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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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I love the ending! I am happy and smiling at the end of the show. Writer-nim's love lines are beautiful....love in the ordinary day to day living is so realistic and sometimes taken for granted. Couple must make the effort to recognise the love expressed in the little things they do together daily. 

The awesome friends in this thread have made watching this 50-episode drama more interesting, fulfilling and meaningful. Thank you friends and till we meet again in another thread. Cheers!

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4 hours ago, trust71 said:

seungshin  sorry for the late response....thanks for noticing me at DOTS forum...yes...lets spazz their sometime...hope that what we share their will be appreciated....IHAL forum member they do appreciate whatever your comment ....either they agree or disagree...



Haha, funny you mention this @trust71, I doubt I will be very active on the DOTS forum (geesh) unless everyone on IHAL thread moves over there.   I value my time and energy and we take part in forums to be informed and have fun do we not?   It may be enough to just enjoy the beauties that are SJG and SHY in DOTS.  I will spend more time on the new weekend drama 'Yeah, that's right'.

Back to IHAL, I agree with the writer's expression of love like everyone else who's posted about it here re: EP 50.  Goodness knows enjoying every moment (small or big) with our loved ones might sound simple but it's not really.  It takes a lot of patience, understanding, self control, forgiveness, coffee and wine, and lots and lots and lots of love!!!!!!!!!!  so I get the writer's POV though she surely took us through a lot of pain and angst to get to this simple and significant truth in EP 50!

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@deandraluv --- Thank you for 2 wonderful post (p.716).  Each was so meaningful to me. The first, about Writer Bae, the drama , and love.  She is a great writer, especially creating characters so real that I soon care deeply about their "lives & problems" and find them interesting in every way. She may have focused on love between a man & a woman --- But she demonstrated how that love flows outward and around the couple as well. And her themes of "reset" & "second chance" --- We all need them as long as we live and live among others ---As Jin Eon has the wisdom to advise Hae Gang when they first separated!  You expressed so well what a great drama Writer Bae delivered.  Any flaws or faults we claimed made it even more human and real.

Your second post describes so very well what being with the people in this forum has meant to me, also.  Sharing the story of Our OTP as they were hurt, separated, suffered, learned, and grew over 6 years (2011 to 2017 for them) felt like membership in a really close  & special group.  So much honesty and generous sharing of insights and information.  I am so sorry it's over now.I will miss all of you. But I'm thankful this experience came at this time.  :) You were always a very good writer here, IMHO, @deandraluv !  This entire weekend is an unexpected  mix of happiness & sadness, facing the end of one of the best dramas I have enjoyed in a long time.  

Edited by mdj101
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Thank you for all posts. The scriptwriter has delivered the message of  drama well. Good lines to ponder.

Ep 50 is good throughout. It shows " how a marriage couple should love" at all times in our daily life.

Good parallel . Ep 50 shows HG got upset/ disappointed (teary eyes)  that JE delayed sleeping with her for a day due to HW and company matters. The character "JE" somehow is over crazy for the wife. He craves attention of wife (HG) even to point of "jealous" when wife focus on character whilst watching movie.  I never really understand how a man (JE) said all my 20s, 30s and 40s is in a woman (HG).   such a crazy obsession for HG . KHJ is suitable to take the role because of her beauty. I think " I have a lover" is more on HG story as her voice over abt how her husband & her "love" at various timing.

at 3 am (after they made love), that conversation...& even at movie theatre..To end, HG has changed to really love JE for "who he is"  vis a vis in her 20s ( she choose to love and choose to marry JE  because seeing JE love) . The story dialogue I  enjoy " Do you still want to bicker again like just now or yesterday " and they intentionally tell each other " I love you" .

It is my first time seeing KJH. JJH and good script helped her good delivery of the drama. The facial and eyes contact of JJH and KJH so good . Good chemistry & good partnering. A good script and even good actor/actress really depends on the opposite (co-star). I see the making of IHAL, JJH tries to maintain that stillness & atmosphere to pave way for KJH's acting.  The drama actually is focus Do Hae Gang story whilst Choi Ji On is "her lover".


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3 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:

Episode 50

As for other miscellaneous

Chairman Choi "later" statement is falsified from the test result, BS will appeal against that evidence

The Chinese owner lens that was found in Hana toy box had been tested & found with blood evidence

Geum Gang San invites SR to see the movie "Violent Prosecutor" ( 검사외전 ) release 3rd February in Korea

MTS is being charge with intimidation, JR also said that she might be charge for obstructing of justice but no need be serving time

JR still haven't stand down to HK in forgiveness. SH scold JR that the person who is suffering dementia & amnesia is her & not them 

SH will move in to Buam-dong with JE & HK as they already made rooms for her & her Nurse Sung

SH said that she will sell the Pyeongchang-dong house as they have too many memories of their husband & asked JR to go to the States to be with her children. SH also express her concern for JR more than JE. SH tells that they will find JR somewhere in Cheongdam-dong as JR wants to stay back & not leave MTS alone. In the end JR suggest that SH comes live with her in the new accommodation & not to bring up the subject of going to live in Buam-dong

MTS is sentence to life imprisonment ( 무기형 ,无期徒刑)

HK & JE enjoying the night sky but look pitch black

JE: She probably will be able to see us

HK: Probably....

JE: What will she be thinking....

HK: Ah....there is my Father (Appa)...there is my Mother (Eomma)...Eomma with Appa has return to our house....it seems that Eomma don't loathe Appa anymore...it seems that Appa don't loathe Eomma anymore...it seems that it is not because of me that cause them to quarrel...they still love me as before...they must really miss (long for) me.....they really yearns for me...I miss her...I really misses her, Yeobo...I really miss our Eun Seol-i

HK finally breakdown to mourn for her daughter in the solace of JE embrace

HK: 11pm at night...our time for love

End line

HK: 9:59 am in the morning, we will forever remember the time of our love...as for us...we are still in love each other...& we still have another 40 years

I will bid this drama adieu.....

Thanks gerrytan8062 for the miscellaneous.

Indeed after making love at 3 am they looked forward for another 40 years together. Love should grow stronger over time than diminished by circumstances of life.

There is a secret that HG kept from JE. JE's dad did killed her dad. HG told MH to tell JE otherwise. I agreed because telling JE will not change the truth and does not serve any purpose except shame, guilt and weariness. Communication and revelation of truth are good if it serves good purpose of binding stronger relationship rather than destroying. Alas, communication is important. However, sometimes many words are better left unsaid and let it remain buried secrets. We need to filter words before spoken properly, it can hurt or destroy relationship.


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19 hours ago, trust71 said:


@chubbychub1966   @irilight   @jadecloud  @Kehinde  @lenet   @tiMadam   @drmjs   @maplekist  @andy78 @jyfan88



Biyan @trust71 couldn't join you and LOVERS for LIVE.STREAM of finale ep. But do know that I'm very thankful for your PM of a new link to LIVE STREAM. It'll certainly come in handy for future LIVE STREAMING. :)\o/

See you in some other thread soon :P 

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"I Have A Lover" Kim Hyeon-joo and Ji Jin-hee reunite





The final episode of "I Have a Lover" ended with Kim Hyeon-joo and Ji Jin-hee's reunion.

On the final episode of the SBS drama "I Have a Lover", Do Hae-kang (Kim Hyeon-joo) and Choi Jin-eon (Ji Jin-hee) got married again.

Do Hae-kang and Choi Jin-eon enjoyed a date in the sauna. Choi Jin-eon couldn't help fussing over Do Hae-kang who was being charming.

Baek Seok (Lee Kyoo-han) who has had a crush on Do Hae-kang for a long time, smiled in bitterness. Choi Jin-eon's friend Ko Hyeon-woo (Seo Dong-won) told Baek Seok about Choi Jin-eon and Do Hae-kang's reunion. Baek Seok said, "I want to be their witness".

Do Hae-kang and Choi Jin-won returned home for dinner. Do Hae-kang told Choi Jin-eon to sleepover but he refused to because he had a meeting in the morning. He was planning something behind her back and made sure she didn't know.

Choi Jin-eon then went to her house to propose. Do Hae-kang and Choi Jin-eon found out they both had bought rings for each other and spent the night together after exchanging rings.

Hong Se-hee (Nah Yeong-hee) and Choi Jin-ri (Baek Ji-won) also reunited. Hong Se-hee told Choi Jin-ri that she wanted to live with Do Hae-kang and Choi Jin-eon but Choi Jin-ri suggested she lived with her. She called Hong Se-hee, "Mom".


great moment...


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@seungshin -- You are so right when you said sometimes it's best just to watch the drama and enjoy the actors and the story.   A good forum, like IHAL,  takes a lot of energy to follow along, I think.

And you remarked that Yoo Ah In "seems to be everywhere these day"s (paraphrasing a bit).  And it's true!  I read that Yoo Ah In will do a cameo appearance in his friend, Song Joong Ki' s drama "The Descendants of the Sun". They have a drama history together --- Won Best Couple in KBS, 2010 drama, "Sungkyunkwon Scandal"  along with the drama's  OTP .

I have especially liked actor SJK  since I saw his performance in "Nice Guy"(aka "the Innocent Man")  and also in the film, "A Werewolf Boy" (2012) --- a tender love story over 20 years --- no werewolves involved!    Already 30 years old --- and  always gives a good performance in every drama/film

. The 2010  KBS Couple Award:

Have to give everyone a quick look at the them as the "couple" in the drama.  Great good fun, if you haven't seen this drama yet! 



And a bit funnier:--http://www.dramabeans.com/2012/05/the-sungkyunkwan-bromance-lives-/  

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4 hours ago, gerrytan8063 said:


Give Febreze a try....it is definitely a "quick fix wonder" to remove odor from your warmer clothing, where you have no time to take it to the dry cleaners....or else the next morning, someone could smell or guess what you had for dinner last night.....it is especially in Korea when ventilation in restaurant is somewhat inadequate or some premises where you had some night binge drinking session with tobacco smoke & alcohol.....trust me...I can vouch for that


Did  febreeze make your cloth wet?

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"I thought you meant 'hangul language text transcript'. I see now that you meant 'auditory'. Thanks as always for your translations and clarification. :) (btw, I'm looking for hangul transcripts, so if these can be found somewhere on the internet, please let me know via PM or here - anyone who knows, please do. Thanks.) 

You could try getting Korean subtitles from those that help the hearing impaired (subtitles for the deaf).

It is actually a good tool to learn Korean, a sample just like what you get with the text preview

I only know that they (Deaf Movie,  데프무비 ) do them for Korean movie but in DVD format & most Korean movie box set do have Korean subtitles, not sure with drama


Earlier drama DVD box set that I bought e.g. Dae Jang Geum (bought in 2004) had Korean subtitles then later, DVD box sets, they only had subtitles in English

I think Viki had the option to view the subtitle in Korean (한국어) but I can't confirm as Viki is not available in my part of the world

Years ago, I knew that SBS use to provide transcript for their drama on their official website but the function seems to have ceased & disappeared

I have seen a transcript many years ago from a SBS drama, but it was so mash up that you don't know who is saying the dialogue & you has to decipher.....painstakingly......

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"Did  febreeze make your cloth wet"

No, you usually spray (mist) onto.....at a distance.....

I usually do my overcoat & my suit jacket on a clothes hanger in my hotel room.....don't have the privilege of having a beautiful lady like HK to spray on me

If the odor is bad, then I will run steam from the hot bath to steam off the odor...business traveller tip & tricks

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February 29, 2016 --- Monday --- 5:30 AM EST.

Made it through the first viewing without falling apart at all.  Thank you for that, Writer Bae --- and all by who recapped, translated, discussed, and laughed over it. I was so well prepared and ready for the fullest experience.  Beautifully done by Writer, Director, & each & every actor---especially Kim Hyun Joo & Ji Jin Hee.         

Happy to see everyone starting on a path leading to better lives for each of them. Marking the ordinary passing hours of the day --- each with its own small happiness. Writer Bae painted a picture of the lasting kind of love.---with a few rough spots, easily worked out with good will & some effort --- and a little passion sprinkle around to keep things interesting! 

I wonder if the Writer, Director, Producer, production crew, the entire crew realised what a great job they did?  I hope they find out!   :)

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Just back from work, I am halfway again at csub ep 50. Found myself feeling sorry for SR who looked so :(.  She is getting her retribution in a way I guess.  In ep 49, she fell while walking,  seems her bones are already affected by pudoxin.  She tries to ward off the young chap/suitor's advances telling him she is sick.  I can't help feeling" poor thing".....  

My tears were brimming when JE and HK exchanged rings and at HK's flash backs of JE, it was very moving.  I teared at " their lost and found" life finally.  I think I also teared because this is the last episode and there will be no more scenes of them again, I sort of want their story to con'td and to see them together on screen. The flash backs were beautiful and memorable.  I realised JE has the Best Haircut when he was with YK2 after returning from US.  He looked so suave and dashing with the shorter trim in those scenes.    I :heart: the lobster scene- that was my favourite funny scene of HK, I love all her expressions with very sentences she expressed when she was angry and vexed at JE refusing her the lobster:D.    

I can't complain about the lack of kisses, there are many sweet and passionate ones :P.

I too want to express my thanks to all friends here on the thread.  It has been a very fun and enriching time following IHAL with you all companions.  Never have I been drawn to be so active and comment so much since I joined Soompi in 2006:lol:  Was lurking on different threads most of the time  for short period or looked in too late.  I shall remember this for a long time and of the generosity in sharing in whatever way you all can, even dropping a line by silent lurkers to let us know they are with us.  And even those who went off  halfway, it is good to see you back for the finale:)

I know I will be watching IHAL again, perhaps I will just watch only  JE and HK's scenes if it's too long.  The flashbacks looks so fresh to me somehow. I know I miss many details coz when you tried to read the subs, you do miss some nuances of expressions and the meanings too when they flash too fast.  

And also thanks to @jyfan88, @jadecloud and @iamtaken once again for the hardwork on the fan tribute page.:heart: 


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IHAL The end 

EP 50 A good closing episode which featured the Leads, second leads, and almost all the major supporting cast -- as with many others, I missed having a last view of YG WJ GN & the doctor-- think a simple 2 minute non-dialogue scene of an open field, a blanket, American style picnic basket and frisbee would have covered for being in the states and we could have seen a happy soon to be family at play.

 To all IHAL forum friends, enjoyed reading all your posts and the time spent discussing IHAL.   You all made my first Soompi forum attempt an enjoyable relaxing time.


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"Our Time Of Love..."

I watched episode 50 at 91% subbed, all throughout I was a sopping mess. This finale alone was worth the wait and it beautifully capped our tumultuous drama, also we finally got our feels.  

HK and JE's relationship wasn't easy, it went through a lot of unimaginable and extremely painful challenges. I believe their marriage began to unravel even before ES' death. JE's growing insecurity and HK's scary ambition were probably held in check because of their child, but her death shattered the veneer of tolerance they assiduously cultivated and sent their union into a tailspin.

Interestingly HK, who by then was viewed as a monster by JE, wanted to hold onto and save their marriage, but she failed. JE took the easy way out and left her for SR. JE, when he confronted with an impossible hurdle, opted out of their marriage and sought a divorce without giving HK a chance to redeem herself. On hindsight, MTS's greed paved the way for HK to reinvent herself as YK. With BS' gentle nurturing, she was able to find her true self. Actually, that in itself could have been a compelling conclusion to HK's cautionary tale, but there was more...well about 30 episodes more. Hehe

With JE leading a completely separate life, he wasn't prepared for the onslaught of the new HK. And when he realized that he had never stopped loving her, he determinedly pursued her again. HK in turn has never stopped loving JE, so even if she was suffering from the haze of amnesia, well...the heart wants what the heart wants. Their reunion though was still fraught with challenges and we saw how their love endured.

We can say that their love for each other was epic, but more importantly, they have learned from their past mistakes, so at present, faced with a second chance at marriage, every day they shared, every minute and every hour felt like a blessing. And as HK calls it, their time of love. 

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Finally finished all of ep 50.    Many scenes at later half move me to :cry: - JR's conversation with SH where she finally acknowledged her as 'mother', JR visiting MTS in jail where he wanted to set her free but she was reluctant/unable to let go, HK and SR running into each other at the cinema washroom  where SR conveyed her shame and repentance  and resolution to live right.  Most of all, the scene where HK and JE looked at the stars in the sky and remembered ES,  :bawling::bawling: I was like@drmjs, a sobbing mess too.

IHAL is a truly beautiful story of love or love story.  There are just so many beautiful, memorable and moving scenes not just between HK and JE but different characters as well.  The script, acting, settings and music are all great.  I am thankful to writer for the ending.  I like that she shows they will still bicker as a couple but there is much more understanding and give and take this second time round.  They have become stronger through their shared experience.


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