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[Drama 2016-2017] Still Loving You 빛나라 은수, Mon-Fri 20:25. Thanks for watch!


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At the risk of starting a riot, I would like to venture the observation that the acting in this K-Drama is consistently excellent.   All of the actors and actresses are consistently in character.  Even the "wooden" actors who play Corporate Jerk and Rich Brat's father -- after all, the characters are wooden.  As usual in K-Dramas the actress who plays the villainess Rich Brat drives the show.  Her facial expressions are always pitch perfect.  The woman who plays Mother Yoon is movin' on up too --- she moved effortlessly from an "I Love Lucy" character to a rampaging K-Drama mother in law.

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@sk0317- I feel the same way on ES - why prolong or hold off on spilling the beans.  It is already obvious how much they hate each other and it wouldn't be a peaceful encounter once they live together - unless Wimpy and Bitna moves out of the house and live with cranky grandma. 

To those who hate the actor playing Soo Hyun - that's exactly how he looks even during his younger idol days as a member of the singing duo UN.  

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@jimb I actually agree that everyone's acting is pretty good... EXCEPT for Smiling Idiot and Eunsoo.  Yes, Eunsoo.  I think that Park Hana (Bitna) is, like you said, driving the show, but I think that Kim Dong Jun (Sooho) is also giving her a big run for her money.  He is really starting to shine and he makes watching this drama so much more enjoyable.  Eunsoo, to me, is kind of just there.  I'm not really feeling her, I think whatever chemistry I'm seeing is coming mainly from Sooho and not so much from Eunsoo.  I think the other actors are doing well, but to me they are all equal with no one really shining.  So for me, Bitna's and Sooho's acting keep this drama rising, Eunsoo and Smiling Idiot need to start pulling their weight because they are dragging this drama down, and all the other actors/actresses are keeping the drama afloat.

I agree that Eunsoo needs to confess.  If to no one else, then to Sooho.  This is a BIG secret that she is keeping from him.  Even if she wants to take the position that she's over the past and just wants to move on, she needs to tell Sooho so that he can: (1) help protect her in his household, (2) support her, and (3) most importantly, know what's going on.  The reality is that even if Eunsoo wants to move on, Bitna cannot.  Bitna is too anxious that the bomb will drop that she will continue to try to kick Eunsoo out.  Bitna also can't stop playing her silly hiearchy games.  As the rich DIL, the older DIL (married to the oldest son), and the wife of the favored son, she's going to throw her weight around the house.  And Eunsoo, being stupid Eunsoo, is going to just accept it all.  Sooho needs to understand why Bitna is doing what she's doing.

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Bit Na is waiting for their 1st Anniversary to be able to move out. That way, Bit Na and Eun Soo will have less interaction. The truth will come out eventually but I agreed that it is time to move on from the past. Currently, it will not help anyone if the truth is out. The way Bit Na is going, she will get so stress and it will be own folly that the truth is found out. But they are all now family, unless she asked for a divorce.

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The Yoon Family is gathered in its living room. Club Jerk announces that he "will" marry Eun Soo.

After Club Jerk gets down on his knees, Father Yoon gives his permission but Mother Yoon does not. She's like "Gold Digger!" (Takes one to know one?) The Aunt and Sister vote Yes. Corporate Jerk throws cold water but abstains. Rich Brat smolders. The Aunt notes that a second wife can help Rich Brat with the family chores and Rich Brat manages a forced smile.

Father and Mother Yoon go into their bedroom for a Talk. He notes that Club Jerk's recent spasms of maturity are Eun Soo's doing. She sniffles.

Back at Eun Soo's house, her grandmother is happy about Eun Soo's proposed marriage but her mother is having none of it. Eun Soo tells them that the Yoon Family Rich Brat is the High School Rich Brat. Her mother and grandmother are aghast. Then her mother erupts and leaves the room. Her grandmother Aigoos! and sides with her mother.

In their bedroom, Rich Brat tells her husband that they should move to Halmoni's house if Club Jerk marries Eun Soo. Alleged reason: She doesn't want to share a bathroom with Eun Soo.

Eun Soo's mother and grandmother wake up in the middle of the night and more calmly discuss their misgivings.

As Eun Soo prepares to leave for work, Club Jerk texts her and informs her of his father's approval.

The Real Estate Lady enters Eun Soo's mother's shop and gets her to confess that she and Rich Brat's father are an Item. Club Jerk enters tentatively and the Real Estate Lady vacates.

Club Jerk and Eun Soo's mother talk at a table. She tells him that he's OK but the rest of his family, especially his mother, Needs Improvement. She Thumbs Down the proposed nuptials. She orders him to leave her shop.

Father Yoon enters the shop. They go across the hall to the Aunt's coffee shop and he and Eun Soo's mother talk. He apologizes on behalf of himself and his wife. Especially his wife. He tells her that he and his wife "have decided to accept" Eun Soo as their daughter in law. Eun Soo's mother is polite but not thrilled. She tells him that she has not made up her mind about whether to give her approval. She proposes that Eun Soo and Club Jerk date a bit longer.

Halmoni returns to the Senior Center to harangue Eun Soo's grandmother about how her gold-digger granddaughter shouldn't dare marry into her in laws' family. Halmoni threates to tell the Yoons about Eun Soo's dismissal as a teacher. Eun Soo's grandmother shames Halmoni and tells her she never wants to see her again.

Father Yoon returns home and describes his conversation with Eun Soo's mother to his wife. He tells her to pay Eun Soo's mother a visit. Mother Yoon is like, No Way!

Eun Soo's mother calls Rich Brat's father. They have a warm conversation but she tells him that she needs more time to think about Taking Their Relationship To The Next Step.

Eun Soo's family and neighbors are gathered around Club Jerk, who is kneeling in front of Eun Soo's door. Eun Soo, who is still at work, is called and asked to return home to help get Club Jerk back on his feet.

Eun Soo arrives home followed by her mother. She orders Eun Soo and other family members into the house and the door is closed on Club Jerk.

Eun Soo follows her mother to her bedroom and they have a brief and curt conversation. Her mother reminds her of how Rich Brat almost destroyed her life.

Eun Soo goes back outside where Club Jerk is still kneeling. She tells him that if he insists on continuing to kneel she'll join him. Then she does. Her mother peeks outside the door and observes contemplates them sadly.

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it good to see SH pa/sis/aunt is on his side for marrying ES. what SH pa say to his wife is true. without ES he would still be a party animal. cuz of ES he really turning life around.

why cant ES ma just tell SH/his pa the reason. she not ok with ES marrying into that family. instead of making them think it cuz of SH ma.

i wonder will she be singing the sam tube? when she findout who that doctor she like daughter is?

that last scene of SH kneeling in the cold to get ES ma to ok their married was sad.

i hop ES ma will change her mind about letting ES married into SH family. after seeing both ES/SH sharing a blanket in the cold together.

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Ha! Soo Ho's mother looked shocked that Eun Soo's mother dared to object to the marriage when they had approved it themselves. Even her husband pointed out that Eun Soo is too good for Soo Ho who had been in and out of a police station several times before and still living off his parents.

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Okay, Eun Soo's mother finally approved of the marriage.

They went quickly to the parents/in law meet. Eun Soo's mother requested that Soo Ho and Eun Soo moved out since the eldest daughter in law is already in the house. Chairman Yoon said he will consider the request. You must watched Bit Na's expression when Chairman Yoon said he had wanted Eun Soo as a daughter in law when he first met her.

It must be the most difficult meal that Bit Na ever had as 4 pairs of eyes were looking at her all the time.

Bit Na quickly worked on her mother in law suggesting she and Soo Hyun moved out while Eun Soo and Soo Ho moved in. Remember that Soo Ho's mother was for them to move out but it is Chairman Yoon who objected. Soo Ho's mother of course wants Soo Ho to remain by her side.

It is so cute when Dr Kim got a reply from Eun Soo's mother to meet. He jumped for joy and even kissed his mobile phone. Anyway, Eun Soo's mother agreed to enter a relationship with him. He gave her a pair of shoes and of course it is always said never to give a pair of shoes to the woman you love as she might run away. He quickly wanted to take it back but Eun Soo's mother assured him she will not run away.

Eun Soo came for the dinner and like the good girl she is, she suggested that she and Soo Ho will moved in and Bit Na is delighted because it would mean that she and Soo Hyun can moved out as she always wanted. However, we have to see what Chairman Yoon have to say. Goodness, he is not going to suggest all live together in the same house. 

I did not catch a preview.

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Thank you for your recaps on episode 67 @Jackie1048.

Haven't gotten a chance to watch the raw full episode yet. But from the preview for episode 68, Soo Ho's mom has requested ES and her family to provide the Yoon's with the same betrothal gifts/presents Rich Brat presented them prior to her engagement/wedding to Wimpy Jerk.

It could be Soo Ho's mom's way of rebelling or sticking it to the Chairman, ES and her family. She probably thinks she has been "forced/coerced" into agreeing to her precious son's marriage to an older and poorer ES.:(

ES took a look at the quotation for her wedding and the list of betrothal gifts and got a shock at the excessive amount of money she and her family are expected to fork out. ES was at a loss but didn't confide in her mom or Soo Ho.

YM and JW are on their track to becoming closer as a couple. Since YM has no idea Dr. Kim is Rich Brat's dad, she has even invited him to ES's wedding.

Edit: If YM had remembered seeing Dr. Kim's SiL working out with him at the gym during LNY, it might have hit her Rich Brat is Dr. Kim's daughter.


On another note, I am excited to see SM and the webtoon artist on their way to becoming an item:). They make an interesting couple and I can't wait to see them get together.

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Definitely, Chairman Yoon would have stopped it. He did not accept the expensive gifts from Bit Na's side much to his wife great disappointment. Chairman Yoon will be Eun.Soo's No. 1 supporter. Forever mentioning she was his ideal daughter in law.

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Episode 67

ES Mother warning to Bit Na outside the toilet

ES Mother:  I am Eun Soo mother...I will safeguard Eun Soo no matter what it takes...if perhaps you have the intention to disparage our Eun Soo in any manner.....no matter what it takes, even in death, I will not stand by idle...bear this in mind

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@Jackie1048 thanks for the recaps. @gerrytan8063 thanks for stopping in for the trans of what Eun Soo's mother said to BN. I enjoyed that scene as BN needed to be reminded once again what she did and that there are people around that will look after ES this time around and that she could be exposed for her lie from 8 years ago that hurt ES.


This is prolly what Soo Ho's mother is doing she is angry that ES's mother dared to find fault with her son, That ES dared to be with Soo Ho even when she knows he was not mature enough and that the Chairman went over her head and approved this marriage and now ES's mother has done the same and requested that ES and Soo Ho move out from the house. Her spiteful way is to do what she is doing in that preview and inflating the wedding cost as a dig at ES's mother and ES for being poor. The rich DIL she got really brought nothing to the table but her background and her laziness as her grandmother controls the purse strings for her. The poor DIL will not bring wealth but she will bring happiness to her son, cooking and filial skills that she was moaning about not having from her 1st DIL. As well as truly helping the company when the time comes with her youngest son.

Some People are very hard headed and Soo Ho's Mother is one of them. I really do hope that Soo Ho and the Chairman get wind of this list of gifts that his wife is trying to extort from ES and her family for spite. This woman will get bit by her spiteful actions later once ES has married in and shows her how much of a great cook she is and housewife while still working hard at the company.

One thing I hope comes from BN conniving to move out is she is made to listen to the family praise ES and her skills in the kitchen and as a DIL prompting her to have lots of jealous moments and kick herself for moving out (if the Chairman allowed it) or for not learning any skills to be able to showcase her self as good wife material. If the Chairman did not allow them to move and still wants them to wait that year then It will be all the better for her to get a front row seat and I can see ES forcing BN to help her with cooking and serving meals as well as clean up. IT would be just what the Dr. Ordered for her.

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Today, why did ES actually look concerned at BN's discomfort?  ES is freaking weird. She needs to get grip.  THAT IS HER ENEMY. treat BN as nothing or as evil, but do not ever waver!

4 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

Episode 67

ES Mother warning to Bit Na outside the toilet

ES Mother:  I am Eun Soo mother...I will safeguard Eun Soo no matter what it takes...if perhaps you have the intention to disparage our Eun Soo in any manner.....no matter what it takes, even in death, I will not stand by idle...bear this in mind


Wait until ES's mother finds out BN is her boyfriend's daughter.  She'll roll over and play dead like all "nice" kdrama stepmothers.

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@Ldy Gmerm

Great post and I agree with you on all the reasons in your post for Soo Ho's stubborn mom to spite ES and her mom especially.

I wonder if Soo Ho's mom's pettiness stems from her insecurities and inferiority complex.

YM used to be Soo Ho's mom landlord but although the tables are now turned, Soo Ho's mom still feels insecure around YM. Showing off her wealth by patronizing YM's dry cleaning shop and visiting YM there to brag about her children and status are signs she has issues with herself and her self-confidence. Boastful people are insecure. And people who act "superior" may be masking some inadequacy.

From the preview, it looks like Soo Ho's mom has asked for a new TV among other stuff. Why does she need another TV when Rich Brat has bought her one less than a year ago? All members in the Yoon's household work and I don't think they need to have a TV in each of their rooms.

The TV in the common living room should be sufficient if you want to encourage communication and interaction among the family members. Having a different TV in each room will mean less time is spent in the common living room except during mealtimes.

I think ES is going to discuss the issue of the overinflated list of betrothal gifts in an indirect manner with Soo Ho.I too hope the Chairman gets wind of his wife's spiteful plan of asking for gifts that she can live without.

Rich Brat only plays nice when she needs a favor. She asked Soo Ho's mom if she could help her with the cooking since she needs to learn how to cook after she and Wimpy Jerk move out from the Yoon's. Cranky Granny's housekeeper is known to be a better cook. Since Rich Brat works, she should ask the housekeeper for tips on how to prepare speedy, efficient yet nutritious and delicious meals.

During the family meeting, YM in particular, was watching over Rich Brat with her pair of hawk eyes she hardly noticed or remembered seeing Corporate Jerk at the gym with Dr. Kim.

I like the stern warning YM gave Rich Brat before she left the restaurant after her visit to the restroom. I hope YM visits Rich Brat in her dreams and cause her to stir and talk in her sleep, making Corporate Wimpy Jerk wary and suspicious of his wife. Rich Brat looked like she was about to suffer a mental breakdown when she entered the private room in the restaurant and had four pairs of eyes from the Oh's household staring at her. Soo Ho making a remark/joke at her expense later made her more uncomfortable and nervous.:lol:

I must say Eun Ho looked very nice in that (new) hairstyle and I enjoy watching his bromance scenes with his "hyung". Soo Ho isn't the only one who is polishing himself to become a shiny diamond. After his breakup with HA, Eun Ho looks more relaxed and cheerful. He is also bettering himself in order to be the man to look after his mom and GM. I hope he passes his exams this year.

Cranky Granny could well be on her way to a "rehabilitation" of her character/personality after completing her 400 hours of court-ordered compulsory community service. She was really touched by the heartfelt messages of gratitude and home baked cookies she received from the kids from the organization that benefited from her generous donation. ES's GM has shown her why and how money should be channeled and used in a fulfilling and meaningful way. Great and touching scene!


I think ES's mom has decided to allow ES and Soo Ho's marriage with the condition that they live apart from Rich Brat after their wedding. She is trying to protect ES by minimizing the amount of time ES and Rich Brat will meet and interact by making such an arrangement.

It would be better for ES and her family to tell the Chairman and Soo Ho about the incident that happened 8 years ago. Soo Ho's mom thinks that ES was fired from her teaching job. I can't wait to see her expression when she hears the real story behind ES's unfair dismissal. Soo Ho's mom was mad at YM for suggesting and taking control over ES and Soo Ho's living condition/arrangement after marriage. That could explain the rather uncanny smirk she had on her face when she told her husband she was going to ask ES to come over for lunch the next day since the wedding is to take place soon. The unassuming Chairman looked pleased and thought his wife was making an effort to get along with ES.

If Rich Brat's late GP and mom were nothing like her and Cranky Granny, they would be turning in their graves knowing what Rich Brat had done to harm an innocent woman over jealousy and her dislike for the piano.

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1 hour ago, jimb said:

@jechoi1  I think there is a saying that it is useless to debate matters of taste, or something like that.  Both my wife and I are big fans of the actress who plays Eun Soo.

That actress hasn't aged since I saw her in Full House - then Obstetrics and Gyne drama opposite Song JoongKi.  She is a good actress for being able to play that role.  Like what I keep saying in other dramas - don't hate the actress - hate the character they are playing. 

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