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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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9 minutes ago, chelley16 said:

What I really liked about episode 17 was how the drama played my emotions on the first part. I was crying my heart out watching Kim Hyung's dying, and then after some minutes, I was crying my heart out again because of joy that BY is alive. I am going crazy........ 

And it's my first time to watch a Kdrama live and without subs. I don't know how I was able to understand. Hahaha. 

hehehehe...same here... as in i don't understand what they were saying but i'm crying.......

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1 minute ago, Grace1003 said:

If there's anything I learned from watching MDBC, it's to pose a wait-and-see attitude because always the drama pulls in a wonderful surprise or delight! I get that you want more OTP moments and I want those, too, ---believe me!---but not at the expense of a faulty narrative that fails to resolve real conflicts to the reunion of Yeong and Raon. If that were to happen, then we would have plotholes and MDBC would not be the great drama that it is now.


It's like the previews - so many scenes are left out (Surprise Kim Hyung!) and we have always commented about how much we love the plot.

MDBC had the right balance of building up our OTP's relationship until it was rock solid and I NEVER would believe that our CP's heart would be swayed by HY. IF she had popped in earlier, perhaps I would have doubted the strength of his love for Ra On. 

The political plot is part of CP's life ever since his mother's death and the Kims came into power. So CP has to learn to be smart and resolve things without showing his hand during the early stages. Remember his talk with Kim Hyung 



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CHINGU there're 2 plot would be:

1. it's CP and HY' plan, remind the scene when they talk each other, HY promise to help CP to make new joseon. THEY will make fake death because we saw CP's face was already  pale before he drink the medicine (don't see PBG lack of sleep). why fake death, to give some time for CP collect more evidence, join forces with HKN and rebels to fight KIM clan.

2. KIM clan try to kill CP with poison, they made HY the culprit, because HY who prepared the medicine.... 1:1 for KIM clan, CP dead and HY arrested for the murder of CP

good night chingus  :bawling:

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30 minutes ago, yvettiepie19 said:

And this is what I hate about kdramas. Why waste a bunch of great episodes in the beginning then boom towards the ending they suck. yes it will be a happy ending but we are getting only 5 or 10 minutes of it (if we are lucky). What a bummer. So disappointed!  

This is true. There have so many kdramas I watched which I dropped post the first 6 episodes or max 10. Now I know the reason why after following Doctors and Moonlight live. I always wait out for the shows to end. It's the live shoot that kills it. But then even that does not make sense because you know you got fixed episode with a fixed story to cover. Why not finish writing early?! Why get so influenced by feedback that ones own storytelling falters. (Of course there are shows that do not make sense even being preshot so I am not complaining much) 

It's a love story that I signed up for. I don't mind the meaty juicy politics. Bring it on but it should not be on a different tangent. Today they completely lost it. It was a completely different show from what I was watching so far. 

I am just hoping and desperately wishing for a wholesome episode tomorrow reflecting the story I signed up for and also what they showed me till episode 14. Otherwise I think in my mind I will always say goodbye to the show to when RaOn kissed Young goodbye and add the 'unforgiving' hug to it. 

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If they are able to bring down dumb and dumber, show how CP is two steps ahead in terms of his half-sister (the baby princess) and he has Kim Hyung, Yoon Sung on his side....ALL IN ONE EPISODE!


Seriously I am so calm and happy right now because CP is severing the connections which bind the Kims to the court/palace. 

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22 minutes ago, KateSG said:

Could it be that he used the ingredient that makes silver to turn black (in the little girl and her father case) to fake his death so that it can reveal the truth of his Mum'death?? Could it be HY is helping CP with the plan as she is also keeping the princess???? Pleaseeeee CP plzzzzzzzz, how can I live till tmr night :((((((


SMART COOKIE you are!:cookie:

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I just got back to see our beloved CP being poisoned?

huh....waeeee ??

What's the purpose of poisoning CP....can somebody enlighten me.

Is it fake? 

(*even though I know he will be "resurrected" I still don;t understand why go this route.

It doesn't make sense if it's fake, as premier kim is still around. CP's mission is not done yet.

If he plans this with YS, then there's a possibility, that CP is leaving the palace and passing the throne to Ys?

But who is going to destroy Premier kim? 

(sorry...too many questions ask)

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16 minutes ago, yuuinokokoro said:

I don't think the most of us think she is behind it, just used to get to Lee-Yeong. But she will probably end up taking a lot of the blame though. 

Which is the credible twist for the wedding with HY not to push through...Just one more episode and the angst many of us went through and dreading  the forthcoming wedding... whew! .The scriptwriter and director have been trolling the Moonlighters all along...:-)

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Watching the first and end of episode 17..


Cr: hana.kimi - manga.shojo

The drink ...That's a poison of love my friend, that's the only way Lady HY can steal a kiss from CP (while he was passing out) Hehehehe - :D And off course, if he's really dying....I would gladly do a CPR mouth to mouth to save our CP (Volunteer myself in the first aid team). - And Kapten @pyoyong , I didn't shoot the arrow, I didn't do it, please do not blame me.

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I wonder if the extensive lovey dovey scenes of uri OTP in the earlier episodes has cost the drama its correct timing to end it properly.. well, I hope not. If yes, then they should have agreed to the 2-episode extension. Too many things to be resolved in just one episode.

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