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[Drama 2015] The Return of Hwang Geum Bok 돌아온 황금복

Ldy Gmerm

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The ending of today's episode is like a BIG GET TOGETHER ... with Moon Hyung as the STAR WITNESS.

I have to laugh about Ye Ryung delusion. "You can have the USB if you make Moon Hyung be with me. After all I am the TS Group daughter-in-law". Ye Ryung is like a broken recorder.

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What the hell was that!? I kinda agree today was my last day to watch this mess....the true victim to all of this is mh. While gb gets her mom and new dad....mh loses everything and not a single person has shed a single thought on the damn conswquences of their actions in relation to mh. Its like they only use,"Mh is this to me" to hurt my but then does something to really hurt mh!

mh/gb are completely over and so we are to expect that gb always loved iw....give me a break! See you guys around in another thread!


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I think sometimes peace is better than love. Even if GB didn't marry IW, she'll never go back to MH. MH's mother did a lot of bad things to GB's mom, and even his grandfather caused her grandpa's death. Even if in the end, her family forgive his mother's crime and MH get divorced with YR, there's no way for GB to want to be with him anymore.

I agreed that GB still care for MH as he used to be her love and his circumstance is so pitiful, doing nothing wrong but has to suffer his mom's crime. But why GB cannot change her feeling? Sometimes love is not everything. Being with IW brings GB peace and happy family, but being with MH just brings her madness, unforgiveness to his mom, and guiltiness to her mother and grandpa, even how much they love each other. If GB and MH got married, and then found out everything, the situation must be worse than now. What would GB call MY? Her mother-in-law, the one who is her father's wife and the one who harmed her mom? They will soon get divorced if found out the truth. It will hurt them more than now.

Asian culture is different from Western culture. Marriage in Asia considers many things, not only love. GB has the right to be have happiness with IW, the one can bring her peace and protect her and her mom. IW is also the one finding her for 9 years, waiting for her for 10 years, being by her side all the times even when she broke up with him or decided to marry MH. This time I was a little shocked when IW said he would marry her in front of her family without saying to her first, I thought he would make a mistake like before, but then in his home, he told her to think about this and give him the answer in the future. It's better than in the past when he used to forced her love. But now, I think he would accept any answer she said even it's a rejection. However, she agreed to marry him and showed her happiness on her face, the thing that she have not done for a long time. She is very tired b/c of taking revenge for her mom, and IW with his family (her family too) are the only things can comfort her and help her have peace and smile in her life. Therefore, her marriage with IW is great for me... I think even she still care for MH as she knows he loves her but she also has feeling for IW. If she doesn't love him, she will not agree to marry him and show her happy face. After the time MH got married, IW told GB to go back to him many times, but she just rejected or said nothing. If she doesn't love IW, she can use this way to get out of the situation. But she accept his propose, it means even it's not love (like most of you guys say), she still has feeling for him

And about MH, the most pitiful character in this drama, I feel sorry for him for having evil crazy mother and wife, having other as his real dad not his loving fake dad, seeing his mother's crime and also seeing his loving one get married with another man. His priority now is how to stop his mother's and wife's nonstop craziness. Now he get stuck at the impasse, being with his mom brings him bad memories about her crime, being with his crazy stupid wife is the worst case ever, being with his fake dad's family also brings guiltiness and pains to him. How he can face ES when his family has done many bad things to hers? And how can he see his loving GB being happy with IW? I think in the end, his real father may be the only choice for him. MH seems to accept GS as his father, he even called GS father, and GS really love and care for him, try to do many things for him. I hope he can start everything again at somewhere far away from this place (maybe overseas) after everything is done. Maybe this is the way to make his mind peaceful.

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All I can say is that the writer has totally gone off the rails at this point.

Video for Episode 115:


After coming up on GS trying to drag his mother out MH wants to know why but no one is talking. He has everyone leaves including RH and YR who MY gave the USB to in order to hide it from GS. MY gets a call from ES who is on her about the USB and her stealing it trying to hide what she did.

ES gets there to be stopped by GS and he tells her that MH is in with MH only for MH to come out with tears as he looks at ES who only calls his name and ES runs off to confront MY.

YR and RH go back to her office tel and YR says they do not give the USB to MY and RH is trying to talk sense into the girl to not play with MY's father but YR is not listening yet again about how dangerous that man really is.

MH goes to the house and stands outside watching GB as she waits for ES to get out of her cab and see them hug and he cries and goes to a stall to drink as he thinks about his time with GB when they were suppose to marry and he ends up having a fit at the injustice of loosing the woman he truly loves. (I feel bad for MH.)

We have this crazy rushed wedding and TJ lets ES walk GB down the aisle instead of himself with every looking and clapping and MH in the back looking really sad. We see YR, RH and MY show up and they go off for MY to want the USB but YR refuses to give it to her telling her to have MH want her she is TS groups DIL. (Really YR ??!!! This woman does not get it yet.) MY is mad and tries to get to her but again RH holds her back going along with her stupid daughter. (MY it is your own fault in given this blackmailing, back stabbing witches the evidence against you.After every thing that has happen she has learned nothing and should have seen this coming.)

GB marries IW and are sent off in their car with granny asking for a grand baby??? Yes, she really did smh.

ES goes off to find MY again and we see TJ get a call and look to where ES went.

RH and YR are walking across the parking lot when Loan Shark minion calls out and they look back scared and run only to be picked up in a black van by MY's fathers thugs and thrown in. LSM calls GS to tell him what has happen.

RH and YR are pushed to the side and shown the thugs phone with has MY's father on speaker talking to them from jail and he says something to them and YR ties to run her mouth but RH puts her hands over her mouth to stop her (this girl does not get this man is dangerous) she says something to him on the phone while holding YR's mouth and he replies. The thug hangs up and they are jerked around as they try to outrun GS who is chasing them in the car.

GS manages to stop the van and you see him get out heading to it with RH and YR looking shocked and scared.

MY comes out and gets a call from her fathers minion that he was stopped by GS and he took RH and YR and she says what and hurries to her car and tries to drive off.

ES catches up with MY who was trying to drive away in the parking garage and she stops her car and goes over and drags MY out who is fighting her ES says something and MY replies back about the USB for her to come on to be charged maybe and starts dragging her and MY sees MH from a distance as ES is trying to drag her. MH comes up and sees them wondering what is going on. As he starts running towards them GS pulls up and drags out RH and YR and we have the 3 stooges facing one another as MH stops and watches and MY looks very worried as she looks at them. GS gives MY a look and he looks to ES.  GS tells ES that he has gotten the USB back and they can go to have them charged now and MH's eyes go wide as he hears this or just about there being a USB with the evidence on it.

No preview


I think this was crazy to put in a wedding this early. I really think ES went along with this to get GB out of the way. I am very angry at this point and I feel like the tone of this drama has been ruined. Everyone goes around pretending to care about MH but everyone who is suppose to be a support kind of lets him fall to the way side. They think they are protecting him but they are not because he still has to find out what his mother did and when he does the rest of his sanity may go. Who will be there to pick up the pieces then.

This will be what makes him finally let go and remove himself from TJ's family. He has no other choice but to do it. To make up for what his mother did. Once he does that YR will be yelling and screaming since she now has nothing to hold on to as not only will he never want her. She is not the DIL of TS group and her last chance to keep MH is gone. MY will loose it because she was counting on his still trying to inherit but once he confronts her with the truth of her actions and tells her that he is going to or has removed himself and gone independent or under GS  she can't keep yelling she did it for him or covet what does not belong to her.  He may have gained a father but he also lost the idea of his mother at least having a bit of goodness in her along with the father and family he grew up with and loved. He has lost the woman he loved the most and all because of his mother who continued to do wrong and act like she was a victim when she was the cause of everything going wrong in his life.

He will put right what he can from his mothers actions and I see him and GS leaving together. We may have a slight time jump at the end where he comes back to visit.

YR and RH should have just outed MY and got away instead of again trying to blackmail her. RH is truly a stupid woman over her crazy daughter. They both know MH does not want YR why would you continue to try to get him to. Also what can MY do to MH at this point. Have they not seen how he talks to her or regards her. mmm they were just in the office tel with her the day before and heard him. Completely delusional.


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the drama was good up till recent episode  it  didn't surprise me that GB married IW  there is no way in hell she and MH could be together so mcuh has happened. no matter how much they love each other she can never be with him his mother tried to kill her mother and his grandfather killed her grandfather. sometimes love is not just enough IW loves GB he was always there for her not mention her first love 

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The most recent episode has me so angry. The GB/IW scenes are ridiculous and obviously it came out of nowhere that she realized she belongs with IW? I'm just hating bc I pity MH so much and he deserves some happiness but I also know that it is almost impossible for them to end up together after seeing today's wedding. Wedding was too rushed, and I also hope that something happens at their honeymoon that causes the marriage to fall. If MH can't have GB I don't see how IW has the right to either. I get that he can keep GB and her mom "safe" and that he is loyal but has everyone forgotten how he was in the last 100+ episodes? I still can't get over how MH took care of GB and her (at the time) her missing/dead mom with the couple shoes, rings, etc. And how he respected her choice to work as a cleaning lady which made him really different from IW. Really sick of how MH is being treated in this drama. He needs serious justice aka pls just give him someone he can cry on.

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The most recent episode has me so angry. The GB/IW scenes are ridiculous and obviously it came out of nowhere that she realized she belongs with IW? I'm just hating bc I pity MH so much and he deserves some happiness but I also know that it is almost impossible for them to end up together after seeing today's wedding. Wedding was too rushed, and I also hope that something happens at their honeymoon that causes the marriage to fall. If MH can't have GB I don't see how IW has the right to either. I get that he can keep GB and her mom "safe" and that he is loyal but has everyone forgotten how he was in the last 100+ episodes? I still can't get over how MH took care of GB and her (at the time) her missing/dead mom with the couple shoes, rings, etc. And how he respected her choice to work as a cleaning lady which made him really different from IW. Really sick of how MH is being treated in this drama. He needs serious justice aka pls just give him someone he can cry on.

I agree. MH was there for GB just as much as IW. Also, in this particular drama, GB likes her mother in law. However, there are a lot of times daughter in laws and mother in laws don't like each other at all. The mother in laws treat them horribly, but they stay with it because they love their husbands. I think the biggest reason the writer didn't have MH and IW together was to bring TJ and ES together. Although, ES treats TJ as if he's a useless man who can't take care of her. She has more faith in MH's real father---I'm surprised the two of them are not a couple.

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This drama was a lot of fun for a while. I think the writing was sloppier and more makjang than the average daily, but it was still very enjoyable. I think a big part of the fun for me was that the villains were very ineffective, definitely not the kind that keeps winning and beating on the heroine until the last two episodes. The good guys were characters I could get behind, and there was a romantic couple that I wanted to cheer for because they were facing mountains of obstacles. Those were the things that made the plot craziness bearable for me. However, most of that seems gone now and I feel like there's not much reason for me to keep watching.

@Thu Thảo Lê that was an excellent post, I wish I could "like it" more than once. I've commented on GB looking happy and willing for this marriage, and you made great arguments for why that makes good sense. I also like that you brought up cultural differences. That's definitely important to take into account for someone like me who wasn't raised to put much stock into blood connections and who thinks of marriage as being between two people, not between two families. If I were TJ right now, I would have moved my family out of halmoni's house and made her live alone until she truly grasps and repents for the evil she has caused. Filial piety? Not for that venomous hag. :) (LOL, I know it doesn't work that way.) 

Let's just say this drama makes me even more grateful and appreciative of my own parents.

GB and IW ending up together is not really a surprise. What I cannot understand is why the writer chose not to make IW-GB romance more explicit. We saw one kiss and an ambush proposal when they were 19, and then they acted like family towards each other for the next 100 episodes. Even ES said that they grew up as siblings the first time she introduced IW to halmoni. ( I mentioned this in the chat this morning too. I don't know about kdrama, but in real life kids who grow up as siblings tend to NOT be attracted to each other, and there is a good reason for that.) The writer had plenty of chance to give us signs of romantic feelings from GB in these last 30 or so episodes, but they deliberately chose not to. Also, they made it look like GB made up her mind to accept IW's proposal after she saw MH escorting YR away after the egg pelting scene. How am I supposed to feel about that?

Logic tells me I should be happy for GB and ES, but I am not. The writer has somehow succeeded in making me dislike characters that I used to cheer for. That's a really impressive feat. A first for me. I've had dramas where I got extremely frustrated with the leads, usually because of their noble idiocy, but this is a different kind of frustration.

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The most recent episode has me so angry. The GB/IW scenes are ridiculous and obviously it came out of nowhere that she realized she belongs with IW? I'm just hating bc I pity MH so much and he deserves some happiness but I also know that it is almost impossible for them to end up together after seeing today's wedding. Wedding was too rushed, and I also hope that something happens at their honeymoon that causes the marriage to fall. If MH can't have GB I don't see how IW has the right to either. I get that he can keep GB and her mom "safe" and that he is loyal but has everyone forgotten how he was in the last 100+ episodes? I still can't get over how MH took care of GB and her (at the time) her missing/dead mom with the couple shoes, rings, etc. And how he respected her choice to work as a cleaning lady which made him really different from IW. Really sick of how MH is being treated in this drama. He needs serious justice aka pls just give him someone he can cry on.

Why IW doesn't have a right to get married with GB? I see some people get married with their ex in real life. Besides, how he was in the past is not very important as people can change. I agree that his action of forcing her love in the last 100 episodes was a bad move. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I thought he forced her again this time but it's not. In the scene of giving her the couple ring, he told her to think about it and give him the answer in the future. It means that if she rejects it, he will accept that. It's better than in the past. Even IW doesn't have the right like you said, GB still has her right to choose to be with him. Remember that, every time IW asked her to come back to him, GB chose to refuse or say nothing and we can see that he didn't force her anymore but stayed by her side. Now, it's also GB's choice. She can stop the marriage if she doesn't want it, but she chose to marry him.

No matter what how MH took care of GB, it doesn't mean he can erase what his family done to hers. If MH-GB got married, they'd be the most painful and pitiful couple ever. How can they look at each other's face? How GB called his mom and grandfather, the ones who harmed her mom and killed her grandpa? Their marriage would be soon destroyed b/c of their guiltiness, painful, hatred feelings right now, love cannot last long in this situation. MH is really pitiful, I agree, but his pity came from his evil mother. GB pities MH as she tried to stop IW from telling the truth about his mom out, but it doesn't mean she have to be with him to make him less pitiful. If she does, it'll only make him feel more guilty. Maybe his real dad is the last one he can be with after many things happened. I think MH is the only one can stop his mom but even when he knew about the truth, what he has done? Crying? Saying harsh things to his mom? It cannot stop her from harming GB's family. He is pitiful b/c of staying in b/w the war of his two loving families and being the one who suffers the most in this drama. But he cannot protect GB and her family, he cannot do things harmful to his mom to protect ES and GB. And women need a man who can protect her. I hope MH can start everything in somewhere far from this place after everything is done and he can find happiness again.

By the way, I still happy for this marriage and hope nothing go wrong... (Maybe b/c I'm in team IW from the beginning).

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The most recent episode has me so angry. The GB/IW scenes are ridiculous and obviously it came out of nowhere that she realized she belongs with IW? I'm just hating bc I pity MH so much and he deserves some happiness but I also know that it is almost impossible for them to end up together after seeing today's wedding. Wedding was too rushed, and I also hope that something happens at their honeymoon that causes the marriage to fall. If MH can't have GB I don't see how IW has the right to either. I get that he can keep GB and her mom "safe" and that he is loyal but has everyone forgotten how he was in the last 100+ episodes? I still can't get over how MH took care of GB and her (at the time) her missing/dead mom with the couple shoes, rings, etc. And how he respected her choice to work as a cleaning lady which made him really different from IW. Really sick of how MH is being treated in this drama. He needs serious justice aka pls just give him someone he can cry on.

Why IW doesn't have a right to get married with GB? I see some people get married with their ex in real life. Besides, how he was in the past is not very important as people can change. I agree that his action of forcing her love in the last 100 episodes was a bad move. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I thought he forced her again this time but it's not. In the scene of giving her the couple ring, he told her to think about it and give him the answer in the future. It means that if she rejects it, he will accept that. It's better than in the past. Even IW doesn't have the right like you said, GB still has her right to choose to be with him. Remember that, every time IW asked her to come back to him, GB chose to refuse or say nothing and we can see that he didn't force her anymore but stayed by her side. Now, it's also GB's choice. She can stop the marriage if she doesn't want it, but she chose to marry him.

No matter what how MH took care of GB, it doesn't mean he can erase what his family done to hers. If MH-GB got married, they'd be the most painful and pitiful couple ever. How can they look at each other's face? How GB called his mom and grandfather, the ones who harmed her mom and killed her grandpa? Their marriage would be soon destroyed b/c of their guiltiness, painful, hatred feelings right now, love cannot last long in this situation. MH is really pitiful, I agree, but his pity came from his evil mother. GB pities MH as she tried to stop IW from telling the truth about his mom out, but it doesn't mean she have to be with him to make him less pitiful. If she does, it'll only make him feel more guilty. Maybe his real dad is the last one he can be with after many things happened. I think MH is the only one can stop his mom but even when he knew about the truth, what he has done? Crying? Saying harsh things to his mom? It cannot stop her from harming GB's family. He is pitiful b/c of staying in b/w the war of his two loving families and being the one who suffers the most in this drama. But he cannot protect GB and her family, he cannot do things harmful to his mom to protect ES and GB. And women need a man who can protect her. I hope MH can start everything in somewhere far from this place after everything is done and he can find happiness again.

By the way, I still happy for this marriage and hope nothing go wrong... (Maybe b/c I'm in team IW from the beginning).

LOL oh yes....the Knight and shining armor IW comes torescure all the while screwing over MH....and then you want MH to be happy with a dad he just met like 20 episode ago!? HOw thoughtful! *Seriously doing eye rolls on that one*

I've read your two posts and I just want to say...I strongly and irrevocably reject your assessment of IW/GB. GB was engaged to IW before but the richard simmons rather than have faith and trust in GB decided to listen to YR instead!? (Noticed you never mentioned that). Also, IW was a great so-called prosecutor who left his job so that he can come to work at the company for hte sole purpose of watching both GB and MH (Again your precious IW).

The last two episodes from those that have watched these dreadful dramas know this is the writers cop out and they just decide to throw everything at us at the end. Yes MH/GB are finished and for this I blame the writer for as always failure in planning and writing on spur of the moment.

You will also noticed that in the beginning there was no romantic overtures or jestures on the part of GB towards IW in fact many have mentioned that they look more like siblings and the funny thing about it....even ES said the same thing!

Will also point out that IW did remind GB of her promise to do anything for IW while he was in the hospital so don't start the crap GB loved IW to accept his proposal because that just don't fly when we've seen the evidence of IW attempting to manipulate the situation, but of course this is strictly the writers fault for lack of planning and foresight.

Please don't find this post insulting or hateful because it's not...I just find that your two post to be rather hilarious that you see things in a very "interesting" way.

My question to the rest of you guys....will ES really go through with filing charges on MY? Or will she forgive her for MH sake? You know this part is coming!

Another question....all the photos I've seen show GB/MH and IW/YR together....has the writer changed his mind? What are your thoughs.


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I stopped watching awhile ago. Poor MH he needs to disown everyone and move on with his life lol. Hopefully the trio end up in jail. 

Random question, but I thought MH was the lead? All the articles I read said he seemed to indicate that unless I missed something? 

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I stopped watching awhile ago. Poor MH he needs to disown everyone and move on with his life lol. Hopefully the trio end up in jail. 

Random question, but I thought MH was the lead? All the articles I read said he seemed to indicate that unless I missed something? 

Its highly unlikely my will see jail time or anyone for that matter. Es has played this cat and mouse crap that in true kdrama fashion someone is just going to tell her to stop like they always do the forgivenes card will be played but for me its going to be too late becase they've completely destroyed mh.....the only true victim of both sides.....hell i bet the writer will have mh fall for yr in the end!?

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I stopped watching awhile ago. Poor MH he needs to disown everyone and move on with his life lol. Hopefully the trio end up in jail. 

Random question, but I thought MH was the lead? All the articles I read said he seemed to indicate that unless I missed something? 

Its highly unlikely my will see jail time or anyone for that matter. Es has played this cat and mouse crap that in true kdrama fashion someone is just going to tell her to stop like they always do the forgivenes card will be played but for me its going to be too late becase they've completely destroyed mh.....the only true victim of both sides.....hell i bet the writer will have mh fall for yr in the end!?

I   think  it might  be  that  way . MH  might  ask  them to  forgive  his  mother ,and leave with her .

YR is already  out of prison,can't see  RH going to  prison ,when she was following MY  orders.  with the madness  in these last  episodes   ,YR might just end up with  MH. Unless MH  dies and the  whole cast of this  drama feels so   guilty   ,that  not one soul live  happy ever  after.lolol

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LOL oh yes....the Knight and shining armor IW comes torescure all the while screwing over MH....and then you want MH to be happy with a dad he just met like 20 episode ago!? HOw thoughtful! *Seriously doing eye rolls on that one*

I've read your two posts and I just want to say...I strongly and irrevocably reject your assessment of IW/GB. GB was engaged to IW before but the richard simmons rather than have faith and trust in GB decided to listen to YR instead!? (Noticed you never mentioned that). Also, IW was a great so-called prosecutor who left his job so that he can come to work at the company for hte sole purpose of watching both GB and MH (Again your precious IW).

The last two episodes from those that have watched these dreadful dramas know this is the writers cop out and they just decide to throw everything at us at the end. Yes MH/GB are finished and for this I blame the writer for as always failure in planning and writing on spur of the moment.

You will also noticed that in the beginning there was no romantic overtures or jestures on the part of GB towards IW in fact many have mentioned that they look more like siblings and the funny thing about it....even ES said the same thing!

Will also point out that IW did remind GB of her promise to do anything for IW while he was in the hospital so don't start the crap GB loved IW to accept his proposal because that just don't fly when we've seen the evidence of IW attempting to manipulate the situation, but of course this is strictly the writers fault for lack of planning and foresight.

Please don't find this post insulting or hateful because it's not...I just find that your two post to be rather hilarious that you see things in a very "interesting" way.

My question to the rest of you guys....will ES really go through with filing charges on MY? Or will she forgive her for MH sake? You know this part is coming!

Another question....all the photos I've seen show GB/MH and IW/YR together....has the writer changed his mind? What are your thoughs.


I appreciate your idea towards mine... but just look at the situation right now, what is the way for MH to be happy? Living with TJ's family? How can he face ES and watch GB living with IW? Living with MY? She will soon be in jail. Maybe they can reunite after she is released. Living with YR? Of course never. Although GS has never raised him for 30 years, he's still his real dad and GS really care and love him. I don't whether the writer has other ways to help him achieve happiness, but I only think his real dad can help him, even it's just small.

About the thing about IW listened to YR instead of trusting GB, I dont think I can stand stable when some one just appears around my love and shows interest to my boy. Besides, I remembered that IW got close to YR and TS group in a few eps with the purpose of helping GB. (Maybe I misunderstand it...or whatever). I agreed that he made a mistake for not trust GB, but it happened long ago. Just b/c he did something wrong, it doesn't mean that everything he did was bad. The fact that he is not a bad guy, he still tries to do many things for GB's sake. Of course MH did many things much better than IW but his family has caused GB's family a lot of pains. Sorry if Asian culture is different from Western culture. Many Asian couple grew up together and got married. But it doesn't mean that when you promise to do anything, you have to marry a man you don't love b/c of a promise (Asian girls are not stupid like that, they have their right to choose their happiness. They just never choose love only, but they consider many things and love is a part of them).

Conclusion: its all writer's fault to makes things more complicated like that. If the writer can help MH become less pitiful and show us clearly the change in feeling of GB towards IW, the drama much be better, and we don't have to feel injustifiable for MH and argue about this marriage like this. Take it easy... Maybe my opinion is totally different from you guys as I spoke in a position of an Asian girl. Asian culture is complicated and Asian family still plays an important role on deciding marriage (it doesn't mean that 2 people cannot get married without family permission, they still can but Asian always consider parents' opinion).

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So here is my two cents on what I think has happened with the writer (not to say I am right just my opinion on where things could have gone wrong.)

I feel as if the writer went so far with the crazy that they have no way to come back from it or could not figure out a way to do so.

I say this because we already had an idea that MY was a jealous crazy nut about ES and TJ.  We figured they had some type of relationship in the past and broke up and that either MY had a hand in that break up or liked him from afar and wanted him.

MY showed up how jealous she was how desperate she was to hold on to TJ time and time again. The following him, the taking pictures of him with ES who he found after so many years.  Was just crazy since she was already married to the man.

We know that at no point did TJ love her and he told her he was only with her out of duty. We also know that MY for some reason took that to either mean he could come to love her (so did not happen) or she could change his mind (also did not happen). What she did get was the life she wanted as the madam of TS Group and his wife and a name for her son. Unfortunately that was not enough for her.

MY's over the top reaction to TJ meeting his first love was weird and we all suspected that it had to be more going on than just the jealous ranting of this woman.  ES and MY must have known each other or MY must have done something to make these two break up in the past or she is worried that ES will expose her for something and it turned out all of the above was correct.

MY had a huge secret she did not want exposed and ES knew it. Of course had she not gone as over board with her paranoia or panic and hurt ES then we would not be where we are now and would not have had a story to watch.

MY's list of crimes just grew  and grew and grew and we all saw the more they did the harder she tried to hide them and protect only herself and the life she stole.

So as I said we have MY the cause of the break up between TJ and ES.

On the backend, MY's father tries to force ES's father to call off the wedding between ES and TJ so that his daughter can have him. ES's father does not go for that and leaves only to be chased to his death due to MY's fathers actions.

We have MY lying to marry TJ by passing off GS's child as TJ's.

We have ES finding out that the child MY is carrying or had is not TJ's and confronting her perhaps and MY threatening her.  ES leaves and TJ does not see her again for 18 years.

TJ happens to find ES again and they meet to talk. With TJ never having given up his love for her and ES for him but it is not going to work due to MY stalking them and harassing ES.

MY convinces RH to lure GB and ES to Japan and when ES finds out that RH was working with MY she threatens to go back to S. Korea and tell the truth and heads to find her daughter so they can leave perhaps and MY in her panic along with RH chase her in the car and cause her cab to go off the road KILLING the cab driver and seriously injuring ES.

Instead of stopping to help ES they both run away from the accident with MY calling GS to get the black box or GS taking it upon himself to get the black box. He checks the driver and finds him dead but sees that ES is still alive after she calls out in pain and he takes her with him.

RH and YR run after blackmailing MY and leave GB in Japan alone in shock and devastated by the loss of her mother.

So we have ES with memory loss for 10 years while her daughter searches for her.

All due to MY as well.

So with all that MY has done to ES and by extension to GB the list of anguish just grew..

So To recap her list of crimes:

She steals ES man, MY by extension kills ES father (because of her fathers actions for MY), MY keeps ES child from knowing her father , MY runs ES off the road leaving her badly injured with memory loss unable to be with her daughter who roamed around for 10 years, MY is nasty to her daughter because she was with her son before she knew who her mother was and then later tried to hurt her daughter constantly to get her out of the company and away from her son. MY tries to kick out TJ from the company because he does not want to brush what she did under the rug and go on with the farce of a marriage. Then when he finds out he has a daughter MY tries to keep him from acknowledging his bio daughter wanting him to just keep the son he raised and he loves but is not his blood instead of wanting to share and to stand down.

Then because MY can't deal with being found out that she lied for 28 years passing MH off as TJ's son when he is not she refuses to divorce, give up rights to MH and let go.  She continues to harass and try to hurt ES and GB. Especially after finding out that GB is the blood heir of that family.

When it seems she is losing she calls in her father who comes riding in to cause more issues only to have him found out what happen years ago with ES's father. Although the guy played his part well he was really useless to bring him in at this late date. It really did nothing but again take away from MY being found out sooner and allowing her to do even more spiteful and evil things. Sure he is in jail now but he is able to make calls to his minion on a cell phone to kidnap people and will he really be made to pay for causing the death of ES's father when the statue of limitations has past?

They both refuse to own up to what they did and create more havoc hurting people when all they had to do is admit fault and be sincere in their apologies and walk away.

So now with everything MY has made it so her son has to deal with an identity crises, finding out his mother lied to him about the man he loves as a father, broken him up from the woman he loves and made him marry someone he did not all to protect herself.

Then he finds out his grandfather is responsible for his first loves grandfather dying and is about to find out that his mother is the one behind the disappearance of his loves mother.

MY continued to try to take the company and ruin the family in the name of MH when it was for her making others pass blame on MH all because he was her son causing him to lose everything he held dear. And no matter how many times he told her to stop she continued with the line it was for him but it was really all for her over her wounded pride and ego and jealousy. Making everyone that he loved push him away and blame him instead of taking out their anger and frustration on MY.

For me I would not be so against IW and GB if I thought she truly loved him. I saw more warmth from her with MH then I ever did with IW. I feel like IW got rewarded and he was not a saint in anything. He did nothing majorly wrong and there is nothing wrong with feeling envious and jealous over his loss of GB it just struck a wrong cord for me I guess.

For me I see the reason why he pushed this wedding was because he waited 10 years the 1st time and he tried to push her then but it did not work and he lost her. He did not want GB to be able to get away from him again and push him away like she did before so he went over her head and with the help of granny she was pressured and went with this wedding.

I do not feel that IW should get a free pass.  He allowed YR to play on his insecurities, he was possessive, controlling and pushy before they broke up. Even though he was going undercover he was angry at her for her continuing to work and being near MH and he felt threatened by MH.

When  GB broke up with him he was angry and did not want to see that it was his actions in trying to push her that caused it. He blamed MH I think for that break up when it was all him that did it. GB would have continued to be loyal to him and stay engaged if he had not been out with YR listening to her crazy.

IW knew before anyone else as well that MH was not TJ's son because YR showed him the DNA test and this little bit of information seemed to have gone to the way side and he is portrayed as a hero because he shielded her when the light fell and got hurt as well as has been helping her to get to the people that hurt her mother. I see him happy to know that MH is not TJ's son and can be brought down a bit never once thinking how that man would feel to find out what he has known all his life was a lie and is trying not to suffer an identity crises. Anyone after finding out what he did in the worst possible way as well.

As I said there is nothing wrong with hating on a love rival because you lost the girl at one time you loved so much. But I think also IW should have seen that MH was not really his enemy. He was already forced to marry YR which IW knew she was going to do as well. He should have been a bit sympathetic considering he at one time lost GB who he loved as well. But I saw that as being happy MH was married and it left the field open for him again.

So in the end he was rewarded for bad behavior by being able to marry GB and get what he wanted the whole time. Where I never doubted he loved GB I feel that his love over shadowed what she may have wanted or needed. I just think his true motives and actions should have been aired and if they where good to forget it and still carry on with this marriage then so be it. It was not like she was going anywhere she just go her mom back, she just found out who her real father was.He could have waited to let her have her family a but but again I saw it all about what he wanted and never about giving her a bit of time. He had time to court her again and get her to love him if her heart chose to. She was going to be around. Forcing a wedding to tie her to him just did not sit right.

While MH has been forgotten for the things he helped her do for his support of her and her mother and even though he did not go to her when the light fell he was concerned about her and continued to help her even when he was forced to marry YR. And no that does not mean anyone owed him anything just that a bit more consideration of him would have been nice.

The more MY's crimes came to light the more people started pulling away from him. It is as most of you said they claimed to be protecting him and trying shield him and wanted him but as we saw in the last couple of weeks MH slowly started to fade into the background and everyone was pulling away.

We know that reality shows he is not at fault for his mother because most if not all where done either before he was born or was too young and could do nothing about but human nature made these people kind of tarnish him with the same brush because she is his mother and most of her actions she claims are for him. We saw IW whenever he had/has a chance to throw blame on MH because of it being his mother and it rubbed off on the others (I think IW likes to throw digs to hurt MH as he still feels threaten by him not sure why since MH has lost his world due to his mother.).  I also see IW doing this to make sure that GB could not or would not want to go back to MH or give him sympathy but maybe I am reading too much into it.

It just smacked of jealousy and getting back at MH for taking GB from him the first time when it was him that pushed her to MH although we saw she had growing feelings for MH.

As I said I think that all of MY's crap towards ES got away from the writer (just too much dirt) and in turn made it hard for MH or GB to be together. Drop in the fact that everyone wants to blame MH by extension for MY's crimes it stands to reason that we are where we are now.

The writer put so much nastiness on MY towards ES and GB now she/he does not know how to turn it around. So we have GB now married to IW who got what he wanted. MH's world has completely imploded and he is about to find out the last staggering truth of what his mother did. And we all see him finally asking to be removed from that family so that his mother can no longer covet what does not belong to them and as a payment to ES, GB and TJ and I suspect he will end up leaving with GS or leaving on his own and possibly meeting with GS later to have a relationship with his father while everyone else goes on with their lives happy.

For me if you go this far there should not be a kum bah yah moment later around the table with everyone having forgiven YR and RH for what they did as they have not paid enough for their jealousy, ego, spite and crimes they did to ES and GB in their betrayal. NO taking them in again and no being friends again! They have to go completely down with MY because even now they are still running around doing her bidding and trying to black mail her in order for YR to stay with MH who will be making sure she can't continue to claim she is TS's groups DIL! You can perhaps forgive MY or at the very least if she goes to jail or is punished by injury or death let the anger and hate go away for what she did but then it is better for ES and GB to do that as it can fester and hurt them in the long run as MY is no longer a thorn in their side.

Also if they forgot and blamed MH no reason to want to know if he is ok once he takes care of his mother and leaves. IT will be too late for that. If you blamed him for his mothers crimes then continue to do so as what would be the point of realizing after you let him down and pushed him to the side in wanting to still have him act like a son, a grandson or a friend?

But who knows what will happen in these last two weeks this writer could very well make everyone kiss and make up after all is said and done (I would really be rolling my eyes thinking WTF). I am a bit disappointed in the way this drama has gone and not because of MH and GB but just generally in the way the truth handling has been shown. Too many filler episodes and not enough smart decisions on evidence handling also running every five mins to confront the baddies with what they have found out and have in their possession allowing them to either try to take it or destroy it or make it seem like a lie instead of just telling people out right what happen and who is at fault (then you go around trying to prove it). Also who runs around carrying the originals of documents, or the only copy of the black box data on USB or does not make sure they have 20 back up either given to people or put away in a nice safe deposit box?

I always felt that ES should have told TJ what MY did to him and her and then they work on catching her that way. Or GS should have gone to TJ in the beginning and told him that he and MY had a relationship and that child was possibly his. Trying to protect TJ and MH did nothing as both of them are going to be hurt by the truth anyway and we saw that they both where when the paternity came out and they will be again with the last secret of MY's. TJ because ES did not trust him enough to tell him and kept it from him and also because he married that woman who could do such things. Poor MH because it is his mother and no matter what you want you always want to think MOM is a good person. Unfortunately his mom is an over grown spoiled brat who never learned she can't always have what she wants or that if you do wrong you should own up to it and take your punishment. MH has been made to not even be able to look at the man he loved like a father for 28 years upset that his mother did those things to TJ all under the guise of him using him like a tool to get what MY wanted.

AS we saw in the last episode all he could do was cry from a distance as he watched ES and GB. Guilt riding him and despair since he has no more chances with GB as she is marrying another and his mother made sure to completely ruin that for him as well. He can never really face GB and ES again after he finds out the full truth of what his mother did.

This of course is just my ramblings lol.. so sorry if it seemed to turn into a rant or I just ran off at the mouth.. have a good weekend guys.

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