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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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4 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Hello Chingus! It is only Thursday here. Monday too far away LOL


@bebebisous33 I read your post last night right before sleeping, then thought about it before actually sleeping :lol: let me see if I can put all my thoughts together like I did last night before I slept haha.

I also am beginning to think that if JD is in hiding somewhere, he is in another person’s form, which can be the secretary. I find the secretary to be mysterious as well, almost as if he understands and accepts HY to be the way he is. He offers advice and suggestions. Hence, I do go with that theory as well. If JD is not floating somewhere in secret, he is in a human body, as a disguise. The question will be: Why can’t HY recognize him? If the secretary is JD in disguise, it will be hard to recognize him in his real form unless he gives off a Godly vibe or scent.

I still do not go with the theory that SA may be a demigod. But you do bring up very interesting points. I think she is full human. First, I am now starting to speculate that the monk from the beginning can be her dad. He seems to know a lot about the Gods, and I think SA’s dad has connections to the Gods. If she is a demigod, she would have known about it in some way. Even if she has fully accumulated into the human world, being raised as a human, her Godly side would be able to suffice somehow and she would still be able to feel something 'off' about her. I think when she drowned at the bridge, someone saved her. It was not her powers. I think..a God could have heard her prayers, and saved her. She mentioned that it was too cold and she used the skills she learned as a basic swimmer to go ashore. But even for a beginner, it will be hard to swim in that deep part of the water. There was also a scene when HB asks her about why did she jump into the cold water that night..and SA was taken aback because she did not mention that part of her life to anyone. At that moment, I had a feeling that someone or something saved her. Was it her own skills, or another party? This is something we still have to see.

Second, she owns the land that belongs to the Gods. It was mentioned that the land belong to the descendant of the God’s servants. The servants are human. I have the impression that if SA is a demigod, she would not need to have that land in the first place. I also do not think that the Sky King is waiting on HB to fall in love with another human. The scandals caused from BR may have been a direct order from the Sky King, perhaps in his attempt to take the throne from HB. It was mentioned that there had been opportunities for others. I think the Sky Kingdom committed an evil act on their own premises and failed. And for some reason, NB was involved. It could be that the Sky King had a liking to NB and grew jealous of HB’s love for her, and gave her the fruit on purpose, only to have her go crazy and died. I still don’t have the full story on how the humans became tied to the curse, but it did seem that the humans acknowledge the mistake such as the scene when HB’s mom put the curse out. The curse is: “Your descendants will only be granted one child, and your descendant’s spouse will leave once they give birth. The punishment for you deceiving the gods will be a short-lived love, and long life filled with betrayals. Your descendants will exist solely for the reason of serving the Gods and pay the price for your betrayal of the gods. Will you promise me this?” I still believe that SA’s dad is the descendant of the servants curse, and her real mom died from giving birth, and the mom that died was actually her stepmom (whom she is not fully aware of because she was never told). SA always mentions her bad luck, and how her love relationships don’t ever work out, and that her life is filled with too much burdens. In this way, these can be betrayals directly. As a human, she should have more luck in anything, and yet she feels like everything is not right and her fault entirely. Here, we still have no idea what the humans did wrong, or what was the betrayal. Did it have to do with NB? and did the Sky Kingdom really use a human body in order to bore a demigod whom can be SA? I cannot see the connection of SA being a demigod and her father being from the Sky Kingdom. Thus, to me, SA is full human, and not a demigod. If HB fell in love with NB who is a human, then there is always another chance for him to fall in love again, with another human. He may have locked up his love for a human long ago. But if he meets the one that can open his love again, then he can definitely fall in love once more. I also think that if HB is to come to an understanding about HY and his views on a demigod, it does not have to be SA being a demigod in order to show that. HB is beginning to empathize with SA as a human already. The deeper and more he falls in love with SA, he will begin to understand her world and pain even more. He will listen to her more, and remember her words even more. He can utilize what he is learning from being around SA to understand HY. As of now, I am like you. HB does not hate HY. He is jealous of him with SA. But the fact that he is a demigod put HB on the edge because BR made a point: What if HY feels obligated to have a servant too because he does have a God in him as well? HB caught onto that, and is even more on edge about HY being around SA. 

And you are correct. The problem then is: He is immortal while she is human. She will die. He will continue to live. But, what if she does not have to be born a demigod to break the curse? It was hinted way earlier that if the hungry God kissed HB to make him hungry, could another kiss break the curse? This idea was brushed off easily, but it may prove to be a hint for the future episodes. What if, the key to breaking the curse is not the answer of whether SA needs to be a God or not, but in the point that will she truly love him nonetheless, enough to bear the pain of a short-lived love? Will she truly be able to make sure he continues to exist by believing in him? And will she, a human, commit the same betrayal that brought upon the beginning of the curse, or will she be the different one, not tempted by any fruit-bearing trees, or other Gods, in order to reverse the curse?  

And for some reason, I keep having a feeling that maybe in the Realm of Gods, there is something as ancient and possible as a demigod-something that can make a human become a full God. In Greek mythology, a human can become full God if he/she eats the God’s sacred food: Ambrosia. I wonder if SA will become a God in the end, to live with HB, or will she remain a human. Or, it can also be as you speculated that she is indeed a Demigod but for this theory, I have to see if the episodes will provide more concrete hints. 

@moodypie hahaha I will imagine that SA will join the eyeliner, long hair club too with us! She does not have to like the outfit. She just has to love the bare front :wink:


 @vangsweetie637  So many really interesting possibilities regarding the monk and Soha. 

  • The monk could be her father, he gives up the world to save the world. He knows a lot about the gods. 
  • The monk could be the brother of greedy Shin, the Shin family sinful and he devotes himself to "the Way". .He then also finds HY and cares for him. He knows the little blind child and she also know HY,
  • the monk could also be JD.  He decides to join the world and be guardian through religion. He is also the physical father of HY (or not), and if he is, he also watches over him


About Soha being a demigod

  • I think it unlikely, because she is a servant of the gods
  • her father could be the monk
  • she may have become a sacrifice/servant in a deal that Shin made with her family, so that rich girl does not have to do her duty. 
  • the land Soha believes was handed down in her family, ,but maybe part of the Shin deal?
  • the Shin girl knows her family and remembers her father took in orphans and disabled children (jeers  at Soha because her Daddy walked out) - but I have a feeling that maybe her father walked out because of deal with her greedy family.
  • the Shin girl also went to medical school, so there is some resemblance between the two.
  • Soha in 2018 wears a red dress (red marriage dress?) and hold a bouquet of flowers when she jumps, so perhaps she is the sacrifice so that HB can be king of universe? Jumps in total faith he will catch her. She will meet parents in god world.


So many questions about who Soha's father is and who her mother is

  • This is confusing. Mother drank herself to death grieving over being abandoned by husband. 
  • Why would he abandon both wife and child and never contact them if he loves orphans and disabled children? This doesn't "smell" right.  Something is wrong, something must have happened to him so he couldn't contact them.


OR back to Soha is a demigod theory, - he returns to god world? Still so strange.


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Hehehehe the preview shows HB drawing Soah close to him :flushed:

Really loving to read all the theories, and can't wait for the next ep! I do love a bad boy acting up cough HY cough

I think Soah is a full human -- otherwise, her misfortunes don't add up, and she would display some powers during her near-death experiences. Plus, if she is half-human, half-god, HB should have recognised her heritage from the beginning as he did with HY. I also don't think JD is dead, and there's probably an explanation to his disappearance linked to the blind little girl.

I read in another blog how HY's childhood shut away in a cave is reminiscent another Korean folktale of how humans came into existence. A bear and tiger prayed to the god to be human. They had to live in a dark cave, out of sunlight, and only eat mugwort and garlic. The tiger gave up and left the cave, while the bear remained and turned into human. She later prays for a companion, and the son of the God of Heaven comes down and they have a son, Dan-gun, the founder of the first Korean kingdom. Naturally, Dan-gun is half-human, half-god, and he "retires" as a mountain god nearly 2,000 years later. There are parallels in how HY only ate leaves and was thrown into the human realm to live as a human.

A theory to the ending that explains why she jumps into the water a year later: HB finally collects all 3 stones and heads back to the Water Country. Time passes, and Soah wants to desperately see HB again, and since she believes in him and has faith, she jumps into the water to meet him. What do you guys think?


According to this article, it seems JD is indeed the monk from the first episode: http://v.entertain.media.daum.net/v/20170619080057642 

If we look at the script reading session, his name tag states Judong -- there's a photo on this page. http://blog.naver.com/hellorose1018/221059236911



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At first when this drama started i thought it will be another fluff romcom with fantasy and mythology as a small background but after episode 8 it's really make my head hurt.so many theory.question and little answer but that make this drama more joyful and fun because i dont like fast answer LOL i'd rather it step by step which this drama deliver and im fine with it..

And When People Critism bad acting From SSK.NJH and crystal i dont know why but i dont find any bad acting at all from this drama which is weird lol...

And After Episode 8 im in till the end xD...Breathtaking Cinemathography.Mysterious Story.Great OST.And The Fluff.. I can't resist it lol..it's packed in one drama :D

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4 minutes ago, Mysterious13 said:

And When People Critism bad acting From SSK.NJH and crystal i dont know why but i dont find any bad acting at all from this drama which is weird lol...

And After Episode 8 im in till the end xD...Breathtaking Cinemathography.Mysterious Story.Great OST.And The Fluff.. I can't resist it lol..it's packed in one drama :D

Happy to know that I'm not alone on this. 

Sharing you my modest fanart of HaBaek-nim.


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Maybe Habaek is the weakest among three now because he lost the power he has when he comes to human world and we still don't know the reason. But when it comes to Soo Ah, he becomes the most powerful God :D He also promised Soo Ah he can give her everything she wants once he got his power back, it's because he has the power to create or obtain any objects that he wants :D 


Habaek divine power: 30/100

Power to protect Soo Ah: 100/100

Power to create or obtain an object: 120/100


Moora's power to purify water 120/100

The power to bring the dead back to life - make them breathe again 100/100

Telekinesis/psychokinesis power 100/100


Bi Ryum's power to create weather 120/100

Power of teleport 100/100

Power to convert an object into something else 100/100

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15 minutes ago, ilwoo_aein said:


Habaek is the weakest among three, but it's because he lose the power when he comes to human world and we still don't know the reason until now. Biryum is the strongest one.


caps by tvN


Habaek maybe the weakest but the aura of a King/emperor is there. I think we already saw in many instances how Moora, Biryeom and the other lowly gods cowered in fear when Habaek was in presence.

SoAh is the only one who is brave enough to defy him point blank and throw 'punches' at him with her words. That's what I love about her. God or king or what nots, someone gotta kick some senses into Habaek-nim when he needs it..lol

Anyway, I really hope Habaek will get his power soon. We only saw 3 now and I want moooooorreee!! 

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42 minutes ago, amisyka77 said:


Habaek maybe the weakest but the aura of a King/emperor is there. I think we already saw in many instances how Moora, Biryeom and the other lowly gods cowered in fear when Habaek was in presence.

SoAh is the only one who is brave enough to defy him point blank and throw 'punches' at him with her words. That's what I love about her. God or king or what nots, someone gotta kick some senses into Habaek-nim when he needs it..lol

Anyway, I really hope Habaek will get his power soon. We only saw 3 now and I want moooooorreee!! 


Definitely HB is strong but he lost his powers so even we do not know the extent of his powers. An emperor to be must be strong enough to hold the position. And..if SA continues to believe in him, his powers will still be there. The question is: How can he get it back without relying on SA? :blink:

1 hour ago, Mysterious13 said:

At first when this drama started i thought it will be another fluff romcom with fantasy and mythology as a small background but after episode 8 it's really make my head hurt.so many theory.question and little answer but that make this drama more joyful and fun because i dont like fast answer LOL i'd rather it step by step which this drama deliver and im fine with it..

And When People Critism bad acting From SSK.NJH and crystal i dont know why but i dont find any bad acting at all from this drama which is weird lol...

And After Episode 8 im in till the end xD...Breathtaking Cinemathography.Mysterious Story.Great OST.And The Fluff.. I can't resist it lol..it's packed in one drama :D


Haha I love mythology so I came to watch this drama not following anything but the drama. I came to really enjoy and love it too. I too don't find anything wrong with the acting here. Each are playing their roles well. Hence, another reason I am invested :D

@maddymappo definitely so much questions now in regards to the monk. That girl is the connection between monk and HY. And I am trying to wonder why. If the monk is SA's dad, then it he is not JD. And if SA is a demigod, then her mom should have not died from being abandoned because her dad will be a God. And she would not be a servant. Her mom should have died from childbirth which means the one who drank to her death is not the real mom :blink: haha many questions indeed.

@supergal99 hahaha that gif of HB carrying SA in his eyeliner and long hair lol yea she is so going to faint lol

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Lemme say this first: The writer is totally successful in making the deductive skills of the drama viewers put to work. Like seriously, sometimes I even wonder who Joo Dong is when I'm taking a bath. *face palm :blink:

Here's what I think though..
- I also think Joo Dong is the monk in the first episode
- When he looked for the third godstone, probably that's when he met Hoo Ye
- When Hoo Ye saw a bright light, that was probably the time when Joo Dong stopped Moo Ra and Bi Ryeom from fighting and lost the godstone
- I think the little girl is Nak Bin
- I think Joo Dong was taking care of Nak Bin and when he met Hoo Ye, he asked Hoo Ye to take care of her instead since "he has to go somewhere else"
- I think the King of the Sky County did something against Nak Bin and Ha-baek before
- Maybe they made it appear that Nak Bin died for Ha-baek's sake but instead she was cursed to never grow up and stay blind and was eventually banished in the human world

LOL. The longer Monday comes, the weirder my delulu gets *wink!

Happy waiting..and thinking chingus! :lol:

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7 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Hello Chingus! It is only Thursday here. Monday too far away LOL


@moodypie hahaha I will imagine that SA will join the eyeliner, long hair club too with us! She does not have to like the outfit. She just has to love the bare front :wink:


omo...you meant his bare chest? i ddin;t see it properly lol. Those beads or was it his necklace that was blocking it. :wink:

lol @supergal99let's keep your wild imagination within the topic of who is HY's dad and where is JD and the stones.lol

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Newbie in this thread, hello!! Fan of both main actors!! This drama is very interesting...So Ah maybe is a demi goddess or not but i feel the disapparence of her father is related to JD.  Hope for more OTP scenes and for a REAL TRUE KISS SCENE XD Shin Se Kyung is famous for the hot kiss scenes in others projects. I'm not a pervert but this OTP has many points for kissing better!:wub:

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On 7/28/2017 at 1:41 PM, swagpuppysong said:

Lemme say this first: The writer is totally successful in making the deductive skills of the drama viewers put to work. Like seriously, sometimes I even wonder who Joo Dong is when taking a bath. *face palm :blink:

Here's what I think though..
- I also think Joo Dong is the monk in the first episode
- When he looked for the third godstone, probably that's when he met Hoo Ye
- When Hoo Ye saw a bright light, that was probably the time when Joo Dong stopped Moo Ra and Bi Ryeom from fighting and lost the godstone
- I think the little girl is Nak Bin
- I think Joo Dong was taking care of Nak Bin and when he met Hoo Ye, he asked Hoo Ye to take care of her instead since "he has to go somewhere else"
- I think the King of the Sky County did something against Nak Bin and Ha-baek before
- Maybe they made it appear that Nak Bin died for Ha-baek's sake but instead she was cursed to never grow up and stay blind and was eventually banished in the human world

LOL. The longer Monday comes, the weirder my delulu gets *wink!

Happy waiting..and thinking chingus! :lol:

i practically lol with your statement highlighted above. HAHAHA. Yes, Mon better come faster before you even wonder who JD is when you are doing something else like taking a poo or a pee. hahaha.

On 7/28/2017 at 3:16 PM, supergal99 said:


Ahhh... itz a good idea to *faint faint* then our SA can take her time to ..erhm... *smell smell* his chest..wahaaaa..:wub:




Ops! Pls 'bare' with my wild imagination coz me cant 'focus' like @bebebisous33 heee...:tongue:


:glasses:*fan fan* tooooo HOT ...in India...heee

 *wink* @goldenmoon

I think she will faint first from seeing his hairstyle and eyeliner (and I think eyeshadow) before she even gets to smell the err...ahem chest. ahahahaha


On 7/28/2017 at 3:41 PM, lolly84 said:

Newbie in this thread, hello!! Fan of both main actors!! This drama is very interesting...So Ah maybe is a demi goddess or not but i feel the disapparence of her father is related to JD.  Hope for more OTP scenes and for a REAL TRUE KISS SCENE XD Shin Se Kyung is famous for the hot kiss scenes in others projects. I'm not a pervert but this OTP has many points for kissing better!:wub:

hi and welcome to this thread. I am quite new here too :)

It's ok if you confess that you are a pervert lol. there are many here too...i believe. 

I can't wait for a kiss scene too. Mainly because i am curious what will happen after the kiss. Will HB get back his power? or maybe not. But I have a feeling once they kiss that's when the melo kicks in.

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10 minutes ago, lolly84 said:

Newbie in this thread, hello!! Fan of both main actors!! This drama is very interesting...So Ah maybe is a demi goddess or not but i feel the disapparence of her father is related to JD.  Hope for more OTP scenes and for a REAL TRUE KISS SCENE XD Shin Se Kyung is famous for the hot kiss scenes in others projects. I'm not a pervert but this OTP has many points for kissing better!:wub:


Hi chingu! Welcome to the party! :) This drama has caused all of us to think and analyze every corner haha. We still don't know who JD is. Or if SA is a demigoddess. To me, she is human. And here I am too, hoping for a kiss(es) :tongue: haha..i am one of the perverts here. I admit :D

Haha @swagpuppysong and @moodypie i literally ROTFL at both your comments on how JD has paved his way into your personal lives! 

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