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@marurina I was going to make a post on that here but i chose not too. could you pls delete the pics? Idk if it's ps or not but i doubt it. best to delete it. save the pics though. Edit: And yes now that you reminded me. ZZ is really good at not being spotted and yet this one got out? hmmm. seems FISH-Yu. 

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4 minutes ago, marurina said:

Does anyone know if this is real or PS?

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Take my words with a grain of salt, but this new development about ZZ & that girl is kinda fishy in my opinion. I’m not really a fan that indulge too much in delulus, but could it be that this ‘leak’ is a damage control in response to this? Because when I first saw it I was like “Oh boy, this would need some fixing.”

I study PR/media, and I have always been fascinated by how YuZhou’s respective management handle the both of them. ZZ’s company seems to be intent in making this idol-like persona for him, while JY (maybe because he’s not attached to any company) is more free with his image and has more freedom in voicing his opinions/displeasure (to a certain extent). 

I have a feeling that they’re trying to shake off ZZ’s BL debut in order to secure his position in the mainstream entertainment industry. 

I don’t know … for someone who is so good in sneaking around, it seems so sudden that all these photos/videos are released so soon after that phone incident. What makes me salty is the fact that they’re all conveniently released today.

Tbh, it would be better if ZZ is dating this woman for real, because if what I think is true, that is just messed up. 


I agree with all of this - except for the bit in bold!! Yuzhou has always seemed so real to me and I am not ready to think about either of them dating someone else. ZZs birthday was such a happy day - so many sugars, our Soompi Addicted home was buzzing. I wish it felt the same today - but I hope JY is celebrated and loved today whether we can see it or not!   

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Guest skeletonworks
1 hour ago, 1blankstare said:

2. It felt staged. ZhouYu Tong? The girl's supposed name. Really? I mean there are hundreds of names for girl but ZhouYu?


That girl is Shi Hui in Shangyin. Lalalalalalala~~~ In the video it was mentioned the girl's name is Zhou Yutong. Can check Shangyin wiki what role she played.

@addicted2yuzhou I believe 5ML didn't update as much as they were during Zhouzhou's birthday is because they're probably at the fanmeeting venue. So I don't think they have time to make such a grand updates like Zhouzhou.

@marurina Well said! Anyway that photo you asked is not photoshop but really... can't really tell whether it's Jingyu's photo or not tbh...


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JY did 2 and 6 signs....one using his left hand and one using his right hand :tears:

Oh my boys, I just want you two to be happy but life is too cruel sometimes

Cr Flower Flutter



Fanart by 有的是青春_沒的是時間


According to google: Do not worry, sleep soundly. Tomorrow is still a beautiful day


Fanart by 呼呼花-


Google translate: You always call me Big Fool, in fact you are Little Fool...





Edited by bearology
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I've been in other fandom for more than 5 years, scandal here and there and it's enough to bleed and finally, now i get used to it as the boys are already grown up and can accept if they're in a relationship. But ZZ, is still fresh in mind, I tried not to get let this in (positive that is, he is a normal/straight guy). Is it really shi hui though, I was checking her accs and found nothing, surprised that she had many accs lol til I saw her post with blue icon love she posted 4 days ago? Hmm. It's amusing though how they (whoever involved with this) trying to ruin the day, that must be the reason, choosing JY's bday date. ZZ was non-stop online the whole night earlier (sure, probably he's worried) and good enough he was online after JY done livestreaming (if im not mistaken bcs i missed it OTL). All and all, whether it's true or not, I hope ZZ talked about 'it' earlier with JY (as close friends, why not? because if one get troubled, it would cause chaos, it's not seen but in the heart of 3m fans? the least these two could do is to prepare mentally when this happen/ed). I d k why I can feel that JY is the heart-broken one. I really want to hug him so tightly. YuZhou :heart:

Add: so, is this kitty going to disappear again? Hope not, because what is self-relfect for. If it's false, he should dare. I'll miss him if he MIA again!

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Guest skeletonworks


:heart: HUANG JINGYU :heart:


May your wishes come true. May you be happy and healthy always!

Had a hard time drawing this because of all the commotion and Jingyu's fanmeeting happening lol. So it's posted late here.

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Wow! What a wonderful spread to wake up to!  Thanks so much to all of you for sharing photos, gifs, news, and a play by play of the birthday celebration!  JY's semi-nakedness almost caused me to have a heart attack! How can a human being be so perfect?! lol

And special thanks to @bearology for compiling the boys' timelines and summaries of their activities.  If you think about it. ..the achievements of both JY and ZZ are amazing!  In just ONE YEAR! I'm not sure of there's anyone else in the entertainment business that can do so much in one year - from virtually unknowns. Call it fate or destiny, but no one can discredit all their hard work.

And about the rumors....I personally think that it's a set-up....maybe by ZZ's management team.  I'm sure that they want to distance ZZ somewhat from Addicted and want him to branch out to mainstream.  And honestly Yuzhou are not helping matters, with their obvious candies the past few weeks.  As a new CPF, it was SO obvious to me of their affection since the time they both cut their hair for the one year anniversary.  Goro necklace?  Check. Wardrobe of love? Lots of checks. The 26 showings? Check. And to top it off,  JY is so dang HAPPY during the Korea fanmeet, which feeds into the suspicion that ZZ was there with him.  THEN, ZZ posted the picture in the same hotel? Gosh, they might as well shout it to the world that they're in a relationship!  I can totally imagine what their management team talked about the past few days (my delulu so in spoiler)...


Mgmt: Gosh JY and ZZ...can you make it LESS obvious? Tone it down a bit? We're trying to establish your careers, so please don't fight us. 

JY: It's not that obvious (smirks)

After pictures of hotel rooms and MUCH fan anaylses and speculation. ...

Mgmt: that's it!  We need a beard for ZZ!

ZZ: Fine! (But I won't fully cooperate...)

During "gf sighting".....

ZZ: (let me look at the camera and act stiff. ...oh...let me push her too...act like she's my bro...I'm sure the CP fans can figure it out!  mu ahahaha!)

Meanwhile at JY's fanmeet...

JY: (26! 26! 26!)


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@marurina very good, some people's mind are still sharp.  I agreed with some of your points.  This will benefit both ZZ and JY in the long term.  The BL tag is a double edge sword, in particularly 'Addicted' since it is banned, it brought them fame, but it also hinder their development.  A PR stunt is one which can mitigate this bottleneck.  

Through heavy rain and wind, those that leave will leave, those that stay will stay.  If you come back a little latter, it does not matter.  

I think the following image @bearology posted is very fitting for this situation.  

57 minutes ago, bearology said:


Google translate: You always call me Big Fool, in fact you are Little Fool...



A lot of people have said that JY have done a lot to protect ZZ in the past (such as taking the blame for 4.17), but I think this time around, ZZ's taking the initiative to being the protector.  In fact, I think the both of them sacrifice a lot for each other and their career when they decided to take this path to stardom.  Not an easy road, but one day will shine the brightest!

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Guest skeletonworks


At first I thought it was a pokeball cake.. It's actually an ironman cake. I just noticed the figurine on top of the cake. LOLOLOL.


Cr. hi_angel1130



I really don't know what he's blowing cuz it seems there's no candle on the cake..


May all your wishes come true Whale!



Cook for me too la!



So damn adorable!!!!!!




The crab dishes that fans got to take away (jelly mode)




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I hope our kitty zhou2x throws a candy bomb! anytime soon...to dispell that nasty video! I don't believe it! but it would be nice to have something and tell these chaos makers....I told you, it ain't true! I ain't buying it! hahaha

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Man, I should be studying for finals, but these videos keep me calling me back!  lol. Just watched JY dance.  Sorry to say,  but I laughed my richard simmons off! LOLOLOLOL. Especially the part when he thought the dance ended and picked up the mic. JY is just sooooo cute! LOL

EDIT: Sorry..I guess I used a cuss word. But what if someone wanted to discuss a donkey? They'll be forced to talk about Richard Simmons? Lol

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Few thoughts.

1. ZZ likes to maintain his privacy.

Remember in his interviews that ZZ dislikes paparazzi and even requests media or obsessed fans to respect his privacy?

So the normal reaction of a paparazzi hater is to move away from these sources and not to be proudly staring at the cameras like he knew the exact place of that person. It's a fight or flight response and I won't be convinced that a star wakes up one day and suddenly that he/she likes paparazzi. The car is wide open, windows not tinted and the area is well lit and even if he wants to show this so called "romance", he'll be startled and he will still move away or should have closed the door with respect to what they "may" have but then it didn't happen.

Again, no star suddenly forgets that he/she is a star and no one likes paparazzi or secret footages either you're in a relationship or not especially in PUBLIC.

2. Li Hao on ZZ's privacy

I remember how good Li Hao wards everyone off both media and fans when it talks about ZZ's privacy, upcoming projects, even ZZ getting sick and knowing Li Hao who handles and surely watches out for ZZ , ZZ's actions are monitored. Yes, ZZ is in on the right age and can freely decide for himself but knowing his relationship with his manager founded with trust, Li Hao won't let ZZ compromise to do such thing unless this action  has Li Hao's go signal.

3. Most Chinese superstars like to maintain privacy especially relationship and dislike public affection, and even though social media is rapidly growing, they still value privacy since the internet is a wide playground of information and of course, rumors & malice.

So I say the interaction and so called hugs are staged.

4. ZZ and JY has a wide array of cp fan base than only fans.

ZZ and JY are not blind and are fully aware of their fans especially the pioneer YZ fans that they've set up. For months, they have recognized the growing numbers of fans but also considering other types of fans no matter what. What I want to say is, it's a common sense just like in business that It's foolish to sacrifice a huge number of people/fan base in just a snap and ZZ and his management won't afford to a severe loss.

But to start anew, there should be an intense reason or sudden priority or a grave sacrifice that they may need to resort and I consider everyone's point of view that this could be an attempt to leap to the mainstream or an aggressive stunt to break free.

5. The issue was set on JY's birthday.

It's really rude and naive for this issue to be set on JY's birthday knowing that these 2 are really tied up with each other since of course they were known as a pair. In the eyes of media, when it talks about HJY at the back of everyone's mind there is XWZ vice versa, that even the media reporters who were used to interview both of them in the past had some situations to have almost slipped their tongue to talk about the other while doing an interviewing with them individually at present. Therefore, since they are very well known in the public and all types of media,  this issue about ZZ was planned and timed perfectly to show as an "attack" to the famous cp and to shrug off his BL image which later can be brought by media.


In conclusion, I say we are witnessing something that is beyond our control and this action by ZZ surely made everyone worried. Sacrifices are explainable but the truth and the real intention are left indescribable in the heart of that person. Besides, I'm sure this grave sacrifice that we're seeing went to a critical decision for a way to keep everything moving. The road to success is indeed not smooth that you have to sail a thousand seas, walk a fiery path or climb the highest mountains but in the end, you'll realize the results are promising and that all the pain and suffering you've endured were actually worth it.

cpfs stay strong! JY and ZZ Jiayou to the road to stardom!!!

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