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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Yeeaahh....i don't mind SJK call SHK noona, cause i love noona romance. 

I'm Happy dots was ending, but i'm also sad cause i can't see SJK & SHK interaction again. Dots like the cure for My shipping song2 couple. In dots, i can see them in one frame. 

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26 minutes ago, d172 said:

Wow this thread moves really fast and it took me 2 days to do the back reading. Firstly I want to thank everyone that keeps updating in this thread, I am sorry I have nothing but thank you for your hard work. While doing the back read, I realized the topic invading personal matter, protecting Hye Kyo has been brought up. I have to agree with most of u, as much as I want to know about their status, I really hope they will keep it as a secret until the day they announce their marriage. 

For the past 8 weeks involving my life with dots, I started to show my true colours of how crazy am I when it comes to liking OTP/ kdrama to my friend. They were all shocked with me cause I change to a different person (spent my time checking this thread, watching dots 100th times, buy dots stuff- the last time I'm like this was 5years ago). I can't stop taking about Joongki and Hye Kyo (lucky to have friends that listen though they are not a fan, they said as long as I am happy, they'll listen to whatever i say). 

However at one time, when I talked to my friends , where JK and HK were at a particular time, (news of them going out) my friend started to make a comment of pitying Hye Kyo and Joongki because their life is known to the world. They don't have privacy, and this made me realized, outsiders (neutral-not a fan) knows how to feel sorry for these people, so why can't we who claimed to be a fan have consideration towards them? This is especially for those who trolled HyeKyo ig/ song2's friend ig, or those who makes false remarks about these two people. 

And I am really happy when Joongki told the press not to ask questions on personal matter. I am sure, the reporter dare not to ask him anymore (at least at the mean time).

Some were talking about KMY/YSJ a.k.a SHY/SJK withdrawal after dots since it has finished. It happened to me. I was watching the movie; huntsmen yesterday but my mind drifted away thinking about HK and JK. I was thinking of them as the main lead of the movie, and I read somewhere here that Hye Kyo loves watching movie CMIIW. So I was thinking, if they were having a movie date, would they come after the light off and go out before the light on? that isn't fun. Though I am sure they can watch it at home from a big screen TV, but the feeling of watching it in cinema is different. So basically I wanted to say, I am seriously in withdrawal mode of this couple. But thanks to all of u here that keep for posting everything, anything about Hye Kyo and JoongKi, it really helps me. Keep spreading the love troopers, I love u guys to Uruk and back here to where I am. :heart: 

and I have been rewatching the kiss scene on the ship god knows how many times, and I still have goosebump over it. It feels so real, it is real or am I really a pervy person?


nope. youre not a pervy. i think most of us shared the same sentiment .

anyway, off to re watch mujhse doste karoge.

ps:if i keep on watching DOTS, i dont know whether i can keep my sanity. i keep on skipping gowoon couple part..(except for  the part jingoo dance to rv..hehe).


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6 hours ago, phuongfoodiedinh said:

Why do I feel that DISPATCH is actually on Song-Song's side on this whole "catch me if you can" dating game? I'm pretty sure Dispatch must have had something solid  on this couple already but they still wait for the right timing to release the proofs? 


Like it just doesn't make sense that Dispatch hadn't caught anything with the amount of times Song Song have been spending together while it has been very actively shipping Song-Song since Day 1. It's Dispatch that released all those HQ photos of Song-Song looking like real couple with such hinting captions. But as fishy and scandal-thirsty Dispatch is, it's still Dispatch not revealing breaking news with proofs. 


The way Dispatch has been acting lately with this couple is imo somewhat similar to Song-Song's (basically SJK's) tactic. Keep hinting but no denying nor admitting.


What do ya think? 

You have to be in good terms with Dispatch or certain news reporters for them to be on your side and I'm sure their companies have already discussed certain situations on what actions they would take in case anything gets release. Also, you have to consider SHK and SJK's status in Korea. Dispatch might already have something but if for instance they get a go signal from both companies including SHK and SJK themselves then they will release it.

The way I see it I don't think Dispatch will be the first one to announce SongSong's relationship and if ever their marriage it would be their company. Then if Dispatch receives a go signal then that is when they will back it up with pictures that they've been keeping. Korea is not that big and I'm sure they know where most of the celebrities hangout. They are communications and certain negotiations happening behind closed doors. 

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I dont know whether this has been posted before but let me share this weibo post written by Cha Xiao Xin.I will try to give the gist of the post as accurately as possible(anyone who understands Chinese can correct me if im wrong ).She is a well known Hong Kong entertainment reporter and has been in the business for more than 30 years.

She has interviewed not only celebrities but also other public figures .She and another reporter are dubbed Hong Kong "Head of paparazzi".Of course,she was the one who first revealed news of many top celebrities' "secrets"(if you all are familiar with the Chinese entertainment) such as relationships of Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung and also their divorce,Andy Lau's wife pregnancy etc.

She has seen  much and probably is experience enough to realise if somethings are "fishy". Eventhough she has released news about private lives of celebrities,she always says that reports have to be ethical and take into account social responsibilities.

So her reports are deem to be credible.

She attended the Viutv PC of DOTS in Hong Kong and her post title is " Closer look at SJK and SHK  "

Her reason for attending was to learn a thing or two about how Korean agencies manage their artists and also to observe SongSong couple body language,demeanor,appearance and their ability to cope with press.

She observed that the event was well managed and the security was tight.Before the PC began,the fire alarm was activated,she even joked that maybe "The Sun is too hot/bright".

She mentioned that while Shk was more cautious/formal,SJK on the other hand was more relaxed thereby exuding confidence.

She also noticed the interactions of both leads,from fist bumping to their sweet look for each other (giving off love sparks), and she couldnt deny that they have  great chemistry.She wrote"About the dating rumour,it is discernible"


Thanks @jl08 :)...Discernable is definitely a better word.Allow me to change the phrase. She is definitely suspicious and imply that the dating rumour can be pursue further.


Source as stated


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Hi chingus, 

After SJK's interview, I feel so happy. SJK mentioned that SHK did all her crying scenes in 15 and 16 episode by herself because of his injury. When I watch her crying scenes I feel they were so real and touched. I think SHK was very worried about SJK 's injury and she put her real emotion into those scenes. So, her crying scenes were touched people because it was real emotion. 

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Thanks for sharing this. 

I went to browse the Chinese article.

传他们拍拖,有迹可寻 = "Regarding their dating rumour, it is discernable" according to this reporter.

If something is discernable, you can "discern" it you can see it, smell it, taste it, or otherwise tell what it is.

"Discernable" is used to describe something that can be sensed or picked up on. It's reported that both of them were stealing glances with each other and smiling at times......

So, I'm glad to have this reporter picking up the actual dating vibes from Song Song couple directly. 

Noona-Dongsaeng romance is nothing new in Korea. It's merely a term for couples where the guy is younger than the woman. So why not Song Song couple? Everyone has seen the sparks coming off from both of them. That's all that matters.

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24 minutes ago, hannie1234 said:



if its from instagram nah..

its a false. unless joongki is a mr fantastic who can stretch his arm, i doubt it he can.



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On 16/4/2016 at 8:51 PM, bluedolphin81 said:

Hi everybody! I have been reading almost all the posts in this thread and I am very happy to know that everyone here are great shippers, supporters and detectives! I happen to come across a post where someone is asking why the male lead is getting all the attention and SHK should be interviewed too.

Actually I am not sure why this is so ‘cos it seems to be the ‘trend’ in Kdrama land. I believe most viewers of Kdramas are females so that’s why only the male lead got all the attention? 

But as a loyal fan of SHK who has been following her news for more than 10 years, I realized that SHK is actually not fond of the Korea media…or should I rephrase that most Korea media are not friendly with SHK? She also got more antis in SK.

This is so true especially when her failed relationships and tax issue news were released…the reporters / journalists and antis kept pestering and bombarding her with all kinds of hell-like reports / comments and horrific acts that lasted for quite some time.  I believe she has lost confidence in these people that’s why she is keeping a very low profile.  If she wants to be interviewed, I think that person can only be somebody she trusts and not any ordinary reporter.  This explains her behavior in Seoul DOTS press con and at Incheon airport to HK.

Compared to Korea media, the Chinese media has lesser reports on her, now it’s mostly about the items she used in DOTS, how she looks young despite her age and her refusal of the Mitsubishi CF.  In fact they don’t really believe that SHK is dating SJK, as they have linked her to her dongsaeng Yoo Ah In instead, after their stylist friend Raymond Chae uploaded a picture of him, SHK and YAI together.  Besides, the Chinese media don’t repeat the same news every day.  Like the HK press con, they just release the news for 1 day and fullstop. This is a major factor why SHK is behaving differently in SK and HK!

I am glad that both SJK and SHK have dropped many hints, especially in HK, even though there is no confirmation from their mouth.  Although SJK claimed that he is not tech-savvy, he is still aware of what is going on around him. If he knows that his ex-gf’s pics were released, he must have known that media and fans are also finding ‘evidence’ with whatever he said in interviews and press con.  

Jin Goo once said that they are living in times where every word they speak has to be carefully thought out, so he thinks that SHK is more quiet and careful with her words these days. I think SJK has learnt his lesson too, that’s why his words are becoming inconsistent now…

Sorry for this long post and it’s a bit out of topic… It’s just my ‘small analysis’ regarding their behavior and changes.  One thing for sure – the ship is still sailing smoothly, so let’s give them privacy so that this ship can reach its final destination.  Happy shipping everybody!



Truthfully thank you so much for your long and informative posts, I always enjoy reading them :) I don't think your post is out of the topic at all because it's so useful and does help me understand better about Hye Kyo's colors. I found her acting interesting in Full House, see her as an extraordinary individual among many actresses back then but only have been interested deeply in her since DOTs, then after realizing that the Kyo of reality is interesting as much as Mo Yeon of DOTs, I fall for her. I just love the way she freely enjoys life and keep her own characters out of the showbiz. 

Back to the first PC of DOTs, I was a little bit sad when seeing her cautiousness in every single action and even facial expression, then first photos of her at HongKong Aiport make me even more anxious, to the level that I wondered whether there are any arise problems during the filming or conflicts that make her look that uneasy, then I was at ease and forgot the concern when seeing those photos with her smile brightly on the way to Korea. Now your explanation clears it all, it's understandable why she's so cautious and careful being in front of the media, when it's impossible to differentiate who have good will and ill will towards her. I also noticed Jin Goo's sharing and respect the way remain the carefulness to protect her private life. I truly appreciate and admire her endurance and strength after all those painful experience and believe that she deserve the sincere happiness. "Like idol, like fan" - I can feel the Kyo-ish whenever reading posts from Kyo's fans based on the immature, patience and positiveness they bring, and your post exactly portray the Kyo-ish feeling.^_^

Referring to the PC of Joong Ki recently, I can't expect a more proper sharing from him. Kudos to him for straightforwardly ask for the respect on his private life from media and public. From the way he expresses his sadness of the exposed photos with the ex-girlfriend, I believe he is and will try as much as possible to keep the details on his relationship in secret. I've witnessed so many famous couple announce their love to relationship and it's happy if they have a good outcome, but in contrast, the disadvantage seems like falls on the female celebrity most of the time. Netizens tend to criticize the female celebrity if she has had a number of boyfriends but easily accept if a male celebrity dates with the same amount of partners, just my 2 cents. In relation to Joong Ki's demand, I consider it as a wise choice that a namja can do to protect his family and beloved ones, especially after receiving such huge fame, his announcement might make many reporters unhappy since their desire is to dig deep as much as possible on his personal life. Bravely, he speaks the thing out loud.

About his answer stating that he consider himself unable to reach the level of Kyo, honestly I'm happy to know it. It means that he clearly understands the gap between two of them so that means he surely knows what need to be gained and done to shorten the distance. I read between the line here is he'll need to interact with his "sunbae" more to learn from here acting, experience as well as how to deal with the popularity to keep his true colors. 

Being a part of this ship gives me more than I can expect, I do not only feel the pure happiness of reading humorous and interesting posts analyzing the potential connection and chemistry between the double Song but also be affected positively of the mindset from the ship crew as well as our couple. :lol:

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2 hours ago, gangurhar said:

I am here giddy in happiness that YET AGAIN Song Joong Ki failed to say 

"No I am not dating Song Hye Kyo"

"No all those rumors are false"

How many chances has the media given him to say that? And he didn't use any of those chances. He went off a tangent and said "Yea she's a great senior and kind and is a star and yeah."

I'm happy with that. 

This is real life. Plus its a matter of personal choices. Let them be and they'll announce things when they're ready!

Shoutout to you for the statement:


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oh ok, I re-watch ep 16 again, haha, and maybe because of that my mind got mixed up or I just miss YSJ and KMY too much, I found there is similar response when KMY and SJK is on TV - answering question with the meaning "who is your partner in life?"

KMY: oh, I wasn't expect that question.

SJK: wow, I never guessed I'd be asked this question on KBS News 9.

KMY: (jokingly) I don't have bf, I'm too busy (smile to the camera)

SJK: I'd say Dr KMY, she'll be mad if I don't say that (smile to the camera) 


I'm not on the ship, but I hope sometimes I can be a wind just to support your guys' ship sailing smoothy, all the best  



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@bluedolphin81 Thank you for giving us an insight into the Chinese media. I did notice that while Hye Kyo still seemed reserved and composed while in Hong Kong, she also wasn't resistant to letting loose. She and Joong Ki seemed to have given us a glimpse of how they are with each other when the prying eyes of the public and media are not on them. 

@khxy and @jl08 Thank you for providing us with the gist of the Chinese article. The reporter has been in the business long enough to know/sense when something's afoot.

I remember when I was shipping Jim Sturgess and Bae Doo Na, I researched every interview they did. This one reporter described how Jim became irritated with another interviewer because of the way she asked Doo Na a question---I think she was a bit aggressive---and I think he ended up stepping in to help with the answer. The reporter picked up on Jim's protectiveness of Doo Na, and this was many months before the Cloud Atlas stars were found out to be dating. Even professional gossip Lainey looked back on her interview with Doo Na and Jim and realized the subtle body language that hinted at their mutual attraction. The point is that reporters have been trained to notice little things that might seem nothing to a casual viewer. So, I don't think we can underestimate Cha Xiao Xin's "fishy feeling" about the Songs, especially as she had personally witnessed their interactions at the PC.


@hclover96 Thanks for the added info from the Chinese article! :) 

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