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[Drama 2016] Father, I’ll Take Care of You 아버님 제가 모실게요


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2 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

In epi 21, the rich lady recognised DH grandma. DH grandma seems to have worked at a rich man house and the lady was their neighbour(the lady said something like "are you the one who worked at xxxx house'.. by avoiding her, does it means that if that family knows about DH, she will be in danger? Her birth secret is a mystery.. so mysterious that we do not even have 10% of the truth lol. 

HW- his revenge plan is actually quit ok at this point. The academy boss did evade tax. He also bought over the building where the provision shop was and demand her to move out. All these were done fair and square. Even for SJ 2nd brother, if he isn't greedy he will not fall into it. For HS, i believe HW wants to make the 2 sons get into trouble and sell their house so that he can buy over. . 

SJ- frankly speaking, even if he knows that HW is his real brother and HS was 1 of them who led his father to commit suicide, i felt that he will had a hard time in the 1st 2weeks only. I hope during that time DH is with him. No MJ! No! No! Anddwae!  But i think he will get over it fast and forgive HS and family. If during this time HW insists on taking revenge on HS family, i can see SJ will be protecting them. Why? When they were young, SJ is still small and does not understand much. Even when the father was beaten by them, i think only HW saw it(correct me if i'm wrong). Even when their father commit suicide, HW cover SJ's eyes..when the father went to beg HS, SJ was not there either. SJ has not really seen the things that they did to his father, that's why i think he will forgive HS and family in a short time. SJ is so appreciative of HS that he never create problems for them when growing up. I felt that he knows he is adopted and not that he was the son borne by another woman. 


I agree that SJ was sheltered from a lot of what happened with their father when he was young. Only HW was there during a lot of it, especially the worse parts. Though, I didn't think HW had actually seen the lynch mob, however, I thought that was HS' memory that we were seeing. Anyway, SJ was very young and doesn't have any memories prior to being taken to his house by HS. So, he will be told by HW what their father went through and how he died, but I don't think he'll have the same feelings of rage and PTSD that HW displays as @vaberella pointed out so well. So, since SJ grew up being grateful to his family, I can see him being conflicted for a long while, but ultimately not wanting them to be harmed. 

I'm not sure that SJ knows that he was adopted since he when he asks JE about his first time at the house. He tells JE that he remembers coming into the house that first time since he remembers that there was a such a cry and a hue about HS bringing home an outside son (so son by another woman) as JE recounted to him, but that he doesn't remember anything before then. He may be feeling unsettled and may be having some suspicions, but I think he had accepted that he was HS' son all the while. I wonder if the title "Father, I'll Take Care of You" refers to SJ (or HW even, eventually), since the "Father" is in form of the highest level of formality and respect. This form isn't used by blood children much who grew up using much more informal forms of address for their parents. 

As for HS' second son, it's his greed and his selling of his conscience that's going to get him in trouble, though he'll probably be saved by his family before he does something disastrous I would think, given that this is a family drama. 


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@stroppyse, thanks for the translation for epi 22 preview. 

The proposal SJ said to DH, it has never occur to me that it is about the romantic thing(relationship). He must be talking about DH's script. Either it is about him being the 1st one to read her script or to do a drama together, i.e. her as the writer and him as the producer. 

Who is MJ's mum referring to? Is a he or she? 

When HS family said both looks like newly-wed, SJ looks happy lol.. but i have a hunch that SJ mum will be the wet blanket.. hmmmm... 

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25 minutes ago, chocolatepie said:

@stroppyse, thanks for the translation for epi 22 preview. 

The proposal SJ said to DH, it has never occur to me that it is about the romantic thing(relationship). He must be talking about DH's script. Either it is about him being the 1st one to read her script or to do a drama together, i.e. her as the writer and him as the producer. 

Who is MJ's mum referring to? Is a he or she? 

When HS family said both looks like newly-wed, SJ looks happy lol.. but i have a hunch that SJ mum will be the wet blanket.. hmmmm... 


Not sure. While I used the pronoun "he" in my translation, there was no gender implied in her words. Koreans have this habit of using implied versus explicit pronouns which can make it difficult to suss without more context. 

SJ does look happy to be called a groom by HS. SJ's mother, however, is going to be a wet blanket. Plus, DH's grandmother also seems to be against the match from a previous conversation that she had with the other grandmother, though hopefully, that's not related to any birth secret type thing, and just a traditional reaction to in-laws getting together. 


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@andy78 yeah. Since this is a weekend drama I would find it very surprising if they were dating and sleeping together. That's, well, unusual to include premarital sex so openly in a weekend drama. And 2nd, that's tantamount to giving permission for the 2nd lead to be presumptuous and have expectations. 

I just think MJ or rather the actress being MJ isn't very good. Or rather her eyes are not very expressive. Or very animated. I don't usually comment on PS but in this case, the actress is very skinny vs slim or fine boned- and the PS is well done but obvious. Her cheeks and forehead don't have movement. Doesn't normally bother me. But they keep putting her in scenes. I haven't been bothered enough to Google her but man if I close my eyes her scenes would have more impact. Wonder why the writer wrote such a draggy character. She is bound to get worse and do more despicable actions. It's only episode 21 now. And her eyes and lips are very distracting as well.

Addit- I finally googled her after writing this post. And man wish I didn't. That's sad. She is so young. Originally I thought she had an upper bleph but it looks obvious she had it widened as well. Plus a nose job. But now it look ( even discounting weight loss ) like other facial work has been done. Plastic surgery- like tattoos- last a lifetime. * shakes head *  

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7 hours ago, andy78 said:

i missed that part too...i really hopped was only her beeing obsessed...no sex with SJ...I so dislike her character...i found her character very boring

I miss that part as well hence I have to defend SJ in that I honestly do not believe that there was any sexual involvement especially when MJ even claim and stated that he never advance on her even when she throw herself at him. The only guilt and fault was misleading her but never further beyond that.

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9 hours ago, ck1Oz said:

And I thought the lady- whoever she was that ran the lab- falsified the blood alcohol level tests. In cahoots the academy owner. So they are not accused of negligence by ensuring their bus was serviced and had working brakes. Therefore they thought the erratic driving was due to alcohol intoxication rather than brake failure. I mean I don't know if the father told anyone that.

OMO OMO.... @ck1Oz   Chingu. I thought Hyung-Seob didn't know that HW's father was innocent of those charges. I know AR doesn't know the truth because she has no idea that SJ is the bus driver's son. She had no part in the conspiracy, but if HS knew he was innocent SJ might forgive him but will no longer consider him his father in the end because SJ lost his family.

HW suffered the most pain and is still grieving the lost of his family.  Like what @chocolatepie said JE reported that SJ was the perfect son. He never caused them any grief, he listened o his parents and is always considerate to them. He didn't behave as normal kids and if the truth isn't revealed SJ might end up marrying MJ if HW doesn't work harder to find his brother. His brothers life might be ruined because of what HS did. SJ feels so obligated to return the favor to the family that raised him. Children should be thankful to their parents for loving them and raising them but shouldn't be obligated to pay them back for all they done. 

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Who here in this thread can't wait for the next episode. I truly want SJ finds out his father ( the man he adores ) has been lying to him. TBH , I hate lies especially to the child who wasn't abandoned but was lost. HS never. It here's to look for his brother but took the youngest in because he knew the oldest would remember him as the man who was cruel to his father. Instead he raised the child who was shelters from the physical and emotional abuse his father had to endure. I think HS should be the one to suffer but not his family when they had nothing to do with it. SJ is going to need DH a lot and she will probably be the only one to help him face the problems ahead.

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I can't wait for this weekend episodes as well. Initially i was worried if they will not broadcast this week's episodes due to the lunar new year holidays.but i remembered the preview has scenes of the lunar new year greetings by the family members to the grandma and it's the perfect day to broadcast it. 

@UnniSarah, i would love to see DH be the one at SJ's side when he is feeling down after finding out HW is his brother and that the father he has called for over 20years was 1 of them that has indirectly caused his biological father's death. I really do not wish to see MJ at all. 

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I just saw the live streaming but missed out on the first few minutes, so not too sure what did the assistant told HW.  I only saw him running out of his house. I'm not sure if he is 100% sure that SJ is his brother, but from the background narration, it seems like it is confirmed. He saw SJ as he walked out of his house. SJ took his dog for a walk and when he saw HW, he just nod his head to greet him and went back to his house.

JE, on the other hand, after hearing from her friend about HW's company in USA (or working in a company) that he said went bankrupt was not true,HW came to the cafe.  He started asking JE about her uncle.She do not understand why is HW asking about his uncle after asking about SJ a few days ago.  She told him her uncle is a good person and she looks hurt by HW's lies and sort of ignore him after that.  HW was walking back to his house when he saw SJ's father walked out of his house and met some neighbours.  He greeted the elderly and chat with a mother/daughter.  (After this, was having internet connection issues and missed a few minutes again.). 

After learning from the teacher that CS has talent in opera, HS was in a daze but finally went to a CD shop.  The TV in the shop was showing the famous opera singer and HS was so drawn to it and imagine that CS was singing instead.. Her dramatic action and calling out CS name has all the other customers looking at her...Hahaha...  After returning home, she went to look for HJ and told her what happened.  Initially HJ did not believe her at all until HS said the school teacher told her that.  They went to look for CS in his room together.  I think CS was thinking of participating in ssireum instead.  Now HJ & HS are on talking terms due to CS's talent lol. 

DH brought some soybean paste(correct me if i'm wrong) to her colleagues.  Out of the 4 of them, 3 of them were so happy to receive it, only 1 of them were put off by the smell.  MJ came in at the wrong time and didn't like it at all too.  SJ came out from his office and sort of help DH.  I think he allowed the staff to go back on the eve of Lunar New Year.  MJ then went into his room (for meeting i guess) but before he close the door, he turned back and look at DH.. 

Grandma went to JE mother's house but was shocked to see her drunk while playing the piano. There were so many empty bottles of wines on the floor and table.  She was scolding her and left her house in disappointment.  

At night, SJ went to DH's room and i think he asked for the script or if she has finished writing the script.  DH said something (seems to be on the last part of the script) and SJ went to cook some ramen instead.  While eating, SJ was reading the script as well.  DH looked nervous while eating, but saw SJ smiling twice as he read the script.  SJ started to give his opinion on the script about skinship and DH doesn't agreed with it.  I think she do not really want him to read his script but SJ did not want to give it back to her.  DH tried to snatch back while they were standing.  She tried to jump up but instead hug SJ indirectly. She quickly step back but SJ pull her in instead. :wub:  (in my opinion, they have disagreement on skinship in the script and SJ was trying to prove to her thru this).  SJ left the room but looked sad and was outside the door for a while. 

Next day, the 1st day of lunar new year.  HJ & JS's families gave their new year's greeting to the elders (SJ grandma, DH grandma, SJ's father & mother).  After giving their greetings, they realised that SJ and DH were not there yet. Just as DH arrived, SJ also came out of his room having trouble with his hanbok.  So both of them greeted the elderly together.  Like what we saw on preview, SJ's father said they looked like newly wed couple..and SJ's mother gave that i-do-not-like-that comment look and looked at DH with displeasure.  CS show off his talent by singing infront of them.  SJ while enjoying CS's singing, keep on looking back at DH twice and SJ's mother noticed it too.  

HJ & HS were talking secretly in the kitchen while their husbands were drinking at the dinner table.  They seems to be up to something.  SH told his brother SS about that co president assistant whom is his client.  Since his brother has done some investigation on that company when he was a reporter, he seems to be telling his brother off.  SS was of course not happy and start to argue with him.  SH was a bit drunk then and sort of gave a slap on SS's head.  The mother saw it and chased them back to their house.  The 2 sisters-in-law took some food from the house and went to JE mother's house instead. HJ was helping to clear the wine bottles while HS talked to her about recommending opera teacher for CS.  Initially i think JE's mother was doubtful about HS as well, but when HS told her about the school music teacher comments, she agreed to talk to 1 of her friend. Both HJ & HS were so happy about it.  (Finally seeing these 2 joining hands to get something done).  

The rich ahjumma whom DH's grandmother saw went to MJ's house and was having a chat with MJ's father.  She mentioned to him about DH's grandmother.  Just then MJ came back with the soya bean paste (correct me if i'm wrong) and passed to the housekeeper.  They asked what it was and when she told it was from a colleague, the rich ahjumma commented that DH's grandmother's cooking with the paste is good.  (OMG, looks like DH really could be related to MJ's father).   

HW went to SJ's house on the pretend of giving his new year greeting to the elderly.  SJ was playing baduk with his father when HW came.  SJ is still wary of HW.  SJ's mother quickly offered him some food.  When he saw how SJ & HS interacting during the game, he doesn't seems comfortable and left after a while.  When he was outside the house, he saw JE from far.  (JE was sleeping in her own cafe the night before.)

DH went back to her room and changed back to normal clothes.  SJ came in and started to read her script again.  The next scene i saw was a car appearing infront of the house. Hai~~, i knew it.. i knew it.. Who else but MJ.. she went to look for SJ's parents and asked where is SJ.  i can't remember if it was the father or mother who told her that he is at the rooftop.  When she went up to the room, she saw SJ and DH in the room. 

 JE & HW went somewhere else to talk and i think HW asked her if she really wants to know about him.  So they sat down and he told her about his past.  He also told JE that he has found his brother.  


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Omg, SJ mom is so not on my like radar. Some episode she is bearable, but with coming episode, she is so going to be a obstacle for DH and SJ especially since she favor MJ (because of her status) to be with SJ over DH.

She clearly doesn't like HS as a daughter in law and is bearable with her in law but she's definitely going to make things harder for DH if she side with MJ, grrr...Couldn't even respect her son decision that he won't marry MJ and even tries to persuade him on it (because she want to have ties to wealthy in law) vs. poor in law. 

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29 minutes ago, Lyna said:

Omg, SJ mom is so not on my like radar. Some episode she is bearable, but with coming episode, she is so going to be a obstacle for DH and SJ especially since she favor MJ (because of her status) to be with SJ over DH.

She clearly doesn't like HS as a daughter in law and is bearable with her in law but she's definitely going to make things harder for DH if she side with MJ, grrr...Couldn't even respect her son decision that he won't marry MJ and even tries to persuade him on it (because she want to have ties to wealthy in law) vs. poor in law. 


She is selfish to a point. She's under the pretense that she wants the best for SJ (as most parents do), but in reality, she is a bit of a hypocrite. SJ is close to his dad, but not as much with his mom. Sure he loves his mom and is filial to them, but he's extremely close to his dad. His mom favors her eldest son at times. I don't know if it's because she still thinks or believes that SJ is the product of an affair her husband had (even though we know it's not the truth or if she knows the truth that SJ was adopted from the orphanage). If she doesn't know the truth, it could be why she is still a bit distant with SJ as he's the love child from her husband's affair.

However, after raising him for all these decades, she still wants what's best for him or at least what she thinks is best for him. She believes that SJ marrying a woman from high social status and/or money is best for him. She doesn't take into account his feelings. She believes he'll be happy with MJ. She has doesn't like DH as her family doesn't have money nor from the upper class (if the hints are that DH may be related to MJ or even half-sister, I wonder how she'll treat DH in the future). But, SJ is totally happy with DH. His mom just has to look at SJ's face. He literally lights up and smiles every time he looks at DH. Her son is truly happy and wants to be with DH. That should be a good enough reason but for his mom, it's not.

There is a reason why SJ won't marry MJ. The main reason is love. He's not in love with her nor probably was never in love with her. He may have liked her at the start of their relationship, but feelings have changed on his end for the past several years when he was in Taiwan. MJ's feelings may not have changed, but SJ's definitely did. I truly believe he smitten or attracted to her at first sight for DH in Taiwan. At the very beginning when they first met in Taiwan, he was fascinated with her and took a picture of her before even knowing who she was. The more he knew her, the more he was intrigued by her till they found out they were in-laws as well as neighbors. The other reason is that he & MJ are of two different worlds. They really do not not that much in common nor do they like the same things. I wonder if things will change between him & DH should she really be related to MJ.


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8 hours ago, chocolatepie said:

Next day, the 1st day of lunar new year.  HJ & JS's families gave their new year's greeting to the elders (SJ grandma, DH grandma, SJ's father & mother).  After giving their greetings, they realised that SJ and DH were not there yet. Just as DH arrived, SJ also came out of his room having trouble with his hanbok.  So both of them greeted the elderly together.  Like what we saw on preview, SJ's father said they looked like newly wed couple..and SJ's mother gave that i-do-not-like-that comment look and looked at DH with displeasure.  

4 hours ago, Lyna said:

Omg, SJ mom is so not on my like radar. Some episode she is bearable, but with coming episode, she is so going to be a obstacle for DH and SJ especially since she favor MJ (because of her status) to be with SJ over DH.

She clearly doesn't like HS as a daughter in law and is bearable with her in law but she's definitely going to make things harder for DH if she side with MJ, grrr...Couldn't even respect her son decision that he won't marry MJ and even tries to persuade him on it (because she want to have ties to wealthy in law) vs. poor in law. 


3 hours ago, whome said:

I don't know if it's because she still thinks or believes that SJ is the product of an affair her husband had (even though we know it's not the truth or if she knows the truth that SJ was adopted from the orphanage). If she doesn't know the truth, it could be why she is still a bit distant with SJ as he's the love child from her husband's affair.

However, after raising him for all these decades, she still wants what's best for him or at least what she thinks is best for him. She believes that SJ marrying a woman from high social status and/or money is best for him. She doesn't take into account his feelings. She believes he'll be happy with MJ. She has doesn't like DH as her family doesn't have money nor from the upper class (if the hints are that DH may be related to MJ or even half-sister, I wonder how she'll treat DH in the future). But, SJ is totally happy with DH. His mom just has to look at SJ's face. He literally lights up and smiles every time he looks at DH. Her son is truly happy and wants to be with DH. That should be a good enough reason but for his mom, it's not.


43 minutes ago, andy78 said:



@chocolatepie @Lyna @whome & @andy78 First off @chocolatepie & @0ly40  Thanks for the recap and video..

Ok we all in agreement about hypricital mom who only see money and thinks that makes MJ a good person.. Now she's wrong for approaching DH about SJ marrying a wealthy woman to help with his work when she knows nothing about MJ or her family..  Regardless if dad runs a company or not she don't know if he's the king of illegal shady deals or what dad might be cooking up lurking in the shadows.. Would she thinks it's ok for SJ to marry MJ if she knew her dad plans to throw him in jail.. SJ dad has told her over and over again that SJ isn't into MJ but she seems determine to try and make him marry MJ.. I think it's more about her then what he wants.. She wants to look good in front of her friends so she can brag because her other two sons wives didn't turn out from what she expecred from them just look at the situation now.. Not only look good in front of her friends she wants to be admired by SJ mom for raising her son and marrying him off rich.. I hope dad catces her talking to DH about her not getting in SJ way of marrying rich.. I'm kind of hoping the family do go bankrupt that way she'll stop looking down on people.. Even though she'll blame it's all dads fault but she didn't work and earn a dime of that money but she wants to control everything and everyone..  I see why and how SJ is more close to dad then her normally she never had two words to say to SJbut I do see her teaming up with MJ and try to force him to marry her..

MJ is rude and have no manners, How dare she just barges in DH houses I have a feeling she was listening at the door and must feel pretty stupid things are not what she expected.. I hope SJ tells her off about her actions.. For someone to have put her feelings for him on hold to keep him working with her just look at her actions.. This should be enough to make SJ quit again.. Frist off he has told her about coming to his house if it's work related that she needed to see him she could have waited until it was a work day or called him to see if he agreed to meet some where.. This makes me wonder if she thought she was pulling something slick by showing up like that trying to introduce herself to the whole family as his supposed to be girlfriend.. Maybe dad and his sister was talking about she has found a match for her and she there to beg him to marry her so she won't have to go on a potential marriage date.. She's not into meeting someone else but not understanding that SJ isn't into her.  SMH

Now onto MJ dad and Aunt.. Some how the conversation they was having dad may be the cause of DH father dying.. The stocks that Aunt mentioned could belong to DH.. Halmoni holding on to that key is the key to all the answers.. I had thought from the way MJ dad acted DH could be his child.. I know it's connection between all of them and at episode 22 we need more answers.. I bet DH holds more stock in that company and maybe the real owners of it.. I'm hoping DH turns out to be the true owner of the company it would serve hypicritical mom a slap in the face..

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LOL I was running out of the door this Sunday morning and was just going to catch the episode. 

Whoa SJ and DH have some pretty intense chemistry huh? I was fanning my face and my heart was fluttering during the script review scene. In between guffawing at the whole writer's wordplay between a romance between the fictional characters in the script. Because I laughed really hard at all of DH's chaste skinship scenes and SJ saying a guy would go for it. Still makes me laugh thinking about it. 

This couple is really really adorable. I am going to have to continue watching this drama just because of them.

And huh? There is a BIRTH SECRET? Gee whiz why am I not surprised? It's got to do with DH and being the heir to the company's shares right? I really want to die laughing.

And oh yeah I saw the preview- the writer is going straight down the makjang pathway. Man, what am I doing willingly following these sort of plotlines?


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43 minutes ago, sava2sava said:


Now onto MJ dad and Aunt.. Some how the conversation they was having dad may be the cause of DH father dying.. The stocks that Aunt mentioned could belong to DH.. Halmoni holding on to that key is the key to all the answers.. I had thought from the way MJ dad acted DH could be his child.. I know it's connection between all of them and at episode 22 we need more answers.. I bet DH holds more stock in that company and maybe the real owners of it.. I'm hoping DH turns out to be the true owner of the company it would serve hypicritical mom a slap in the face..

I think MJ dad did something to DH' s dad and other family members maybe cause an accident that killed some of them because in their conversation  the aunt said that the chairman was missing for years. It could be that maybe DH's dad could be alive or his body disappeared  ??? My theory is that DH supposed grandma is hiding her to protect DH and the shares that belong to DH are more than the ones of MJ dad and maybe he could have stolen some of DH  shares before the mysterious accident.

Also what about DH brother ? what role is his ?? searching for DH's family (dad) or proof that someone did something to them or just a guy with a lot of problems that couldn't do anything right??

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