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[Drama 2017] Bride of the Water God, 하백의 신부


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Ok, so we know HY, whatever is his true identity, is very powerful, while HB has none, except at crunch time when it counted, and both w/ SA involved.    Somehow, in case he is evil and will not ccoperate, HB needs all his  glorious power, together with MR and BR in an epic battle, just for a chance to beat HY.   And with whom is the 3rd stone?  Who is Joodong?  Is it HY or some other?  

As for SA, we do have scenes  of her beiing reasonable and able, and she discusses matters with HB.   When it comes to the gods' powers though, it cannot be helped that she is powerless.  But she did slap BR. And she talked back at MR, I grant her that.   That she meets with HY is that she is probably disengaging from the gods she has met and will talk to an influential human any time.   Except, at this point, little does she know, she is caught in between two opposing gods. 


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sorry, I'm a little late to the thread :)

I really enjoyed this episode and can't wait for tomorrow!

I saw a few posts with theories of hoo-ye's background, I just wanted to give my opinion:

I had to look up the chinese wikipedia article to confirm this with hanja. hoo-ye is houyi, the man who shot down nine suns in the sky (this is why we have one sun). so I'm not surprised if he happens to be particularly fire proof or has fire powers if he can withstand the fire of nine suns. I don't think the fact that he's an avid gardener means that he is necessarily an earth/agrarian god. I was surprised he burned the caterpillar but I do suspect that he might be capricious, he is generally kind and benevolent but god help you if you incur his wrath. he actually had a wife who became a moon goddess, she's the one who lives with the rabbit making rice cakes in Japanese mythology.



hoo-ye may or may not be a god. there are many legends that say many different things about him, some say he was a human hero and some say he eventually turned greedy (which is why his wife stole the elixir of immortality from him, she swallowed it and floated to the moon), some say he was betrayed by a greedy subordinate which is why his wife grabbed the elixir before the subordinate could. I don't think the series is going to address the fact that he may or may not have a wife who happens to be a moon goddess though (she wasn't casted, hah).

my theory for now is that he is not a god but a human who became immortal. this is how he's just about as old as the high priest and this is why his mortal blood is the only thing. that could stain the portal stone?

I really like that the series is addressing very primordial gods that predate buddhism/taoism. you can hear it in the ost when the gods get serious you hear some really old shamanistic music. I like how they took a lot of creative license with the design of the god realm and did not give it the typical East Asian idea of 'heaven'. mura, bi-ryeom and habaek are all from very old legends. I haven't managed to find much information about mura and bi-ryeom but in the legend mura seems to be a goddess from a mountain rather than a water goddess.


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2 hours ago, aunniek said:

HY mentioned to SA that he was an orphan.  He didn't know his mother (who I am assuming was human) and had an abusive father.  Maybe his father blamed him for his mother's death? Or maybe his mother deceived his father in some way?  Maybe he finally rose against his father and was then cast out?  Or it could be completely turned around with the mother being the god and his father the human and that is why he is living in the human world?  HY also doesn't seem to have any idea who HB, BR and MR are gods, I'm really getting interested in the story line now.   I just hope that SA becomes more than the 3rd leg of a love triangle and actually has an important part to play in endgame. 

it is clear that none of the gods recognise HY, which leads the question is if he really is a god then how come no one knows of him.

@amisyka77 said something interesting after the subs were release, that ground is scared so technically no blood should be able to be on the land, and since Gods technically cant bleed, it is right to conclude it is from someone who is a semi-god? someone who can bleed like a human but also strong like a god.

the more i think about it, i am split between two theories one either he is a full god, but if so how come he manage to find his identity so well that no one by HB eventually recognised him.

In the preview where HB and HY were having an argument it was clear they were fighting about something related to his powers, so either he is not suppose to have powers or that his powers grew or something? It doesnt seem like HB and HY really know each other, just HB piece together all the different clue. If he really is what the High Priest was referring to than that line about HY being more powerful than HB makes sense.

Because if HY is full god, then he cant be the god of fire already right? Since he has to be stronger than HB, so maybe he is like some of you say a descendant of the emperor?

2 hours ago, mikancchi said:

I swear I heard Biryeom mention that Mura was so overcome with jealousy due to Nakbin that she couldn't see he didn't care for the sacrificed girl. Is Nakbin finally going to make an appearance? Mura also kept referring to the previous human girl that HB loved in the past when expressing displeasure to HB's care towards Soah.

The blind girl from ep 1 is back! She seems to be close, but not a blood relative of HY, since she calls him ajusshi. Maybe HY was in the human realm trying to find the reincarnation of his sister, which happened to be the little blind girl following @Cayu18. He tried to bring her into the god realm, but she couldn't pass through the gate and was injured in the process? But even as a reincarnation, she is still human, so her blood wouldn't remain on the stone...hmm so it's more likely that it's HY's blood. Human blood, but not human because he is a demigod.

I'm still leaning towards that HY is a "descendant" of a god, rather than a full god himself. I also don't think HY is really a god of fire, than him having an affinity towards fire. Another ability that he keeps repeating to humans is that he can read minds --which according to the manhwa, is a skill of his father, the Emperor of Gods. But tying back to the unknown person that the High Priest mentioned when the gods were younger, I guess HY is the strong one that can "kill everyone", whatever that means. In the preview, he threateningly says if HB doesn't know his abilities. HY is a top warrior and archer in the manhwa as well.

I do agree with the others on the thread that his character seems to be closer to Shin Nong, so this is quite confusing. Maybe the writer selectively picked here and there and threw them in a pot and shaped out HY lol. 

I love the moment where HY's face changes rapidly to shock when HB says "I caught you" --I feel like we're finally getting to know HY's true side.

I think the question is what is HY's end goal. he has a reason for wanting to take the land, he also has a reason to some extent in approaching SA. Even in the preview it seems that BR and Mura are suspecting the connection between HY-SA as well as SA-HB. So somehow SA has become the focal point.

I think the mystery still is not solved. I am trying to figure out HY's real character, is he really just calm and quiet. I personally dont think so, there is something lurking underneath him, just what only.

2 hours ago, milwon said:

I think she is doing fine for right now. She has shown that she is strong and firm (she slapped bi ryum after he torture her, which is a good move by her, but it may cost her life if she is not protected under habaek). She is dealing with gods, so there isn't much she can do. she is just a human being, a servant to be exact. Plus, she is not well-verse on the god's realm. their story, etc. So, for now, i think she is just a helpless human being getting involved in the god's story. Nothing she can do, only to put her faith on habaek. Confuse and indecisive is what makes us human. All of us are like that, especially if we were put in a situation like her. Her character is great so far for me, at least she is not a whining child or a candy girl. However, i do hope we can see more of her in future episodes. She is the bride after all, so she is one of the core story.

I think she is alright too so far, she has taken a backseat has the gods start to make their own moves around. And becaue she is not involve or knows nothing she very much gets left behind. but I do hope to see her bring brought back more into the centre of the story.

It does seem that HY is pursuing SA which will thrust SA back into the picture of everything.

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43 minutes ago, gihwayujo said:

sorry, I'm a little late to the thread :)

I really enjoyed this episode and can't wait for tomorrow!

I saw a few posts with theories of hoo-ye's background, I just wanted to give my opinion:

I had to look up the chinese wikipedia article to confirm this with hanja. hoo-ye is houyi, the man who shot down nine suns in the sky (this is why we have one sun). so I'm not surprised if he happens to be particularly fire proof or has fire powers if he can withstand the fire of nine suns. I don't think the fact that he's an avid gardener means that he is necessarily an earth/agrarian god. I was surprised he burned the caterpillar but I do suspect that he might be capricious, he is generally kind and benevolent but god help you if you incur his wrath. he actually had a wife who became a moon goddess, she's the one who lives with the rabbit making rice cakes in Japanese mythology.



hoo-ye may or may not be a god. there are many legends that say many different things about him, some say he was a human hero and some say he eventually turned greedy (which is why his wife stole the elixir of immortality from him, she swallowed it and floated to the moon), some say he was betrayed by a greedy subordinate which is why his wife grabbed the elixir before the subordinate could. I don't think the series is going to address the fact that he may or may not have a wife who happens to be a moon goddess though (she wasn't casted, hah).

my theory for now is that he is not a god but a human who became immortal. this is how he's just about as old as the high priest and this is why his mortal blood is the only thing. that could stain the portal stone?

I really like that the series is addressing very primordial gods that predate buddhism/taoism. you can hear it in the ost when the gods get serious you hear some really old shamanistic music. I like how they took a lot of creative license with the design of the god realm and did not give it the typical East Asian idea of 'heaven'. mura, bi-ryeom and habaek are all from very old legends. I haven't managed to find much information about mura and bi-ryeom but in the legend mura seems to be a goddess from a mountain rather than a water goddess.



Nice, I didn't realize it tied into this folklore as well!

Interesting tidbit: Soah is actually another name for Chang-a, who is the archer Houyi's wife. The manhwa author changed it a bit so that Soah is Habaek's wife instead. But that would explain the love triangle. Also, it seems Houyi decided to shoot down 9 of the 10 suns because the insane heat was destroying humanity: famine, illness, etc.

Reading more into the folklore, there are versions where Houyi shot Habaek's eye. Hope HB's beautiful face will remain undamaged. :anguished:

Was reading into the character bio on the official site, and read that HY is the adopted son of the Chairman Shin's younger sister. It doesn't seem like the Chairman has any knowledge of the gods, but that could be different for this unknown sister. 

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1 hour ago, moella said:

Uh oh, looks like someone is getting jealous!

More than jealousy I see a lot of hurt and pain in his eyes which kind of sobered me up and reminded me just how 2800 years old habaek is. His expression shows the loneliness of someone that has loved and lost and has spent many many years living with that pain. I think he is grudingly realizing that soha has sneaked into his heart. Its almost like he is bracing himself grinding his teeth with all his might to stop his heart from rushing foward and embracing that love and the pain all over again. There is a second part to that look and as much as we heard about that love habaek had he probably told himself that he would never love anyone as much as he loved his first love he must also feel conflicted and like he is betraying that love.  

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@mikancchi I just double checked. chang-a would be read as "hang-a" in Korean. again, I'm relying on hanja from the Chinese wiki to look for sources for this but soah's name bears no similarities to chang-a.


I also just read a really quick synopsis of the manhwa, I've never read it but now I'm pretty interested in it! it looks like hoo-ye's background was different in the manwha but they did preserve the fact that he was a legendary archer.

also seems like the manhwa mura was a mountain goddess/fairy but they changed her into a citizen of water kingdom for the drama.

I'm also still not too sure about the water country / sky country / fire country works in the drama. that part seems to be kind of a loose adaptation of the primordial view of the universe.

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GIF: Love Triangle between these three...


Official stills of Habaek and So Ah. :heart:

Please check link for more photos and gifs>>> http://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=8811378&memberNo=3669297&vType=VERTICAL





Can't wait for Habaek and So Ah's date in Episode 8.



So Ah and Hoo Ye... dating photos.





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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Bride of the Water God 2017" Episode 7


Even ignoring the issues with So-ah's personality, she's also an unspiring character on account of her sheer passivity. Time and again, rather than do anything constructive to assist in her goals or Ha-baek's, So-ah just gets unceremoniously tossed into life threatening danger and has to be rescued from her plight by another character with actual competence. Whether that competence is in the form of a gun, better driving skills, or literal magical powers, the effect is the same- So-ah just ends up feeling like dead weight.

This is also equally true of the most mundane character in "Bride of the Water God 2017"- Hoo-ye. If we were to straight up excise everything about Ha-baek and the Godly dimension from this drama, what we'd be left with is a story about how So-ah has ruined her own business and finances. Luckily the rich, intelligent, and boring Hoo-hye is there to rescue her, whether it be through explicit aid or just being willing to listen to her problems and spend time with her.

All of this is really, really boring. I'm just sort of astonished to have to acknowledge that almost all of the tension in this supposedly supernatural story is coming from a bad real estate deal of all things. It's not clear to me why ownership of the land even matters in the first place. It's not like Ha-baek needs to build a house there, he just needs to...actually, come to think of it, I can't remember why Ha-baek needs the land at all.

I keep coming back to the first episode, which very clearly and explicitly mentioned what Ha-baek needed to become emperor of the cosmos. There are the three artifacts, and the three gods living in the human world who guard the artifacts. There's also the secondary problem of how Ha-baek lost his godly powers- or did he get them back at some point? I mean, yeah, we've seen him using them, but I don't remember if it was ever explained why he lost them in the first place or how he's been using them since then.

These obviously important plot points slip my memory, yet I can recall in excruciating detail the constant exposition we get about how So-ah and Hoo-ye are sad orphans, and how Moo-ra and Bi-yeom are petty jerks who don't seem to have goals or motivation. They're just mean for the sake of being mean. Ha-baek, too, is unsatisfying by association, since there's not very much he can do about any of these annoying character traits.


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Omg I just looked at Lim Ju Hwan's previous tv roles and he was Wang Wook in shine or go crazy (I didn't watch that series though). 

Is this why there's a Kang Ha Neul cameo?!?(he was Wook in scarlet heart. Same historical guy. Both second romantic leads rofl.)

also more fun trivia: I find it cute that Nam Joo Hyuk is playing another role with a character that has “baek” in their name. He was baek-ah in scarlet heart. It's the same word, it means uncle in Chinese now but it kinda used to mean "lord" in historical use of the word. 


Historical Baek-ah was a poet https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo_Ya  (if you read the quote in the wiki it does mention a zhang ziqi. I'm not wrong there was some zhang ziqi reference when he was teasing seohyun's character I just can't remember when it happened. The scriptwriters delved into some real literary/historical stuff there)

Another note: Baek-ah was a kind of pen name or nick name adopted by the show to differentiate the character from Wook (8th prince played by Kang Ha Neul and Lim Ju Hwan) because the historical 13th prince was also named Wang Wook (different hanja though). Historical prince did not go by that name.

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@amisyka77, @kaoriharang, @dramu51ch0c10ve,

i haven't been able to reply to your posts (work-life is catching up with me), but I think with everyone's personal inputs about Hooye, I think we are getting really close to finding what or who HE is. 

@bebebisous33, thank you for that suggestion regarding the Shim's.


Lots of interesting infos (albeit, trivial) have been covered in ep 7...it was exciting. 

- the dead fishes that Moora revived in the water, may have ties to Habaek. the longer he stays in the human world, Water Country and nature in general is being neglected without its master to manage it. Moora is responsible to guard the environment in the human world, but Habaek (as a higher being), is in charge of overseeing that things balance out normally in whatever part of the world there is. that's why Moora said, that if it stays like this, she nor Biryeom will not be able to do anything. And it could also be one of the reason why she's in a hurry to get Habaek back to Water Country.

- @gihwayujo brought up an interesting fact. in the manhwa, Moora is NOT a goddess of water, she just happen to reside in Water Country when she and Habaek met when they were younger. Moora is indeed a goddess of the mountain, Chung-Yoh mountain to be exact. Chung-Yoh literally means, "Green Fiend." which can metaphorically mean, "evil jealousy." and now we know why Biryeom and her fought 13 years ago, it's cuz she conspired with Jo Geol Rin regarding Habaek and the Shim woman...because she was jealous of her. but Biryeom did reassured her that Habaek did not like that woman, Moora was just too blinded by jealousy to see it. 

- which brings me to Habaek and Soah. Habaek is now starting to develop deep feelings for Soah, although he's reluctant to admit it.  the manhwa had an underlying theme of immortality/mortality. how far one would go for the one they treasure the most? as a deity, Habaek is immune to the concept of death, but as a human,  Soah is not. their will come a time that Habaek will have to make a decision whether for his sake (be with Soah) or for the sake of humanity (return to Water Country and look after the world). though in the drama, Soah is pre-determine to die early. I think her death will be the way for the family curse to break.

as for Hooye, why do I get the feeling that the portal is more than just a portal?! what if the portal is also a way to resurrect the dead? I wonder if Hooye is trying to resurrect the Shim woman, and Jaya could be the reincarnation of her?! 

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"Bride of the Water God 2017" Nam Joo-hyuk whispers to Lim Ju-hwan


Ha Baek (Nam Joo-hyuk) was suspicious of Sin Hoo-ye (Lim Ju-hwan).

On the latest episode of the tvN drama "Bride of the Water God 2017", So-ah wanted to purchase land but Sin Hoo-ye told her, "Not today" and postponed the contract signing. He held onto her and sent her home but not before making her to some farm work.

Ha Baek followed So-ah home and watched her talk to someone on the phone. Then he said, "Who are you talking to and smiling so foolishly?"

Mysterious things continued to happen in the world of the gods and Ha Baek asked Moo Ra (Krystal) for help in finding out what happened.

The contract was sign and So-ah and Hoo-ye had dinner. Hoo-ye told So-ah that he was an orphan.

They came out of the restaurant together and H Baek looked disappointed. He left. Hoo-ye was interested in So-ah and asked her how fast the wind that stole her heart was. He wanted to stop the wind from blowing and So-ah said, "It already has".

So-ah asked Ha Baek why she shouldn't have bought the land and Ha Baek said, "They'll say I'm a king who couldn't even protect a single land".

So-ah was sure of her choice but she recalled what Ha Baek said and Nam Soo-ri (Park Kyu-sun) told her she saw Ha Baek yesterday.

Hoo-ye approached So-ah and Ha Baek approached Hoo-ye. He said, "I know you. I have you on a watch".



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6 minutes ago, LadyIgraine said:

@amisyka77, @kaoriharang, @dramu51ch0c10ve,

i haven't been able to reply to your posts (work-life is catching up with me), but I think with everyone's personal inputs about Hooye, I think we are getting really close to finding what or who HE is. 

@bebebisous33, thank you for that suggestion regarding the Shim's.


- which brings me to Habaek and Soah. Habaek is now starting to develop deep feelings for Soah, although he's reluctant to admit it.  the manhwa had an underlying theme of immortality/mortality. how far one would go for the one they treasure the most? as a deity, Habaek is immune to the concept of death, but as a human,  Soah is not. their will come a time that Habaek will have to make a decision whether for his sake (be with Soah) or for the sake of humanity (return to Water Country and look after the world). though in the drama, Soah is pre-determine to die early. I think her death will be the way for the family curse to break.

as for Hooye, why do I get the feeling that the portal is more than just a portal?! what if the portal is also a way to resurrect the dead? I wonder if Hooye is trying to resurrect the Shim woman, and Jaya could be the reincarnation of her?! 


I think you made a good point about the theme of mortality and immortality. We cant overlook the fact that HB will return to the Water Country to claim his title. So that part about SA diving in the water I am not sure how that would tie in. It would be sad that SA ends her life of course, but I am hoping that it would be left that she does go and be with HB. At least thats my hope and yes that perhaps with that act the family curse will break.


I am still trying to figure out why does the Shim family or HY maybe wants the land.


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