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[Drama 2017] The Ruler: Master of the Mask /The Emperor: Owner of the Mask 군주:가면의 주인

Go Seung Ji

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19 hours ago, katherinyyyy said:

You could see there, for a second, how taken aback she was. How "touched" ... she must have missed having children. Not everyone can deal with that loss positively.

That scene with LS? I'm pretty sure it was a facade. She'll probably help CP now. 

I have not watched this episode yet, and I cannot wait to see it; however, LS lost the QD/DQ as an ally once he gave her the drugged tea and banished her to the a far side of the palace. The only reason the QD  did not  support the CP is because she wanted power and thought that she could manipulate the fake king to get it.  When she first met the Chef Peddler, she noticed that he walked like her husband and by interacting with him, she knew he was wise.  If anyone can defeat DM, it is the CP, her husband's son and real inheritor of the throne. At this point it would be unwise for the DQ to back anyone other than the CP.  I am glad the two of them are together now.  

The moral of this story is "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."  We see it with DM, LS, and the DQ.  Once DM killed his granddaughter, he lost his son, respect of others and sealed his own fate.  LS's jealousy caused him to covet a position that was never his and in the end he will not only lost his position and possibly his life but dear friends.  Although the DQ knew that the king was a fake, she used it as an opportunity to rule the country.  To gain and retain power, she ordered the CP killed only to have the fake king exile her to a small room in the palace.   The CP and real king understands that having power is not about the individual who has the power, but about the people he/she can help or uplift  along the way. The CP has proven that he is the rightful king and is capable of ruling the country and gaining the people's love. 

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Watched an interview where Yoo Seung Ho said that if he had a chance to try and act as another character of the show, he would like to choose Lee Seun and I was just thinking yesterday that if it had been him casted as LS, no matter who would have been the CP then, I think LS would have gained many more dimensions. I think the fear and despair on the one hand and crazed longing for something that doesn't belong to him on the other hand would have showed more. Don't know if it's ok to say this...

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16 hours ago, findit said:

BTS is so funny

YSH says he suddenly became popular with "eunuch" cloth :lol:


he really played every role in this drama: CP, communer/Book Seeker, a newbie peddler, Chief Peddler, masked intruder, royal officer, disguised as Pyunsoohwe assassin then  poppy field guard till he reached an Eunch disguise and Finally back to his true identity a King!! WOA that was quite a full of different roles journey :lol::wub: 

16 hours ago, googleme said:


One more week left :( 

the funny thing is, I remember wanting this drama to end faster so i can get over it and move on with my life (due to the frustrations that the writers have caused me). And now that it is coming to an end, Im starting to feel very sad about it. ahhh... i can already feel it, the infamous kdrama withdrawal syndrome -_-


for some reason I'm happy you're feeling this way now!! :tongue: hhhhhhhhh

13 hours ago, Yongzura said:


Me too!  It was the most touching scene for me yesterday. Plus the way, he was holding her hand and ask for forgiveness for not knowing she suffered etc. His empathy will definitely win over her, however I do hope the QD will totally give her support next week since the drama is ending.  


true!! he's the 1st and only person who could see and empathise with her pain when he was the one who should be resenting her the most and I trust that his sincere care for her won her over and she's to be his ally from now on!! 

12 hours ago, YourHighness . said:

No. CP would never sentence LS. I am sure even in the next episode when everyone will demand LS's death for treason. CP will pardon him and blame it on DM, leading to attack on PSG and DM himself.


I'm totally sure of it!! our King is toooooooooo kind to want to punish Lee Seon let alone sentence him!!

12 hours ago, Yongzura said:


(내 맘이 들리지 않니)




One step to you, if I take another step to you
Will we be able to get closer?

We’re so close, seems like I can touch you
But why can’t my heart reach you?

Even in my sighs, you are there
Tears rise just at the thought of you
They won’t empty

How many times do I have to call
In order for me to reach you?
Can’t you hear my heart yet?

One step to you, if I take another step to you
Will you be able to recognize me?

We’re so close, seems like I can touch you
But why can’t my heart reach you?

Even in my sighs, you are there
Tears rise just at the thought of you
They won’t empty

How many times do I have to call
In order for me to reach you?
Can’t you hear my heart yet?

Under my fingernails
The thorn-like longing is still there
I call and call but
Why can’t my heart reach you?

Even in my sighs, you are there
Tears rise just at the thought of you
They won’t empty

How many times do I have to call
In order for me to reach you?
Can’t you hear my heart yet?
To you

Cr. to popgasa




awwwww that was beautiful!! :wub: thank you for sharing the translation chingu!! :wub: 

11 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I love it when GE calls him a fake and for him to let go of things that do not belong to him. But instead, he feels that GE is attacking him personally, failing to acknowledge all his efforts. He doesn't even know that he reaps what he sows.


all he can see was that he cleared Magistrate Han so he's to be thanked and loved not seeing that he sis it the wrong way for a wrong reason and doing good deeds doesn't guarantee nor oblige the person to be thankful and love him back but he has no brain left to get that!!

11 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I really loved CE and CP talk. I agree with CP. CE wanting to stay neutral, allowed the chains of events to happen. If he had done something earlier then perhaps the damage would not have been so severe. I think CE also knows that CP made a point. His expression was that of shock and knowing he had a point. If CE had acted a little earlier instead of waiting in the corners, then things wouldn't have gotten so bad. All in all, i am glad CE agreed to help. Love it when he smiled at CP and bowed his head and say "What can I do for you?" And that smile from CP..like a proud King :D


right!! Chief Eunch always thaught of others (royalty, traitors, Pyunsoohwe group) to be responsable for all the wrong that happened in the countery but while he was trying to keep himself and the few with him safe he actually sacrificed many people and let the traitors get stronger without doing anything to help the weak side or stop the bad side when he could as much as he can and our King voicing that fact made him realise that he helped the traitors by being a bystander doing what they want without doing anything to stop them and that was the 1st wall our King broke of Chief Eunch's firm believe not to help and the 2nd and final wall was broken when he trusted that our King isn't a King who'll sacrifice people's lives thinking of them as petty lives that can sacrificed for the greater good-keeping him safe on his throne!! :wub: I loved when he asked our King if he's confident he'll keep fighting till the very end and our King looked at him with "so you'll help?" awwww :wub: 

11 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

Can't wait for next week :wink: i am on our CP's side!! He is the real one! LS..get out of that seat!!! :tongue:



we're all on our King's side :wink::tongue: 

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1 hour ago, rittoo said:

Watched an interview where Yoo Seung Ho said that if he had a chance to try and act as another character of the show, he would like to choose Lee Seun and I was just thinking yesterday that if it had been him casted as LS, no matter who would have been the CP then, I think LS would have gained many more dimensions. I think the fear and despair on the one hand and crazed longing for something that doesn't belong to him on the other hand would have showed more. Don't know if it's ok to say this...


Chingu, is it because you want to see YSH play a villain-ish role that you can see him playing as LS will be more dimensional? LOL. I keep thinking about how you said that smile of his at the end came off as villain-ish and evil which I saw and agreed. He looked so hot and sexy portraying CP like that :tongue: i am even more in love with him now haha

But..to answer your question, whether he played LS or not, I think we would still be looking at a one dimensional character. His eyes can portray intense emotions and his gestures can convey what he wants to say. But..as long as the script remain the way it does, he will still have to act accordingly to the way it was written. Now..if we got a more balanced writer and flexible director, and YSH was to play commoner LS, i believe he would have been able to portrayed his tortured soul even more.

However, L himself did very good in portraying the role he did. He portrayed commoner LS with his best. And I think he nailed it with all he got. Why? Because look at me..i am still analyzing his character with every angle :wink: thing is, the flaws doesn't rest in the cast or characters but in how they were written out. If the elements of this drama was well balanced, anyone could have played any role and be able to be much more dimensional. But since it wasn't and there were many flaws, we viewers just have to think much harder :D


Man i hate it when my phone is lagging. Sighs



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11 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

In many ways, LS is like the character #1 most pitiful because of the background and everything. His life has not been easy, and yes as viewers at times I think we want him dead (I secretly still want him dead @sakura2016) But when I look at think about it, I know it is not fair towards his mother and sister. I do believe that in one form or another LS has to atone for what he has done, but as for how that atonement is going to be done. Well, we will have to wait and see.

Could it be possible that after CP proves himself, LS runs away to DM? It would not be strange since after all DM's men are in the Palace as well?


hhhhhh I think I'm so protective of our King that who ever try to harm him is on my black list and Lee Seon is on top of that list that if I can think about forgiving others I can't think of it with him, it's sad for his mother and sister but if I try to forget all the horrible things he did to our King up till now I can't let go of the fact that till the very last second he still wanted to take everything belonged to our King even using the authority that is our King's to steal our King's woman and gloat about it to Ga Eun: you betray your friend, you try to kill him (for the endless time) to steal his identity so you can steal his woman and you gloat about it in front of the woman you supposedly love and used to be is friend isn't something I want him to be forgiven for and there is nothing he can do to try to redeem himself and be useful and helpful to our King so no forgiving from me though yeah our King and Ga Eun would forgive him so if he's to die (if he died) it's not by our King or his orders that's for sure, can it be Dea Mok? I'd thank him for it before enjoying Dea Mok's death himself!! :sweatingbullets::naughty: 

Lee Seon running to Dea Mok would be useless since the real King revealed himself so nothing can be done :naughty: they can run together from the rest of Pyunsoohwe group members :naughty: hhhhhhhh

11 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

Agreed, it was one of the most touching scenes. At times I can never understand the QD, but when I look at it from her point of view. Especially at a time where women's worth was place in her ability to produce a child. It is painful to see that she may have been 'Queen' but she never got the respect she deserved with that title BECAUSE she could not produce. On her part, it was something that the late King could have done better.

it was wonderful to see CP acknowledge her struggles and empathies. How many people do that? Truly CP is wise beyond his years.


her pain wasn't only as for not having the respect she deserve with her title as the Queen but it's the pain of a woman who couldn't be a mother but beside that pain she had to endure losing her husband to another woman for it so the pain multiplied and got worst with every passing day seeing her husband with another woman and seeing him have a child that she couldn't give him, it's the pain of a woman and wife not the pain of a Queen and don't know how much the King could've eased that pain if he even tried but failed!! I actually feel bad for Queen's at that time since they are to share their husbands with other women though our King won't be one of those husbands/Kings :tongue:

he's the kindest person on this planet :heart: really, to him everyone deserves to be saved and given a second chance-but Dea Mok and those behind him for sure!! hhhh

11 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

@joyspartace_stv love what you've written on the differences the way CP and LS each approached QD. I've been wondering whose side QD will take, because after all, we still have two hours to fill before the end of the show. But then I'm now more inclined that she will support CP. I noted that when LS talked to QD about the poppy pills, she didn't even bothered to ask about the supply even though she had been notified by CP that the field had burned and no more production of the pills. I'm sure she can tell LS came to her with empty promises, while CP came to her with sincerity. CP didn't sugarcoat the situation but told her as it is, while LS trying to win her over by promising her status and luxuries with subtle threats. I really hope she will use her smart wisely and choose the right side. But of course there's the spoiler BTS still of them standing together as well.


the Queen is smart enough to not trust the one who betrayed her once poisoning her and took her authority and power from her to actually keep his promise with her after getting all he wants and the only lasting power she has, that beside being moved by our King's sincerity with her!! 

11 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I actually still have so much that I want to share about this week's episodes, but RL keeps calling me away from soompi and dramaland :(..... I should be happy already to be able to keep up with the new posts....


happy you still can keep up with us chingu :) 

10 hours ago, herina_90 said:

I feel like DM doesn't have as much control over PSH that he claims he has. It must be the people in the cave who have the real power - I hope there's an interesting twist on who the people behind the masks are. But I think we will never know who they are.

And I don't think it's the last we will see of Hwagoon's father - other than Daemok, he is the only one who knows the recipe for the antidote and I'm sure the writers made it this way for a reason! He is showing how love for family can go another direction - the loss of HG didn't turn him into the monster that is now DM. 


I was laughing with satisfaction when the masked man told Dea Mok he'll be on the list to be killed if our King managed to get his throne back!! :lol: who would've thaught that Dea Mok would've been threatened himself hhhhhhhhh :naughty: and yes maybe we won't get to see who they are and they'll hide in the shadow planning to create another Pyunsoohwe after our King destroying it for them but they'll fail for sure with our King being on the throne :naughty: 

I'm sure he'll help our King with the antidote for Hwa Gun's memory and wish to help our King till the very end!!

4 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

This is one of the main reasons to why his mom and GE cannot accept his efforts. He is not doing it for anyone else but himself. Is it wrong? No. Because in life, it is okay to think about yourself too. It is okay to want something and go for it. What is wrong is stealing what is not yours, and putting others on the line to fill that selfish need. Greed suffices. Jealousy remains. He is doing exactly that. He thinks he is right. Every one else knows he is wrong. Forcing GE to marry him is not a dream of his. Maybe a long long time ago. But now..it is all about winning. It is him wanting everything belonging to CP in his eyes. He doesn't truly love her. He just wants her for the sake of making sure CP loses everything. 

I can't wait until CP gets back his throne, and kicks LS off the seat! He will once again become the low status commoner in that very moment..but in much deeper bigger trouble than his dad was in for strealing water from PS. 


Okay. Off to the appointment. Will be back later to discuss more with you guys. And add my insight on CP. I feel like he is the one character I have yet to analyze :wink:


dreaming, hoping and doing everything to acheive that drama and hope is never wrong but when that dream and hope turn into obsession and greed and betraying and stepping on the people and his friends is the road to to reach that "dream" then no one will accept nor acknowledge his so called effort since those efforts are the eisiest way to get what he wants and it will lead to no one's happiness but his satisfaction to get wht he wants with no regards to what others wants and needs!! I'm wandering now, everyone tried to talk sense to Lee Seon but failed understandably so can our King's words and kindness reach to him? he was shaked for a second when he saw our King kneeling and begging Dea Mok for Chung Woon's life who was only a guard in Lee Seon's eyes so can our King still reach Lee Seon's deeply burried conscience and let him see how low he got and why he will never be the real King: not for his status but for his atiitude?!! 

and yes Lee Seon's love for Ga Eun has ended, all is left is the need to have her like having everything our King has just to prove that he can have all he wants in a competition against our King in his own mind!! but don't see him in danger even when our King get his throne back, our Kingis a kind person who wouldn't try to punish him or make his life hard, he can even try to help him!! *sigh*

hope you did well in you appointment and will be waiting for you :wink: 

2 hours ago, joyspartace said:


I just finished reading Bae Yoo Ram's post drama interview and I couldn't stop laughing. Even through words, he is just so naturally funny. I won't post the whole interview and input the important factors. 

The gist of the interview: he said he was thankful that Yoo Seung Ho approached him comfortably at first as well as Kim So Hyun. He voiced how all the kids (YSH, KSH, L, So Hee) has made the long shooting fun and enjoyable for him. He also voiced how it's the first time he is surrounded by so many senior actors including YSH & KSH, he was nervous but he learned a lot by watching the sunbaes film. It was his first historical drama so they taught him a lot about how to speak in certain tone and how he should breathe. He also said that if he felt like the everybody was tense or the junior actors were nervous, he would try his best to make jokes and help lighten the mood on set. 

He also commented on how he recently did a V with KSH & YSH. Expressing how fun it was that it was on the spot considering the original plan was supposed to be on set. He was surprised at how well the V came out. He said that he knows and is familiar with both YSH & KSH that the V was a lot easier. The kids were so kind and good as they tried their best make the V fun. BYR said he likes to talk a lot so interacting with V and his close colleagues was fun. 

The rest of the interview contains how he feels as an actor, if he regrets on choosing to be an actor and how he wants to better in the future. 




thank you so much for sharing chingu!! :D we can see how close they really are after being together on set for 7 months and I'm happy for that!! :wub: 

2 hours ago, Carmarie said:


I have not watched this episode yet, and I cannot wait to see it; however, LS lost the QD/DQ as an ally once he gave her the drugged tea and banished her to the a far side of the palace. The only reason the QD  did not  support the CP is because she wanted power and thought that she could manipulate the fake king to get it.  When she first met the Chef Peddler, she noticed that he walked like her husband and by interacting with him, she knew he was wise.  If anyone can defeat DM, it is the CP, her husband's son and real inheritor of the throne. At this point it would be unwise for the DQ to back anyone other than the CP.  I am glad the two of them are together now.  

The moral of this story is "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."  We see it with DM, LS, and the DQ.  Once DM killed his granddaughter, he lost his son, respect of others and and sealed his own fate.  LS's jealousy caused him to covet a position that was never his and in the end he will not only lost his position and possibly his life but dear friends.  Although the DQ knew that the king was a fake, she used it as an opportunity to rule the country.  To gain and retain power, she ordered the CP killed only to have the fake king exile her to a small room in the palace.   The CP and real king understands that having power is not about the individual who has the power, but about the people he/she can help or uplift  along the way. The CP has proved that he is the rightful king and is capable of ruling the country and gaining the people's love. 




I love your post :thumbsup::heart: 

2 hours ago, rittoo said:

Watched an interview where Yoo Seung Ho said that if he had a chance to try and act as another character of the show, he would like to choose Lee Seun and I was just thinking yesterday that if it had been him casted as LS, no matter who would have been the CP then, I think LS would have gained many more dimensions. I think the fear and despair on the one hand and crazed longing for something that doesn't belong to him on the other hand would have showed more. Don't know if it's ok to say this...


L has did really well on his own but yes if it was Yoo Seung Ho playing Lee Seon's character it would've been more layered through his acting and conflicted struggles that we'll get to see through his eyes and facial expressions!! 


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Watching episode 35/36 right now, and can I just say that Lee Seon is just becoming super freaking possessive? I mean I understand what he went through, but I don't think that justifies his actions.. He is just being very possessive over Ga Eun at this point and he knows that she doesn't love him but the Crown Prince... And I know you love her boy, but you are just being really obsessed and possessive over Ga Eun.. Can't he see how Ga Eun feels about him acting this way?

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27 minutes ago, ferily said:

Watching episode 35/36 right now, and can I just say that Lee Seon is just becoming super freaking possessive? I mean I understand what he went through, but I don't think that justifies his actions.. He is just being very possessive over Ga Eun at this point and he knows that she doesn't love him but the Crown Prince... And I know you love her boy, but you are just being really obsessed and possessive over Ga Eun.. Can't he see how Ga Eun feels about him acting this way?


he doesn't care anymore, he just want to have her not her heart anymore!! how he gloated that he'll kill our King-the man she loves and his used to be friend-so she'll be his showed how for him it's no longer love but competition to have what our King has including the woman he loves!! :rolleyes:


I am antisocial!! I wantto keep watching my dramas with no interruption!! :lol: 

Those court ladies take their job serious.

Those court ladies take their job serious.

cr: https://aja-villa.tumblr.com/

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July 7, 2017

Ruler–Master of the Mask: Episodes 33-34

by hanshimi


As this show winds down to its conclusion, Sun gears up to meet the final obstacles between himself and the throne. I have to say, this episode is just filled with plot developments and reawakened subplots that I never expected – and while I can’t say I’m thrilled with how they actually played out, props to the show for surprising me so hard, and even for adding some well-done emotional moments as well. All in all, I’m glad that we’re at least left with some inkling of closure in the near future – because at this point, what more can you ask for?



that's me being a fangirl and biased :tongue::wub: 



cr: dramabeans

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I'm missing my OTP!!!!!! 

I wish tomorrow was Wednesday. But I don't want last week to be last week. After this, I'm officially moving to shippers thread. :lol:

Every time I see the reunion scene ... Fine, she might have been realistic enough not to think him as a ghost, but it baffles me how come she never questioned CP regarding how he lived after having 3 poisonous pills?! 

Others might be ignorant enough not to question, but her fields medicine ... it should have interested her. CP's immunity should interest her.

I think, director has an issue with having OTP scenes more than 2 mins long! It wouldn't hurt to see them converse! 

Director & writers annoy me and how! 

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4 hours ago, jakey09 said:

I'm missing my OTP!!!!!! 

I wish tomorrow was Wednesday. But I don't want last week to be last week. After this, I'm officially moving to shippers thread. :lol:

Every time I see the reunion scene ... Fine, she might have been realistic enough not to think him as a ghost, but it baffles me how come she never questioned CP regarding how he lived after having 3 poisonous pills?! 

Others might be ignorant enough not to question, but her fields medicine ... it should have interested her. CP's immunity should interest her.

I think, director has an issue with having OTP scenes more than 2 mins long! It wouldn't hurt to see them converse! 

Director & writers annoy me and how! 


That's not a problem abt the ghost thing LOL, even if he was a ghost, she'd run to him and hold him tight :))) And it'd be super romantic and painful  (i'm a fan of fantasy LMAO) Well, I bet after holding him, she knows he's still human, so dont need to question more. But right, after that they should have questioned abt how he can survive after 3 doses of poison. Bcs it's clearly against all the logic and medical theories.  And if GE investigates it deeper, she may be named as the second Dae Jang Geum for her research abt immunity LMAO. Such a WASTE (well, this drama wastes everything it has)

But in fact, no one, even HG and CP himself question abt that =.='

And true, the writers and mostly the PD has problem with OTP scenes. The first kiss didnt make the story move. The second one happen unnecessarily (I believe sometimes a huge tells more than a kiss). I wish the PD stop worrying abt KSH patting hand and pay more attention to their proper talk!


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2 hours ago, jakey09 said:

I'm missing my OTP!!!!!! 

I wish tomorrow was Wednesday. But I don't want last week to be last week. After this, I'm officially moving to shippers thread. :lol:

Every time I see the reunion scene ... Fine, she might have been realistic enough not to think him as a ghost, but it baffles me how come she never questioned CP regarding how he lived after having 3 poisonous pills?! 

Others might be ignorant enough not to question, but her fields medicine ... it should have interested her. CP's immunity should interest her.

I think, director has an issue with having OTP scenes more than 2 mins long! It wouldn't hurt to see them converse! 

Director & writers annoy me and how! 


1 hour ago, valNK said:

That's not a problem abt the ghost thing LOL, even if he was a ghost, she'd run to him and hold him tight :))) And it'd be super romantic and painful  (i'm a fan of fantasy LMAO) Well, I bet after holding him, she knows he's still human, so dont need to question more. But right, after that they should have questioned abt how he can survive after 3 doses of poison. Bcs it's clearly against all the logic and medical theories.  And if GE investigates it deeper, she may be named as the second Dae Jang Geum for her research abt immunity LMAO. Such a WASTE (well, this drama wastes everything it has)

But in fact, no one, even HG and CP himself question abt that =.='

And true, the writers and mostly the PD has problem with OTP scenes. The first kiss didnt make the story move. The second one happen unnecessarily (I believe sometimes a huge tells more than a kiss). I wish the PD stop worrying abt KSH patting hand and pay more attention to their proper talk!

I agree with both of you. And you mean after holding and kissing him, right? :wink:

If we look at the full BTS, the director asking KSH to caress YSH shoulder blade in a certain way, well in real life (give it a try if you must) it is almost impossible to do so with that hugging position. SMHSMHSMH...

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9 hours ago, Carmarie said:

I have not watched this episode yet, and I cannot wait to see it; however, LS lost the QD/DQ as an ally once he gave her the drugged tea and banished her to the a far side of the palace. The only reason the QD  did not  support the CP is because she wanted power and thought that she could manipulate the fake king to get it.  When she first met the Chef Peddler, she noticed that he walked like her husband and by interacting with him, she knew he was wise.  If anyone can defeat DM, it is the CP, her husband's son and real inheritor of the throne. At this point it would be unwise for the DQ to back anyone other than the CP.  I am glad the two of them are together now.  

The moral of this story is "power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."  We see it with DM, LS, and the DQ.  Once DM killed his granddaughter, he lost his son, respect of others and sealed his own fate.  LS's jealousy caused him to covet a position that was never his and in the end he will not only lost his position and possibly his life but dear friends.  Although the DQ knew that the king was a fake, she used it as an opportunity to rule the country.  To gain and retain power, she ordered the CP killed only to have the fake king exile her to a small room in the palace.   The CP and real king understands that having power is not about the individual who has the power, but about the people he/she can help or uplift  along the way. The CP has proven that he is the rightful king and is capable of ruling the country and gaining the people's love. 


The relationship between QD, LS and CP is one of the most interesting dynamics for me. I am sure now that QD will not side with LS. She is a person of grudges. And even though she held a grudge against CP's parents, it was never against CP. It's like that saying: the child will often suffer for the mistakes of their parents. CP was the victim in the midst of QD's scorn and hatred. But now i am starting to believe she will help the real one to the throne. Remember the challenge between her and LS..he challenged her..asking if she is going to seat the real one on the throne and she retorts "do you think i cannot do that?!" I am sure now that QD will help CP back to the throne. Like you say, she would rather want the to side with the wiser one, not the ones who are hungry for power too. It would be another clash of the titans. CP was able to empathize with QD, almost made her remember what it use to mean when she was 'human'. I will be really glad when I see how QD helps CP next week :)


On the subject of CP, i have not had a chance to truly analyze him yet. I have watched episode 1 to now and have seen him come full circle now. So i will be back later to write my insights on him :wink:

@sakura2016 aww thanks chingu. My appt went well. Took 2 hours to finish haha. Will be back later to discuss :)


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7 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


hhhhhh I think I'm so protective of our King that who ever try to harm him is on my black list and Lee Seon is on top of that list that if I can think about forgiving others I can't think of it with him, it's sad for his mother and sister but if I try to forget all the horrible things he did to our King up till now I can't let go of the fact that till the very last second he still wanted to take everything belonged to our King even using the authority that is our King's to steal our King's woman and gloat about it to Ga Eun: you betray your friend, you try to kill him (for the endless time) to steal his identity so you can steal his woman and you gloat about it in front of the woman you supposedly love and used to be is friend isn't something I want him to be forgiven for and there is nothing he can do to try to redeem himself and be useful and helpful to our King so no forgiving from me though yeah our King and Ga Eun would forgive him so if he's to die (if he died) it's not by our King or his orders that's for sure, can it be Dea Mok? I'd thank him for it before enjoying Dea Mok's death himself!! :sweatingbullets::naughty: 

Lee Seon running to Dea Mok would be useless since the real King revealed himself so nothing can be done :naughty: they can run together from the rest of Pyunsoohwe group members :naughty: hhhhhhhh


her pain wasn't only as for not having the respect she deserve with her title as the Queen but it's the pain of a woman who couldn't be a mother but beside that pain she had to endure losing her husband to another woman for it so the pain multiplied and got worst with every passing day seeing her husband with another woman and seeing him have a child that she couldn't give him, it's the pain of a woman and wife not the pain of a Queen and don't know how much the King could've eased that pain if he even tried but failed!! I actually feel bad for Queen's at that time since they are to share their husbands with other women though our King won't be one of those husbands/Kings :tongue:

he's the kindest person on this planet :heart: really, to him everyone deserves to be saved and given a second chance-but Dea Mok and those behind him for sure!! hhhh


the Queen is smart enough to not trust the one who betrayed her once poisoning her and took her authority and power from her to actually keep his promise with her after getting all he wants and the only lasting power she has, that beside being moved by our King's sincerity with her!!


I was laughing with satisfaction when the masked man told Dea Mok he'll be on the list to be killed if our King managed to get his throne back!! :lol: who would've thaught that Dea Mok would've been threatened himself hhhhhhhhh :naughty: and yes maybe we won't get to see who they are and they'll hide in the shadow planning to create another Pyunsoohwe after our King destroying it for them but they'll fail for sure with our King being on the throne :naughty: 

I'm sure he'll help our King with the antidote for Hwa Gun's memory and wish to help our King till the very end!!


dreaming, hoping and doing everything to acheive that drama and hope is never wrong but when that dream and hope turn into obsession and greed and betraying and stepping on the people and his friends is the road to to reach that "dream" then no one will accept nor acknowledge his so called effort since those efforts are the eisiest way to get what he wants and it will lead to no one's happiness but his satisfaction to get wht he wants with no regards to what others wants and needs!! I'm wandering now, everyone tried to talk sense to Lee Seon but failed understandably so can our King's words and kindness reach to him? he was shaked for a second when he saw our King kneeling and begging Dea Mok for Chung Woon's life who was only a guard in Lee Seon's eyes so can our King still reach Lee Seon's deeply burried conscience and let him see how low he got and why he will never be the real King: not for his status but for his atiitude?!!

L has did really well on his own but yes if it was Yoo Seung Ho playing Lee Seon's character it would've been more layered through his acting and conflicted struggles that we'll get to see through his eyes and facial expressions!! 


I think despite acknowledging that yes LS's upbringing and yes he is to be pitied. I agree with you that, no matter what LS was conscious of his actions. He knows clearly what he is doing now, he wants CP dead, he wants GE all for himself, he wants that throne. So in my opinion, yes he is to be pitied but at least the same time, I also cannot forgive him and look the other way because he KNOWS what he is doing. He can't blame that on anyone else. 

true, but how would CP destroy PSH is still the question, with no antidote on hand. CP does not ahve much pull over the ministers as of now.

What you said about the Queen is so so true. She is to be pitied, it is really nice to see that CP does know and acknowledges those pains and suffers that she endured for all these years. I think that approach really spoke into the heart of the QD. It made her see the potential of this boy to be the future king. Unlike what LS did which was a complete threatening position.                       

they really have to reveal those mask men before the end of the series, it really wanna know who these people are!


Personally, I feel that L's acting has a lot more that can be improve. He really tried to hold his own against really veteran and experience actors. But I still feel that the two second leads still have a lot of learn with regards to acting, especially in saguek. I feel saguek drama are always more difficult in acting because of the time period and etc. But naturally YSH and KSH acting is spot on and clearly you can see that experience really counts. The other two are still really really young actors.

thank you for the beautiful shots of our otp @joyspartace

Seeing the spoiler provided by @ilwoo_aein looks like that is LS in a common wear? The question is it is a disguise or what? that one is still up in the air right?


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