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[Weekend Drama 2016] Laurel Tree Tailors 월계수양복점신사들 ~ Starring Cha In Pyo, Ra Mi Ran ~


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2 hours ago, TheMsChelsea91 said:

YS presses the code to her house as GP's mom desperately tries to peek at the code. once inside, she takes out all these food she packed for YS. She starts whining again about her poor son but YS isn't having any of it. 
She puts back the food jars into the bag and tells Gp's mom that she'll accompany her to the bus stop. GP's mom is refusing to leave and lies down on the floor.

@TheMsChelsea91  Thanks for the recap,  I knew GP mom would pull this kind of crap Now she protesting by doing a lay in not a sit in LOL SMH. Boy this is just a start of they problems wait til DJ mom finds out she's not going to understand at all. All she's thinking about DJ being with some rich family to raise his status.. I still think she's doing this not because she's interested in DJ but for other reasons she so unhappy and miserable in her life until it's not funny.. Now she has people spying on them and even following them to a hotel this girl needs a mental health clinic.. I could only imagine what she'll do if DJ has her staying at the house for a few days because thats coming next YS is going to have to seek refuge some place because GP is coming..  

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I knew it yes i knew it from the camera shoot to elevator. what HJ doing in that hotel? :blink: Then i realize it always happen in Kdrama land :sweatingbullets:

I like the beginning and the ending of this drama, so intense. And how DJ reacted when found YS hiding about GP's mother makes me love his character more and more. 

Anyone knows where's YE husband? 

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14 minutes ago, peggygordon said:

I knew it yes i knew it from the camera shoot to elevator. what HJ doing in that hotel? :blink: Then i realize it always happen in Kdrama land :sweatingbullets:

I like the beginning and the ending of this drama, so intense. And how DJ reacted when found YS hiding about GP's mother makes me love his character more and more. 

Anyone knows where's YE husband? 

I think she was drinking at the hotel bar earlier, remember she called DJ earlier..

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WHoaaaa ep 33! So intense....

Really hate MHJ! (Well this is a prove of how talented she is in acting LOL)

I was really upset when i thought DJ won't know that YS is sleeping in sauna, thanks TY! Job done well:)

TY-HW oh so sweet! I think it just a matter of time before JY knows their relationship, i bet she will faint and suddenly wants TY back just as HJ wants DJ after the divorce 

For TY, i think he will soon have his real career started since Mrs.Ko already bugging about it...can't wait to see TY succeed!

Can't wait for tomorrow episode!:wub:

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HJ is a serious mental case, I didn't expect the writers to write her character to this extend.  She is seriously delusional as she forgot that they are already divorced and DJ is no longer her husband. 

I really like how DJ literally shove her aside when entering the lift with YS.  It is obvious there is not a single ounce of feelings he ever had for HJ.  He was juz being minimally courteous to her.

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4 minutes ago, delphinium8593 said:

WHoaaaa ep 33! So intense....

Really hate MHJ! (Well this is a prove of how talented she is in acting LOL)

I was really upset when i thought DJ won't know that YS is sleeping in sauna, thanks TY! Job done well:)

Can't wait for tomorrow episode!:wub:

I also like how the 4 sworn brothers cover each other and look out for each other.  TY is a really good brother to both YS and DJ. DJ will really need TY to be his spy.. I can't wait for tomorrow's episode too!

Did we see DJ sleeping on YS's lap in the preview?:wub:

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23 hours ago, bajing said:

I never thought our main couple can be quite cheesetastic, but I am glad they are. Because it's too awesome. 

I should try visit LDG's discussion thread, tho not sure I can contribute much besides flailing  :flushed:

Actually I've been prepare myself to see makjang story in our main lead and feel glad until now I see this couple more stronger character, love to see they hand in hand solve their problem and how they still give us cute moment in the middle of much obstacle..Yes please visit the thread anytime you like :blush:

21 minutes ago, effyisme said:

HJ is a serious mental case, I didn't expect the writers to write her character to this extend.  She is seriously delusional as she forgot that they are already divorced and DJ is no longer her husband. 

I really like how DJ literally shove her aside when entering the lift with YS.  It is obvious there is not a single ounce of feelings he ever had for HJ.  He was juz being minimally courteous to her.


@effyisme maybe because her pride or can't it be she's really love DJ but show it in a wrong way..If you notice in the end of episode when she's shout "Yaaa Lee Dong Jin!" I feel her pain.. For the first time I feel pity of her 

PS. I love the back sound song when DJ-YS entering the Hotel and the song when SD piggyback YE's child (kind of old song but fit to those scene)


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1 minute ago, peggygordon said:


@effyisme maybe because her pride or can't it be she's really love DJ but show it in a wrong way..If you notice in the end of episode when she's shout "Yaaa Dong Jin!" I feel her pain.. Hah For the first time I feel pity of her 



I agree especially when she screamed his name at the end... I believe the camera was focusing on her seeing them holding hands and seeing both DJ and YS at a hotel holding hands going up to the room must have drove her mad and crazy.  plus DJ'S attitude towards her and the shoving her aside literally killed her pride and ego..

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At the end of the preview, I wonder if Mrs. Lee asked DJ if he liked YS, (perhaps ??)

HJ's character has been portrayed as much of stereotypical arrogance & egoist of high society people who tend to look down on others with presumably lower class. Pity her .. how she becomes such a miserable evil is beyond my grasp, maybe she is born this way with this bitter disposition. I see HJ always has sneering and contemptuous facial expression, If I were DJ I would have gone insane or suffered from depression during marriage. Now I really want to know how and what tricks GP is going to force YS back or planning to severely harm DJ once he's released...

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2 hours ago, natkat said:

Here is the song that played during the TY/HW kiss scene. Love this song!

Under the cut is more pictures of the kiss scene. I love the way TY looks at her :heart:


was just about to look for the song to listen. thanks @natkat; yea he looks really happy and content. it is just a happy kiss. and we get to see a really happy taeyang....

49 minutes ago, peggygordon said:
1 hour ago, effyisme said:

HJ is a serious mental case, I didn't expect the writers to write her character to this extend.  She is seriously delusional as she forgot that they are already divorced and DJ is no longer her husband. 

I really like how DJ literally shove her aside when entering the lift with YS.  It is obvious there is not a single ounce of feelings he ever had for HJ.  He was juz being minimally courteous to her.


@effyisme maybe because her pride or can't it be she's really love DJ but show it in a wrong way..If you notice in the end of episode when she's shout "Yaaa Lee Dong Jin!" I feel her pain.. For the first time I feel pity of her 

kekkee.... while I thought she had a bit too much wine (and so was able to walk in a dress even while others were dressed more warmly in sweater and overcoat),  @wizuwizu thought she was perhaps drinking blood to keep warm (LOL)... am now having image of hyo joo as a vampire as I think of the lift scene! hahahah... just thinking of the fangs coming out and whatever else in those vampire movies as they yell "yaaaaa, let me drink your blood!" hahahha..:wink:. but whatever she is drinking, she seems much more lively now that dong jin is back in her orbit. it is like she needs to drink his energy in order to perk up. she was really lifeless and depressed without him...

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The sound effects when HW asked TY to fill her up was killing me. They are too adorable for words. She treasures him and is so worried he would get upset by what her mum said. It is the behaviour of someone who truly loves him, it's about time he found someone who treated him well. When I watched the early episodes seeing him chase after his good for nothing ex who was so ashamed of him I felt so bad for him. 

YS was really behaving like a cartoon character trying to run around to keep DJ from finding out where she really was. TY is a fantastic friend and I am glad he told DJ or else that wonderful hotel scene would not have happened. Wow! She really threatened them both. She's turning into a typical stupid ex wife who rages over the mistakes they themselves made.

The grandmother finally gave in. SJ showed her how much he cared for her mum and that was the trick, he considered her part of the family and it helped she overheard what he said to that obnoxious Mr. Park.


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YS has such a busy night, lol. I love TY the most this ep. First for straightening HW up on her unilateral decision to move him to another room. The girl needs to learn that a relationship is built on mutual respect of each other's feelings, wishes and agency.  But I'll cut her slack given the way she grew up and this is probably her first real relationship, and most importantly because her actions came from good intentions. Thankfully TY seems poised to direct her almost unbounded energy in regards to him to a more positive direction. Although this couple may never hold my heart (their romance is a tad bit too juvenile for me. Like watching my teenage cousin dating, lol), I enjoyed every seconds of their kiss scene for the cuteness. So good luck to them. Second, I love TY for "tattling" to DJ about YS' predicament. That's what a good friend is for, hah. I am also thankful because it provides another opportunity for me to love DJ more. If he gets more perfect than this, I will run out of adjectives to describe the awesomeness of a LDJ. 

I am super excited about tmr's episode. It seems that DJ's mom will get a whiff about their relationship. More than HGP, fake-MIL and HJ, I worry most about DJ's mom. Because there's affection between YS and DJ's mom and I am just afraid that his mom will try to hold this affection hostage to force YS to back off. But I will try to keep my hope alive since this drama continues to surprise me. Just when I think I have figured out what will happen, it defied my expectation and brought me in a different direction. So, keep being good, drama!


On 12/15/2016 at 2:39 AM, wizuwizu said:

@Lmangla not sure if the writer intended GP's character to be like he is now, but I too felt like he had a makeover in the middle of the drama, making his story line less entertaining. Granted, if they make his character as complex as he started out, 50 episodes may not be enough to resolve their story line haha.

@wizuwizu, sorry for cutting your post. I just want to jump into this discussion as I have a slightly different take on this. i think GP's character has unfolded as intended. It felt too deliberate, imo, to be a midway lobotomy. This is because, as the drama unfurled, GP's character trajectory is the opposite of YS' trajectory as viewed by us, the audience. In the beginning, GP seemed to be a decent reformed gangster who loved YS sincerely, albeit with a major nut case for a mother.  Conversely, YS seemed like a pushover who's almost trapped in loveless marriage to pay for her family debt, the quissential overly kind and rather simple candy-type character. But now, it has completely flipped. Over the episodes, we saw how vicious and manipulative GP was towards YS in order to wear her down to accept his advances and obsession. Meanwhile, YS has gone from just another doormat-candy character of dramaland into a desperate woman who's a victim of ongoing abusive relationship. It is telling that during the phone call convo between GP and YS after DJ's visit to the jail to ask GP to let YS go, YS' first reaction was to apologize. That's such a classic reaction of victim of such abuse. Because the abuse is so internalized, the kneejerk reactions are always to blame themselves instead of the perpretrator. The way GP lashed out at YS, by attacking her self-worth and self-esteem, was another classic example of abuser behavior. That conversation practically encapsulates the whole dynamic of their sick relationship. Thus, it was to my surprise that despite the verbal attacks and threats of future violence, YS stood her ground. It's such a huge step for someone who has been at the receiving end of years of emotional and borderline violent exploitation. For all of these reasons, I feel that where we are right now, wrt to HGP, is where the writer has intended to since the beginning. Imo, the writer is trying to tell a positive story about overcoming abusive relationship. I wanted to hug the writer for the line that DJ said to GP during jail confrontation that wearing and scaring down the person to accept you is not love, but violence. Because it's so darn true. HGP may have not laid his hands physically on YS, but what he has done for years and still does to YS is still a violence. There's no other way to put it. 


PS: @wizuwizu, I love your comic strip. They're hillarious in the best way. Please keep them coming. I am addicted to them, haha


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11 hours ago, effyisme said:

HJ is a serious mental case, I didn't expect the writers to write her character to this extend.  She is seriously delusional as she forgot that they are already divorced and DJ is no longer her husband. 

I really like how DJ literally shove her aside when entering the lift with YS.  It is obvious there is not a single ounce of feelings he ever had for HJ.  He was juz being minimally courteous to her.

Hi @effyisme and if I am permitted to add, I suspect HJ might be an alcoholic too apart from being a "serious mental case".

Following DS and TP's marriage, I do wish DJ will hurry up and tie the knot with YS before DJ's dad loses his eyesight completely:tears:. I want DJ's dad to see and witness his only son marrying the woman he truly loves in one of his handmade bespoke suits. DJ's mom might oppose YS initially, but she should give DJ and YS her blessings and approval after finding out how sick her life partner is/has become.

@TheMsChelsea91 Thank you so much for your live recaps:). I look forward to reading them every weekend!

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I loved the ending scene. I do hate HJ for the abusive insults she throws at YS, but I do pity her as well. It actually felt funny, or maybe it was ironic, to see her feel hurt over something that she has no right to be concerned about. I'm also excited for the next episode, since the wedding preview images that we've seen look fun.

The text preview for ep. 34 on the KBS drama website has some spoilers. I saw Chinese translations of them. For those who don't want to know so soon, don't look in the spoilers.


JY finds out that TY is dating HW. Drunk HJ appears at the Lee residence and tells DJ's parents that he is dating someone.

Also, I really liked the feel of the song that plays every time YE appears. It turns out to be the OST for 1994 drama Love In Your Arms, starring Cha In Pyo and Shin Ae Ra. I'm sure the PD chose this purposely.


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