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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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all because of the directors infatuation with ang ha neul wook becomes a hero who saves the day and is a better person than wang so in hae soo eyes now where as she is afraid of wang so and has a love/hate relationship going on with him. this favouritism for ang ha neul totally ruined the show along with the writer ruining all the character development of sosoo in first 16 eps.

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4 minutes ago, Thuc-NghiT said:

I give up. I honestly kinda regret even shipping this couple from the start now that they've been executed out this way. I don't know if I even want them to meet each other in the modern era because this episode just made no sense based on a lot of what we've seen of everyone's character thus far. It's like all rationality just went through the window in this episode.

Give me happy Goryeo back when King Taejo was still on the throne - evil mom was much easier to sit through than watching all of this unfold.




I'd rather this end exactly at the rain when lady Oh died...HS died because the torture she received...and start the love story at the preset Seoul with future characters....why we have to go down exactly the same path....why bother put "Rewrite history for love" why don't just put "Remake everything exactly the same for love"

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3 minutes ago, zi4r said:

Not necessarily "bad" writing, but "rushed" writing, definitely.

I understand HS leaving. Because she really doesn't have a place beside WS.

BA leaving? That's kinda hard to wrap my head around. It just came so suddenly. And he is valuable to WS. The WH crisis began at around 15 minute mark of the episode. By the 30 minute mark, WH dead and BA leaving. WTH?????

But I think the problem basically is the 20-episode length.

Well, I say I "think"....... but my brain isn't really working. So I might change my mind tomorrow.

20 ep is short, that's why they have at least lengthened it to 24..
writer should have redeemed HS love for WS (even they separate) if only it was longer..

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5 minutes ago, larinalove said:

Honestly  in the last two weeks I feel like I myself have been broken up, someone I am close to died and I am going through my everyday life with a heavy heart, this is NOT healthy in any way, I honestly cannot wait for all to be over, I am not only angry or saddened because of the 100% sad ending that will happen but for all the inconsistency of the characters that have been shown in the last episodes, I don't recognize any of them and it makes me furious also to see that the bad/villains are getting away without penance.

I don't require absolute justice but HS parting with WW with a smile and no hard feelings while she leaves WS and they separate with misunderstandings, jealousy and too much pain between them is just too much for me to bear.



Same here, after he became king..i can't recognise any of the chars..every char looks half baked with no strong point for development..

I can no longer invest myself in their love story..because there was NO LOVE STORY..!!!!!!!


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18 minutes ago, sosooyah19 said:

i was waiting for that wook's confession, and it was condensed to only a few sentences... hahaha :P sorry to compare the c-version with that scene, but the latter was better played as it will really make you angry hahaha...

it was condensed to only few sentences  because he had no many things to tell-  that they meet each other in the cave and that they were engaged and that hs  was his back then. He ommit that they were just talking about soaps and empty promises, so WS could imagine the worst about  those meetings and the content  of the " she was mine before". oh WW, you are really such a despicable coward creature.

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Maybe its me but the goodbye between HS and Wook was bland and blehhhh. I didn't even shed a tear at all where as the cversion I was tearing up when RX was saying goodbye to 8th it was much more touching. He did it to help her knowing his life is at risk while in this one you don't know if he's doing it because of YH or for HS. and wook brought up the fact between him and HS and the argument WS had with HS its not that surprising i mean its like plastered everywhere she and Wook had a thing but in the cversion it wasn't that obvious and probably only 9th, 13th and 14th knew about the relationship but in this its like smacking in everybody face like "hey I'm dating Wook and we are like an item" its not a shocking thing . (I'm sorry to compare to the cversion but I had to cause its executed so poorly) 

And the mom my goodness I don't get what the writers are smoking when they wrote the last two episodes. I mean like she agree to throw her son under the bus to help the daughter become queen and when Wook is frame for treason she plead for his life? I mean lady pick a side!!! she picked YH and knew that Wook life will be in danger so why go pleading now. Should have helped Wook and now her only son will die because she choose to help YH

I'm like :blink:.... and then :crazy: and then :angry: . I totally feel they slap everything together the last moment cause the writing its choppy, the scenes are not well executed and it seems unreasonable. I mean we don't get to see YH getting punished for the poisoning tea and Won for getting what he deserve really writers 


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I'm looking forward to the brilliant essays here to give me a more layered understanding of tonight's episode. (Well except for YH because I don't care to understand any deeper.  Her venom directed at HS at the Damiwon scene was beyond vicious.

Won is the only one left in the palace.  Hmmm...he's the true masochist.  He will have to live there forever looking over his shoulder and not knowing when GJ will ask him to repay his long anticipated debt.

Does anyone have any idea the book WS was reading while speaking with JM?  The scene where JM tells him if HS leaves he will lose himself.  They seem to have spent a couple seconds on it.  I wonder if it is relevant.

Somehow I wished there was a sbs version (edited) episode tonight.  The feel for this version is slightly off.  I've found that the post edited versions were always an improved version because of its slight re-arrangement, background music, additional scenes and etc.  I dunno maybe my mind is spoiled knowing that there could be other possibilities.

I feel drained because I feel like I was that one who broke up with someone tonight.  How many times has it now?

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1 minute ago, TeBe said:

I was busy , so thank God ,  I didn't watch the live streaming .. I after reading this I won't watch ep.19.. I will waith for 20 and watch them both with subs.

I love myself enough to not let the writer, the PD, the Drama  ruin my Halloween mood! :sweatingbullets:


I shud listen to u guys. I shudnt watch episode 19. Just wait for the recap. My sisters were really mad at HS. Something is wrong with her brain. She cant see things clearly

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Hae Soo and Wang So's relationship will always remain a mystery. Whether it's HS's fault or WS's fault it doesn't really matter because they both gave such awful effect to their own relationship. 

I'm thinking what if I become HS, 

our loved one will kill our family and one of the reason is to protect us (HS may refer the princes and CR as her family also). I guarantee it's hard to see him the way he was before, like 'Who's this guy now?' The normal reaction is actually like Hae Soo, she's afraid of WS now. And every killing that happened also became her burden.  

The most possible thought is that their love is kind of destructive to each of them as the time past and more obstacles happened around them. It's like HS said, better leave now before they started to hate each other :( 

and yes, that kind of destructive love do exist.:tears:



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Just now, lilac_alex said:

I'm looking forward to the brilliant essays here to give me a more layered understanding of tonight's episode. (Well except for YH because I don't care to understand any deeper.  Her venom directed at HS at the Damiwon scene was beyond vicious.

Won is the only one left in the palace.  Hmmm...he's the true masochist.  He will have to live there forever looking over his shoulder and not knowing when GJ will ask him to repay his long anticipated debt.

Does anyone have any idea the book WS was reading while speaking with JM?  The scene where JM tells him if HS leaves he will lose himself.  They seem to have spent a couple seconds on it.  I wonder if it is relevant.

Somehow I wished there was a sbs version (edited) episode tonight.  The feel for this version is slightly off.  I've found that the post edited versions were always an improved version because of its slight re-arrangement, background music, additional scenes and etc.  I dunno maybe my mind is spoiled knowing that there could be other possibilities.

I feel drained because I feel like I was that one who broke up with someone tonight.  How many times has it now?

The book was HS diary written in Hangul. Chae Ryung stole it from HS. Remember when Wook's mother went to WS abt against his intention to get married to HS? Queen Hwangbo was the one who overheard CR & Won talked abt CR to stay in the palace to spy on HS

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About the series execution...

Can someone do a count of how many times the EP of this series allowed the same shot of HS (IU) face's close up in this series? Director must be having a crush on her.  Hmm...20 eps , so least 20x i gather? I swear there are some eps with 2 x of her closeups.  I'm honestly sick of seeing her face. 

Talk about having a lack of creativity and playing the same trick to ad nauseum.....   

And come to think of it... it's quite flippant the way HS and WS meet ... The time he came into the room as she was about finished with her bathhouse gals about her marriage to Jung and the time she was walking snail pace inside a room and he just came from the opposite direction towards her, to confront about her first bf. 

I don't know about you but it's just pure laziness in setting the stage for these scenes. The king/emperor would have people announced his presence... even if the king/emperor stopped the announcement...the whole scene seems like its any other chap walking in to catch 5 mins with his friend.  The bathhouse gals went off without even addressing the emperor who is Mr Execution Crazy mind you...

And the second scene,  if they set it up properly... it could be even more dramatic and touching. oh well......

Errr.....  i call this just pure laziness of production and execution.

Since i'm on the roll,  except for maybe one good writer of Han writing,  the rest of the letters are written in crazily bad Han handwriting. Eg.  the Ex-Emperor's marriage approval letter to Jung - even the emperor's handwriting was bad.???  The series seems to be seriously lacking in budget  (if you are observant enough, you can spot some other areas too) .



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3 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:


Exactly, Wang so as a character is brilliant developed but compare it to the source material and you realize just how white washed he has become in this. I would have preferred if everything he did wasn't so justifiable because it would feel he has faults too or if the writer could also justify other characters along with him for their actions then it would make sense and you could feel the actual tragedy in everyone's lives and not just So's. But here it's like I find everyone except him to have flimsy reasoning and sense after all the dialogues they threw out about being there for him, etc. etc.

The 4th had a backstory too in regards to his relationship with his mom and the 14th but it wasn't as bad as this. He was quite smart and shrewd, had a lot of ambition to become king but he also loved Rouxi just as much, maybe not at the level of wang so but he clearly loved her enough. The thing is, I feel the c-version did a much better job at many us feel for ALL the characters which I dont think the k-version has done.

it was because its 40 episode i guess, all the characters and scenes make sense, as compare with rushed k-version.... you could feel how rushed it is.. it would have been great if they made it 24 episodes (some sageuk play at 24, so why they cant make that)

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Im sorry I couldnt continue recap... its too hard. 




cr. junghyebi in twitter

and if thats not hard enough she regrets being with him.... ARGHHHHH!!!!! did I msunderstood her words :heartbreak::confounded:


ep 20 time for redemption please??hell-yes-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862

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4 minutes ago, lilac_alex said:

I'm looking forward to the brilliant essays here to give me a more layered understanding of tonight's episode. (Well except for YH because I don't care to understand any deeper.  Her venom directed at HS at the Damiwon scene was beyond vicious.

Won is the only one left in the palace.  Hmmm...he's the true masochist.  He will have to live there forever looking over his shoulder and not knowing when GJ will ask him to repay his long anticipated debt.

Does anyone have any idea the book WS was reading while speaking with JM?  The scene where JM tells him if HS leaves he will lose himself.  They seem to have spent a couple seconds on it.  I wonder if it is relevant.

Somehow I wished there was a sbs version (edited) episode tonight.  The feel for this version is slightly off.  I've found that the post edited versions were always an improved version because of its slight re-arrangement, background music, additional scenes and etc.  I dunno maybe my mind is spoiled knowing that there could be other possibilities.

I feel drained because I feel like I was that one who broke up with someone tonight.  How many times has it now?

it looked like the diary???

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4 minutes ago, junejungki said:

I'm angry too. The snake Won stil alive. That richard simmons YH wish comes true. She betrayed Wook & So will grant her wish. Stupid HS still blame So for killing Chae Ryung. HS better quickly die & return to present time

I know.. Won is still sneakily smirking behind everyone.. and YH is the richard simmons victorious of them all here.. doesn't matter if she ain't get the love her greed is stronger than her so called love.. That's one more, I can't believe how she'll pick a traitor over her selfless faithful lover.. she even said CR was sincere? then is WS insincere for crying out loud, the man drank poison.. the man is ready to fight the world for her and even willing to give up his own happiness for who? for HER! for HS. I know she loves WANG SO and that's what frustrates me.. 

The furious illogical me right now: wants the kdrama to end up with the novel.. where she ain't gonna have 2nd chance. blacko-emoticon-09.gif


12 minutes ago, vangsweetie637 said:

I feel like she can't hold onto WS as strongly as she did Wok. I mean..whatever Wok did, she always had some faith that he had reasons and that he would keep his words, come back to her..etc. but with WS, i just feel like she isn't as strong.

RIGHT! WELL SAID! I'm really in a disbelief here.. she stick at Wook's side despite of the countless of broken promises... and holy HE EVEN TURNED HIS BACK ON HER when she needed him the most. How can she not do that with Wang So? How will I accept this fact? scratching-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

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