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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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11 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


I'll neve say she's a kind and trustworthy person by nature for sure but I think I can trust her this time!! maybe I'm just like our King :lol: well he's kinder for sure... :wub: 


I can only see him stop his greed for Ga Eun when he dies so yeah it can be another scheme of him!! :rolleyes:


only the CP can have a swordsmanship teacher chingu!! and calling "Sawo" gave out his real identity!!


if he ever stop blaming everyone (mainly our King) for his low life and not having what he wants!! :rolleyes:


I may be crazy but I see Lee Seon worst!! they both did BAD things for sure and planned murders and even caused deaths but the Queen didn't betray her people nor try to kill them unlike Lee Seon who betrayed the friend who trusted him with his identity and ended up planning to murder him MAAAAANY times with no glimps of struggle over that decision but was actually satisfied and triumphed and was using his "death" and his other "friend"/Ga Eun's pain to win her over!! that's disgusting add to it he no longer cared for her-the woman he supposedy love-feelings planning on forcing her to be his woman by killing the man she loves and taking his identity for good to do that and even go that far to gloat about it in her face!! even when you're bad at least try to have someone other than you who you actually care for or won't betray!!


hhhhhhh you're like me!! :lol: but I started Ruler from the start for Yoo Seung Ho!! :tongue: and watched SHR for Lee Jun Ki <_< *sigh* 


hhhhhhhhh ok, we're really using our King's pain in our fangirling dreams!! shame on us!! :lol::tongue::wub: 

Bahaha..you certainly are but I am cynical and I am not trusting her ever. Kinda hoping she dies while saving him somehow LOL. Then I would call it her redemption.

Oh, I see! Thanks for letting me know..so only the sons of the guards and the Prince themselves are allowed to have a swordmaster. That's interesting. 

No, he planned on murdering CP twice and only after thinking he was betrayed first. He believes HS and thinks CP tried to poison him. The first time, he himself gave CP the out by telling him which gate he can escape from. It was too late by then but he did provide him an out. The second time, it was a hit and a miss. DM could have chosen to keep CP alive too so LS was not sure CP would die. Infact I am sure he expected CP to live because he knew DM's granddaughter loved CP. So both the times that LS tried to kill CP were not a definite play on his life. I am sure he hoped but then also hoped that he wouldn't die. Now though he is sure because he wants GE no matter what.

BUT in QD's case there's no out and hence she is the worse in my books. She tried and succeeded in killing the CP. He died as a baby and came back alive. She killed a newborn. That is a taint that cannot be erased. Then she again killed CP with poison but he came back alive. She succeeded in killing CP everytime that's why I can never forgive her nor see her as his mother. That woman is as bad as DM in my books and she has always put herself above all and betrayed her trusted people. She went against her own maid and kicked her out and also threatened to kill her. She was even going to let GE get tortured and punished for her crime.

So yes QD is 100 times worse than LS in my eyes. LS can be redeemed but QD, I will never buy it.

Also, I don't think he ever gloated in front of GE. He merely stated, crazily, that he will become the true king. He is so delusional and in pain from her rejection that he only wants to possess and hope she will accept or love him with time. He is unhinged but he can be saved, of that I am sure and honestly I want him to be saved only for CP and GE. CP has already mentioned many times how LS is suffering in his place as the puppet king. If he dies CP will blame himself for life, no matter any sound explanation. And I don't want that for our CP.

11 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@sakura2016 haha no matter what I come up with, I still cannot figure out why they are all in white clothes. It really reminds me of imprisonment attire :wink:

@sakura2016 @jakey09 i so would want a bed scene but if not..then another kiss please..and one that is a little longer and more focused on them :tongue:and i so want him to notice the cuts and scars on her fingers..like how he noticed her feet when she was dressed as a peddler :D

@YourHighness . I agree. If QD can be redeemed for her wrongdoings then LS should too. HG's death was a result of her decision to burn the poppy field and she knew how much PS meant to her grandfather. But she did it anyways. Karma has its way. CP is a very forgiving person. I realized that the reason why CP is still able to talk personally with QD is because her attempts to kill was only with him and not the people. If she had attempted to kill the people too, then he wouldn't be as forgiving. Like DM and PS, if their issues was only with CP, i am sure he wouldn't want to exactly kill them off. But their power involved harming the innocents directly and committing murders outside the palace walls. For sure, he will not abide for such actions. I don't see DM surviving. It was hinted he will die a painful and lonely death. That will be his karma. To die without anyone by his side after all. His goal to protect his love ones is gone. As for TKL, omo..is it a tragic ending? @kaoriharang mentioned it..and I wasn't sure. Omo..I can't deal with tragic endings. But since it is Song Ji Na writing it..i will give it a shot :D

@joyspartace hahaha yes we are a greedy bunch. Who knows when our ShyShy will get to be onscreen again..so one last kiss plus hugs and more OTP moments are not too much to ask for. I just hope the director and writer knows that is what we want haha. We endured enough heartaches. We deserve sweet happy moments too. For sure, the episodes will involve the politics segment. But they can still include OTP moments. I am also hoping that spoiler we saw is only a scene leading to the end, and not the actual ending. But then again, just don't give me a sad ending, an open ending..or a staring contest ending..NO. I need solid, confirmed happy ending for Jeonha and GE :D

@Berou You are definitely not a minority in that thought :) i know many viewers feel the same like you too. For me, since I don't know when YSH or KSH will ever get to come onscreen together again, I just take what I was given, will push aside all the flaws and imperfections of this drama and hope..and pray..that another director/writer picks up on these two and put them together again! The only way which can make up for the flaws of this drama is to be in another one that is much more balanced and stronger in writing/directing. I am sad this drama is over soon..not because it was a flawed drama that took a lot out of expectations and even the cast themselves, but because I have grown used to camping here for 2 months, discussing and speculating with everyone, meeting old friends, making new ones, and especially because I will miss YSH/KSH (CP/GE) too much. While their roles may have felt too much pressure at which they had to continue giving their best, I will not deny their chemistry is what I love, onscreen and offscreen. I hope in 2 years (please not another 5 haha) they will be casted as leads again and we will get to watch them all over once more. It's a bittersweet feeling for me when it comes to the finale of Ruler :D:wink:

@YourHighness . @kaoriharang

LOLOLOL. It was the term 'placenta jar' that made me come to the conclusion a placenta was in there haha. But my sub version kept saying ceramic jar so i figured it must be a document of some sort. Haha and you guys are right..a placenta being in there would need DNA testing..and at that time era...impossible hahaha.




HG got what she deserved. I have moved on from her death. LOL. Good riddance, I say, finally the story is moving where it should have way before. She took up a lot of unnecessary time. We should have gotten our CP on his throne, way before. They took too long to put him in his rightful place. TBH, I am kinda sad at the lost potential of CP being added in PSG and then fighting it from within by acting like a trusted member but getting to know their secrets. Well, sigh.

You have a point about why CP forgives. He does forgive people who only hurt him but if his loved ones or his subjects are harmed then he is unstoppable. DM and his gang threatened GE and harmed CW, they have no prayer. Even if he saves all the ministers in DM's group, they will be punished for sure.

Yeah, pretty sure TKL's is tragic, I think I read the girl dies in the end?

BTW, like you, I never remember the bad of the show. I only see the good and what I loved. Ruler is definitely a keeper in my books because of KSH-YSH. Please drama Gods, make someone cast them again in a modern drama.

5 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

GE's dad first met CW as CP's personal bodyguard during the trial. And I think he as an official must have known that CW, the son of late king's bodyguard, has the CP as his fellow swordsmanship.

As for the ministers in white clothing, it can mean two things, they were imprisoned, yet given the antidote by our kind CP.... or, they were forgiven, but already very sick needing the antidote. White clothing doesn't mean imprisonment only, but also when sick. Remember GE when she drank the poisoned tea.

Okay, 35 hours more before our penultimate episode!! (yeah, I still live with the old episode format) *must quickly finish work*

Oh yes, that I missed! GE's dad was pretty clever so he must have connected the dots on why CW is always with Chun Soo.

I think it must be the former. I don't think CP will forgive the ministers with DM. Their crimes are too vast.

LOL, even I live with the old episode format. I still don't know why that was changed.

4 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

WOW I disappeared for a day and look at how fast the thread has been moving. HAHA (:  Anyways we are another 24 hours or so and we will be in Wednesday ready for the episode!

hmmm, well I am still willing to give it a shot! I am too picky about what dramas I watch regardless of them being modern or sageuk. But if the drama is tragic, I am going to hesitate a bit.

I agree, YSH really did his best to present CP as well as the writing and directing let him. I think especially since this is his comeback after awhile, we can see he really wishes to do this production well. I can imagine that filming especially for him as not been easy. So It is nice to see how the effort and everything has paid off with ratings and stuff.

Hmm, i think we are all on the fence about QD and LS. I know rarely in saguek dramas do we get all the answers we are looking for in the drama. My own hope is that the majority and the BIG plot holes get answer. I think we do want to know what becomes of LS and QD for sure. Hopefully there will be a good enough airtime to explain and explore both of them (mainly LS naturally) and have enough time for our otp as well (:

Indeed, LS in commoner clothes may not mean he is redeem yet. For all you know there is something up his sleeves I agree as well. lets see how tomorrow turns out. I think after tomorrow we will know more for sure!

OH I WATCHED SHR! Gosh and I watched it for LJK as well. The only reason why I continue that drama was really for him, especially since i really could not stand the ending and stuff.

yes! I watched ruler for YSH and KSH, definitely a dream team pairing for sure!!!

With regards to who is worse, i think it will depend on how you see their crimes. For me, I still cannot get over the fact that QD was willing to kill CP as a baby and of all things use poison. As for LS, well I find his greed and obsession just wayyy too scary. So I am like you chingu, I find LS worse actually.

But as much as LS may not need to die. I feel his character needs to find some sense of solace, and if he can find it through his family. I am actually all for it. I mean for 5 years and more, he has been separated with his family not just physically but emotionally as well. Yes I agree he needs to let go for GE, but i would like him to gain some of what he lose through his family rather than be like an empty shell, that wont be fair to the mother and KM.

I think the show wasted a lot of time keeping CP on the streets, fighting PSG outside the palace. There was so much potential to his fighting from inside. Oh well, spilled milk. No use crying over it.

If LS comes to know HS is DM's man and has been manipulating him then that may trigger his guilt and redemption. Especially if our CP forgives him in tomorrows episode for treason and trying to kill him. After that, we'll see if his redemption is living with his family or dying while saving GE/CP or both. QD's redemption, I am never accepting, LOL. But I think it's too little time to encompass everything so we may not get all the answers we crave..especially in regard to DM and LS. 

With LS-GE, I think he may let go of her when he goes back to his commoner status. He wants to give GE all the happiness and comfort he possibly can but won't be able to if he is not the fake King anymore. But then he can also want to possess her no matter what so let's see what happens to LS.

20 minutes ago, kaoriharang said:


it only makes sense that the final battle between CP and Dm, happens when CP is back on the throne. So I think we will see him back on the throne maybe towards the start of ep 38 at the most the end. Seeing the text preview, DM will begin to fight CP pretty soon so I think it will happen the MOMENT CP claims back his throne.

What about HG's father? Would he give the antidote recipe to them? he is still a hidden card, cause even if you storm PSH and steal the remaining antidotes its still not enough to go around. I wonder if LS knows about the survival list, if he doesnt know, then he is going to be in for a shocker when if his name is on the list? Then i mean what would happen? Wont he go against DM already like that?

I would like CP to have his throne by the mid of tomorrow's episode. I really dont want too long a fight also between LS and CP. The main is CP vs DM. I think once that happens, all the players will start. MC, WB and GE will be focusing on the antidote. CW and Gon will probably take care of the PSH soldiers. It is going to be a high intensity fight! then WE CAN FINALLY GET OTP MOMENTS!

I agree, I too think CP will be back on the throne as soon as he passes the poison test..end of 37 maybe. Or mid 37 if the show continues on its fast pace.

HG's father may want to respect HG's last wish and hence will help out CP with the antidote recipe. He too must want DM and PSG's downfall.

Yeah, I don't think LS knows about the burning of the field or that the antidotes are limited. It will come as a shock to him. CP saving him with the antidote may turn him back into the LS he was before.

YES to more OTP moments!

2 hours ago, findit said:

<Text Preview for Episode 37 & 38>

Courtiers gathered in the palace are shocked by two kings, and both CP and LS claims he's the real king and tries to prove it. CP discloses the fact that his father (the late king) was murdered and PSH has a survival list. Meanwhile, DM prepares for a direct confrontation with CP by using antidote as a weapon...


I knew the antidote will be DM's final weapon. Boy, I can't wait to see his face when GE and WB make the antidote and save everyone. I am sure the betrayed ministers will give inside information to take down PSG for once and for all.

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10 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

OH I WATCHED SHR! Gosh and I watched it for LJK as well. The only reason why I continue that drama was really for him, especially since i really could not stand the ending and stuff.

yes! I watched ruler for YSH and KSH, definitely a dream team pairing for sure!!!

With regards to who is worse, i think it will depend on how you see their crimes. For me, I still cannot get over the fact that QD was willing to kill CP as a baby and of all things use poison. As for LS, well I find his greed and obsession just wayyy too scary. So I am like you chingu, I find LS worse actually.



I knew it would have a sad ending from the start since it was a remake and basically 99% they'll give a sad ending in korean version too so I was screaming "WHY DID YOU SIGN IN IT" :scream:  when I read the news knwoing I'll just go and watch it and get tortured BUT it was a worst experience for me with him being my ONLY FAVORITE thing in the entire drama+ the OSTs :tongue: hhhhhhh


they are indeed!! I hope we will get to see them reunite in another drama in the future!! :wub: 

hhhhhhhhh we're the same then :wink: 

10 hours ago, joyspartace said:

due to unexpected family news, I may have to travel to a different state this week and may not participate in any of the drama live recaps or any drama updates or watching. I'm not fully 100% if I can really do anything this week now due to the unexpected news. If something does come up, i apologize ahead for my absence. Hopefully, nothing terrible happens this week so I can catch up with you guys and watch the final episodes of Ruler.

if I do keep updating, I'll try my best to stay on top of things.   


I hope everything is fine with you and your family chingu, take good care and have a safe trip!! we will be waiting for you!! :heart: 

9 hours ago, rhaps said:

@vangsweetie637, yeah it's gonna be better if they showed the background of DM. Luckily the actor has been really charismatic, so I dont have problems with him being portrayed like that with so little character development. The son's remark about him forgetting his original purpose was really good, though. For me,  I just think that the acting has saved DM character from his flaws/lack of development, similar with CP. 

Btw, if they portray DM dies while remembering his family, then they should portray him mourning for his lost of power too. Coz, all this time, the drama has been showing him as someone with power and who do a lot of things to maintain it, with only few scenes of him worrying about his family(HG). 


the actore playing Dea Mok is a great actor, he was really scary as the big badvillain should even with no much character development!! :thumbsup: 

I agree with you, he'll be losing his entire world and everything he worked hard to gain: having power to protect his people, only he's losing that power that led to him losing his family as well!! he's losing it all!!

7 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

Hmmm, I dont know if i will buy that if all of a sudden CP forgives and saves him, LS's hatred towards him will go away. I feel he is not longer behaving in a manner that is because DM still has his life in his hands. The fact that he himself goes up to DM and strikes deals and DM-LS keep each other informed of each others plans and moves. It doesnt make sense that once CP forgives that will naturally happen. I feel now, LS is really operating on his own accord rather than because of an external force.


TRUE!! it's his will, his choices since the day he decided to betray our King no external forces making him do what he doesn't want to!!

if Lee Seon ever come back to his senses it will be because of realising that he was always a puppet to Dea Mok in every second of his life even when he thaught he was playing him and our King's kindness is his only remaining chance to have a good life with his mother and sister...again if he decided to stop his obsession in having what's not his and blaming our King for everything in his life!! :rolleyes:

7 hours ago, findit said:

<Text Preview for Episode 37 & 38>

Courtiers gathered in the palace are shocked by two kings, and both CP and LS claims he's the real king and tries to prove it. CP discloses the fact that his father (the late king) was murdered and PSH has a survival list. Meanwhile, DM prepares for a direct confrontation with CP by using antidote as a weapon...


woa!! it's a battle who will won the official's loyalty with their lives in the steak!! :o 

thank you so much for the translation chingu!! :wub: 

7 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

thanks for the translation chingu. Using the antidote as a weapon, meaning he is going to threaten the minister by using the antidote? Since most of the ministers are poisoned am I right?

The text doesnt give away that much huh.

@vangsweetie637 @sakura2016 @herina_90 @ktcjdrama its here


that's exactly what he'll do "you want to live? you need to be loyal to me and Pyunsoohwe against the real King" our King really need the antidote :confounded: 

thank you for tagging me chingu :wub: 

7 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:


Thanks for the text preview chingu!

So this is exactly what we saw from the preview already :D the preview showed us details that seem to be happening only in the beginning of the episode. I think LS is going use the jade to prove his identity since he has it in his possession. Hence we need that pot found soon! Ooo..a direct confrontation. An antidote as a weapon? As in..a threat or to poison CP again? :blink: Will DM be foolish enough to try that tactic again??

@kaoriharang haha yes very soon and we will be watching the finale. Judging from the text just given to us, we will be seeing more action :) you know, I don't buy that LS will forget that easily too. I also felt he acted on his own account and knew exactly why he was doing it. And seeing that he is still so persistent on being real, I think he is going to continue his ways. I also wonder..if he will be shocked when he learns that there is a survival list. Wonder if LS is on the list haha. Probably not since DM needs him. He is very aware that his life is in danger but still chose to work with DM for his greed. I don't think he will let go that easily too. Hehe yep just saw the text preview chingu :wink:



I think we can guess that our King won against Lee Seon :wink: since Dea Mok is now trying to win against him using the antidote to get the minister's loyalty to side with him against our King!! he's going to use the antidote with the already poisoned misnisters to gain their loaylty or they 'll die if they go against him and side with our King, now our King need the antidote as soon as possible to get those minister's loyalty and break Dea Mok's leverage on the ministers against him!! 

oh yeah right!! is Lee Seon on the list of those to be left with no antidote? :lol: that would be a great sla for him!! :lol: but yeah like you said Dea Mok wouldn't have planned to kill him since he still needed him then!!

7 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

Those on the list are those that are going to be saved or not? That time when Gon showed the list, Gon mention that people on the list are those that would be sacrifice because there is not enough antidotes to go around. I am just curious how they are going to make that many antidotes when the poppy field is burnt down.


the list is of those to be left with no antidote, it had the Queen and her people's names beside the 2nd concellor I think who is Dea Mok's man as our King pointed with a shock!!

7 hours ago, herina_90 said:

Ooooh DM though using the antidote as a weapon! He must be threatening CP to either die or the ministers will die. Maybe CP going to DMs house is to get the antidote.  Can't see DM showing up during the CP-LS showdown. 


I'll just kill Dea Mok that way....


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17 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


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I knew it would have a sad ending from the start since it was a remake and basically 99% they'll give a sad ending in korean version too so I was screaming "WHY DID YOU SIGN IN IT" :scream:  when I read the news knwoing I'll just go and watch it and get tortured BUT it was a worst experience for me with him being my ONLY FAVORITE thing in the entire drama+ the OSTs :tongue: hhhhhhh


they are indeed!! I hope we will get to see them reunite in another drama in the future!! :wub: 

hhhhhhhhh we're the same then :wink: 


the actore playing Dea Mok is a great actor, he was really scary as the big badvillain should even with no much character development!! :thumbsup: 

I agree with you, he'll be losing his entire world and everything he worked hard to gain: having power to protect his people, only he's losing that power that led to him losing his family as well!! he's losing it all!!


TRUE!! it's his will, his choices since the day he decided to betray our King no external forces making him do what he doesn't want to!!

if Lee Seon ever come back to his senses it will be because of realising that he was always a puppet to Dea Mok in every second of his life even when he thaught he was playing him and our King's kindness is his only remaining chance to have a good life with his mother and sister...again if he decided to stop his obsession in having what's not his and blaming our King for everything in his life!! :rolleyes:


that's exactly what he'll do "you want to live? you need to be loyal to me and Pyunsoohwe against the real King" our King really need the antidote :confounded: 

thank you for tagging me chingu :wub: 


I think we can guess that our King won against Lee Seon :wink: since Dea Mok is now trying to win against him using the antidote to get the minister's loyalty to side with him against our King!! he's going to use the antidote with the already poisoned misnisters to gain their loaylty or they 'll die if they go against him and side with our King, now our King need the antidote as soon as possible to get those minister's loyalty and break Dea Mok's leverage on the ministers against him!! 

oh yeah right!! is Lee Seon on the list of those to be left with no antidote? :lol: that would be a great sla for him!! :lol: but yeah like you said Dea Mok wouldn't have planned to kill him since he still needed him then!!


the list is of those to be left with no antidote, it had the Queen and her people's names beside the 2nd concellor I think who is Dea Mok's man as our King pointed with a shock!!


I'll just kill Dea Mok that way....


to some extent, didnt DM become sort of predictable towards the end?

He only uses fear to control people, unlike CP who goes somewhat the 'love' and 'care' route to reach out to people.

OF COURSE OUR KING WON! HOW CAN LS EVEN WIN ANYWAYS! Already from the standing posture to the way CP talks he knows he is the TRUE AND REAL KING! Yup! DM IS A LITTLE predictable in that aspect. I sort of knew he would use a fear or scare tactic to try to turn the minsters against CP. For all you know DM would not tell them he only has a limited amount of antidotes, just that he has the antidotes they need.

So the two ministers who were whispering to belong to DM? If thats the case, the fact that they want to real king back means they no longer want to work for DM?


oh my goodness, same as me! I only stuck through cause of him and the OST! Hi-5 CHINGU! glad we are of the same mind HAHA (: at least for this drama, it is not only one person, i am sticking for two people, the OST and the characters (:


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6 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

Bahaha..you certainly are but I am cynical and I am not trusting her ever. Kinda hoping she dies while saving him somehow LOL. Then I would call it her redemption.


even though I do trust her but I won't say no to her dying for our King!! :tongue: 

6 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

No, he planned on murdering CP twice and only after thinking he was betrayed first. He believes HS and thinks CP tried to poison him. The first time, he himself gave CP the out by telling him which gate he can escape from. It was too late by then but he did provide him an out. The second time, it was a hit and a miss. DM could have chosen to keep CP alive too so LS was not sure CP would die. Infact I am sure he expected CP to live because he knew DM's granddaughter loved CP. So both the times that LS tried to kill CP were not a definite play on his life. I am sure he hoped but then also hoped that he wouldn't die. Now though he is sure because he wants GE no matter what.


right, he told our King's life-sworn ennemy that no one can escape alive from his hands (other than our King to their bad luck :lol:) that our King is alive and surrundered all gates with soldiers than gave our King a 0,00000000000000000001% chance to run for his life and escape his trap, I sould thank him for it actually and the 2nd time he made a deal with Dea Mok and that's why he was in the cave on our King's initiation day knowing that he'll become the real King after getting rid of our King and he was triumphed at that time and not sad in the slightest so whatever his reasons are to preserve his life or not I HATE HIM for being happy over our King's "death" beside having a hand in it and to top it all trying to use it to steal his woman as well!!

6 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

BUT in QD's case there's no out and hence she is the worse in my books. She tried and succeeded in killing the CP. He died as a baby and came back alive. She killed a newborn. That is a taint that cannot be erased. Then she again killed CP with poison but he came back alive. She succeeded in killing CP everytime that's why I can never forgive her nor see her as his mother. That woman is as bad as DM in my books and she has always put herself above all and betrayed her trusted people. She went against her own maid and kicked her out and also threatened to kill her. She was even going to let GE get tortured and punished for her crime.


I won't even think to try to deffend her for her wrongdoing for sure but didn't see her betraying her people despite her greed for power and like you said she gave the maid a chance to survive instead of killing her to make sure she won't oppen her mouth so that's for her not against her!!

6 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

Also, I don't think he ever gloated in front of GE. He merely stated, crazily, that he will become the true king. He is so delusional and in pain from her rejection that he only wants to possess and hope she will accept or love him with time. He is unhinged but he can be saved, of that I am sure and honestly I want him to be saved only for CP and GE. CP has already mentioned many times how LS is suffering in his place as the puppet king. If he dies CP will blame himself for life, no matter any sound explanation. And I don't want that for our CP.


I saw it that way, when he feel confident and satisfied that he have enough power to end the real King's life to steal his identity and thus his woman as well and doing that to Ga Eun's face than he's gloating in my eyes!!

I agree with you on that, I'll accept his redemption and survival for our King if that will make him happy!! :tongue::wub: 

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1 hour ago, kaoriharang said:

to some extent, didnt DM become sort of predictable towards the end?

He only uses fear to control people, unlike CP who goes somewhat the 'love' and 'care' route to reach out to people.

OF COURSE OUR KING WON! HOW CAN LS EVEN WIN ANYWAYS! Already from the standing posture to the way CP talks he knows he is the TRUE AND REAL KING! Yup! DM IS A LITTLE predictable in that aspect. I sort of knew he would use a fear or scare tactic to try to turn the minsters against CP. For all you know DM would not tell them he only has a limited amount of antidotes, just that he has the antidotes they need.

So the two ministers who were whispering to belong to DM? If thats the case, the fact that they want to real king back means they no longer want to work for DM?

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oh my goodness, same as me! I only stuck through cause of him and the OST! Hi-5 CHINGU! glad we are of the same mind HAHA (: at least for this drama, it is not only one person, i am sticking for two people, the OST and the characters (:



hhhhhhhhh he lost his most precious leverage aka poppy field so he's in loss himself and trying to find a way to survive too!! :lol: 

that's Dea Mok from the start, he became who he is now by killing or scaring those agaisnt him or can go against him: not an ally than he's an ennemy and should die and those allies are more of those who either scared or are ambetious and taking his side is benefiting to them an that's why he's meant to fall unlike our King who went the caring and protecting route to win people's loyalty and love that fear and ambetion can't win!!

he must've used the jade that belong to our King but gave it to Lee Seon trusting him 5 years ago but our King's evidence that he's the real King is stronger and can't be questioned!! :wink: 

propably but still he has a leverage against them since he's the only one who has antidotes even if limited and so they're to show their loyalty if thay want to win his grace on them and give them (the most loyal ones) the antidote to live that's why our King need the antidotes ASAP!!

yes they are on Dea Mok's side but they weren't trying to find the real King to help him take his throne back but to capture him and get rid of him since they couldn't capture nor kill him till now so that was the chance they were talking about to get him!!


hhhhhhhh HI 5 CHINGU!! :D well for ruler despite it's flaws and not being what I thought it would be still it was enjoyable ride that I don't regret for a second :wink::wub: and I SO LOVED our King enough to tolerate everything for him :heart: even Lee Seon :unamused: hhhhhhhh


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Good morning my Monarch chingus! It is Tuesday today so that means Wednesday for some of you guys :D

Finally my phone is better haha. It kept crashing and lagging so much last night. 

@YourHighness . @kaoriharang @sakura2016

I did some more thinking haha.

If we really think about it, both QD and LS did commit treason against the real King. Both had wrongdoings that threatened the life of the future King. So if we think about the weight of their wrongs, both are equally guilty in their own way. Is there one worse than the other when both directly and indirectly still caused harm? I too cannot accept the fact that QD attempted and succeeded in killing a baby. I empathized with her pain of being childless. She is human. Of course she wants to be a mother and feel the love of a husband and child. But to poison a baby is inhumane. And she still continued to do so when she learned of who the real one was. I cannot also accept the fact that LS kept working with the enemy, allowed them to ambush CP and then was present when his enemy poisoned the real King. Even though he was shock, it is not because he felt sad about it but because he realized that by killing the real one, DM approved of him being the real one. I empathized with the life he had as a commoner. He had it hard. He had it unfair but it is still unjust to betray those who loved him and those he loved for the sake of wanting a better life. Most of all, he is no better than the Water Bereau who stole water from the people. He wants to steal what are not his. Both wanted to have everything because they feel they deserve it for all the suffering they endure. They do not see that others have suffered too. GE, MC, MH, CP, etc. These two committed more than half of the 7 deadly sins (lust, greed, envy, wrath, maybe even pride). I know our King with his heart will not punish them both by death. As I said, they only tried to kill him and went against him. They did not use innocent people to get their way like DM or PS did. But both still deserve some kind of punishment. Exile, status removed, all that stuff without the bloodshed. However we know our King too well so we know he would rather start his new Joseon cleansing the damage DM and PS caused than to kill more for the sake of it. 4 episodes will be too short to encompass everything now..so I am looking to see just how the writers tied up loose ends. And if it is our King who forgives them..then I will too :D:tongue: I am just waiting to see what the King says when he faces both of them once more, personally.


Okay. Backtracking time for me :)


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14 minutes ago, an-naum said:

Good news chingus @vangsweetie637 and @sakura2016, it's Wednesday in my part of the world.  Now,  it's pass my bed time but i'm still checking the net. 

I'll join the thread bcoz i hate watching laggg live streaming. I'll wait patiently for the RAWR!  


Awww yes good news indeed chingu! It is still only Tuesday 11am where I am but soon, it will be Wednesday and we will be watching finale. Aww yes do join us for the finale if you can. It will be our last ride together before the drama comes to an end :) i will be bringing refreshments and snacks haha.


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@vangsweetie637 I agree with you both Queen and Lee Seon made grave wrongdoings but our King is toooooo kind to punish them, for me I take any redeeming act if it's for our King's benefit so I can forgive the Queen if/when she helps our King and even Lee Seon if he still can find a chance to redeem himself and help our King in anyway, though I don't know if any chance is left since our King already wtook (will take) his throne back and will destroy Pyunsoohwe group without need for Lee Seon's help but if he can offer any useful help than I won't say no!! :tongue: 

I'll miss fangirling over our King here :tongue::wub: 

cr: seungho_0817

cr: qreystephanie

@an-naum @vangsweetie637 it's thursday 8:12 pm here :D @an-naum yaaaay happy you'll be joining us for our final week with Ruler!! :D 

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3 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


even though I do trust her but I won't say no to her dying for our King!! :tongue: 


right, he told our King's life-sworn ennemy that no one can escape alive from his hands (other than our King to their bad luck :lol:) that our King is alive and surrundered all gates with soldiers than gave our King a 0,00000000000000000001% chance to run for his life and escape his trap, I sould thank him for it actually and the 2nd time he made a deal with Dea Mok and that's why he was in the cave on our King's initiation day knowing that he'll become the real King after getting rid of our King and he was triumphed at that time and not sad in the slightest so whatever his reasons are to preserve his life or not I HATE HIM for being happy over our King's "death" beside having a hand in it and to top it all trying to use it to steal his woman as well!!


I won't even think to try to deffend her for her wrongdoing for sure but didn't see her betraying her people despite her greed for power and like you said she gave the maid a chance to survive instead of killing her to make sure she won't oppen her mouth so that's for her not against her!!


I saw it that way, when he feel confident and satisfied that he have enough power to end the real King's life to steal his identity and thus his woman as well and doing that to Ga Eun's face than he's gloating in my eyes!!

I agree with you on that, I'll accept his redemption and survival for our King if that will make him happy!! :tongue::wub: 

LOL the sarcasm. I won't repeat my points again but to me, it matters that CP could defend himself and fight in every life threatening situation LS put him in but QD attacked a defenseless baby. I find that more horrific and unforgivable. Not that I don't blame LS for his actions, I do. He needs to be punished but if compared, QD for me is worse.

1 hour ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Good morning my Monarch chingus! It is Tuesday today so that means Wednesday for some of you guys :D

Finally my phone is better haha. It kept crashing and lagging so much last night. 

@YourHighness . @kaoriharang @sakura2016

I did some more thinking haha.

If we really think about it, both QD and LS did commit treason against the real King. Both had wrongdoings that threatened the life of the future King. So if we think about the weight of their wrongs, both are equally guilty in their own way. Is there one worse than the other when both directly and indirectly still caused harm? I too cannot accept the fact that QD attempted and succeeded in killing a baby. I empathized with her pain of being childless. She is human. Of course she wants to be a mother and feel the love of a husband and child. But to poison a baby is inhumane. And she still continued to do so when she learned of who the real one was. I cannot also accept the fact that LS kept working with the enemy, allowed them to ambush CP and then was present when his enemy poisoned the real King. Even though he was shock, it is not because he felt sad about it but because he realized that by killing the real one, DM approved of him being the real one. I empathized with the life he had as a commoner. He had it hard. He had it unfair but it is still unjust to betray those who loved him and those he loved for the sake of wanting a better life. Most of all, he is no better than the Water Bereau who stole water from the people. He wants to steal what are not his. Both wanted to have everything because they feel they deserve it for all the suffering they endure. They do not see that others have suffered too. GE, MC, MH, CP, etc. These two committed more than half of the 7 deadly sins (lust, greed, envy, wrath, maybe even pride). I know our King with his heart will not punish them both by death. As I said, they only tried to kill him and went against him. They did not use innocent people to get their way like DM or PS did. But both still deserve some kind of punishment. Exile, status removed, all that stuff without the bloodshed. However we know our King too well so we know he would rather start his new Joseon cleansing the damage DM and PS caused than to kill more for the sake of it. 4 episodes will be too short to encompass everything now..so I am looking to see just how the writers tied up loose ends. And if it is our King who forgives them..then I will too :D:tongue: I am just waiting to see what the King says when he faces both of them once more, personally.


Okay. Backtracking time for me :)


I agree with you. I want them both punished but knowing our King and his Queen, I doubt they will be. LOL.


BTW, the link I was using for live streaming seems to be broken, can someone please PM me new links? Please?

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@sakura2016 chingu, it is already Thursday there? How did you manage to jump Wednesday when it is only Tuesday here for me? :tongue: did you mean Tuesday night? Haha

36 minutes ago, Tram92 said:

Only four more episodes. How exciting and bittersweet that it's coming to an end! 

@vangsweetie637 Do you happen to live in Arizona? We're in the same time zone!


Hi chingu! I am from CA. But am sure it is same time zone since we both are still quite close by state :D will u be joining us for the finale?

@YourHighness . Right! I want both punished too but don't think it will happen lol. Both in my eyes are guilty as charged. No longer innocent :tongue:

36 minutes ago, jakey09 said:

So according to tomorrow's summary ... seems like an other fast paced episode but also seems like OTP moments will be in Thursdays episode only, most likely second half. Sighs! 


Remember my pattern theory, chingu :wink::tongue:


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45 minutes ago, YourHighness . said:

LOL the sarcasm. I won't repeat my points again but to me, it matters that CP could defend himself and fight in every life threatening situation LS put him in but QD attacked a defenseless baby. I find that more horrific and unforgivable. Not that I don't blame LS for his actions, I do. He needs to be punished but if compared, QD for me is worse.

I agree with you. I want them both punished but knowing our King and his Queen, I doubt they will be. LOL.


BTW, the link I was using for live streaming seems to be broken, can someone please PM me new links? Please?


hhhhhhhhhh I think I hated Lee Seon more because I trusted him and hope in him unlike the Queen who I knew from day 1 what an evil person she is so I hoped nothing from her not trusted :lol: like you said both did horrific and unforgivable things who's more and less doesn't change much and they are lucky to have a kind King and Queen who not only wouldn't even think about punishing them but will think of ways to save them :wink: hhhhh

can't livestream myself but the one I know you need to register to, it's imbc's official livstreaming link!! this is how to register to it :) 


and this is were to watch after registering :) hope it helps :) 


45 minutes ago, Tram92 said:

Only four more episodes. How exciting and bittersweet that it's coming to an end! 

@vangsweetie637 Do you happen to live in Arizona? We're in the same time zone!


yeah!! we're really excited to see how things will end with our King distroying Pyunsoohwe and becoming a great King with his Queen beside him :w00t::wub: but it's also the end :( 

45 minutes ago, jakey09 said:

So according to tomorrow's summary ... seems like an other fast paced episode but also seems like OTP moments will be in Thursdays episode only, most likely second half. Sighs! 


why? Ga Eun will enter the royal court to help our King with the jar she'll find remember :wink: and maybe we will have small moment with them :wub: before things get back to action again :wink: 

@vangsweetie637 hhhhhhhhhh oh my I jumped to thursday?!! :lol: what happened to my wednesday episode then? :lol: I meant tuesday!! :sweatingbullets: hhhhhhh

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@sakura2016 hahaha i was wondering how you jumped to Thursday and skipped Wednesday without our episode 37 and 38 :lol::lol:

@jakey09 Don't worry about OTP moments for now. I am sure we will have to endure the action before the sweetness. And like @sakura2016 said, we may get some moments in tomorrow's episode..if not, all of it..in last episodes :) they better know that it is what we are waiting for haha.


Man..my phone is back to lagging again now. Ayes.


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9 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@sakura2016 hahaha i was wondering how you jumped to Thursday and skipped Wednesday without our episode 37 and 38 :lol::lol:

@jakey09 Don't worry about OTP moments for now. I am sure we will have to endure the action before the sweetness. And like @sakura2016 said, we may get some moments in tomorrow's episode..if not, all of it..in last episodes :) they better know that it is what we are waiting for haha.


Man..my phone is back to lagging again now. Ayes.



hhhhhhhh even with supernatural powers I still should've shared with you what I saw in wednesday while being in thursday!! :lol: 

I'm sure they know :wink: 

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@vangsweetie637 Of course I would be here for the finale! Arizona time zone actually doesn't change at all so sometimes California is either an hour earlier than Arizona or the same. That's why I was curious. It's interesting to see where other fans/viewers are from!

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