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[Philippine Drama 2015 - 2016] On the Wings of Love


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Thanks @KDIK for posting that pres con and images. Loved seeing the end bit; though they're horrible for cutting off such a fun scene. Grrr. Such teasers. Will Baby be her nickname now? Lol. 

Those images of each staring (or kissing) their phone pictures made me sad. The sense of distance is really profound. Makes me wonder if Leah will be shown talking to "Clark" like she did with her Mom's photos. I wish we could get a time frame sense of the past 2 weeks; is it just me or does it seem his arrival went rather fast? The week she's back, he's already practically at her doorstep? I personally don't mind cuz I like the OTP to always be together, but logistically it just isn't flying over in my brain too well. It feels like it would take a while for preparing to go to another country/settling his affairs with work, etc. Well, just my thoughts. 

Thanks to anyone who is posting recaps and pictures. Loving all our discussions. 

Edited by Jafstar
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Guest lalalala823

@KDIK I only watched the preview part, here's the trans of that scene
L: Clark take off your shirt. Take of you shirt cause it smells like vomit, I'm gonna wash it
C: your dad is amazing, it felt like immigration checking us out again. Do you think I impressed him?
L: you don't need to impress him. We just have to tell him that you already went back to sanfo by next week. We just have to make him believe..
C: Make him believe what? That I love you? That's easy Leah, no acting required

About tonight's episode...

it was a continuation of the scene last friday. They were about to bump into each other but didn't ofc. Leah didn't get the job she's applying for so she's getting really worried bec her dad's medicine is expensive and she's starting to wonder if she should just go back to sanfo. 

Clark's work is going well. He just received his first pay from the job and he's looking for carpenters to help him. Cue: scene of hilariously incompetent applicants. He eventually hires 2 people. He asks his new employees about the address on Leah's ID. The 3 of them go to the adress and wait for Leah as she goes home from work. Clark watches Leah buying something and he whispers "I'm here Leah". She turns around as if feeling his presence but he hides himself. Apparently, clark doesn't want Leah to know he's in the Phils and is content with just watching her from afar. The 3 of them continue stalking/waiting for Leah every night (Clark is even updated on Leah's sns status LOL) until Tolayts grow suspicious of them. That's basically the gist of it. :)
The preview looks super sweet. Tomorrow Clark will start the traditional courtship to win Tatang's approval. It also showed a scene of Clark saying to Leah "sayo pa rin ako" (I'm still yours)

Tomorrow's episode onward will be...kyaaaaaaa :wub::wub:Be still my heart 


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Guest AlexMao

After reading the synopsis of the episode and subsequent preview I kind of wanted Tolayts to confront Clark but then go and talk to Leah. Given Tolayts "Say Anything" moment it I would have had Tiffany answer the door with a resounding "What are you doing here?!" with Tolayts's firing back "I didn't come here to see you! Is Leah here?" throwing her into a kind of confused state. Leading Tolayts and Leah to talk and reveal who Clark is. In some kind of childish way may cause Tiffany to confront Tolayts (i.e., actually talk to him) giving the two (well Tolayts) and opening back into Tiffany's heart.

Getting to the talk Mang Sol had with Leah, did I understand it right about marriage for a green card over my dead body? I'm not looking for parallels between her mother and her own situation, just wanted to make sure I got the basics of that chat down. 

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They were so cute missing each other :wub:

Clark found real fast 2 buddies to lurk around Leah's place...first work then pleasure...handy Clark ;)...until Tolayts catches them...it'll be funny:D

So...tomm is the day..can't wait

I don't think that Leah's father will be against Clark once he get to know him...he's smart, hardworker and really loves Leah...Leah loves him as well...and his daughter happiness is most important thing or should be...so who cares how it started

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Thankyou @lalalala823 for translating & recapping the latest ep. I just finished watching it RAW and couldn't stop laughing at that applicants part. Clark has a squad now everyone ! lol. I'm not surprised Tolayts became suspicious of them, they're literally just sitting in a van staring in the direction of the homes lol.

BTS pic -


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@KDIK, they're like goons in Tolayts eyes. And didn't the kid told him that they asked him if there are a lot of pretty girls there? Haha! I love would to see a confrontation between the guys and Tolayts. That would be hilarious.

Oh okay, that makes sense now, everything just added on lol.  I'm actually curious to see why Clark & his squad decide to go and look for Leah's place. The two guys are going to be the comic relief, I hope they can offer advice and support to Clark like Cullen did back in the States.

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Guest AlexMao

@KDIK In all honesty I presumed Clark and his posse went to Leah's simply because Clark didn't know where it was. Subsequent visits on the other hand do raise questions, so I imagine they're just playing an extended wing man/look out role I probably would have been okay with it if they'd showed him where Leah lived and if/when Clark was caught he could have played the expatriate role (which wouldn't have much of a stretch). At the very least it would have lessen any suspicion Clark would have drawn to himself by wondering around.

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Hello @KDIK @AlexMao - the first time Clark's new squad went with him was to help him find the place because he didn't know how to get there. The subsequent times, they have already offered to come. A bit of the humor get lost in translation, but a lot of it remains immutable. Clark asked "Rock's not dead" Axel (he says it in a very colloquial way, "Raks nat ded") if he did drugs and Axel said it depends - if it's a fever, he takes paracetamol; if it's coughs, he takes antihistamines, etc. Kiko, the chubby/always-hungry guy was Clark's classmate in elementary school and he feels slighted that Clark was the no. 1 heartthrob and he was only always second.

Clark and associates are hot to Tolayts' eyes because of all factors together: 1. Tiffany is cold to him lately; 2. He noticed the two new faces and asked the kid they talked to what they wanted (and the kid saying the two goons were looking for pretty girls in the Tenement); and 3. Tolayts' fellow drivers were teasing him on a made-up story that Tiffany is being chauffeured home by a guy in a car. It would make sense that he would be on the lookout. :) 

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@KDIK In all honesty I presumed Clark and his posse went to Leah's simply because Clark didn't know where it was. Subsequent visits on the other hand do raise questions, so I imagine they're just playing an extended wing man/look out role I probably would have been okay with it if they'd showed him where Leah lived and if/when Clark was caught he could have played the expatriate role (which wouldn't have much of a stretch). At the very least it would have lessen any suspicion Clark would have drawn to himself by wondering around.

I should've been clearer lol. I'm curious as to what the final push will be for Clark & squad to leave the truck and actually walk around looking for Leah's house. So far his stuck to his words of letting her have space and not appearing in front of her.

Edited: @hazelnutthursdays - Thanks for the little write-up. Poor Tolayts ! Nothing is going his way these days. I hope Tiffany will ease up on him soon, his such a sweetheart. 

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After reading the synopsis of the episode and subsequent preview I kind of wanted Tolayts to confront Clark but then go and talk to Leah. Given Tolayts "Say Anything" moment it I would have had Tiffany answer the door with a resounding "What are you doing here?!" with Tolayts's firing back "I didn't come here to see you! Is Leah here?" throwing her into a kind of confused state. Leading Tolayts and Leah to talk and reveal who Clark is. In some kind of childish way may cause Tiffany to confront Tolayts (i.e., actually talk to him) giving the two (well Tolayts) and opening back into Tiffany's heart.

Getting to the talk Mang Sol had with Leah, did I understand it right about marriage for a green card over my dead body? I'm not looking for parallels between her mother and her own situation, just wanted to make sure I got the basics of that chat down. 

Hello @AlexMao - I'm sorry I missed this.

Yes, basically, Mang Sol told Leah that he agrees about a marriage for a green card "over my dead body." The statement before that was Leah justifying that it was just a marriage "on paper," but Mang Sol argues that a marriage is a marriage and that getting married for a green card is doubly wrong because they're committing fraud against the government (of the United States of America) and breaking a vow that's supposed to be made (and in Nanang's case already made) before God and man. Everything he said is actually silently berating Leah and adds to her guilty conscience. Mang Sol also noticed that Leah hasn't been well emotionally and that something is weighing on her heart. He says he understands that she cannot tell him but that he hopes she has at least talked about it with Tiffany. She vaguely says she did. And then Mang Sol delivers yet another piece of wisdom: "It's OK to cry. It's OK to get hurt. The important thing is to have loved." I guess this statement will bite Leah (and us) back in the butt pretty soon. 

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Screen-caps for today's episode #OTWOLReunited from Dreamscape  :

- I wonder how much longer we have til Tita Jack finds out that Clark went back to the Philippines and if she'll feel hurt that he didn't tell her about it.

- How Clark's own family will react when they find out that Clark & Leah have feelings for one another, will they be Team Clark or Team Jigs ?

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Screen-caps for today's episode #OTWOLReunited from

I wonder how much longer we have til Tita Jack finds out that Clark went back to the Philippines and if she'll feel hurt that he didn't tell her about it.

- How Clark's own family will react when they find out that Clark & Leah have feelings for one another, will they be Team Clark or Team Jigs ?

@KDIK I think at 1st Tita Jack will be disapointed especially when she said "we are fam" but she will realise they really love each other so she should let them be

 I think they will be Clark team :) especially the kids. Gradma will be hurt bcs she know how Jigs is but also she will be happy for clark and leah

Edited by AdelaM
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Guest AlexMao

I don't even see a need for a Team Jigs. Tita Jack knows that her son has no real chance of getting Leah. Leah made it perfectly clear that their relationship ended when Jig told her to choose between America and himself. His insistence that their relationship never really ended or that he's going to take care of her, etc. is simply a joke He's not even capable of taking care of himself let alone another person. He needs to simply put some distance between himself, his mother and Leah and focus on making himself a better person for himself (grow up as they say). 

As for Clark's family I think they'd be more than happy with his decision as they know he's not been too keen on dating or putting himself out there, he's always been about family so the fact that he's doing all of this for Leah should be more than enough for them to stay out of it enough for both Leah & Clark to figure things out on their own.

Now we all kind of know what's going to happen with Clark and Leah's family "Hell" in a word but damn if it's not going to be a hoot. I want Tolayts to play a part as well [yeah I know I'm overselling Tiffany & Tolayts but so be it].

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I really would just like to take a moment to appreciate the creatives behind this series. I don't even know if this will reach them, but I just want to rave about them:

- the parallelism of Clark and Leah's marriage in the US and the Philippines - how this marriage and their relationship is really just between them, but they have to keep "proving" it and making it count towards other people/authority figures

- the parallelism (and one big difference) of Leah's and her mother's marriages; and how Tatang Sol's words of wisdom are often ominous and foretelling

- the highlight of contrasts between Clark and Jigs. Here's Clark, to whom Leah has exchanged "I love yous" with, and he still respects her space. And there's Jigs, who Leah has broken up with, shows up unannounced and declares he will marry her. Clark's "Sa'yo pa rin ako" - "I'm still yours" vs. Jigs' "Akin ka" - "You're mine."  

I have so many thoughts but I also have too much work on my plate, I can't quite work through my own brain. Simple thoughts that I took away from this episode:

- Leah is always torn between her values and her feelings. I can really feel the dark cloud above her and her somber mood even when she puts on the rah-rah and cheerful attitude, trying to be strong. 

- Axel and Kiko are FTW; loving the ensemble cast. We have everyone we could possibly need--Mrs. Mills and the neighbors in San Francisco, the gossipy but well-meaning neighbors of the Tenement and Clark's hands at the carpentry shop. :) 

- I feel for Tatang Sol. Like it really sunk in how in the dark he was and how that makes him feel. I'm scared for his newly-repaired heart!



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Poor Tolayts...now it's his fault that our love birds r discovered? ;)

I can understand how hurt Leahs father is...but it's not Clarks fault...it's Leah because she choose a way out she knew her father wouldn't approve and not telling him the truth

I don't think tatang will be against Clark once he gets to know him, he' s smart, hardworker and really loves Leah, she loves him back...well except until tatang calls Leah as Leah Olivar and Clark say she's Medina not Olivar ;)

Tita Jack will be hurt as well when she finds out where Clark really is



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