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[Drama 2016] The Good Wife 굿 와이프


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 Said one of the lawyers about Hye Gyeong when introduced to a client goring through divorced " she could even write a thesis on how nasty men are". I'm sure indirect reference to Lee Tae Joon. Every time a client or another lawyer meets with her,  it's always oh she's the wife, or Lee Tae Joon this and that. Of course she's glued to that scandal her husband is accused of.

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@jongski I think I am starting to have the same problem as you. I keep trying to remind myself that Tae Joon legit is manipulative, a liar, morally grey, and down right scary in his threats and using people. I tell myself to not fall or like or even think about shipping because in the end I do want him to pay for his part in crimes (the ends don't always justify the means). But then...I just...I...I...I LOVE HIS CHARACTER. I know  all the reasons why I shouldn't, but I've always found morally grey complex villains to be so interesting to watch unfold. They're like onions. Some of my favorite movies are The Godfather (part 3 doesn't exist in my book), Ahjussi aka The Man from Nowhere, Scarface, Friends -the Korean movie-, Outrage -Japanese movie-. I love mob or gangster like movies. The anti-hero is my favorite type of character so Tae Joon is right up my alley of "I am a fan of problematic things."

However my absolute favorite character in this whole drama is Hye Kyung and my top priority is her happiness (Jeon Do Yeon has such a beautiful smile/laugh and I want more scenes of her getting to do that). I also want my womance!! I will die if I don't some scenes of Hye Kyung, KDiane (I keep forgetting her name. Writers give her more to do so I can see it enough times to remember it), and Dan bonding and just being awesome. I will weep.

I see many fans wanting to see when KEliGold will show up. Seeing as Eli was Peter's defense lawyer wouldn't the lawyer...gosh I can't remember his name, that he has now be Eli? I mean he doesn't fit the characteristics but really none of the characters are spot on copies of their original counter parts. I guess David Lee could be the Eli or maybe they will introduce the Eli of this version in later episodes. I am anticipating meeting him and what he'll bring to the story.

Can Papa Seo please return. The actor is one of my favorite ahjussi actors and he was hilarious. I really really enjoyed Papa Seo and all that he brought to the show. He was zany and unpredictable and brought the best truth teas of what's really going down in the corruption case. I also loved his scenes with his children (I loved him taking over his son's office) and need more of him and Joong Won love/hate relationship. I hope we see him once or twice more. I need to see how the kids respond when they find out he is seriously sick.

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Done with ep 4 sub. This drama...left me hanging in suspense. I wanted more!

OMG. Yoo Ji Tae is really oozing with  charisma! Lee Tae Joon is cunning and powerful but my gosh, whenever he smile,  when he gets angry, when's threatening, being manipulative.  That annoyance seeing the article Prosecutor Choi showed him. When he was visited by  state prosecutor(?) Do Sub, he knew he was being recorded. Yes, we know he's an a-hole. but, such an arresting presence. Oops the pun. I practically drool ever time I see  YJT. Such is the on screen appeal. Can't be helped! Hah.

Okay. More thoughts on ep 4.

When every case the firm handles is like opening a can of worms. Always has to have some connection to Lee Tae Joon and his case. From  Law firm founder turned  client Seo warning her, very vague though, to Cho Guk Hyun of Dokwang Development, to the wife of head prosecutor Choi, each one has something to say about  Tae Joon's scandal -accused of accepting bribes, sexual favors, the wife going through divorce from head prosecutor has an ace up her sleeve, Triton Development. it's all interconnected leading to the  bribery scandal.

Like that testimony of  Kim Hye Gyeong/ Hye kyung.  When she testified,  Prosecutor Choi clearly wanted her to say something different, maybe make her slip and embarrassed Tae Joon.  She countered that attack about her emotions. She's  cool and firm and she told exactly the truth how she felt about Tae Joon. Whatever  she does, I'm rooting for.  The quality of Jeon Do Yeon actin, we see the difference from other actress in current dramas right now. She's awesome.

 **depending which sub site one's watching, some character name differ slightly.

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 Ha ha ha. I know right.. Pushing if I could. Probably not gonna happen as what's been said of Tae Joon... he's a manipulative, scary. Also  piece of jerk but hey how can you not like when  he says "I will protect my wife at all cost"

Oh that line when he menacingly said to  Amber- the mistress.... "I can kill and no one will ever know. Do you want me to put dirt on that face of yours. Go and disappear. Never call my wife again"  He crushed that Amber!



cr issy/tvn

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Guest Athena416
The Good Wife: Episode 3
by odilettante | July 20, 2016 | 4 Comments


We meet another member of the M&J family as well as a member of the Tae-joon/Hye-kyung family, and let’s just say that sometimes families are hard to love. Or at least certain members of the family, whether they’re related by blood or legal means, can make life more difficult in various ways (but what goes around, comes around). Even so, no matter how difficult they are, there’s still the pull to love them — even if “love” means doing whatever it takes to protect your family, including lying, bribery, or threats of bodily harm.




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Okay!!! I just binge watched The Good Wife and let me say.... Yoo Ji Tae is one fine man!!!! OMG, his being bad made me want him! His character is just so skillful in getting what he wants, he looks devious and delicious all at the same time.  I do believe Tae Joon did wrong but I also think he fell into a trap!!! There is something bigger going on.  I really hope that this drama doesn't end the way the US version did.  But I really want to see Tae Joon and Hye Kyung find their way back to each other.

Did I say Yoo Ji Tae is FINE?!!!!

I don't trust Joon Ho or Dan.  There is something about the way Joong Won that I can't quite put my finger on.  I know he cares deeply for Hye Kyung but ....I don't know...  I do see JW and TJ coming to blows over HK.  

Again, did I say Yoo Ji Tae is FiNe?!!!!!!!! I really want to take a bite out of him!

I don't know what the ratings are but TvN has had some really great shows.  I also like the fact that this drama has adults in it...not adults acting like 12 year olds but grown men and women.  

The Good Wife is definitely on my list to live stream!

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Joong Won you dunce who is letting your emotions make decisions that may cost you your law firm. Why in all of creation would he agree to Cho Guk Hyo as a client and why oh why would he allow Hye Kyung to be the lawyer handling him!?!?!!' I know he thinks he's helping the firm (yay much needed money) and Hye Kyung (yay you can't fire her because she has clients who bring in the money) but he's really not! 

I know he doesn't know the things we know. But he knows enough and is purposely ignoring neon warming signs. One look at Cho and it's obvious he's all kinds of dirty, shady, and not the type of client the firm should be bringing in. The fact that he knows Tae Joon snd was called in for questioning in this scandal/bribery case, is more than enough reason to not represent him.

Second, everyone in the room (which included him and his sister) could tell how uncomfortable Cho makes Hye Kyung. It was so obvious that Cho was being thinly veiled threatening and menacing towards her. It was obvious the last thing she wants to do is represent the guy. Joong Won clearly saw that with his own eyes do why oh why did he smile and agree! 

Its frusterating because part of his intentions are good. However his dad was right to say he's a "cold lawyer. He thinks the gains out weight the risks but they really don't. I'm scared these dirty clients will end up pushing the firm and Hye Kyung into this whole bigger corruption things. I don't want this or to see him lose both because of these decisions made. 

Next episode I got a feeling Tae Joon or Joong Wob is asking for the firm to represent Tae Joon's appeal or have Tae Joon work on something/share information on something within the firm /a client. The preview makes it look like one or the other is asking for some kind of favor, riddle me this, they both don't want Hye Kyung to know about. 

Can it be Friday already. Too hooked on this show. Also Tae Joon, I'm ranting at you next cause boy has you manipulative self been deceiving/misleading me, I think. 

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Tae Joon is just. Little boy. Imma need you to quit with the whole "they tricked with Amber. It was a trap" Like I believe you that it was a trap. I believe it was a mistake. But no way in all of this green earth was it a trick. Your happy self did not look drugged, dragged or forced into sleeping with Amber. You did that all on your own.

Maybe you gave into temptation, male ego...I'm willing to believe your colleagues gotyou drunk, ordered Amber for you, and you willingly gave in. However the choice to give in, is on you! Nothing in that tape sounded forced upon. Was it the first and only time? According to Prosecutor Choi's house your phone was wire tapped....was that how they found out and trapped you with Amber? Also the car accident and "I'll take care of it." I got a feeling you used your power to help Hye Kyung out and get her a lesser sentence.

Have you been and continue to pay for that agreement today? Does it all tie in with the corruption element? How much of "take care of it" does Hye Kyung know of? This whole protection while I believe you do want to protect Hye Kyung and your family, the bigger protection is for and about you. I do believe you love/care about your wife as well as your children and mother. At the same time you really want to let out this big corruption. I don't know how involved you are in it all, but you're not clean (no one in this drama including Hye Kyung, is clean). So yeah I like you. I'm rooting for you to take down the bigger bad. At the same time, I don't trust you. 

Oh right, the necklace bribe. J just don't understand it. You want me to believe with your prosecutor salary you couldn't save up enough to buy that for Hye Kyung!?!?!!! Stop using her as an excuse. You too that bribe for you, not her.

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5 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Tae Joon is just. Little boy. Imma need you to quit with the whole "they tricked with Amber. It was a trap" Like I believe you that it was a trap. I believe it was a mistake. But no way in all of this green earth was it a trick. Your happy self did not look drugged, dragged or forced into sleeping with Amber. You did that all on your own.

Maybe you gave into temptation, male ego...I'm willing to believe your colleagues gotyou drunk, ordered Amber for you, and you willingly gave in. However the choice to give in, is on you! Nothing in that tape sounded forced upon. Was it the first and only time? According to Prosecutor Choi's house your phone was wire tapped....was that how they found out and trapped you with Amber? Also the car accident and "I'll take care of it." I got a feeling you used your power to help Hye Kyung out and get her a lesser sentence.

Have you been and continue to pay for that agreement today? Does it all tie in with the corruption element? How much of "take care of it" does Hye Kyung know of? This whole protection while I believe you do want to protect Hye Kyung and your family, the bigger protection is for and about you. I do believe you love/care about your wife as well as your children and mother. At the same time you really want to let out this big corruption. I don't know how involved you are in it all, but you're not clean (no one in this drama including Hye Kyung, is clean). So yeah I like you. I'm rooting for you to take down the bigger bad. At the same time, I don't trust you. 

Oh right, the necklace bribe. J just don't understand it. You want me to believe with your prosecutor salary you couldn't save up enough to buy that for Hye Kyung!?!?!!! Stop using her as an excuse. You too that bribe for you, not her.

 @MrsSoJiSub I lurrrvs ya! Hell yeah! I'm rooting for Tae Joo but I don't trust him either!  more than protecting He Hye Kyung.. he's protecting himself! He threatened amber.. she did sleep with her.. but ot it's to his own accord....  come on' it's male ego thin, we know that. He damn well cheated on her! but Amber is now is now demanding something he doesn't like it!

 And that necklace ... he said oh it's wasn't me who bought it it.. but  it's the chairman, because he know how much I love you and wanted to give the necklace on your birthday. EXACTLY! Bullseye! That bribe was form him..... how the hell can popular well know  prosecutor.. who earns a lot can't even buy that necklace as birthday gift?!

But I like Tae Joon! I really like Tae Joon.. yes I effing like that manipulative scary Tae Joon! I just don't trust him!

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After watching ep 5 raw.....moments and decisions can change a person's life forever....my jaw is on the floor. Love. Marriage. Law are all so damn complicated. 

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Things are getting curiouser and curiouser...

ALL THESE CHARACTERS ARE SO DAMN DARK AND COMPLEX. Yet they are human with qualities and flaws I can relate to. I care for each character and just want them all to able to breathe freely. Take a big gasp of refreshing air because everyone seems so suffocated right now. 

Once upon a time Hye Kyung loved Tae Joon enough...it could ruin them both...it seems he too has been paying for that decision...the corruption...Joong Won in the rain....F, richard simmons, and damn...the way to kill a man is to aim for the heart


I think there was a lot of back door deals and corruption in the UCT Dream building and Trition Hotel that got a lot bad people and not so good people rich quick. It cost the lesser citizens and they don't even know. Tae Joon found out. Tae Joon was working to expose it and in turn, turn all of Korea on its head. However the past is never the past and no secret ever stays quiet. How far was he willing to go to protect his wife and himself is how we got to where we are...or maybe not. I need subs LOL. 


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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


Once upon a time Hye Kyung loved Tae Joon enough...it could ruin them both...it seems he too has been paying for that decision...the corruption...Joong Won in the rain....F, richard simmons, and damn...the way to kill a man is to aim for the heart


I think there was a lot of back door deals and corruption in the UCT Dream building and Trition Hotel that got a lot bad people and not so good people rich quick. It cost the lesser citizens and they don't even know. Tae Joon found out. Tae Joon was working to expose it and in turn, turn all of Korea on its head. However the past is never the past and no secret ever stays quiet. How far was he willing to go to protect his wife and himself is how we got to where we are...or maybe not. I need subs LOL. 


WKR!  OMG.. I'm effing excited!.. sub come faster!  Aviki and DF not subbing.  so this drama getting subbed by  others.  So there's  still a chance  for Tae Joon!

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@jongski hold the confetti LOL Joong Won is most definitely a contender (and a mighty fine one at that). I'm not even sure why Hye Kyung allowed Tae Joon home. Also I'm starting to lean towards...divorce him (but I'm like Hye Kyung. My feelings on this whole mess changes moment to moment the more I try to understand it all). I'm not lying when I said all three characters look and feel suffocated. I mean, my Hye Kyyng can't breath at work, she can't breath at home. Who and where can she turn to to just...be....? Also the people coming after Tae Joon are hella dangerous and smart. Tae Joon isn't a innocent victim so I really am scared for him Hye Kyung and their children. Papa Seo wasn't lying when he said in order to bring it/them down Tae Joon may have to get darker and dirtier. Dude is already dark and dirty, how far will he go/have to go? Do we really want Hye Kyung or the kids around that and or be able to be used as pawns by the big bads or Tae Join himself? 

Hye Kyung has already been hurt enough by this whole mess. She's also already in the corruption mess and I want her out. If she too is brought in, the family may really be left with nothing. Or I'm wrong lol. I only know very basic Korean so I didn't understand much. All I understand is that ish keeps getting real. What makes Tae Joon worthy of having to go through and continue to go through this (and I'm not just talking about the scandal's fall from grace). Is he worth it? Why has Hye Kyung stayed? Will she continue to do so....I NEED SUBS. How I wish Viki got the license and were subbing this. I'm desperate so even devilfever subs would do. 

ETA: If Hye Kyung knew Joong Won was waiting in the rain with flowers and his heart, would she still have made the decision she made? Done what she did? Alas, there's no going back. You live the life you've made. At the same time that doesn't necessarily mean she has to stay married to Tae Joon. She could have and still very much can leave his side of she chose/chooses to (and live and build on that choice), so again why did she stay and continues to stay even now? 

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Ratings ( nationwide )

1. The Good Wife ( tvN ) : 5.382 % ( + 0.879 % )  ---------------> Ep. 5

2. Age of Youth ( jtbc ) : 1.310 %  -------------------------------------> Pilot Episode

Credit : AGB Nielsen

The rating is increase again...its peak at 7.1 %... :heart::blush:

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