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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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6 minutes ago, eim1 said:

We're on a homestretch or on the last inning except there is no run batted in  or  still zero.Since I've already invested so much time all I could do is wait.Hoping the ending will not be like Empress Ki.It's only  when the emperor was dead that she said she truly loves him.Worse ending.No dying please.


omg don't remind me of empress ki, that was the worst ending ever i hate that kind of ending. waste all my time watching it.but tbh i don't really feel her love toward the emperor at all, i feel like the writer actually just want to please the audience bc JCW is popular so give him so love lol

at least in PA, even though she never say it, I could feel that she loves YWY heck she loves him from the beginning when she was still a maid, anyone who is not blind can see it. Prop to ZLY though perfectly captured the emotion

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12 minutes ago, cenching said:

@matchamacchiato, honestly I always feel Bad Princess-YWY's plot quite interesting especially if XiaoChe found out about her tender spot for YWY, can you imagine how he can uses it against his powerful sister?? I do think that Bad Princess was attracted to YWY since their first met and she was quite impressed of his willingness to sacrifice himself for XE, which woman won't be impress? During their first fight in the tomb she was mesmerized by him and lost focus to the fight.

After she found out that YWY is Bro Yue, she was devastated but since she saw how he willing to sacrificed for a slave girl, she keeps her hope high that he will accept her too. But nope, YWY said I am going to burn the wooden bird....:crazy:

Their encountered will make YWY reconsidered his feeling for XE. XE willingly keeps to YX's side despite YX turn a blind eye over what that Dagger Man did to her. She suffers, she cries, etc etc BUT she stayed. In YWY's mind it must be bcoz she loves YX, when XE heard what Crippled Grandpa said she escaped straight away. What YX did was much terrible and yet she stayed.

If they wrote the story properly nobody will complain about these plot. Especially me since I didn't watch Peach Blossom so I don't hate her...hehe


Totally agree with you! She just underestimated the love YWY has towards CQ which got above social status prejudice long ago. Maybe she thought that both of them (CQ and she) are his archenemy then they're equals in some ways. If their relationship was disclosed sooner, I'd glad to see the jealousy of CQ towards her. LoL. Although I have watched TMoPB, I just felt her character pitiful, I did think the actress was beautiful sometimes.

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12 minutes ago, Melda Hung said:
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Yup agree that grandpa only said smthg that even ywy doesnt know bout it ... she heard it too rite YQ also confused n asked grandpa ... even if she doubted it she should think properly how many times when she get troubles ... he always come saving her ...meanwhile this YX makes her like a prisoner and if he cares bout her ... he definitely doesnt send her to battlefield :Dwhat kind of gentleman he is ... meanwhile he is relaxing at the camp lol 


I think she had a double shock first seeing ywy grandpa alive and then they were using her as a bait. Coz at that point she believed ywy like anything. She was willing to be a perfect spy and was interested in that training too. She cried that ywy whom she was believing so much just used her like a bait n lied to her. At that time yx helped her or say yx was with her. She saw what n all happened with him. She knows that originally yx is not cruel. He is of innocent nature. She feels that hatred has changed him. In some way,  she is also responsible for it coz of she was supporting him for his revenge. So she wants to get him to good path so she isn't leaving him. 

As for yx, he knows he cannot keep cq closed. He tried to prevent her from engaging in some wars but she went ahead n did it. He still wants to cage her to him by Emotional blackmail that she is the only one left for her n everything he does is for her. So far, his blackmails r successful with cq as she wants to leave him but she can't as per her conversation with miss. Yu

Ywy is the victim of all the bad ppl surrounding him. They have successfully separated or caused drift between him his love. Now it's difficult for him to get his love back:bawling:I just want him to live with xe separately without the interference of his grandpa n others

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@matchamacchiatoI just realized your nick very balanced coffee tea or perhaps me :blush:. Thank you for such a beautiful rendering of the letters.. It's poetic enough the way you expressed it. I was hoping YueEr's back story was covered in PA. But knowing how convoluted the plot has become even the main leads' story, I'm barely hanging in there but for the love of YWY.

Add: I watched TMOPB but 60% or more in ff mode. 

Dang it, just let YX do something... anything instead of posturing with the stamped constipated look on his face for gawd like nearly 30 episodes.

There are a lot more interesting subplots the Liang royal siblings. XE and her ties to her past. YWY and his daddy's issues, and what happened to his mom till he was adopted by the 1st Yuwen household. 

Thank you for the kind souls who posted the video of YWY poster taking. I am loving it to the nth degree. :wub: I am still baffled at how different LQX actual personality from his character. I can easily imagine how restricted he must have felt to show off such a commanding and quiet dominance stature. 

@rampantwolfhound beautiful alternate ending. I'm still hoping against hope both OTP's journey comes to a proper closure. 

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39 minutes ago, milkokoa said:


I guess you could say that people often hurt more by the person they love than someone they don't. 

for YX case I think it's more of her guilt, pity and trying to make things right that;s why she can't leave him

Guilt because she's the one who is with him for 3 years plotting the rebellion, i think if YX is alone, i don't think he could start a rebellion even if he wants too, but with XE support he success, so XE feels guilty now that he has turned like this and she feel half of it is her fault and of course pity. She sees him suffer and want to atleast stop him from doing more evil


Yes, most of us here know about XE's feeling for YX is not romantic BUT from YWY's point of view there is possibility will be different. In the drama we only took 45 min for a episode that most likely covered months or years period of time. YX's atrocity is enormous, the 2 children featured in the hot pot scene were orphaned bcoz their family was killed by YX. XE visited the place as The Head of Cleaning Crews For YX's Atrocities but YWY arrived first. I hope he will does/says something that make XE think he gave up on her even though we knew he doesn't...#Sigh

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1 hour ago, Melda Hung said:

Guys this preview is longer than before


Just thought of it as what if after all the ups and downs,  YX ended up with CE, the writers were flipping the bird and punked us rofl :blink::D. I gotta say that would be epic revenge for 2nd leads and the writers to us lmao

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2 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

Since I don’t really care about logic at this point of the show, I’d love it if they somehow ended up back at Green Hills with all of their problems solved. In fact, the following scene has been kicking around in my head for a few weeks, and I’ll make no apologies. I have no idea how any of this comes to pass in the last 2 episodes, and I don’t care.

It’s night. A year or two has passed. They’ve somehow overcome all of their trials and are back safe and sound—and married—at Green Hills. They’re both walking sedately through the courtyard, bantering about something or other. Their words are heated, but their body language is relaxed as they go through what’s become a comforting ritual for them.

They walk up the steps to the master bedchamber, passing through YQ and the other guards without missing a beat of their “discussion”. XE closes the doors behind them, and all is quiet—for a few seconds, at least.

Almost instantly, the familiar sounds of bedroom kungfu sparring start coming from behind the closed doors. Occasionally, the parrot will mimic some of the noises or cheer on YWY (or insult XE, of course). Fighting noises eventually give way to other sorts of noises as they almost always do these days. The parrot confirms the guards’ suspicions, gleefully repeating some of the things that XE and YWY say to one another.

At last, silence settles over the Green Hills Courtyard for another night. The guards all smile at each other, but nobody says anything since they’ve all become used to the antics of their master and mistress. YQ grins in contentment, obviously pleased that the troubles of the past several years seem to have come to an end in such a surprisingly satisfying way. He tips back his head and looks up; it’s a beautiful, clear night without a cloud in sight.

Suddenly, we see things from his perspective as the camera pans up, settling finally on the moon and stars. Fade to black. Roll credits.


Me likee muchly. :wub: Encore, encore.

Promise me that if we don't get our happy ending that you will flesh this out further and post this here or on FF.net. Swear by the Moon and the Stars... :tongue: (Having a Romeo and Juliet moment)


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@monchoo, I can't see. :wacko:

 @The_Joker, in the BTS of the conversation in icy lake, we can see how LGX can switched his YWY on and off. During practice with ZLY he was grinning hopelessly but when the action time suddenly his YWY appeared seamlessly without the traces of LGX. As if he suffers from Multiple Personalities Disorder....:lol: I just hope he won't suffers from hernia after PA.

I remember HuGe mentioned that in order to released his restrictions feeling as MCS during break time they will filmed silly acts for the extras.

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I'm not sure why the people who put these previews together think they're doing a patch quilt. Something to do with copyright? Or fearful that no one will watch the bits that don't feature XingYue. The effect overall is very disruptive.

It certainly seems like YWY is doing everything that CQ-XE said she was going to do... save the lives of innocents and protect them. This is someone who really does put his money where his mouth is. I love how he's sacrilegiously eating hot pot/steamboat in a ramshackled temple and casually inviting her to do the same as if it's their usual habit. That cavalier attitude is reminiscent of the old YX who happily gate crashed into Qing Shan Yuan at any opportunity trying to get a rise out of YWY or XE. The mocking almost mischievous banter that the next time they meet he will have to address as her as the princess of Yan sadly gives way to a more serious turn it seems which has YWY resigning to the fact that the thing that can hurt him soon will no longer be his.

YX doesn't look too well... migraines and dizziness... if he doesn't die on the battlefield, he might end up dying in his bed from some slow painful ailment. CE seems to suffer from incredibly bad timing. She gets top marks for trying but her timing sucks horribly. You'd think by now she would have worked out the kinks in her operation but she goes for insanity every time.

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cr pics : weibo / on tagged

I can't quite understand what is written on the first pic. 13 Prince (Yuan Song / Niu Junfeng) will come to HunanTV and watch together the finale with fans? By why it's written on the pic that the finale is on 31 July 08.00 PM? I thought the finale will be on 1 August 11 PM? 

Add : At the ending of the latest BTS, is that gonna be YX aiming an arrow to YWY just before the icy lake incident happen? He and his troops and general are at the edge of the forest, we can not see them quite clearly. Or is a scene for other event that has been showed already?

Edited by jolin_chan
Wrong typing, it should be arrow
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I saw a brief clip of an interview of ZLY on youtube.  She said that the ending scene was separation and realizing their true feelings, but that time was too late as nothing much that could be done at then.  This was the last scene they filmed.  Her comment was about separation, both in drama and real life, at the same time,  as cast members/crew all leave when filming is done.    To me, this sounds like a bad ending.  In Chusen 2, with the little bells jingling, we knew she woke up and in JOF,  her see-fu took her away. I was complaining about those endings before, now seeing PA, the endings in Chusen 2 and JOF are much better than seeing YWY at the bottom of the lake.

 I think and hate that it will be a sad and open ending.  I too along the many loyal supporters of this show who have invested so much time in this show and have been so patient with what plot as it deteriorates, the least script writers can do is give us a good ending.

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41 minutes ago, jolin_chan said:


cr pics : weibo / on tagged

I can't quite understand what is written on the first pic. 13 Prince (Yuan Song / Niu Junfeng) will come to HunanTV and watch together the finale with fans? By why it's written on the pic that the finale is on 31 July 08.00 PM? I thought the finale will be on 1 August 11 PM? 

Add : At the ending of the latest BTS, is that gonna be YX aiming a bow to YWY just before the icy lake incident happen? He and his troops and general are at the edge of the forest, we can not see them quite clearly. Or is a scene for other event that has been showed already?

My understanding of that poster is that Niu Junfeng will accompany viewers on Mango TV to chat on a "bullet screen" (had to look that up) which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos and movies in real time.

I'm not sure about the dates regarding the finale but maybe he's chatting real time with audiences on the 31 July???

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2 hours ago, cenching said:

@monchoo, I can't see. :wacko:

 @The_Joker, in the BTS of the conversation in icy lake, we can see how LGX can switched his YWY on and off. During practice with ZLY he was grinning hopelessly but when the action time suddenly his YWY appeared seamlessly without the traces of LGX. As if he suffers from Multiple Personalities Disorder....:lol: I just hope he won't suffers from hernia after PA.

I remember HuGe mentioned that in order to released his restrictions feeling as MCS during break time they will filmed silly acts for the extras.

Hi cenching, mine can work well. U try for a few times and see if it can be played.

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@cenchingI did notice it the bts when LQX can switched off and on his portrayal of YWY. I was thinking of method actors where they tend to really live the characters and take sometimes to shake them off eg  Anthony Quinn and the worst are Daniel Day Lewis Christian Bale and .Joaquin Phoenix.  But like LQX and Lee Joon Gi, they can really be the jokester bts, when camera started rolling though... Poof back into their characters. Amaze ball, and split personality indeed :D

@zlyfanthen I think XE/CQ will surely be the most hateful character in the silver screen for years to come. I'm reluctant to watch Empress Qi due to the pitiful ending of TaHwan. I can accept sad or tragic ending if the plot calls for it and it makes sense. But not when I feel like like the tragic or sad ending is purely being manufactured caused the writers wanted to impact us the viewers with such loads of bull xxxx. Such crapstatic serves no purpose except trying to yank our emotions. It differed from sad...bittersweet end where the feeling tends to linger like Chinese Ghost Story, Atonement etc. 

I'm not sure if YWY doesn't end up with his XE, would he still be married. No doubt in one hand, he's a logical person but also there's another...deeply part of him would not see the purpose of settling just for the sake of procreation. He tends to feel deeply like how he's still hankering on his dad's abandonment. Maybe after an extended period or he'll go with YQ. 

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5 hours ago, rampantwolfhound said:

Since I don’t really care about logic at this point of the show, I’d love it if they somehow ended up back at Green Hills with all of their problems solved. In fact, the following scene has been kicking around in my head for a few weeks, and I’ll make no apologies. I have no idea how any of this comes to pass in the last 2 episodes, and I don’t care.

It’s night. A year or two has passed. They’ve somehow overcome all of their trials and are back safe and sound—and married—at Green Hills. They’re both walking sedately through the courtyard, bantering about something or other. Their words are heated, but their body language is relaxed as they go through what’s become a comforting ritual for them.

They walk up the steps to the master bedchamber, passing through YQ and the other guards without missing a beat of their “discussion”. XE closes the doors behind them, and all is quiet—for a few seconds, at least.

Almost instantly, the familiar sounds of bedroom kungfu sparring start coming from behind the closed doors. Occasionally, the parrot will mimic some of the noises or cheer on YWY (or insult XE, of course). Fighting noises eventually give way to other sorts of noises as they almost always do these days. The parrot confirms the guards’ suspicions, gleefully repeating some of the things that XE and YWY say to one another.

At last, silence settles over the Green Hills Courtyard for another night. The guards all smile at each other, but nobody says anything since they’ve all become used to the antics of their master and mistress. YQ grins in contentment, obviously pleased that the troubles of the past several years seem to have come to an end in such a surprisingly satisfying way. He tips back his head and looks up; it’s a beautiful, clear night without a cloud in sight.

Suddenly, we see things from his perspective as the camera pans up, settling finally on the moon and stars. Fade to black. Roll credits.



If we don't get a proper ending, THIS is going to be my canon 

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25 minutes ago, The_Joker said:

@cenchingI did notice it the bts when LQX can switched off and on his portrayal of YWY. I was thinking of method actors where they tend to really live the characters and take sometimes to shake them off eg  Anthony Quinn and the worst are Daniel Day Lewis Christian Bale and .Joaquin Phoenix.  But like LQX and Lee Joon Gi, they can really be the jokester bts, when camera started rolling though... Poof back into their characters. Amaze ball, and split personality indeed :D

@zlyfanthen I think XE/CQ will surely be the most hateful character in the silver screen for years to come. I'm reluctant to watch Empress Qi due to the pitiful ending of TaHwan. I can accept sad or tragic ending if the plot calls for it and it makes sense. But not when I feel like like the tragic or sad ending is purely being manufactured caused the writers wanted to impact us the viewers with such loads of bull xxxx. Such crapstatic serves no purpose except trying to yank our emotions. It differed from sad...bittersweet end where the feeling tends to linger like Chinese Ghost Story, Atonement etc. 

I'm not sure if YWY doesn't end up with his XE, would he still be married. No doubt in one hand, he's a logical person but also there's another...deeply part of him would not see the purpose of settling just for the sake of procreation. He tends to feel deeply like how he's still hankering on his dad's abandonment. Maybe after an extended period or he'll go with YQ. 


(DONT READ IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS ON EMPRESS KI!!!!) In my honest opinion i thought the ending for Empress Ki was pretty satisfying. The love story between Ki and TaHwan was full of misunderstandings and doubt, Ta Hwan loved her more than anything and did crazy things but she stayed with him and helped him through tough times (at first she was with him to seek revenge and help her home country but i think she changed). But i think that she never actually forgave herself for falling in love with Ta Hwan who killed her father (technically). In the end we get so see that despite everything that happened she did love him and as she said in the end "i sincerely loved you" before his last breath was taken. As for him (TaHwan) he died in the arms of his reason for living ( she was his reason for living and she was his world). So i was pretty happy with the ending although i cried aswell. 


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