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Also I got to say I am so glad their break up has lasted more than one episode and has a purpose and feels/is necessary. Too many times dramas have couples break up for no reason but just because they need to do something before the last ep LOL and it only last like a minute and you just know it was unneeded. 

The time apart here feels real and needed. There is a depth and purpose to it. They aren't keeping the two apart just to keep them apart. Something will be learned from it and come out of it. We understand and feel the circumstances of why. I just have to fangirl over the writer and how well they are writing and developing this relationship. Bless this drama and the webtoon and those who bring it to life lol. PHJ & KGE * bows* I don't think I would be as invested if these two were doing such an amazing job of being words to life and giving each moment shared between the two (and apart) significance. 

2 weeks is too long :(

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Just now, MrsSoJiSub said:

Also I got to say I am so glad their break up has lasted more than one episode and has a purpose and feels/is necessary. Too many times dramas have couples break up for no reason but just because they need to do something before the last ep LOL and it only last like a minute and you just know it was unneeded. 

The time apart here feels real and needed. There is a depth and purpose to it.

Along the same lines, I appreciated that she stood up for herself several times without YJ's help both when they were together and when they weren't.  Our little carrot top has grown . . . 

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@chriannaYes its the same for seol i think, jung will change cause he will be at his apartment.. 


In the webtoon after her fight with her parents sh meets jung and he takes her home..and in the preview seol fights with her parents as i saw so yes kissing scene must follow that..


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1 minute ago, madlena said:

@chriannaYes its the same for seol i think, jung will change cause he will be at his apartment.. 

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In the webtoon after her fight with her parents sh meets jung and he takes her home..and in the preview seol fights with her parents as i saw so yes kissing scene must follow that..


thank you for your eagle eyes, @madlena!

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No comment on today's epi except that i kind of expected it. Let's be patient and we'll be reward in two weeks.

On the other hand, who's with me when i say that Inha will probably end up with Jaewoo (the nerd who is often bullied by Sangchul). I was pleasantly surprised when she came to Jaewoo's rescue. Till now we'have only seen Inha interact with YJ & Inho and with all the bad blood between the three of them we have only seen her calculating/insensitive side.

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5 minutes ago, coffeeboy said:

On the other hand, who's with me when i say that Inha will probably end up with Jaewoo (the nerd who is often bullied by Sangchul). I was pleasantly surprised when she came to Jaewoo's rescue. Till now we'have only seen Inha interact with YJ & Inho and with all the bad blood between the three of them we have only seen her calculating/insensitive side.

i'm totally shipping these two.  i mean he is her peanut and all . . . and you know when he takes a stand and gets all furious and all? i would love to see him do that over her and watch Inha get all starry-eyed over that.  not sure if that's what happens in the webtoon but it can happen in the drama, right? ^_^

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Man ep 09 sure was Seol's awakening, she's a woman alright...hear her roar! HA.:w00t: I mean I was actually applauding when she omitted Sangchul out of the group project & then proceed to not just stand her ground but talk back to that Miss Psycho, Minsoo. Those were among the many highlights of this ep. I want to desperately like Inha...however that girl is just all kinds of crazy that I can't even<_<<_<<_< But then she goes & kick Minsoo (by mistake of course) See Minsoo? That's what ya get for bein' an impostor you freak:P Don't even get me started on Younggon aish tsk tsk tsk. They're like parasites aren't they? They just keep comin' in droves it seems. 

I did feel a lil' sad watchin' that flashback between the Baek siblings & Jung... they were pretty tight once upon a time.. hm wonder what changed? And of course Inho & Jung were BFFs once too. Those 2 should just kiss and makeup like seriously:D:P And OMG. OMG. I think I was breathless when Jung gave Seol a backhug at the end~ Say what ya want 'bout Jung, he's really a lonely guy & Seol was his only ray of sunshine. That backhug (wow, still can't get over it LoL:heart:) Actions Do Speak Louder Than Words~  

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I really love the buildup towards Min Soo-Seol confrontation. I love how Jung saw it when Min Soo kicked that lion doll towards shaken Seol. I love how angry he was seeing that, yet still put on his game face in the class when he asked Min Soo to show the photo of Joon as her background phone. Of course, all people become interested and seeing it in the class and truth is out in the open. I love how he calculated all of that. And when Min Soo and Seol finally having confrontation, you can see Jung was already walking away because he's really allowing Seol to deal with it herself, giving her space, if you will. But then he just stood there and watching. I think I understand why putting on the band-aid is given to Inho.. in ep2, Jung was already treating Seol's wound. I think it will be similar to how it was in ep2. And with Jung saying that he will wait for her while brushing away her hair.. I dunno, I like this as well, because we know how much he likes to ruffle her hair.. he really yearns for physical contact with her, in any way. And he settles for just brushing her hair. it's kind of sweet, it's the habit Jung likes to do to Seol in the drama, I guess. hehe. And besides, the way Inho giving the band-aid is like a friendly gesture rather than romantic one. Just look at Seol's reaction. When sunbae was treating her, she looks nervous and moves around a lot, while with Inho, she looks normal. See? Different. 

The scene between Jung and his Dad is wonderfully done as well. I love how Jung seems like a vulnerable child with real emotion in that scene. I guess it's safe to say his Dad is one of the reasons Jung become a person like he is today. Yeah, maybe he is a nice and kind father, but also a bit distant as well, and I think that son and father really act like strangers to one another. and I cant wait to know more of Jung's backstory in future episodes. I want Seol and his father to interact at some point. I want Seol to defend Jung in front of his father, and I want Seol to tell his father how amazing his son is, because The Dad clearly doesnt get the memo because he's too busy worrying about someone else's children. I guess I'll have to rewatch ep1 to 10, maybe to analyze many of the scenes. 2 week hiatus is on. Come on people, we can do this....

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I was thinking with the last few episodes I started to like 2 characters more and more: BoRa and EunTaek (do I spell that correctly?). BR fights with Seol, bravely fight with other classmates, she's really there for her friend and at first I though she'd be a pretty annoying, shallow person, but she shows now that she trully is a friend to Seol, a friend that Seol can lean on.^^ And ET is a really great guy, a nice friend and he likes BR a lot, if BR doesn't see that and end up with him, I'll be disappointed. ET + BR figthing!!:D

I'm also very happy with the fact that the tv viewership rating for CITT increased twice as to what was with the 1st episode!!! (at leas according to wikipedia;P) CITT fighting^^

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3 hours ago, chrianna said:

Along the same lines, I appreciated that she stood up for herself several times without YJ's help both when they were together and when they weren't.  Our little carrot top has grown . . . 

Words are not enough to describe how proud I am of my cinnamon roll. Last ep she took no bs from anybody including our Jung ("You haven't changed. Let's think on this" bow to my queen). Then this ep she finally comes for MinSeol and still not here for Jung till he willing to talk about the ugly truths and let's his real feelings out..MY QUEEN. Seriously one of my favorite heroines. 

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@Ahpheng Thanks for keeping posting your great C-strips! I really enjoy these! The last one really was like a candy to me, since we didn't get many YJ-Seol scenes!! crazy monkey

I love how YJ dealt with Min Soo in the episode 9. I mean, YJ only sent her the link and gave her the ideas, well aware about Seol's work from last year. She could have presented it differently. Yet, she didn't. MS decided to use the presentation from Seol as her own without working hard. She saw a way to get good grades without working hard!

To conclude, she isn't different from SC at all. Far from it in the end! We all know that Min Soo admired Seol. Let us ask ourselves why? The answer is pretty clear: it was because of her grades, since Seol wasn't really popular. Min Soo thought, if she gets close to Seol, she can take profit from her. Min soo noticed that Seol was very kind and a hard worker. She imagined that Seol would help her to get better grades and Min Soo wouldn't have to work hard. In the former episodes, we actually saw two situations where Min Soo avoided to work hard:

- episode 3, where she kept asking Seol for her help. She knew, if she bombarded Seol with so many questions, Seol would give up saying that it is better, if she does it on her own! She even lied to Seol why she didn't do her work for the presentation.

- episode 6: she left Seol alone, when DY dragged her out of the bar. SC was supposed to hang the posters but he left the place. Min Soo never offered her help. She only stood there, until DY dragged her out of that place. So she made herself so small so that noone would ask for her help. She didn't even say, she needed to finish sweeping with the broom. She allowed DY to take her along.

Sure, her motives for acting like that are different from SC. She has a lack of confidence but that's not all! Nevertheless she is someone who doesn't like working hard. Like Seol once said to Yoo Jung, she felt that she wasn't smart therefore she tried her best to achieve the best and her hard work paid! But here, Min Soo is really different as she has never tried to work hard to see if she could do it. She already gave up before she even started. Her avoiding tactics allowed her to come through over the years, as she is someone who is quiet and shy. Therefore she is overlooked so easily! Honestly, she reminds me of a certain person I know who would ask for help all the time so that in the end, someone else is doing her job!

I found it interesting that she only introduced herself to Seol at the library in the first episode, when she tried to blame YJ for the changing of the timeschedule! Seol had no idea who she was,a lthough if you pay a closer attention, you notice her following Seol in the hallway. She is in the background, doesn't dare to join Seol because the latter is with Bora and Eun Taek. If you think again, you notice that MS only approached Seol, when the latter was always alone. Why? It's because Min Soo thought, if she was alone with Seol, she could get close to her and the latter would focus on MS! As MS wanted to enter Seol's world, she wanted Seol to become MS' world as well. But in reality, MS was selfish from the start! It was never about Seol, only about MS who would get good grades and have a close friend who would give her the mental support she needed. 

@Kasmic I am glad that you're joining this thread!! raccoon

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'Cheese in the Trap' Seo Kang-joon's face turns red after Kim Go-eun-I's skinship



"Cheese in the Trap" Seo Kang-joon fell in love with Kim Go-eun-I.

On the 10th episode of tvN's Monday & Tuesday drama, "Cheese in the Trap", Baek In-ho (Seo Kang-joon) felt his heart fluttering towards Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun-I).

On this day, Baek In-ho revealed his inner thoughts to Hong Seol. He said, "Should I go to school? I can take the certificate exam as you said". Hong Seol responded, "That's a great idea. I'll help you. You can use Joon's text books and we can do it in the library during the time between my classes". And the she grabbed his hands tight.

Baek In-ho felt his heart flutter and his face turned. Hong Seol asked him, "Are you feeling sick? Your face is really red". Baek In-ho said, "I have a cold" and then he gently pushed away Hong Seol's hands.


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After watching the preview about 1000 times, I really hope that Seol will have a big argument with her parents, I don't know why I didn't see it before, but they treat hear not fairly, they sent Jun to school to the US (which definitely isn't cheap) although they don't have that much money themselves, but they ask Seol to move with them to help them and for money, and why are they treatin her differently, because she's a girl, although she's the older one there? I know that in Korea they might have different social rules towards men and women, but I know what it's like to be treated worse than my brother and I absolutely hated it, I still do even now when I'm not a teenager anymore. I'd like for Seol's parent to realize that they treat her worse and star treating her better, and it'd be great for Jun to treat her better as well.


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I agree with you, @SeGafanlady. (pg. 236 post)  Even if IH begins to like HS (as we saw in today's episode), her heart belongs to YJ.


I agree with you, @Adwina Oltariani.  YJ knows how to protect HS.  And he is totally dedicated to her too.


4 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

this isn't a college/university, it's a psych ward...


No kidding!  Smiley

I was thinking if these kids (YG, MS) spent half the time they spend planning how to torment HS, studying instead - they'd be A students. The amount of time and energy they spend to make their fellow students miserable. Unbelievable....!


4 hours ago, madlena said:

Omg inho back off dude..sick of him being everywhere...where is jung??????


Thank you for the comic relief, echoing many of our sentiments, @madlena.    Smiley

I am actually not happy that HS lost her job at the library because of these jerks. Will wait for subs tonight.

3 hours ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

I'm most annoyed they give the scene where Jung takes care of bruised Seol to Inho though.. their conversation there means so much


oh, @luvcrabbieshinhwa, I am not cool with that at all!   I don't really want them to give IH, parts that were made for YJ (and HS)

I think I will watch Bad Guys during the 2 weeks we have with no CITT.  Thank you for the recommendation, @NRGchick and @justinew

it will give me some Park Hae-Jin fix for sure... but not YJ-HS fix.....

2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Seol would have to let Inho know that while he may like her, she likes and is in a relationship with Jung and that is where her heart is going to stay


Normally, I would agree with you, @MrsSoJiSub, but in this instance - I think In-Ho already knows. He had seen YJ-HS together many a time. And just in case he had any doubts - according to the preview - he'll witness their longing reunion hug next time.  He is not a fool (I hope), and will most likely channel his feelings for HS into a friendly manner.

@seulgoddess, thank you for that wonderful hug gif.... This is what we take with us for the next couple of weeks.

1 hour ago, chrianna said:

WAIT! has anyone noticed if their running to each other clothes and their kissing in bed clothes match?  i must know!


I think he was wearing a purple sweater/shirt

1 hour ago, Latte_Anyday said:

I was actually applauding when she omitted Sangchul out of the group project & then proceed to not just stand her ground but talk back to that Miss Psycho, Minsoo


@Latte_Anyday, me too.  We saw that some kids criticized HS for omitting SC and saying it would effect his grades. What the hec.  He should have known to begin with. HS told him again and again, and he kept playing her for a fool.  His grades - his responsibility. He needs to earn them!

I also agree with you about the flashback scenes of the Baek siblings and YJ-In-Ho.  I hope that by the end of the drama they actually manage to heal their relationships.

1 hour ago, Adwina Oltariani said:

I love how Jung saw it when Min Soo kicked that lion doll towards shaken Seol. I love how angry he was seeing that, yet still put on his game face in the class


This is one of the aspects about Jung, that I love. He does not seem to miss a beat. He is so observant, esp. where Seol is concerned. He is no dummy. I think it was @MrsSoJiSub who said yesterday, that he is Seol's protector.

‘치즈인더트랩’ 김고은 / tvN ‘치즈인더트랩’ 화면 캡처

‘치즈인더트랩’ 김고은 / tvN ‘치즈인더트랩’ 화면 캡처


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I was very pleased with In Ho's behaviour in the episode 9. Actually, In Ho has grown on me. He is much more sensible than before. With Seol next to him, he stopped focussing on his own misery and became less self-centered. She is the one who gave him the push to start his life all over again. The reason why I really liked In Ho in the episode 9: When he witnessed YJ and Seol quarelling, he didn't meddle and even his comment ("the streets are too beautiful to quarell!") illustrates that he doesn't want them to break up. Sure, the next day he asked her about it adding that he would only say something negative about YJ. Actually, I had the impression he wanted her to confine to him.

But to me, this is clear that In Ho will realise that he can only be Seol's friend. However, I am expecting a fight between Jung and In Ho, where the truth about the past comes out. Seol can't here intervene. Both have to listen to each other. I would like very much to have at least an episode with bromance between YJ, In Ho, In Ha and Seol.

I agree with @MrsSoJiSub. I want the story to focus on the relationship between YJ and his father. Seol needs to intervene in that matter!

Nevertheless, in that episode 9, we saw a new Seol. She doesn't listen to anyone. She wants to make her own jdugement. Before, she kept remembering In Ho's words or YG's words aso. This time, she didn't do it! I was so happy!!    

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2 hours ago, madlena said:

@chriannaYes its the same for seol i think, jung will change cause he will be at his apartment.. 

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In the webtoon after her fight with her parents sh meets jung and he takes her home..and in the preview seol fights with her parents as i saw so yes kissing scene must follow that..



Oh! Dont forget! In manhwa


She also was changing into his clothes )))) 


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