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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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omg, good idea. Those who are up to it should throw out their predictions. It might be kinda fun! I mean, what's the point of being on an uncertain ship if we can't laugh a little? It'll be interesting to see which of our predictions came true!

OKAY, here are my predictions for ep. 13-14:

  • something really big (and possibly traumatic) is going to happen at the end of episode 14. Something that'll justify a sudden 5-year time jump. It may be something so bad that the characters are left picking up the pieces, and the story cannot reconvene until the year 1994.  
  • Taek will find out about JH-DS
  • It'll be revealed that Taek knew about DS's crush on SW
  • A kiss between JH-DS ... maybe even between TK-DS?
  •  Ssangmun-dong neighborhood possibly uprooted at the end of episode 14, with some families moving away. 
  • BR-SW relationship troubles; a possible (temporary) breakup? 
  • Bwahaha, someone already mentioned this -- but DR and TK going to the army together?! How amazing would that be?
  • another flashback scene for TK & DS
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1 hour ago, hien le said:

Waiting for new ep, but I think we will be trolled by PD nim untill the end, or at least ep 18. 


i hope not...I want to give the PD and writer some benefit for making this installment so heartwarming and i think as some who has done artistic endeavors that trolling till the end would ruin all the hard work of the actors/set people..everyone...I think with 1994 they felt the pressure of the success of 1997 and caved to the business side of drama production (yes as a CB shipper I am saying this) and hence they tried to make the most tragic secound lead ever, and destroying basically all main characters in the process. SPOILER FOR OH MY GHOSTNESS: same thing happened here, the success of their previous work lead the writers to format the episodes to the wants of the viewers, which is a huge mistake to take as a writer because you know what the audience wants, but you have to deliver what they need *and usually dont know they need*

I think with 1988 it will be different 

I was thinking about romantic partners vs soulmates....and depending on the writer the story for the triangle will diverge into one of those categories. I classify DS-JH as romantic partners, mostly based on the more teen (cliche?) foundations of their romance. They are cute, funny, and full of the emotions of youth. If Tk wasn't in the picture, wouldn't their story just be of them finally dating and also trying to hide it from neighbors ect. and doing all the awkward first date things? Now there is many episodes left so angst has been added to either forestall or end this relationship, but the source of angst has (un)intentionally shown another type of union to the audience which i would classify a soulmate type of companionship. DS and TK understand each other on a basic level, and you see this form from even the flashback. The yellow fish might be a symbolic piece or it just also might be the act of giving someone something to sweeten their mouth from the sour loss of their mother. DS,shown to be mostly ignored for her older/younger siblings at home, takes the center, managing role when she is with TK, she knows what he will need when he goes to China better than himself. Even the simple act of making someone the right proportions to their cup of coffee feels like this subtle intimate moment of fluidity between the two. How many times have they sat there drinking together?  DS tell JH during their picture taking that he should have given him his coat but with TK she had already taken his sweater, there was no need to ask, it was given. DS is dealing with insecurities that manifest from being a middle child, and not like her sister ( she still doesnt know bora is dating SW ) and the moments TK calls her pretty, or tell hers its ok to cry illustrated for me his receptiveness to providing her the emotional support she needed. Tbh I dont really call JH acts as an noble idiot, I think with the loving relationship of his parents that are mirrored by DS and TK, that he has had realized the bond the two have are really special. I think an easy way to understand the depth of their relationship is to think how much more difficult it would be for DS and TK to cross that "line" than it would be for DS and JH. I think TK being more introverted knows more about his feelings, and DS still has to personally combat her insecurities of being loved before getting there, and I know TK would wait for her patiently. 

Im going to put this scene from In time with you Taiwanese version and personally it is the closest couple to DS and TK in my experience watching dramas


 The main girl just got rejected by another guy and the main guy comes to comfort her ---> "H e shows her a mirror and tells her that he is here to see the real Cheng You Qing. She shows the mirror away because she doesn’t have the face to see the real her. He tells her that only he knows the beautiful side of her. He tells her that even if she is busy, she will drop everything to comfort her friend; doesn’t mind  being used by her family because she finds happiness that she is needed; even when someone hurts her, she will still praise their strong points. He tells her that in this world there is no other Cheng You Qing and it was definitely worth the one and a half hour trip. He tells her to believe in herself and to stop crying. He asks him where all her tissue are. She tells him that she used them all. He lends her his shoulder for her to cry on."



there is very few times that movies/drama have soulmate level narratives, because of the difficulty ( hence you get a lot of melodramatic rip offs) whether reply 1988 is any different ....we will see.

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You know the weird thing is when I first started watching this installment, I wasn't very interested but it just kept getting better, and even though the Taek and Deok Sun interactions in the beginning were really short, I felt like there was just so much more to it and kept wanting to see more even when there was no clear hint that there was something between them. I didn't even want romantic interactions. 

I knew Junghwan was going to like Deok Sun from the beginning, but their interactions just didn't make me feel anything. I actually felt Deok Sun and Sun Woo was a better pair. It's not like I liked the actors or was biased, because I came into the drama not really liking Hyeri and not even knowing who the rest of them were except for Go Kyung Pyo, but I wasn't really interested in him.

Did anyone feel the urge to see more Taek and Deok Sun since the beginning? Or is it just me...

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Choi Moosung’s (Taek’s Dad) Starnews Interview



About the husband:
Since I’m Taekie’s dad, I want Taek and Deoksun to end up together. But Junghwan is good too. Honestly, I want Deoksun to be with the guy she likes.”

About Park Bogum and Ryu Joonyeol:
“Bogummie and Junyeolie both get into character well. Bogummie’s like that because of his character, but in real life, he’s really cheerful. He calls me ‘Dad’ - it’s cute. I think Bogum and Junyeol are both good hoobaes and actors. If the chance arises, I want to do another project with the both of them. Even when Bogummie stands still, he has the charisma to convey his emotions, and Junghwanie is strong and doesn’t get pushed aside. If I was a director, I’d cast the both of them too.

About who he’d want as a daughter-in-law in real life of the four female characters:
I like Deoksunie - it’s enjoyable to watch her. She smiles often and the way she talks is so pleasant. In my home, that kind of character would fit right in. I don’t think Bora, Mi Ok or Jahyun’s personalities are weird either though - they’d all make good daughter-in-law.

To the viewers:
“I wish people wouldn’t get caught up in just finding Deoksun’s husband. It’s important to find her husband, but I hope people watch over the other characters as well. Aren’t you curious about how things pan out for Jungbong, Dongryong and Noeul in the future? For me, I’ll be curious about whether Jungbongie gets accepted to university until the moment his story ends.

Translation credit [x]

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I think DR episode will be 13 or 14  to do with his future after graduation, and I think by the end of either ep his grown up version will be introduced ...i really hope DS and TK are there for him because they too are not most likely going to university and following traditional paths after high school, Sw Jh and Bora had semi decent convos of support for him but i dont think they understand what he has to go through 

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@Wendy WangSince the beginning I love the interaction between SunTaek.. Maybe I'm little bit bias because I like PBG, he's the reason I watch R88.. Even with a little screentime, they are so good together and I rooted for them secretly from the first episode.. i don't know why, their chemistry are so good..

If TK is not the contenders, if they are still using SW-JH formula, I think the husband is JH based on the future husband behavior.. SW character is already developed and I never seeing DS treats SW like she treats JH or TK.. Violently I meant hehe.. She's respect SW.. And I doubt he will smoke.. He's a good guy..

The crazy thing is how the PD/writer developed TK character to hubby material.. They spend not only one episode but two or three episodes to highlight the clues (smoking, cursing and bickering).. I know they're trolls so I put aside the husband hunting and invest more in TK character development.. He has many layer and it is so interesting to watch it.. can't wait for tonight 

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@mustardmaimai your post is so beautiful and well written, you describe so well the meaning of this series, also the reason why I love it so much.

I wanna share some of my personal experience and thought here (I am trying to put these in spoiler tag but it doesn't work huhu so please hightlight if anyone want to read)

As a 25-year-old look back at my teenager days, I realize what you write about love's so true

" he loves her like he always has. It is as natural to him as breathing. And so, and this is what had initially left me feeling confused, he doesn’t find a shift in his own behaviour. He continues to treat her the same way he always has "

I also think this's what love is, it's different than a crush, you crush someone because of one moment, one sudden realization (he/ she's hot, he/ she's attractive... usually at that age, we care more about physical appearance). When I was 18, I set my eyes on a boy of different class, I knew him long ago but never noticed until my friends pointed out he looked cool, after that I started to have a crush on him (weird but that's how teenagers are lol). We went to the same night class, and I tried to sit at the table in front of his gang, you know what, gradually, I fell for his friend instead. I don't know why, because his friend lost to him in every aspect, and that guy didn't do any romantic gestures nor anything remarkable either, I just fell for him without knowing why. I've been liking him for 4 years after graduated without confessing, until now when I still can't say if I stop liking him or not, and he still has a special place in me.

And  when you talk about their endings, I totally agree. I don't really need Taek to be with DS (as long as he gets his good ending, again the only thing I'm against is they forget to develop him by dragging the love plot too much), he himself is enough an amazing character but I want him to be able to confess. One-sided-love is sad and a one-sided-love that is never confessed is even more heartbreaking, but it's the most beautiful love imo, you love that one person, he/ she never becomes yours but because of that, your illustration of that person'll forever stay perfect in your heart:)).

That's why I also contradict myself, I want Taek end up with DS because I want him to be happy, the kid deserves it so much but at the same time, I want a haunting ending for him. By not getting the girl, I think it'll make Taek the most impressive, complicated and saddest character in Reply series, it'll haunt us forever lol.









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Correct me if I'm mistaken but I think story and character structure  completely belongs to writer's imagination, whereas infamous husband game is mainly PD's doing. I believe PD is aiming to make shine all of the characters and details, so husband game is basically a trigger for viewers to pay attention to between in the lines, hereby we can appreciate all the efforts of production team. This's main reason why I strongly believe Taek must be husband but that doesn't mean I less care for others. Even writing an essay you wouldn't think conclusion part in introduction, it's forms by itself in your mind while you write development part. I would think of Reply series as cliche love triangle plot if they wouldn't show us every appealing possibility and characters who takes the paths where  the choices leads them. Timing and fate always there but it's still  depends  on how they perceive it and make use of it.

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I'm so happy to be done with finals and come back to this thread! Being a lurker sucks.

The analyses you guys have been making this week have been amazing. I've been staying caught up on all of it though I haven't had the time to respond. But you guys have pointed out everything that I wanted to point out! :)

I wanted to thank @hafunohane for your JH post a handful of pages back. While I know that this thread is for TK, I'm happy to hear JH arguments. We all adore TK, but JH is a lovable guy, too. We see TK through the eyes of Taektanic, so it's important that we get another perspective as well. Your voice for JH doesn't challenge TaekSun shippers but complements the triangle, and I'm glad that our thread is a safe place where you are able to speak from all perspectives and not be put down for it.

I can't thank you guys enough for your contribution; I'm enjoying this drama more because of it. There are so many amazing voices here. I can't wait for this week's discussions! Is anyone live-capping? :D

As for predictions... Well, I'm just hoping this week will be the week for more reveals.

Things I'd like to see:

  1. A 2015 scene! Doesn't this happen every other week?
  2. A subplot focused on DR. Will he get together with Joey Wang? :D Present day DR?
  3. Or how about present day JB happily married to MO? Do you go to college or end up getting a BA in Awesome anyway?
  4. Also... present day indications that the parents are still alive and kicking. Please.
  5. Less JH angst if he's going to be the husband. I want squishy tsundere JH back.
  6. Some indications of what the gang might want to grow up to be. After this week, we'll be at the time skip, so it's only right to see them start finding direction.
  7. Some more BR focus and how she's going to make a difference. I still trust what the moms were saying back in the early episodes ... BR is not ordinary, and she will amount to something profound.
  9. I may be greedy but... TK IN EVERY SCENE More TK growth! Also more flashbacks.


I've been thinking about the husband reveal sequence/montage from the previous seasons, and I wonder how they're going to go about that this time. Remember how dramatic those moments were LOLOL.

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Just wanna do a random share, I prefer calling Mi Ok by her real name or by Maggie Cheung because "Man Ok" sounds like how we say chicken her in our country :)) and I personally think she's cute.

can't wait for episode 13!! It feels so close yet so farrrrrrr

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I hope the future plot will be like this:

- Deoksun and Junghwan dating

- Taek broken heart and enlisting in the army with Dongryeong

- But then, Deoksun realizes that the one she truly love and care is Taek

- Deoksun and Junghwan break-up

- Deoksun back to Taek

- Happily ever after :phew::D


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