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[Drama 2017] While You Were Sleeping, 당신이 잠든 사이에


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Hello, my first post here!


@vangsweetie637 I, too, have been searching for a connection between the three. I have read some interesting theories so far, as to why the 3 dragons have the dreams that they have. I believe that the origin of their powers is rooted in that fateful day. 


I’m not sure when HJ first got her powers, but per the flashbacks, one can assume that the dream about her father’s death was probably one of the first of many such dreams. 


1st connection
Both JC and HJ came into contact with the AWOL soldier.


2nd connection
Both of their fathers sacrificed themselves to save others and were victims of the AWOL soldier.


3rd connection
Both of their fathers’ funerals were held the same day at the same location. JC and HJ met each other that day for the first time.


4th connection
They both have YB in common. 


*** JC’s power was activated after he met HJ as an adult. The encounter in question: the meeting at the bus stop (not the rice cake offering)***




1st connection 
WT is related to the soldier or came in contact with him the same day that the other two did. (His past has yet to be revealed).


2nd connection
 He is either the soldier’s younger brother or has a family member who was also victimized by said soldier and died the same day as the JC and HJ’s fathers.


3rd connection
He probably met them at the funeral parlor as well.


4th connection
So far there is no clear indication that WT knows YB, but there are still more things that have not been revealed to us. Maybe YB is also related to the soldier or WT’s relative that was affected by the soldier.


5th connection
All three (JC, HJ, & WT are born in the year of the dragon.


6th connection
Their past and choice of profession put them in the perfect position to help those in need.

  • Both HJ & JC’s fathers sacrifice themselves to save others.
  • JC is a prosecutor whose job is to seek justice for those who can’t/powerless to do so.
  • WT is a police officer whose job is to protect and serve.

I think that the dreams have to do more with the 3 dragons (or 3 Ds, as someone else referred to them) than with YB. The dream where JC’s brother was in danger had nothing to do with YB. It was connected to JC and the choice that he made. His refusal to prosecute/indict Park directly affected his brother’s future.  The same can be said about WT’s dream regarding HJ’s injury. Her reaction to SY’s desperation caused her injury. 

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My system is so slow it is not allowing me to backread.


It seems the future is not set.  It is dependent on a series of variable, therefore Woo-Tak and Hong-Joo were able to dream different future with different elements for the same event.


Even the future "kiss" dream was different for Hong-Joo and Jae-Chan, and neither vision of the future came through. The  future took the third path. 


So it seems the future is infinitely malleable, you just have to figure out the right  manipulation to get the desired outcome. 


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While you were sleeping is really building up it’s story line.... I really can’t wait what would they dream next and whether which scene is the dream and what not... the part that they actually kissed in dream but not in the real event... amazed me... one control one feeling coz of being afraid...  just imagine what could have? 

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Moments I loved

-HJ and SY's cute bickering moments

-WT thinks they are all beautiful so cute

-WT'S DOG !!!!

-BUS SCENE 11/10

-JC prosecuting Park Jun Mo

-Everyone's reaction to the results

-HJ practicing her lines to congratulate JC

-JC waiting/chasing after HJ

-HJ waiting for kiss

-The dream kiss that didn't happen //CRY

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I was super impressed with his line delivery to corner the wife-beater. Not so much his mock interview but I suppose it provides the necessary comic relief for the tense situation which was to follow.  I too was wondering whose dream would turn out to be true. The cops or Hong Joo. But I think it was the combination of them figuring out between them the necessary factor to secure the indictment that led to victory. Interesting they're being shown two different outcomes and it's how they react to the these dreams and work together that secures the proper outcome. I say proper outcome but I wouldn't have been satisfied with anything less than a confession. All is well in the world when we get justice being served and I would expect no less of this drama.  Jae Chan set himself lofty goals with his promise to his father. So we see in him all that is righteous. 


As to the connection between the three flying dragons - I'm thinking they're all children of the deceased. We know Jae Chans father was the cop, Hong Joos father the bus driver and I'm going to guess at Hae In being the son of the soldier. His actions and the certain outcome created a rift in the cosmic order of things and now the three children must unite in order to set things right. We don't know much about Hae In as of yet, but we do know Hong Joo started dreaming BEFORE the event happened. Jae Chan started dreaming only before Hae In was to be killed at Hong Joos hand. I'm guessing Hae In has been having dreams for a long time. He didn't seem surprised to wake up after the one with Jae Chans brother being arrested for murder. But how long exactly has he had these dreams??


I'm eagerly anticipating next weeks installment. Loved the dream kiss sequence and his fear of what kissing her would mean that led to him chickening out in reality. But I'm sure that won't be the end of the kisses to come. :wub:


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Hello.. I very like this drama, i like suzy and ljs and also i like the writer since her previous drama I hear your voice,


Jae chan and hong joo had a past revolve around the soldier incident, both of them lost their father in same day ind different place in tragic way, but in the end they met in same place

When woo tak' funeral was held, I didnt see his father, there're his mother, woman, and 2 young men. Where's his father?

And.. When the hong joo' father heard the news about runaway soldier, he put off the radio when the reporter wanted to gave the detail of incident. May be the reporter reported about another victim that we didnt know..

If the soldier killed woo tak' father but the news just reported 2 victims, but we didnt know may be there's another victim that was woo tak' dad, who never got recognition as hero as jae chan or hong joo' father


Jae chan' father is the first victim while hong joo' father are the second victim, but we knew that there's one person who also died in that day, the soldier,


My point is i think woo tak had connection with that incident, whether his father died because of the soldier or the soldier was his brother


The three of them growing from same tragic past without notice everything not coincident, they share the same dream and the same pain with reason


this drama really human, everyone has his/her weakness not flawless like other drama, antagonist like lee yeo bom has weak side too, not fully evil

Like how congressman came to the funeral with press to gain popularity and symphaty


Or jae chan who thought his father not hero


The writer always give us deep message about life, everything happen for one purpose, like do-ha in i hear your voice, who hided his speciality because he thought he always miserable and unfortunate since he had special hearing..


So did hong joo who had agony since she couldnt do anything to prevent her dream come true in real life including her father death, she regret her powerless for everything


But slowly..hong joo knew everything will be alright..though she knew there's consequence for everything


Hong joo and jae chan have wonderfull father, understanding, patient, lovable, dependable, admirable and genuine, such ideal father in the world, they always wanted their child be happy always, feel safety and trust their child though they lied a lot, they never intend to become hero, but they knew they must save his family and everyone, they bravely face the soldier though definetly they faced their death

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Hi everyone, just sharing these full English Character descriptions in case you haven't seen them

English Traslations by Monstertop from THE DREAM TEAM @ Viki













Edited by Ais1ing
Please only 3 images per post, put the rest under spoiler tags
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Finally started watching When you were sleeping, like it so far.


So it's a story about three ppl with clairvoyant dreams teaming up to fight crime and prevent tragedies? A prosescutor + a reporter + a policeman, dream team! Like all the main actors so far too. The children are very cute again XD When the little boys had a mini fight I was dying with moe XDD


Too many things happened in the first episode though that were totally illogical and made the drama seem badly made, luckily nothing of that sort happened in the next 3 episodes (or not to the extend to make me drop the drama). So, looking forward to more. 

6 hours ago, Ais1ing said:

We know Jae Chans father was the cop, Hong Joos father the bus driver and I'm going to guess at Hae In being the son of the soldier.


I thought about this too! But the souldier looked very young, he couldn't have been over thirty imo, actually he looked like in his early twenties to me. So maybe he's the younger brother? The two other children seemed to be around 13 or so so it's possible right?


Or it's actually contagious and ppl who establish a certain kind of (insert random conditions) connection with the originaly seer start having that ability too? I mean Jae Jang gave Hong Joo her father's baseball when they were little, and Woo Tak was saved by their gift combined.

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I took a break from dramas, and was reluctant to see this one, but being a fan of Lee Jong Suk, watched it.  Oh boy, I am glad I did.  What I like about it is its storytelling.  So far, for me, it is and isn't about the angst of the main character.  What's different and refreshing, is that I feel the director and writer are carrying us through this remarkable story of one, then two, then yet another character's life. 


Not knowing anything about the drama ahead of time, I had the thrill of seeing how story line may unfold - will a new character become involved, what are these connections, and what do these prescience dreams mean about the people that dream them?

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