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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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On 4/24/2016 at 7:00 PM, joongkyo said:

ROFL at comments on NB saying SHK is "too cold and mature", do they even know her?. This woman is 15 years older than me and she's jumping around on furniture.





Hi @joongkyo!  Wow, you're this young? :) I mean it as a compliment. I really admire your in-depth analysis and thoughts on everything SongSong. 

I'm mostly a silent reader but I am amazed by the talents, dedication and maturity of the SS shippers @ilovesjk @Bambiina @angieknows @hclover96 @Chewy Hoe @twtwb @alleverythingand just every one here.  I wish someday we can all meet in person.  I dream of that one day, when SongSong gets married or even at when their relationship is confirmed,  and we're all in Seoul to celebrate our love for them and to reminisce the best shipping moments of our lives. 

Thank you all for your wonderful posts.  I really enjoy reading them.  It has become a habit of mine to come here each and every day ...and every day it never fails to put a smile on my face. :)


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Hye Kyo on ‪#‎Vacation‬                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

13087372_1603969063255491_19977966568670  13102610_1603969289922135_10678175409948
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I did watch some episodes of RM with SJK in it, and I too feel he's not exactly clicked with all the gag. I guess it would be different if he were the guest. So I am still hoping he will be guesting in RM Korea very soon and if possible he can "drag" SHK along with him  :love:That would be the best RM episode for me. But SHK in a variety show... eonni, could you please do it, just one time, pretty please...??? Puppy eyes...

Yeah, it's impossible. Why do I even dream about it, lol. 


She fits perfectly in his arms, just love how natural it is for her to slide her arms ever so smoothly to hug him  :heart:  Their hugs are as intimate as their kisses, so much feels. I can watch them hugging for a whole day *forget all the files on my tables*


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Hi Everyone,

Been a silent reader on this thread since page 200 I guess?! and finally decided to sign up and say hi to everyone to extend my gratitude to all you people who had been spending time, huge effort, dedication and passion on writing all these insightful articles, analysis and personal feelings (especially @joongkyo @ilovesjk @Chewy Hoe @twtwb and many others, pls accept my apology if I’m missing out your names, but I enjoy reading every one of your writings). As a lone quiet shipper among friends around me, no place is better than here to get the feel that I’m not alone!

I must confess that I wasn’t very familiar with the 2 leads at the very beginning, for SJK.. I liked him in SKK Scandal, finding him a very good young actor, but to me he was just one of those talented actors in Korea. As for SHK, watched her AIMH and Full House YEARSSSSSSSS back, wasn’t fond on the “dog blood plot” of traditional kdrama 1.0 of AIMH and wasn’t fond on R’s “deep V” t-shirt in FH, so even tho I felt SHK was very cute and pretty, she didn’t click me as much as LDH when I was watching “My Girl”. Not until a few years after I randomly saw this  (Once Upon a Day) her eyes stuns me … and for years whenever I heard about SHK I thought about those eyes. Still.. I didn’t follow any of her works afterwards. Sorry did I go to far away?

So.. when I first heard about the 2 are making a drama together, my first thought was “huh?? Sjk ? he’s a KIDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!”and “huh?? Shk?? She’s the goddess and o.. I thought she retiring already..”, I personal had not put any hope and wasn’t even intended to watch the drama AT ALL! I didn’t even look at the teaser when they were released. Then I randomly saw news about their 1st press con, and saw the 2 leads were like strangers .. (yes it’s very funny now when I think about it), but what caught me in that press con was SJK .. how a kid became a man!! I was very surprised!!! And the 2 did look good standing next to each other. So I was thinking.. okay if I have time after finishing 1988 maybe I’ll give it a try since seems like lots of people are anticipating this.

Therefore, when I was thinking how to get over 1988 I decided to pick up DOTS and it took me 1 night to totally put 1988 aside (which I still feel a bit guilty about it), I was AMAZED with what I saw on DOTS, the very manly masculine charismatic SJK as if it’s another person; the very lively beautiful SHK in human form (yeah for years whenever I thought of her she’s the goddess and a girl sitting there eating flowers, no offense it’s just common perception for shallow person like me who didn’t KNOW her previously), the 2 really surprised me by the chemistry between them and the contrast and shocked that they’d given me compares to their impressions in me originally.

As was watching DOTS weeks by weeks, as a ‘female’ it’s very normal that I got soooo attracted to SJK and crazily spazzing over him just like many many others. I loved SHK too, both of their actings are superb, no doubt they are one of the best actor/actresses in Korea (if not the best), but SJK caught my attention more if comparing the 2. It was until ep 15 … I got totally defeated by SHK .. the pain she had in her eyes .. the love she had in her eyes .. I was totally ‘dead’!! I was thinking.. please someone please take good care of this beautiful woman, she deserves the nicest man on earth. And as I read more and more of you people’s articles I felt deeply in love with these 2, the 2 humble, witty, kind hearted beautiful creatures. The more I read about them, the more I love them and the more I sincerely hope (actually quite sure) to be together. They fully complementary with each other, they both adores each other a lot. The love in their eyes no matter on screen / off screen are no joke. I loved watching how much they care about each other. I love how SHK said in her interview “as for SJK, he’s at his peak, he knows what to do”, that’s simply telling me how close they are and she didn’t even need to say anything to him, cos she understand him and vise versa.  I just hope the best for them.

I’m sorry I didn’t expect I would write such a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG post, I hope I’m making sense here cos my thoughts were definitely jumping here and there as you could tell.

Once again thanks everyone and I’m glad to have meeting you all.

Happy Shipping!!

P.S. first time posting, i hope im doing the right thing here, if I'm by chance violating any rules please let me know and I shall edit my post. Million Thanks!

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53 minutes ago, kristy86 said:

I did watch some episodes of RM with SJK in it, and I too feel he's not exactly clicked with all the gag. I guess it would be different if he were the guest. So I am still hoping he will be guesting in RM Korea very soon and if possible he can "drag" SHK along with him  :love:That would be the best RM episode for me. But SHK in a variety show... eonni, could you please do it, just one time, pretty please...??? Puppy eyes...

Yeah, it's impossible. Why do I even dream about it, lol. 


She fits perfectly in his arms, just love how natural it is for her to slide her arms ever so smoothly to hug him  :heart:  Their hugs are as intimate as their kisses, so much feels. I can watch them hugging for a whole day *forget the all the files on my tables*

@kristy86 Couldn't agree more on the hugs... I have yet to see hugs as sincere and beautiful as DOTS hugs in any drama. My favorites in order :

1. Coffee hug

2. Reunion hug

3. Diamond hug

4. 'Department store' hug

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i try my best to stay away from this thread. but i can't.

this thread is like bread and butter to me.

this thread is where i can fangirling about sjk and shk chemistry. 

but couldn't help by opening the tab, every 10 minutes hoping to get news or scoop on songsong.

and finally i stream on youtube on the kim dong ryul like a child song. i dunno about you guys opinion, i sincerely think its looks like someone is falling in love hard. (yeah my opinion)

and my current favourite songs from DOTS OST is this:


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I'm both lost and revived at how fast this thread moves that it takes me 2 hours to backread from page 565 on the way to work, agreeing and nodding my head to most opinions here and loving them all! Always amazes me how alike we all can think, both in delulu as well as rational mode! And with everyone's different yet similar opinions on the bts, it's really a joy to read every single post here lately! Like someone said, really proud to be part of this thread where everyone is respectful of each other's opinions and we can agree to disagree :)

Have a great day everyone, whichever part of the globe y'all are at! 
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19 minutes ago, ludadeer said:

As was watching DOTS weeks by weeks, as a ‘female’ it’s very normal that I got soooo attracted to SJK and crazily spazzing over him just like many many others. I loved SHK too, both of their actings are superb, no doubt they are one of the best actor/actresses in Korea (if not the best), but SJK caught my attention more if comparing the 2. It was until ep 15 … I got totally defeated by SHK .. the pain she had in her eyes .. the love she had in her eyes .. I was totally ‘dead’!! I was thinking.. please someone please take good care of this beautiful woman, she deserves the nicest man on earth. And as I read more and more of you people’s articles I felt deeply in love with these 2, the 2 humble, witty, kind hearted beautiful creatures. The more I read about them, the more I love them and the more I sincerely hope (actually quite sure) to be together. They fully complementary with each other, they both adores each other a lot. The love in their eyes no matter on screen / off screen are no joke. I loved watching how much they care about each other. I love how SHK said in her interview “as for SJK, he’s at his peak, he knows what to do”, that’s simply telling me how close they are and she didn’t even need to say anything to him, cos she understand him and vise versa.  I just hope the best for them.


Already wrote it in DotS main forum. I also fell in love with KMY moreeeee than I love YSJ! KMY's character development was so good! She became one of my favorite heroines in TV series together with Felicity Smoak. I fell in love with KMY since earthquake's incident where she finally remembered her doctor's vow. How could you're not in love with KMY since SHK totally nailed all those crying scenes? And when I watched BTS, this lady is so tough in real life! When SHK said it's easier for her to act in sad scenes rather than cute/funny scenes, I just wanna hug her (well, I hope SJK is the one who hug her in real life). SHK is just like a pearl which isn't just lie on a seashore, I just hope SJK is brave enough to dive in to get her. And as you said, I also hope the best for them

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38 minutes ago, boredahjumma said:

@kristy86 Couldn't agree more on the hugs... I have yet to see hugs as sincere and beautiful as DOTS hugs in any drama. My favorites in order :

1. Coffee hug

2. Reunion hug

3. Diamond hug

4. 'Department store' hug

@boredahjumma eonni, I can't list them cos I like them all equally, lol. Okay, let me think... I think I like the coffee hug the most, but I also like the way SJK kind of kiss SHK hair on the reunion hug, the diamond hug he kissed her shoulder, maybe those little gestures are not even scripted.

When they hug it seems like they are glued together, all part of the bodies stick together, there's no gap. I even think SJK can crush SHK petite body with the way he hugs her. 



Oh btw, @boredahjumma eonni maybe you can delete the gif in your quote, it's against soompi's rule :D 

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‪#‎SongSongCouple‬ Younger version                                                                                                                                                                                                             13100757_1778011092433095_34016196653878

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@ludadeer Hey there! Welcome to this thread. Really like your first post over there! I mean, yesh, you're speaking what im trying to say after all in this thread. (I just couldn't get my words straight, like what you just said, jumping here and there. Hehe)

Sorry to cut your post. " As was watching DOTS weeks by weeks, as a ‘female’ it’s very normal that I got soooo attracted to SJK and crazily spazzing over him just like many many others. I loved SHK too, both of their actings are superb, no doubt they are one of the best actor/actresses in Korea (if not the best), but SJK caught my attention more if comparing the 2. It was until ep 15 … I got totally defeated by SHK .. the pain she had in her eyes .. the love she had in her eyes .. I was totally ‘dead’!! I was thinking.. please someone please take good care of this beautiful woman, she deserves the nicest man on earth. And as I read more and more of you people’s articles I felt deeply in love with these 2, the 2 humble, witty, kind hearted beautiful creatures. The more I read about them, the more I love them and the more I sincerely hope (actually quite sure) to be together. They fully complementary with each other, they both adores each other a lot. The love in their eyes no matter on screen / off screen are no joke. I loved watching how much they care about each other. I love how SHK said in her interview “as for SJK, he’s at his peak, he knows what to do”, that’s simply telling me how close they are and she didn’t even need to say anything to him, cos she understand him and vise versa.  I just hope the best for them. "

^ COULDN'T AGREE MORE !! Hope to see more posts from you in the future :)

Personally only know SJK through runningman (Yes, im a die hard fan of rm. Been chasing it from ep 1), and what i saw in SJK (during rm period) is just that, he's the 'flower boy' in rm. And always be the maknae in the group. Not to mention that I really like it when he called jihyo, 'noona'. Apparently at the time, I wish I was a noona. LOL until this year, my almost 20 years of my whole life, i see a totally different SJK. A manly side of him. NOW, I dont even wish im a noona for him right now and IF im a noona, IM SATISFIED that there's a manly guy to protect me (can someone sense what im trying to say? hint=noona). 

Really hope SJK will go for rm in the future. Atleast two episodes puuhhhh-leaaaseeeee pd-nim!  :wub:




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Random thoughts again:

1) Song Hye Kyo is honestly madly respectable. Even as a long-time fan of her, I'm still surprised and amazed at the fact that she's never let fame get in her head. It's so common and logical for actresses to reap their fame and money after a successful project, even for top stars. But for such a hugely successful drama like DOTS, SHK's been saying "No" to tons of huge-deal CFs, interviews, shows, deals, promotions, etc... from many sources that could have brought her so much more.... Instead, she just silently does charity, enjoys her life and lays low as much as she can. Seeing her so happy these days around her old and new friends make me really happy too. Song Hye Kyo is indeed Song Hye Kyo, after all these years!

Also, it feels like SHK is giving Joong Ki all the attention and glory to skyrocket to stardom. She could have shared it with him like many other actresses did with their co-stars, but no, SHK just lay low and let people focus only on SJK. Regardless how comfortable and chummy they are with each other behind the scenes, SHK always put out some formal distance with JK and maintain her modesty and composure around JK in order not to fuel any scandals while JK's on his rise. She even knows that "Joong Ki is at his peak. He knows what to do"; she is indeed proud of him and cheering her best for his career.... All these happenings remind me of this saying: "Behind a successful man there is a woman". In this case, SJK is that successful man while SHK is the woman who pushes him from behind. 

2) SJK's expoding popularity and star power in China/HK , I think, is partially attributed to SHK's power there too. SHK is prolly the most powerful Korean actress in China and has the most pretigious connections there. Of course DOTS is the main reason for JK's blossoming career in the mainland but to think that his recent China/HK whereabouts are all somewhat related to SHK (Dior show, CF deal with Zhang Ziyi, business with Huang Xiao Ming's Hauyi Brothers, rumoured Happy Camp appearance.....), it really feels like SHK somehow put her hands in these. Considering that SHK is a lot more experiencesd in C-biz and has many more big connections in HK, China, I'm pretty sure SJK would have a steady rising career there if he gets help from SHK ^ ^ 

3) If it were for DOTS and Song-Song chemistry, I would have never thought I'd become SJK's fan. Having watched him in RM, SKKS, NG, WB..., my only perceptions of JK were: a typical flower-boy with shining smile and a talented actor who looks much younger than his age. I even found him a bit flirtatous and childish sometimes :D Then DOTS changed everything. He still has that flowerboy image, still a but cunning and flirtatous like YSJ, but way more mature and manly. There's sth about SJK that I never saw before. Watching those BTS seeing how SJK did all the hardcore action scenes himself, sweaty and focused... wow a sangnamjia indeed! Especially when he's around SHK, he tends to be more manly and never gives off any feel that he's younger than her nor her hoobae. Even when he teases her we could judge from his tone that he treated her like someone same-age or younger. Seeing JK tease HK seriously reminds me of how boys in my class tease their crushes lol. 

4) I still find it amazing how Song-Song could act so awkward and distant around each other during PC when they were in fact super close and comfortable around each other bts. Like I could feel their awkwardness through my skin when I watched them in the first PC. I even thought SHK was cold to SJK in real-life. I know the reason behind why they had to act so, but still... It must have been so hard for them to fake their interactions then haha. 

5) Having been a fan of Kyo for years, I can't help but feel blessed and surprised by the DOTS-Hye Kyo sometimes. A Hye Kyo so bright, so cheerful, so ordinary (in a good way)! I'd never felt SHK so real and so near like these days. Seeing the cute, cool, funny, tom-boyish, shy, know-how-to-joke HAPPY KYO behind the scenes really remind me of my girl crushes at school. Before, Song Hye Kyo to me was always some kind of untouchable goddess who is always nice, humble, kind-hearted, hard-working but still put up that invisible cover around herself not to let ppl intrude her life and hurt her. For DOTS, we could tell how much SHK has opened up and welcomed more ppl into her life, how joyful and comfortable she is around new people. Apart from the public appearance, SHK seems to have let her guard down around JK. She laughed, smiles, makes jokes, nags, teases,... like any common girl around her bf. SHK is glowing in happiness! 

Song Joong Ki and DOTS seriously have brought the best out of Song Hye Kyo



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10 minutes ago, kristy86 said:

@boredahjumma eonni, I can't list them cos I like them all equally, lol. Okay, let me think... I think I like the coffee hug the most, but I also like the way SJK kind of kiss SHK hair on the reunion hug, the diamond hug he kissed her shoulder, maybe those little gestures are not even scripted.

When they hug it seems like they are glued together, all part of the bodies stick together, there's no gap. I even think SJK can crush SHK petite body with the way he hugs her. 


Oh btw, @boredahjumma eonni maybe you can delete the gif in your quote, it's against soompi's rule :D 

Whoopppssss, my bad... :phew: Thanks for the tip...

Love love love all the hugs. Maybe even more than the kisses. How he lower his head every time he kissed her. :wub::wub::wub: Personally, the hugs are the ones that gave them away. They were too real to be chalked up to acting.

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