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11 minutes ago, starfish9 said:

Can someone PM me the live stream link? Thanks!


3 minutes ago, NRGchick said:

I am currently staring at a blank screen on the link I used before. Anyone has alternatives? Please PM me. Sorry @emme85, it seems I can't pm you a link :tears:


PMed you both!! ^^

I hope it's the right link.. it showing last week's episode...

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While waiting, I remember reading about this and thought 'WOW' - Cheese is definitely a success. 

The tvN drama “Cheese in the Trap” has a mid-commercial rate of 15 million won while SBS’s “Six Flying Dragons” flies a little lower at 14.5 million won.MBC’s “My Daughter, Geum Sa Wol” and “Glamorous Temptation” post rates of 13.6 million won and 13.4 million won respectively.

I see more Beanpole ads and still the IU advert for Sony but no more Jelly babies. LOL

@emme85 Thank you!


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Hello again everyone...it's the day of the wk we've bn waiting for! Yay.... I'll try my best to recap this episode too n sorry for any incorrect translation coz it's hard to listen n type at the same time. Usually I'll correct it later after listening properly one more time. This thread sure flies fast, hard to keep up.:grin: Now is the previous wk episode, enjoy!:blush:

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7 minutes ago, NRGchick said:


While waiting, I remember reading about this and thought 'WOW' - Cheese is definitely a success. 

The tvN drama “Cheese in the Trap” has a mid-commercial rate of 15 million won


CITT is awesome! See its attracting premium audiences that are worth paying the rate for!!!:)

*applause* Sunbae jjang!

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@MrsSoJiSub Nah I dumped tumblr months ago. But everywhere else I go to read on CITT...I'll just stay here from now on. 

Great post. And I definitely don't want Jung to get a free pass. You described him as problematic and yeah he is. Matter of fact, the entire YG fiasco that we're watching now is probably the biggest incident that made me shake my head at Jung. Its so twisted and Jung's train of thought drives me crazy on this one. So I guess what I really wanted to get at is that people should keep watching with an open mind for Jung, as they do with others. If the drama ends and they still think he's a creep well then be it.

But maybe CITT is superior in writing compared to other dramas and the stripping down of Jung's character that @40somethingahjumma brought up is abnormal, thus a difference in reaction. I da na.

Ps. I never watched Secret and never will. Lol I've been running away from that one for a reason. ^-^

Kyah! See everyone later. After a wonderful backhug has happened! :blush:

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7 minutes ago, Ayu Rashid said:

Hello again everyone...it's the day of the wk we've bn waiting for! Yay.... I'll try my best to recap this episode too n sorry for any incorrect translation coz it's hard to listen n type at the same time. Usually I'll correct it later after listening properly one more time. This thread sure flies fast, hard to keep up.:grin: Now is the previous wk episode, enjoy!:blush:


Let's do our best tonight!!! going to doing my best to recap too like last week.. I mean last 2 weeks~~ :P

I'm also saying sorry in advance for any inaccurate translation later while watching and recapping~~ :blush:

I hope this smooth streaming right now is going to last longer than last week~ hahahaha

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Almost there! 

Apologies in advance for not so accurate translations. Hope you all get the general gist of what is happening in tonight's episode. 

Before the next episode, I will share this gif. I love the whisper and the smile at the end after Seol's invitation to 'sleep' Haha. 


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@lclarakl I absolutely I am willing to give Jung the benefit of doubt that he did not know that Younggon would stalk Seol and that the boy would go that far with things. I am only willing to believe this because we are provided with a scene in which Seol informs Jung of what has been happening to her and she narrates to us, that after this, the stalking stopped and Younggon left school. Seeing what we have seen of Jung and knowing what we know. We are most likely to be right in assuming that once he learned what is actions and inactions have lead to; he fixed and tried to resolve his mistake. To  me all of it is forgivable  because of this (honestly nothing Jung has done is unforgiveable or unredeemable). However if I was Seol hell I am not Seol as a viewer I am not going to forgive Jung or look at him in the same way, until he acknowledges that his actions/actions played a role in everything (as did Seol's niceness but at the end of the day neither of the two are blame and sole responsibility of stalking a girl even after many times of being told to stop and back off, is all on Younggon and his delusional mind that need psychological help) and that it was not right.

Jung has this dangerous habbit of not acknowlding the things he does and or justifying all his behaviors because "they bothered me" or the eye for an eye, they deserved it. In this vain, Jung is no different from the San Chul's or TA Heo's, heck even the perverted panty thief. who justify there crimes and misdeeds because "I failed the class last year" "I really needed the money and you are rich so it's no skin off your nose" "should women really be walking around and bring any guy into their home". I always say Jung could easily fall on either side of things and it's true. There is a lot that separates Jung from those that I listed and make his actions and those of the list not as bad and sometimes worse. I have said and will keep saying that Jung could easily fall one way or the other on the side of someone different but still fundamentally able to function in society and not a threat/danger or someone different who is able to function in society but  steps too out of the social rules and norms of behavior that we have established and govern the way we interact with one another, and he is a threat/danger.

Now the misgivings that Seol had about Jung were founded because ultimately at the end of the day, Jung did have a hand in the things she accused him of. Jung may not have been the one to post the receipt, however he is the one who gave the receipt to glasses dude who's name I need to learn. Jung may not have been the one to take her class, but he is the one who found out it was...actually that one I think he did nothing wrong cause I found his reasoning that Seol wouldn't have believed anything he had to say and the fact that he was shown many times trying to help Seol (in secret and in opening) true. The Younggon stalking, he did have a hand in that. We can lay it on Inha (which I do for the second season of stalking -Jung may have told her to stop when he also got Younggon out of school and perhaps Inha didn't listen or lied that she would and obviously did not- but the not the first) and Youngon (which because he is the one doing the stalking); however, if Jung had not given the phone to Inha, if Jung had not said "Seol likes you" maybe none of that would have happened.

Jung is not an innocent kind of different rich dude being falsely accused because of jealousy. He is not some misunderstood Darcy whom everything will be explained or washed away in the end because "I'm a bad boy trope" (writers don't do that to me). Jung is not a good guy (which is not a bad thing so don't come for me LOL), he's not innocent (he has a very cunning and manipulative mind, which again considering those he goes to school with and just how the real world runs, is not a bad thing depending on how he uses it). He is and is not many a things and at the end of the day as much as we may like him, understand him. want to help him, and believe he is deserving of his relationship with Seol and the happiness he desires to have with her. Jung still needs to be called out for harmful things he does and the potentially dangers character traits that he has and the drama and webtoon does a wonderful job of acknowledging and wanting the audience to take pause, recognize it, and wonder and discuss it.

Now as for Seol (I am always going to defend my cinnamon roll) and the relationship she chooses to have with Inho. In this situation I support both her and Jung. I think Seol has right to be friends with and spend time with whomever she wants. So long as she is not cheating on Jung, leading/string the other party on, and is still respectful of/to the relationship she has with Jung (which she has been. Seol does not put Inho above Jung. Yeah she rightfully calls Jung out on his bs which sometimes means she agrees with Inho. But Inho is not topped in priority over Jung. I think that is made clear in how she glows and runs to Jung and doesn't even hear Inho call her "dog fur" or how she tries to stop Joon from hiring Inho to work at there parent's restaurant, because she knew it would bother Jung and let it go only after Jung gives her reassurance that he's okay with it). At the same time Jung has every right to continue to respectfully express his misgivings and dislike of their relationship that she shares with Inho, which he does do "I don't like you being in the middle and choosing his side" "why are you here [directed at Inho]". Jung has been doing a wonderful job of trying to be understanding/accept that Inho is her friend (the first drunk Seol drinking scene. inviting him and Joon to eat lunch with them and EunBora in ep 7) but at the same time making is dislike of that known (which is understandable because I wouldn't like my boyfriend hanging out with an ex-friend that I still got some issues with). I like that he acknowledges that he can't dictate if Inho can/should be friend, but still owns up to his insecurities of the relationship and tries to solidify what he has with Seol as a way of reassuring himself (which again is normal and we all do so I don't know why some audience choose to use that against him and mark him as "possessive and controlling" because of it).

*I wrote a novel again but ya'll just got to get used to it at this point. I have a lot of feelings on this drama :P 


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