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[Drama 2016] My Son in Law's Woman 내 사위의 여자 M-F 8:28am KST

Ldy Gmerm

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They may think their problems are over  but they don't know what's waiting for them.

Looks like next week grandma with meet face to face with JS. Oh no... And can't imagine what JY will do to harm them. 


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Well we can again see where JY gets his crazy from.. smh.. both he and his mother are delusional and nuts. 

PHT and his family better get ready for what they are about to do next. Neither of them are sane or rational and will try to hurt him, that company, his family and HT and his little family before it is all said and done. Any secrets he has JY is going to expose. Any crimes will come out. JY's mother will do the same for JS and her little family. 

Video for Episode 49:



SMH at her still protesting this marriage perhaps.. (oh well she reaps what she sows..)

This woman like her son thought that just because PSK came home that they would still force her to marry a man she did not want or love. And when they told her the bad news she cuts up showing them exactly what and who she is. (A Thug) they are very surprised by this behavior but then they have not seen anything yet. They will learn this woman was never truly a friend and she is not rational either.

So because the wedding is off she goes to call out JS and tell her she will make sure the wedding does not happen and throws water in her face being nasty. JS get ready this woman will make sure your past comes out. (Such a rude bully. Just wait until later when JS finds out PSK is her daughter and she remembers how you treated her kid you nasty woman!)

HT is over for a visit and PSK's Halmoni dares to say when they marry they will live there. What is wrong with her just because he has no family (that they know of yet.. I can't wait for him to turn out to be the child PHT has been seeking) does not mean he would want to live with them. We have a problem as I am sure he would want to continue living with JS. (but again perhaps living there will allow him to see the same picture he has and question why PHT has it. 

Now these two start the plotting to get back at those they feel did them wrong. 


The snakes are rallying. PHT is so foolish to continue to think JY still likes him. JY is smiling at him like a shark. PSK's Halmoni and her mother comes to JS's house. Will they truly meet and if so then what.. PSK and HT will still run off to marry if they do and everyone starts the protest all over again. 

Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube. 

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lolol JY going  mad  with  crazy  eyes  and his  mother is  mafia. no need to  show  respect to  anyone. throwing things ,splashing  water in  JS  face,mistreating PSK  and still expect  her to  marry  her  crazy eyes  son.lolol

JS acting so sour  cause  HT  wants  to  marry.. the guy is  still  young   ,what does  she  want? if  it  was  her  bio  son she  will not  want   such a  young  person  to  grieve his deceased   wife for the  rest of   his life. have  to back and check out  HT  love for  his  wife  at  that  time, I   feel like  the  love  for  her was   not anything  close to the  love  he feels  for  PSK.  hmm feels like  youth  or  young  love  for  his  wife. and a mature  love  for PSK.


 when   my  sil exhusband  got  remarried.  My  ex mil,my ex husband and  my  sons, my bil and    his  wife and  children all  went to the  wedding.  god the  anger  my  sil  had , i understand  her   anger  that  my MIL  went.  but  hey  we  all  really  love  him. she can't  decide who we  like or  not.  and  they  still visit     him and his  new  wife  for  birthdays and  such  christmas  presents  every year    cause  he   got  2  girls  with  his   new  wife.., new  wife    also   visited  my  mil.lolol sil  goes  crazy.i tried  telling  my  mil  don't  invite  them to  eat and such.   your  daughter don't  like it.. mil  said, its  none of her  business, she  does  not live  in my  house... now  my  sil son  is getting married and everyone is invited lolol.  and  my sil is   refusing to go to the  wedding. so,  her  son  will have  his  stepmother  with  him  whom he  calls  mother.(he  moved inn with  his  stepmother/father   since he was  10 . they was  not married  as  yet  but living  together.)...  god the  drama   this  august  will  bring.. i  will go into  hiding.lolol

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51 minutes ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

HT is over for a visit and PSK's Halmoni dares to say when they marry they will live there. What is wrong with her just because he has no family (that they know of yet.. I can't wait for him to turn out to be the child PHT has been seeking

Im not sure but I think I vaguely remember PSK dad has the same picture as HT when he was little and PSK dad was looking at it in his study.......

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11 minutes ago, anbud said:

JS acting so sour  cause  HT  wants  to  marry.

Yeah she getting on my nerves im like lady give it a rest already......every time PSK is brought up or marrying her, HT MIL starts to put emphasis on her daughter like he is cheating or that he never loved her daughter.....like he is supposed to be head over heels for her dead daughter and should not have a life outside of her home.. using her daughter as an excuse to guilt HT to have his world revolve around his MIL...she knows to that if he remarries he is suppose to move on from her and be with his new wife and inlaws and take his son with him (remember the sister n law has already discussed the very same thing.) Thats why the MIL never wanted to introduce HT to any blind dates. If HT MIL was smart she would have been nice to PSK just in case they would be allowed to be together PSK would possibly want to live with her when they married....but no her selfishness to keep HT and trying to drive her out and hoping they would brake up....her never believing in a million years those people would ever approve of HT or give permission for them to marry.

Im fine with HT MIL missing her step daughter cause she loved her like a daughter but her trying to guilt HT into only loving her dead daughter and trying to make him out to be a bad guy because he fell in love with another woman and to feel guilty....she be sitting around pining over her daughter pictures like HT is deserting his wife who is no longer alive. she think he suppose be out during all his free time giving out flyers...please her own sister not even doing that.

Im like lady you have a birth daughter why you not sitting around pining over her.....yet you are keeping it a secret you even had a daughter from everybody......you sat up and waited over 20yrs to hire a private investigator (her friend is the one who had to encourage her to do that) to look for her why you wasnt desperately looking for your birth daughter....like you doing for the hit and run driver (once you find the culprit, it still wont bring the daughter back) putting out flyers, putting ads in the paper hiring private investigators, on the internet, using the blogger.....

for one she want to keep it a secret she has a daughter(she dont want to tarnish her image).....if she wasnt trying so hard to keep it a secret she probally would have found her daughter because people could have helped her to find her. And second she too busy using her deceased step daughter to keep control and guilt HT to staying with her..

I wouldnt be surprised once HT & PSK finds out she had a bio daughter and kept it hid...they will believe she deserted her daughter....because she kept it a secret.....how could she have been searching for her bio daughter....when she was to ashamed to tell anyone...but yet she could sit around and pine over a step child with no blood relation to her and let the world know about her step children( and a son n law she consider like a son so she can have the excuse to keep him with her and no other life).....I believe it is going to take a miracle and a lot of episodes for PSK &HT to forgive her or want anything to do with her not only because she treated HT badly, but because PSK is really going to believe the woman abandoned her.(and because HT loves PSK he is not going to have anything to do with his MIL that will hurt PSK).

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Oh man god, 120 episodes are just too Long - What I wonder is, why do they always have their telephone next to them, even in the bedroom, always answering all calls, even its from someone they  should not talk to or meet .

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@Brenda Capers ,I remembered  an  episode  where PSK  was  in  JS  room, and there  was a  box on the  floor  with  baby  clothes  that  JS   was  looking  at  ,but  left the  room  for something... PSK  was  holding   the   white baby   thingy   against  her  chest,smiling  and  saying  aww  so  cute.and  bang  JS walked  inn  and  took it  roughly  from  her,maybe  told PSK  not to touch  her  things.  then  JS packed  it  back in the  box and  put it  away..  

I  thought  omg  was  that  PSK baby clothes?  oh   gosh   when   the  truth  comes  out  PSK is  her  daughter  ,JS  will be  crying  blood.

iirc JS was looking  for    her  daughter  and  talked   to  PSK  grandmother. she was  told  her  daughter  was  getting  married.after  that  other  things   was  happening  and  I never  saw  her  search  for  her  daughter again... but  JS  had  lots  of  great  opportunities to   find  her   daughter, she  was on  television  and  had a  radio  talk show.  but  JS seems  to  want to  find   her  daughter in  secret  so the  public  does    not  know.. so, shame on  her  for   saying   how  much  she   miss  her  bio  daughter  but yet  refuse  to   give up anything to  find  her..

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 ah   lolol  grandmother /PSK/ stepmother  came   to  JS  home.  for  me  I  found  it  so   funny. here  are  grandmother and her  son   change their  names   and  moved   so  JS  can  never  find  them, these  2 kept  PSK hidden  from  JS  for 30 years   ,and  now  all  3  standing in  front of  JS  home,and rang the   doorbell and  JS open the   door  and  saw  them,JS with a  shock  face looking at  her  wicked MIL right in her  shock   face .  then  with  PSK  calling  out  to her  grandmother  as  she is   about to  faint  and  crumble to the   asphalt, lolol when  JS heard  PSK  saying  grandmother  lolol  she   turns and look  at  PSK,with  PSK looking  up  at  her .lolol   shock all around.

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Video for Episode 50:



Halmoni tells HT and PSK and the rest of the family that HT and his son should live with them after the wedding. HT and her family are surprised at that suggestion and HT not happy perhaps. 

Step mom meeting JS to prolly tell her what is going on..They are both discussing Hoon with no consideration to what his father would want. It is not their place to determine that Hoon can stay with JS if she wants to raise him without talking to HT. Why the hell would this man want to leave his son?! (wonder what this woman will say when she finds out JS is PSK's bio mother.) 

This idiot goes back to tell her mother in law what JS said about raising Hoon. Halmoni has it right this time. She tells this stupid woman that JS is prolly using Hoon to mess up the wedding and stop them from marrying. Step mom has to stop and think. (At least granny got it right this time.) 

Now we have a snag. HT still wants to live with JS. HT and PSK go to tell her people that she will be moving in with him after the wedding. HT tells them he will never abandon his child. 

PHT thinks that JY has let this go and needed time to adjust to not being able to marry PSK .And he thinks because he promoted him that JY has let this go because he has not said much. He keeps thinking this guy is rational when JY is plotting behind his back to make him pay while smiling in his face. 

Well Halmoni says they can not leave this decision up to the kids about HT , PSK and Hoon living with JS. Step mom asks if they should see JS again and Halmoni says she will go with her. (Yes, Please do go with her to see his former MIL. ) They call JS to let her know they will be stopping by to talk to her. Step mom tells PSK that they will be making a visit to JS as well which shocks her.

PSK decides to show up at this meeting as well and meets her Halmoni and step mother outside of JS's house. (LMAO PSK is so shameless , she shows up saying she wants to be there as the elders look at her.) 

JS is making sure things look nice and the bell rings and she gets up to go answer it. She comes out to the gate to great them and she gets a look at Halmoni and Halmoni her and step mom says JS is HT's mother in law and Halmoni is struck mute by the shock as JS stands there stunned. Halmoni finally passes out and PSK catches her looking up at JS and JS looks down at Halmoni. (Well you old witch you tried to keep this girl form her mother and she ends up with her in some way anyway. ) Now what?!


Halmoni yells to let's go with PSK looking back not understanding maybe. JS falls to the floor saying PSK is her daughter. PHT rushes home after hearing who HT's mother in law is. JS is in her room looking at PSK's baby clothing with someone in the background saying she calls herself a mother (was that step mom?) PHT goes to his study to sit down stunned. HT and PSK look sad about whatever is going on now to stop them. PSK sees her step mother and Halmoni out after they storm out of JS's. PSK calls JS on the phone and JS says something to her. 

Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

Well this cat is partially out of the bag. The Elders will again protest and HT and PSK will be left with no choice but to do things on their own. 

*Note: Daylight savings is upon us in the states.. so this drama that has been broadcasting at 6:28 pm eastern should now be on at 7:28 pm eastern (6:28 pm central, 5:28 pm mtn, 4:28 pm pacific) since we have lost an hour.

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While JY mom was meeting with the board member he told her Kim Min Soo had 20% of stock in PSK daddy company....I believe that is HT's daddy name and the CEO friend whose son he is searching for,  HT last name is Kim also. I guess this is where HT will come in and help save the company from being taken by JY and his mom with that 20% stock.

HT mother n law was playing her little game saying she would keep Hoon and raise him like she has the right to do so without HT approval but like the friend and grandmother said she was trying to keep them from getting married because she know JY mom threatened to tell her secret and put her on blast so people will know she is a fraud if she allows HT & PSK to marry....I think she was also trying to make HT continue living with her too. But then again I couldnt tell by the look on her face if she was happy or not when they said they would live there.

Now with the new revelation I dont know whats going to happen im sure that PSK grandma and daddy are going to call off the wedding and not say the real reason why...and I bet HT MIL is not going to tell PSK the truth either.....imagine when PSK finally do find out the truth she is going to be angry she wasnt told the truth in the beginning. HT MIL might even try to act like HT isnt good enough for her daughter PSK because once she has her daughter she wont need HT she might even try to put him out without Hoon......I wouldnt be surprised because I find her conniving and I just dont like her I cant forget how she treated HT in the beginning and how she tries to manipulate him now...because he is such a kind good natured person.

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SK family objects to her romance with HT. Wait till they learn SooChul likes YoungShim...

I don't think JS is a bad mother or person, she's just a bit selfish but isn't everyone. Yourself your family comes first?  I don't think she's a fake.  Her lectures may be a kind of emotional healing to her past, that she's not ready to reveal yet. 

Someone said young love and mature love. What's the difference? 

Poor HT, why is so hard for him to have the women he loves? His life so far has been difficult hope that good things coming for him soon.

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Video for Episode 51:



Well JS now knows that PSK is possibly her daughter. PHT's mother passes out at seeing JS and she is taken into the house to rest only to get up and rudely tell her new DIL and PSK to lets go. They are both confused as to why she is acting this way. She storms out the room giving JS a nasty look not even saying thank you to the woman. (isn't that always the case though the person has done wrong but continues to be rude to the person they did a wrong to?) PSK and her stepmother go out after the nasty old woman not sure what is going on and why she is acting that way. JS collapses on the floor and says is PSK my daughter and then she starts having her flash backs to the things she said and did to PSK (well we knew this would happen.) 

Outside Halmoni is still rude and nasty and yells for them to lets go. Step mom gets in the car and they pull off leaving PSK very concerned and confused about what just happened. 

Halmoni goes home to call PHT to tell him that JS is HT's mother in law he of course is just as shocked.

PSK has gone back to work and told HT about what happen and both of them can't figure out what went wrong and why her grandmother reacted that way. Both look very worried about what this could mean.

PHT races home to hear that yes, JS is HT's mother in law. (With all the nasty things these people have said and did you would think they would learn by now.) Yes, fate is making a play after the way PHT believed his mother and her lies on JS abandoning the child and for keeping her from her daughter. 

Meanwhile the shock has been too much for JS and she has taken to her bed. She continues to go over the way she treated PSK and is very upset. (This is exactly why she should not have mistreated that girl.) 

Younger Bro is still hanging out at HT's sister in laws shop cutting up raddish. He guts his finger and SIL gets a bandage out for him and we see he is moved as he glances at her lips.. (SMH at this romance blooming.I wonder if she will like him too or will it be one sided?) He gets nervous and backs away and she says she has to go perhaps to look after her mom. 

SIL goes home to check on her mother and we see JS may be running a fever and is out of it. HT is home by now and tells SIL about PSK's Halmoni coming over and things did not go well and they can't figure out what happen either perhaps. 

JY is shown meeting board members to get their vote as well to take over. 

We see a scene where the Coaches daughter that likes HT is in his office to asks him perhaps about HT and PSK and not stopping it.. (Both of these fools will end up with nothing I hope.) 

JY's mom is listening in as the friend with the mouth talks on the phone. 

There is a brief moment of HT's friend from work getting a call about he woman next down ( who was friends with JY's father) not feeling well. He goes next door to check on her and finds her sick.  He takes pity and gets her some porridge and sides and she looks up at him a bit touched. (are we sure she is not the woman that JY met at the bar that time?) 

Family meeting time Halmoni says she can't marry HT now and PSK is not taking it well. Even her father jumps in on that bandwagon and PSK is not happy. Her step mother tries to say something and they shut her down and PSK not believing this leaves the room. 

Later we see her go into her father's study to talk to him about this again but he is adamant. (They should have just said yes and then said they have to either live with them or apart from his MIL.) This is not going to stop PSK and HT for long. 

Meanwhile,Mouth all mighty friend has come to visit JS and this idiot tells her that she found her daughter and that it is PSK and that she was beside her the whole time. (OMG!! Now we know how JY's mom will find and the preview confirms it.) JS is very upset to realize her daughter has been that close to her and she disagreed and mistreated her.. Wait for it... we have a moment of chest thumping over it.. 

Halmoni can not leave well enough alone. She sneaks into her daughter in laws room and gets her phone and gets JSs number out of it to call her. 

Nasty old woman has called JS out to run her mouth and be nasty to her prolly telling her to stay away from PSK and that HT and the girl can not marry. Also She adds insult to injury and goes again talking about JS who tries to talk back but the woman says something else. (Well JS its time to fight back.) From the look on JS face this old woman made a big mistake this time. (As I said they should have just let the marriage happen and kept their mouths closed and this old woman should not have gone to be nasty to JS once again after what she has done to her. (I look forward to this old woman on her knees when it is found out PHT killed this woman's step daughter when she was pregnant with HT's son. )  She will want to beg her then knowing that JS will have the upper hand and be very scared she will send PHT to jail for that crime.) 

HT and PSK are at work together and are both looking down. PSK prolly cause her family is again protesting the relationship and HT may be concerned as well. 

Little bro is being harassed and bullied by glasses guy (Does he know he is the presidents son? If not I can't wait until he does. Better yet I just can't wait until that guy gets it.) 

As they are walking out later PSK gets a call from JS who is still at the restaurant where she met that awful old woman and JS says something to her.  PSK and HT seem surprise as they stand in the hallway. PSK agrees perhaps to meet her. 

( I really think JS needs to tell her the truth of who she is and what her Halmoni did before she hears JS is her mother from someone else and hears the lies again her Halmoni has told.) But I wonder if she will push the marriage now? It is one way to stop her family as they will have nothing to do once she marries HT.


PSK and HT come home and find JS has cooked a big meal being so nice to PSK and they both looked shocked. PSK is happy to eat with them and JS is happy to have her daughter there to cook for saying something in the background. JS is outside and gets a call from someone.Well mouth all mighty has done it again and JY's mother hears that JS has found her daughter and who it is perhaps and goes to JS house (why did JS let her end after the way she has treated her.). JY's mom acts nice and sneaks and steals DNA by tooth brush to test PSK and JS to verify it. (This is why I said JS needs to tell PSK the truth because this woman is planning to do it to hurt everyone involved without knowing the facts. ) JS meets with PSK after her meeting with nasty granny at a cafe. JS takes HT's hand and thanks him. JS and PSK meet and are looking at one another. 


Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube. 

JY and his mom are going to cause so many issues with their selfish revenge. I keep wondering why JY's mom dislikes JS so much and I keep coming back to a form of jealousy and perhaps JS never took any mess from this bully of a woman around the neighborhood. I also wonder how no one knows that man is JY's father? 

Let's see what JS does now. From the preview she is being nice to PSK is she going to help them marry now so she can have her daughter close since those people are now being nasty again and trying to keep her from her child. I keep think that may happen. It would serve PHT and his awful mother if JS now advocates and tells them to marry.

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2 hours ago, TRAN said:

SK family objects to her romance with HT. Wait till they learn SooChul likes YoungShim...

I don't think JS is a bad mother or person, she's just a bit selfish but isn't everyone. Yourself your family comes first?  I don't think she's a fake.  Her lectures may be a kind of emotional healing to her past, that she's not ready to reveal yet. 

Someone said young love and mature love. What's the difference? 

Poor HT, why is so hard for him to have the women he loves? His life so far has been difficult hope that good things coming for him soon.

 I  mention  young love vs mature love


IMO young love  is  freedom. going to  school.  doing  homework and meeting   up   together  with  friends  and  enjoy  the  company of  the one  you   in love  with.  no  bills  to  pay , no rent ,parents  buying  all that  you  need  and  so on. mind  you there  are some  adults  (30,40,50 ) and  so on   ages  who  also  live  like  young  love and  depend on  others  to  carry  them  through  life..

mature  love is maybe  one   learn  from  when they  mess  up  or  follow  the  way  their  parents  planed their  lives. that  is  get  an  education  ,a  job,  maybe  buy a  home,before  thinking  about  having  children. or  causing the  male/female  you   want to  spend the rest of  your life  with   ,pain and  suffering.

 In  HT and  his  wife  case, before they  got  married,  she was    I  think   going to  become a  lawyer  , while HT  was  boxing  for a  living  and had   some  part time  jobs, but  still he  had  no  place of  his  own, HT  slept  at the  gym.

HT  asking  her  mother  to marry her ,I  was  like  no way   where  will they  live   ,he does not  make enough  money  to rent  a  place,buy  food, and take  her to  her  pregancy  checkups. the  scholarship thingy  fell through.. now if  his   MIL did  not   help  them  ,what  will they  do  .. so ,HT/GF at   the  time  was  having a  good  fun  time with   no  worries, till   she  got  pregnant. there  was  no plans for  a  baby  in their  lives  as  yet.. but  HT  had  to  learn      how  to  take  care  of  his  wife  and  child.HT  wife  died  before he had a  chance  to  give  her  what he wanted.


  HT mature in the  years  by  his  wife  dying and  his  baby  needed  him. he  got  himself a  steady  job  and is  a great   father  to  his  son  and a  wonderful and  respected  SIL  for  his  MIl   and  other  people   who know  him.. 

HT  was  rejected  by both  families  for the  same  reason, JS  though  HT  was  beneath  her  family, he was   an  orphan that  boxes  for  a living., but  HT did  say his  parents  gave  him  up  cause they  could  not take  care  of  him, he never  said  they   died..

In PSK  family,  HT  was  beneath  them  and this  time he  also is a  widow and a  father .   




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Video for Episode 52:



JS meets with PSK and asks her if she ever thinks about her mother and PSK says only one woman raised her is her mother hurting JS. .But then this is her fault. She should have told her she knew her mother and she did not abandoned her but because she does not tell her she is her mother or that she knows her and her side of the story PSK will find out the wrong way and be angry. 

JS thanks HT who seems confused why she is saying this.. 

JS cooks up a feast for PSK and HT and they are surprised to see it . PSK enjoys the meal. Both should have been bothered by the about face. 

JS goes to meet PHT who still treats her wrong.. (I can't wait for this man to find out his mother lied to him.) 

JS's friend runs her mouth again and allows JY's mother to figure out that PSK could be JS's daughter and that she was once married to PHT. The woman decides to go find out the truth. 

JY's mother shows up at the house (Why did JS let her in?) and acts nice.. (RED FLAG HERE) and asks her if she thinks about the daughter she loss and then when JS Is not thinking goes to the bathroom to steal a tooth brush to get DNA to prove if PSK is JS's kid. (JUST wait this woman will use this to tell the step mom and out JS's past.) 


HT seems worn out or JY is messing with him again. JY's mother meets PSK (Now why would PSK meet her.)and sneaky takes some of her hair saying she saw something in it to get DNA.) JY is messing with or talking to someone (prolly HT maybe). PSK's halmoni is prolly again meeting JS and is running her mouth and JS picks up her glass of water (throw it.) the woman says something else about PSK and JS is shocked. SJ is out walking debating. HT and PSK share a smile. JY's mom has got the dna results fast and looks at them in the car and is shocked that they prove true. JS debates and calls step mom. JY calls out JS and puts down the DNA test on PSK and JS. (SHe had no right to do that.. hateful woman.) She has surprised JS.. 



Video credit DramaSBS channel on YouTube. 

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Video from Episode 53:



JY's mom steals JS's toothbrush from the house then meets with PSK to steal her hair to test. 

JY is at it again trying to mess with HT. Now they have to have a trail or test for a product that JY is trying to make HT look bad. 

STep mom and JS meet. 

JS again tries to reach out to that hateful old woman. You would think by now she would learn her lesson.

JY's mom calls out JS to talk about knowing PSK is her kid and to make it seem like she did something wrong. JS has enough of her and throws water in her face taking the DNA results with her. (THis is why JS should have told PSK and her step mom herself) this woman is mad it did not work and yells out fine and she will do something. 

Step mom is home and JY's mom calls her to meet up with her. 


JY's mom  meets with Step mom and tells her that JS is PSK's bio mom and may have made it seem she knew all along. She leaves the room and looks back smirking as Step mom up set looking at the DNA test.  Step mom goes to JS's house and is nasty to her accusing her asking what type of mom is she to do what she did (so misguided) and JS is devastated by her words. STep mom goes home to raise heck at PHT and his mother for not telling her who JS really was. STep mom has taken to her bed and PSK is checking on her. JS and PSK share a moment hugging one another. 

Video credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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Oh well, almost all the adult in this drama knows that BB/PSK is the same person except of course for PSK, not really sure what writer nim will do to resolve it.  For sure  PSK/HT will ended up being married if the synopsis of the drama is true, we know that PSK said that she only considers her Stepmom as her real Mother and she resent her bio Mom for abandoning her when she was young(of course one sided story from Mean Halmoni) only in K-drama that Grandma's are really strong(I mean physically):w00t:

A hot mess right now, I am sure that someone on this thread already made a comment about HT will ended up being the son of PTH friend.:crazy:. Anyway, just my thought.

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So we have another wedding. Didn't we have one last week? What's the hurry? No proposal no engagement, they just skip to the wedding :). How long they'd known each other, few months? I guess when you found the one what's the point in waiting huh :)

I see JY Mom at the wedding, I see troubles.

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