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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Princess Agents 特工皇妃楚乔传


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@monchoo Thank you in advance for translating this weekend. You are the best! Can't wait to read more of your translation! :grin:

5 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


I don't know if he is sure she is LuoHe's daughter. I think he thinks there is a chance. I thought he didn't trust her bc he killed her brother. 

"Won't your heart ache if I die?". He flings back, "Can you really kill me?" I loved that part :lol: and how she reacts when he takes out the handkerchief

I don't think she realizes her feelings tbh bc she is so busy trying to survive and take revenge for her sister/brother. But it is obvious she cares about him. She can't kill him with her own hands and she started crying when she heard that he was only using for a suicide mission. Then in her room she cried over almost trusting him.  


I love this scene of them. Especially when he pulled out the handkerchief, she was puzzled. Love it. Such a great scene of their character's relationship.

4 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

LGX gave an interview and he said Yuwen Yue was cold but not ruthless lol just like we said before :lol:

He called ZLY "Teacher Zhao" the first day of shooting lmao poor Liying that makes her seem so old. She did debut before him, but she got popular after him. He said she was very dedicated and hardworking. Sometimes called her Xing'er. Only called her "teacher Zhao" to tease her.

They asked ZLY if Xingyue would become true and she said they were just dedicated (to their roles). 



she had decided to give him the benefit of the doubt but she was still conflicted since she told her sister she would take revenge on him for their brother's death. Even if it fits her I think YWY likes to have more certainty, he probably has suspicions. 


4 hours ago, cenching said:

@mrsyooknit, their chemistry on and off screen is off the charts. She looks really close to LGX than to Shawn. I don't really ship them for real but off screen she looks very comfortable with him rather than with Wallace Huo before. With WH, their relationship off screen look like Shifu-HQG minus the love.....haha

Add. They look good together too 


I would have to agree with @cenching that their chemistry is very different on and off screen, but that's probably why they did such a good job in playing their characters. Their characters are right now contemplating on their feelings for one another, but off screen, they are playful and comfortable with each other. 

Can't wait for the bathroom scene. There's pictures already. Soo excited for it! :blush:

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Just something aside the drama angst & tension to share;) The casts all have a very good relationship that they actually text each other on and off. So this guy who acted as Yuwen Huai actually posted at his wei bo that he phoned home one evening and asked his mom did she watched the show. The mom answered him saying, he was really so despicable in the show. Stay at work and don't come home yet.

so the other casts actually replied as well.

zhao xi Feng: it's my turn to get attacked these 2 nights. Think I need to get a helmet when going out

yuwen huai: help me get one pls.

and the rest of the young casts also answered to the topic.

shaun dou even mentioned in his interview: yuwen huai told him: bro, I was scolded left right!. it's only few wks and yu wen huai got scolded left right. He said he can't imagine in the later wks when it's his turn to get all these.:D


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2 minutes ago, monchoo said:

Just something aside the drama angst & tension to share;) The casts all have a very good relationship that they actually text each other on and off. So this guy who acted as Yuwen Huai actually posted at his wei bo that he phoned home one evening and asked his mom did she watched the show. The mom answered him saying, he was really so despicable in the show. Stay at work and don't come home yet.

so the other casts actually replied as well.

zhao xi Feng: it's my turn to get attacked these 2 nights. Think I need to get a helmet when going out

yuwen huai: help me get one pls.

and the rest of the young casts also answered to the topic.

shaun dou even mentioned in his interview: yuwen huai told him: bro, I was scolded left right!. it's only few wks and yu wen huai got scolded left right. He said he can't imagine in the later wks when it's his turn to get all these.:D


OMG. Why they are so funny. Hahahhah

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15 minutes ago, monchoo said:
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The mom was actually married with a son that time. The king just killed her husband and make her his queen. The prince was an offspring from this marriage. So the queen actually harbored hate towards tis son. So when the elder son fr prev marriage wanted to overthrow the prince and killed, the mom went berserk.


@monchoo thanks a lot for explanation ♡♡♡

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I'm not sure if you guys have seen this before. Just for those who haven't. Here's our beloved OTP doing wedding shoot! So so cute! Love the ways they hold hands!! And definitely love all the bts when LGX complied to Zly's every wishes. 

I loved the bts where they were at the night market and Zly asked him to give her a cute look, the time where they play pretend the ship was an airplane, the way she signaled him over for a photo shoot with her by the bridge! I could go on and on~~


 Ps: Shaun dou was recommended by ZLy as YX.

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35 minutes ago, pimsucre said:

YWY is a cold, clever yet scheming man. He took XE as his bedchamber-maid though he had no intention to sleep with her that night. He wanted to fool people that he slept with her by using her blood from her finger to trick Jin Zhu?? (can't remember her name). When he asked XE to prepare night snack with a double set, again to create a false impression that they did have snack together and I think he also wanted to show her that she might be his bedchamber-maid but she's still a servant. Something like .. you can't take this one night just to jump your position. It's my two cents ...

He didn't trust her but very interested in her. XE has an aura of something extraordinary and mysterious that attracts him yet also being watchful about her. Now I kind of miss the colourful bird in his room ... it's one of their shipper apart from Yue Qi. :wub:

Edit : dear @monchoo May I ask you about YWY's illness? Is YWY in the novel having the same illness? sorry if this has been asked before. :) and his illness is finally cured?

He was healthy as a horse as I recalled. :D

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@monchoo LOL I can't imagine after this week. People were fuming. Wang Yan Lin (who plays Yuwen Huai) is going to have to hide :lol::lol:

The guy who plays Zhao Xi Feng was a baddie in Princess Weiyoung too. Lol he just looks evil now to me. 

edit: ohh wow I didn't know ZLY recommended Shawn as YX. Good recommendation, all book fans seem to really like the casting. 

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6 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

@monchoo LOL I can't imagine after this week. People were fuming. Wang Yan Lin (who plays Yuwen Huai) is going to have to hide :lol::lol:

The guy who plays Zhao Xi Feng was a baddie in Princess Weiyoung too. Lol he just looks evil now to me. 

edit: ohh wow I didn't know ZLY recommended Shawn as YX. Good recommendation, all book fans seem to really like the casting. 

@monchoo thank youuuu :blush:  ... YWY in the drama has this illness so it may be used to serve another plot device later on.

@mrsyooknit how about the guys who play the paranoid King, the heartless Grandpa and the Viper who betrayed YX's father, they should be ambushed lol because they are seen as senior people, we cannot attack or curse them openly lol (just kidding)

I don't think I can take the actors who play YWH/ZXF for a protagonist role in the future. Their evil act is too believable. :angry:

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4 minutes ago, mundane9 said:

the latest youtube previews has hinted that zly commented the series ends about halfway thru the novel and won't completely feature the entire novel. crap - wonder what that means..... no wedding-baby scenes?

I do think they won't be able to feature a whole novel in 58 episodes since they used 20 episodes to give us YWY-XE ship. Most likely it will end by our otp realize they love each other, political problems solved, enemies died and the end. For sure no wedding, pregnancy n babies. 

I heard YWH actor was in Monster Killer drama as a good guy before in PA.

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@pimsucre actually the guy who plays YWH usually plays nice guy roles. It just shows that he is a great actor. 

I am going to have more trouble with Jin Han (who plays Zhao Xi Feng) because I have only seen him as a really bad guy. 

10 minutes ago, mundane9 said:

the latest youtube previews has hinted that zly commented the series ends about halfway thru the novel and won't completely feature the entire novel. crap - wonder what that means..... no wedding-baby scenes?

yeah ZLY said they had to cut out a lot bc the novel is too big (~198 chapters)

I am hoping they just cut some of the battle stuff and political stuff, sometimes that can get draggy. I agree with @cenching that they will probably end it when they realize they love each other, etc. I just hope the conclusion is satisfactory. 

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52 minutes ago, monchoo said:

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this before. Just for those who haven't. Here's our beloved OTP doing wedding shoot! So so cute! Love the ways they hold hands!! And definitely love all the bts when LGX complied to Zly's every wishes. 

I loved the bts where they were at the night market and Zly asked him to give her a cute look, the time where they play pretend the ship was an airplane, the way she signaled him over for a photo shoot with her by the bridge! I could go on and on~~


 Ps: Shaun dou was recommended by ZLy as YX.


They are too cute in all the BTS. I totally love the part where they pretend to the ship was an airplane. She kept playing with his hair. And especially she was sitting on the bridge and just called out "Xiao Xin, come here." They took pictures together. Love how comfortable they get around each other. :lol::wub:

That's the thing about Chinese actors and actresses, they get along quickly and keep in contact with each other. 


48 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

@monchoo LOL I can't imagine after this week. People were fuming. Wang Yan Lin (who plays Yuwen Huai) is going to have to hide :lol::lol:

The guy who plays Zhao Xi Feng was a baddie in Princess Weiyoung too. Lol he just looks evil now to me. 

edit: ohh wow I didn't know ZLY recommended Shawn as YX. Good recommendation, all book fans seem to really like the casting. 


ZLY recommended Shawn? Wow! They did a good job casting these actors and actresses for this drama. Everyone fit their character roles soo well.


28 minutes ago, mundane9 said:

the latest youtube previews has hinted that zly commented the series ends about halfway thru the novel and won't completely feature the entire novel. crap - wonder what that means..... no wedding-baby scenes?


The novel is in Chinese and I only read what was translated on this website and what monchoo translated. I looked up the book and it is long and seems draggy. I just hope that they changed it into something good and still keep parts and parts from the novel. Let's hope so. Crossing fingers!

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Ladies, I was really surprised when I read somewhere that there are some people who think LGX and ZLY have no chemistry as a love team on screen. I was like, do we watch the same PA?

Of course, everybody is entitled to their opinion. I am not the type who like to argue online....

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1 hour ago, pimsucre said:

Now I kind of miss the colourful bird in his room ... it's one of their shipper apart from Yue Qi. :wub:

@pimsucre  I too miss the bird , the bird was cute and so clever. Lol lol He had a nickname for everyone but he loved his master. I remember when XE freed him but he came back and said young master is coming, when YWY was in danger he called for XE and it broke her spell from the green jade. :blush::blush:

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Now i'm even more curious to know who this Mr. Wu is as even that left hand snake of Xun's Dad mentioned him and clearly works with them...If Lou He sent her to him if she ever is in danger for protection she must have trusted him deeply...Curious if Lou He worked as well with the Yan Clan...Ah,never wanted Monday to come so fast...I guess we could say every state(Wen,Yan&Liang) has a Secret Organization working for them...Curious if Mr. Wu is now in charge of The Cloud And Cloud Decree...

There still is some scenes i'm sooo curious as timeline matters,with Xun and Chu in prison all in white in one cell 

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1 hour ago, turtle0217 said:

I love this scene of them. Especially when he pulled out the handkerchief, she was puzzled. Love it. Such a great scene of their character's relationship.

@turtle0217.... She was confused and startled. I think the reason she does know how she feel is because she has never been in love and knows nothing about love. 


@cenching   Don't pay them any mind and enjoy the drama with the rest of us Who SHIP YWY and CQ/XE. We can all see the chemistry and these two sexual tension are off the chart. You can see why like each other in their actions and expression. Like when they spar together , I swear it feels like seductive and their moves look more like they are dancing instead of fighting. :wub::wub:


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@mrsyooknit I try to translate some of the post (with my limited mandarin) :

Toward CQ's life :

YX : even if CQ die, he still want to keep her in Yan Bei

while YWY : he just want CQ to live well in the place where he can see it


Toward CQ's belief :

YX : snap off her wings, kill off her subordinate, .... ( the rest part I'm not so sure, maybe : pushing her aside and make her struggle )

while YWY : he just hope that she can go to the quiet and safe place


YX, YWY, and LC, this three guys each has give some thing toward CQ's life (for her to move forward?)

YX make CQ experience the taste of love for the first time, how this first love end, and in the end becoming a close related person to CQ.

YWY teach CQ what is real love like, make her understand how to love and how to protect (the one you love), and finally becoming her true love.

LC can not give that kind of love to CQ, but give her a deep family-like love (or old married couple love) and in the end becoming a close guardian star for her.


to be continue

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54 minutes ago, cenching said:

Ladies, I was really surprised when I read somewhere that there are some people who think LGX and ZLY have no chemistry as a love team on screen. I was like, do we watch the same PA?

Of course, everybody is entitled to their opinion. I am not the type who like to argue online....


I saw that and some people were also saying LGX can't portray his character and I was like :blink: I was not a fan of LGX before this drama and I came in with zero expectations. But YWY is probably one of my favorite portrayals of the typical cold emotionless guy because you can tell he is feeling so much. 

In the end, everyone is different and we all have different taste/opinions. So far for me one of the best things about this drama is that I feel that everyone is acting well.

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