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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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4 hours ago, Alice Mendoza said:

THANK YOU for your comforting words, Hunter White!! You and Mythicalove are a real source of comfort (plus great info) to a KDrama newbie like me!! 


Thank you so much, I'm glad we have served as a source of comfort and information regarding korean dramas :)

Come around often, it's certainly fun to laugh, cry, and discuss the drama with everyone on here. 

My answer to your question about whether koreans prefer closed happy endings or open endings. It's certainly a closed happy ending. Any dramas that I have watched with an open ending always leave a good majority of viewers unhappy. Several of those dramas have to publish a statement explaining their ending or as in MLFAS's case, an epilogue. The bottoms line is, drama writers are often under fire if they take the open end route. I can argue that in some cases, an open end would make sense, especially if it's a melodrama. But for me, I prefer romantic comedies to end and be closed of happily. It's satisfying to know that you've invested 20 hours of your life to watch a drama that made you happy in the end. 

I might be the minority here, but I have absolutely no doubts this drama will end happily. KDR and SH already suffered a tragic death and the point of them reincarnating as HJJ and SC is to make it right this time. The writer would defeat her point, "second life, second chances to set things straight," if she kills them or separate them in the end. In that case, I will vow to never watch any of her projects ever again. Lol. 

Anyone care to enlighten me on producer's ending? Was it an open ending? If it is, I will have to reconsider my thoughts. Lol. 

@Chellsee every time HJJ's eyes trail down to SC's lips, I cannot handle! Just kiss! KISS! KISS! Lol.

5 hours ago, babyval22 said:


Me too! I keep thinking how writer nim seems to give so much twist in this show that we didn't actually see the father dying. It was only his last msg and the scene where HJJ saw his father in the stretcher. Although deep down I think it's too far fetched to wish that his dad faked his death, you never know! But he's so blind and weak now that I dun think it's possible for him to do that anymore. Sighs. I think it's just us clinging onto any hope that HJJ might have his complete happy ending.) :

I have this very weird thought now, although I think the possibility of it happening is close to zero. What happens if ND was to do sth to SC or did sth to her but found out that HJJ has lost his dad and decided to not turn bad? Hahahs. Me and my imaginations. That would prolly not happen. 

The problem was he didn't even do anything. He was someone noble, and kind. And all he did was to fall in love with a mermaid. Uri poor HJJ. ):

The father's death is a turning point in the drama. None of us expected the father to be gone so so soon. Urgh. Let's just sit tight and pray that writer nim will give this show a complete and fulfilled story! 


1) Yes, I agree. Unforunately, it's just our way hoping he would have a complete happy ending. 

2) If only that happens! If ND can change his ways after seeing HJJ suffer, I will be so happy. At this point, I highly doubt it. After all, this is a drama with a mermaid so there's bound to be some obstacles that involve her existence. JND is the only person who can pose a threat to our mermaid's existence. Therefore, I am staying cautious of him. He is under my radar as the biggest villain here. 

@Hunter White @puppy8888 I remember DMJ's identity was exposed in MLFAS, like you guys have mentioned. Therefore, there is a possibilty that the writer would do that here as well. I do fear though, as you both, that a mermaid vs. an alien is very different. The myth of mermaids have long lived with humanity and it's always been intriguing. There's just something so drawing, luring, exotically and hauntingly beautiful about the idea of mermaids existing. Due to this, people would go crazy if SC is exposed. The living proof of that myth would turn the world upside down. They would want to capture her and show her off. In that case, it might be too difficult for SC and HJJ to be together. Unlike the alien who can vanish into thin air right before people's eyes, SC cannot. The only way she would escape the public's greed to exploit her is to return to sea. Even then, people would go crazy searching the vast blue sea for her. She will never be able to escape danger. Therefore, like you both, I am hoping the writer will not take this route. I think that at most, JND will "try" to expose her but he will fail. 

3) "All he did was fall in love with a mermaid." That's 100% entirely true! Is it such a sin for a man to love a mermaid? I feel horrible for HJJ, who has to suffer such misfortune for absolutely no reason. 

4) I, too, did not expect the father's death. Even up until before HJJ cried, I was in disbelief. I was thinking, "no way, there's no way she would write such a thing. This is a romantic comedy after all, right?" And then it happened so I just sat there and cried like a baby. 

Now, I don't blame the writer. She's always hinted us that this drama isn't a complete romantic comedy. The saguek counterpart was never happy and there was always a melo vibe around KDR and SH. They also died tragically. All around, she was throwing signs at us, "this drama will be a tear jerker." We had it coming. 


Normally, I would watch each episode twice with subtitles. But this time around, I can't seem to watch episode 17 again. It's a heavy episode that left a hole in my heart and it doesn't make me feel good, especially where it left off. Wednesday, please come sooner, as I feel like I am dying here not knowing what will happen to HJJ and SC. 

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@leeminhosny  :)) 

Thank you so much for sharing that video :)) wowww Lee min Ho's crying scene has really drawn many attraction. :)) 

She is talking about 25.4% rating of Jun Jae's crying and his father message. 

Is there anything New in the video about the Drama??:))  Can someone please translate!! I wanna know what exactly the news anchor is talking about. :))

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1 hour ago, babyval22 said:


What i meant was even after JJ told him the truth, and he heard the truth himself, shouldn't he be asking himself why would stepmum and stepson wanna do him in?  And there should be some form of suspicion that his will might have been not what he thinks he is, thus me wondering if he mentioned anything at all in his last message to HJJ. I mean, the stepum didn't even allow him to have access to his phone, thats why he hid his phone from stepmum. I dunno why but after watching the episode with subs, i feel as though dad's access to his mobile phone might also play a part in helping HJJ. There could be a reason why this part was mentioned, and even stepmum made it a point to call his phone to ensure that it was not on.. 


Great observation! There may have been parts of the voice message that we, the viewers, were not let in on. Only time will tell. We can only cross our fingers that the father was smart and left some evidence to help HJJ. From what I understood, he had always known so himself that he made the wrong decisions in life. Coming to terms with them was hard but he knew it. Perhaps his way of punishing himself was to live a miserable life without his family. Perhaps he never looked for them because he knew he was undeserving. Or perhaps, there's no more to it than his stubborness to never admit he was wrong. Whatever the case, he knew for quite some time that he made the wrong decisions. That is also why he never entrusted her or CH with anything. Therefore. I would hope he's smart enough to leave behind something that will help HJJ, whether it be the voice message or some documents. 

@1ouise when those two particular scenes played in the drama, I initally thought they were different hands. Seeing you post them next to each other like that, I actually changed my mind. I think they are the same. My intuition says those are CH's hands. However, it may be a smart tatic of the director to use CH's hand in the shot to direct us in a different direction. The face behind that hand can very well be ND even if the hands in the initial shot was not his. What I am trying to say is that we can't decide whose face is behind that hand, because it may just be a trick. I hope I made sense lol. 

Lol, I laughed at your comment about leaving it to the pros to post gifs. Your effort is greatly appreciated here. :)

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Guest Moonrain
2 hours ago, mythicalove said:



I might be the minority here, but I have absolutely no doubts this drama will end happily.


Sorry to cut your post, but yeah, im certain we will have a happy ending. we havent seen a pink tinted pearl from Chung so im holding on to that thought that she is gonna cry pink pearls someday because they ended up happy  :D

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Happy weekend Lobsters!

@mythicalove:  I suspect that the first couple of minutes of ep 18 will be very intense depending on whether anyone is there for HJJ.  Oh man, it would be terrible if no one is there for him. Even if someone is there, I think HJJ is going to blame himself for the father's death.  I wonder if he would turn to his mother knowing how the relationship between his mother and father ended?  I hope we learn the reason why the father abandoned the 1st wife; I'm very curious.


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58 minutes ago, Moonrain said:


Sorry to cut your post, but yeah, im certain we will have a happy ending. we havent seen a pink tinted pearl from Chung so im holding on to that thought that she is gonna cry pink pearls someday because they ended up happy  :D

I think the moment where Jun Jae met his mom and was hugging her, Chung might have shed a tear our of happiness and kept it. :)) Just a guess! :D

I love to see Chung make a couple Ring out of that pick pearls and gave one to Jun Jae. :)):wub:

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@mythicalove, A MINORITY!? Hello!!! I've been crying out loud here for a happy ending!!!haha.. I am all for a happy ending so don't you say we are a minority! :D

Anyway,I'd rather see SC, HJJ and his Mom living happily probably in some place near the open sea where SC can always swim and return to her original home and head back to land after and be with the people she love the most.:wub::)

In MLFAS, ep 21 DMJ explained that he was able to return to earth. The most was 1 yr and 2mos if I remember it right. The ending of that ep was when CSY was sleeping in DMJ's room and then DMJ appeared saying he's back. The story ended there. I'd love to believe that some unsatisfied viewers still watched out of curiosity what the ending would be so it still garnered 30+ percent of audience rating at most (accrdg to wiki from TNms and AGB Neilsen). MLFAS ended it strong! The need for an epilogue extension only came about after the audience's reaction to how the Writer decided to end it. People wanted to see more of that happy ending part (probably feeling that it was cut short). 

Episode # Original broadcast date Average audience share
TNmS Ratings[46] AGB Nielsen[47]
Nationwide Seoul National Capital Area Nationwide Seoul National Capital Area
21 27 February 2014 28.1% 33.2% 28.1% 29.6%


I'd love to believe the same thing that JND wont succeed in his plan to expose the last mermaid on earth. So, I'm with you on that.. ND will try but will defo fail! I just don't know like what would be the perfect scene wherein SC suddenly erases his memories including the defrauding parts of ND's life that involves HJJ. We all know how SC hated HJJ for doing it.

The family driver/Secretary will play a big part in revealing who ND is and so far that's what we know... as to how?? Let's tune in for more next week. Ahjussi might even have something that HJJ's Dad left him. Ooooh this is gonna be an intense episode to watch. I think SC will be out of HJJ's sight since his Father passed away. Now, the story will circle around SC. Who gets to steal the Mermaid.. CH or ND? :dizzy:

PS: I too had a hard time re-watching ep 17 the second time with sub. It was a heartbreaking episode. *hugs*. Let's just hope for the best since we're only down to 3 episodes.:)


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On 15/01/2017 at 5:31 AM, CarolynH said:

Happy weekend Lobsters!

@mythicalove:  I suspect that the first couple of minutes of ep 18 will be very intense depending on whether anyone is there for HJJ.  Oh man, it would be terrible if no one is there for him. Even if someone is there, I think HJJ is going to blame himself for the father's death.  I wonder if he would turn to his mother knowing how the relationship between his mother and father ended?  I hope we learn the reason why the father abandoned the 1st wife; I'm very curious.


@CarolynH: I would like an intense couple of minutes with HJJ still grieving because LMH's acting is so good. I like to see a little more of it. I think the step mother did not try to get rid of the father earlier because he had not written a will and Jun Jae would have been the default heir, I would think. So when he was ready and it was to go to Jun Jae,  they manipulated the will. Once that was done,  it was time for dad to die.

@mythicalove: I too think it will be a happy or open ended ending because it is a rom com. I really liked episode 17 a lot, LMH did really well , his hurt encounter with his dad, his hilarious headphones scene so that he could not hear SC, then the talk with SC about the real truth of their past lives. Finally the awesome crying scene.

Other popular actors may be equal to LMH in acting but to me there is no other that can beat him with cute acting expressions or even if they try,  it does not come off looking as cute as him. In his real public life, he is always shy, respectful and well behaved. He does not do cute in real life even though he still looks cute when he laughs, smiles or do those cute habits of his if you know what I mean. Here are a few of his cute scenes in LOTBS








This one really cracks me up. Muttering to himself because SC skirt was too short. Ha! Ha! Just love that expression. Also I love this particular look. I think he looked the handsomest here with this hair style and dark suit, white shirt. With or without the silver rimmed classes. He has to part his hair exactly this way, half an inch to the left or right and it does not look that good. :phew:



There are many more but these are a few of my favorites.

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For ending of LOTBS, this is personal feeling and hopes:

HJJ will have to endure and undergo tremendous fight and barricades with those greedy and selfish friends and "relations" who will want SC for financial and commercial as well as personal gains.  HJJ will face terrible hardships as he endeavours to free and take SC safely back to sea where it is the safest and free from the humans' evil selfishness and heart.

I would like to believe that HJJ's words that he would not let the past happen again be true. Their fated love will triumph because of HJJ's personality, hope and belief and their love for each other.  Triumph would be obtained when these evil doers either lose their memories till they no longer can even ask for forgiveness as SC said or by death itself and never to be reincarnated as KDR cursed for too.  And finally, this chain will be broken in this time, in this century and in this present lifetime.

However, though the past fate may repeat itself but present medical technology may save HJJ and SC would wait for HJJ in the sea till his return to a private mansion like in Spain with an ocean facing it where SC can live both on land and at sea (maybe with a huge swimming pool too).  SC would continue to live and wait as she remembers HJJ's request for her to continue living as his heart and love for her is forever.... 

They will then meet again and this time as in ep 16 (ie the raining scene with the blue wellingtons) where HJJ said to SC that there was nothing she couldnt do nor that she wont or couldnt but he will let her do every single thing people who live on land do without leaving a single thing out and YES, HJJ and SC have yet to do lots more of these things and HJJ also told SC that she should know that as such.  To me, this was HJJ's vow, declaration and promise to SC.

tumblr_ojkf7hVAJH1ttxe3mo2_400.gif   tumblr_ojjs2f0nqG1ttxe3mo9_400.gif   tumblr_ojkf7hVAJH1ttxe3mo3_400.gif



This is my therapy while waiting for the last 3 episodes next week.  Hope the writer will give us a happy ending for our HJJ-SC couple.  I cannot imagine seeing HJJ having the same fate as KDR (this is NOT the impression I wish to have before MH goes to the military).


PS:  Dont forget to vote https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=27.


credit to http://lmhsny.tumblr.com

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36 minutes ago, gentlelily12 said:

For ending of LOTBS, this is personal feeling and hopes:

HJJ will have to endure and undergo tremendous fight and barricades with those greedy and selfish friends and "relations" who will want SC for financial and commercial as well as personal gains.  HJJ will face terrible hardships as he endeavours to free and take SC safely back to sea where it is the safest and free from the humans' evil selfishness and heart.

I would like to believe that HJJ's words that he would not let the past happen again be true. Their fated love will triumph because of HJJ's personality, hope and belief and their love for each other.  Triumph would be obtained when these evil doers either lose their memories till they no longer can even ask for forgiveness as SC said or by death itself and never to be reincarnated as KDR cursed for too.  And finally, this chain will be broken in this time, in this century and in this present lifetime.

However, though the past fate may repeat itself but present medical technology may save HJJ and SC would wait for HJJ in the sea till his return to a private mansion like in Spain with an ocean facing it where SC can live both on land and at sea (maybe with a huge swimming pool too).  SC would continue to live and wait as she remembers HJJ's request for her to continue living as his heart and love for her is forever.... 

They will then meet again and this time as in ep 16 (ie the raining scene with the blue wellingtons) where HJJ said to SC that there was nothing she couldnt do nor that she wont or couldnt but he will let her do every single thing people who live on land do without leaving a single thing out and YES, HJJ and SC have yet to do lots more of these things and HJJ also told SC that she should know that as such.  To me, this was HJJ's vow, declaration and promise to SC.



This is my therapy while waiting for the last 3 episodes next week.  Hope the writer will give us a happy ending for our HJJ-SC couple.  I cannot imagine seeing HJJ having the same fate as KDR (this is NOT the impression I wish to have before MH goes to the military).


PS:  Dont forget to vote https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=27.


credit to http://lmhsny.tumblr.com

YES 100000000 % to all you have said!! I hope Writer Nim is reading our forum!! YES to a private mansion in Spain!! Maybe we can just get a glimpse or 0.1% of Dirty Love - hehe! Before SC has a baby!! It would be a mer-baby!!!

Edited by Chellsee
Please do not quote images.
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@CallieP  I saw a writing on Weibo today that has same thoughts as you : http://www.weibo.com/5105465900/EqTdlbSg7?type=repost#_rnd1484455925986

According to 愛你真鎬, she/He has never watched any LMH's works before she watched LOTBS, I summarized several her points about actors and LOTBS : 

About actors :
1. Has watched JJH's MLFAS and liked her very much, her acting in LOTBS is great as well.
2. It's amazing that LMH is sooooo handsome.
(LMH's charm and good shape are known very well by us, so skip lots of praise here.)
3. The most amazing thing is LMH's acting. His acting is fresh and natural, free and easy, no traces of performance, to give you a fresh feeling. His body movement, expression, and eyes are very precise. It's not difficult for an actor to act being nature and real, but it's difficult for an actor to act not only being nature and real but also full of artistic beauty. LMH did it. No one may copy the elegance between his gestures and movements, no one may master the rapid changes of expression and eyes at one moment, and no one may learn the perfect control of tears and crying.

About LOTBS :
1. The story is intertwined, lay-out is orderly, having sweets and tears. The scenes are full of beauty, soundtracks are appropriate, and the OSTs are beautiful. 
2. All characters are very lively, I cried much for KDR and SH, and worried about the future of HJJ and SC all day long.

Summary :
1. Before LOTBS, all K-dramas are same and without particular choice to me. Before I know LMH in LOTBS, all K-actors are same to me. But after watched LOTBS and LMH in LOTBS, it seems that it's very hard to choose another  K-drama to watch.

2. I think LOTBS will be a benchmark of same type K-dramas.  And LMH being the target of same ages or young K-actors, it will be very difficult to surpass him.


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5 hours ago, gentlelily12 said:

For ending of LOTBS, this is personal feeling and hopes:

HJJ will have to endure and undergo tremendous fight and barricades with those greedy and selfish friends and "relations" who will want SC for financial and commercial as well as personal gains.  HJJ will face terrible hardships as he endeavours to free and take SC safely back to sea where it is the safest and free from the humans' evil selfishness and heart.

I would like to believe that HJJ's words that he would not let the past happen again be true. Their fated love will triumph because of HJJ's personality, hope and belief and their love for each other.  Triumph would be obtained when these evil doers either lose their memories till they no longer can even ask for forgiveness as SC said or by death itself and never to be reincarnated as KDR cursed for too.  And finally, this chain will be broken in this time, in this century and in this present lifetime.

However, though the past fate may repeat itself but present medical technology may save HJJ and SC would wait for HJJ in the sea till his return to a private mansion like in Spain with an ocean facing it where SC can live both on land and at sea (maybe with a huge swimming pool too).  SC would continue to live and wait as she remembers HJJ's request for her to continue living as his heart and love for her is forever.... 

They will then meet again and this time as in ep 16 (ie the raining scene with the blue wellingtons) where HJJ said to SC that there was nothing she couldnt do nor that she wont or couldnt but he will let her do every single thing people who live on land do without leaving a single thing out and YES, HJJ and SC have yet to do lots more of these things and HJJ also told SC that she should know that as such.  To me, this was HJJ's vow, declaration and promise to SC.



This is my therapy while waiting for the last 3 episodes next week.  Hope the writer will give us a happy ending for our HJJ-SC couple.  I cannot imagine seeing HJJ having the same fate as KDR (this is NOT the impression I wish to have before MH goes to the military).


PS:  Dont forget to vote https://www.soompi.com/soompi-awards-2016-vote/?c=27.


credit to http://lmhsny.tumblr.com


:bawling: your ending is so beautiful! While it is quite a happy ending, reading it almost made me shed a pearl. It's a bittersweet ending knowing that they've finally escaped their past fate but it's one of the sweetest ending too because it shows how HJJ would shape his world to make it possible for her to live with him. I remember that HJJ jokingly said to SC he'll send her back to sea and visit her once in awhile. Perhaps, this will be somewhat true. Perhaps they will separate and meet again, but in the end, they will live happily together. I believe, like you, they may end up buying a home that has the sea as their backyard so that SC can swim to her  hearts's content.

So to your ending, I say, "yes, yes, yes, and yes!" I hope writer-nim has a similar ending in her mind. 


4 hours ago, Alice Mendoza said:

YES 100000000 % to all you have said!! I hope Writer Nim is reading our forum!! YES to a private mansion in Spain!! Maybe we can just get a glimpse or 0.1% of Dirty Love - hehe! Before SC has a baby!! It would be a mer-baby!!!


Hahahahaha you made me laugh with your comment. I agree, please, give us a glimpse of their "dirty" love! And yes 1000000000% to a mer-baby!!!!! I will be so happy! 



@gtLmh0622 thanks for sharing. I am glad to see that LMH has made such an effect on some new fans. :) I am quite proud of him here because I have come across various comments that praise him for his acting. Numerous amount of people admit that they have never seen his charm before and have always considered him to be a pretty face only but after this drama, they now realize why so many are drawn to him, as he is a great actor. It makes me happy to hear that he's receiving lots of praises for his acting because all biasness aside, he's acted as KDR and HJJ with his heart and soul. I thank the writer for constructing HJJ with so many variations, literally putting HJJ through a rollercoaster of emotions, from happy to silly to heart broken. I also thank JJH for being such a splendid partner. She is sunbae to him by numerous years and there's a lot of wisdom and advice I am certain she has kindly given him. This team, including the director as well, is one to cherish. 

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12 hours ago, CarolynH said:

Happy weekend Lobsters!

@mythicalove:  I suspect that the first couple of minutes of ep 18 will be very intense depending on whether anyone is there for HJJ.  Oh man, it would be terrible if no one is there for him. Even if someone is there, I think HJJ is going to blame himself for the father's death.  I wonder if he would turn to his mother knowing how the relationship between his mother and father ended?  I hope we learn the reason why the father abandoned the 1st wife; I'm very curious.



Well said. I agree, the beginning of episode 18 is bound to be intense and heavy, as episode 17 left off on such a heavy note. While it is hard to watch that scene, I think his acting is too phenomenal to not watch, so like some others have expressed, I would like there to be a continuation of the ending scene. As you, I am curious to see how his mother will react. I fear we will go through another bucket of crying. In the end, they will fight through everything together, as mother and son, and put an end to MDY and KJY's crimes. The revenge will be a much waited revenge and we will cheer as HJJ wins and strips the villains of everything. I hope MDY and KJY suffer a long, slow, bitter life in jail. 

I, too, am curious as to what happened between HJJ's mother and his father. Did writer-nim forget she didn't tell us yet?


10 hours ago, Hunter White said:

@mythicalove, A MINORITY!? Hello!!! I've been crying out loud here for a happy ending!!!haha.. I am all for a happy ending so don't you say we are a minority! :D

Anyway,I'd rather see SC, HJJ and his Mom living happily probably in some place near the open sea where SC can always swim and return to her original home and head back to land after and be with the people she love the most.:wub::)

In MLFAS, ep 21 DMJ explained that he was able to return to earth. The most was 1 yr and 2mos if I remember it right. The ending of that ep was when CSY was sleeping in DMJ's room and then DMJ appeared saying he's back. The story ended there. I'd love to believe that some unsatisfied viewers still watched out of curiosity what the ending would be so it still garnered 30+ percent of audience rating at most (accrdg to wiki from TNms and AGB Neilsen). MLFAS ended it strong! The need for an epilogue extension only came about after the audience's reaction to how the Writer decided to end it. People wanted to see more of that happy ending part (probably feeling that it was cut short). 

Episode # Original broadcast date Average audience share
TNmS Ratings[46] AGB Nielsen[47]
Nationwide Seoul National Capital Area Nationwide Seoul National Capital Area
21 27 February 2014 28.1% 33.2% 28.1% 29.6%


I'd love to believe the same thing that JND wont succeed in his plan to expose the last mermaid on earth. So, I'm with you on that.. ND will try but will defo fail! I just don't know like what would be the perfect scene wherein SC suddenly erases his memories including the defrauding parts of ND's life that involves HJJ. We all know how SC hated HJJ for doing it.

The family driver/Secretary will play a big part in revealing who ND is and so far that's what we know... as to how?? Let's tune in for more next week. Ahjussi might even have something that HJJ's Dad left him. Ooooh this is gonna be an intense episode to watch. I think SC will be out of HJJ's sight since his Father passed away. Now, the story will circle around SC. Who gets to steal the Mermaid.. CH or ND? :dizzy:

PS: I too had a hard time re-watching ep 17 the second time with sub. It was a heartbreaking episode. *hugs*. Let's just hope for the best since we're only down to 3 episodes.:)



1) Hahahaha Chingu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that I am the only one who wants a happy ending lol. As you, and I, 100% of the people here wants a happy ending. What I meant to say was that I might be the minority believing that there will for sure be a happy ending. That's because I've seen a lot of comments saying that they fear this drama will end sadly. 

2) Your description of how they all settle in a house with a view of the ocean is beautiful :bawling:. Make it happen writer-nim. 

3) Yes, indeed, viewers are always curious to see how a drama ends. I honestly found the ending to MLFAS beautiful, even though I lived for the past three years under the impression that DMJ was always in an out of earth. It was not until I met you here and you told me there was an extra epilogue that I noticed they were actually able to buy a house and live happily together. Either way, I was part of the audience that found the ending beautiful regardless of the extra epilogue. They finished off strong indeed. I hope that LOTBS can finish off stronly as well, though I don't even dream of it coming nearly as close to MLFAS. If LOTBS can finish off with 24%, I will be very happy! I hope they can reach at least that!

4) So we have 2 real problems to deal with for the remianing three episodes. The first is to get rid of MDY and KJY (possibly CH as well) and bring just to Chariman Heo's death and the second is SC escaping revelation of her identity to world. There's a story for each of the main characters to be told. One story revolves around HJJ and his family while one story revolves around SC as a mermaid. As to who will be the culprit to try to expose our mermaid, it's definitely more likely to be ND as CH has no idea and will probably remain oblivious to this fact forever. As to whether CH will change ways (I truly hope so), only time will tell. There's so many things to look forward to in the remaining episodes. I will be waiting for a beautiful resolution to everything. 

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