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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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3 hours ago, maddymappo said:


And JD became a Buddhist, how?  Very strange.  Maybe he gave the stone to the little blind girl. He was telling her about the stones in the beginning, but he was already a Buddhist, was his memory ok then? or he does remember god stories. 

I am still not have the chance to watch ep 9, so i will just write what is my thought regarding your question abt joo dong.

Is the show really writes there that he is nowa buddhist monk?or did you just assume it with his clothes? If he is indeed a monk now, he might have just disguise himself as a monk in the human realm. Just like moora dusguise herself as an actress and biryum as once a medical student and now a rich man. He is said to be someone that is reserved and a little different than the 3. So it could be that he choose to disguise himself as a humble monk rather than popular and rich human.

Or it could be that he is disguising himself as a shaman. Remember the time where yeom mi told so ah that she went to a mountain after to find a master that able to to talk to god but she can't find him and met with joo gul rin instead. He could be that master.

I believe when he talks to the little girl at the earlier eps, he was still not missing and losing his memory.

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 HY was scared  and thus defensive when he appeared in the portal,  and so what happened with JD he didn't do on purpose, or so I think.    He suppressed his instincts and power, and lived incognito as a decent person who helps people.  But suppression takes only one correct push to bring things to the fore.  

It was JGR who raised to HY that SA is descendant-servant.    I again suspect MR in these machinations as she wanted to rid HB of SA,   in the same backhanded manner that had JGR kiss HB at the beginning.   

I think we will see BR spell out his feelings for MR, only to be rejected , and she on the other hand, is frustrated that HB only has eyes for SA.    

And Joodong?  I hope he will be the voice of reason in this mess. 


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1 hour ago, moodypie said:

I must be insane to say this after the kissing scene, I actually kind of admire CEO Shin when he confronted HB.

He has no interest in the Godly matters, he just want to live peacefully in the human world. If HB has not turned up in human world, it would be nice to see him and SA getting along (did I say that...HA)

Recalling the first few eps when CEO was trying to learn the human's humour/joke, trying to do many good deeds and admiring SA for being a kind hearted person. 
In ep 9 it was revealed that he didn't know that the land that he just bought from SA is where the god's gate is, and it was the place which brings back sad memories of him being confined for 3000 years, and then to be thrown out to a (human) world where the air/smell was unfamiliar. Oh I can feel his fear and loneliness.

When he went back to the place to check it out, he slowly realised all these, and laugh to himself. (Ahhh BR...why must you provoke CEO some more?) We can see that CEO still tries to control himself, because he is wise not to meddle with any of these Gods. He knows he can be destructive. And I don't think he wants to go down that path, as all his years of effort of making himself a good person will go to vain. We can see he is also not happy with his power, which can be seen when he touched those flowers and the flowers went lifeless. We can see his face ...he was sad that he possess this kind of power.

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His sad face touch me to the core...  (**clap clap for good acting!!)

What he said is true, HB should return to God world. (err did i agree to that? hehe)


Now my question is, why none of the gods (HB, BR and MR) ever ask CEO who his father is. Does JGR knows who the father is?

I am curious with the conversation between HB and Moora (which kind of reveal a lot about what happened between human and God), when they were talking about the high priest. We know the hungry god JGR lives as long as the high priest. And now we know JGR knows CEO's existence and visited him when CEO was locked up in the cave.

Did i see this correct,  CEO was locked up for 3000 years ? He is much older than HB!! Some how, there must be a link somewhere...and has this got to do with the high priest? Just like what MR said, high priest asked many vague questions. why did she brought up High priest?


CEO's conversation with Joo Geo rin/hungry god...

When CEO asked JGR about SA's relationship with HB. JGR replied that she's the servant of God but also said that the GOds actually do not need her/servants. 

(If this is the case, why would HB be sent to her and then we see that in a few scenes it repeatedly said that HB is fated to meet SA. The High priest also said that she's fated to die before his return to Water kingdom. 

JGR also said that SA ends up being God's servant because of what CEO did 1200 years ago. But he didn't elaborate on that part. He only said that CEO will need her as she will be able to understand and accept CEO easily. JGR seemed to care for CEO. He said CEO will be less lonely and will have someone to lean on, if he has SA by his side.

So 1200 years ago, the ancestors of SA became god's servant is because of CEO? 

MR and HB's conversation also talk about the incident which happened 1200 years ago. MR asked why HB is hesitating about going back when he already knows what human are like and he doesn't need to learn more about them. HB should already know from this incident that human are cruel, greedy and foolish, and they even dared to envy God's mortality and betrayed the Gods. But HB took pity on them and let them live. 

Were they all referring to the incident involving Nakbik which happened 1200 years ago?

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So now I am confused, is SA being God's servant due to Shim or Nakbik?


Your points are really good! I too was wondering the same thing, I am confuse about SA's ancestors and what was done, so if SA's ancestors became servants because of something related to HY and maybe BR (like the first scene we saw with BR throwing the servants into the water?) 

Is this due to something about the Sky Kingdom with the Emperor of the Sky Kingdom getting greedy? I am wondering how this is all linked.

There does some to be some relation between SA ancestors being servants, to that Shim lady betraying the gods, to HY escaping all together? Maybe SA ancestors helped Shim and HY escape? Hence creating a grave sin? It seems that it is clear that SA's ancestors got punished because they committed a grave sin. it is just how it this all linked.


And I have to agree with you HY was really pitiful in this episode. i found that scene where he was at the gate really heartbreaking, it was like as though all the sad, angry and frightening memories came back. i actually did not like how BR was trying to push his buttons, you would think as a god he would act more his age and have more wisdom. HY just played along with BR to get a rile out of him.

I feel that HY is still on the fence of being bad, because you could see that even after he taunted BR, his face fell away to sort of a sad and panic look. He clearly is actually a good person, but because of the powers, he sometimes cant control it. Like the high priest said before, halfings contain a more destructive power (i.e. fire) hence thats why the flowers died. Its not because HY made them die but its the nature of the power. Sadly, that can be a very sad power to have, because you don't bring life you take it away.

With regards to why the minor god told HY that SA can understand his feelings, I guess its because she is associated and know the gods already, so I guess seeing and knowing a demi-god wont be so frightening? If anything she may understand and embrace him more?

31 minutes ago, milwon said:

I am still not have the chance to watch ep 9, so i will just write what is my thought regarding your question abt joo dong.

Is the show really writes there that he is nowa buddhist monk?or did you just assume it with his clothes? If he is indeed a monk now, he might have just disguise himself as a monk in the human realm. Just like moora dusguise herself as an actress and biryum as once a medical student and now a rich man. He is said to be someone that is reserved and a little different than the 3. So it could be that he choose to disguise himself as a humble monk rather than popular and rich human.

Or it could be that he is disguising himself as a shaman. Remember the time where yeom mi told so ah that she went to a mountain after to find a master that able to to talk to god but she can't find him and met with joo gul rin instead. He could be that master.

I believe when he talks to the little girl at the earlier eps, he was still not missing and losing his memory.

the confusion i have is with the timeline, when did JD call Mura and BR to the gate? considering the fact that HY escaped lets say 10 odd years, then did JD lose his memory when HY escaped? if so, then he was just recounting tales of the gods to the little girl with absolutely no knowledge of being the god of earth?

thats my guess? Because if so the girl should be like an immortal as well? I am not sure. Cause if the girl is like slightly younger than then we can say that JD only just recently lose his memories?

thats my best guess for now. Hopefully we will know more tonight, since JD would have gotten his memories back then.


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8 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


With regards to why the minor god told HY that SA can understand his feelings, I guess its because she is associated and know the gods already, so I guess seeing and knowing a demi-god wont be so frightening? If anything she may understand and embrace him more?

Yes, I believe that's what HY feels about SA too. Since she's a human and she is together with HB and the other gods. She will understand and believe HY or this supernatural power that he has and not look at him like a monster.

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3 hours ago, Visually-wandering said:

This drama actually entering the sad part now. Please writer-nim & PDnim, I know you've gave us two kisses and a lot of skinships. But can I wish for more? Because their love route is very sad, some more kisses will make it less hurt. 

Wrote in bold, pray for PDnim and writer-nim to noticed me. -_-


sis... we always share the same thoughts heheehehee... yes please more kisses and lovey dovey and if Soo Ah and Habaek will have a daughter together the Goddess of Earth (my own idea) please show us a proper bed scene... 

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Alright! I am here to chat now! Yeppie!!

The idea of BR and HY being brothers..hmmmm..for some reason..I am not feeling the brotherly vibe from these two. If HY and BR were brothers, wouldn't that mean BR would know? And..I don't know if this is mentioned but we don't know if BR is of the Sky King's blood descent. I thought he was just a God from the Sky Kingdom, but not the son of Sky King. Hm..can anyone confirm this for me?

I don't think HY is necessarily a bad guy or evil. But the Gods especially BR keeps pushing it. I am trying to figure out why BR harbors such hatred towards HY. And I am thinking that it may have something to do with what happened 1200 years ago. It is now clear that HY and BR were present during the curse incident. So I cannot help but feel that BR had to do something for the sake of the Sky Kingdom on behalf of HY? But that won't make sense because BR's first reaction to HY isn't that of a long time grudge but more of a hate towards his half blood DNA. Just what in the world is going on?


Okay. Chingus. I actually teared up at the back hug scene of our OTP. Why was that scene so freakin' SAD????!!! First, it is the fact that SA tugs at his shirt, and then cries while looking at him. And he holds her hand..and turns around. But she scoots and backs away. Just..how sad is this??!!

As for the kiss..oh dang..all i have to say is: FOR SURE..FOOD WAS NOT THE ONLY THING THESE TWO ATE!! :tongue:

@kaoriharang do you think what i am thinking dongseng? That there may someone more evil behind HY?? If BR is not the one beating HY up in that preview..then who in the world is it..if not another..being?? 


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39 minutes ago, moodypie said:

Yes, I believe that's what HY feels about SA too. Since she's a human and she is together with HB and the other gods. She will understand and believe HY or this supernatural power that he has and not look at him like a monster.

the thing is that HY can die right? he is a human only with powers right?

33 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Alright! I am here to chat now! Yeppie!!

The idea of BR and HY being brothers..hmmmm..for some reason..I am not feeling the brotherly vibe from these two. If HY and BR were brothers, wouldn't that mean BR would know? And..I don't know if this is mentioned but we don't know if BR is of the Sky King's blood descent. I thought he was just a God from the Sky Kingdom, but not the son of Sky King. Hm..can anyone confirm this for me?

I don't think HY is necessarily a bad guy or evil. But the Gods especially BR keeps pushing it. I am trying to figure out why BR harbors such hatred towards HY. And I am thinking that it may have something to do with what happened 1200 years ago. It is now clear that HY and BR were present during the curse incident. So I cannot help but feel that BR had to do something for the sake of the Sky Kingdom on behalf of HY? But that won't make sense because BR's first reaction to HY isn't that of a long time grudge but more of a hate towards his half blood DNA. Just what in the world is going on?

Okay. Chingus. I actually teared up at the back hug scene of our OTP. Why was that scene so freakin' SAD????!!! First, it is the fact that SA tugs at his shirt, and then cries while looking at him. And he holds her hand..and turns around. But she scoots and backs away. Just..how sad is this??!!

As for the kiss..oh dang..all i have to say is: FOR SURE..FOOD WAS NOT THE ONLY THING THESE TWO ATE!! :tongue:

@kaoriharang do you think what i am thinking dongseng? That there may someone more evil behind HY?? If BR is not the one beating HY up in that preview..then who in the world is it..if not another..being?? 


I am on the same line that HY is not inherently bad, so far every time where we see him doing 'bad' things, is when he loses control of his powers, and that is because he has a fear of the gods or perhaps of the humans that he wont be accepted. But so far he has lived in good life in the human realm, i mean with his powers he could become bad.

I am on the same thread where as of right now, I cant see HY developing into a bad guy. I personally think something must really push HY to become bad, maybe a rejection. I predict a rejection from SA would be quite bad. Like there was this scene in one of the preview of HY pushing SA unto a chair and his expression rather scary? I think that may becoming the changing point for HY? A rejection from SA who HY assumed would accept and understand him? Perhaps? I am not sure yet at this point.

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56 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:


sis... we always share the same thoughts heheehehee... yes please more kisses and lovey dovey and if Soo Ah and Habaek will have a daughter together the Goddess of Earth (my own idea) please show us a proper bed scene... 

Yeah, :wink: we're on the same frequency for this.

Btw @athena22 even I won my bet, I wanna share this HaBaek in the bathtub with everyone here. Found it on dc.

Geez.... Very hot here. I need to take a shower.

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@athena22 I heard your call! Here..some shirtless HB for you and Team Monday!! :tongue:Showered with sexy love!!

And a bonus:


And if you want to freeze it in time..here it is:




Hahaha @Chellsee i give to you..shirtless HB above!! :tongue: and yes, more to come :wink: i remember exactly what you wanted :D

@Visually-wandering I cannot resist a wet Water God :tongue:



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52 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@Visually-wandering I cannot resist a wet Water God :tongue:

No one can sweetie. Everyone will failed.

50 minutes ago, Chellsee said:

I run to your IG @Visually-wandering to claim my prize, and I got this! Not satisfied yet! LOL!!!


What should I do? I have nothing more revealing than that one? 


29 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:

our ahjumma fan hearts still got it LOL 

I wonder how many takes and kisses they did since every angle is different.. lemme think.. 16 times? more? aiguuu ottoke :D:wub: Shin Se Kyung has one of the most sexiest plumpy natural pink lips and she is a good kisser.. never fail me hahaha...

Ottoke ottoke... Her lips just naturally perfect for a kiss. And she knows the right time when to open her lips, and kissing back. I wonder too, how many takes they made? Long shot, medium shot, closed up shot, right angle, macro SeKyung face shot, macro JoHyuk face shot, from the side shot and from SeKyung's back shot. Not to mention the NG and the rehearsal. -_- *i'm-chill

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