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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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12 hours ago, julie721 said:

Oh dear... I never even thought about that. As much as I don't like Sec. Kim, if she was ever thrown away by YJ it's tragically sad TBH. She's the one who stands by her side all this time (although she did some things that weren't ordered before, but she did it out of loyalty and for YJ benefits. And then, BAM.. She's sacrificed just because YJ find a new interest? That would be very cruel destiny for her. But whatever.. My guess she will die to protect YJ later. She's interesting character actually... 

@julie721 That could be the case too.. I'm not saying the day when YJ chooses JH over Chief Kim will 100% come, just a good possibility of that happening too. Even YJ had admitted JH is a variable element in which she has no control over. We have seen JH slowly, but surely gaining a solid space in YJ's heart(maybe not in the romantic sense, but of importance to her). I don't know whether saving her from that burning wretched car or shielding her with the umbrella play a major role.. but even now the way YJ let a new agent like JH into the deep secrets of Cloud Nine, the incidents with Anna, as well as seemingly willing to take a failed hit on Park Kwan Soo's life in exchange for JH's safety.. I fear Chief Kim will go hysterical if she realizes just how much her exclusive private space she possesses in her goddess's heart(YJ) has been invaded by JH. Not sure whether she will choose to remain loyal or turn on YJ if she felt the betrayal is deep.

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What's with all the negative comments over at DB site? I thought ep 10 was so interesting but the way some people run it down makes me feel dumb. Obviously there are plotholes but it is nonetheless entertaining. Must we over analyze everything to death? Or is it just pure hate against the writer and the actress? :huh:

JH romancing YJ is so wrong on many counts. It's warp and twisted. But JH changing her and reminding her of who she was before she became who she is...that I like to see. He said it very clearly: he wants to be her friend. And what do friends who care do? 

I only wish the writer continues to entertain us till the end. Or keep it warm and heartening. Or just satisfying. I like to see all 4 leads winning...maybe less so for Anna's dad. :P

Anyway, I wish the drama to do well for JCW's sake. Healer was a good plot but look at the ratings. Even if it did well internationally so what? Only with good ratings will he get noticed in Korea to work on better projects in future. Frankly, I don't care for his Chinese projects so far. Those turn in good money for him but that's that only.

Alrighty...Looking forward to a great ride in the 6 episodes ahead! :wub:


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Cute scene! Jeha is so wrapped around her little finger! He can't resist her kekekeke They're such a beauty to watch

c: http://k0mely.tumblr.com/



A: Come on, let’s have fun! Catch me, okay? Ding!
J: Just go. I’m not doing it.
A: Ding!
J: I told you, I’m not doing it!
A: Ding!
J: I don’’t want to!

c: http://k0mely.tumblr.com/

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15 hours ago, chi_mo_chi said:

Thanks to @nona88and @soniawong for the translation (^ • ~)

I'm on team JehAnna...

Unfortunately i'm no longer join this forum,  hahahaa because I just want to enjoy watching this show without shipping war, and negative opinion... I opened for different opinion as  long as it for good sake... 

 I even asked myself, what if anna character played by other artist... Maybe there will be no hatred and critism... 

Like I said before ,  I'm not yoona's fan,  not JCW's fan,  not writer's fan too.. I'm neutral, but I really appreciate Yoona, I feel Anna and I feel JH-Anna chemistry,... And I love their blanket kiss...  Hahaha...

As for YJ,  sometimes I feel sad for her but I never forgive her because she's doing bad things to Anna since she's young...  I said no to child abuse... 

Ok...  Thanks to all agents .... Sorry for my bad english


Yoona have been praised and recognized for her good acting in this drama and got a lot of love from Knetz and of course Inetz but because of her idol status she being purposely critics by some of other International jealous fans idol who got critic for bad acting and some come from the actor shipper from his last project who still cannot accept his oppa need to work with not just ONE artist. When their cannot found any bad comments from Knetz for her acting, their turn to critic her character and chemistry but their forgot she just act accordingly to script. Like @Sesame Chew said rating, recognition and good comments from Knetz are more important for their future projects.










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Have been reading the more recent posts about how most are feeling about the pace and progress of the show, including character development.

I enjoyed YongPal a lot in terms of how the story progressed, but I find that the "issues" in pacing and character development in that series are very similar to the "problems" we are raising for The K2. There are also many similarities in the way the stories have been written too - not sure if any of you have noticed, but this writer seems to like

1. bringing in catholicism as a cultural backdrop for the female characters - their moral character, dilemmas and values seem to hinge a lot on catholicism, including notions of revenge and forgiveness

2. male characters who are morally ambiguous but driven very much by the women they meet and how much impact or influence these women have on them and the decisions they make

3. politics and power play between the "haves" and the "have nots", and how these 2 worlds are not as separate as people might think they are

4. strong female characters who question their subservience to a male dominated culture - the concept of "true guardianship" as understood by Korean society

I feel that the writer (and I'm not so sure how much influence he has over how the director interprets his stories, but so far the pacing and progress is so very similar to YongPal) tends to be 

a. too focused on the men being so apparently aloof (because this is a man's perception of how men are or should be?) that we all seem to have trouble pinpointing when or how the main male character's interest in the female developed - how did JeHa become interested in Anna to the point where he starts to get nervous in her presence? I like that he did mention to YooJin that Anna is like another Raniya, but really, what does that actually mean for him?

b. unable to balance the grey that he clearly wants to introduce into the female characters. It's almost as if while we can easily accept that men in the workplace are never totally black or white but a person who develops out of a series of relationships and decisions, women are not so clear in their characterisation. The women seem to swing from one end to the other - you don't see so much of tension within them as much as you see an almost bipolar presentation of the self: one moment so soft, motherly, damsel-in-distress; the next hard, ruthless, controlling. Are women really like this? Perhaps. Sometimes I'm not too sure myself. But perhaps in a world (especially in Korea) that is still very much male dominated, women still struggle with defining themselves against traditional and new world expectations and the writer is trying to work this out in the show? Strangely, most of us are female viewers and we're the ones not liking this representation much. Hmm...

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3 hours ago, Sesame Chew said:

What's with all the negative comments over at DB site? I thought ep 10 was so interesting but the way some people run it down makes me feel dumb. Obviously there are plotholes but it is nonetheless entertaining. Must we over analyze everything to death? Or is it just pure hate against the writer and the actress? :huh:

JH romancing YJ is so wrong on many counts. It's warp and twisted. But JH changing her and reminding her of who she was before she became who she is...that I like to see. He said it very clearly: he wants to be her friend. And what do friends who care do? 

I only wish the writer continues to entertain us till the end. Or keep it warm and heartening. Or just satisfying. I like to see all 4 leads winning...maybe less so for Anna's dad. :P

Anyway, I wish the drama to do well for JCW's sake. Healer was a good plot but look at the ratings. Even if it did well internationally so what? Only with good ratings will he get noticed in Korea to work on better projects in future. Frankly, I don't care for his Chinese projects so far. Those turn in good money for him but that's that only.

Alrighty...Looking forward to a great ride in the 6 episodes ahead! :wub:


This!  I used to love coming to that site, but now not so much, Some of them act like they are a movie critic  and just nitpicks and over analyzes every scene , like are they serious? Same people keep on saying how they hate this drama and how they are dropping it, but you still see the same people  commenting on the next episode. If you hate this drama so much, why are you torturing yourself on watching this drama. You could definitely tell what criticisms are and just pure hate. 

They are actually ruining it for others, I know they have every right to say their opinions, but sometimes they even look more stupid saying how they hate this drama but still continues to watch it. And what I have noticed,the ones who hated the blanket scene were from  the YJ-JH shippers. I get how frustrated you are , but please, they are too obvious. 

I am proud that most of the Jehanna shippers on the DB site , also on this thread ,because while loving their ship  I can see they still have some manners and appreciate the YJ- JH dynamic. 

You are right! This drama may not be well received internationally  unlike Healer, but this drama  is loved in Korea coz the ratings are considered a hit and that is what matters for all the leads. Actually For me , I  think the drama is loved by the interntational viewers, the blanket kiss already have more than 500,000 views in you tube.. that must say something right. 


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On 10/23/2016 at 3:33 PM, perfectsmilebias said:

And I wanted to post the eng sub version of my favorite scene!!!

The last line of Jeha's might actually be mistranslated, or at least lack the nuance it deserves. banghae from Tumblr has a different translation, which actually sounds more poetic... "I believe in that."


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Credit: banghae & banghae

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What's with Jeha and the email... Jeez Jeha is being like Trump, keeps mentioning the email... lol

Dude... don't pretend... you know what's up. :smirk:

And was it just me, but when Jeha approaches, juuuusssttt close enough, I was thinking.. "Wow, Jeha... this b**ch ain't loyal."

"Hi my name is Jeha, aka K2, aka Chloe... the 'c' and 'l' are silent!"



Omooo love love this scene. To die for XD

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On 10/23/2016 at 5:57 PM, StarUnnie said:


OMG!!! Mine too.... I just love the interaction between them. Their relationship is so much mature (given the age :sweatingbullets:) So much diffrent from Jeha & Anna..


I wish I could like your post multiple times!! I couldn't agree more with what you said!

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Gomawo @stargazer187 for the Ep9 Stills. Gorgeous couple. This drama turned me into a JCW+Y shipper :wub:. Of course in K2, I ship JH+AN. I'm saving all the Stills and going to use them for my computer wallpapers. nomu yeppo!

Annyeong @ashvaugn, I agree with your comments. The haters just can't leave K2 alone even though they hate it. They just want to spoil the mood for those of us who are a fan of the drama.

:tears: today is only Tuesday, another 2 days plus and it will be Friday. yeah!!!

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Wasn't here since last ep and so sorry it'll have to wait to catch up you guys but wanted to mention 2 sentences that stayed with me from last 2 eps...

Anna 2 JH: You'r mine! J4 gave up on you and let me have you, so you'r mine! :lol:...that was so open and honest i had to laugh..and JH was as what?!? but didn't mind much or denied :wub:

I adored all of their scenes and they were super cute :wub: and do ship them...hope to see much more :)

...but...don't get me wrong, but JH and YJ r bomb...that lady rocks here and is 1st lady of the show...and their chemistry is great...as for YJ, her greed and pain took her on the path of no return but felt sorry for her when she said to JH: wasn't i a bit as Rania as well? :(...JH does feel sorry for her in a way...and i think she really likes him coz he's honest and open

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Ah well, I finally saw the episodes this week. And dammit!... As I've enjoyed! I feel this show wants to give me a heart attack with every cliffhanger and I don't know if I can stand it.

Well among other things I must say that TK2 gave me two people to my blacklist (after Lucille and Negan. Sorry, I can't help it. I'm still shocked with the premiere of TWD) and these are Anna's uncle and the Secretary Kim. 

And I must say I don't trust at all in Anna's uncle. And I don't think he's different from his sister.

And speaking of Yoo Jin. Many people  may be sympathizing with her because the actress is doing a great job with the character but honestly she remains the same despicable person. Sorry. The actress can be great but I don't mix both things. I know she has her fans and don't want to hurt susceptibility but Yoo Jin is manipulative. She is not a victim or a ice queen with a noble heart. No. She's cruel and greedy. And the only thing I like about her growing love with Jeha (to me at this point already seems a little obsession too) is that she's getting a weak point and that's very good. 

And I know people love to see a black or grey character become in a beautiful white angel (with the power of love, so romantic) but this isn't the case.

And I must reach other important points: The scenes of the protagonists. Because after seeing the two hugs, that creative kiss under the blanket and that bittersweet farewell I can only wish good luck to anyone who wants to deny the chemistry of Jeha and Anna ... Good luck with that. :lol:

21 hours ago, ReemKanabta said:


Now that I want to see as well, Javabeans on the K2

I do enjoy this show with its given setup, but once I’d heard of the suggestion to make Anna a child instead, I couldn’t help thinking I would have truly loved the show if: present-day Anna were the little girl in the flashbacks, longing for her father; if Song Yoon-ah’s character Yoo-jin were just a bit younger—mid-to-late thirties, to narrow the 14-year age gap between her and Ji Chang-wook, and to make her feel more like a hateful, powerful stepmother; if the main loveline were an angsty, thwarted attraction between Yoo-jin and K2; if K2 were driven to free little Anna from her prison and to make Yoo-jin see that she could have a better life if she chose happiness instead of ambition; and if, in the end, they decided they couldn’t compromise where they were headed and parted ways, with K2 walking off into the sunset and Yoo-jin choosing her throne of power and loneliness.

Damn, now I want to watch that show.



I can safely say that I prefer the version TK2. Jeha as a lonely soul is an awful ending so hopefully something like this never really happens in the drama.


The K2 MV ~ You'll be alright


Credit  DontBeABetch55Vids

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"Ji changwook said his favorite scene was Ramen with yoona :wub: http://www.http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=940639
His interview was taken before The k2 EP 8,9,10 aired" cr: @VitrianaVIP

I wonder is ramen scene still his fav scene right now? :phew:  Haha, i mean after beach scene, walkie talkie scene, and of course the memorable kissssseu scene :blush:

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anna be like : damn if i dont, damn if i did. SOME people hate her because of yoona. i dont like this idont like that. well if you dont like it why are you torturing yourself watching this drama? DB comment section is full of saltiness. lol they hate her so much they even want to remove anna's character. it's ok to voice out opinions and analisys or whatever but SOME of them are pure hatred. if there is a character that is reasonable to hate that would be YJ, PKS, secretary kim, JSJ (i dont hate him that much but damn he's nasty lol) what did actually anna do? why hate her character so much? lol i've actually pity YJ (i know i know i know she kills innocent persons and locked up an innocent young girl) , FOR ME she is a person who has so much greed and hatred in her heart, that she became like this. wrong decision wrong ways. because we choose to become someone. if your father is a murderer, will you become a murderer too? aniyyyaaa, you choose to be a murderer too. and ofc also maybe because of Song yoona's acting? its so great that i pity the character too? but then she kills innocent people..so umh aahhh molllaaaa!! hahahaha jcw is awesome its my first time watching him in a drama and why is he underated?? im a fan now! i wish him more projects in the future! as for yoona, im soshi fan. ive always liked her but now i love her. i was actually worried about her acting before, FOR ME she's a good actress,not great but not bad. But in the k2 she is doing a great job. she improved so much so im very proud. when she cry i cry when she laugh i laugh. so it satifies me and im very happy. well everyone is doing a great job in their acting so i like haha im a very simple minded person i dont have much negative comment about the drama i just want to enjoy it and FEEEL it!! hahah

sorry for my long post, and sorry if my english is wrong and sorry if you dont feel the same. SORRYYY.

SOME of us cant move on from blanket scene, i wonder what will happen if there is going to be a bed scene? huehuehuehue i would probably die :wub: lmao

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16 minutes ago, riiko1988 said:

anna be like : damn if i dont, damn if i did. SOME people hate her because of yoona. i dont like this idont like that. well if you dont like it why are you torturing yourself watching this drama? DB comment section is full of saltiness. lol they hate her so much they even want to remove anna's character. it's ok to voice out opinions and analisys or whatever but SOME of them are pure hatred. if there is a character that is reasonable to hate that would be YJ, PKS, secretary kim, JSJ (i dont hate him that much but damn he's nasty lol) what did actually anna do? why hate her character so much? lol i've actually pity YJ (i know i know i know she kills innocent persons and locked up an innocent young girl) , FOR ME she is a person who has so much greed and hatred in her heart, that she became like this. wrong decision wrong ways. because we choose to become someone. if your father is a murderer, will you become a murderer too? aniyyyaaa, you choose to be a murderer too. and ofc also maybe because of Song yoona's acting? its so great that i pity the character too? but then she kills innocent people..so umh aahhh molllaaaa!! hahahaha jcw is awesome its my first time watching him in a drama and why is he underated?? im a fan now! i wish him more projects in the future! as for yoona, im soshi fan. ive always liked her but now i love her. i was actually worried about her acting before, FOR ME she's a good actress,not great but not bad. But in the k2 she is doing a great job. she improved so much so im very proud. when she cry i cry when she laugh i laugh. so it satifies me and im very happy. well everyone is doing a great job in their acting so i like haha im a very simple minded person i dont have much negative comment about the drama i just want to enjoy it and FEEEL it!! hahah

sorry for my long post, and sorry if my english is wrong and sorry if you dont feel the same. SORRYYY.

SOME of us cant move on from blanket scene, i wonder what will happen if there is going to be a bed scene? huehuehuehue i would probably die :wub: lmao

Annyeong @riiko1988 so you are a Soshi fan :) me too. I consider myself a SONE. I love Yoona and SNSD since 1998. So I do enjoy K2 to see how much she has grown in her acting. To me she has indeed getting better and better in acting. I enjoy watching all her scenes in K2 either with Jeha or others. Even though I'm on JH&AN ship, I don't pinpoint on the evil YJ because this is a drama, I'm going to enjoy the remaining 6 episodes no matter what.

Anyway I think Yoona has grown immune to see hate comments :P

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OMG, I have so much to say on these last two episodes specially on KDM & CSW, on PKS's trump card, on VP of JSS but just writing about them makes my head spin. So complex and confusing characters.. Idk how the writer manages to sketch all these characters.. Also wanted to share my thoughts on the YJ-JH scene in Cloud 9, feel like replying to most of the posts here but I'm not sure I should. 

All I can say the series is going to be very interesting now on. Sorry to be the pessimist but why do I feel somebody's going to die in the last after seeing these 2 episodes? My bet is on JH or YJ...idk I just think that way..:/ 

And lol @shaeYour post!! And Your comment!!   - This prolonged Ji Chang Wook music video is awesome. Hahaha, it had me in splits... please post often. 

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55 minutes ago, Mayiya said:


And speaking of Yoo Jin. Many people  may be sympathizing with her because the actress is doing a great job with the character but honestly she remains the same despicable person. Sorry. The actress can be great but I don't mix both things. I know she has her fans and don't want to hurt susceptibility but Yoo Jin is manipulative. She is not a victim or a ice queen with a noble heart. No. She's cruel and greedy. And the only thing I like about her growing love with Jeha (to me at this point already seems a little obsession too) is that she's getting a weak point and that's very good. 

And I know people love to see a black or grey character become in a beautiful white angel (with the power of love, so romantic) but this isn't the case.

And I must reach other important points: The scenes of the protagonists. Because after seeing the two hugs, that creative kiss under the blanket and that bittersweet farewell I can only wish good luck to anyone who wants to deny the chemistry of Jeha and Anna ... Good luck with that. :lol:



...and we must give her/actress credit for that as much as her character here may be manipulative, cruel and greedy...you'r right those r 2 different things

:D...yes chingu ...those scenes were great and they r super cute :wub:...and you r right again, it's hard for those whos blind with healthy eyes ;)


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On 10/23/2016 at 5:56 PM, perfectsmilebias said:
On 10/23/2016 at 2:24 AM, carmens said:


hi to all of you!
I came here ,now, to not be crying at home alone!!

Episode today, the tenth,  turned me upside down, I feel like beating someone right now and that someone is ANNA!!
Until now I wasn't in anyone else  boat but JeHa's,
and I wanted the script to be run so that he does not reveal his true feelings till the end, but it wasn't going to be!!
Now I know that this drama will end when he dies,
and he will die,
Because JeHA doesn't fit any of side!
From the very beginning he was single and unique, he must remain so
that's why this drama is called "K2",
I hate ANNA, because through all she did was bound for JeHa to die for it,
at first I thought that the writer will go all the way to the idea that JeHa will sacrifice to avenge  Rania,
but right now he goes to die knowing he will die ,



First off I want to say I agree with you on a lot of things except wanting to beat up Anna. I don't hate Anna, actually, I like how she is being more pro-active recently. I really want her to get her revenge because she deserves it... I also want her to make mistakes a long the way because that is how she will grow! She won't grow up constantly being kept in the dark by YooJin, her father, or Jeha for that matter. For the first time in this drama, I'm rooting for Anna!

But there were some things in your posts that really interested me, I highlighted them! I am 100% sure Jeha will not die in the next episodes, but I do want him to get hurt badly *hehehe I'm sadistic I've warned you*, all bloodied up and almost shirtless like in episode 2. If he gets off scratch free, then the cliffhanger for this episodes would be worth nothing.

On 10/23/2016 at 5:56 PM, perfectsmilebias said:

Though I am 100% sure that Jeha won't die in the next episode, I'm not so certain that he will survive the entire drama. In the live broadcast interview Ji Chang Wook did with Yoona, he mentioned he didn't know if The K2 would have a happy or sad ending, but it seemed he favored a sad ending because he felt sad endings often stay with the audience longer. I'm pretty sure Ji Chang Wook isn't an actor who actively meddles with a drama's script and tells the screenwriter what to write, even if they openly asked for his suggestion... so just because JCW prefers sad endings, doesn't mean The K2 will have one.

But, what you said makes a lot of sense to me... 

"Because JeHA doesn't fit any of side! From the very beginning he was single and unique, he must remain so"

He really doesn't fit any side, and we are already in episode 10 (there are only 6 more episodes to go) and he still doesn't seem to be fitting into any side. Honestly, I wouldn't want Jeha to die but I wouldn't be against that ending either.

I really can't see The K2 ending in a clean, mess-free way... there has been too many complexities, everyone still seems to have their own goals, the main 3 aren't totally in-sync nor totally out-of-sync.

I don't want K2 to block Anna from her revenge, but I don't want Jeha to betray YooJin either. As a character, I don't think Jeha will choose a side and that could mean bad things indeed....


Both of you have valid points I do see him getting badly hurt but I like to see Anna go out on a limb for a change to find him as you said see her grow but if he don't come back we could see these things happening.. Yj evil asst will try and hide him if she can't kill him, But I would like to see him and Anna walking away from it all including her side buster father..

On 10/23/2016 at 6:25 PM, maral_ms said:

One thing i have noticed. The tensions between je ha and yoo jin and je ha and Anna are different. There is a reason why i prefer the second one. While there is definitely physical attraction but u can feel there is more to that . Thats why i like it more. There is this pureness and simplicity and loving a person beyond just a physical attraction. I feel like this kind of love lasts much more. while between je ha and yoo jin the feeling that i get is mostly physical thats why it just doesnt work for me like it is explosive but after a short time it just goes away and makes me just hate it. like it makes love very shallow. Of course just my personal opinion. BTW can anyone plz tell me how can i post an audio here not the link bit the audio itself. Its a song that JCW sings and i am just addicted to it. although i dont understand wht it say but there is a pain in this song that matches his sad eyes in this drama

Yj has a physical attraction to Jh her asst noticed that from the time he carried her out of the car something she wasn't able to do.. Yj likes JH but Jh just see her for who she is and thats a bully and a killer he wants nothing to do with the power players but this stab in the back he's about to recieve will send everyone but Anna scurring because of him I think JH is going to destroy them all not only Congressman Park but Yj and Sj even Yj half brother will be caught up in it.. I think he will clean up all the corrupt politician.. But I have to ask you did you notice Yj crying when she heard Jh telling her that he will protect Anna that hurted her..     

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2 hours ago, alekaonu said:

Annyeong @riiko1988 so you are a Soshi fan :) me too. I consider myself a SONE. I love Yoona and SNSD since 1998. So I do enjoy K2 to see how much she has grown in her acting. To me she has indeed getting better and better in acting. I enjoy watching all her scenes in K2 either with Jeha or others. Even though I'm on JH&AN ship, I don't pinpoint on the evil YJ because this is a drama, I'm going to enjoy the remaining 6 episodes no matter what.

Anyway I think Yoona has grown immune to see hate comments :P


omonnaaaa! annyeong chingoo :lol: yes yes im a SONE! ive been a fan for a long long time too. i saw them grow from teenagers to women. i feel proud and happy to see that. proud like a mom hahahah

nadoo chingu, its just a drama but i do enjoy SOME of their analysis here about the characters. but what matters most is im enjoying the drama like you :)

cant wait! pls friday come fast! palllliiii palllliii!! 


     yoona is freaking pretty and jcw so handsome i drool hahhahaha. the looked good together and i ship them so hard! everytime i see them together i was like why these two dont have any bad angle? and chingu the blanket kiss is perfect i cannot move on help meeee!! hahhahah


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