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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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@onlysb1 I don't think deok sun is stupid,I thought her crush[won't say love] right now on jh is because this is happening for the first time in her life. I think just because a boy is taking interest in her,she's having these thoughts about him,and it's given considering the age and the first thrill of love and all lol.This is the part of life when people go through heart break and romance,only to move ahead to the next part of their life.That's  why I'm curious about the time jump,and what change ahead we're gonna experience.Mostly I wish taek is crying because he gets to know about ds's crush,though I maybe wrong.Because I remember seeing deok sun with others,when taek's father is seen walking with some shoe in his hand.Anyway I wish to see taek a bit more different and more flexible at the future.And that deok sun is not just attached to jh for a trivial reason,if anything there should be a real bearing to it.

And yeah,chilbong had kind of a same scene with na jung.And I wonder if ds getting flustered with taek is because he's getting close to her,or it's just because of the proximity.And this is coming from someone who've watched a lot of kdrama second leads getting the same vibe from the girl lol,but nothing happened in the end except them giving a puzzled look in their eyes [ex: school 2015].So yeah still not expecting anything.So I think I'd just enjoy taek's arc for now,until it's a sealed deal that tk-ds is not happening.

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cr: Reply 1988 Official FB

Taek is so handsome!!! he looks so modern with this outfit, as if he is from 2015 transported back to 1989 (right? the yr in ep 12 is 1989). why is he wearing a cap?

finished ep12 raw, althou i dun understd korean just catch a bit common phrases and expression here and there, later watch again with chinese sub.

kinda of glad that no kiss, cos think it will be more meaningful when DS realised Taek is the one. love all the gif when Taek rested his head on DS shoulder and after china DS fully understd what he went thru with each game. i was kinda of hoping DS comforting Taek more. the cafe scene with DR and JH, i want to remove the 2 extras, Taek and DS are so cute! esp how Taek looked and smiled at her (after they came back from bathroom trip 1 and she was stuffing herself), then again when he removed the paper umbrella from her hair.

regarding preview, i hope Taek is ok. why can't he drop or lessen baduk if it is giving him so much stress? i hope he dun really run away, how to survive?

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This came with the preview for ep 13.Can anyone translate this kindly please? Thank you =]..

"13화[슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다] 콘서트를 함께 가게 된 정환과 덕선. 그곳에서 정환의 심기를 불편하게 만든 것은?! 대국 준비 동안 묵묵히 옆을 지켜준 덕선을 위해 택은 특별한 선물을 준비하는데"

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I think I will rewatch previous episodes to look at the dolls and colors once again tomorrow because I think Taek is green and JH is blue due to their house door colors, not the other way around like the other ship said.

last time in R94, Trash was green btw

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@nearsea Hmm...I never get second lead vibes from Taek. Because he is being himself most of the time, neither ceasing after girl  nor he is aware of girl's other crush. This is pattern I see the most. Now this makes JH second lead instead, no? Or he is struck by his own second lead syndrome lol. This is more than just being noble idiot or protecting a precious friend. I would argue that if this is really how you keep viewers tense because you know if I would know by now JH really is main lead I would just skip to the ep when they finally get together. I'm impatient about this kind of draggy  plots so...

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I just re-joined soompi so I can spazz with you guys about TK & DS <3 I used to be super active on soompi back in the days (before they moved to a different host... so I lost my previous account). I only watched the clips from episode 12 and I feel like DS is starting to see Taek as a man! The part where he was leaning on her shoulder <3 her stuttering and that look on her face! There is no way she thinks of him as a little brother or as a child who needs taking care of. I remember reading in the main thread that DS would never bite Taek (that one 2015 scene where she bit her hubby) HOWEVER, episode 11 showed how aggressive she can be towards Taek XD. I really really want Taek to be the husband. For once, I don't want the bickering couple to be end game, we had too many of those couples. Maybe it's because I ship PBG and Hyeri in real life... or maybe it's because of the chemistry between them.... but I shall stay on this ship until the end!


P.S. Can I just say how HOT PBG looks with a baseball cap? Can he wear that cap all the time?

Edited by yumenoyuki
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Even tho its like 80% Jung Hwan is the husband, I still hold on the little hope I have that it is Taek. As far as I can remember, when this series was announced, PBG and Hyeri were casted as the lead characters while GKP and Hye Young are the 2nd leads. Seeing how the story is going so far, the 2nd leads and female lead are very much confirmed and I think the reason why many people are leaning towards Jun Yeol for the lead role is because his character's feelings were made obvious first (and the fact that he is a lovable character as well is like + there) PBG's character was clearly planned to gradually appear more and more each episode and he did a very good job in portraying TK even with the little screen time he initially had, he was still able to capture our hearts (a true "shim stealer" -heart stealer... His somewhat title) I am thankful to everyone who are posting here because you brighten up my mood towards the current loveline events. The reply series has more to offer than just the romance but who can't help but fall inlove with such cute boys. Team Taek Fighting!!!

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I think the reason that the ship-wars are so intense is because both boys are very strong contenders. Jung Hwan is a great character and the actor is selling the heck out of it. I love Jung-Hwan! We all love Jung-Hwan! We don't want to see him cry!

But you know, he's going to. And the actor will do an awesome job at it, and we will all cry with him. Because Taek will be the winner.

Mark my words. (And buy me dduk-boki when the finale airs.)

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I will share quotes from this site http://tvtropes.org/ I check here mostly about certain animes but now I found some tropes perfectly applies for our leads ^^

First one uri DR ^^ Deadpan Snarker


A character prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides. They can vary wildly from rare, funny one-liners to complete obnoxiousness.

The Deadpan Snarker exists to deflate pomposity, point out the unlikelihood of certain plans, and deliver funny lines. Typically the most cynical supporting character. In most cases, it is implied that the snarker would make a good leader, strategist, or consultant given their ability to instantly see the flaws in a constructed plan. More often than not, their innate snarkiness is the only thing preventing the other characters from comprehending this for themselves. In other cases, the Deadpan Snarker resorts to sarcasm because they're the Only Sane Man. Tends to be shot a Death Glare when they go too far (and probably isn't without one of their own, either). Note that due to the definition evolving, the "Deadpan" part of the title has gradually become The Artifact and a deadpan delivery is no longer a necessary part of the trope.


JH I thought  about this carefully ^^ Jerkass Woobie


Normally, The Woobie is a sufficiently Moe character that:

  • You'd want to sympathize with, sometimes to the point of wanting them broken to like them more.
  • You'd like to hug or otherwise care for or help them.
  • You want to see any villain who hurts them get hammered by Laser-Guided Karma.

The  Jerkass Woobie produces a different visceral reaction: you'd like to punch them in the face yourself and you also want to hug them and say, "I'm so sorry that your life is such a mess."

This character type is defined by three elements:

  • First, the character must be a jerk. Even if they help people, they're not just selfish or insensitive - they're outright cruel, insufferable, immoral, amoral and/or the villain. They have a mean streak that tends toward the sadistic; they delight in hurting others, whether emotionally or physically, and often have little patience for anyone who disagrees with them. Also, keep in mind that sometimes, any sympathetic character does act like a jerk at some point, such as when a normal Woobie gets pushed too far, but this does not make them into this trope.
  • They have a hidden, softer side. Many are clearly capable of being downright friendly, courteous, and kind, but either are too angry and impatient inside, or fear showing their softer side when not behind closed doors. Others are clearly Troubled, but Cute, with a Freudian Excuse.
  • As if in return for their bad behavior, the author seems to delight in placing them in unpleasant situations, and yet continue to show that they are sympathetic. Basically, the universe hates them so we don't have to.


To be continued ^^

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Now it comes to uri Taekie ^^ Ditzy Genius and Don't You Dare Pity Me! and Handicapped Badass (It's because Baduk equals brain so...)


Ditzy Genius who, while very intelligent and talented in several or many areas, has absolutely nothing in the way of common sense, logic, wit or tact. Ditzy Genius has high general intelligence but is highly inept at something more mundane than their intellectual interests (social skills, for example) or lacks common sense.  Sometimes, this is a deliberate characterization decision made to give a highly intelligent character aFatal Flaw, or make them come across as weird, or any number of other reasons

Don't You Dare Pity Me! An injured or suffering character is approached by another, eager to help, but the injured party is offended. This reaction of humiliation and resentment may be spoken, acted upon, or merely felt, but it is some variation on "I don't want your pity," but the reaction does not have to be verbalized. The more serious the problem, the more likely this is to cause conflict. The injured character may hide from others to preempt pity. For any such character, mentioning his problem may hit a Berserk Button.

They might fear that any response to their problem will break them down, when they cannot afford to break down. The pity may be effusive for a trivial problem, or something that the character doesn't consider as such. In other examples, the character cannot tell their remorse is sincere; the Handicapped Badass is managing just fine, thank you.

In Real Life, we know how hard it is to accomplish Badass feats in perfect health and condition, so anybody that does it with a handicap instantly earns our respect. Imagine how much more awesome that shoot-out is going to be when the audience finds out The Hero... is blind. Imagine the buzz your character will get when they win the judo competition with just one good leg. If done right, a handicapped character even doing something mundane can become an Awesome Moment.


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Last but not least uri Heroine DS was Broken Bird and SY is more like Love Freak ^^


 Broken Bird, These characters (often female) are coping with a cynicism catalyst, or a dark and troubled past by becoming as cynical,  stoic, and/or badass as possible.  Her deep experience and emotional detachment almost always give the impression of competence, though she doesn't always live up to her own hype In fact, she can sometimes fill a mentor role for less experienced and more idealistic characters, all the while loudly expressing her irritation with said arrangement, so no one gets the impression she's softening up. 

This character was a hero herself once and failed miserably, or maybe she was abused in some way as a kid; whatever the case, her cynicism undoubtedly stems from some traumatic event in her past that destroyed her faith in just about everything.  She also has a 65% chance of engaging in serious physical violence against whoever is closest at the time. This is always treated seriously and Broken Birds have a tendency to be both prone to violence and very good at it, therefore, potential love interests should always prepare to be at least slightly maimed during these breakdowns.

A number of Romance Novels lean on this trope when the love interest of the heroine is an Anti-Hero with a scar from the past for her to heal. Sometimes involves a bit of that one as well. Women want to Heal the Cutie 

Love Freak:Often spouting dialogue about love and justice, this character is naive and lacks common sense; her determination is usually the only thing keeping her from being completely incompetent (even if she is potentially very powerful). She can also act a little hypocritical, being as sneaky or outright violent as the wickedness she supposedly fights.

How satirically this character is portrayed depends on the mood and personality of the lead, although writers design her to be somewhat sympathetic. Nonetheless, it is difficult for the other characters to really dislike her, because she is honestly nice and a loyal friend.


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42 minutes ago, azzhuragreen said:

My hopes suddenly disappear when I visited main thread hahahahaha. I went there to read trans preview.



It's good to have some fresh air though^^ Don't be disheartened Chingu I will cheer our onetruelove couple for both of us ^^

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The postcard and rejected by Sunwoo thing really makes it seem like Junghwan is the husband, but why did they suddenly add Taek in later on, and make it seem like he could also be the husband...like what was the point...? Unless Taek is the husband, and they suddenly show a flash back in one of the episodes where Taek knows about the postcards...? 

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1 hour ago, onlysb1 said:


It's good to have some fresh air though^^ Don't be disheartened Chingu I will cheer our onetruelove couple for both of us ^^

Your kindness already warm my heart ^^

Talking about ep 12 Tk is really cool with that hat aaaaaaaarrrrgghhhh how could a puppy be like this? I doubt Whether Im falling in love with Tk Or PBG himself. 

I'm waiting the scene where TK find out about dk crushed on sw. Its a key. Jh still have 80% as dk husband.

Ummmm im a bit disappoint after perverted scene, tk better to hugs dk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ




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26 minutes ago, Wendy Wang said:

The postcard and rejected by Sunwoo thing really makes it seem like Junghwan is the husband, but why did they suddenly add Taek in later on, and make it seem like he could also be the husband...like what was the point...? Unless Taek is the husband, and they suddenly show a flash back in one of the episodes where Taek knows about the postcards...? 

This is what im talking about. If the pd just want to focus on family things not the husbnd game, they dont need to bringing this topic too far like we already in ep 12, still no correct answer. 

Guys if tk appa-sw eomma married, tk and sw will become a brother. This my thought Sw and br, tk and dk, is it ok to be like this?

I want tk find out about jh-dk as soon as possible.

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1 hour ago, Wendy Wang said:

The postcard and rejected by Sunwoo thing really makes it seem like Junghwan is the husband, but why did they suddenly add Taek in later on, and make it seem like he could also be the husband...like what was the point...? Unless Taek is the husband, and they suddenly show a flash back in one of the episodes where Taek knows about the postcards...? 

@Wendy Wang whewhen did  knew  taekie knew about the post card?? I think I missed that :-/

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