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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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52 minutes ago, liltash85 said:


You are not alone, I am with CJE too. Even tho he made one BIG SILLY mistake, but he repented and he did everything possible to repair their relationship.

and DHG too seems cannot forget her husband. She still love him dearly even she knew he had hurt him but her heart still cries n missing him. i think  DHG too realized that she also could be the reason her marriage broke before. 

Sorry to cut your posts....

I totally agree. HG's love for her husband is so great that she has more moments of loving him & missing him than hating him in spite of what he did. Unfortunately to those who can't forgive JE won't be able to feel or understand HG. It takes two people to make your marriage work. HG has as much fault as JE. Although HG has not cheated on their marriage, not saying "I love you" to your husband, is as much torture as being cheated. It's the same sin, not being truthful. 

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20 hours ago, ayselluna said:


@mdj101, according to Jin-eon, there wasn't a moment he didn't love Hae-gang. And after they lost Eun-sol, even in those moments, he resented and hated her, he stll loved her (hospital conversation).

Thus, I believe there wasn't a reason for a young and healthy man, who was still in love with his alluring wife, and who'd abstained from sex for quite a while, to repulse her very own scent, given that we were shown how besides having put on a seductive nightgown, Hae-gang also applied some perfume (probably the one she knew Jin-eon liked the most), which I think was the reason he had to use spray in order not to fall into temptation to get intimate with her.

you're extremely right.....

also there this one scene when JE was sick....JE  was fighting his feeling not to stare  to DHK when he turn around and find that they sleep together.

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23 minutes ago, myonenonly said:

Sorry to cut your posts....

I totally agree. HG's love for her husband is so great that she has more moments of loving him & missing him than hating him in spite of what he did. Unfortunately to those who can't forgive JE won't be able to feel or understand HG. It takes two people to make your marriage work. HG has as much fault as JE. Although HG has not cheated on their marriage, not saying "I love you" to your husband, is as much torture as being cheated. It's the same sin, not being truthful. 


yup, DHG did said in one episode to SR, "Even tho u tried to tell me how much I hate him, but not to forget, we also love each other so much" this basically tells all.

n i think both DHK and CJE is match made in heaven coz in relationship, they love challenge. they do not fall for easy love. CJE work super duper hard to get DHK heart and in the other hand also i think DHK is not easy to accept him. that's y i think its hard for them just to throw the feeling away even they have hurt each other badly.  

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@kimnana41 --- like both songs so very much. Love that they are duet, representing HK & JE.  Just hoping it's no where near "too much, too little, too late"!   Sounds exactly the way Hae Gang is seeing it. But not so in the eyes of my ever persistent, passionate,energizer bunny --- Jin Eon finally got the simple math problem worked out: .... 2 + 2 = 4 .  OK, remember I'm actually giving him a  "PASS"  here on two counts (make it 3 counts).

 First --- Rules of Korean drama

          * Reflect  (damn intensely, too).  

          *   Remorse  (damn sincere, too) --- Best made public, as much as possible. 

           * Actions  ( damn good ones, too)

Second ---Reluctant pass --- based on damn society's sexist conditioning --- "ONE-TIME-ONLY PASS"

            WARNING --- .Carefully read & sign agreement. Read & initial each pa

            Do NOT skip the fine print. Five minutes Q&A Period.

Third --- Just because I say so --- It's "pure and innocent"  husband & family man, our JI JIN HEE .   Still leading man handsome & sexy at 44          :heart:       :blush: 

  • @andy78,  @Katrina Abdul Talib,  @zagigirl --- Drunk Jin Eon as an Othello?  Scary, indeed!  So HK = Desdemona, & BS =  will be Iago? (character much more like Jin Ri Noona --- mean & nasty).  Even scarier. But I see the parallel here, with the virtuous wife wrongly thought by her husband, Othello, to be having an adulterous affair with Iago while the General was at war.   Virtuous wife played by  HK and then BS must take the role of Iago ((traitor & liar?)   Main point is Othello kills his wife & then himself.  .      SIDE NOTE:... now we have a psych. dx. --- Othello Syndrome!



Edited by mdj101
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JE having an affair with SR was something HK was ready to work on their problems, she begged JE and even SR for help. She desperately wanted to save their marriage.

But what truly BROKE her was the "extent JE went through to ensure" she is kicked out and  " ERASED"  from his life. Very humiliating for any woman / wife.


BS, when HK coldly asked him to dispose of the 4years belonggings and memories of YK2, even the letters...BS begged her in tears to not throw them away.

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12 hours ago, drmjs said:
  • I do recall SR being a part of some drug experiment back when she had JE sleep over at her place and before deliberately flooding that place, HK took a packet of the experimental drug SR was taking. On HK's flashback, we also saw that she stored that packet along with what looked like data on that particular drug's classification. I wonder what the experimental outcomes were? She seemed to have informed BS about it at the hotel and BS seemed keen on having a family medical evaluation done. Was SR part of the human trials for Pudoxin? Was HK secretly collecting evidence against CNP way back then? Of course I may be wrong on this.

Pardon the edit  ...

Yes SR was a clinical trial user of Pudoxin. HK was explaining to BS in ep 31, after she has handed over a list of P's trial users for BS to follow-up on, that 4 years ago (before her accident), she was already collecting data/info pertaining to P because of SR (because she saw and took the package containing SR's P clinical trial in SR's apt.)

What I'm not certain is, was HK's action out of concern for SR cos she knew what P can do to a consumer? Or did she do it out of trying to help SR? But what puzzles me is... SR was about to break up her marriage, one that she had knelt and begged SR against inserting herself as the 3rd party. Could HK be multi-faceted? As in being a ruthless legal counsel for CNP but warm within as a person? As in being a saint hiding behind her executioner exterior? 

Or perhaps HK was acting out of her new found knowledge of MH being dishonest? that MH and TS were being sneaky behind her back? That was after she had seen the 'patent and transfer agreement of Ssanghwaseon' in MH's office, and after she'd inadvertently overheard MH confronting TS in the latter's office?

That would bring us back to the question: Why did HK make that U-turn on her way to Incheon Airport, 4 years ago? Thus far, we only know, from JE, that HK was heading to see him. But why and for what purpose? It's still a mystery. I believe writernim will have a proper flashback for us soon.




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22 minutes ago, liltash85 said:



yup, DHG did said in one episode to SR, "Even tho u tried to tell me how much I hate him, but not to forget, we also love each other so much" this basically tells all.

n i think both DHK and CJE is match made in heaven coz in relationship, they love challenge. they do not fall for easy love. CJE work super duper hard to get DHK heart and in the other hand also i think DHK is not easy to accept him. that's y i think its hard for them just to throw the feeling away even they have hurt each other badly.  


Which why I think that both them acted the way they did for fear that the other would reject them. HG feared first that why she could bot tell Je about ES death.  JE then feared the new "heartless" would eventually  threw him away like she did ES.  If only the just talked these things would have come to pass, but then we would have such great drama on screen and lively debate off.

I love that every lead character has flaws and often times there flaws in somethings are their strength in others.

HG is driven, great strategist  and has the ability to size up her appoints. She also knows what to say and when to say it with great affect.  If she was not a lawyer she would be a great theatrical actor.  

So why is she does underestimate JE.  4 years ago she thought he would function if she broke down, often time chose the wrong words and timing, either she was provoking him or she was just clueless.  I think the scene in episode 2 where she runs through an emotional argument in her head and speak a detached warning to JE  Was par for the course she kept calculating her words, 

JE very smart and sensitive researcher.His sensitivity ,  kindness and trust in HG was absolute even if she was ambitious it would not rule her.  Yet  4 years ago why could that keen mind not detect HG lies.  Precisely because he trusted her and was emotional.  While dealing with the lost he tried to get HG to open up. But she kept telling him it did not matter.  Tried to see something different for a year and finally he believed what she was telling him.

Now with he emotions under control he can reason things out.  He now knows that HG can lie to him, that he cannot always trust her words.

As YK2 she told BS that she can trust that man to take care of the issues in the company.  As HG she again under estimates him because he is too sensitive.

To sum up HG and JE are like parents to each other.  They are so close they cannot fully understand the other strengths and weakness.  It like those parents who got to school and are surprise that little jimmy was able to stand up to the bully, because Jimmy just not that strong.  Or the ones who cannot understand how Frank got a C+ cause he the smartest kid in the class.  They love them to death but been with for ever but still cannot see them  for who they really are. 

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10 hours ago, ayselluna said:

It is similar in my place, with the exception that most weddings get cancelled due to a death in a family here.

As for your question, I'm not sure whether someone has already answered it, but based on the dates engraved on Eun-sol's memorial plaque (2007.8.8 - 2010.6.15), and given that we first met Jin-eon and Hae-gang 3 months prior to her "accident" (September, 2011), it seems that it was Eun-sol's one year death anniversary that Jin-eon spent at her columbarium, while Hae-gang was "executing" the young woman, who later jumped to her death right before her.

It was also the same day (rather night) that she wanted to get intimate with Jin-eon, but he pretended to be sleeping and used a spray after she left the room not to get tempted with the scent of her perfume .

The next day, as if she hadn't remembered about the anniversary at all, Hae-gang suggested that they go to the Galapagos Islands, saying that she will make time.

And this was when Jin-eon replied that he didn't have time, and that at the words that she wanted to go on vacation, he was being cut...


On 12/19/2015 at 11:12 AM, Lmangla said:

@Lmangla --- I surely can estimate very closely how long it had been since Eun Sol"s death.   I figured it to be within 2 weeks of the one year anniversary. And I think that is why Jin Eon visited her memorial burial site that day. Because it is a year since they buried the child. But he probably goes there very often.

My calculations:

September 26, 2011 --- HK's "accident"

June 26, 2011 --- "Three Months Prior" and the 1st of the 9 episodes begins.

June 15, 2010 --- Death of Eun Sol.


this was @mdj101 calculation @ayselluna ~ but reading through your timeline of events makes me understand more about why JE's emotions were so raw and all over the place. it makes sense why he felt so disgusted by her attempt at seduction if it was around the one year anniversary but like you said, he was perhaps attracted at the same time, and so maybe he was also angry at himself.... but if your timeline is correct, it makes me wonder if the miscarriage case that happened on the same day (thought perhaps it was eun sol's birthday), then she might have been punishing the woman almost as a surrogate. like she was directing all the anger that she felt at herself (for orchestrating events that led to her child's death) onto this lady. like she didn't deserve to be a mother, just as this lady who might have taken medication to self-abort 3 earlier pregnancies...

 @ayselluna ~ so most weddings get cancelled? given how this attitude/belief of giving respect to the dead is around asia, it really boggles my mind how HK could coolly talk about having another kid. even if there was no mourning (like someone (MS or JR for example) who she didn't care died), there is still protocols that have to be followed. how can she not go to the grave on that important day for her daughter????:blink: it seems like just like JE is always a step too fast or too late, so is HK. it is just that she is too suave and sophisticated and so people don't catch her missteps, whereas JE is bit more clumsy and so it is noticeable....

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4 hours ago, koreanczazzy said:

Do you guys think that HG moves to a new place? That background in the preview is different ... It seems she is unpacking her boxes ...


2 hours ago, oyeleyeolusina said:

Yeah she has moved places, that was what the cleaning lady told JE when he came to HK's hotel room at the end that HK has already checked out.


Yes. Agree with @oyeleyeolusina And the move makes the cliff-hanger ending to ep 32 intriguing :P 

This is HK's new officetel. Simple and nice. 


Also, just a tidbit, see the little 'yellow-grey'globe on HK's desk, on the left-hand-side? Placement of a globe decor holds much meaning to most asians, or those who believes in Feng Shui, or the power of the universe. It signifies the welcoming of opportunities and prosperity.

And in no time did it take JE to find her. JE is seen telling HK 'I'm exhausted...blah blah' in her new officetel.


And ohhh..look at the beautiful cinematography to be presented. Love the scenery :P 




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!@ MINUTE INTERVIEW ---LEE KYU HAN --- about his role in "I HAVE A LOVER" --- September 16, 2015 ---Eng Subs!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKCvMKM5t2c  


Interview in China --- Eng subs --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbNrF8PUbtA

Lee Kyu Han --"Living Alone Show"(MBCEntertainment) --- his huge wardrobe.

Invites a friend to freely "shop" in his wardrobe!   :rolleyes:

"Real Men"Show --- Cooking lady loves Lee Kyu Han

"Real Men" Show --- ice water fight

"Real Men" ---a combined operation with an American group(?)









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Hello all , can you help me how to put notes at space below our post or below quote button.

Anyway so my post won't be OOT. I want to mentioned about a scene when HG closing next to JE at the stairs, he looked tense LOL, when HG asked him to get something, he hurriedly to get it LOL, quite funny seeing his reaction.

HG's officetel looked nice, some part kind of similar with SR's officetel, but without devider between kitchen and living room.

Oh one thing reegarding pudosin side effects, except Bone fracture and miscarriage, are there another? What do you think the side effect manifestation in SR?

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5 hours ago, rairamegumi said:

why I'm with 'the cheater husband'?

because CJE loves HK, even when they were separated for 4 years, JE never forgets HK and actually he didin't care abt SR. poor SR.. lol

JE cheated his wife because he's just a human. his wife never say 'I Love You' and his cold wife just like abandoned him..misunderstandings in their love and marriage, JE was tired because he thought that he was alone and abandoned...yes indeed he was exhausted of his 'one-sided love' and then the witch came and offered her body...lol and of course the lonely husband was trapped to the witch...

fortunately, JE now realize that HK loves him (she said 'I Love You' when her memory not back yet)

HK also knows that his love for her never end...


so, let's just watch and see how they regain their love...

and I still believe that in the end they will have twins children (a boy and a girl) ... lololol



JE may have come to terms later that he didn't love SR, but JE had feelings for SR. HK even questioned him if he thought it was love. She told him it wasn't love. JE is the one that told HK he had SR in his heart. In my opinion, he was infatuated with SR and that's why he wanted to hold on to her. That fact  that JE had her in his heart shows he had some deep feelings.

Why am I reading excuses for JE's actions as if to minimize what he's done as "just human" and "men can't help themselves"?  Are men animals or something with so self-control?  To me, those are just excuses people use when they want to give a person a pass and to make themselves feel better by excusing their behavior. It's also something that cheating men came up with to justify why they can't be faithful.  However, that's all it is, an excuse. Men are not animals and can control their actions.  Men and women both may feel an attraction to another person, but it's what they do with that attraction determines if they will remain faithful.

HK not  telling JE she loves him so contradicts what was said in earlier episodes. However, I'll pretend that she didn't since the writer is wanting us to forget that she did say it.  She never told JE 'I love you' and yet JE knew without a doubt that she loved him.  When JE was trying to help HK2 remember their past month, he told her "we fell in love again." This alone shows that JE knew that HK loved him in the past (why shouldn't he since she told him that she loved him in the past) and her love is not something he doubted.  Nor was this ever a one-sided-love and JE knows it.  

Also, SR had a crush on JE, but once she saw the divorce paper in his desk, she then thought that JE really likes her too. 'This is why he's doing all these nice things for me. Pinning back my hair, touching my face, is concerned for my future, gave me his shoes to wear in the rain and he had none, gave me his umbrella', etc. After HK warned him to be careful, he then had a strange reaction to SR that she noticed.  JE stepped over the line first with her, not she him. JE is the one that took their relationship to another level. He came and got her from her job fighting with his mother in law and took her to a 'cottage' to consummate their relationship.  Everyone keeps blaming her as if JE played no role, when he was key.

HK abandoned JE?  I'm sorry, but I missed where she abandoned him.  JE is the one that abandoned HK and he did it long before he left with SR. JE had always been so busy chasing her and promising her the moon, that he didn't want to rock the boat when she finally said yes  and married him. JE didn't protect HK while they were married. He knew the type of man his father was and his underhanded business practices, that's why he wanted no part of his father's company. His father completely corrupted HK; why wouldn't he when he himself didn't have a moral compass. This behavior also tainted TS who became even more corrupt.  Both daughter in law and son in law was tainted by their father in law.  It wouldn't surprise me if JE knew that his father stole the patent that he claimed as his own and that's what turned their relationship sour when he was young.

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3 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

JE having an affair with SR was something HK was ready to work on their problems, she begged JE and even SR for help. She desperately wanted to save their marriage.

But what truly BROKE her was the "extent JE went through to ensure" she is kicked out and  " ERASED"  from his life. Very humiliating for any woman / wife.


BS, when HK coldly asked him to dispose of the 4years belonggings and memories of YK2, even the letters...BS begged her in tears to not throw them away.


More than that, he tried to remind her of the positive qualities that she possessed; that people really appreciated and were grateful to her. That hey liked her. Cold HK had no friends and no one liked her. Cold HK was lonely, YK2 HK was full of warmth that was constantly fed by those around her.

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2015-12-21 NEWSEN News:

'I Have A Lover' Writer Bae Yoo Mi - Exceptional Reasons For Fandom Phenomenon

‘애인있어요’ 배유미 작가 밝힌 이례적 팬덤현상 이유

CR: 이소담 sodamss@newsen.com

SPOILERS ... serious spoilers to what writernim has expressed ... don't read now if you don't want to be spoiled in your expectation of the drama's plot development or its ending. Read after ep 50. Jinja-yo. But, if you don't mind the plot development going one way or the other, then read on...(Naturally, twists are still twists, and will still be unexpected, and the eventual ending can still shock ...  hehe ... )


Writernim Bae opened up about 'I Have A Lover' drama's alarming fandom phenomenon. The majority coming from 20, 30, 40 years old women. Despite its low ratings, the secret to this strong explosive fandom phenomenon in 'I Have A Lover' is word of mouth.

When writernim Bae was asked about the nature of her work/script, she said:




The essence of 'I Have A Lover' is "Reset in Love, Reset in Life". Hae Kang, Jin Eon, Seol Ri and Baek Seok are all flawed characters who have made mistakes. But in the wake of Hae Kang's amnesia, they are able to look at their mistakes, their failures. In the reset of life, can one go back to life's initial state?

Hae Kang made the mistake of being a cold-blooded lawyer; Jin Eon made a cheating mistake to Hae Kang; Seol Ri made a mistake to Hae Kang because of her love for Jin Eon; and Baek Seok too made a mistake in his love for Hae Kang. That is the big picture of the characters, writernim Bae explained.

In addition, for Hae Kang and Yong Ki, they did not see each other's perspective, but later when they put themselves in each other's shoes, in the end, they embrace and understand the hurt and pain of each other, and each admit their mistakes. and acknowledge their mistakes.

Writernim Bae 'What a wonderful thing it is to be able to get a reset in life? Covering from the accident, the pain and the efforts of the protagonist, Do Hae Kang, to resume life, it's beautiful to the viewers. Touching the story of a husband, Choi Jin Eon, a destiny, to restart a love life, the love of a middle-aged couple, and forgotten memories of love. Such reasons have received the explosive love of viewers.

-----------excerpt on writernim's interview/translated to the best of my limited k-lang knowledge-------


c7ig8FN.gif So, it is pretty clear now where writernim is taking us on this IHAL roller-coaster ride. As many have already speculated, writernim IS all about forgiveness, redemption(2nd chances), reset of life and love. 


 Seemingly a strong trademark of her creative pursuit. LWH5TfV.jpg AJA! writernim Bae!


2015.12.21 STAR Today - 'I Have A Lover' Honey Jam Drama Writer Talked About The Fandom Secret.

배유미 작가 밝힌 꿀잼드라마 `애인있어요` 팬덤 비결


Refer to translation in Newsen News(above) article. Similar content from the same interview of writernim Bae.

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59 minutes ago, 12blbl said:

Hello all , can you help me how to put notes at space below our post or below quote button.

Anyway so my post won't be OOT. I want to mentioned about a scene when HG closing next to JE at the stairs, he looked tense LOL, when HG asked him to get something, he hurriedly to get it LOL, quite funny seeing his reaction.

HG's officetel looked nice, some part kind of similar with SR's officetel, but without devider between kitchen and living room

@12blbl I think you meant how to put words in spoilers, as in hidden from normal view, right?




In the message box, look at the top right hand side for the 'eye' icon. Click it and you will get a box with heading 'Spoiler' in your message draft box. You just need to type your words that you want to be hidden inside the spoiler box (or any photo, any link, etc). When done, just hit 'submit reply' like you would any post. You will see that the words you typed inside the spoiler box will be hidden, like the word I typed was 'test'. Hope it helps. :P 

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@jadecloud.....thanks for sharing that article about the writer..                                                                                                          

it's really true that forgiving one's mistake is the only way for us to move on..and you can start all over again.....put behind the past ...and focus on what lies ahead...

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Hae Kang made the mistake of being a cold-blooded lawyer; Jin Eon made a cheating mistake to Hae Kang; Seol Ri made a mistake to Hae Kang because of her love for Jin Eon; and Baek Seok too made a mistake in his love for Hae Kang. That is the big picture of the characters, writernim Bae explained.

I like it that she pointed out that each character has their own flaws. Meaning to say no one is perfect in this drama. Can't wait for writer Bae unveil the story bit by bit. Love this drama so much. 

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