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[Drama 2016/2017] The Legend of The Blue Sea 푸른 바다의 전설


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While I fear CH, I would have to say that he is a rather interesting villain and he adds intensity to the thrill of the drama. If his drive to kill resulted from his jealousy and greed for love, then the only way he can satisfy his greed is to take away everything and everyone that loves HJJ or HJJ loves. It is the only way he deems he can make HJJ feel his pain. After all, if he cannot have the love he craved for all his life, then it is only fair HJJ does not either. This explains why his first target is SC and ahjussi. However, he will probably never kill his stepfather so he can continue to kill to his heart's content. The father serves as a reason for everything he is and will do, so as long as the father is there to remind him he was "wronged" in life, he will have the drive to kill. Perhaps he believes that after taking everything way from HJJ, he can live happily knowing HJJ is equally as miserable? Little does he know, kill as he may, he will never to able to fill that black, empty heart of his. 


@Razmotte Cazabon welcome :blush:

@1ouise patience is virtue, it is their loss. Hehehe.

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Guest Moonrain
27 minutes ago, mythicalove said:


Judging from CH's drastic change, his intentions cannot be good. He seems to be luring SC in to gain her trust so he can later use her as a weapon against HJJ or he genuinely thinks he can win SC's love, as he has always been jealous of the love HJJ received and it would satisfy his greed if he was able to steal SC's heart. 

I am holding on to my intuition that CH is the person who killed KDR and SH in the past. I know they blurred his face but the physique is too similar. We also see that CH attempts to kill ahjussi in the next episode, therefore, he has definitely chosen his path and it's not looking very good. There is a saying that goes, "only love makes you kill." This is particularly true in CH's case. His drive to kill is his greed for love. His "love" is twisted and dysfunction. But hey, who can you blame him when his parents are both crazy, messed up, individuals. 

Though, I do worry for when ND connects the pieces and figures out SC's identity. It's more dangerous because he will realize that SC erased his memories so he will probably not tell, afraid she might do so again. His greed for money is scary. 


I have always been suspicious of chi hyun or chi hoon and this episode confirmed that. 

I think ever since they were little he had always been jealous of joon jae and now he wants joon jae's girlfriend as well. 

Ma dae yung, kang so hee and chi hyun - what a $&@?!& $& family!!!

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10 minutes ago, mythicalove said:

While I fear CH, I would have to say that he is a rather interesting villain and he adds intensity to the thrill of the drama. If his drive to kill resulted from his jealousy and greed for love, then the only way he can satisfy his greed is to take away everything and everyone that loves HJJ or HJJ loves. It is the only way he deems he can make HJJ feel his pain. After all, if he cannot have the love he craved for all his life, then it is only fair HJJ does not either. This explains why his first target is SC and ahjussi. However, he will probably never kill his stepfather so he can continue to kill to his heart's content. The father serves as a reason for everything he is and will do, so as long as the father is there to remind him he was "wronged" in life, he will have the drive to kill. Perhaps he believes that after taking everything way from HJJ, he can live happily knowing HJJ is equally as miserable? Little does he know, kill as he may, he will never to able to fill that black, empty heart of his. 

I think we found the scariest villain of them all because he's unpredictable. These guys try to keep their bad side in check and look like the good guy from the outside. Once jealousy, hatred, and anger takes over better watch out. 

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What does Chung Say 2 JJ at the end??? I read in instagram saying it is sad ending today. Why is it considered sad? What did Chungie say??:tears:

OH MY GOOOOODDDd!!! I just read what Chung Say in the end!!! NOOOoOOOo!!!! Her heart is gonna stop beating if he dies??? :((( 

So If she goes back 2 sea, she can live. What does that mean? When should she go back 2 sea before it is too late for her?? 

PS   Now That Jun Jae Knows if Chungie Goes back to sea she can live. He might do what Dam Ryung did. Remember? He carried Sehwa back 2 Sea?? :(((

why is this drama SOoO good?? :)) Why is there so many Bad people??! :((


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@alleram95 thank you so much for the translation! 

Those were two deep conversations between HJJ and SC. I love JunCheong. My heart aches for them.

I am with you, I actually find CSA very funny. I like how she's such a delusional character. I know she prevented HJJ from reuniting with his mother but she doesn't mean much harm by it, so even that, I do not hate her for.

6 minutes ago, Moonrain said:


I have always been suspicious of chi hyun or chi hoon and this episode confirmed that. 

I think ever since they were little he had always been jealous of joon jae and now he wants joon jae's girlfriend as well. 

Ma dae yung, kang so hee and chi hyun - what a $&@?!& $& family!!!


You took the words right out of my mouth. What a crazy, dysfunction, twisted, messed up in every way family. They scare me.

8 minutes ago, demarchelier said:

I think we found the scariest villain of them all because he's unpredictable. These guys try to keep their bad side in check and look like the good guy from the outside. Once jealousy, hatred, and anger takes over better watch out. 


Well said!! 

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26 minutes ago, nika94 said:

What does Chung Say 2 JJ at the end??? I read in instagram saying it is sad ending today. Why is it considered sad? What did Chungie say??:tears:

OH MY GOOOOODDDd!!! I just read what Chung Say in the end!!! NOOOoOOOo!!!! Her heart is gonna stop beating if he dies??? :((( 

So If she goes back 2 sea, she can live. What does that mean? When should she go back 2 sea before it is too late for her?? 

PS   Now That Jun Jae Knows if Chungie Goes back to sea she can live. He might do what Dam Ryung did. Remember? He carried Sehwa back 2 Sea?? :(((

why is this drama SOoO good?? :)) Why is there so many Bad people??! :((




I feel you! 

Our JunCheong couple!

This drama tugs at my heartstrings. 


@demarchelier hahahahaha even men working out at the gym stops to watch hahaha. 

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Guest Moonrain
1 hour ago, mythicalove said:



Lord Yang didn't succeed in killing KDR and SH. This explains the "KDR faster than a traveling harpoon" phenomenon. Everyone who complained about the unrealistic speed can now sit back and clap. Hahaha. (No one here in particular, but I saw a lot of complaints on other sites, lol.) 




some people are just too quick to criticize tsk tsk tsk 

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LJH IG UPDATE TONIGHT ! Caption: i hope the weather is good, its time for blue sea ! Please watch episode 10! 04 JANUARY 2016







HEO JUN JAE CLOSEUP PHOTO (credit to naver blog js2y86센치한 박양)


more under spoiler:



@alleram95 would you mind to translate simchung inner voices when she angry with junjae (when junjae drink water at home) thank you before..


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10 minutes ago, Moonrain said:


2 hours ago, mythicalove said:



Lord Yang didn't succeed in killing KDR and SH. This explains the "KDR faster than a traveling harpoon" phenomenon. Everyone who complained about the unrealistic speed can now sit back and clap. Hahaha. (No one here in particular, but I saw a lot of complaints on other sites, lol.) 




some people are just too quick to criticize tsk tsk tsk 


I Actually questioned kdr speed too lol :grin: i posted it somewhere here,im fooled by MDY..Now we saw the past CH which was revealed as a villain which is the twist (im quite sad since im rooting for him to be like hjj bro too) im surprised he seems to be worse than his father..

I thought namdoo and tae oh will have past life too,since our past otp both died there will be no extension to joseon part :cry:

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About 928 Comments Already!! :D  They should be sleeping in South Korea. But it seems like Legend of The Blue sea has been a big HIT today! :))

Knetizens were surprised by JJ's Step brother Sudden change! The writer has really Made such a big Change in the drama. Mostly, it was thought that JJ's step brother is a good person. But Now, Kentizens mostly call him "Scary Character".  928 COMMENTS already!!!!! :D

"Wow ... it's a real hit"

" Today is a big hit"

" A happy ending, please, please. ㅜㅜ"

" Lee Min Ho early today was great. Ending scene is crazy."
" Oh, jackpot exciting today"

" Everyone's so good at acting involving good success"

" Today's horror"     :D agree!

" Hitchhyeon is Scary character. How can you take off the oxygen respirator so horribly?"

" I am afraid the ending ㅠㅠㅠㅠ looking forward to tomorrow."

"It wasn't madeyoung who threw the harpoon"

" Today's ending is also a big hit"

" Thrill of it in the final ending scene

" Heojunjae so cool. - that exploded in the last ending."

" Lee Min Ho really the best fit for the hit and shed tears in drops, piercing eyes."

" Heochiyeon gave me the goose bumps."

"I am going crazy"

" Juncheong Please be happy."
" Today, the hit !!!!!!!!! ^^"

" More and more stories so much fun"

Credit: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=311&aid=0000690698&gid=999339&cid=1053309

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Why does SC's heart continue to harden even though HJJ loves her? 

I logic that SC must reveal her secret to HJJ and he must willingly accept and love her as she is for her heart to beat on. While this is true already, SC does not know. She still fears that he will not love her as a mermaid and she doesn't trust his love for her. Perhaps, it is a two way street. He must love her as she is but she must also believe in his love. Perhaps then, her heart can live on. 



Lol, it's ok. Questioning is one thing while complaining is another. I remember, I also laughed a little at KDR's speed and ability to fly lol. But I take it as it is, it's a drama and of course a lot of things that happen will be unrealistic. I just enjoy the drama instead of complain about the things that don't add up. 

@nika94 knetz really enjoyed today's episode! It's very late over there right now and they're still up buzzing about it. Lol. I can't help but always feel happy for the LOTBS team whenever they receive excessive amount of support and love. Praying for only more. Up, up, and away they go, please? 


I went back to watch the scene KDR and SH were killed just to confirm my intuition, and I am 99.9999999% certain the face behind the blur is CH. Every sign points to CH, especially because now, we know he's a villain. Unless the director is trying to fool us, the face sale definitely looks like CH. I will be very shocked if it turns out to not be him. And that only means we have more villain to deal with. I'm thinking the inclusion of CH is enough for us, though I still wonder how interesting it would be if it's ND behind the blur instead. It is highly unlikely but it will make an interesting twist. I still ponder on whether I'd trade that for their bromance though. Perhaps not. Anyway, CH acts very quickly, unlike his father who seems to have taken ages to get to HJJ, therefore, he is definitely the scarier of the three villains. I guess the mixed blood of his evil parents created and eviler offspring. 

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How much are MDY, step-mom, and CH working together??  CH doesn't know who his real father is.  But does he know MDY, just not as his father?

MDY and step-mom are definitely crazy, so CH could inherit their mental health problems.  But he doesn't inherit their life choices.  He still has his own will.  (Granted, he may need medication/counseling to lead a normal life.)

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The Mermaid Slayer


OMFG! When I saw the new promo stills of CH wearing the three-breated suit I knew he reminded me of someone; it felt like a déjà vu - IT’S LEE JAE KYUNG, the iconic villain from YWCFAS!!! THE IDENTICAL HAIRSTYLE AND SUIT, THE FAKE SMILES,... I mean HE EVEN HAS HIS OWN VERSION OF THE LOONY RING!!! Seriously, the only thing missing now (as we already now a murder is on his schedule tomorrow) is him starting telling people to be in good health!


Therefore it’s time to bid sayonara to the Light Chi Hyun and welcome the Darth Chi Hyun, as if the complete change of his do and fashion style wasn’t hint enough, his actions only confirm and cement it. While CH’s motives and reasons for the change are clear, the transformation is simply too sudden, too abrupt, too thorough - it feels a little forced like a complete brain transplant which was done for the sake of a shocking twist. And despite the fact that Lee Ji Hoon is trying his best at channeling his inner Jae Kyung, he simply doesn’t possess Shin Sung Rok’s vicious and diabolical charisma. Anyway, though I might have some reservations about the execution it’s quite a nice suprise and twist that in the end it wasn’t Lord Yang would killed the star-crossed lovers and there is an unknown danger and evil Joon Jae has to fight in order to protect the mermaid, an evil Dam Ryung wasn’t aware of.


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Guest Moonrain

Lol at Joon Jae's face :vicx: wonder what Cheong said. she was probably swearing in that internet dialect kekeke :w00t::crazy:

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