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[Drama 2016-2017] First Love Again 다시, 첫사랑 Thanks for Watch.


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In the very first moments we see DY standing there looking at his son GO in person for the very first time!  Can one even imagine what he might be feeling.  When thinking back at how hard he struggled to get to that car where GO was.  Remembering his face so full of worry and concern that feeling of I don't care what it takes!!! Most likely thinking they won't take him from us again, I won't let that happen.  His heart racing and doing everything within his power to reach GO, speed meant nothing only one thing mattered I need to save my son.. 

Yes, that's how it is whether he knew about him before, whether he had seen him, whether GO even knew that he existed made no difference and that very feeling and drive within.  Almost cost him his very own life. What price would a parent pay to protect their child? I believe honestly, all that they have...

When thinking back, when was it that DY started loving this child?  No he didn't know he would have a son but what he did know was that he had a child.  That little speck of life within that black and white photo must have seemed and felt like some kind of miracle as he was so moved by just the sight of the picture within his hand.  I wonder at moments like that what does one think of?  Could he have been thinking that this child made out of love would never wonder whether he or she was wanted or not.  Would never have to face the shame and burden of being set aside.  Would never question whether his father loved him...

It's the very reason that DY never allowed himself to forget what he saw and felt that day while holding onto that picture.  So much so that he punished himself for over 8 years living as if he were dead.  Lived in a loveless marriage and used work to cover up all the pain he had experienced most of his life. He kept that photo and that memory alive within him.  Imagine how he suffered when his father left him behind as if he were nothing and treated his Mother as if he never really loved her...

They say never judge a person by what you see only by knowing who they truly are.  Inside and out their story, their struggles and the paths they have walked.  It's the very reason losing HJ in the first place left him so empty inside no one and nothing could fill that space.  On top of that when he heard HJ tell him she didn't want  to have his child.  Think about his life and how much he loved her, how much she meant to him.  What a blow that would have been to someone like him...

When love wasn't something he took for granted.  You see when you have never had it, always lacked it, never felt it you don't know what your missing.  But when you fall in love for the first time its like nothing else in this world and you just can't get enough it's that amazing. HJ wasn't only his First Love for him she was his ONLY LOVE!!  Even later not having the ability or being able to love or protect his very own child would haunt him and linger like a dark shadow that never left him...

Which brings me back to today... No it wasn't easy hearing his own son ask him face to face who are you?  Wanting to tell GO I am your father, but holding back those words not knowing what to say or how to say it.  Not wanting GO to feel threatened or afraid of someone he doesn't know and has never met.   It wasn't a sign of weakness as some may believe but one of sacrifice in wanting to think what is it that's best for GO after going through so much.  He wasn't being selfish he was being loving...

  I will never forget when he knelt down in front of GO placed his arms around GO's shoulders and had tears in his eyes when he heard his son say his name.  It may seem like such a simple gesture but to DY's heart it meant he at least had heard of him.  That is until GO was honest and said I waited for you and DY's whole body started to tremble repeating over and over and my heart started to crumble when I heard those words maybe because I could only imagine how much pain they were causing DY.

As he stood there on his knees telling GO how sorry he was for being late pulling him closer wrapping himself around GO.  Holding his head in the palm of his hand.  Sometimes there are no words that can express what a person is truly feeling but by using his very body he was speaking a language every child understands warmth, closeness, caring and most of all love.  As we view this moment we see DY grasp him tighter and pat him just like HJ so often had done.  And just like he had done with HJ his arms take courage and he places those little arms around DY as well.  As if to comfort this man who seemed to need a hug as well...

Some might be wondering why it is I decided to post about DY instead of HJ tonight maybe because I think DY is misunderstood.  Although everyone sees what they want to see in a character and that's their right but a part of me wanted to share what it is that I saw & see... 

My last thought is this when a parent speaks to a child from up above no matter what it is about that parent is larger than life because of size alone.  It creates a distance and even sometimes fear it would be like us being spoken to by a giant.  When I saw DY get on his knees before GO, when I saw him hold his own self back in trying to do the right thing. Concerned and worried what was best for GO at that moment..  When I saw his eyes and that look on his face I knew I loved this character more than I thought... 

Because a parents love is like nothing else,  it's loving so much more even beyond oneself.  It's understanding where they are, getting down on their level a sight that says so much more than words ever could.  And if you have seen it in real life you know what I mean...:wub:


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@rikimaiu and @Morelia thank you for the ratings. I think all three main actors are well known and have fans, so the high 16 for the first one. The crazy kidnap GO plot has kept it high. 

Frankly I sm getting tired of watching MH scheming and plotting. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. @Morelia  with some luck she had to go into hiding for 5 episodes or so to give us viewers a break.

@imgreatgal  HJ does not have to sue Jang if he is willing to give GO up for adoption. Maybe he will negotiate something for money. But he did not have to turn himself in to do that. I did not catch any deal making with DY and certainly not MH. The writer has something up his sleeve.

knowing that the law will be involved since Jang has confessed, it is always good to get a good lawyer on standby. I am not sure about Korean law but in many countries there are children advocacy bureaus or NGOs or both to safeguard GO and his interests.


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@imgreatgal Thank you for the warning re having lots of tissue on hand for episode 83, as I definitely shed my share of tears when DY found GO and the reunion between HJ and GO. Those were very "PRECIOUS" moments for DY, HJ and GO. Wish DY could have joined them for dinner, but we see he does in the next episode. 

@awsparkle Thanks for the information re the addition of four more episodes. Hope we get more family scenes of DY, HJ, and GO, instead of more screen time for the evil MH, Madam Kim and Mr. B.

@rikimaiu  @Morelia Thanks for the rating update. Happy to hear the ratings are going up. @sava2sava I, too, wouldn't be able to control my anger if I were in DY's place when MH accuses him of fabricating the video. It took a lot of self control for him not to lose his "COOL". I have been very impressed with Kim Seung Soo's acting (DY), and truly hope he is nominated for a best actor award.

It seems that DY truly trusts and believes in Mr. Nam, as he was saddened about the death of little Nam instead of the fact that Mr. Nam didn't reveal that his younger brother was responsible for DY's accident. DY kind of scolded him saying, "you should be more concerned about your brother's death than an apology".

Can't wait to see what happens with Mr. Jang turning himself in for the kidnapping of GO eight years ago. Will DY and Mr.Nam intervene if MH isn't implicated in this crime?



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11 hours ago, Morelia said:


Based on what I read in your comment, for GO to be legally with his real parents is practically impossible and as I see the evildoers will do anything for GO to disappear.

That irony so much effort that MH has spent to get rid of GO and the truth is that HY is the true and legitimate heiress because the money stolen from JW's father is invested by Mdm King and DB in LK and that makes JW in theory the largest shareholder and virtual owner of the LK group.

Someone should tell MH to betray his evil mother by telling JW the fate of the stolen money, then she seduces him, takes HR with her, marries the idiot JW convinces her to let her be president and that Way leaves our OTP and GO in peace and does not have to worry about the punishment for MH she will lead to bankruptcy to the company and she will be practically like a beggar (it is only a humorous comment to lower my level of stress that increased drastically after seeing episode 83).:tongue:

I have a good laugh, thank you, @Morelia

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If Jang admitted to stealing the baby, he would be implicating the M Foundation in the illegal adoption. Of course they could create all kinds of documents claiming that they got the baby from Jang legally.  

It would depend on the authorities whether they want to prosecute the Foundation, but by Jang's admission and the DNA shows GO is HJ's, I do not see why GO cannot be returned to his birth mother with the least of hassle. The Foundation does not have a claim on GO unless they come up with evidence( trumped up or not) HJ had signed off her legal rights. 

Of course, back to the pinhead mother's hiding of GO's existence. If she had made a police report and with Jang's admission.... easy stuff. Any lawyer can handle the paper work.  But if the Foundation had fabricated evidence so MH can get her hands on GO and erase him from the surface of the earth.... 

Then it would be as HJ has said, if MH is not stripped off everything she has, GO will never be safe.


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13 hours ago, watchumlots said:

After episode 83:

What's up with these KDramas...

The hated and/or enemies end-up working at the same company. (So better to torture the opponent)

Divorced people still live together. (So better to torture the opponent)

Married people who war with each other don't get divorced.  (So better to torture the opponent)

Husband's mistress moves in/out of the legal wife's house! (So better to torture the opponent) 

Ditched daughter-in-laws remain in the household. (So better to torture the opponent)

Cute couples 'date' for 300 years without marrying. (So better to torture the opponent???) 

EVERY SINGLE STOLEN/LOST/ABANDONED BABY finds its way home. (Korea is a wonderful place & So better to torture the opponent)

Korea needs: 

Doors that LOCK, above all else.  Everyone is waltzing in/out of rooms without knocking, poking through others' possessions, and moving in/out of houses.  This country needs LOCKS.  How do they even keep people confined in jail?  Someone could make a fortune selling reliable door locks in Korea.  Apparently, door locks are either unavailable or non-existent in Korea.  As an added benefit there would be a mass rise in employment statistics for people that can install door locks.  

Psycho-Witch is supposedly rich, WHY WHY WHY endure such treatment for $$$ when one has plenty?  LOVE?  WHY WHY WHY would a beautiful woman with plenty of $$$ love a Man-without-a-Spine (SpineLess)?  Oh, and he is a complete DOLT who would believe any nonsense spouted.  And WHO could comfortably sleep or eat in proximity to Psycho-Witch?  She is like the broke relative that comes to stay, causes trouble, and won't leave.  

Dim-Bulb, (DoYoon's mom) makes dim-bulbs look bright.  What?  You did?  You didn't?  You will?  You won't?  And she has her husband's mistress, second son, and even the Crass-Man himself, parked in her home.  In one scene she's scared, whimpering, and cowering; in the next scene she is shouting orders.  She's...not a badly-drawn character, she's manic!  Yes!  That's the answer to the madness:  MADNESS!  

Do-Yoon, aka SpineLess, is yet another KDrama Hero-without-a-Spine.  Marries a woman he doesn't love and likes it when she lies, cheats, and kicks him.  Tolerates abuse from his parents and father's mistress.  Is incapable of speaking a complete sentence to his mother, Dim-Bulb.  Yeah.  Not a poorly-drawn character but a man-without-a-spine.  It is the only rational answer:  A massive birth defect.  

Aye-yi-yi.  Gotta stop typing.  Time for me to leave for therapy.  I know they are going to tell me to double my meds and stop watching KDramas.  (But that's why I'm in therapy:  I can't stop watching!) 

Welcome Aboard @watchumlots  I was wondering where you were, Never a dull comment from your insight. I got as a good crack up last night thanks to you.. Thanks.. 

Hello All my streaming site wasn't worth a dime this morning so I'll have to rely on you guy's until subs come out.. So Jamg Pleaded the 5th when it came to spilling the beans on MH.. Funny he thinks he got her where he wants her.. So he's really thinking keep paying and I'll keep my mouth shut the moment you stop sending the money I'll sing.. I think they going to try and kill him..

10 hours ago, rikimaiu said:

I get to know @USAFarmgirl who is an absolute romantic, @UnniSarah for her colorful emoticons, @stroppyse our translator, @0ly40 faithfully posting previews and OST, @sava2savawho always reply everyone posts, etc ,etc. I find it interesting. 

@rikimaiu  This is the fun part of Kdrama we meet people from all walks of life and find we have serveral things in common but what brought us together is the love for kdrama regardless to how stupid the plots be but we continue to watch because of our virtual family.. If I don't chat with you guy's on a daily basis my day is incomplete..

9 hours ago, Mailelei said:

@sava2sava I, too, wouldn't be able to control my anger if I were in DY's place when MH accuses him of fabricating the video. It took a lot of self control for him not to lose his "COOL". I have been very impressed with Kim Seung Soo's acting (DY), and truly hope he is nominated for a best actor award.

@Mailelei I was first turned on to his actiing from watching Jumong he brought his character so alive in that series.. Since then any time I find out he's in any drama I watch because he's a darn good actore and brings his characters alive.. Loved to see him doing those crying scenes. I wonder what could a person like him be thinking to bring on such tears at time..


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23 minutes ago, sava2sava said:

Hello All my streaming site wasn't worth a dime this morning so I'll have to rely on you guy's until subs come out..

Sorry couldn't give any updates here. Live streaming was really bad today it started acting up 10 minutes into the drama. I caught a bit of the crap with Jang/MH and HJ at the police station and I gave up after that. Have to wait for the raw now. 

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13 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

Sorry couldn't give any updates here. Live streaming was really bad today it started acting up 10 minutes into the drama. I caught a bit of the crap with Jang/MH and HJ at the police station and I gave up after that. Have to wait for the raw now. 

Thanks, I see you and I had the same problem 

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I watched the raw but my non Korean comprehension could not figure out what the angry HJ's voice was saying or the usual MH's lying voice was saying either, so fast forward. 

GO and DY went out to eat with HJ. There did not seem to be much bonding, DY was uncomfortable and so was GO.

The wily old goat found out about HR and JW. MH's mother had convinced him to do something in exchange for his old position. There was a lot of yelling by DY's mum at Chairman Cha ( honorary).

Get out of the house, you shameless old fa*^.  What did you do for them in 30 years?

HR was at JW's office and she spoke to DY. Maybe it will hit the fan again, after DY's father found out about HR.

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40 minutes ago, maribella said:

The wily old goat found out about HR and JW.

Serves him right, yesterday he was ready to believe MH lies about the accident and today his was kissing up to Mdm Kim again probably trying to get back his chairman seat.

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Main things I remember from the live stream with the help of my usual scribbled notes (but I haven't had time to do more than flip quckly through a raw, so there's a health warning attached...)

MH admits to her father that she's terrified the mess she's gotten into will cause her mother to disown her and throw her out. Her father doesn't contradict her there, but merely says its vital that she solves the Jang problem before it gets worse.

JW tells HJ he's a bit worried about the way MH went on the attack with the message she put out on the company PA system. She seems so confident about refuting the allegations. Maybe she has something up her sleeve they don't know about. HJ counters that she's glad MH laid her own reptation on the line like that. Since there's cast-iron evidence against her, once the recording is certified as genuine either MH will fall foul of the law, or if her family get her off that hook, the publicity will make here a permanent social outcast and even the Directors who are her stooges will be forced to desert her. Either way, GO will be safe from her.

Mme Kim has summoned DY's father. She promises him that if he "solves" the problem of the recording, she will make sure he gets the Chairman's position back. To save MH's face she will have to stay in post a while longer, but after that Mme Kim will use her stockholding to ensure the Directors vote h im back in.

DY, off to meet GO, keeps his mother in the dark and continues to tell her he remembers nothing about the accident. Meanwhile HJ's dimwit mother is making GO uncomfortable by over-grandmothering him and probing what he thinks of DY.

DY's father tells MS they have to "bury" the business of MJ and DY's accident. She furiously refuses, guessing his motives.

There's a silly sequence in which DY is clueless about what to do with GO before HJ shsows up. I would make sense maybe if DY had never had a kid of his (supposed) own, but it's totally daft in that it requires him to have no idea of how to get on with an 8 year old at all. The nonsense is highlighted by the fact that he's made to mention HR in the process of trying to hit on something DO might, suggesting the ski run  "because HR likes it". GO asks who HR is, and whether the ski run really would be fun, but DY cluelessly replies he doesn't know since all he's done is watch people on it (hoping that answer to the second quesion wil make DO forget the first one). But GO says his favorite activity is watching other kids play in the park. At that moment HJ comes to the rescue and asks GO whether he was having fun with DY. "No" says the boy, with a look at her that asks "how could I have fun with that total bore?"

MS has Big Nam on the spot, demanding to know the truth about his brother and the genuineness of the recording. He assures her it's genuine and the MH's responsibility for the accident is beyond doubt.

After sending GO home, DY tells HJ that he wants to delay the divorce for now. There are things he needs to do which can only be done if everyone still thinks he's MH's devoted husband, including collecting evidence that will ruin MH completely. HJ replies that she doesn't mind that, now she's not alone. She's got DO, and that's more than enough to be going on with till DY is able to join them.

JW astonishes HJ by telling her Jang has handed himself in. She gets a call asking her to come to the police station. Hearing the same news Mme Kim orders MH to go the police of her own accord and do whatever it takes to stop Jang from implicating her. But no sooner has Mme Kim said that than the police call to summon her for questioning.

MH shows up with a full team of attorneys while HJ is confronting Jang in the interrogation room, but failing to get anything out of him beyond his admission that he kidnapped her child 8 years ago.

At the same time, DY is visiting his bank manager, puzzling him by saying he's come to assure him that his marriage is in an excellent state.

MH's attorneys hand out her business cards to all those present in the interrogation room. On the card handed to Jang, a street address in LA has been handwritten at the bottom. Under the table, Jang screws up the card in his fist as MH says she did indeed employ Jang 8 years ago, but it was to investigate a weird woman who was stalking her husband. Apparently back then he badly needed cash for his sick baby, so did he also take to child abduction to extract more cash from someone else back then, and  does he still have medical bills to pay and so has taken a bribe to slander her now? She exchanges menacing glances with Jang at each mention of his sick child, and he finally says that yes, he did indeed kidnap HJ's baby, but not on MH's orders, it was simply on his own account in the hope of making some money. After a smirking MH and her entourage have left, HJ pleads with Jang to testify to the truth, but he replies that since GO is now safely reunited with his real mother, he's done enough for HJ. He'll say nothing more about the matter to anyone.

HJ goes back to MH's office and warns her that she'll visit Jang every day in jail for as long as it takes to persuade him to tell the truth. But she won't only be using persuasion. Since he's so susceptible to threats, she'll convince him that MJ's days are numbered and that he'd be well advised to jump ship before she goes down. But MJ says that even if Jang did change his mind, no-one will take a jailbird's word against hers. Anyway once the franchising contract is concluded her position at the top of LK will be unassailable and no-one will be bothered about that recording. "Ah yes, that contract?" says HJ with a wicked grin. At that moment, bent CEO comes in with the bombshell that the contract has fallen through.

Another row between the Mistress and MS leads to DY's father discovering not only that HR isn't DY's daughter, but that her father is JW. He at once calls MH to summon her home without saying why, but she says she won't come till she's finished work. MS calls DY (who's still with the bank manager) to alert him. He in turn calls HR, but we see that she's enjoying herself in JW's office and she tells DY she can't tell him where she is, because that would give away a secret her mother old her to keep. But DY hears JW'v voice asking what she'd like to eat.

MH arrives home and has  to face the music for the cliffhanger. No teaser attached to the episode.



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You would thnk now that HJ is a chief director, she would have got a lawyer. Get Jang to sign some adoption papers or irrevocable guardianship or something while he is in a penitent statw of mind.

Maybe I should not call the ma dimwit or pinhead, it seems genetic and really not their faults.

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I look at the raw and it does not bode well, I think we are expecting many episodes of anguish :(. Although I don't have access to the preview of episode 85, I have no hopes for the following episodes. To continue the trend of the last episodes probably the conflicts will be solved at the end of the drama and in a couple of episodes, contrary to my expectations of about ten episodes of denunciation, escape, capture, prosecution and jail for the evil ones.

So the only points I have clear are: 

  1. That HY is the only person who is on the right track, prioritizing the destruction of MH on any other matter, because it is the only way to have safe GO.
  2. CDB is the most despicable character of this drama and follows MH, almost at his height.
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I can't believe HR said she love her mother more than DY how on earth she has never given her motherly love and DY loves her as his own is the writer try to soften JW's heart since his daughter loves her mom he won't hurt her   it is ridiculous, HJ is right MH days are really numbered 

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1 hour ago, baduy said:

There's a silly sequence in which DY is clueless about what to do with GO before HJ shsows up. I would make sense maybe if DY had never had a kid of his (supposed) own, but it's totally daft in that it requires him to have no idea of how to get on with an 8 year old at all. The nonsense is highlighted by the fact that he's made to mention HR in the process of trying to hit on something DO might, suggesting the ski run  "because HR likes it". GO asks who HR is, and whether the ski run really would be fun, but DY cluelessly replies he doesn't know since all he's done is watch people on it (hoping that answer to the second quesion wil make DO forget the first one). But GO says his favorite activity is watching other kids play in the park. At that moment HJ comes to the rescue and asks GO whether he was having fun with DY. "No" says the boy, with a look at her that asks "how could I have fun with that total bore?"


Please do not be so hard with DY, having experience as parents gives no guarantee of anything. I raised two beautiful daughters who today are excellent human beings in cough aspects but I have met many times with other children that despite my "experience as a mother" I have not been able to handle or I have not correctly performed a situation Determined. Each child and their situation is different and unique. For DY it is even traumatic to face his own child and it is understandable that he makes mistakes and does not know how to handle the situation.

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13 minutes ago, euraka said:


I can't believe HR said she love her mother more than DY how on earth she has never given her motherly love and DY loves her as his own is the writer try to soften JW's heart since his daughter loves her mom he won't hurt her   it is ridiculous, HJ is right MH days are really numbered 


when? where? I can not believe this, if it is true what you say there can only be one of two options, that MH gave you instructions to tell that to JW or HR is a demon equal to MH. I bet the first choice, remember that the favorite person of HR is MS and then DY and she never mentioned it to MH when it comes to favoritism, in fact she is afraid of MH.

Definitely HR must be removed from MH as soon as possible, she is again using HR for her purposes and forcing her to lie, to continue this situation HR is destined to become a monster, despite the good influences that have received from DY and MS

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12 minutes ago, euraka said:

I can't believe HR said she love her mother more than DY how on earth she has never given her motherly love and DY loves her as his own is the writer try to soften JW's heart since his daughter loves her mom he won't hurt her   it is ridiculous, HJ is right MH days are really numbered 

In some episode she told JW that she loved DY's mother best followed by DY. it will turn out later that MH has coached her responses this time - my need for consistency- or the writer forgets what he wrote since he was so busy scr***ing GO and HJ.

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I wander how Min Hee will explain ... probably bring out the contract marriage and that Do Yoon knew the truth. 

I just realised that what Min Hee feared most is that her mother will abandoned her if she fail to stay as Chairman of LK Group. That is how much insecure she really is. She sound like a little girl ... an orphan little girl.

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