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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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16 minutes ago, Phuong Tam Nguyen said:

So @packmule3 's wedding parody makes me think again and again about certain scenes in ep 19 :D I guess it's another wedding parody.

I tried to search for the identity of the Chinese Empress' paintings on the walls (there are 2 of them) but I couldn't identify exactly who the 2 women in the paintings were. BUT I did some research on the clothes and the postures.


I guess one of them is Empress Wu Zetian (lying down + holding something, seen on the left wall). This woman is usually depicted with such a posture. The 1st frame is from ep 19.and the other one is Empress Dowager Cixi (with the eyes looking at one side). In all the Ancient Chinese portraits I've found, she was the only one having those eyes. The 1st frame is from ep 19.And she was wearing a red robe. As I know, Empress wore yellow robe more often than red one when they were in court. Red robes, on the other hand, would be worn on special events such as festivals, ceremonies or WEDDINGS.


Moving on to the scenes.

Possible wedding parody (Ep 19)


16 minutes ago, Phuong Tam Nguyen said:

Stage 1: The bride was worried before the ceremony. She was not ready to watch the groom.tage 2: Walking in.


Stage 3: Greetings the guests.


Stage 4: Wine serving. (the Empress was approving and watching this hahaha)

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Here another wedding ceremony takes place hahaha



These look similar to the actual procedures of the traditional wedding ceremony



Stage 5: The bride was waiting for the groom to go back.


Stage 6: The first night...

Of course these are only my personal opinions and parodies are just for fun :D Enjoy~~~ *Jung Bong's voice*


Awesome,Tam!!! I like that. Let's call this the Chinese Wedding parody. We had the western and Korean parodies now the Chinese one. 

I was wondering about that Dowager painting. But since I'm not Asian -- just a wannabe, lol -- I don't know how to explain that. Good one. Hugsss. 

What about food? Is there a particular food served during a wedding banquet that you can link to the food they had on the table? Like a 21 course meal? ;)


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haha glad to read a lil about the Tom Cruise T.C = C.T Choi Taek discussion here.

well been curious about the Tom Cruise since you guys keep talking about it since forever and all the can only be discussed in PM about Tom Cruise make me think is there even more CSI TOP SECRET MISSION about the name not just about the T&C only that can't be reveal to mere public like me XD

anyway enjoy reading all the fun analysis and learn new thing everyday even about Chinese empress and Korean surname complicated history XD

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19 minutes ago, Phuong Tam Nguyen said:

@moonkeeper's line convo has helped both of us connect the dots, so I have added in the BONUS in my post on this page ^^ Thanks so much @moonkeeper

:heart: @shooastrid and @packmule3 , thanks so much! Everybody his ship is brilliant and has been a great inspiration for me to find out more things.

Hahahahah ^__^ ...thanks to all of you guys coz I learned and still keep on learning ...

the photo is bugging me for quite sometime and I'm also searching any info related to that photo coz it might be connected in the last emperor movie, then suddenly @Phuong Tam Nguyen post the photo in line convo..and we finally connected the missing link..Thank you very much Tam.. ^___^


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23 minutes ago, packmule3 said:



Awesome,Tam!!! I like that. Let's call this the Chinese Wedding parody. We had the western and Korean parodies now the Chinese one. 

I was wondering about that Dowager painting. But since I'm not Asian -- just a wannabe, lol -- I don't know how to explain that. Good one. Hugsss. 

What about food? Is there a particular food served during a wedding banquet that you can link to the food they had on the table? Like a 21 course meal? ;)



Thanks @packmule3 for your suggestion. So I went back to the scene and I could only guess this. 



Indeed these dishes are very typical in Asian weddings because they have their own meanings (http://thenoshingbride.com/wedding-post-3-east-asian-wedding-food-101-dishes-and-their-meanings/) The only thing I'm very sure about is TK's crab soup. In my country, crab soup was always the first thing served in every single wedding party I attended hahaha.

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Just now, Phuong Tam Nguyen said:


Thanks @packmule3 for your suggestion. So I went back to the scene and I could only guess this. 


Indeed these dishes are very typical in Asian weddings because they have their own meanings (http://thenoshingbride.com/wedding-post-3-east-asian-wedding-food-101-dishes-and-their-meanings/) The only thing I'm very sure about is TK's crab soup. In my country, crab soup was always the first thing served in every single wedding party I attended hahaha.


Gotcha!!!! Doing my happy dance!!!  Thank you!

#director #nicetry #wesawthat #lol

We work well as team, girlfriend.  <wink>

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There is something I noticed when Sung Dong II  said for the first time  that Taek is his son in law he winked and smiled as if it was a code between the two of them later in ep 20 when the adult gang asked Taek is the rumors were true ...Doksun's dad didn't seem to be upset like his wife ...he even did the same "pose" to Taek ...he smiled and winked again before going home he even mumbled these words "Jerk/bastard" something along these lines ><

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4 hours ago, shooastrid said:


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As a side note, I played this game too in junior high, lol. Super fun, I remember doing it with Shane Westlife and got 75%. And now I live in his country, marrying an Irish, Lol. Is this twilight Zoneeeee???


Can u please teach me how to play this game ...I remember seeing my friends playing it in middle school x)

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I hope it's ok to post it here. 


I'm reposting this, PLS take your time to vote for PBG you can sign up using FB or Twitter account, it's easy. You need to vote for 10 celebs you think influenced your style. Hyeri and Lee Dong Hwi are also on the list. Please make sure to hit the button and vote for Park Bo Gum as one of the 10 and the rest are up to you but, in my opinion voting for less popular ones increase PBG chances to make it on the list. 1 VOTE A DAY and it will last until FEBRUARY 24, 2016.  Let's support Gummybear! Thank you! :D

Here is the link to the survey: http://sia.interest.me/survey

Here's the real time results http://sia.interest.me/survey/result PBG is at 2.55% as of now the highest is Gdragon with 5.11%

The results are not yet final we have until 02.24.16 so PLEASE KEEP ON VOTING. Thanks again. :)

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6 hours ago, shooastrid said:

I can't wait for the next rewatch ladiess!!! 

Also, I have question. This manga is shown upclose twice. I wonder if anyone could tell me the title and/or the story? I wonder if there is any significance?









I think many Korean fans have identified that. The title is "Acclaim" or "Applause" (Google translate LOL) but I find some articles on the contents of the series here. Unfortunately I couldnt find any English version and Google translate didnt make sense sometimes. So we need @kilaalaa, @chickfactor, @allegramente, @syaiira, @rynn_peace to help with the translation :) Thanks so much guys







:heart::heart::heart: for everybody ^^


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22 hours ago, Meliere said:

So ... that leaves only 14 days (i.e. 2 freakin' weeks) during which DS was going after JH full-speed. 


Ironically, or Intentionally(?), Duk Seon is over trying to look good in front of Jung Hwan by Ep 14.

13 hours ago, rynn_peace said:

DeokSun is a girl who used to say she is okay at home, at society (Olympic 88 interview), to her friends, to her blind date's partner, to her boyfriend... Other people will see her as lovely and mature girl. But DeokSun, who always forces herself to say that she is okay eventhough she is not, actually is a girl who has low self esteem and just pretends to be okay.

Augh. This girl T___T She breaks my heart everytime. This is the girl whom everyone in Ssangmun-dong perceived as "wild, tough, whiny, wails everyday, petty". Little did they know the amount she gave up for people's satisfaction and how much she had let them pick her as the "other" option.

I`m glad she has Taek, who sees through all the things and feelings she hides.

I`m glad she has Taek who can see what other people have failed to see in her.

11 hours ago, aoikarin said:

The way JH call DS: UGLY... Yikes really breaks my heart for DS. Why she keep receiving such abuse?


11 hours ago, packmule3 said:

"Yah! Why are you disgusting using your hands? So disgusting."

And @13infamyss, he didn't call her Dukseon here, either. Just a yah. 

He called her "Ugly" too in this episode when he told her not to eat Jung Bong's sausage. I`m heartbroken now seeing that Duk Seon actually turned her head when he called her "Ugly".  I`m sure this wasn’t the first time either that Jung Hwan had called her “Ugly” – now she responds to this name, perhaps, because she must have gotten used to it. Oh this girl, her low self esteem is rooted so deep.

See, the very first time I watched this (waaay before Taek stole my attention), I seriously thought their dynamic was cute. How they treated each other was so different than how they treat the rest. How they snapped at each other brought back good old middle/high school memories. I enjoyed watching them snapping at the each other. I thought what they had right there would be something special in the long run. But these petty little things should only look cute at the beginning. If they were really the end game, bickering at each other should be just one of the things that made up their relationship; it should never be used as a foundation of their relationship. We never got a background story, that despite their constant bickering, these two people understood each other  the best among all the 5 bestfriends. I had never felt that connection between them over time. (ie. Trash and Na Jung from Reply 1994 would constantly bicker but then he would call out to Na Jung if he needed something. Before he even asked what he wanted, Na Jung cut his question off and told him where to find it).

Anyways rewatching this episode, I had an idea……. Perhaps this bickering between them isn’t really a two-way bickering. I noticed that Jung Hwan would always start picking on her (most likely due to the fact that he liked her and wanted her attention), but there wasn’t a time Duk Seon ever started a fight with him. If anything Duk Seon, I think, because he was always picking on her, has become  really careful around Jung Hwan (I`ll perhaps revisit this thought once we're in Ep 3)

11 hours ago, cooleet said:

SW really likes BR. He knew who's the real owner of the jacket that DS is wearing. Taek was so jealous of DS and DR. He really is a messy drinker.


Y'know, in this scene, I just assumed that people, in that little community, knew each other so well to the point that they would even know who wore what. I was focused on finding cute things for both Sun Woo and Jung Hwan with Duk Seon that I overlooked at the fact that maybe Sun Woo knew that the jacket was her sister’s because he liked Bora.

What I had in mind, when I first watched this episode, was that Sun Woo knew that the jacket wasn’t Duk Seon's cause he knew Duk Seon so well and the clothes she owned. LOL. I was seriously shipping Duk Seon with all boys, it’s crazy. I was fine with any boys until SunTaek had slowly built a solid foundation as episodes went by.


Anyways this episode was so much fun especially revisiting the novel scenes (I want to read that Dangerous Roomates too!) and that birthday wedding scene. I wish we had picture galore at the end of the drama that showed SunTaek as babies till 2016 events with the family of their own. I would have loved to see the pic that Jung Hwan  took with Duk Seon and Taek in it on his 18th birthday!

Also it’s adorable that technically it’s only Jung Hwan and Taek who exchange birthday presents every year. LOL. I wonder if they share the money to buy the other kids their birthday presents.

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