her previous live. So the spell does not work.
Grim Reaper KWB regained some memories and his heart & soul react to that call. We see him shortly after looking at the painting

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39 minutes ago, heroonthebeach said:

did anyone have "W Two Worlds" vibes when Wang Yeo told Kim Shin that Eun Tak was the "variable"? :)

@heroonthebeach hahha. i see W vibes in this Goblin too, but Gobin is done is such good taste.. that you don't feel its "Copying"  .

just like Woman-in Red said, ET changed the predestinated 'future' , changed the Rules, and became a new variable, when she ws unable to draw the sword, and when KS willed to live, just like some said, does the deity or Woman in love, factor in , that both of them may fall in love? by falling in love, then she can draw the sword, then it cannot be said that the Deity did not predesinate both to love each other, since it is only by One-True-Love, then can draw the sword... ? which is the reason why she can't draw the sword, since she and he does not faced and acknowledge their own budding deep love for each other... to confess by their own mouth, and recognised in their own hearts, then she can draw the sword..... wihich means by KS unaillingness to die in her hand, changed her fate and make her a new variable....

okay, give me W- dad Oh Sung-moo's magic tablet, i will un-draw the myth-curse back 940 years, and the New Curse, will be having the Goblin Bride to kiss the Goblin-groom, and the Sword will disappear and instantly Goblin become Mortal human being and live till old age with Bride! Where to find that W-Magic-Tablet?

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1 hour ago, kaqueski said:


I start to see some criticism for the goblin drama, particularly the slow pace and Kim Go Eun as the main heroine. 

I agree that the drama does feel slow at time, but i think it is the main genre, sort of slice of life in regard to the life of the Goblin household, and I don't mind at all for it being slow :))) It's part of the Tvn drama charms, most dramas from tvn focus a lot of character development and small small movements. The plot and conflict i think it is pretty simple from start to finish, but it's the pettiness and bickering of the characters that are charming to me. And I think a lot of people overlook the small arc of each passing souls we get to see in every episodes (the story of people who pass away and how they get greeted in the teashop).


Sorry for cutting your post but exactly wanted to comment on that. Honestly I don't get all the criticism regarding the pace being slow. Once I start watching time went by quite quickly and I wish they were longer like the earlier episodes. And yes like an avid fan, I'm scared about the plot going awry, but then it has been overall fairing good so far, except the ppl yeah. So, as long as the story is logical and in place, I have no complain.

I also saw this one comment from javabeans that the show keeps all the suspense for the last 10 minute, and I thought it was necessary for the plot development may be? The show has a balance of comedy, melancholy and romance [which is also too subtle, and not overt], so once the two imbeciles are done fighting over little nothings, the scenery moves down to the serious issues, that is goblin's chest lol. It is the driven force of the drama and can't be avoided at any cost. So I don't understand the outcry :S.

And regarding sunny's limited screen time, I think there is a reason that there's such a shroud of mystery around her character. There's yet not any interaction happening between Shin and Sunny, so it has been done deliberately for the sake of the story.  Somehow I feel GR would sacrifice his life for the sake of his friend turn enemy Shin [ if he's the king that is], and then everything would come back in place. The king was the one who started it all, so may be he is the one who's at the root of the solution, Also it's amusing that out of all the chicken shops Shin sends Eun Tak to Sunny's restaurant, which is surely interesting. As if he knew fate has intertwined all of their lives together. So may be if Reaper 'is' the king then he would make amend to his past sins and that would also justify the link between the goblin and the reaper after all.

PS : I remember @packmule3 saying she doesn't believe in fate, but in destiny. Would care to shed some light @PM3? When you get some time after your holidays of course :).

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1 hour ago, hamaji said:

First time posting here,

Got hooked by this drama from 1st episode. Thank God for gong Yoo and kim go Eun, their natural chemistry totally amazing. I can watch both of them just staring at each other In this drama and i Will never get bored. the ost totally on Top. All songs and bgm music are so on point with scenes. Now i can't wait for Kim Shin and Eun tak first time meeting after they knew about the truth.

Btw is there any hint about letter that eun tak send from the hotel when they are In Quebec?

Merry Christmas all !! 

and Merry Christmas

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17 minutes ago, arhana said:

As if everything was not complicated enough here comes the either you die or she dies stroke.  Why KES,  why?  I mean... I thought that KS-ET relationship was melo enough with the clause that he dies as soon as she pulls the sword but now she will if she does not.  That was not something we agreed upon. Although it does bring a more poignant,  poetic turn in the story which is ........well beautiful. They will both refuse to let the other die and that angst in between can be so enticing.  But please, no noble idiocy , no running away or being rude or pretending to hate the other or anything, anything at all.  Show us the beauty in this pain , the burning passion to live, the fierceness that is first love . Let KS fight for his happiness,  their survival and not just duck in a cave asking to be killed. Please KES,  a happy ending for them. 

WY and Sunny's story is definitely in Red Lady's words " tragic and sad ". Just when their past lives will catch up on them,  threatening  this cute rapport  they share is something  I don't want to think about. Atleast KS and ET have to fight the demons around them for survival but these two (, forget about the fact of her being a mortal and him an immortal which plays a large part in the former couple's  story ) ; he was the one responsible for her being killed,  her family's death, her brother being brand

The way this story has been written so far.... I do not expect that there is room for noble idiocy in KES' story given the meticulous plotting she has laid out ....  her story so far has been layered with meanings that has spurred the many analyses on a wide range of topics on this thread .... We just have to let KES tell her story and not pre-empt it, lest we fall into her trap and play into her hands ... to be led to believe something is true only to be thwarted with an explosive revelation ... certain parts of the story are deliberately withheld and will only be revealed to give maximum impact so it is impossible to predict with certainty on any plot point as not all the pieces of the puzzle are laid out or if they are,  they are cleverly hidden by the writer ... and only the supersharp sleuths among us (@packmule3 ?) have a chance of spoiling KES' surprise ... such is the true test of a writer's mettle ... to keep one step ahead of the audience's expectations and dispel them.... and I think we all agree that KES' is so far succeeding admirably to keep everyone guessing where she is taking us .... the calibre of the cast who agreed to work with her on this gives me hope that she is onto something and will deliver ... 

At the end of Episode 8, I think KS is asking for permission for more time to be with ET until he can tell ET she is his first love ... is the lady in red minded to negotiate ... and what price will she demand in exchange if she agrees ? 

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I saw that Yoo In-Ah was a cameo in Bubblegum, did she interact with Lee Dong Wook? Sigh, couldn't find a cut for it and i can't remember the show well now...):

Anyway, I saw some screenshot showing the red lady saying "Pull the sword out and turn into mortal" I'm not sure why it wrote mortal there and when I watched the actual scene, it was translated into "ash". And I read somewhere within the 383 pages of comments that the red lady can't confirm what would actually happen to Goblin after the sword is taken out. Also, do you remember EunTak meeting a CEO when she's at the age of 29? Annnd, do you remember in Ep 7, Goblin saved Grim Reaper from the police station and Deokhwa said that Goblin would have a business card because he owned everything (meaning the CEO?)

SOOO, IF, the sword is taken out and by chance, he really turns into a mortal, wouldn't he take back the title of CEO from the grandfather who's kind of the "acting" CEO since Goblin obviously can't be the CEO. Then wouldn't she be meeting Goblin (the CEO) at the age of 29? :DDD

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3 hours ago, sakura2016 said:

K-audiences Pick a Goblin and Another Oh Hae Young as Characters Most Desired as Christmas Date

Posted on December 24, 2016 by ockoala


read here: http://koalasplayground.com/2016/12/24/k-audiences-pick-a-goblin-and-another-oh-hae-young-as-characters-most-desired-as-christmas-date/



Interesting fact that both are tvN drama lead stars !!

and personally Seo hyun is my favorite actress of 2016 she slayed her role in another miss oh , while the best actor !! it is extremely difficult cuz this year has many many good productions and actor performances , specially Goblin ! how can I choose between LDW and GY !!  

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1 hour ago, kaqueski said:


In Korean folklore, there is Samshin grandmother, who is a god in charge of birth and death of humans. She's a powerful one, she created Euntaek because she warns ET's mother ahead and told ET's mother to sincerely pray when in trouble, that's how Goblin heard it and save her. That's why everyone is her child, like Goblin also said he was born as Kim Shin who is also her child. 

We see throughout that the lady in red is always helping children, being guardian. 

I think this article will explain it more perfectly:



I said the same thing.. the very first time the switch happened.. :)

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@heroonthebeach @maryofbethany not only about variable bring the W's memory back. But also the "fading birth mark" correlation to "loosing life purpose", also remind me of W. But I put my trust to dearest writernim that she won't let us to choose between the life of the bride or the groom. I hope there will be another "variable(s)". 

(But deep inside me also wish we can have mr. Oh magic wacom tablet. T_T)

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19 minutes ago, bubblegumpops said:

I saw that Yoo In-Ah was a cameo in Bubblegum, did she interact with Lee Dong Wook? Sigh, couldn't find a cut for it and i can't remember the show well now...):

Anyway, I saw some screenshot showing the red lady saying "Pull the sword out and turn into mortal" I'm not sure why it wrote mortal there and when I watched the actual scene, it was translated into "ash". And I read somewhere within the 383 pages of comments that the red lady can't confirm what would actually happen to Goblin after the sword is taken out. Also, do you remember EunTak meeting a CEO when she's at the age of 29? Annnd, do you remember in Ep 7, Goblin saved Grim Reaper from the police station and Deokhwa said that Goblin would have a business card because he owned everything (meaning the CEO?)

SOOO, IF, the sword is taken out and by chance, he really turns into a mortal, wouldn't he take back the title of CEO from the grandfather who's kind of the "acting" CEO since Goblin obviously can't be the CEO. Then wouldn't she be meeting Goblin (the CEO) at the age of 29? :DDD



I share the same sentiment. And as we are still not sure what will happen to our Goblin once the sword is pulled out of his delicious chest, I think the storyline you mentioned makes sense. That the CEO is him. And he will turn mortal once the sword is out instead of turning into ashes or just be gone forever. Whether he will need to be reincarnated or not, I hope not. I mean, I hope there's no HUGE time jump, which needs to take place for the reincarnation to happen. That's just, cliche. Like many of you mentioned here, I also dislike the idea of having the reincarnated Kim Shin and Eun Tak to finally be happy together. That's like a completely new drama for me, although we do still have 8 more episodes to go. 

Nevertheless, I do not want to restrict the idea of how I would like this K-drama to end. I think this is the first time I am completely clueless with minimal confidence to predict how the story is going to turn out. But, I trust KES she will not disappoint because she's awesome like that :) Except, no sad ending please writer-nim!

Have a great festive holiday everyone! 

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20 minutes ago, bubblegumpops said:

I saw that Yoo In-Ah was a cameo in Bubblegum, did she interact with Lee Dong Wook? Sigh, couldn't find a cut for it and i can't remember the show well now...):

@bubblegumpops love your nick. It reminds me my favourite line from one of my favorite drama "Bubblegum".^^ I have watched Bubblegum almost year ago and YIN hasn't appeared herself in drama that's for sure. But some says her voice has appeared in drama since she was Dj herself of most high rated radio program ever in Korea. And since the leading girl (Haeng Ah) in Bubblegum was radio PD it can be true that she was listening to YIN show. I'm in the middle of Bubblegum (re watching) right now so I will try to find it. So far here is how YIN appeared in Bubblegum phisically:



And the way she has interacted with Lee Dong Wook...somehow :))

LDW is taking selca with his future co-star lol 9actually he was taking selca with Sang Seok Jun (second lead who was Dj in drama):




And I have posted it before in LDW's thread but will post here as well. I have found many connections with Bubblegum in Goblin. I have guess that KES can be friends with Bubblegum's writer or she simply liked that drama (and I can totally understand her):

Connections with Bubblegum in Goblin:

- Grim Reaper was watching Bubblegum 2 times already

- Lasse Lindh has written OST for both Bubblegum and Goblin. 



- ET's mom is Park Hee Von who has played second lead in Bubblegum

- ET's child actress was playing main female lead's from Bubblegum (Haeng-Ah) in childhood

- New girl in ET's class is played in Bubblegum (the daughter of Aunt Princess from "Secret Garden"). Who knows maybe she's the same character and we'll get crossover.

- ET is listening to Hang-Ah's (main lead in Bubblegum) radio program in Goblin

- ET wants to be a radio PD same as Hang-Ah (lead in Bubblegum)

It's all I have noticed so far.

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