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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Okay guys, I haven't watched ep 14 yet, but from what all of y'all are saying out here I can gather one thing. A confession from either of the boys is the last thing DS needs. What she needs is to look into her own heart first and find an inkling of a feeling that emerges from herself and not from suggestions, manipulations and egging ons from other people. I'd hate for her to begin to "think" she's attracted to Taekie now that he has revealed to her that he likes her. Surely she is composed of more depth. Access it, girl! Your feelings are your own. And you don't need anybody else telling you what you are feeling. It is so important for DS to discover that there is a big big difference between being liked by somebody and liking somebody. I hope there is something of even the faintest of realisations that DS feels about who she likes and who she wants to be with.

In that sense, I'm quite happy that the Taekie-DS relationship has been platonic so far. He has admitted to his friends that he likes her, but nowhere have I seen him (or the show) try to sexualise their interactions. I'd consider it unfair if they did, because the show can't be sexualising it if one half of the pair is clueless about it. The chemistry needs to be charged from both parties. Only then will it be convincing.

Lol. Do I sound like I have gone too far into the Taektanic cause I'm not seeing it any other way? I feel like there is SUCH AN IMMENSE POTENTIAL for a beautiful, solid relationship in the Taeksun pair. What do I do? What do I do?

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7 minutes ago, monsterlife said:

How did he kinda threatened bora?


If you haven't  watched  then don't read that way you can enjoy more Chingu


In alley SW reached out to hold BR's face just then they startled because of a voice "You better not be like this here  if you don't want to get caught "   before camera rolled to show it's just Taek lol then cut to SW/TK bromance again ^^


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54 minutes ago, lymsleia attatya said:

@monsterlife lol i really want to know what makes they refer JH-DS as the main otp? even openly mentioned it on the main thread. up until now, it's still an open game for everyone right? even for DR hahaha


I really don't know :lol:. DR is like Haitai for me. He sees things more clearly. Now, I really don't care who DS ends up with. I am more interested with how the writer will deal with Taek's pressures in the job. Or when sw mama and tk papa will hook up. Or when ds daddy will stop buying unnecesary things. 

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@mustardmaimai omg girl, I'm like the Noeul to your Jung Bong (or vice versa, whoever you like more LOL).

Can't agree with you more.

I seriously don't understand the need for confessions. In my opinion, relationships are always stronger than "courtships", and genuine bonds stronger than ritualistic procedures. We as drama watchers (and manga readers lol) have been primed and conditioned over the years to over-value the romantic idea of a "first confession."

But I'd like to argue that true love obviates the need for a "confession." I've always understood "confession" as a prelude thing: you have a crush on someone, but you don't want to act on it unless the object of your obsession likes you back ... so you can avoid making a fool of yourself. Yet isn't it more moving when your love is stronger than the need to protect yourself? 

It's my opinion that the strongest relationships are those that grow organically, without the need of confessions. That they love each other is the certainty. Not the confession part. 

It's my dearest wish, *IF* Taek is the husband, for DS to realize she loves him, EVEN THOUGH she can't even be sure he loves her back.

As for Taek, even without a direct confession, I'm already moved by the way love embeds into his gestures and words towards her. 

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When SW ask Why Taek likes DS..

his answer is simply goes through to any girls heart..his sincerity loving DS is on the highest level ...I've watched R97 and R94... I don't remembered that 2nd lead emphasized much how much they like or love the GIRL..I mean they like the girl but define how much they love or like..it's only the husband thing do..hihihihi (pardon for wishful thingking)

thats why after hearing Taek answer.. I just interpret his answer as" Baduk might be world to Taek but DS is his universe"

PDs is really emphasizing how great Taek love is..and judging the way he answer it, his love for DS has been quite a long time already..maybe way back their childhood times..

Sorry if this is quite offended to other shippers but the way I see is, PDs is showing JH "falling inlove to DS "moment while they also showing Taek "unconditional love to DS" hope what I'm saying make sense..hahahahah.. ^^

thats why yes there will be a a tidal wave or ice berge coming..But that's the skill of being a sport in sailing...just have faith and sail..WHen we reach the port , TK/DS will exchange the rings!!!;) hihihihi!

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@mustardmaimai.  I think if they end up together I'll be confident to name this as slow burn romance which is beautiful to read or watch when it's executed well. Because I've a strong feeling that Taek was waiting  DS to be ready to accept him as not a lover but someone she would  never want to be separated...He knows he is difficult and he acknowledges DS just as strong. What he said to SW proves that she is like that to him ^^ As if at this point whoever  separates  them will take Taek's breath away. He is stronger one  individually but with  DS on his side it would be like all-kill lol

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I know that the preview can be so misleading, but after watch the preview I think the theory about Bora and Deoksun study aboard is possible.. In episode 14, Sun appa and omma asked Bora to considered something CMIIW (I don't really know what it is since my Korean is limited). And it's seems like a very important matter.

In the preview, we saw that DS giving pillow to sleeping Taek with a sad face.. Could it be because DS has to go far away? But I won't set my expectation too high since the preview often troll us~ At least one thing we know (maybe) for sure is the reason why Taek hesitating to confess is because he think DS won't believe him.. 

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@Meliere! Both your posts today have been gold. I'm honestly misty-eyed by the end of each episode and it's because there is no dearth of earnest and endearing characters living their way through relatable and moving relationships in this show. Earlier I had mentioned how something as small as Jin Joo being so comfortable with JB feels like an added treasure. That's another pairing I wanted to point out because I find it utterly poignant that the most "childish" fella in the neighbourhood is able to take charge of and handle the little girl so well. It also says something about the trust, the blurred boundaries and extended kinship that came with being part of a neighbourhood community in a bygone era. 

Little details show us how we can be concerned with and invested in people who capture our interest. The small addition to the items under DR's table at the study room may seem insignificant to most, but is telling as far as the fractured reality of his young life is concerned. There is something so beautiful about the way his character has been handled with a delicate subtlety. There is a silent tragedy unfolding in the study room that has been converted into a makeshift home by a kid yearning for his parents' love, but finding - and if we go back, this story has been told with consistency from day one - that he has been orphaned, not so much by life or circumstances, but by a willful neglect by both parents. I wouldn't have seen this, or felt this had the show did not care about him. I get the feeling that it cares about many, many of the characters in the same capacity. They are in the show to be seen, to be felt, to be empathised with and embraced.

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28 minutes ago, onlysb1 said:

@mustardmaimai.  I think if they end up together I'll be confident to name this as slow burn romance which is beautiful to read or watch when it's executed well. Because I've a strong feeling that Taek was waiting  DS to be ready to accept him as not a lover but someone she would  never want to be separated...He knows he is difficult and he acknowledges DS just as strong. What he said to SW proves that she is like that to him ^^ As if at this point whoever  separates  them will take Taek's breath away. He is stronger one  individually but with  DS on his side it would be like all-kill lol


Love your phrase "slow burn romance" :) Yes, I'd really really like to see a slow burn romance between DS and Taek! ❤❤❤❤❤❤

And I find the idea of Taek waiting patiently to discover for herself what he means to her.....very very heart melty! 

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22 minutes ago, onlysb1 said:

@mustardmaimai.  I think if they end up together I'll be confident to name this as slow burn romance which is beautiful to read or watch when it's executed well. Because I've a strong feeling that Taek was waiting  DS to be ready to accept him as not a lover but someone she would  never want to be separated...He knows he is difficult and he acknowledges DS just as strong. What he said to SW proves that she is like that to him ^^ As if at this point whoever  separates  them will take Taek's breath away. He is stronger one  individually but with  DS on his side it would be like all-kill lol

Totally agree! @onlysb1 ..If they will take away DS from Taek, it's like DS or TaekDie.. (Just kidding)

anyway Taek is mature guy..and judging now,it seems DS is his greatest love.. So I really believe and have faith that they will end up together no matter what..

After 4-5 years I was thingking that the previous post here have high chance to happen like Taek will not date many girls but maybe he will be more friendly(to his fans maybe) or will able improve his social interactions with girls that DS exaggerated assumed later that he date many girls ....hihihihi..^^


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For me it's kind of weird when DS can't answer a simple question, which one that she likes SW or JH, she can answer so quickly when it's TK.. Her answer is so simple, I just like TK more.. If she truly likes JH, she can answer JH right away without being so hesitant to answer it..why? is it because she's angry towards JH or because she's shy?

the way I see it, DR is a genius (i hope he's the husband haha), he asks the perfect question for DS, these two guys (SW-JH) are the guys who she thinks that likes her..then why she so hesitant to answer it?my guess is because she doesn't know whether she truly likes JH or not.. When it comes to TK, it was an easy answer for her.. She likes him. Is it as guy-girl? Or is it as friends? I don't know and neither does she.. She just knows that TK is a guy who really close to her and she likes him more than her other friends..

the truth is I love TK hasn't confessed yet.. Because I don't want DS to (maybe) accept TK because she has the obligation to accept him (she wants to have boyfriend).. If TK will get rejected then it because she already know whom she truly likes.. And I understand why TK hesitant to confessed because he was right, DS would thinks that it was a joke, she doesn't believe him.. She always treat him like a kid despite he slowly changes and becomes a man..

on the other hand, I love how simple the answer that TK gave when SW ask him (again), why he likes DS.. "Because I like her and without her, I feel like dying.." Oh my god, those simples words makes me scream when I had dinner with my husband (he thinks that I should stop watching R88 because he's jealous that I put many attention to TK lol)

I don't care whether TK is the husband or not, I satisfied because our SunTaek have plenty beautiful, detail, climax and deep scenes compare to other ship.. I just want Taek to be happy.. Sorry for long post 

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I'm really starting to believe that Taek is the husband. Help ME!! It's not that I never thought he had a chance, but since the beginning I allowed myself to think it could be JH because I didn't want to sink so tragically if JH indeed was the husband. However, JH in my eyes is starting to become more and more of second lead. His character pretty much revolves around DS, which I hate because it's a waste of a character. He is more than just this loveline. If the writers ever do a reversal and start to expand on JH as a character, then I will be back into thinking that each TK and JH have a 50% chance of being the husband. But as of right now I feel like the odds are more in favor of Taek (not saying he is definitely the husband.. there is still a chance that JH is the husband), but Taek becoming the husband is more plausible now than before.

As for TK-DS, I am so glad that DR told DS that what matters the most is what she feels. Who she likes is what's important. I think this pretty much allows for her to really channel her feelings. Maybe she'll discover something she didn't know was there or maybe she will decide she is not ready for love, who knows. I am just glad they are paying attention to her feelings now. Hopefully we can see more of that part of DS. I do hope that with this new outlook on love she will realize who she loves on her own without being influenced by any other person's feelings. That means I hope she realizes what her feelings for Taek are before he confesses. I guess that is why I am pretty happy with Taek not confessing to her yet. As much as I want DS to feel loved (and omg I wish she could see how much Taek treasures her), I want her to really figure her feelings out first. I think that is necessary character development for our leading lady. And if Taek beats her to it, then I hope she doesn't act on it until she knows for sure what her true feelings are (sorry Taekie T-T </3).

There are so many things I want to say. That preview for ep15 really is something haha. That look on DS's face when Taek is leaning on her. I wonder what she is feeling. And was she waiting for Taek? She was crying. I hope she's okay ;; *whispers* will we get a kiss this time?? (lol a girl can wish) Also, it would be really cute if at that moment between TK-DS they showed us a flashback of some sort seen through DS's POV, you know, a memory of her and Taek. Just wishful thinking haha.

Oh yeah, Taek and Sunwoo gushing over the Sung sisters is friggin cute. These boys are so over the moon for them T-T I am also now even more concerned for Taek if he gets his heartbroken. He's happy whenever he is with DS. Please don't take her out of his life. If she isn't his lover, please let her be his friend forever T-T

And that picture!! Recently someone told me that JH was the husband because there was no date on the China pic Tk-Ds took, but I told her that the writers/pds can always manipulate that in favor of Taek to troll us even more. I didn't know if it would happen or not, but based on the recaps I read, looks like it did. LOL. As expected.

And kinda off topic, but I love Sunwoo in this ep. Poor child. Letting go is so hard. I know I'm going to cry during his scenes once I watch the ep.

Lastly, this shipping thing is getting out of hand. People really need to chill. They are taking it to heart. What will happen to them if their ship sinks? I know there will be disappointed viewers if Taek isn't the husband, but most of the viewers who are rooting for Taek seem to acknowledge the fact that the other contender may be the husband and would continue watching the drama even if their pairing isn't endgame.  Sadly, that is not something I can say about the majority of JH-DS shippers.

Anyways, I talked too much, but I'm going to be gone for two weeks so I needed to get a couple things off my chest. I won't be able to read what everyone has to say about these past two episodes or about the next two episodes </3 But hopefully I can come back to read pages worth of great thoughts and awesome analysis done by you lovely people ♡

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Whew~ I just finished watching episode 14, I didn't understand some important parts like when DS's parents were talking outside and when they talked to BR and didn't quite understand why SW was seeing his dad(?) can someone tell me btw? Jebal? :) BUT! Nonetheless, I still enjoyed this episode.

I'm really happy that the episode starts with TK, PBG's creamy voice melts me everytime. How adorable can he be? Seriously, when he did a 90% bow to mr. Kim and enthusiastically asked him how to do the special greeting I just- guhhhh!! Happy to see that they're doing that again, like the ummas in the benches I missed seeing that goofy greeting hehe. Also, when he jolted back when the door suddenly opened and his hair bounced I just squealed! When he was very reserved around NL and nodded shyly, I feel like being Agnes from Despicable Me with him being the fluffy unicorn stufftoy and me going "It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!" But in this case, HE'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA DIE! Lol I cannot taek his moments and so early in the episode I am already spazzing. JB and MO are soooo cute as well!! I find it really sweet that he waited for her (also worried because poor JB hyung was so cold, good thing MO was ther to warm him up hehe) of course our resident couple SW-BR were just as adorable. (Have you guys noticed I keep saying adorable and cute? I just can't think of anything else because those scenes are like that...at least for me) seeing that BR really does dress up for the guy she likes is very feminine of her, a total opposite to the strong demeanor that we usually see. SW was also adorable when he warmed up his hands so he can hold and warm up BR's hands :") the padlocked drawer!! Omg, it had another purpose aside from the TK appa superman scene. It was a plot device so that JH can see the photo of DS and TK! Happy Birthday to him btw, he was also cute in this episode :)  It was refreshing to see that the three girls had other girls to hang out with and when DS saved one of them I just thought of how cool she was, I would've panicked in that moment (and probably call out for help immediately but still panic) that scene was intense. I got startled when someone talked over the BR-SW moment and thought "oh no! Have they been caught?" But then it turns out that it was just Taekie lol and yay!! My guess happened, the two boys share another moment in bed (haha it sounds really wrong to me) I also got super worried for Jin Joo, I even wondered if the kid feel for realz. She sounded like in real pain :( good thing she's alright (at least they say) I feel bad for SW umma but TK appa was there so yay ^^ I also want to understand the moment when SW was crying by the steps with BR hugging him. I kinda felt bad for DR when he prayed so hard yet still ended up having his dad as their adviser haha. He's really the wisest one in their group though it doesn't seem like it. I wanna see more of him because he's also a really good character. Hopefully we can see more of his story before the series ends. Lastly, the scene with TK telling DS that he likes someone and is planning to confess, I like how PBG fixed his eyes on Hyeri. So yeah, don't really understand why the others didn't enjoy the episode when it was a good one. Another week to endure before the new episode comes out. I wonder what will happen? Are the Sung family moving somewhere?? Is something going to happen (finally) regarding the love triangle?? Haha well I think I've said all that I can for now lol its like almost quarter to 2am and I've been stealth like a ninja so my dad doesn't find out I'm still awake haha but I think I should sleep now :D good night everyone! I hope you guys have a nice day.

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after watching first episode, a friend asked, "who do you think is gonna be the husband?" i answered "Jung Hwan".

although i'm team Taek since the beginning, i still believe JH is the husband. 

but then i remember something.

who ever be the husband usually portrayed as a "very close sibling" to the main girl. they have strong bond since early childhood. they grew up together, taking care to each other, very open to each other, and always..always..have time to each other just to talk about random stuff together or even some serious matter. basically they are just being themselves, being honest and not trying to impress others.

they both have this "brother and sister" relationship. like SW-YJ in R1997 and NJ-Trash in R1994.

and so far.. the couple that match this criteria is DS and TK..

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