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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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58 minutes ago, .crestfallen. said:

For those of you who are still worried and uncertain,
Please read @Meliere's AMAZING post on the MT about TK and JH's wonderful characterizations by the writer (with @packmule3's detailed analysis).

I've been visiting here since the beginning, read/lurked all 3 threads, considered different POVs, and stayed skeptical/neutral to save my own weak heart ^^. But after episodes 17 & 18, the answer is all too clear: TAEK IS ENDGAME, without a doubt, like it or not.

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Color theory, trolling clues, twists, etc.--they're good in the name of fun (and ratings), but unless the writer REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to throw 18 episodes of her storytelling, characterization, carefully planted symbols/dialogue/foreshadowing/etc. down the drain, there is no way it can be JH without ruining EVERYTHING she has worked so hard for. And that includes all of the work she's put into trolling us, too.

Because JH is billed as the lead, I watched the drama with that in mind. For any hint favoring TK, I thought of multiple other interpretations which could favor JH. However, as TK's character was steadily developed in the middle episodes, JH's came to a frustrating standstill. I had thought the writer was simply playing catch up to build two equal contenders for DS' heart. Even at the end of episode 16, you could say that they felt 'equal.' But the pendulum never swung back in JH's favor...

In fact, it swung in TK's favor as we were finally shown DS' own self-developed feelings. Episode 17 showed that without any action from either boy, DS has TK in her heart. Episode 18 confirmed that even with JH's raw and awfully heartfelt confession, DS is unmoved in liking TK. JH has cried bitter tears, owned up to his faults, and gracefully bowed out of the game...and here we see the writer's intention for JH all along: he was never meant to be developed as DS' final love.

Viewers everywhere felt frustrated watching JH and his lack of development--but his "lack of development" is a character development in itself. I believe he is the lead here not because he leads the love triangle but because he leads the show. This is a family-oriented drama about the growth of two people: JH and DS. Their families are highlighted in the official posters not because they will eventually be joined by marriage but because they shape and support the maturation of these two characters. JH (described as "dog-like" and not "human") and DS (with her insecurities and lack of self-awareness) start out as the most immature of the group, and thus have the most to gain in the course of its story. The early episodes focused on JH's growth through his interactions with everyone around him (and thus mislead viewers into thinking he was the lead --> would win the girl). Learning to swallow his pride and fears of vulnerability in order to express his feelings honestly was the final frontier in this process. For as long as he struggled over this, JH could not mature as a person in the same way his character could not be developed further within the story's framework. Because often growth is painful and comes by way of failure, JH cannot end up with DS if the writer is to make her point to the audience. If JH can be frustratingly silent, waste 5 years, and still win the love of his life, what was the point? Again, unless the writer and producers want to shoot themselves in the foot (AND THEY WON'T) after all of the production's efforts of casting the right actors, crafting detailed sets, and 18+ episodes of live filming on top of their own merit and integrity as artists, TAEK WILL BE THE HUSBAND.

Sorry to talk so much about JH but I think no one should have any reason to be gloomy here :) I respect the baduk etiquette we have so come to love, yet even more so, I respect the artistry of the writer. Reasonable doubt is understandable but at this point in the story, the husband hunt is pretty much a done deal. Everything is being wrapped up nicely; we're only waiting to put the bow on top ^_^. It's just a question of how, when, and where for TK-DS now.

Please don't let nervousness and uncertainty blind you from seeing the genius inherent in the writer's work. I would rather we be gloomy from empathizing with JH (and how unfortunately relatable is his character to our real lives? the pains of regret... *sigh*) than from the fear of Taektanic sinking at the last minute by a completely illogical twist of narrative. :)

Edit: Ooh, a preview. *goes off to watch* Still, it changes nothing ^^

OMG your analysis is so beautiful. For the longest time I wondered why they showed us the trailer of the gang running with JH and DS looking like they were the leads. You explained it so beautifully that this drama is about the growth of JH and DS. *tears* 

BTW welcome to the Taektanic Taektanium ship!

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@allegramente i bow down to this incredible theory lol how fascinating!! There is definitely a pattern here even the phrases are reused in this drama... Either as a foreshadowing or just they like the sound of it? lol

Bora says SW really knows how to make someone bothered... And DS says that to Taekie too. When she had to deliver food to him...

DS told her friends Taek doesn't talk much and is frustrating to death, recently SW repeated the same phrase describing his dates lol

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They are going to keep us hanging till the end aren't they haha? 

Having rewatched the preview, I can only say I'm hopeful. If we had gotten more 'happy' taeksun moments, I'd probably actually be more worried.

junghwan's chuckle-smile when taek tells him about the wallet says so much. That is not someone who is a rival, that is someone who is a good friend and who wants the best for his friend. 

And the way taek and deoksun look at each other and just smile involuntarily also just says everything. Their feelings are too strong to be hidden anymore. I think deoksun is going to confess, to put herself out there and like someone, pursue someone, first. Not because of others, but because of her own heart. 

The two of them - and every single one of us - are probably going to be in tears by the end of that hotel scene and hopefully it'll be purely happy tears :) and for our faith, maybe we'll be rewarded with a kiss or two (or three or.....) :phew:

Edited by taeksun
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So much invested with this drama! Keep refreshing this thread to read some insightful theory. I just want this to end and move on with my life hahaha. I have a test next week and I'm here instead of studying lols. But, at the same time, I will be sad when this end, it will surely leave a gap and I will have a major K-DRAMA HANGOVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE. I will miss this great drama! I'll probably keep watching this and rewatch, rewatch, rewatch, rewatch the whole episodes until I can't no more. Hahaha.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staffs, PD-nim, Writer-nim and to the whole cast who did their best and made REPLY 1988 possible. I will never forget this drama THE BEST IN ALL REPLY SERIES for me, made me laugh, made me cry everything! words r not enough to describe how grateful I am. To all my shipmates here I just want to say YOU ARE ALL WONDERFUL! and THANK YOU GUYS for not giving up and giving us reassurance and support like a family and being positive until the end. HOP ABOARD! HERE WE GO! THE SHIP IS SAILING!!! 


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32 minutes ago, allegramente said:

@kilaalaa @st4rdust ... my bad... I am lost in choi taek's smiling like crazy bit... 

Anyway... I don't have the episodes handy at the moment... but darn!!! the things this drama do to me when it starts to bleed into daily life. (Thank goodness it'll be over this weekend...)

I listened to a talk, and someone mentioned palindrome and reversible functions.. and my delusional mind began to see things that aren't there.… like maybe, the plot points are ordered in palindrome

and if this hunch is true episode 19 will be about Taek The Husband, mirroring episode 2, which "screams" Taek all the way (childhood montages, DS's Dad talks with Taek, Taek's birthday, Husband enters the picture)...

episode 18 mirrors episode 3: JH's (our) discovery of his feelings for DS are romantic in nature (3) --- his discovery that his hesitance and lack of courage cost him chances to win DS's heart...

episode 17 mirrors episode 4:  Everyone sans Taek is struggling with their studies; Taek is struggling to cope with match loss due to his mistake (4)  --- everyone's struggling to find their dreams and future, DS's examining her heart, eta: Taek's struggling with the loss in romance front (17)


episode 14 mirrors episode 7: DS's wondering about her manitto, why no one likes her; everyone gives everyone else gifts (gloves); DS catches JH reading erotica (7) --- Everyone gives everyone else gifts (pink shirts, necklace, pizzas), DS doesn't mind watching R-rated movies, but Taek does, implicating he is into those stuff and gets  into trouble but DR gets the beating… ohohoho... ; DS wondering why no one likes her (14)

and so on.. 

With this tight structure the writer has set in his/her fictional universe... Taek is the husband....

The only way I would believe JH is the husband is if the earth is flat...

OMG another beautiful post! Love all you shippers in this thread!

I'm guessing episode 20 is about Taekie becoming the husband when in episode 1, DS calls him an idiot still at that time. And for JH's development - he finally becomes more "human"?

If episode 2 is about Taek and DS childhood, then perhaps episode 19 is about how childhood friends become lovers? Hahaha

Did I say again that I love your theory? SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLL

I know I'm spamming lots of posts today guys, but I can't contain my shipper feeeellsssssss

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off topic but im super glad @packmule3 share her opinion about DR feel for DS because he is the type of kid that show how he feel through pulling girl hair in playground to get her attention,bicker and joke with her though he mostly keep within himself being the joker of the group..if JH not honest i think DR even worse lol

but i have no doubt he do love DS in his own way,being her true friend when she need him,giving her love advice lol even he himself might hide his feel..i think i said before DR remind me a lot of Haitai in R94 where he actually do love NJ but never do anything with his feel but still be the bestfriend she need,trust&end up as her bestman...

that why DR is special to me and my 2nd fav for DS lol though i know it never gonna happen but still like DS said he is her eternal partner XD he also great friend that will support his friend love... but i wish he would have more screentime not just being the funny guy, of course he have that moment with his mom but he deserve more..but oh well there too many character to explore so someone need to be sacrifice but he still big part of the drama for me...

just my opinion sorry for long talk of DR here since i don't wanna go to mt lol..

i think SW&BR gonna get marry first...they already date long time ago and now they resume their relation as an adult so it definitely gonna head to marriage right away without more delay....though need to convince SW omma since she always not fond with BR lol and always prefer DS but im sure she know BR is nice girl she once help and drive her..maybe she gonna act like how NJ dad acting not happy when Trash say he date NJ but behind him he actually partying he getting a great SIL lol...

keep watching the preview and that smile they gave each other when she out of the door with pink shirt just toooo much sweet♥

i kinda feel it gonna be DS who confess first, that why the shock face of Taek that his love actually not one sided and DS might say since they just friend she won't do anything about it but Taekman gonna take the action since nothing holding him back anymore especially if he know DS like him back..just my guess

as much im sad the drama is ending but at same time im so glad it end so i can finally move on with my life and stop being so obsessed with a kdrama OTL 

just this week and after that we party and then life move on and might avoid kdrama for some time XD 

though the troll writer gonna announce the next reply installment lol and make me hook again

but please i wish someday Hyeri&Bogummy can work together again such a waste that great chemistry if the don't :P

actually the whole cast have great chemistry especially my Ssamundong Ot5

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My take on preview 

They are all smiley with each other Deok Sun's friend made a remark on it.  "You seem so happy though  why not just date with him?“ (Sigh I'm kinda sick of those friends of Deok Sun you know...)

Deok Sun learned that they kept secret from her. (SW-BR?) Feels betrayed.

Taek seem shocked and guilty like busted? 

Deok Sun seem to excuse herself for something ”we are friends (after all)” (She wants to stay in the same room maybe? lols Actually they both seem guilty to me for some reason:/)

 Taek confronts  JH.

Let us sail preview ^^

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30 minutes ago, kilaalaa said:

I'm guessing episode 20 is about Taekie becoming the husband when in episode 1, DS calls him an idiot still at that time. And for JH's development - he finally becomes more "human"?

If episode 2 is about Taek and DS childhood, then perhaps episode 19 is about how childhood friends become lovers? Hahaha


Indeed. Episode 1 is "Hand in Hand" and about family. I wouldn't be surprised of episode 20 is "Hand in Hand in Marriage", or something like that, and about the new families of the next generation. Anyway, just a delusional theory :glasses:...

And our ship, dearest shipmates, is sailing smooth!

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I am not bothered... I am confident that taek is the husband and it is because of this haha episode 15 of reply 1997, shows that Yoon jae did cry and so did TAEK so no need to bother haha 


see so no worries!!!! haha I know that I am too confident with this ship but why not? all the scenes points out to taek and when it comes to jacket seen by team Jh... hahah I believe it is only a brand 


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It is a PARA JUMPERS jacket and I believe it is not for pilot!!! It is just a brand ... So it is basically useless and just meant to deflect #teamtaeks mind haha 

but whoever won's JH heart... I believe that we should be grateful hahaha and besides we could always pair them... and who knows they might make another series!!! haha #suntaek #hyeri #bogum 


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