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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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10 hours ago, 1ouise said:

Okay, I got a bit distracted.  My real LOBSter role in this forum is to pose crazy questions and speculate wildly.  So, today's question is:

When Lord Yang claimed his ignorance and innocence and said that he had been set up to look like the man who poisoned the merchant, do you believe him?  If so, who set him up?

@mythicaloveI don't think so... I would rather say that Lord Yang might have been acting for someone else. Notice that MDY is only the tool of Kang JY in her scheme as black widow. She used her husband to kill her former husbands. She poisoned them so that they got blind and after that she created an accident. 

So maybe Lord Yang was only the tool to kill the merchant. Since the mastermind needed lord Yang, he used his connection to put the blame on KDR and have Yang released. Notice that the man with the ring targeted KDR and used the mermaid as bait. He must have heard from lord Yang about the special bond between KDR and SH. 

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38 minutes ago, 1ouise said:

Was HJJ worried that SC might turn into a mermaid on the dance floor?  Or is he just a jealous boyfriend?  LOL 



Lmaoooo. I just had to laugh with your comment, chingu. Aside from the scene where HJJ, SC, and his mom were crossing the street, I was also anxious with this scene haha. I kept on internally screaming that she should stop moving too wreklessly because I thought that someone might accidentally spill a bottle of beer on her and she'll turn into a mermaid on the dance floor hahaha. But HJJ's caution is more funny. It seems like he fears she'll turn into a mermaid at the rate that her sweat is forming hahahaha. HJJ, don't worry to much okay? She won't sweat an ocean out of no where hahaha

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3 hours ago, mythicalove said:


Hahahaha, you're not alone. There are numerous comments about the ending scene. The two most popular being 

1.) What took that light so long to turn green?

2.) I am sensing truck of doom coming their way. 


Hahaha for no.2

i thought that too but Cheong was there and everything would be fine.

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I've finally been able to watch episodes 14 and 15 subbed, chingusss~

*sigh*. What can I say? This drama just keeps on getting better and better with each passing episode and I feel like I've been sucked in a vortex into the "Legend of the Blue Sea". I actually ended up watching both subbed episodes TWICE in a row lmao *sigh*

If I can summarize my thoughts with one word for two episodes, it would be "whirlwind". With episode 14 and 15 coming out, I feel that the plot of the story progressed immensely. The plot has thickened after those two episodes and so has our OTP's relationship. (SC has started regarding HJJ as her boyfriend yayyyyy. My childish wish came true hahaha)

In episode 14, we have seen that HJJ had finally found out the tragic end of KDR and SW. In the scene, we can literally see him clutch his heart dramatically in pain, probably to symbolize that the thought of losing SC is so immense that he cannot take it. We all know that he is a "protective boyfriend", but with this new piece of information, HJJ's protectiveness escalates to whole new levels and he has now crossed over into the "overprotective boyfriend" side. The scene that actually stood out to me was when they were having a conversation in a cafe after the movie. HJJ tested if the past would likely occur in the present and it seems that his fears have come true. When asked if she would live happily without him, SC immediately answered that she would follow him to death; she cannot promise to keep herself alive. When SC asked HJJ the same question, he hesitantly lied back that he would find someone else. But in all truth an honesty, HJJ realized that what he is asking SC to promise seems impossible for him too. How can you go back to normal living after uncovering your centuries-old love story, your soulmate? HJJ wants to protect her even if it meant he would die; he would gladly accept the sacrifice because he loves her that much. To SC, a world without HJJ is not living at all; his love is what fuels her heart to go on. She literally cannot survive without him. Both of them fail to see each others' points. This causes a fight between them.

With SC's answer, it seems like fate is indeed repeating again. In the past KDR protected SW with all his might. As much as his love was his greatest strength and motivator, it was also his weakness, in my opinion. KDR was not equipped with much knowledge about a mermaid's love. Like a wreckless man, he went back and forth, blinded by love, to protect her, jeopardazing his own safety in the process. As long as she was fine, his health and safety did not matter to him. Unfortunately, he did not know that letting his gaurd down upon himself was also like an opening to harm SW as well. Hence their tragic ending. Had KDR known that it was his love that kept her alive, he probably would have been more cautious. In the present, I feel like this is finally the sword that HJJ has got on his side. He KNOWS that his survival is also an integral part in keeping SC alive. Therefore, I hope that he takes more care of himself from now on. This now brings us to the start of episode 15.

At the start of episode 15, we see that the two of them are in another heated argument. This scene is soooooo symbolic in the sense that all their secrets have finally come out. SC finally knows that HJJ remembers everything while HJJ finally knows the truth about a mermaid's love. SC cries her eyeballs out because of the confrontation, but then they come to a mutual understanding in the museum where HJJ tells SC about the story of a man who fell in love with a mermaid. My heart goes out to HJJ. He promised to SC that he would not lie anymore, but he probably took after her example at Yoona's graduation as well and told a white lie about KDR and SW's tragic ending. He probably did not want to burden her so much with the truth. Somehow, deep inside, I think that SC FEELS that it is not true as evidenced by the fact that she shed a tear in the museum. What the mind does not remember is what the heart cannot forget. Their love is indeed both a blessing and a curse and they must tread cautiously on where they step to gaurantee success.

CH has now gone over to the bad side completely. A lot of us have been speculating that it may have been him who killed the Joseon lovers and I am one of them. I have to admit, I was too quick to judge MDY as a villain as he was just all "planning and speculating" without any real action. But these latest episodes have told us that it was not his destiny to end the lovers' tale. All he wanted was money. Period. There is now a wider back story. There has been a much two-faced villain lurking in the shadows that we did not know of both in the past and in the present and he acts with jealously and greed for love and power on a much higher scale. CH, if it's you, what could have been your powerful story in the past for it to transcend time to live till this day? I hope it's a good one writer-nim.

Oh btw, the new OST that played at the end of ep 14 and our OTP's walk through the rain under the umbrella is KILLING ME WITH FEELS. The site I watched the subbed version on happened to translate the song as well and I must say it suits SC SOOOO MUCH. Ahhh the feels. WHEN WILL THE FULL SONG AND TRANSLATIONS COME OUT I'M DYING WITH FEELS AHHHHHHH. Little snippets of the translation below. Full credits go to the translator

"You are my only one, if we get to love. My one, if my one love can begin with you. The heart that I've guarded so preciously and a love that we don't know the meaning of, for you I will use it. Each and every moment of mine, for you~"

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9 hours ago, nika94 said:

WOW! So many comments!! :D:D below is Some of the translated ones. :)) @leeminhosny @CarolynH @Chellsee @briseis  @Hunter White @gtLmh0622  @mythicalove  @LMHolic  @minekas @ilwoo_aein   Sorry I didn't tag all! :D

"Increasingly ㅜㅜ Lee Min-ho is so cool. very funny."

" Heojunjae interesting story is getting more interesting, into its stride."

" Handsome too handsome. that coat color looks good "

" Lee Min Ho pink coat ~~~ that it is so good. It's a spring ~~~ ^^

" Lee Min Ho's eyes were really treasure. It purification the eye can only see his face"

" Yesterday, pink coat of lee mun ho so pretty and interesting legend of the blue sea"

" Cheer for the actors. Lee Min Ho is the Real Prince with the pick coat. !!!"

" I deeply admire Lee Min Ho,  a very funny. the best the best is watching the fun and juncheong"

" Let go! Let's go more than 20 percentage, let's go!"

" More and more interesting and twice acting and visual great gesture of friendship to other actors, and is all very well."

" Look to rise just because it's fun ㄷㄷㄷ was more than 20 percentage in metropolitan areas."

" Let's pass the remaining five good and a successful conclusion and take 20! This visual couple when would you come back !!!

" Very funny and the story is so hard to wait until next week!"

" pink coat is Real Prince heojunjae to my face"

" Viewers laugh and cry. Go for it"

" To be honest, should be more than 20 Very very funny"

" Jun really pretty when in the club."


thank you so much, woooww 1092 comments 

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11 hours ago, Chellsee said:

The lover and the admirer. Equally cute! :blush:

One is super uber hot :)) the other is ultra cute..   I can adopt him instead of a pomeranian puppy :))) stroke him kiss him 24 / 7 ..  oppsiee I am turning into a perv..  :))   

I loved and giggled a lot on the chasing scene..  First I thought she was up for a kiss but then I realised she wants to erase some memories..

Ah HJJ why did you lied to your mermaid..  She told you if you die she'll also die..  

And this conman Ma Dae-young still did not learned his lesson, now with his beany brain he is gonna be the personal secretary. Jeez I become an hater of this 2nd wife...

what ever happens your husband not gonna leave all his assets to JJ, he is gonna leave some to you and your son, so why being so greedy and JJ told that he does not want the money..

I also liked that JJ's ma told them Cha Shi and sister in law  that she's JJ'dads first wife...

Shin Woo cutest of all, I love him and Cha Shi thinks that everyone is in love with her...  woowww to the disco scene almost every guy's jaw dropped and Shim Chung entered to the disco :))

When HJJ learns that SC is enjoying her time, he had a little shock..  hey are u the only one who's gonna enjoy his time :D   and booom our guy ended up in the disco...   trying to stop her...  when jealousy hits our guy :D I was giggling when he pulled Chim from the dance floor, poor Shim Woo, he wanted to enjoy hs time with Shim but he is puzzled by HJJ behaviour...

Poor Shim she wanted to have a walk and felt sorry when as it's the only thing she can't do with him, and JJ once again showed us that he's a true gentleman bringing him welly's (hunter boots)

 JJ : There's nothing you can't do. Wait a minute here..

JJ: Don't say I won't or I can't from now on

JJ: I will let you do every single thing ppl who live here do without leaving any out..  ( Hey JJ do you have a twin, if so please set up us )

JJ: So you should know as such.. 

OMG.. do such man exists....  walking under the rain.....  so romantic...  

Shim & her best friend talking about how JJ hears her thoughts...  :))  she wants to get old with him..   ohhhh so lovely

Talking about knock off handbags, yup true, from the outlook they look the same but only we know it's a knock off lolls

Oh she's gonna have a birthday party :))) she wants mackerel as a birthday pressie..  

Oh no..   Chi Hun what got into you.....   you know that man is associated with your ma why do you ask??? You killed an innocent man for your ma..  you have been so under the influence of your ma..

now you understood who that guy is Chi Hun.. yes he's the guy your ma is using to kill your dad, now come back to your senses. 

meanwhile JJ and Chim's friends are preparing home for the birthday party.   JJ looks so handsome in grays and pink coat..

that homeless lady looks quite fashionista with that fur and outfit :)))  Now the final moment..  he's gonna meet his ma.....  HJJ ma told Shim that her son name's also HJJ and she told her the tower of hercules....  and now bingo.  he also found his ma.....  BINGO...  you got the two ladies who loves you back..  you lucky boy... 

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Annyeong!This is my first time posting here and this drama really caught my attention. Anyway, I have a question. In episode 11, during SC and HJJ's stare down, didn't SC hear HJJ'S thoughts as well? Correct me if I'm wrong but if she really did hear him then what happened? In the recent episodes she can't seem to hear HJJ'S thoughts any more.

AS for ND, I like the guy but I have a very bad feeling about him. At first, I entertained the thought that it could be ND who threw the spear that killed KDR but the recently released BTS pic tells otherwise. What I'm worried about now is how the doctor and others are emphasizing on greed. Even HJJ said something about greed when he talked to ND. We all know how greedy ND can get and I thought that there's something wrong when he mentioned to HJJ that SC owes him. I wonder what SC owes?


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43 minutes ago, kdcgtj said:

Annyeong!This is my first time posting here and this drama really caught my attention. Anyway, I have a question. In episode 11, during SC and HJJ's stare down, didn't SC hear HJJ'S thoughts as well? Correct me if I'm wrong but if she really did hear him then what happened? In the recent episodes she can't seem to hear HJJ'S thoughts any more.

AS for ND, I like the guy but I have a very bad feeling about him. At first, I entertained the thought that it could be ND who threw the spear that killed KDR but the recently released BTS pic tells otherwise. What I'm worried about now is how the doctor and others are emphasizing on greed. Even HJJ said something about greed when he talked to ND. We all know how greedy ND can get and I thought that there's something wrong when he mentioned to HJJ that SC owes him. I wonder what SC owes?



Hello chingu and welcome to the thread. Hope to see your more often :)

As for your questions

1) No, SC cannot hear HJJ's thoughts, not even a bit of it. This is emphasized in the scene where HJJ and SC are in the museum looking at the porcelain jar with the painting of a man and a mermaid kissing underwater. SC emphasizes frustration on how it's unfair that HJJ can hear her "inner" voice but she cannot hear his. Another emphasis is also towards the end of episode 14 where HJJ and SC are in a heated argument and SC is SHOCKED when she finds out HJJ can hear her thoughts, demanding to know when he started hearing her. It is also like that for KDR and SW. In the past, only KDR can hear SW's voice.

2) Lol yes Namdo is veryyyyy greedy indeed. As for your question on what SC owes him, I think he is referring to his "memories". SC owes him his memories. In the latest episode, we saw that SC erased ND's memories of witnessing her in mermaid for, technically "stealing" them from him. He can't put a finger on it because he cannot remember, but yes he somehow has the intuition thaf SC must "return" something to him and that is his memory of their encounter

Hope this clears things up a bit for you, chingu :)

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Thank you for the clarifications @puppy8888! I rewatched episode 10 and and yeah SC really can't hear his thoughts. I think I kind of skimmed through that episode that's why I missed it. I'm actually worried about what ND can do if he does remember what he saw.

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24 minutes ago, kdcgtj said:

Thank you for the clarifications @puppy8888! I rewatched episode 10 and and yeah SC really can't hear his thoughts. I think I kind of skimmed through that episode that's why I missed it. I'm actually worried about what ND can do if he does remember what he saw.


No problem, chingu :)

In all honesty, I'm also worried about ND. We saw how he wanted to sell SC off for what she was. He completely disregarded their friendship literally in a blink of an eye. We have also seen that HJJ told TO to max up the security. I just hope that TO didn't think of putting up CCTV's in the swimming pool or something. That just screams evidence ahhhhh hahaha. In the begining episodes, that's techinically how HJJ started remembering SC from Spain because ND sent him a picture of him and SC together at the church. Digital evidences never lie :vicx:

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What ND can do scares me more than MDY or CH even. He is in the same house as HJJ and SC. He's basically under the radar. No amount of home security can protect SC from that. I really think that there's more than what meets the eye when it comes to ND. Given the relationship of ND towards the boys and SC won't give HJJ an inkling on what he can do.

But SC did tell HJJ that when ND found out he wants to use her for money. I'm just not entirely sure if that sunk in.

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