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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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6 hours ago, owlcat said:

 Hi can you tell me which interview he stated they were running out of time in please? I would love to watch or read the interview. Thanks :) 

Hi. Sorry dear. I can't quite recall where I read it but I am certain of the article. They are quite a number of our members here who have read and quoted what Joon Gi's mentioned in the article. Apologized that I could not help with this further. :sweatingbullets:

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@40somethingahjumma I've very much enjoyed all your recent commentary on E18. There's 2 sticking points left, though, that bother me quite a bit. And by that, I mean a whole freaking LOT.

1) Don't you agree that the writing in E18 made it seem like Soo decided to leave So because he'd killed her "little sister"? Which given everything that Chae Ryung did (up to and including her involvement in the deaths of 2!! of Soo's beloved princes), just makes it impossible to even begin to understand where Soo's head is at. And it makes me really bitter that she'd leave So for this reason, especially as not very long ago she promised him that she'd stay with him always. Why is she always breaking her promises to So only?

Anyway, I'm curious what line of dialogue or gesture made you think that because she, Soo, keeps getting used against So, she's decided to leave the Palace in order to protect him. I think it was something along these lines that you said? But I just don't see it.

2) In C-BBJX, Ruo Xi first asked the Emperor (4th Prince) to let her leave the Palace, and it was only AFTER he told her that he'd never allow her to leave him, that she asked for 14th Prince's help. So I'm bitterly disappointed for this reason as well, that Soo didn't even possess the common decency to talk to So first before sending for Jung, to explain that she wants to leave and to ask him to allow it. He might have understood and respected her wish! Fine, he likely wouldn't have, but why isn't she giving him even ONE chance? Doesn't he deserve at least that much after all they've been through together, after everything he's done for her? Why does Soo, whenever the going gets tough, always and forever default to expecting the worst from So? 

And anyway, if Soo wants to leave the Palace, doesn't she have a mouth to argue her case and 2 feet to carry her away? Why must she immediately involve other people--moreover 14th Prince who

(a) is So's full blood brother and already has a bad relationship with him--which would only get further strained because of Soo's irresponsible decision; and

(b) is in freaking house arrest and denied entry to the capital under pain of death!

I keep trying to understand and sympathize with Soo, only to keep hitting a wall... again... and again... and again.

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17 minutes ago, shinaabby said:

When was this song played? I dont remember hearing it.

This is the BGM when So went on the monk killing spree in episode 3. The only BGM I still could not find anywhere is the drumming hum when So asked Yeon Hwa if she could pledge her loyalty only to him and turn her back on Wook and her family, when she was initiating for them to consummate their marriage at their bed chamber. I have played all those instrumental tracks but could not find the BGM anywhere. Totally frustrating :angry:

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2 minutes ago, ChewyChocolate said:

GJ: Soo! You look so pretty in that mask! Shall we go for our lantern date?

(Minutes later)

GJ: We're alone now. Let me take off your mas - OMGGGGG!!!!!

Wook: Surprise!!!!

GJ: Wook????!!!

Wook: Yeah, it's me, your destiny, Queen Wook.

GJ: Y..your hair....

Wook: Never knew I had such long silky hair beneath that bun, eh?

GJ: Your e..ears..

Wook: Oh, these? I stole these dangly earrings from YH.

GJ: A..are you wearing a hairpin????

Wook: Oh, that's mine. I have quite a few in my collection.

GJ: T..the sideburns?

Wook: I stole these from Jung. 

GJ: I..Is that a gown you're wearing?

Wook: I borrowed this from Soo. I like the pretty floral pattern. I'm so done with those black outfits.

GJ: I..I

Wook: You..you hahahaha Well, say something, silly, we're on our first date, after all.

GJ: W..What????

Wook: Wanna hold hands?

GJ: OMG. No.

Wook: Want a back hug? I'll go first.

GJ: No. OMG. Stay away from me, please...

Wook: A piggy back? We haven't had that yet in the drama.

GJ: I'm getting out of here!

Wook: Hey, come back here...we haven't started dating, and you're dumping me?



HAHA, thanks for the laugh!

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33 minutes ago, Mona Ys said:


hehehe.. yes, they were both in LJG's previous drama Two Weeks :) I just rewatch it last weekend when I was missing LJG so much. 


WW was also in it too. He played the disabled son of the evil lady (forgot her name). I thought WW acted his little part in Two Weeks really well.  

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20 minutes ago, violet90 said:

fast forward... Su will get what she wish that she forgot everything and meet with future So.. cause i don't think the writer can solved So remember anything from his past... better to forgot everything and just start their own love story... making one remember and another one don't is just too cruel..

So I read the post from @violet90 and watched the very beginning of SHR.What if....what you said comes true?Initially I thought that these words I tweeted was for when she resurfaced in the bathing area in Goryeo.But I tried to think again.This may be a little too far fetched for some of you but what if they are related to the ending?Here's my take:

I want to forget everything - Has she forgotten what happened to her in the 21st century before she was dragged into Goryeo?With all that's going on,she doesn't have the time to think about it.So she might have forgotten.Will she forget everything in Goryeo should she return to the 21st century?Maybe she won't.I think that whatever has happened in Goryeo has caused her tremendous stress and trauma.Her memories of Goryeo may become repressed memories(look at the end for reference) My guess is that if she returns to 21st century and sees a WangSo look alike,she might notice that he is familiar to her but she may not remember what both of them went through in Goryeo.So in a way she forgets.

Your life can't change just because you want it to.Maybe if you died and came back to life again - It seems that these 2 sentences have already come true in the first episode when she resurfaced in the princes' bathing area.But I think this might also happen in the ending.When she returns to the 21st century she has another chance at changing her life again.But here comes a question...How can you change your life when the whole boyfriend fiasco has already happened(because the whole boyfriend richard simmons was what made GoHaJin want to change things in the first place).

Okayyyy this is when I drop a theory that many of you might not agree with.I suddenly thought to myself.What if...GoHaJin wakes up in the 21st century but not after being chased by ahjummas or betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend.Whatever hell that her boyfriend gave her hasn't happened yet when she reawakens.Perhaps she reawakes at the point of her life where she first met her boyfriend.Don't you think that she is able to change her life now?And...what if at this point of time,whilst hanging out with her boyfriend/friend/boyfriend-to-be that she suddenly notices a WangSo look alike.So familiar yet she can't point out where she has seen him before.But that look alike guy is like a magnet which draws her to him.And then that's when they meet.Her noticing WangSo look alike in this 'new' life might not have happened before in her 'old' life before she was dragged into Goryeo because she might have been so into her boyfriend to notice anyone else.By now noticing WangSo look alike,her life will change.

To fall asleep and never wake up again - I put these words in a different colour because they seem to contradict whatever I have said so far.This sentence implies that HaeSoo will be dead and the soul of GoHaJin will not reincarnate into anything.Her soul will just sleep and never reawaken.This might,though,provide an alternative ending to whatever I had just said above.


Confused?Yeah my brain went kapoosh at the end of this post.I have no idea how I thought of all these.They seem too far fetched but I just have to put it here.What do you guys think?Any chance of it happening?

*You can read http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/06/15/repressed-memories-causes-mechanisms-coping-strategies/ to know more about repressed memories.*

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@ChewyChocolate LOLOL! Your lantern date parody came at just the right time, when all of us are getting maudlin... even myself, the moment I revisited the ending of the novel, despite knowing it so well. Thank you... you're a lifesaver! :D 

@stevii @soorani I personally don't hold much (if any) hope that So and Soo will meet before she dies  However, I can totally imagine @antiherofans's scenario being played out if they were to tweak the ending... because it would be so in his character to ride like a man possessed to try in vain, to see her one last time. Which means, he did read her letter after all, but arrives too late to take back the words he lashed out at her when they parted last. And that... would utterly break him in a way that nothing else had managed to do.

@violet90 I know right? She is all alone in the end, bereft of everyone who truly loved her, whom she truly loved. I know Jung will be good to her, just as 14th was to Ruoxi, but it will be cold comfort, after all that she has lost.

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you know what make me want to cry later on when Su die???? 

she did said to Jung that she want to travel go to the dessert and ocean.. that's why she did't want to be buried cause once again even after death she still tied to one place.. when she alive the palace make her suffer and she being caged the whole time so when she die she want to be free like a bird... and she will ask Jung to cremated and scatter her ash.. i don't know but it will break my heart seeing Jung will explain to So what Su truly wanted cause all this time he did't know Su have that ambition... 

there is so many thing that So did't know actually.. yes he been in love with her so many years but now that she loves him everything that she wanted she burried deep down in order to stay with him.. i think it will destroy So knowing all this...


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51 minutes ago, shinaabby said:

When was this song played? I dont remember hearing it.


In Episode 11 and 13, when WangSo Runs to HaeSoo before the Hanging to save her  and when HaeSoo searching for WangSo to inform him that the King is Dead and when WangSo and Wook fight. Like parts and pieces of the soundtrack is scattered in the scenes.




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8 hours ago, Brenda Capers said:


Get your frustration chingu...

After chinese success... maybe it would be better but if they had gone in 2 different direction...using this initial plot and make it a clear rom-com fantasy or just longer brutal historical drama

Yes, many of us likes this drama...but if you ask me they dragged HS&Wook for to long then started to rush all in last few eps...lost a fantasy thing half way and try to stick to history too much...for me, the best part is WS character and LJG briliant performing

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about So react to WW love with Su.. i think i understand why LJG describe his character as possessive lover... his character never know love or even learn how to love since he was kid and he obsess with making his mother proud of him even if its mean killing people.. even till his mom dies he still obsess with wanting her to accept and acknowledge him.. there is no way Su can fix this one because in So nature to possess everyone that he loves.. and his mom did't even love him back.. 

Su?? his first and last women that he loved.. the first one that he truly cares since he was born and she did love him back.. she taking care and be by his side.. we already being warn about his possessive toward Su since the beginning.. and the joke he tell that maybe he will kill the person that she loves is not a joke.. it may be joke at that time but now she belong to him its a reality.. So can't and won't accept that WW get Su first and they used to love.. the side of him that possessive of person will emerge and he will rage and be mad cause he loss to WW.. and because of this he will said the thing that he will regret later on...

its not about Su used to have a lover... its just because he loss to WW who is his sworn enemy.... anger , jealousy and ego get hold of him and he will lash out to Su...

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Help, can someone please help me find a song? It's an instrumental song played in episode 18 after...

CR was beaten and HS fainted and she dreams of flashbacks.

I've been looking through the recently released OST but I can't seem to find it. Is it even on there?
Thanks for anyone who can help me confirm!

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when a fan asked IU which prince she loved the most.. her answer is So and Jung because their love does't changed till the end.. 

so i'm going to hold to that and pray that So will cool down and start thinking rationally after Su is gone and HOPEFULLY can be with her when she dying.. cause i think i see a slim chance of that if WW repent and set thing straight about Su and YH...

but even that does't happen for me what IU trying to said So loves will always be there even if him lashing out or mad with her.. its just he will realize that a little too late if he did't get to see her for the last time..

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3 hours ago, Akiddo said:

Ep 19 - 20: Farewell to my eternal love

Ep 17-18 sped up the sequence of events in the original novel and C-BBJX. We have 2 more episodes to bring this epic love story to a close.

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In BBJX, the eagle incident happened during Kangxi's reign. That incident ended 8th Prince's lifelong struggle to be the crown prince/emperor. The attention shifted to 14th prince to take over the throne as he became powerful as a grand general and was the favoured sonwith strong family backing from his maternal side. When 4th prince took over the throne by force - the 8th prince gang was up in arms to fight but were helpless against a very prepared 4th Prince who had Longkodo and Nian Gengyao. 14th prince was faraway from the palace in a battle. Ruoxi was also the first to kneel and greet 4th prince as emperor at the death bed of Kangxi. RX's guilt was extremely deep rooted as Kangxi was a father like figure to her and she knew 4th Prince didn't get the throne through an honourable way. But she knew history was at stake and went along with it. 

Hence the 8th Prince punishment to kneel in front of a temple over some incident. Ruoxi prayed on her kneels, followed by standing for the whole night in her room to protest against the punishment. He was eventually released from his punishment but this was the beginning of the rift between 4th Prince and Ruoxi, 13th prince warned Ruoxi to let go of all matters related to 8th Prince to keep him safe but she couldn't due to her compassion to all the princes, not just because of her past relationship with 8th. Things just spiralled downwards from there. 8th Prince's story arch was really sad and I for one felt that 4th prince went overboard by getting him to divorce his wife - causing her to commit suicide. The misunderstanding between RX and 4th prince went deeper and deeper to the point where they had to part. 


In the ep 19 preview, the sequence of events is jumbled in my opinion. My version for Ep 19-20 is as follows. Parts of Baek Ah and Woo Hee are not included as my concern is only So-Soo. Points 11-25 could be vastly different from the drama. I just need to get these thoughts out of my system. 

1. GJ plots to get rid of Wook - with the help of YH and Won. 

2. Wook is condemned to death for attempted treason. 

3. Soo steps in to beg for Wook's life - possible that Wook's mother asked her for help and tells her the sequence of Wook's progression into the dark side. Given her personality, she risks her life to help Wook one last time - out of guilt, out of her loyalty to her late cousin, out of whatever residual feeling she has left for 8th. She succeeds in getting his life saved but causes a permanent rift in her relationship with So. 

4. Wook reflects on the sequence of events and figures out that his sister has betrayed him for GJ. By then, Jung will have gotten wind of Soo's decision to leave with him. 

5. So gets the late King's edict to betroth Soo to Jung. He refuses to acknowledge the edict. Jung shows the hairpin as proof of Soo's decision. The sight of his token of love to Soo hurts GJ deeply. Baek Ah realises the significance of Soo's request and is devastated. 

6. Wook loses all hope in his life and family. He confronts GJ for a final show down - tells him the truth about the poisoning incident, YH's involvement and why he couldn't save Soo. He pulls everyone into the blackhole with him - if he has to suffer, GJ and YH will have to suffer along. Soo becomes the collateral damage in this confrontation.

7. GJ is devastated by Wook's confession and links her determination to save Wook as a sign of her love for Wook. He confronts Soo and she admits to her past relationship with Wook. GJ tells her that he doesn't want to see her anymore and she has the permission to leave the palace. 

8. Soo leaves the palace and Songgak for good. Before she steps out of the gilded cage, she looks back with tears in her eyes and memories of the past flashing before her. Soo knows she will never see the palace again. 

9. GJ looks from afar with tears streaming down his face. Memories of happier times flashing before him. WS is inconsolable but GJ soldiers on. He fulfils his promise to YH to give her an heir. 

10. Time skip. Soo starts life anew with Jung in exile. A celebration of marriage is prohibited between them but Jung is happy to have Soo by his side and tries his best to make her happy. Soo misses So deeply and continues her writing every day. 

11. GJ continues to consolidate his empire. He has spies in Jung's household. Jung is aware of it. GJ gets reports on Soo and Jung regularly. 

12. Jung creates an illusion of intimacy between him and Soo for the spies to report back to GJ, mainly to rile GJ. GJ is devastated that Soo has finally moved on from him and orders that reports on Jung's household must not be presented to him from here on. 

13. In the mean time, Soo's health continues to deteriorate. She knows her end is near. Asks Jung to help her to deliver a letter to GJ. She hopes to see him one last time. 

14. Jung accedes her request. Notices her handwriting is too similar to GJ's. He puts her letter in another envelope with his handwriting on the envelope. 

15. Letter reaches GJ. GJ doesn't read it. 

16. Soo dolls herself up the best that she can. Deteriorates rapidly.

17. GJ dreams of Soo. His right arm where he was once wounded aches terribly. 

18. Soo gives up hope that So will come to her. She asks Jung to cremate her right away after she dies and throw her ashes into the ocean/lake on a windy day. She wants to forget all of them. She asks him to let go of the past and live on fruitfully. Soo doesn't leave any last words for her beloved. She dies in Jung's arms. Soo finally leaves Goryeo behind. We see a solar eclipse transporting Soo back to modern time the moment she passes on. 

19. Jimong sees the solar eclipse and sighs for the loss of his kindred spirit Soo. He knows she is gone. 

20. Words finally reach GJ and Baek Ah that Soo has passed away. He is shocked beyond words. He scrambles for the unread letter. He finds it and opens it with trembling hands. He sees Soo's handwriting for the first time. Reads the letter while the audience weeps with him. All inconsolable. Ambulance and medics should be on standby at LJG's fan meeting. 

21. GJ and Baek Ah arrive at Jung's residence. Fight ensues. Baek Ah stops them, asks them to let Soo leave in peace after being sandwiched between all the brothers for the past 10 years. 

22. So enters Soo's room to find her belongings - the hairpin, the arrow, stacks of her writing...So breaks down once again. He knows she left with him etched in her heart. There was no room for anyone else. He was her eternal love, just like she is to him. She is completely his person, always and forever. Need more back up on ambulance and medics - many are suffering from excessive sobbing and heart aches.  

23. So takes her ashes back to Songgak. Jimong tries to explain to GJ about Soo/Ha Jin - offends GJ and is banished. So and Baek Ah throws her ashes into the ocean or Dongji lake as per her wishes. GJ mulls on Soo's odd ways and concludes that he will find her one way or the other. 

24. GJ lives for another 20+ years, misses Soo everyday. GJ tries to leave clues for the future Soo/Ha Jin. Dies on a solar eclipse in 975. 

25. Time skip 1000 years to modern day Seoul. Your guess is as good as mine. Let's hope for a good ending with all the loose ends tied up nicely. 

Will we all be alright on Tuesday night? I am going to ask my hubby and kids to stay out of my way from 9pm. 

Your thoughts give me chills. 

Let's hoping for the best. 

Eclipses! Gather on! Tuesday night! 

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I've  been thinking of why and how this drama has so many people mesmerized and the so addicted to the love story and I've never seen fans root for their OTP so much.. like they do for hae soo and wang so, but maybe thats coz I'm not part of many fandoms in general lol... idk.. 


Wang so is such a relatable character, of course its done to an extreme because its a show and the drama factor has to be there, but in reality, anyone who has felt rejected by society because of something about them, experienced bullying, not accepted by social standards, very low confidence and self esteem can relate to this character. the embarrassment, the anger, the self consciousness. I think many people in this day  and age can sympathize because they would've felt it to some degree. For someone like that to find someone who makes them feel comfortable, after living in such a hard, cruel world, with so many haters around, its such a beautiful situation and experience. Its what deepens the bond and the love, that it was built on healing and acceptance. 

Many people can relate to wang so more than hae soo, because i think many people in life feel like a target these days, with how much cyber bullying, real life bullying and other sorts of hate is spewed around so easily now. And many of us would also really love to have someone who sees beneath the defenses and walls we put up, someone who truly understands us, a bestie, lover, soulmate. And this story is just that, showing someone finding their soulmate. happy or sad ending, the fact that the love happened and existed is enough for me. I'm ready for the last 2 eps. bring it on. :tears::sweatingbullets:

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