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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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54 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

But it is possible, though not mentioned yet, is that the Sky god did it?  But if  that is his child who he sent to our world to survive, would he still strike him? 

HB said bf that the gods family ties are different. although i do think it is more likely BR and what you mentioned.  a father who hides his child in a cave for 3000 years and then throw him to the human world, maybe he did that so he can kill him. maybe bf he couldnt but in the human world he can. the sky god is probably the villein and a very bad father, nothing is impossible to him.

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@vangsweetie637 @nevill @hazeljrr_c922 After giving some thoughts, I have the impression that there is no real villain behind the betrayals. If my theory is correct that

  • Shim Chun had a relationship with the King from the Sky world and from that relationship HY was born,
  • HY's secretary is the king from the Sky world and HY is unaware of it,
  • Then this means that he loved both SC and HY but due to the attitude of the gods (their belief in their superiority aso), the king only went to the human world in order to marry SC because he knew that no god would ever accept his relationship in the Realm world. From their union, HY was born but the king could only hide HY from them in the cavern under the tree of immortality.
  • While HY thinks that his father abused him and hated him for hiding him from the other gods aso, he misunderstood his father's actions. This would be similar to So Ah's father. Our heroine thinks that her father abandoned her and neglected her, whereas his actions were triggered by something she doesn't know.
  • So, now Shim Chun has been reincarnated: she is Shin YJ and she will come to fall in love with the secretary. This time, he changed his position (secretary) in order to prove that SYJ despite her terrible behaviour can have genuine feelings. She was just raised terribly by her grandfather and SC has loved him not because he was a king. This would prove to the gods that humans are not greedy and selfish like MR keeps saying. Actually this is the opposite.    
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46 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

In one of my last posts, I had come to the conclusion that NB and Shim were two different persons. The latter was the reason why gods forbade humans to come to the Realm world and when NB was about to get sacrified, they decided to break the rules for her, because they thought, it would be terrible to have someone died for the gods.

But now, your comment made me think: what if Shim became involved with the king from the Sky world and this was hidden from the other gods? While Shim was supposed to have betrayed the gods, maybe she became his lover (he is a king). We heard that a god in a human form can have a child with a human. So maybe the king in the human world was the king from the sky world. And when HY was born, he had to hide HY because he knew that the other gods would realise that the king had lied and betrayed them. If Shim didn't go back to the Realm world, we can say that the king from the Sky world is indeed responsible based on this theory.

This would explain why HY was adopted later by the Shin, since he is indeed related to them. If I am correct, someone knows the whole truth and past: I suspect the high priest and JD. Then this leads to the next conclusion: HY's secretary could be the king from the Sky world. In the end, their story is coming to an end: the circle on the god stone is important. What started (SC and her supposed betrayal with the king of the sky) is about to end.

@athena22 @dramu51ch0c10ve @Visually-wandering @nonski @evie7 @moodypie @nevill 


I must have missed the detail when you mentioned that NB and Shim are two different persons. I tried looking for your earlier but recent posts but couldn't find it so i used my memory to remember what you said haha. You know, Shim and NB sound so alike..and yet sound so different too. If Shim is, according to the story from HB, who betrayed them by marrying the King in human country, this means the God was expecting her to come back. Hence when she broke the promise, they felt betrayed and isolated themselves more from the humans..and banished humans from then as a means to not feel betrayed. NB..on the other hand..if i remember correctly, the only information we got of her was from HB..when talking to NB about forgiving what the Sky King did but not forgetting. Now..i think i am interested in the time line now. If Shim and NB are two persons..then it can be assumed Shim happened first before NB. That then brings me to your second theory: What if Shim was romantically involved with the Sky King..and did marry the King in the human world which was the Sky King. In order to have a demigod..a God can borrow the human form. So..if such is the case..we will be saying HY's mom is Shim. And the reason to why she never returned could be due to Sky King. But then my counter is this: If HY was born and had to be hidden..it means the Sky King must have brought HY into the God realm to hide. But why? HY can just live in the human world so why hide him? According to the minor God..he was ordered by HY's dad to take the mom back to the human realm and leave HY. That means..the mom was there. So that wouldn't fit the story told to us by HB. In deeper thoughts, it could be that Shim did come back and the Gods knew..but did not know of HY except a few like JD and High Priest. Now..you made another interesting point. HY's secretary can very well be the Sky King in the human world. That may explain his behavior with HY. And if so..as you say, the story of Shim and the betrayal is about to end. It is noe possible that the kind person who saved HY was someone else in disguise, leading him to the Shins. So JD again then. However, that leaves NB. If the Gods saved her out of pity and even earned HB's compassion, then she must have also been involved with Sky King and the bearing fruit. If the tree is located near HY's cavern then that can mean NB was involved with the Sky King..and met HY there. Hence the betrayal of 1200 years ago. And HY knew about it..and if NB is the blind girl..explains why he is protective of her from the Gods (a reminder of the 1200 incident) and JD must have also known the real identity of the blind girl who may have lost her memories as a price for eating the fruit. 



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This is where I mentioned it.


After some thinking, I propose this solution: Back in the days, the gods were supposed to take care of the humans as well hence they sent humans to the Realm world. One of the women sent there was Shim Chun. After being so well received by the gods, she didn't want to stay there and used her family as an excuse. Returning with a lot of gold from the gods, she was wealthy enough to marry a King. From that moment, the gods felt betrayed by the humans and decided to banish the humans from their world forever and not to take care of them. Since the family name Shin sounds so close to Shim, I believe that SYJ and her grandfather are related to this woman. They are the descendants from that greedy and cunning woman. This would explain why they possess a lot of wealth and land, they are still greedy and selfish.  But as time passed on, the humans had to face difficult times (drought) and sent again a woman as a sacrifice in order to ask for the gods' help. Since the Shim family didn't want to send their daughter there, they paid So Ah's ancestors to take her place. NB was the chosen one. Since the gods took pity on the woman, they saved her and took care of her. Moreover she was totally different from Shim Chun hence Ha Baek got fascinated by NB, unlike with SC. This was observed by MR who got jealous and decided to get rid of NB by setting a trap. She must have sent her to the special tree where Hoo Ye met NB. 

But now, I have to change the story. Shim Chun was indeed rude therefore Ha Baek had not a good opinion of her. He was reminded of her, when he met SYJ. However, the god from the Sky world fell in love with her (he saw through her behaviour that she was lacking in love)... just like his son Hoo Ye. Notice that Hoo Ye has been fascinated by So Ah because she acted like a cold and distant person, however he sensed that So Ah was indeed a very sensitive and caring person. So the king from the Sky world fell in love with her but he knew that the gods from the Realm world would never accept his relationship with a human. Hence when Shim Chun wanted to visit her beloved grandfather (we see SYJ is loving her grandfather despite her greedy and selfish attitude), the god saized the opportunity to make his wish come true. He went to the human world and introduced himself as king. SC fell in love with him, unaware that the king was actually a god. From their union, a son was born but since she was a mortal, their love was supposed to come to an end. When SC was pregnant, he had to tell her the truth. That's when SC was brought back to the Realm world. She gave birth and the mother was sent back to the human world, while Hoo ye was kept hidden in the cavern next to the tree of immortality. Since Hoo Ye was the first demi-god, the king didn't know how their son would be. What are the characteristics of a demi-god? Is he immortal or not? Does he have power or not? That's the reason why Hoo Ye had to live in the Realm world. 

Because SC never came back officially, the gods thought that they had been betrayed by the humans. Hence they cut ties with humans saying that the humans should take care of themselves.

However, a drought appeared and they remembered the sacrifices from before. This time, they sent NB, the daughter of a fisher... Yet, this time Ha Baek was the one who got interested and took care of NB which made MR jealous. MR set a trap and sent her to the tree of immortality, where NB met Hoo Ye. Both came to like each other but one day, NB ate the fruit of immortality so that something terrible happened. NB died and another god because Hoo Ye got so upset to lose the only person close to him that the tree was burnt due to his power. The gods blamed NB and the humans again hence they punished NB's family so that they became the gods' servant. Ha Baek was hurt and did nothing as he was unaware of MR's intervention. I guess, Hoo Ye's father sent the minor god to HY in order to teach him how to control his powers. At some point, when the king of the Sky world realised that SC had been reincarnated, he sent his son to the human world and made sure that he was adopted so that his adoptive family would take care of him. 

The question is: who is So Ah's father? My theory has always been that So Ah is a demi-god and her father was a god. The only one left is the high priest.

PS: @vangsweetie637, I think that I answered your question with this post (why did the king hide HY in the cavern?)

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1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:

it does seem that the last time Mura was involve, BR also knew or was indirectly involved as well. i wonder if this time BR would also.

he does seem willing to get rid of SA for Mura.

but i want to give credit Mura has shown she has grown up. so i am hoping she will take a more adult approach rather than be like BR more immature in his actions.


I think for sure MR is involved. And BR is not all in the dark about it. BR did ask MR about SA..knowing that MR is now feeling the same emotions she did thousands of years ago. I don't think she has grown up. I think she is like HY. She suppresses her true emotions until necessary to snap. Btw dongseng..what are your thoughts on the theories of @bebebisous33?

1 hour ago, fans123 said:

She can choose to selflessly love without having him but she chose not to. Of course she is jealous and the root cause of her jelousy is? 

Aside from that Moora is Moora the character, (viciously scheming with emperor)

Krystal is Kristal, she is a very attractive actress with a goddess body. She indeed carried an awesome role and she nailed it right.

I don't like Moora character does not equates to I don't like an actress. :tongue:


MR may be letting her jealousy get the best of her. But perhaps this time..she will learn her lesson about jumping to conclusions.

53 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:


BR also said his lightning does not hurt gods.   If JD covered HY, he was protecting a child (he may have thought the child is human).    We recall that MR and BR were fighting, JD went looking for MR's stone (the 3rd stone).  

So it could likely be something within HY, which was triggered in his surprise and panic over JD  suddenly throwing himself  over HY.    So it was not purposely done as per JD, in their meeting at BR's home.   Could it be that whatever hit JD got his crest transfered to the chest of HY?  

It is possible, though not mentioned yet, is that the Sky god did it?  But if  that is his child who he sent to our world to survive, would he still strike him? 


MR is indeed jealous.   I wouldn't be surprised if she schemed to have HY want SA for himself.   She nagged for HB to return to the realm.  Nothing was working, so she had to directly speak to SA (in the preview to tonight's ep. )

See you all later tonight chinggus!!   


Yes it was indicated that BR threw the lightning because during the fight..we saw him throwing lightnings. Now the qn is..did he purposely aim it at HY or was it a missed shot from the fight. Also..wasn't it JD who called them to the gate in the first place..then stopped the fight. And ran off to find the stone. Now..if my theory is correct..JD saved HY intentionally but lies that he didn't know. And the crest gets transfer to HY as a result of the hit. It didn't kill JD or harmed him. So he may have been pretending to have memory loss. I don't think it is the Sky King himself who threw the lightning although it may be possible. But..he was the one who casted HY out..per HY's story. Hence..i think the lightning may have been accidental. No one knew HY escaped or even came out of the gate that night except again..perhaps JD. JD is starting to look more like someone who knows way too much.

42 minutes ago, nevill said:

HB said bf that the gods family ties are different. although i do think it is more likely BR and what you mentioned.  a father who hides his child in a cave for 3000 years and then throw him to the human world, maybe he did that so he can kill him. maybe bf he could but in the human world he can. the sky god is probably the villein and a very bad father, nothing is impossible to him.


If the Sky King is indeed HY's father, my question is why did he keep HY so long hidden? He allowed the mom to return but kept him to only abuse him? I think the Sky King may have had another plan, and was aiming to use HY. He should be aware of his son's powers. However, he then realized other Gods found out..JD and High Priest..and decided to just cast him out. I am also now wondering..just who is telling the truth. I pity HY. But..and a huge BUT..he could also be leaving details out. Often, people would rather tell their version of a truth..than the actual truth. I have no idea who is telling me the truth now. Anyone could be twisting it to fit their version of how they felt and perceived it. 


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46 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

While HY thinks that his father abused him and hated him for hiding him from the other gods aso, he misunderstood his father's actions. This would be similar to So Ah's father. Our heroine thinks that her father abandoned her and neglected her, whereas his actions were triggered by something she doesn't know.

giving SA father as an example for meannig well would make us more tolerant and accepting of the sky god actions as a father.  so it is a good move. i would be happy if there are no villeins. although bc he is not really one of the characters the possibility can be that he is a villein, or to us an uncaring father.

i did long ago say that if HB & SA ware connected to the past than HY & JY are too

in your case as mother and son which is very possible. if so. the 'father' is now the more caring one. and the 'mother' the more "abusing" in a teenage sense. it is pretty clear that JY is an aware of her being SC is secratery as well?


i think that friend of SA secretary can be the father with a code name. im always thinking about him bc i knows we will see him sometime, maybe KHN or the father, the possibilities are endless. 

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11 minutes ago, nevill said:

giving SA father as an example for meannig well would make us more tolerant and accepting of the sky god actions as a father.  so it is a good move. i would be happy if there are no villeins. although bc he is not really one of the characters the possibility can be that he is a villein, or to us an uncaring father.

i did long ago say that if HB & SA ware connected to the past than HY & JY are too

in your case as mother and son which is very possible. if so. the 'father' is now the more caring one. and the 'mother' the more "abusing" in a teenage sense. it is pretty clear that JY is an aware of her being SC is secratery as well?


i think that friend of SA secretary can be the father with a code name. im always thinking about him bc i knows we will see him sometime, maybe KHN or the father, the possibilities are endless. 

Yes, SYJ is unaware of Hoo Ye's true nature, just like she is unaware that the secretary could be a god. How could she know? Moreover, the gods take a human form in the human world indicating that their appearances can change. SYJ has no idea that she is the reincarnated SC. But by making live close to the reincarnation of his mother, HY can witness how his parents fell in love with each other. By using a different appearance, the king knows that HY resents him a lot but he also wants to be by his side.

As for SA's secretary, I came to realise that he acts like the minor god GR. GR took care of HY and visited him in the cavern... So So Ah's father had to use the assistant as counsellour and friend for So Ah, well aware that he couldn't remain by her side. If my theory is correct, her father couldn't use a minor god because her true nature would have been revealed. Since Hoo Ye was the first demi-god and was raised in the Realm world, he resented the gods and knew his true nature. For So Ah, her father chose a different way: she was born in the human world and raised there, hence she sees herself as human. However, she doesn't know her true nature hence Ha Baek hasn't perceived it yet. 

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@vangsweetie637 @nevill @hazeljrr_c922 After giving some thoughts, I have the impression that there is no real villain behind the betrayals. If my theory is correct that

  • Shim Chun had a relationship with the King from the Sky world and from that relationship HY was born,
  • HY's secretary is the king from the Sky world and HY is unaware of it,
  • Then this means that he loved both SC and HY but due to the attitude of the gods (their belief in their superiority aso), the king only went to the human world in order to marry SC because he knew that no god would ever accept his relationship in the Realm world. From their union, HY was born but the king could only hide HY from them in the cavern under the tree of immortality.
  • While HY thinks that his father abused him and hated him for hiding him from the other gods aso, he misunderstood his father's actions. This would be similar to So Ah's father. Our heroine thinks that her father abandoned her and neglected her, whereas his actions were triggered by something she doesn't know.
  • So, now Shim Chun has been reincarnated: she is Shin YJ and she will come to fall in love with the secretary. This time, he changed his position (secretary) in order to prove that SYJ despite her terrible behaviour can have genuine feelings. She was just raised terribly by her grandfather and SC has loved him not because he was a king. This would prove to the gods that humans are not greedy and selfish like MR keeps saying. Actually this is the opposite.    


Yes. I think the theories are starting to make sense. Let us say that the Sky King indeed is not a villain but a man in love with a human genuinely, then his intentions towards HY is meant to be 'tough love.' But the question is: Will HY come to accept it like that especially after the years of abuse? Then..it can also mean that HY was present when NB was present, and only grew to know his human side from NB? If your theory is correct and the Sky King is the secretary falling for the granddaughter again, then it may be his way to letting the Gods know that humans are not like the Gods put them to be. You also mentioned in your other post that Shim was brought back to the God realm, gave birth then ordered to be taken away. And the minor God is ordered to stay in the human world. It also makes sense now why the Gods thought Shim never returned. I initially thought again that when he was casted out..perhaps it was the minor God himself who is the kind person. It seems to me that only the minor God is giving advice to how HY shoud be and such, trying to calm him down and control his powers. But then..even he was surprised to see HY. So it can't be him. So must be JD.

Also..that is another good point you made. Perhaps it was not the Sky King who made NB eat the fruit. It was MR who could not stand HB showing compassion to her and mistakens it for love. That could have set the chain of events which put humans at a blame for the 2nd time. And why HB felt betrayed as he put it.

Also thanks for finding your post to me :) i definitely remember reading that post but must havr forgotten or missed the details because i have been reading so many other posts from every where :D and yes..you answered my qn about why hide HY :wink::)


I hope i make it to live recaps tomorrow in time. I think i may oversleep haha



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25 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Notice that Hoo Ye has been fascinated by So Ah because she acted like a cold and distant person, however he sensed that So Ah was indeed a very sensitive and caring person.

if SA will give HY closer and help to understand his father action through her actions then this is what would help HY even more than returning his love. bc now he is a bit of a damaged person, and i think untill he get over his "childhood" trauma he wont e able to realy accept love. and even if SA ends with HB but HY is free of his torment to me it will be a happy end for him. there are more fish in the sea. 


29 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Because SC never came back officially, the gods thought that they had been betrayed by the humans. Hence they cut ties with humans saying that the humans should take care of themselves.

so your saying that the king they thought was human was in fact the sky king willing to mislead the oher gods for his love? 


about MR i dont think she is motivated by jealousy alone, i think she is worried about how it will make HB become. like what JD said, he was a mess bf. to me she doesnt seem all that evil or mean

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1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

@vangsweetie637 @nevill @hazeljrr_c922 After giving some thoughts, I have the impression that there is no real villain behind the betrayals. If my theory is correct that

  • Shim Chun had a relationship with the King from the Sky world and from that relationship HY was born,
  • HY's secretary is the king from the Sky world and HY is unaware of it,
  • Then this means that he loved both SC and HY but due to the attitude of the gods (their belief in their superiority aso), the king only went to the human world in order to marry SC because he knew that no god would ever accept his relationship in the Realm world. From their union, HY was born but the king could only hide HY from them in the cavern under the tree of immortality.
  • While HY thinks that his father abused him and hated him for hiding him from the other gods aso, he misunderstood his father's actions. This would be similar to So Ah's father. Our heroine thinks that her father abandoned her and neglected her, whereas his actions were triggered by something she doesn't know.
  • So, now Shim Chun has been reincarnated: she is Shin YJ and she will come to fall in love with the secretary. This time, he changed his position (secretary) in order to prove that SYJ despite her terrible behaviour can have genuine feelings. She was just raised terribly by her grandfather and SC has loved him not because he was a king. This would prove to the gods that humans are not greedy and selfish like MR keeps saying. Actually this is the opposite.    

If Shim Chun = Shin Jaya, then I cannot watch her liking HY, as I kept thinking she is HY's mother. 

** I do love Ja Ya's  chem with the secretary though. 

** By the way, the secretary seemed like a devoted Christian. Sky God redeeming himself by going to the church (just my random thoughts)

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32 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Often, people would rather tell their version of a truth..than the actual truth. I have no idea who is telling me the truth now. Anyone could be twisting it to fit their version of how they felt and perceived it. 

ii think it is more we see what we want to see. often ppl just see part of the truth and HY truth is different than BR truth. and in the meantime we are getting many small truths from different perspectives. 

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9 minutes ago, nevill said:

ii think it is more we see what we want to see. often ppl just see part of the truth and HY truth is different than BR truth. and in the meantime we are getting many small truths from different perspectives. 


Yup, exactly chingu. That is why I don't know who is telling the truth. And who is leaving details out. I think even HY is not being entirely truthful as well.  We are all getting different stories lol. My hair falls out more.

@supergal99 LOLOL. You picked the scene that shows MR's favorite lines. But all I remember is 'Consummation'! :lol: @moodypie will feel the same way haha


See you all later chingus. Haha my brain needs a break for now. Goodnight :)


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Interesting theories til now! I hope for more skinship between SA and HB and i really hope that MR and BR don't die :( About HY i understand his feelings but in this drama the main lead is HB and there's no place for his pity story at all unless this show would be a 20 episodes drama. Sorry but writernim has to concentrate about HB and So Ah love story!

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12 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

As for SA's secretary, I came to realise that he acts like the minor god GR

you reminded me that i wanted to say bf that he seemed really adamant about SA falling for HB he told her will not allow HB and even returned just to make sure she understood that HB was not allowed. also bf i remember he 'threatened' her that if she keeps worrying him he will return to live in her neighborhood  like bf. im starting to think you are very correct and SA father is in fact a god or minor one.  

do you think the secretary of HY knows he is a reincarnation of a king? actually now that i think about it all the the other gods have never met him, i think. only SA & her secretary, if he is a minor god.


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1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:


I must have missed the detail when you mentioned that NB and Shim are two different persons. I tried looking for your earlier but recent posts but couldn't find it so i used my memory to remember what you said haha. You know, Shim and NB sound so alike..and yet sound so different too. If Shim is, according to the story from HB, who betrayed them by marrying the King in human country, this means the God was expecting her to come back. Hence when she broke the promise, they felt betrayed and isolated themselves more from the humans..and banished humans from then as a means to not feel betrayed. NB..on the other hand..if i remember correctly, the only information we got of her was from HB..when talking to NB about forgiving what the Sky King did but not forgetting. Now..i think i am interested in the time line now. If Shim and NB are two persons..then it can be assumed Shim happened first before NB. That then brings me to your second theory: What if Shim was romantically involved with the Sky King..and did marry the King in the human world which was the Sky King. In order to have a demigod..a God can borrow the human form. So..if such is the case..we will be saying HY's mom is Shim. And the reason to why she never returned could be due to Sky King. But then my counter is this: If HY was born and had to be hidden..it means the Sky King must have brought HY into the God realm to hide. But why? HY can just live in the human world so why hide him? According to the minor God..he was ordered by HY's dad to take the mom back to the human realm and leave HY. That means..the mom was there. So that wouldn't fit the story told to us by HB. In deeper thoughts, it could be that Shim did come back and the Gods knew..but did not know of HY except a few like JD and High Priest. Now..you made another interesting point. HY's secretary can very well be the Sky King in the human world. That may explain his behavior with HY. And if so..as you say, the story of Shim and the betrayal is about to end. It is noe possible that the kind person who saved HY was someone else in disguise, leading him to the Shins. So JD again then. However, that leaves NB. If the Gods saved her out of pity and even earned HB's compassion, then she must have also been involved with Sky King and the bearing fruit. If the tree is located near HY's cavern then that can mean NB was involved with the Sky King..and met HY there. Hence the betrayal of 1200 years ago. And HY knew about it..and if NB is the blind girl..explains why he is protective of her from the Gods (a reminder of the 1200 incident) and JD must have also known the real identity of the blind girl who may have lost her memories as a price for eating the fruit. 



I applaud you @vangsweetie637 and @bebebisous33 for thinking beyond. My mind stop thinking since last week...as you can see i didn't have much comment then. hehe. 

I would also like to know the time frame of  Shim NB ..

I believe NB was in the realm of god before Shim... right?



@supergal99 that soft toy gif is hilarious :wink: 

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22 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

For So Ah, her father chose a different way: she was born in the human world and raised there, hence she sees herself as human. However, she doesn't know her true nature hence Ha Baek hasn't perceived it yet. 

but getting the same result. more or less

and i dont think the minor gods wold recognize SA as a demigod, unless you mean by association. but if so he could have just pretended to adopt her as well. to the minor gods

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28 minutes ago, supergal99 said:

grrrr... now me getting worried for SA's tongue... (our goddess' favourite line:wacko:)

you got me worried as well.


17 minutes ago, lolly84 said:

Sorry but writernim has to concentrate about HB and So Ah love story!

LOL a very rational reason! i dont mean it cynically.  

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