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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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23 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

YW Huai is an idiot... But it's lovely irony nonetheless. :wink: Coveting the Eyes of God with no sense or idea of what it is. LOL. I enjoyed watching him befuddled and upset when he discovered that the Eyes of God was a ginormous library of secrets on everyone. Sort of Edgar J Hoover's FBI where he had files on everyone of note. Even better was when he pushed the "panic button" and "accidentally" smoked the entire place. :lol:

The guy is really such a bully... not just in the sense that he uses strength to trample on the downtrodden... but there's an underlying cowardice

But the irony doesn't stop there of course. Now that YWY has been stripped of his Eyes of God privileges, he is free from that burden. The emperor doesn't trust him to do his bidding but in a way it has worked to his advantage. Now may be he can finally start doing what he's always wanted to do and not be beholden to the whims of a fatuous ruler.

LOL. That was a nice way to end an entire arc of backstabbing, trauma and torture. Sure it's only a tiny fraction of what YWH deserves but for now it'll do. :D 

Not so happy is YWY thinking that X'er is dead but I think it's necessary (drunken angst notwithstanding) for everyone concerned to begin a new chapter. It's clear that YX needs all the help he can get and all the motivation to hit back at his enemies. CQ needs to develop outside of YWY and have that bigger perspective of what's going on in the world. Perhaps when YWY and CQ meet again, they can meet on more equal terms and the trust that's been tenuous will be strengthened.

The Liang spies are detestable to say the least. (Yeah, yeah. I know that there's no show without them but I can still pour out hate against them) The real villains of the piece with all their behind the scenes machinations. And ubiquitous too. They seem to pop up at the most inopportune moments and it's a lot clearer to me that they are YWY's true adversaries. They seem to at least be a lot more shrewd and surprisingly... (or may be not) a better understanding YWY.



Your explanation couldn't been any better! I was soo happy when YWY teared down the Eyes of God and in front of YWH, too. He can finally start fresh and not be doing and following orders. 

I believed he did that because he thought XE was dead and it was pointless to continue doing anything. Plus he was free when she was with him, he doesn't feel like that anymore, then what's the point of continuing doing something you don't want to do. 

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Am I the only one who thinks that Shawn Dou is freaking awesome and should get a lot more credit?! I find it a bit unfair as he is SO good and is a true revelation to me. The way he switches from naive/happy go lucky to devasted, angry and strong is really impressive. The show is so slow but he really adds an edge and plays the anti-hero well. ZLY is fabulous too, she delivers and is not afraid of going the extra mile for her character. I am also impressed by her performance.

I know most of you are big YWY lovers but I'm not impressed (so far) by LGX's performance. I hope I am proven wrong in the next episodes as I love the chemistry they have. I know he is meant to be cold and quiet but he is simply expressionless! I honestly can't tell when he is angry, distraught or confused. And it feels as if he is too self-conscious about not smiling and opening his mouth, which makes him look stiff (and almost constipated) - sorry!) when he is fighting :(. 

On a positive note, I am indeed looking forward to the bathroom scene too and hope he will start showing some sort of emotions...


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As a whole I find the acting pretty good and everyone reasonably convincing in their roles. But I'm hesitant about propping one actor at the expense of another because they're all playing different types of personalities with their own arc.

I've always thought highly of Shawn's acting but his role has always been a lot more showy and in these last few episodes his acting has been given due spotlight. While his acting is superb, the character he plays is one that I don't relate to as much so if I sound inordinately critical of YX despite his suffering I'm sure it's because I'm an ajumma thinking that YX seriously needs to grow up. 

I've never had trouble reading LGX's interpretation of YWY. In fact, in those early episodes I found myself understanding his headspace more than I understood X'er. In my opinion those sorts of roles are a lot harder to play because the balance and nuance needs to be finely tuned. Plus YWY is supposed to be somewhat of an icy enigma although lately not so much.

Anyway it's not the battle of actors. I think everyone's doing a stellar job with what they've been given.

Just my 2 cents whatever their worth. :)

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3 hours ago, mundane9 said:

Re: Chapter 181 YWY "realization". Hi all, haven't done any tranlsation yet but completed that chapter. Those who would like to know what he "realized" after the wedding night can read the summarized spoiler below...

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It was the same evening deep in the night after their 'wedding'. . CQ woke up to find YWY missing, gone from the bed. She panicked and quickly put on some clothes to go look for him. He was not in his room. She panicked even more and scurried about looking for him througout the vessel. She finally found him standing at the bow of the boat and saw he didn't have much clothes on in the cold. He sensed her presence and asked here to come over. When she came over, he hugged-embraced her in his arms without speaking. She showed concern for his lack of attiire and the cold weather but he didn't say anything. Eventually he said :"CQ, weiqu ni le" (mandarin)

Realization #1: Wei Qu is a chinese adjective that does not quite have an equivalent meaning or word in english. Essentially it means an individual has been compromised, have to endure-undergo all types of suffering, judgement, persecution, etc. as a result of their values or attachment-relationship with another(s).

The following is my perception of why he said that although i have not read the entire novel. 

Following CQ's love confession that same evening of how long she has loved him (because she has never said out loud, therefore he does not know either. They are both well matched in their enigmatism). He must have realized a lot of the BS-trials-suffering, countless times she was injured, almost killed, she would not have undergone if it weren't for her feelings for him. It dawned on him that she could have easily ignored any-all of those events involving him, but because she loved him, she willingly underwent them FOR HIM.

(Back to the novel)

When CQ heard his apology, she informed him not to blame himself because she willingly did (all of) them - kinda twice because he was regretful about her having gone through all this.

Realization #2:

YWY realized he was kinda arrogant as he always believed himself superior to YX, and that CQ can only be truly and completely happy with him YWY. Currently after ten years he feels that YX was more of a gentleman because of this matter over CQ as he YWY has always been selfish about her. When it comes to her, he has always been un-selfassured. The closer happiness nears him, the more afraid he gets and the more he demands-wants. The more he grabs on to (her), the more he loses (her). Despite his accompiishments, abilities, wealth, etc., in his entire life, she is the one chess-play he has no confidence of nor accomplished victory. Occasionally he laughes at himself that this day will never come.

CQ dismisses his apology by saying it was nothing and she did all that willingly. He then said he was going to make it all up to her even if it takes him the rest of his life (awwhhhhhh...). More amorous aggressive 'movements on his part and he carried her back to the bedroom. More teasing banter (she tries to kick him back to his bedroom) but he would have none of that. She kinda falls asleep in the midst of foreplay (hahahahaha). From this point it gets kinda mundane coz she wakes up and it's already mid-day with the entiire boat crew kinda knowing what happened between them the night before, the maid even had a bowl of herbal soup ready that helps to quell bleeding.....)


Thank you so much for the juicy spoiler. But, would you please translate the whole chapter if possible? I'm dying to know what happened between them in every detail, line by line. Yes, I'm a perv.:bawling:

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@40somethingahjumma i agree. i think it also depends on the viewer themselves. from the beginning, i'm completely invested in YWY's character so i can at least notice the subtle difference in his expression the way the actor is portraying that character. and as for YX, i'm not totally invested because i think i've seen my fair share of chinese drama where the second male lead is either happy go lucky and then got caught in a tragic accident that changed the way he was. i'm sure shawn is a great actor but i'll probably be able to tell once i watch a different show of his. but to each their own! we all share different views and then some. that's what so great about this.

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31 minutes ago, sorein said:

Am I the only one who thinks that Shawn Dou is freaking awesome and should get a lot more credit?! I find it a bit unfair as he is SO good and is a true revelation to me. The way he switches from naive/happy go lucky to devasted, angry and strong is really impressive. The show is so slow but he really adds an edge and plays the anti-hero well. ZLY is fabulous too, she delivers and is not afraid of going the extra mile for her character. I am also impressed by her performance.

I know most of you are big YWY lovers but I'm not impressed (so far) by LGX's performance. I hope I am proven wrong in the next episodes as I love the chemistry they have. I know he is meant to be cold and quiet but he is simply expressionless! I honestly can't tell when he is angry, distraught or confused. And it feels as if he is too self-conscious about not smiling and opening his mouth, which makes him look stiff (and almost constipated) - sorry!) when he is fighting :(. 

On a positive note, I am indeed looking forward to the bathroom scene too and hope he will start showing some sort of emotions...


Shawn is fabulous as YX I am impressed with him since the beginning. But since I didn't read the book aside from some juicy excerpts here so I can only say that the drama pushes the YWY-XE ship since the beginning and I am succumbed to that push :lol:. Every single scene of YWY-XE, they tailored it specifically to flutter my inner romantic secret button. 

A character like YWY/Mr. IceCold in any drama always causes controversy between viewers (ex. BZH of HQG) There are some just like you that say his face is paralyzed (Chinese term) and they can't understand him but some me included can understand perfectly how he feels/think. I even admit that I can understand more this ice cold people than the sunny sunshine type including in real life bcoz I am that type myself (it's needed for me)it take an army to make me lose control of my facial expression.  His expressionless' expression B) communicates much more to me. LGX impressed me a lot since I've never considered him a serious actor. But all this is a personal preference  :). We are here to voice out our opinions, no right or wrong. :) 


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8 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

As a whole I find the acting pretty good and everyone reasonably convincing in their roles. But I'm hesitant about propping one actor at the expense of another because they're all playing different types of personalities with their own arc.

I've always thought highly of Shawn's acting but his role has always been a lot more showy and in these last few episodes his acting has been given due spotlight. While his acting is superb, the character he plays is one that I don't relate to as much so if I sound inordinately critical of YX despite his suffering I'm sure it's because I'm an ajumma thinking that YX seriously needs to grow up. 

I've never had trouble reading LGX's interpretation of YWY. In fact, in those early episodes I found myself understanding his headspace more than I understood X'er. In my opinion those sorts of roles are a lot harder to play because the balance and nuance needs to be finely tuned. Plus YWY is supposed to be somewhat of an icy enigma although lately not so much.

Anyway it's not the battle of actors. I think everyone's doing a stellar job with what they've been given.

Just my 2 cents whatever their worth. :)

clap-cheetah-emoticon.gif clap-cheetah-emoticon.gif Well said chingu . Although YX  fell for a slave ( CQ) , he wasn't arrogant  and  he was kind  I still felt he needed to grow up. He knew the people he was friends with couldn't be trusted and they were cruel. He was never serious but very lonely. People say experience shapes a person but I also think having the  right guidance can make the transition so much better. 

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I was finally able to fully watch ep. 24 & 25. First, how incompetent are those soldiers and archers? None of them were able to kill Yan Xun. It felt so ridiculous that it took me out of the moment. Tbh I was disappointed during this whole scene because I wasn't really sad while watching it. If you can't make me cry during a really sad scene something went wrong. Also, how did YX's mom know details about everyone's death? Weapon used and who killed them. I think she knew more than a lot of people there, so it seems like a plot hole. It was also too long and dragged out. The mom had such a dramatic unrealistic death. YX gets hit with a million weapons and nothing, she barely hits her head and that is it. They seriously need to stop in cdramas with the every injury causing them to spit blood.

How stupid is this Emperor? He killed everyone else, but didn't kill YX. Obviously, he had to kill him with the rest. If not, it is a job poorly done. 

I also do not understand how everyone can't see that YWY was helping YX when he was disobeying the imperial decree to save his life. Very obvious. 

Like @aikmmsaid I think the viewer being able to connect to a character also influences the perception. YX and XE are both very well acted, but they don't really make me feel much. I don't know if this is a problem with the director, but I have yet to connect with them. I was more connected to YX's mother than YX during this scene and it wasn't much. 



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27 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

I was finally able to fully watch ep. 24 & 25. First, how incompetent are those soldiers and archers? None of them were able to kill Yan Xun. It felt so ridiculous that it took me out of the moment. Tbh I was disappointed during this whole scene because I wasn't really sad while watching it. If you can't make me cry during a really sad scene something went wrong. Also, how did YX's mom know details about everyone's death? Weapon used and who killed them. I think she knew more than a lot of people there, so it seems like a plot hole. It was also too long and dragged out. The mom had such a dramatic unrealistic death. YX gets hit with a million weapons and nothing, she barely hits her head and that is it. They seriously need to stop in cdramas with the every injury causing them to spit blood.

How stupid is this Emperor? He killed everyone else, but didn't kill YX. Obviously, he had to kill him with the rest. If not, it is a job poorly done. 

I also do not understand how everyone can't see that YWY was helping YX when he was disobeying the imperial decree to save his life. Very obvious. 

Like @aikmmsaid I think the viewer being able to connect to a character also influences the perception. YX and XE are both very well acted, but they don't really make me feel much. I don't know if this is a problem with the director, but I have yet to connect with them. I was more connected to YX's mother than YX during this scene and it wasn't much. 



@mrsyooknit  ... Well said chingu. TBH the only scene I felt moved by was ZLY's performance. I had watched some clips and I wasn't moved at all. YX did not deserve such treatment especially when he has been so loyal to the emperor.  YWY sent word to YX'd family to come get him, he gave hints to YX about leaving but he remained so naive. YWY has always been a good friend and tolerated him and even have him a place of sanctuary on his land.  I can already see that heir relationship will never be mended because YX willll never mature from his experience but be crippled by other people's action toward him. It is like history repeating itself. 

I wonder did anyone not noticed that THE EMPEROR WAS IN LOVE WITH YX's mom.  The princess's mom was quite jealous at the way THE Emperor at YX's mom. YX knew the look he gave her was very inappropriate. 

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@mrsyooknit, those are some problems that usually happen to book adaptation :lol:. In the book YX was 12 years old so it is reasonable if he was pardon. I think those arrows, spears, sword scene didn't happen(?) correct me if I am wrong bcoz I don't think a 12 yo will survive in that condition. They add it to make us feel emphatic to YX when he starts putting on more eyeliner :lol:.

That was why I stated that this is the start of the parts that differs from the book. 

Add. They invested too much in YWY-XE ship to make us feel for XE-YX so one way is by putting tragic/horor scene for YX to move us

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Yan Xun cutting his finger is trending at #4

@UnniSarah yeah he was in love with her

Honestly, I cry so easily watching TV shows/movies or reading a book that if you can't make me at least tear up during a sad scene something is a bit off. 

@cenching I don't think it is so much book to drama changes. But that scene felt over dramatic, which took away from its emotional impact. It felt like a play and not a TV show. A play makes you more disconnected bc you can tell it is not actually real. I have to say these two episodes were a bit on the over dramatic side for both YX and XE. I only understand why YX's mom felt over dramatic bc she was actually putting on a show for the rich lords.

They invested so much in XE-YWY early on so everyone wouldnt get on the wrong ship since the eventual XE and YX bonding was going to happen. I feel like I am more bonded to YWY than XE or XingYue ;;;; and I love ZLY. This reminds me of Empress Ki, where I was really attached to the Emperor even more than the main lead. 

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@misxlol89 Thanks for those pics. So sad those pictures of YWY looking so semi broken, and helpless not being able to help YX and his beloved XE, not to mention all the problems he has to take care of....like YWH, Zhao Difeng, and the other nasty noble who happily partook in the massacre of the Yan Clan, and still please his Grandfather. Photos are heart wrenching, it's like you can see the all burdens he has to bare, yet it's good to know that YWY isn't really as cold and uncaring as he appears. The one who appears the most coldest, and uncaring is usually the most sensitive person. Poor YWY. :dissapointed::cry:

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5 hours ago, mundane9 said:

you might be right. YWY is an enigma. It's like in his realizations (which I just updated with some omissions). He is selfish and possessive when it comes to her. It could be all of it. As said - I have not read the previous chapters. And being 21st C, have 'forgotten' about the importance of the whole losing virginity b4 marriage thing. I dunno why he couldn't have waited to marry her first - prob he just wanted to make sure she was his which was something YX could have done. Or maybe he just couldn't hold back any longer. It never occured to me that whole conversation could be about losing virginity before formally getting married. DUHHHHHHHHH

@mrsyooknityou have raised a very inytresting angle on this. Never occured to me it was the virginity thing because he had earlier asked her to marry him and....

- I had omitted mentioning YWY saying "i owe you a lot" in their bow conversation - one of the premises I based the analysis from. And that he laughed after she said "I was willing". I interpreted that paragraph to mean she misinterpreted what he meant (i.e. he meant all the things she had to go thru, and she - the whole bedroom escapade)

- interpreted YWY's realization about YX being a gentlemen more than he had becoz from the get-go, YX had outrightly declared his love and attraction towards XE including his intention to marry her, and they also fought side by side whereas YWY has always taken it for granted that she was his (possession - why in the realization he said he was selfish and demanding when it comes to her). He has never outrightly expressed his feelings for and to her (everthing done for her was covert-secretly), even when she fought while with him - she was fighting as his servant, not his equal.

Anyhoo... you added more hot sauce to the p(l)ot. 

THANK YOU again!

2 hours ago, lovelycate said:

Thank you so much for the juicy spoiler. But, would you please translate the whole chapter if possible? I'm dying to know what happened between them in every detail, line by line. Yes, I'm a perv.:bawling:

@lovelycate gimme some time. In the middle of some work related stuff.....


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47 minutes ago, cenching said:

@mrsyooknit, I am the same with you. The character I understood /bonded/love the most is YWY....B)

It broke my heart when I saw him digging on the pile of ashes and after that he can't even grieve/mourn properly for her.

@cenching and @mrsyooknit... I too loved the most YWY. His chemistry with CQ/XR was just right. I noticed everyone is calling her by her real name. I only ship XinYue :heart:

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On the viriginity thing and YWY taking her before marriage, I dont think its because YX was more of a gentleman than YWY but rather XE was the reason YX couldnt get further with her in that sense.  XE could give herself to YWY without second thoughts as she had loved him since a long time ago.  YWY took her as he knew marriage was his sole intention but the consummation was more of need to be one in the most truest and deepest sense for two beings that are so in love and not so much as sexual.

On a separate note, the trailer for eps 29-30 seem to show XE's response towards YX's touch and I dont see XE feeling comfortable with his touch as she knows YX has feelings for her whereas she has only regarded him as a good friend and one she wanted to help rise up again from his tribulations no matter what and how long it takes.  

Honestly, I had to rewatch this new trailer a few times as I was also uncomfortable if YX-XE might develop something more when I was already a 100% YWY-XE shipper and Team YWY all the way.   Actually when i watched it the first time, i felt rather nauseated shd YX-XE have more than friendship. I cant accept them hugging, touching let alone kissing (Sorry YX fans, just an opinion pls).  Perhaps I feel too much for YWY, especially his present state unkwown to anyone but YQ.

So, till YWY-XE reunites, these will be my consolation:

dfada814ly1fetlj255rcg208703r1kx.gif ....much awaited scene eh!


One of the scenes when they meet again but unsure if they are sparring for real (XE fights like she's still pissed) or like their usual bedroom tango session:



On LGX being shy abt kissing scenes, I think i now can relate to this side of him.  He's a Pisces and tends to be shy though appear extroverted to others.  




credit to rightful owner

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@UnniSarah yes, in the novel, the emperor, one general and Yanbei's duke was in love with Yx's mom while they were young. It's was written that YX's mom was a commoner who makes a living by rowing Chinese shoe-boats by the lake. All 3 of them wanted to cross the lake. The emperor always recalled the incident of how they met. In the fiction, there's one scene where he held a banquet and CQ was there and all 4 (Yun Song, Li Ce, YX and YunCe the 7th prince) vying for CQ's attn. The emperor intended to punish CQ but when the 4 of them stood by her side, it reminds him of his youth.

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