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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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5 minutes ago, sweetpeaga said:

What is really sad about Sul Li's jealousy of Hae Kang is that she's so blinded by hatred (Hae Kang isn't helping matters) that she can't see the real devil she's dealing with, the real person behind the side effects not being disclosed.

Hae Kang is in a lot of pain and carrying a heavy burden. The person she would have normally discussed her case with, she can't.  She's in a lonely place.

I was extremely happy to see Yong Ki fight back against Tae Suk. She showed him that he's no longer dealing with the frighten person she was 4 years ago. Also love that the doctor is staying by her side.

Sadly, I get the impression someone is going to die. 

I don't want anybody  to die...BIL and his minion should go to jail...JR should do a community services for a while...SR will destroy herself till the end of a battle...don't know about the father yet

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12 minutes ago, irilight said:

Thank you all for recapping and being here for live show... @Kehinde, @trust71, @zagigirl, @sweetpeaga, @andy78, @chubbychub1966@tiMadam, @Lmangla. @jadecloud, @liltash85, @drmjs, @deandraluv

@chubbychub1966, Thank you for those amazing gifs... 

Another fun morning.. Will wait for the subs.

Thank you @irilight and everyone :) Sadly I was up but my usual go-to link zonked out with black screen just at the start of ep 35. And I was scrambling to find another link. Finally found one but it was already the ending segment. Gonna wait for subs anyway.

Alrighty, will check back later.. I've to prep for church now.. HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY everyone :P   

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16 hours ago, jadecloud said:

Thank you @irilight and everyone :) Sadly I was up but my usual go-to link zonked out with black screen just at the start of ep 35. And I was scrambling to find another link. Finally found one but it was already the ending segment. Gonna wait for subs anyway.

Alrighty, will check back later.. I've to prep for church now.. HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY everyone :P   

pm me next time i share mine ..so far i dont have any problem w/ my link

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2 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

Thank you @irilight and everyone :) Sadly I was up but my usual go-to link zonked out with black screen just at the start of ep 35. And I was scrambling to find another link. Finally found one but it was already the ending segment. Gonna wait for subs anyway.

Alrighty, will check back later.. I've to prep for church now.. HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY everyone :P   

Sorry you couldn't join us today...what to say..net is sometimes a b*itch right?

Pray as well for our guys and us chingu ok? ;)

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Hi. This is my 1st time posting on this thread as I'm not an active member nor an active reader. This is also my 1st time posting on soompi forum since My love eundong. But this drama really lures me back to being a kdramaholic and also an active reader. OMG if I tell you how I could come to know about this drama's existence, maybe some of you would get mad at me lol. The first time I knew about this drama was about the first time this drama was being mentioned by some popular blogs and I was like "OMG this kind of plot is still being recycled ckckck. Separated twins, amnesia, second chance of love."

Although I like amnesia themed story, but I was annoyed by the separated twins kind of plot. Then, I saw the article about ji jin hee taking part in the drama but as I was not a fan of him, I just let it pass. Suddenly last month my curiousity aroused while I accidentally watched the listening-music-together-through-earbuds scene in ep 15 and saw the sparks between them anddddddd taraaaa I was hooked and decided to watch it from the beginning.

Normally I am a person who will avoid weekend drama as I always find them too long, annoying, exaggerated,  and so makjang. But while watching this drama, 1 episode is just like 20 minutes. Kim hyun joo and ji jin hee OMG I could not describe how great they are as actors. Their chemistry is sooooooo gooddddd. No wonder they won the Best couple award. So happy for them. Ji jin hee's eyes really ache me everytime he looks at kim hyun joo with pain, longing, and sadness. 

Seol Ri really gets on my nerves. So sorry to park han byul but I really hate seol ri. OMG every time she comes out on my screen, I really want to smack her. The first 9 episodes were really torturing as Jin Eon always took her side and I always cried everytime Hae Gang cried because of them. But after their first encounter in 4 years in ep 10, I was sold to them although I felt bad to baek seok. He was really nice and gentle to Hae Gang. 

Ep 35 seems not having romantic scenes hiksss. The kiss scenes in ep 34 are not enough lol

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Great 2 eps...again :)..can't wait for subs..

...but hightlight for me will stay HK wanting a quickie with JE...he he...our girl surely surprised me..a lot :D

And our namja didn't want to say this time: if you want a quickie go to your lighthouse :lol:

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To all recappers, thanks for your hard work, we appreciate your efforts. :wub:

It seems like the encounters between our characters became physical and a lot more dangerous. 

  • The stare down? It was HK and SR's declaration of war against each other. With the way things are going with these two, it looks like it's going to be scorched earth, claws out till the end. SR plays dirty and she doesn't mind getting blood on her hands for as long as she defeats HK. She even blackmailed MTS into her scheme. MTS plays dirtier and he's desperate. He doesn't care if bodies would start piling up as long as he gets to win. Also, he doesn't like it when the tables are turned, like the snake that he's known here in this thread, how soon do you think will he backstab her? Also, how dared he strangle YK?! He's really evil personified.
  • What did HK, SR and JE discuss as they faced each other? SR looked distraught, obviously playing the victim in front of JE. But when JE seemed to be favoring HK, it got SR worked up. There were revelations, I think mainly about Pudoxin's clinical trials and HK seemed to have straightened certain matters out which made JE upset with her. SR left, JE pitied and followed her. Honestly I don't understand why he did that, I kinda felt bad for HK.
  • So who's trying to harm HK? It seems like there is more than one force at play - we know MTS is having her followed and maybe he's trying to scare her off. What about the one throwing rocks, maybe SIS? She's spooked, but she's outwardly calm and collected. She even went to the site where KSY supposedly committed suicide, she realized that there must have been foul play involved. 
  • I'm also curious at the convo between MH and HK, when he made her sign some documents, why did she secretly seem glad? Was it for YK's protection? HK looked like she achieved something by signing those documents. Also, the convo between MH, JE and MTS. It looked like MH is slowly bringing JE in the loop. It got JE thinking though and it looks like he'll be able to piece everything together sooner than expected.
  • Of course, we know GS declared his love for YK and WJ to his brother and JR. But the events leading up to that declaration seemed nothing out of the ordinary. Well okay, he seemed a bit more attentive to YK but that's it. So aside from protecting them, what do you think is he planning? He seems to have the broached the subject of traveling to the States with YK while they were shopping, that seemed more like a nod to HK's future plans for her niece and sister. 
  • The scene when JE stood almost catatonic in front of the elevator while waiting for HK to arrive was strange. Maybe he was in deep thought and he would only speak to HK. Then after, he called her pretty and reminded her of their night together while Hyun Woo was watching. HW's reaction? Priceless! That moment of levity was most welcome, I spent the majority of time watching this episode waiting for someone to suddenly pounce at HK. 
  • Lastly, HK probably sought refuge at BS' office after her stare fest with SR. She told him she was having a hard time and that she was hurting? I heard her say her heart. BS then proceeded to sing along with the sad background music. I will patiently wait for the subs. ^_^
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20 hours ago, Kehinde said:

She probably will....she'll blame everyone but herself which doesn't make sense since it was her choice to take the drug.

4 years ago JE had nothing to do with the company.

HG was the one that prevent the truth from coming out about podxin by destroy YK. Husband.  If the truth came out then no new testing.

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16 minutes ago, Kehinde said:

HK is funny trying to twist her words but just falls deeper and deeper :D

I'm so glad that scene ended that way...start was painfull...no matter what her plan is...or where she wants JE to be..she doesn't like him be mad at her...nor hurt..well she did hurt him at the end a bit...but he can stand it...he's a big guy ;)

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So this is wat happens when the husband has an affair and now the third party becomes a monster and the wife, HK has to be involved to fight this sweet looking enemy. I can say for sure the worst punishment for JE, HK or anybody who made a grave mistake in their life is guilt, living with guilt for the rest of their life. This is worst then death. 

I think the writer has done a good job by putting death threats in the background. How many head counts is TS calculating to get? I think he sure wish he has a bowling ball to knock everyone at one go like pins on a track so that he gets to lord over Cheonnyeong. I am trying not to get too invested with YK , WJ and the doc Bezos I am so afraid one of them will die.

a big thank you to all the recappers.

going back to re watch the kisses in ep 34 for the Nth time :phew:

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20 minutes ago, drmjs said:

To all recappers, thanks for your hard work, we appreciate your efforts. :wub:

It seems like the encounters between our characters became physical and a lot more dangerous. 

  • ...
  • The scene when JE stood almost catatonic while waiting for HK to arrive was strange. Maybe he was in deep thought and he would only speak to HK. Then after, when he called her pretty and reminded her of their night together while Hyun Woo was watching. HW's reaction? Priceless! That moment of levity was most welcome, I spent the majority of time watching this episode waiting for someone to suddenly pounce at HK. 
  • ...

I don't think he was waiting for HK...in his mind was SR and their talk....wasn't their kiss which started everything in that elevator?...he does feel guilty and sorry for SR

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12 hours ago, kikotaichou said:

Yes, I don't understand how a competent medical researcher (or whatever her job is) can not know about possible risks of Pudoxin especially when it's still in the trial stage.  Maybe an error in the writer's part? Probably should've done more research. The doctor pronouncing HG as dead without even reviving her is another example of errors. I also still can't comprehend how SR just left HG to die. She's got to answer for that, right? Hopefully all the characters will see how evil she really is. 

Personally I think the actress playing JR should've won instead of Park Han Byul (SR). She's one of my favorites in this drama. 

Because it was a lie.  Risk vs lie.  The testing of drug should have been halted.  It was continue because HG DESTROYED YK husband to Bury the truth.

at the time YK. Did not know the test were faked but she did she of knowledge of it has harmful effects.

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I hope JE would not avoid HG after he found out about his father killed HG's father

2 minutes ago, chubbychub1966 said:

Not much HK and JE scenes today :tears:

Oh well I still love that one scene where HK kicked JE :D 

If I was HK I would be embarrassed as well aigoo. HK is seeing a new JE LOL!

@qwenli Chingu, Im also joining you watching the kiss nth time :P


Lol,he said she wanted to sleep with him, and he refused :D:D LOL, she must be embarrased a lot, JE also surprised when he saw HW there, LOL

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