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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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21 hours ago, fragglerock said:


"I can't marry you, to leave the palace"

Then Hae Soo-ah, can you marry So to make sure he become a great king? 

I would've love those reasoning. 

Just my 2 cent

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5 hours ago, deabakdrama said:

@Diana Blanche I have the same thoughts. The words "that's enough for me" carry  a lot of meaning. The moment WW turned his back to HS twice is already the end of their relationship. She has longed him for so long, but he only comes to see her after one year. That's why she asked him "do you miss me?" Luckily WW's answer is YES. She wants to ensure her loved towards WW is not a waste. As such, she continues to advise WW not to put himself in danger for her. To me, she is no longer loving WW, just don't want him to be in danger because of her. 

As for WS, she knows he will becoming the king of Goryeo, that's why she keeps reminding herself to keep distance from him. But she just can't do it, she doesn't understand why she acts so weird...I think in the next few episodes, she comes to realize that she is deep in love with WS. hopefully it happened tonight...

No, he actually turned his back on her three times:

- the rain scene

- in the episode 12 next to the stairs

- in the episode 12, after meeting her, when she is eating  her dinner next to the river.

Notice that he betrayed her three times too:

- when she left the prison, she was expecting for him. He never brought any evidence for her.

- when she started begging, she wanted to know about him and kind of asked Baek Ah. He wanted to beg the king for Oh's life. He stopped again due to his mother and his sister. The latter even commented that he had already abandoned her once! So this was the second time!

- The rain, when he didn't join her.

Each time, Hae Soo was hoping, he would come to rescue her but he never did. Her meeting with Wook in the last episode clearly shows her disappointement, the last lingering feelings she has for him. She wanted to know if she was really loved in the end and she could only measure it by asking if he missed her. She still cares for him but she knows that his love for her has never been strong because he puts his life and safety first. Like I mentioned it before, he comes up with excuses why he didn't see her in one whole year, where he could have. Wang So was faraway the entire time.

By the way, yesterday I compared the two proposals based on the sneak preview. After watching the SBS version, I would like to add another difference between the two proposals. Wang So clearly proves his selflessness with this action. He is even ready to get divorced after they have left the palace. This really illustrates that she is his priority. He still thinks, she might still be in love with the other man. Yet her safety is more important than his love for her. On the other hand, Wang Wook proposed to her out of selfishness. He wanted to possess her, to secure her as Wang So had appeared as a rival. His needs were his priority, not hers. This also illustrates why Wang Wook's proposal appears so late (episode 10). Before, he really enjoyed having her next to him, without worrying too much how she was dealing with her new life as court lady. Wang So was always concerned about her.

Then I would like to add that Wang Wook is really naive because he thought, he could still see her after the rain scene and wanted to act as if nothing had happened. Then he got shocked, when he saw Hae Soo limping. I mean, she got tortured because of him!! So he avoids her and thinks, as long as she is in the palace close to me, that's enough. He cries and yells that she left Daminwon so this means to me that he never thought, she would leave the palace. In my opinion, he clearly thought, as long as he could see her, he could win her heart again. He only needed time. As conclusion, he was playing on time... typical from Wang Wook! And their conversation reveals his true way of thinking: I am powerless and as long as I am in no position to help you, I can't come to you. So basically, he was expecting from her to wait again.

@40somethingahjumma I really enjoyed your last comment crazy monkeyand I agree with you raccoon. I love how the relationship between Hae Soo and Wang Soo is evolving: so slowly but each time a little closer. The episode 12 reveals that despite her words, Hae Soo has already So in her heart. From my point of view, when Wang So discovers the identity of the man whom Hae Soo used to love, he will clearly release his anger towards Wang Wook. He was already furious that he hadn't helped to prove Hae Soo's innocence. But when he discovers that Wang Wook abandoned her in order to protect himself (for his ambition to become a king)... he will want to avenge Hae Soo. This could be a problem for our OTP as Hae Soo is not someone who hold grudges. She is much more forgiving than Wang So.


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Totally devastated last night OTL

but thanks to all the insights and the experts' interpretation, somehow it made me go back here again and hang on that little piece of hope that our OTP will sail soon.

Waiting for the live stream. But not expecting too much. I've already steel my heart earlier so not to be devastated again tonight.

@qwenli take a rest. We will be waiting here on the day of your return ;)


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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

Sometimes I think I must be watching an entirely different drama called Moon Lovers set in an alternate universe which only I am privy to. I'm sitting here scratching my head wondering what the furore has been all about. Aside from editing issues and the odd mix of cheesiness, I don't quite understand the outrage. I don't mind cheesy and I can close an eye to egregiously bad editing if it doesn't happen too often during the hour.  But honestly... I definitely don't understand the vitriol against Su even if I understand the widespread disappointment that there's not been much progression between the leads. And I certainly don't see her pining for Uk. Yes, she's trying to fob off So but is that so surprising after everything she's been through? 

It's undoubtedly a testament to what a fantastic job Lee Joon Gi is doing that everyone is so quick to take the side of the character he's playing. He is quite wonderful in his portrayal of Wang So and he really putting his stamp on the character. Apart from that, he's such a well-developed, larger-than-life character who's so determined and gloriously practical about love. What a breath of fresh air in stodgy Goryeo.

However, that shouldn't cloud our judgement about the object of his affections. Just because he loves greatly doesn't mean she has to especially if she's terrified or should I say petrified, that she will be an instrument of catastrophe yet again... that someone close to her again will die because of her naivete. I rather enjoyed the new improved cynical laundry maid Su. Perhaps there really is a sadistic streak lying dormant in me but it's a relief seeing all that cheerful meddlesome optimism beaten out of her. Now, I think she might actually be ready to be the woman of a King. 

I saw the "I miss you" exchange with Uk rather differently. It was done so stoically and philosophically... in a jaded, world weary way which leads me to think that it was her way of saying good bye to him. My impression watching it is that all she wanted to know if he was ever really in love with her or was their romance a complete lie from start to finish. It probably gave her a measure of comfort to know that he did love her even if he didn't love her enough to support her to the end. I thought it was quite telling how she cut him off with a "that's enough for me" when he was trying to rationalize his scumbaggery.

The difference between me and all those who are deeply disappointed that the "real" romance hasn't begun is that for me the romance began a long time ago. This is probably why I'm one of the handful of people who actually loved The Time We Were Not in Love and its Taiwanese counterpart. I have a soft spot for "friends-becoming-lovers" storylines and I really do love this one. There's something gleefully entertaining about watching So working so hard to win Su over... it's so cute, clumsy and heartwarming that I'm going to be teeny tiny bit sorry when she finally gives in. But what's even more charming is that he's so undeterred... as if he knows that she doesn't really mean all the nasty stuff she's throwing in his face. What is a little challenge for the would-be-king? If he can't handle one woman, he can't rule a nation. :P

But that's it, isn't it? He is a king-in-training. He isn't just a man in love. He is the man who would be King. To love a man is one thing but to love a King is an entirely different beast. Especially when one thinks of what happened to Court Lady O, how loving a king broke her and brought her lifelong suffering.

I've always suspected that Taejo considers So a contender for the throne. It's nice we got confirmation of it in this episode. The man is Machiavellian to a fault but he is a very decent judge of character. Moreover, I'm somewhat amused that he didn't really object to So being so protective of Su but saw that as proof of his mettle. What's even more amusing and delightful is that So knows that his father is deliberately pushing his buttons to test him.

Again I think we saw an even greater contrast between So and Uk. One continues to rise while the other sinks deeper still. Betraying Su was probably the best thing for him in some ways. It turned him from being a reactive creature to a much more proactive one. He's gambling everything on conspiring with Yo which will probably not end well. I'm sure he's after power so he can get the girl. But as the old saying goes... "absolute power corrupts absolutely"

So doesn't seem to really care. He's not really even thinking about the throne. If getting the throne means giving up the girl, he's not interested. 

 Perhaps the moral of the story is one of those paradoxes... that to be worthy of the throne, one needs to be ready to give it up.


@40somethingahjumma Love love love your insight here. Its eloquently written. 

I guess it's true there's a change of role in the drama: before So seems to be the underdog, and Wook is the superior man. But look what happen now. 

That quote "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" has been in my head these past days, but maybe that's also due to the impending USA election. Hah!
And I agree with you, the romance happens a long time ago, it's just that both sides don't realize it, and for that I believe, such love is more poignant than the one WW and HS had. 
Not sure I see eye-to-eye on your thoughts on King Taejo's motive for So to be King. If he did consider So as King after Mo, then he did it cruelly. Subjecting his own son for such suffering and loneliness. 

Looking forward to read more of your insights! ^^

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Things I literally said out loud to my friend as I watched episode 12:

About/At Wook -

  • How dare you
  • The audacity of this douchecanoe right now
  • I can't believe I ever rooted for you GTFO
  • Jesus christ did you really just sell your sister out like that; cold as fuuuck

About So - 

  • Gahhhh.
  • Oh my god stop breaking his heart, she might as well have stabbed him
  • Look at him standing up to the king yesssssssssss


About Jung - 

  • Yesss puppy
  • Omo he gave her medicine over the years oh my
  • You should just whisk Soo away from all this crap 


About Baek Ah - 

  • You smooth mofo
  • Nooooooooooooooooooooo
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8 minutes ago, ddeokbokkii said:

This is another major event in the original Chinese version. this goes way back in the early time of the drama when Ruoxi still serving the old king together with Yu Tang as a court maid(or tea maid?). Ruoxi consider her as her only close sister inside the palace. There are so much changed in this Korean version, I don't know what to expect anymore.

I know. It's true that Moon Lovers is based on the original novel and series adaptation. There are similarities and differences. But mainly, even if Goryeo was influenced by the Chinese or not, it's too difficult to base the drama and everything on the novel and series adaptation. Hence, I think this is where the creativity shines and I like the writing. The problem is just trying to pierce everything together and that's why a lot of us do not like the editing.

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6 hours ago, riuenu said:

New spoiler of Episode 13 is out

Is Wook and Yo bringing an army vs So and the general...and Haesoo behinds at the pillar..I guess Haesoo went to So, informing him that..that why So is standing with the general...

I am so waiting for the translation already...

[선공개] 왕요와 연합해 왕소를 제거하고자 하는 왕욱… 슬픈 눈의 해수





WW's words are super lame. you want him dead you kill him yourself....

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Anneyeong dear Eclipse :) this is my first time commenting here :) I have always been Silent readers all this while and love all the discussion here . Hee Excited to wait for ep 13 tonight xd >_< I am watching from ONE HD Channel :) 

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