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[Drama 2016] Signal 시그널


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Ep. 13

Article: 'Signal' the secret of the picture, Kim Hye Soo was not a crush

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+730, -9] Kim Hye Soo is amazingly talented. She gets no hate for a role like this, no hate for any skin exposure, no hate for her private life, barely anyone hates her period. She's amazing and just gets better with age.

2. [+432, -4] Please save detective Lee Jae Han

3. [+335, -3] Brust out laughing when Lee Jae Han's dad said let's grab drinks

4. [+49, -3] I think Lee Jae Han will survive... He'll have his past resolved and come to 2015 to marry Kim Hye Soo, no? Park Hye Young will only know the secret... right? Once he catches the culprit and the police and the politician and it all ends and stays in the past, won't he survive? I cried with the funeral yesterday..

5. [+47, -0] My heart ached in this episode. I really hope detective Lee Jae Han survives... I relate to him so much that I get mad and sad for him but even if it's just in a drama, I want someone like him to stay alive and have a happy ending.

Article: 'Signal', a top notch drama that can make viewers cry even with just omurice

Source: News 1 via Naver

1. [+2,856, -27] The acting skills of the cast... even the child actors are top notch..

2. [+2,876, -40] I wonder what the limits of scriptwriter Kim Eun Hee are... so many makjang scriptwriters who only know how to write about love and secret affairs, please watch 'Signal' and learn a thing or two

3. [+2,418, -29] The omurice of tears ㅜㅜ

4. [+2,309, -30] Never did I imagine omurice to be such a tear inducing dish.. ㅠㅠ thank you to the restaurant ajumma ㅠㅠ

5. [+504, -10] This drama is truly a positive example of pre-producing dramas. I'm so glad to see actors we normally only see in movies in dramas for once ㅜㅜ please make it a happy ending!

Credit : http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.co.id/2016/03/tv-spoilers-signal-madame-antoine.html

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16 hours ago, Mico Ricco said:


Stay strong CSH (and LJH's father), with 3 remaining episodes there is possibility for LJH to be alive and kicking in present-time. 



If they manage to change the past will PHY still be a cop in the future/present?

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Oh god. Just finished watching episode 13. They really have to explain the radio and timeline loop thing before this ends because that's what started this all. Haeyoung is mainly affecting what Jaehan does in the past but whatever Jaehan changes in his time greatly affects Haeyougn timeline. AHHH My head hurts already! My eyes hurt as well today. Good thing I just bought Kleenex the other day. Please, please, please. The three of them well, alive, and happy in the present time is enough for me.

Thanks to those who shared BTS videos. Kim Hyesoo indeed gets hurt a lot during filming. What a great actress. Plus the director is really good too.

Jo Jin Woong-nim, I'll give you chocolates but Valentine's Day just passed.

Ohhhhhh LeeSa sings an OST for Signal too? Yay! i love her OST in Yoona's Street.

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omg episode 13....my eyes still hurt from all the crying. I'm still taking in the fact that the bamf pic of LJH & CSH was actually LJH...I bawled particularly hard during that scene....By the time we got to the scenes of young PHY and the omurice and LJH & PKH wishing each other happiness I had tissues littered all over my room.

Despite the emotionally draining episode I'm really REALLY looking forward to tonight's episode. The preview showed signs of CSH learning about the walkie talkie (and possibly hearing transmissions from her younger self[?!]).

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I was practically crying the whole 2/3 of the episode. First it was Lee Jae Han's father and then it was young Park Hae Young and the fact that Lee Jae Han already met him and was in fact caring for him all these while. Lee Jae Han! How much better can you get? Why do good people die?

Then when it was revealed that the photo of Soo Hyun and Jae Han was in fact Jae Han's! Omg I always thought it would be unrequited love but he liked her secretly all along. That was so heartbreaking.

More revelations in the next eps. Soo Hyun will find out about the secret behind the radio.

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Guest Tinkiebell
2 hours ago, flybabyfly said:


If they manage to change the past will PHY still be a cop in the future/present?


Good question. I haven't watched the latest episode, so I don't know if there's a new information that proves otherwise, but the reason PHY became a cop is mainly because of what happened to his brother in the Injoo case. If they managed to sort out the wrongs of that case in the "past", would he still be who he is now in the present? 


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49 minutes ago, Tinkiebell said:


Good question. I haven't watched the latest episode, so I don't know if there's a new information that proves otherwise, but the reason PHY became a cop is mainly because of what happened to his brother in the Injoo case. If they managed to sort out the wrongs of that case in the "past", would he still be who he is now in the present? 



I think he can still be a cop! If LJH solves the case and saves PSW, it could inspire both brothers to study well and be cops or lawyers who would protect the poor and powerless against wrong accusations! LJH could be a sort-of guardian for them together with CSH ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ --- just wishful thinking..

Earlier in this thread, I expressed my worry about the premise of a life for a life, but it seems the writer has changed the mechanics/logic of the story. There was no known consequence for saving all the lives of the future (past-future? I don't know anymore! lol) victims of the box killer. So maybe, just maybe, there is a way to bring the good ones back to life (LJH, PSW, maybe Chief Ahn for his redemption?) and bring down KBJ!!!

Can't wait for tonight's episode! Justice for the goodies, please!!!!

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Something just crossed my mind as I was watching episode 13. We learned that the past has not changed for Injoo case in LJH's timeline, so it cannot be reversible anymore. But seeing that CSH may have picked up the walkie talkie and communicate with her younger self, she may have changed the past without LJH or PHY's awareness. 

Seriously everyone wants a happy ending now after the newest revelations...and our trio deserve one. Thinking back at PD's words, he said one of the main trio will be the ultimate victim so I try not to set my expectation too high :(:(

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I was absolutely prepared for this episode.

How could I not be, having already known what was coming, and had the time to prepare myself mentally for it a week in advance. Yet I was so wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for what unfolded, as I sobbed along with LJH's father as he mourned the son who finally came home, while thanking them for bringing him home to him. The devastation as we canvas the funeral parlour to see the lonely figure of LJH's father and realise that not a single person came. CSH describing how terribly she missed him, wished for him to walk through the door once more and call her name, even when she knew deep inside that he was dead. Finding out that while she regretted not having a photo of them together, he had, even before that, secretly kept their photo from the police magazine... and in doing so, given her what she so desperately wanted.

Then came the realisation that there was so much more to what meets the eye. That LJH put two and two together and figured out who PHY was, and his interest in the Injoo case. Watching over the shattered, lonely boy from afar... quietly providing what little comfort he could in the form of omurice in a pork rind place. His kindness finding an unlikely, equally gruff successor, as the proprietor continued to provide for the boy, long after LJH no longer could... through his rough growing up years.

Then their exchange after the revelations... utterly poignant and aching, with so much behind those simple words "I want you to be happy". For the man he has come to care for, whose remains he discovered, whose death devastated the father and woman who waited and yearned for him for so long, and now he realised, his benefactor as well... PHY was willing to let go of his brother's case, so that he may live. For the boy whom he watched over, whose brother's life, indeed his entire family's, was destroyed by the abuse of power and corruption that withheld justice and framed an innocent person, the same boy who had the same passion and heart as him even when they didn't know who each was to the other's life... LJH would go to the ends for him, to ensure he can have his family back, and enjoy the simple joys of being with his loved ones.

And all I could do was mourn along with each and every one of them with tears that would not stop flowing and gut-wrenching sobs.

Back to the case. In the midst of the devastation of the present, there is still hope. While convicted, PSW is still alive, serving his sentence in juvenile detention. LJH is still doggedly pursuing the case, determined to get down to the truth of the matter. Will he manage to reveal the real principal offender in time, before PSW dies? With the backing of investigative prowess from the Cold Case team, can our team find a way to save LJH in the end, knowing what cages he has to have been rattling, to have warranted a hit? I am desperately hoping that we get see our trio together in the pork rind place one day... having put everything right. Will this hope come true?

Ep13 truly gives grief its proper place... not rushing through them, going through the motions, nor trivialising them. In taking us deliberately through the very real devastation of loss, we walk in the shoes of the victims and their bereaved families, absorbing their pain, it becoming very much our own, if only for a while. From there, hopefully, this ignites the beginnings of empathy and awareness for those who live with such grief possibly their whole lives. And perhaps, this was the whole purpose of this episode after all.

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1 hour ago, liddi said:

Ep13 truly gives grief its proper place... not rushing through them, going through the motions, nor trivialising them. In taking us deliberately through the very real devastation of loss, we walk in the shoes of the victims and their bereaved families, absorbing their pain, it becoming very much our own, if only for a while. From there, hopefully, this ignites the beginnings of empathy and awareness for those who live with such grief possibly their whole lives. And perhaps, this was the whole purpose of this episode after all.

 @liddi I love the whole post. And the one the I quote. When I can't put in something so eloquently I read the post of others and. Thank you.

Signal is the only drama now I'm consistently watching but I always watch with sub. I don't post here that much anymore. But I always look and agree most. This is drama we love! It's gritty it's dark it's compelling it's sad it makes us aware. I'll be watching again the next two episodes when it's sub.

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Usually, on most dramas, after an  episode I got the urge to comment or "rant" when things got certain way. But this... this... I was literally speechless at the end of each episode. I needed time to recollect thoughts and emotion, moments of silent reflection of what could have been, especially for LJH if had he managed to weather the storm and come out of this mess alive,  what  the consequences would be. And I could not bear going into the next episode, feeling things were going to get worse for LJH, CSH, and PHY...

Still picking up pieces from episode 13, but man.... how I love CSH, so solid and strong, even in the face of personal tragedy. 

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Be prepared for big elevations in episode 14.... totally insane...


Sunwoo did not commit suicide, he was killed.

PHY told LJH to protect his hyung... so LJH runs out with a wound in his stomach.

CSH learned about walkie talkie for real now...

And the past will be changed for sure now. Next week is the final week :dissapointed_relieved:

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Hello :) i was just lurker but now i can't resist myself to write something, it's my first time write something for a drama (i'm a variety show person) . i know this drama from one of my korean friends, he was recommended me this drama (i watch many drama but rarely got hooked). i just finished watch episode 14. This drama is seriously good, the storyline is no joke and the actors acting is amazing. feel like i watching movies every week, can't believe it will ended only with 16 episode. best drama this year i guess. i enjoyed reading all post here, good work all. :blush:

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