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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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On 12/30/2019 at 6:33 AM, GuppyFish said:

OMG, este é um vídeo FMV incrível de HS e WS. Este foi feito por fã coreano. Com base no que li no metrô, evidentemente os fãs descobriram o ML depois que ele terminou e estão começando a apreciá-lo agora. Alguns deles são recém-convertidos que decidiram dar uma olhada no ML após o Hotel Del Luna. Magia de WS e HS (LJG / LJE).




Vocês já fizeram contato com fãs coreanos de ML? 

Acho que entendo como vocês se sentiram nos primeiros dias do envio da JG / JE. Eu me sinto como um urso faminto que acabou de acordar de uma hibernação de inverno. 


Colocando tudo por trás de spoilers para vídeos adicionais:

  Ocultar conteúdo

 A propósito, petisco interessante que encontrei enquanto procurava esses FMVs, pela primeira vez em muito tempo, IU / JE mencionou que ela queria fazer um show de variedades durante uma ligação com o YIN e parecia muito recente. Talvez alguns meses atrás.




Parece que ela esteve em um evento de caridade com o YIN recentemente, mesmo com todas as suas atividades.


editar 2:

Vá para 14: 33-14: 36, onde Kang Ha Neul diz que entrou no VLive não apenas porque gosta de livros, mas por causa do YIN. Veja a conexão? YIN é o melhor amigo de IU / JE e JE e KHN trabalharam juntos no ML. Hmmmmm ..... Talvez eu esteja especulando demais. :alegria:




The second video IU went to the wedding along with Yonna, Iu sang at this wedding.


The third video, the entertainment IU, haneul and Yonna was a lot of fun.  Some haneul and iu fans thought they were dating, in this video it was made clear that both are just friends, who don't have much contact. 

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Another little tidbit for all of us who love ML/SCR here. 

Naver is big Korean website. Back when HDL was running, they had a poll to see what drama people wanted to see continuation/season 2 of. Here's the end result of that poll:


ML in first place. Notice how it beat out all the other dramas, including some very popular ones. I don't understand how ML could have done as badly as it did but I'm glad that people seem to have discovered ML after it ended. :bawling:

Perhaps they're thinking of doing season 2 of ML?


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6 minutes ago, e1b2j3 said:

Much love involved ... one day who knows. sorry chingu ... I miss them.

Thank you. I don't claim to know what the current status of their relationship is but I saw subtle little things here and there that give me hope. I think both JG and JE have become masters of hiding at this point. That storm that happened have made them wiser on what to hide, which is probably a good thing for them but a bad thing for us who badly want crumbs.

I'm just going through a JE/JG withdrawal. :joy:

I think I'm stuck on this ship unless one of them gets married to someone else or they get married to each other.


I saw the new HDL ship for JE but I don't see it the same way so I'm still here. Put this under spoiler in case this is against the rules.


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48 minutes ago, e1b2j3 said:

The second video IU went to the wedding along with Yonna, Iu sang at this wedding.


The third video, the entertainment IU, haneul and Yonna was a lot of fun.  Some haneul and iu fans thought they were dating, in this video it was made clear that both are just friends, who don't have much contact. 


Hmmm... ok. Those clothes and hair style look like it's from Blueming era. 

The video that I showed with KHN was after HDL when KHN was on VLIVE with YIN. If you go toward the end, that's where he says he's on the VLive for YIN also. IU and KHN seem to still be in touch based on few exchanges in the video and YIN seems to be aware of it. Well, as they say it could all be my wishful thinking because I'm dying for JE/JG crumbs. ^_^



I do think that they're in contact though. She asked him about the signed CD he asked for and YIN deftly turned the conversation and moved onto another topic.

edit 2:

JE only jokes around like she did when she's with YIN alone unless she feels comfortable with the other party too (from past observations).

She made fun of KHN for congratulating her late for her 11th year debut anniversary that day when it was the day before; joking and saying jang man wol was not part of hotel del lunca; etc.

Of course, I could totally be misinterpreting everything.

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20 minutes ago, GuppyFish said:


Hummm ... ok. Essas roupas e penteados parecem da época de Blueming. 

O vídeo que mostrei com a KHN foi após o HDL quando a KHN estava no VLIVE com o YIN. Se você for para o final, é onde ele diz que também está no VLive para o YIN. IU e KHN parecem ainda estar em contato com base em poucas trocas no vídeo e o YIN parece estar ciente disso. Bem, como eles dizem, tudo poderia ser o meu desejo, porque estou morrendo de vontade de migalhas de JE / JG. ^ _ ^



Eu acho que eles estão em contato. Ela perguntou sobre o CD assinado que ele pediu e YIN habilmente virou a conversa e passou para outro tópico.

editar 2:

JE só brinca como ela fazia quando está sozinha com o YIN, a menos que se sinta confortável com a outra parte também (de observações anteriores).

Ela zombou da KHN por parabenizá-la por seu aniversário de 11 anos de estreia naquele dia em que foi no dia anterior; brincar e dizer que jang man wol não fazia parte do hotel del lunca; etc.

Claro, eu poderia estar totalmente interpretando mal tudo.

yes, i watch the full video as soon as it came out.  I said they are friends, but not as close as JG and JIEUN.  Jieun is a person who plays with his friends and really she played with him, without other intentions, as they said.


As for the relationship status mentioned above.  No one knows anything and can not prove anything, so who can confirm only those interested.  Still liking the couple together or friends.  My admiration for them was through Moon Lovers which was my first drama in 2017, the participation of the two Saf Awards 2016 and I have been following their trajectories.

Like some porters, I'll be in submarine just watching.  thanks

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6 minutes ago, e1b2j3 said:

yes, i watch the full video as soon as it came out.  I said they are friends, but not as close as JG and JIEUN.  Jieun is a person who plays with his friends and really she played with him, without other intentions, as they said.


As for the relationship status mentioned above.  No one knows anything and can not prove anything, so who can confirm only those interested.  Still liking the couple together or friends.  My admiration for them was through Moon Lovers which was my first drama in 2017, the participation of the two Saf Awards 2016 and I have been following their trajectories.

Like some porters, I'll be in submarine just watching.  thanks




I'll also go on submarine mode then. Guess it's good for them that nothing can be proven at this point. 

I'll be supporting both JE and JG. But I would absolutely, 100% and beyond be over the moon if they end up together at the end. 

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have crumbs to share. I love these two and think they would be phenomenal together.

Sometimes though I think JE is hurting right now no matter how brightly she smiles for the public, especially this year after her close friend passed on. I sometimes think that the song Love Poem is also for her. She did mention that she seldom cries in real life and I noticed that she puts on a smile no matter the situation.She had a tough time when JH from Shinee passed away last and I imagine it might be doubly difficult for Sulli whom she was really close. 


Before I go on submarine mode, I still believe in this couple. Because I spent part of my childhood in Korea, I can recognize interactions between JE/JG that gave me the confidence to sign on board this ship and I will continue to support them. Peace and happy hunting for crumbs everyone. 

Have a happy New Year! May we be blessed with great crumbs from our couple next year.

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On 12/31/2019 at 9:41 AM, happyfanlgx said:

Happy New Year ! 



Thank you for dropping it off here. Is it me does he appear happier than those Merry Christmas pictures? 

Well, in any case, wishing everyone here a happy New Year!!! 

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Hello! First timer but a long time silent lurker here. I am amazed that this shipper thread is still alive even after more than two years! Wow.

I think I need to read some recent posts again as the last time I peeked at it, it was a little bit messy with people throwing angry words towards shippers :lol:.

Happy New Year to those of you who love Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun :w00t:. Maybe it will be a good year for you guys, who knows, keep the faith :phew:.

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56 minutes ago, happyfanlgx said:

That’s too bad. But it’s a movie and they, if I recall correctly, don’t take as long?

But yes, I do think this will not be the year. :anguished:On the other hand, JE is improving her acting greatly; JG and JE combo, when it happens, will likely be dynamite. I look forward to seeing them in a drama together as leads again one of these days. Of course, it would be better if they end up together in real life. :relaxed:

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On 1/3/2020 at 8:17 AM, happyfanlgx said:


By the way, I read somewhere that movies take around 3 months to make. So there is still a chance that JE can do another drama/movie this year. Although I'm not sure what the likelihood of that is. 


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On 1/1/2020 at 4:53 AM, LilyLee said:

Hello! First timer but a long time silent lurker here. I am amazed that this shipper thread is still alive even after more than two years! Wow.

I think I need to read some recent posts again as the last time I peeked at it, it was a little bit messy with people throwing angry words towards shippers :lol:.

Happy New Year to those of you who love Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun :w00t:. Maybe it will be a good year for you guys, who knows, keep the faith :phew:.


haha... I discovered them this year and I am in the middle of JG/JE couple fever. They’re magic. Anyone with eyes can see that they have something special together. It helps that there are tiny little crumbs. I really feel like Blueming is their song. 

I created this account just to discuss this couple. 

FYI. I read on Naver that JE’s new movie will likely be late this year/early next year. Makes sense since the male lead is shooting a drama right now. 

Probably not going to happen but it would be wonderful if JG/JE can do something together this year. Doesn’t have to be a drama. Just something together , even a radio show would do.

And they do say that celebrity couples keep their relationship status hidden. So maybe it’s good that we have heard nothing but still get crumbs once in a while.


We are lean right now. As you said, may we be blessed with some good news. Like an announcement of their engagement.

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